Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1 st edition 2002 ro 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. A C.I.P. record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. Ali rights reserved.
Growth of Crystals Volume 21
Edited by
E. 1. Givargizov and A. M. Mel'nikova Institute of Crystallography Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow, Russia
Translated by
Dennis W. Wester
ISBN 978-1-4613-5121-4
ISBN 978-1-4615-0537-2 (eBook)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4615-0537-2
©2002 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York in 2002 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2002
ro 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A C.I.P. record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. Ali rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher
This volume presents research on the theory and practice of growing crystals and films that was performed at leading scientific centers in Russia: In Tomsk (Yu. Yu. Hervieu et al., Kuznetsov Physicotechnical Institute; 1. V. Ivonin et al., Kuznetsov Physicotechnical Institute, Tomsk State University, and Research Institute of Semiconductor Instruments), in Novosibirsk (A. A. Fedorov et al., M. V. Yakushev et al., E. M. Trukhanov et al., Yu. B. Bolkhovityanov et al., Institute of Semiconductor Physics), in St. Petersburg (P. 1. Antonov et al., Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute; S. A. Kukushkin and D. A. Grigor'ev, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering), in Ekaterinburg (V. P. Koverda and V. N. Skokov, Institute of Thermal Physics), in Nizhnii Novgorod (S. Yu. Potapenko, Institute of Applied Physics), and in several Moscow institutes (1. L. Smolsky et al., P. P. Fedorov et al., Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography; E. V. Zharikov et al., A. Z. Myal'dun et al., General Physics Institute; L. V. Yashina et al., 1. 1. Naumova et al., Moscow State University, Chemistry and Physics Departments, respectively). The work of 1. L. Smolsky et al. was carried out in collaboration with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA (N. P. Zaitseva and J. De Yoreo). G. M. Kuz'micheva, a coauthor of E. V. Zharikov, works at the Lomonosov State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology in Moscow. Staff from the Institute for Problems of Mechanics in Moscow (A. 1. Prostomolotov and N. A. Verezub) and the Institute of Technical Acoustics in Belarus (N. K. Tolochko) participated in the work of A. Z. Myal'dun et al. One of the authors of the article by P. P. Fedorov et al. (V. M. Reiterov) works at the Vavilov State Optical Institute in St. Petersburg. The studies included in the collection address the preparation of novel materials with valuable properties (P. P. Fedorov et al., E. V. Zharikovet al.) and the growth of uniform crystals (L. V. Yashina et al., P. 1. Antonovet al., and A. Z. Myal'dun et al.) and films (A. A. Fedorovet al., M. V. Yakushev et al.), films with specially designed ordered or disordered microstructure (1. V. Ivonin et al., S. A. Kukushkin and D. A. Grigor'ev, V. P. Koverda and V. N. Skokov), strained films (Yu. B. Bolkhovityanov et al.), and single crystals with a regular impurity distribution (1. I. Naumova et al.). Special issues of defect formation during the growth of single crystals from low-temperature melts were examined by S. V. Potapenko and I. L. Smolsky and coauthors. Theoretical investigations of defect growth kinetics and formation conditions (Yu. Yu. Hervieu et al. and E. M. Trukhanovet al.) are applied in the experiments of M. V. Yakushev et al. and Yu. B. Bolkhovityanov et al., respectively. E. 1. Givargizov and A. M. Mel'nikova
Growth and Doping of Semiconductor Compounds: Kinetics of Incorporation Processes at Kink Sites Yu. Yu. Hervieu and M. P. Ruzaikin
Gas-Phase Growth Kinetics and Morphology of Lead and Germanium Telluride Crystals L. V. Yashina, V. I. Dernovskii, V. P. Zlomanov, and V. I. Shtanov
Lateral Epitaxy of Gallium Arsenide by Chloride Vapor Transport 1. V. Ivonin, L. G. Lavrent' eva, and L. P. Porokhovnichenko
Growth and Structure of Si Epilayers on Porous Si A. A. Fedorov, M. A. Revenko, E. M. Trukhanov, S. I. Romanov, A. A. Karanovich, V. V. Kirienko, M. A. Lamin, A. K. Gutakovskii, O. P. Pchelyakov, and L. V. Sokolov
Heteroepitaxy of Heterovalent Compounds: Molecular Beam Deposition of ZnSe on GaAs M. V. Yakushev, Yu. G. Sidorov, L. V. Sokolov, V. G. Kesler, L. M. Logvinskii, and T. A. Gavrilova
Effect of Crystallographic Orientation of the Interface on the Growth of Perfect Epitaxial Layers of Semiconductors E. M. Trukhanov, A. V. Kolesnikov, and G. A. Lyubas
InGaAsP Solid Solutions: Phase Diagrams, Growth from the Melt on GaAs Substrates, Elastically Strained Epitaxial Layers Yu. B. Bolkhovityanov, A. S. Yaroshevich, M. A. Revenko, and E. M. Trukhanov
Theory of Island Film Growth from a Eutectic Melt at the Late Stage of Evolution S. A. Kukushkin and D. A. Grigor ev
Self-Sustained Nuclei-Assisted Explosive Crystallization V. P. K overda and V. N. Skokov
Morphological Instability and Inclusion Formation during Crystal Growth from a Flowing Solution S. Yu. Potapenko Mechanisms of Striation Formation in Layer Growth of Crystals from Solutions I. L. Smolsky, A. E. Voloshin, E. B. Rudneva, N. P. Zaitseva, and 1. De Yoreo vii
Block Formation and Crystallographic Orientation Changes during Growth of Shaped Sapphire Single Crystals P. 1. Antonov, S. 1. Bakholdin, V. M. Krymov, 1. L. Shul'pina, and M. P. Shcheglov
Revised Phase Diagrams of LiF-RF3 (R = La-Lu, Y) Systems P. P. Fedorov, B. P. Sobolev, L. V. Medvedeva, and B. M. Reiterov
The Growth of Laser Oxide Crystals: Structural Aspects E. V. Zharikov, G. M. Ku:!micheva, and S. G. Novikov
Vibrational Control of Czochralski Crystal Growth A. Z. Myal'dun, A. 1. Prostomolotov, N. K. Tolochko, N. A. Verezub, and E. V. Zharikov
Ingrown Regular Domain Structure and Impurity Distribution in LiNb0 3 Doped with a Rare Earth (Nd,Eu) and Magnesium 1. 1. Naumova, N. F. Evlanova, O. A. Gliko, A. A. Lukashev, and S. V. Lavrishchev