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a number of other teams paying their players to play. No solution to the problem. has been found yet, but they are still
T he Dr agon T imes 3-2-18

Volume 6

I ssue 8

Gir ls Bask et ball Region als By: Clover Adler On Thursday, the girl?s basketball team will drive to Del Norte, which is eight hours away. They will play against Vail Christian at 7:30 on Friday. If they win, they will play again on Saturday at 1:00 for a chance to go to state. Lots of people from Holyoke are planning to go on the long drive to support the girls' basketball team. Good luck Lady Dragons!!

Read Acr oss Am er ica Week By: M ax Kleve This week was Read Across America Week in the elementary school. They did a lot of activities and dress up days. The entire week was to honor Dr Seuss? birthday on March 2nd. On Tuesday, they had crazy hair day, and the speech and drama class read two Dr. Seuss stories to all of the kids. Wednesday was mismatched clothes day, or to wear bright colors. On Thursday it was dress up as your favorite Dr. Seuss character, and Friday was pajama day. The elementary kids seemed to have a lot of fun.

Dr agon Sp or t s Ju n ior High Tr ack Pr eview By Cade Killin

Rock y M ou n t ain Nat ion als By Dylan Hielsch er

Ethan Johnson is an 8th grader who is preparing for the upcoming junior Rocky Mountain Nationals is high track season. Ethan is hoping to coming up at National compete in pole vault, high jump, Western Complex in Denver the mile, and the 4x4, which were for wrestling. Sign ups end on his events last year. His favorite the thirteenth of March. It event is the pole vault. Ethan likes costs $50 for returning track because wrestlers and $35 for amateurs. If wrestlers it?s a good chance to don?t make weight limit, they can pay an spend time with extra $15 or just leave. 18 through 15 year friends and make olds get a two pound allowance. Don?t forget new friends. Ethan is it is taking place on the 18th and 19th of excited to hopefully March. Good luck to all the wrestlers beat all of his participating in nationals! records. One event Ethan would like to High Sch ool Gir ls Golf try is the long jump. By: Er in An der sen Some other sports Savannah Burris is on the High School Girls?Golf team. She has Ethan does are done it for one year, and she first went golfing at age ten. The basketball, football, people on the golf team are Kyra Loutensock, Brenna Sullivan, and baseball.

Grace Dille, Tica Penzing, Anna Jelden, Regan Van Overbeke, and many other new members. Savannah?s favorite person to go golfing with is Brenna Sullivan. Their coaches are Marcia Dalton and Nick Flaa, but Savannah?s favorite coach is Marcia Dalton. The reason Savannah joined golf is because she prefers it over track. GBB By: Em m a Th om pson Last Friday and Saturday the High School Girls basketball team played at NJC and lost both of their games. They played Wray on Friday the 23rd and lost. The Lady Dragons played aggressively but unfortunately they still lost, by a score of 41-38, On Saturday the 24th they played Haxtun and lost again. The score was also close, it was 46-44. Good Luck Lady Dragons!! We all hope to see you at State.

Sports Baller z Post By: Et h an Joh n son This week in the NCAA, there was a problem with the coaches and the players. FBI tapes revealed the Arizona head coach giving his All-American center $100,000 to play for Arizona. This started a fire throughout the league that led to discoveries of a number of other teams paying their players to play. No solution to the problem has been found yet, but they are still working on it. On another note, it is finally March, which means March Madness! This is always the best time of the year for basketball fans. This is going to be an exciting year with all this amazing talent, and based on the regular season, there is no team safe from elimination.

NHL By: Cade Killin After a busy trade deadline, the Avalanche are hoping to keep the season heading in a good direction. This week they beat the Vancouver Canucks 3-1 on Monday, and they also beat the Calgary Flames 5-2. The Avalanche?s next game is Sunday in Nashville against the Predators. The team that is the current leader in points is the Tampa Bay Lightning, with 90 points. The team with the fewest points is the Arizona Coyotes, who have 46 points.

Olym pics Over view By: Tu f f Sigler The United States placed fourth overall in the 2018 Winter Olympics. Between all of the United States athletes, the United States brought in 23 total medals: 9 gold, 8 silver, and 6 bronze. This total includes three team gold medals: men?s curling, women?s cross country skiing, and women?s ice hockey. In the medal count, Norway placed first, Germany second, and Canada third.

Ou t st an din g Cu r lin g By: Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez The Winter Olympics concluded on Sunday, February 25th. The United States placed fourth overall, and I thought that they did great in curling this year. The U.S. won its first-ever gold medal in curling in a 10-7 win against Sweden. This gold looked particularly improbable when the Americans started round robin play with a 2-4 record, but the U.S. won three straight matches to advance to the medal rounds. In the semifinals, the U.S. beat heavily favored Canada 5-3.

Shout-Outs Manuel Gonzalez 03/06/2005 MarisaRoman 03/05/2002 MirandaSchroetlin 03/05/2004 Miguel Soto03/03/2002 ThomasMarcum 03/08/2005 Citlali Marquez 03/07/2002 JuliaPagola03/06/2001 DominiquePenzing 03/08/2000


Dear Caroline, My parentsarehavingababy girl,and they told methat I?mgoingtohavetosharea roomwithher. I?mreally mad becauseI valuemy privacy and my sister?sgoingtobereally loud. What doI do? Sincerely,Soontobeoldersister45 Dear Soontobeoldersister45, Youshould never bemad about havinga new addition toyour family. Behappy that you?re goingtohaveasister. Sistersstick by eachother and you?ll haveanew friend tobewith. Always look on thebright side. Sincerely,Caroline

The Fun Page


The Fun Page

Reviews Un o By: Tu f f Sigler Uno is a very a very popular card game across all of America. This game is best played with about 5 people. The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards before anyone else. There are many different cards that can be played to keep the game interesting and fun. The game was originally created in 1971 by Merle Robbins. Ever since then, the game has been one of the most popular games in the United States.


By: St eph en M u r r ay

Color ed Pen cils

?An apple a day keeps the doctor away? is an old saying that people say. Apples are a great fruit to eat, and they have some great variations. Apples with peanut butter is great, or a caramel apple is also a really tasty treat. Apples have many health benefits, and they reduce many sicknesses. They contain vitamin c, b-complex vitamins, dietary fiber, and phytonutrients. Apples can help prevent are cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. In my opinion apples are a great fruit.

By: Er in An der sen Colored pencils are a useful tool if you are looking for something to color. People usually use colored pencils to color in a coloring book. Colored pencils are a good way to fill in all the lines. They may leave some white spaces, but otherwise they are very useful. They come in many different colors, and the most popular brand is Crayola. You can find colored pencils at pretty much any convenient store. I would rate colored pencils five out of five stars.

BT21 By: Kyr ah M cCon ach ie BT21 is the cartoon version of BTS. Each of the characters in BT21 represents a person in BTS. The characters in BT21 are Cooky, RJ, Shooky, Mang, Koya, and Chimmy. They are a really cool group of characters. My favorite out of all the cartoons has to be Chimmy. Chimmy represents Jimmin of the BTS group. BTS is really creative with their idea to make cartoon versions of themselves. I would rate this cartoon a five out of five because they are adorable.

Spotl i gh t Ad r i an M or en o By Dyla n H i elscher Adr ian M or en o is a seven th gr ade stu den t in th e ju n ior h igh . Adr ian ?s n ick n am e is Littl e Adr ian . Th e spor ts Adr ian pl ays ar e bask etbal l an d footbal l . Over al l , Adr ian ?s favor ite spor t is bask etbal l , an d h is favor ite bask etbal l team is th e Cl evel an d Caval ier s. Adr ian ?s favor ite th in g to do in h is spar e tim e is r ide h is fou r wh eel er. H is favor ite br an d to wear ar ou n d casu al l y is Nik e. Adr ian h as th r ee sibl in gs. Adr ian wou l d r ath er eat a bu r r ito th an a taco.

Al ex Vi esel m ey er By Tuff Si gler Al ex Viesel m eyer is a ju n ior at H ol yok e H igh Sch ool . H e en joys wor k in g l ivestock an d watch in g m ovies. Al ex wou l d l ove to go to Nebr ask a W esl eyan Un iver sity to pu r su e a job in pol itics an d gover n m en t. Al ex?s favor ite su bject in sch ool is agr icu l tu r e, an d h is favor ite teach er is M r s. Br own . H e h as on e ol der br oth er n am ed Au stin . It ju st so h appen s th at Al ex con sider s Au stin h is r ol e m odel . ?H e h as al ways been a teach er an d m en tor to m e,? Al ex says. Al ex pl ayed footbal l th is year an d u sed to pl ay gol f. On e goal Al ex wou l d l ik e ach ieve is to h el p peopl e ar ou n d h im an d h is com m u n ity.

M ar i t za Qu i n t an a By Clover Adler M ar itza Qu in tan a is a ju n ior th is year. H er favor ite col or is r ed an d h er favor ite an im al is an owl . M ar ita?s favor ite food is spagh etti. Al so. h er h obbies in cl u de r eadin g an d wr itin g. M ar itza?s dr eam job is to be a wr iter. If M ar itza cou l d tr avel to on e pl ace in th e wor l d, sh e wou l d tr avel to Lon don , En gl an d. Sh e h as 2 sibl in gs, an d h er cel ebr ity cr u sh is Al ex Tr u n n er. If M ar itza cou l d h ave a su per power ,it wou l d be in visibil ity.

Ow en Cr u z By Di ego Ji m enez Owen is a n ew 8th gr ader bor n on Ju n e 8th , 2004 in H on du r as. In h is fr ee tim e h e en joys to pl ay th e spor t soccer an d l isten to h is favor ite son g Tu No Vive Asi. H is favor ite food to eat is pizza an d h is favor ite col or is bl ack . H is favor ite th in g abou t m ovin g to H ol yok e is bein g in sch ool . H e h as on e sister ,an d h is al l tim e favor ite su per h er o is Spider -M an . M ak e su r e to m ak e h im feel wel com e.

Kaylee Cam blin By Et h an Joh n son Junior Kaylee Camblin, is 17 years of age, born on January 23, 2001. She has one sibling, Ty, who just graduated last year. Kaylee is participating in a lot of sports this year, including basketball, volleyball, and golf.

The organizations she is in are FFA, FBLA, NHS, and student council. Kaylee is currently looking into attending college at Fort Hays or University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Her best friend is Emma Roll, and her celebrity crush is Ryan Reynolds. If she could have any superpower, it would be the power of flight, and if she could live anywhere, it would be Hawaii.

Ty San dqu ist Dir k s By: Em m a Th om pson Ty Sandquist-Dirks is in seventh grade and loves hanging out with friends. His best friends are Ashton Robles and Tayden Chappell. He has one little sister, Ava. Ty has an embarrassing nickname, Ty Chicken. He doesn?t like it when people call him that, though.

When I asked Ty who his favorite teacher was, he said his mom, Miss Sandquist. His dream job is to be a farmer, and he loves chicken. He participates in basketball, track, and baseball, his favorite sport. If Ty could have any superpower, he would pick to have all of the powers that Superman has.

Sh yan n e Con de By: Ru by Gr an ados Shyanne is a new student here at Holyoke. On her first day, she said it was very good and she felt welcome. Her hobbies are riding horses and art. She is in basketball and softball. Her goals are to get through high school. Shyanne has two siblings: Hallee and Sierra. Her favorite song is ?Too Many to Know.? Her nickname is her last name. Her uncle Joshua Conde is her role model. Although Shyanne is still deciding what college to go to when she gets older, she sees herself in a big town as an artist.

Jillian Hu n t er By: Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez Jillian Hunter participates in band, track, and FFA. She also works a part-time job at the Holyoke Marketplace. Her favorite class is history, and her favorite food is macaroni and cheese. Jillian has two brothers. When asked who her best friend is, she said, ?I don?t really have one, so I guess everyone.? Jillian was born in Wray, Colorado, but if she could live anywhere in the world, she would choose to live near the mountains.

Wor ld New s Lead in Wat er By: Kyr ah M cCon ach ie In the world about two billion people have no clean water, which means that makes up 28% of the world population. Lead is a big problem in poorer countries and no amount of lead is good. But a young scientist named Gitanjali Rao has created a device to detect lead in water. You can use your iPhone and the small device to detect if there are small or big amounts of lead in the water you're drinking. This could be a new revolution for the suffering people. Wor ld?s Biggest Plan e

By: St eph en M u r r ay

4G LTE on t h e M oon

The Stratolaunch aircraft is 500,000 pounds, and it moved out of the hangar to have a fueling test for flight. It?s designed with two aircrafts on the side, and has a wingspan of 385 feet long. Rockets have always been the way to get satellites into space, but Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, wants to change that with the Stratolaunch aircraft. Paul Allen?s Seattle company is designing lifting rockets for this monster to reach space.

By Cade Killin British telecommunications company Vodafone has partnered up with Nokia for an out of this world project: 4G data coverage on the moon. The coverage will be used for transmitting data and videos between different rovers and other scientific missions. According to Robert Bohme, LTE on the moon is great, because it saves on energy and costs, so scientists can accomplish more. This 4G project will be the first of its kind once it is completed.

Ast r on om er s Glim pse Cosm ic Daw n By: Em m an u el (EV) Vasqu ez

After the Big Bang, it was cold and black, but soon enough there was light. Now, for the first time, astronomers have glimpsed that dawn of the universe 13.6 billion years ago when the earliest stars were turning on the light in the cosmic darkness. Astronomers may have also discovered some mysterious dark matter. The glimpse consisted of a faint radio signal from deep space, picked up by an antenna. Judd Bowman of Arizona State University. said the signal came from the very first objects in the universe as it was emerging out of darkness 180 million years after the Big Bang.

Local News 3/ 5/ 18

3/ 6/ 18

JR/SR & Elem Conferences.

JR/SR & Elem PT HS BB State Trmt NO SCHOOL Conferences @ Loveland

In k lin gs & M or e Book st or e Sale By: Er in An der sen Inklings & More Bookstore is having a sale until March 6th. The sale is for Dr. Seuss week. If you buy two Dr. Seuss items or books, you get one free. There are additional sales on other items and books as well. The Cross-Eyed Cow (the fro-yo shop) is also having a sale as well. You get 10% off your purchase if you can answer a trivia question on Dr. Seuss correctly, but you only get two chances to get the question right. This is the store?s second year doing this sale, which was Susan Hinck?s idea. The store is open Monday- Friday 10am-5:30pm and Saturday from 8am-3pm, but the store is closed on Sunday. Inklings is located on 221 N. Interocean.

3/ 8/ 18

3/ 9/ 18

Now Sh ow in g at t h e Peer less By: M ax Kleve Now showing at the Peerless Theater is The 15:17 to Paris.The movie is based on the true story about a terrorist attack on train#9364 bound for Paris. According to Rotten Tomatoes, ?The film follows the course of the friends' lives, from the struggles of childhood through finding their footing in life, to the series of unlikely events leading up to the attack.? I personally think that that this movie will be interesting to see. The showing times are March 2nd in Spanish at 7 , March 3rd at 7, and March 4th at 4 and 7. The film is rated PG-13 for blood, drug references, and language.