Sep 16, 2017 - meaning their diet consists only of insects. ... common bacterium found in bananas that releases ...... S
Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission Fall 2017 | Newsletter
B2B Trail through Hudson Mills Metropark
INSIDE Facility Improvements 3 NAPP News 3 Michigan Bats 4 Rec Center 5-8 Race for a Cause 9 CreditBryan Mitchell
Calendar 11 Map
back page
Accelerating Completion of the Border-to-Border Trail Peter Sanderson, Park Planner
The Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission (WCPARC) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a PublicPrivate Partnership with the Huron Waterloo Pathways Initiative (HWPI) with the goal of expanding and accelerating completion of the Border-to-Border Trail (B2B). Similar partnerships have helped to construct some of the most popular trails in Michigan, including the Traverse Area Recreational Trail (TART) (Traverse City), Pere-Marquette Rail Trail (Midland to Clare), and Paint Creek Trail (Rochester to Lake Orion), to name a few.
Inspired by the recent success of the B2B in the Dexter area and other Michigan Trails, HWPI formed as a grass-roots group in late 2015 and, through conversations with WCPARC and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, conceived the idea of the “Huron Waterloo Loop.” The Loop is a 44-mile route that traverses from Dexter to Chelsea and on to Stockbridge where it joins with the existing Lakelands Trail, which has a planned connection to the B2B east of Pinckney. The Loop has officially been incorporated into the B2B network, bringing the total distance to 70 miles (originally 35) with approximately 40 miles of trail existing today. (continued on page 10)
Rolling Hills County Park - Monster Smash
Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission
(734) 971-6337
Farewell to Summer
A Recap of National Parks & Recreation Month
Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission says farewell to a beautiful summer and welcomes the many splendors of fall in our parks and preserves. Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission Robert W. Marans President
This summer we held a 30 day social media challenge through the month of July in celebration of National Parks & Recreation Month. We received over 50 photo submissions from community members engaging in summer activities in Washtenaw County parks and preserves. Check out some of the best photos from our challenge. Don’t forget, whether it’s summer or fall, “Get Your Play On” all year long.
Patricia Scribner Vice President Janice Anschuetz Secretary Janis Bobrin Dan Ezekiel Barbara Fuller Ricky Jefferson Evan Pratt Rolland Sizemore, Jr. Conan Smith Coy Vaughn Interim Director Administration Building 2230 Platt Road Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Mailing: P.O. Box 8645 Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645 Phone: (734) 971-6337 Fax: (734) 971-6386
[email protected]
Crystal Keller, Winner Week 1 - Polyphemus Moth
Karen Thurman, Winner Week 3 - Blue Heron Bay
Whitney Brown , Winner Grand Prize - Rolling Hills Park
2017 Pavilion & Room Rentals (fees apply - rates subject to change) Independence Lake County Park (734) 449-4437
Rolling Hills County Park (734) 484-9676
Meeting Room, seats 35-40 Beach Center Pavilion, 120 Independence Woods Pavilion, 90 Meadow’s Edge Pavilion, 90 Blue Heron Bay Pavilion (4 bays), 30-180
Great Room, seats 30-50 (plus 31 outdoors) Sunshine Pavilion, 65 Woodlands Pavilion, 90 Prairie Pavilion, 200 Family Pavilions (2), 12
Meri Lou Murray Recreation Center (734) 971-6355
Sharon Mills County Park (734) 222-9098†
Party space, seats 26
Mill Building, seats 50 (up to 200 with tents) Picnic pavilion, 36-48 † Reservations required with Food Art, a full service catering and event planning agency
Pierce Lake Golf Course (734) 475-5858 Pavilion, seats 160 Clubhouse, 52
*Reservations for the 2018 season begin on October 1, 2017. Visit for pricing, availability and to reserve your space. For a listing of free pavilions, available on a first-come, first-served basis, visit and select “Picnic Info.”
EDITOR/GRAPHIC DESIGNER Hannah Cooley, Management Analyst Printed on 100% recycled paper, 100% post-consumer content, processed chlorine-free
Fall 2017 | Newsletter
Independence Lake Blue Heron Bay Pavilion
Rolling Hills’ Great Room at the Lodge
Sharon Mills Mill Building
[email protected]
FALL INTO FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS Please Pardon the Mess! Jeff Dehring, Park Planner The Parks and Recreation Commission takes pride in offering high-quality recreational opportunities. To maintain infrastructure, regular upkeep is often necessary during spring and fall months. When visiting our facilities this fall, you might encounter several projects, both big and small. Please pardon this inconvenience as we work to improve our amenities. Meri Lou Murray Recreation Center The glass block wall in the pool area will be repaired to address rainwater penetration issues. Pierce Lake Golf Course & Park The parking lot at the Clubhouse will be completely replaced and slightly reconfigured. The asphalt pathway from
the condominiums to the pavilion along Pierce Lake will also be reconstructed. Rolling Hills County Park Prior to the Water Park opening this past Memorial Day, a number of improvements were made to pool areas. Additional water park improvements are planned for this fall, including removing the sand pit play area and replacing it with a new “dry” play structure with an overhead shade feature and synthetic turf. Sharon Mills County Park For enhanced circulation, a new concrete walkway will be installed behind the mill
Rolling Hills Water Park Sand Area
building and the concrete slab in the pavilion repaired. A pedestrian crosswalk will also be installed across Sharon Hollow Road. In addition, water drainage issues will be addressed with natural plantings and by implementing bank stabilization measures.
Natural Areas Preservation Program | Total Land Protected: 5,313 ac. | Since 2001 Allison Krueger, Stewardship Manager It is bittersweet to report that after 18 years with Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission, Faye Stoner is retiring. Her positive impact on the parks and preserves system—and the community—cannot be understated. For 17 years Faye served as a Naturalist, utilizing the landscapes in County parks and preserves as a classroom. She introduced and educated people of all ages on the wonders of our natural and historical resources, reaching tens of thousands people. Faye’s breadth of knowledge covers Great Lakes botany, geology, aquatic systems, ornithology, and more. She has also shared her love of history at Parker Mill and Sharon Mills. Many folks might also know her from years of maple syrup demonstrations at County Farm Park.
Faye Stoner, Stewardship Coordinator
In 2015, Faye became the WCPARC Stewardship Coordinator. In this role, she worked closely with staff to conduct biological inventories, manage natural lands, coordinate volunteers, and continue public programming. Her appreciation for park resources is contagious, and she is known for taking her role as a public servant seriously. Faye will be deeply missed as part of our team, although she has assured us she will be “out and about” in the parks and preserves for years to come. We wish her the best!
Fall 2017 | Newsletter
Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission
(734) 971-6337
WHERE DO BATS HANG AROUND? The Life of Bats Once the Insects are Gone Fall is here and the sights of ghastly ghouls, cackling witches, and bat silhouettes will soon fill store windows. But you may notice that those bat shapes no longer fill the night sky. Where have the bats gone? Nine species of bats are native to Michigan, and all of them are insectivores, meaning their diet consists only of insects. As the seasons change and the insects become more scarce, bats look for other options. Some bats will hibernate during the colder months, and others will migrate to warmer areas with abundant food sources. However, migrating can be a difficult task. A bat may lose up to 0.5 g for every 100 km traveled. This may not seem like a lot, but if you’re a bat that only weighs 7 g and you travel 500 km or more, it takes a toll. Some bats, like the silver-haired bat and red bat will migrate to hibernate. They’ll travel from the northern part of their range to the southern portion to find hibernating roosts, or hibernacula.
Hibernating bats will enter caves, old mines, barns, and attics for the latter half of fall and through winter to avoid harsh temperatures. Over the course of the summer, bats build up fat reserves they will survive off of until spring. In addition, bats will lower bodily functions such as heart rate, metabolism, and breathing to make sure their fat reserves last. A bat’s heart rate can drop as low as 10 - 20 beats per minute (bpm) during hibernation, compared to the typical rate of 300 - 400 bpm. By the time spring rolls around a bat will have lost about half of its body weight. Being in hibernation doesn’t necessarily mean bats sleep the whole time. Often a bat will wake sporadically during warmer periods in winter to eliminate waste. If hibernation wasn’t tough enough, now there is a fungus that threatens the lives of hibernating bats. During hibernation the immune system of a bat can weaken
MICHIGAN BATS Below is a list of the bats native to Michigan. Indicated next to their name is whether they migrate or hibernate, as well as if they are threatened (T), endangered (E), or of special concern (SC).
Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) – Hibernate (SC) Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) – Hibernate (T) Evening Bat (Nycticeius humeralis) – Migrate (T) Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus) – Migrate Big Brown Bat (Eptesicus fuscus) – Hibernate Eastern Pipistrelle or Tri-colored Bat (Pipistrellus subflavus) – Hibernate (SC) Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) – Hibernate (E) Silver-haired Bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans) – Migrate/hibernate Red Bat (Lasiurus borealis) – Migrate/hibernate
Fall 2017 | Newsletter
Credit: Karen Powers, Radford University
Kelsey Dehring, Parks Naturalist
The hoary bat is one of Michigan’s largest bats with a wingspan of 15 inches
slightly, and the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd) can take advantage of this. The fungus affects bare skin on bats such as the nose, ears, and wings. The fungus will sometimes create a white fuzzy coating, which has given this epidemic the name of White-Nose Syndrome (WNS). WNS may irritate the skin and cause a bat to feel dehydrated. These symptoms arouse a bat more than normal during the winter, which causes it to burn through its valuable fat reserves. WNS has invaded hibernacula in 29 states and five Canadian provinces, and has destroyed nearly 6 million bats. Unfortunately, Michigan is one of the states with confirmed cases of WNS. Scientists have been working hard to find a way to help our nocturnal friends. In May 2015, a small group of bats diagnosed with WNS were treated and cured with a common bacterium found in bananas that releases Volatile Organic Compounds with anti-fungal properties. The bats were then released back into the wild. It is a small victory, but it gives scientists hope for the future of our bats.
[email protected]
Fall 2017
Meri Lou Murray Recreation Center
Credit: Fred Golden Photography
Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission
Rates (Effective July 1, 2013; subject to change) Individual 16-61 • (Y) Youth 3-15 • (S) Senior 62+ (D) Disabled (with doctor’s note)
County Resident
Daily Fees
Individual Y/S/D
$8 $6
Annual Passes
Individual $230* Y/S/D $180* Family $495* Over 80 $60
$9 $7 $345* $270* $745* $60
*Renew before your Annual Pass expires to receive a $10 discount. (Does not apply to “Over 80”)
6 Month Passes Individual Y/S/D Family
$175 $135 $370
$265 $205 $555
30-Day Pass
Fitness/Instructional Swim Classes
See pages 6-8 for class registration fees †
Fitness Class “Drop-In” Rates † Individual Senior
$8/class $6/class
$9/class $7/class
Track (1/12 mile) Gymnasium Heated Pool (Barrier-free) Cardio Training Equipment Strength Training Equipment Locker Rooms Assisted Care Locker Room Personal Trainers Swim Instruction Fitness Classes
Mon–Fri, 6am–10pm Sat, 8am–6pm Sun, Noon–10pm
Thanksgiving, November 23 - Closed
Visit Us!
2960 Washtenaw Avenue (entrance on Platt Road) Ann Arbor, Michigan (734) 971-6355 Meri Lou Murray
Washte na
Meri Lou Murray Recreation Center
• • • • • • • • • •
Building Hours
Huron P
Facilities & Programs
Exit 37B
Rec Center Entrance County Farm Park Entrance
About Us
Registered participants are allowed to make up their absences in any class priced at equal or lesser value of the class in which they are registered. Non-registered individuals may drop in to Fitness classes when space is available.
Administrative Offices R e c r e a t i Fall o n 2017 | Newsletter C e n t e r Packard
Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission
(734) 971-6337
Group Fitness Classes Online Registration: 9/3 - 9/30 Walk-in Registration: 9/5 - until filled
Classes Run: 10/1 -12/16
Aerobics and Strength #13300 Tone, strengthen and firm your entire body! Bands, weights, resistance tubes, floor mats provided.
No Classes: 11/23
Basic Sculpt & Condition #13310 Slower paced entry level workout for all ages. Hand weights and tubes strengthen and tone muscles, while improving flexibility and balance.
($2 registration late fee after class begins)
Aerobic Interval #13200 Combination of aerobic conditioning and muscle work using weights, bands, balls and steps. This is a great cardiovascular workout! Th
$53 (Sr. $43)
Basic Aerobics #13210 Slower paced, entry-level workout for all ages. 40 min. aerobics, 20 min. conditioning & stretch. M F
9:15-10:15a 9:00-10:00a
A new B time
$58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47)
Basic Step #13220 Slower paced, entry-level workout for all ages. Sharpen balance awareness and increase cardiovascular and muscle endurance. M W
8:15-9:00a 8:15-9:00a
$44 (Sr. $35) $44 (Sr. $35)
Boot Camp #13230 Ready to kick your workout routine up a notch? Come experience this high-energy, whole body workout! This class can be adapted to most fitness levels and is sure to generate results. W
$58 (Sr. $47)
Advanced Step #13240 Targets lower extremities, excellent fat burner. Advanced choreography and/or intensity. T Th Sat
6:45-8:00a 6:45-8:00a 8:05-9:05a
$73 (Sr. $59) $66 (Sr. $53) $58 (Sr. $47)
Step Interval #13250 Combination of aerobic conditioning using step and muscle work through weights, bands, and/or ball. This is a great cardiovascular workout! F
new A time
$58 (Sr. $47)
EW! Sunday Burnout! #13260 Start your week off right with this vigorous interval class which is sure to get your blood pumping and keep your heart rate up. Class is done barefoot and on a foam/yoga mat of your choice, and will incorporate fast paced cardio, and core work, with both upper and lower body strengthening.
Sun 6
Fall 2017 | Newsletter
$58 (Sr. $47)
T Th
8:30-9:30a 8:30-9:30a
$58 (Sr. $47)
$58 (Sr. $47) $53 (Sr. $43)
Power Sculpting #13320 Intervals of aerobics, low-impact and conditioning. Fast paced, easy to follow and a very effective fat burner. M W
5:30-6:30p 5:30-6:30p
$58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47)
Sculpt & Condition #13330 Tone and strengthen the total body. Mild aerobic workout, adaptable yet challenging for all fitness levels. Hand-held weights, tubes and bands provided. Sat
$58 (Sr. $47)
NEW! 5 Start #13340 This class offers a little of everything and is designed to increase balance, flexibility, coordination, agility, and strength. In this class participants will use weights, bands, and various equipment. A chair is used for seated or standing support.
$53 (Sr. $43)
Studio Cycling #13600 Experience the high gear cardio energy of this indoor cycling class! Blast calories, build muscle, and increase endurance. Drop-ins not permitted when class is at capacity. T F
12:05-1:05p 6:15-7:15a
$77 (Sr. $66) $77 (Sr. $66)
Dance & Tone #13700 A blend of different dance and aerobic intervals (salsa, cha-cha, line dancing, etc.) combined with full body toning and sculpting work. A great fitness activity for those who enjoy dancing, aerobics, and having a good time! 9:40-10:40a
Balanced Yoga #13400 Use yoga movements and breathing techniques to relax and strengthen your mind and body, while increasing flexibility and working core muscles. Th
$58 (Sr. $47)
Group Fitness Hotline 734-971-6355, #5 Call for daily, current class schedule; updated only to announce class cancellations. (Substitutes for regular instructors will not be recorded)
$53 (Sr. $43)
Beginning Pilates #13410 Pilates with resistance bands for whole body conditioning. Strength training, stability work, and gentle stretching will improve core strength, posture, balance and flexibility. Sun Sat
1:20-2:20p 11:45a-12:45p
$58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47)
Fitness Pilates #13430 Increase core strength and flexibility of the spine, improve posture, alignment and mind-body connection. M
$73 (Sr. $59)
Matwork Pilates #13440 Benefits include increased overall flexibility, abdominal strength and an overall sense of well being. Feel stronger and leaner as you develop your core. M W
10:30-11:30a 10:30-11:30a
$58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47)
PiYo #13460 Mix of Pilates & yoga that increases flexibility and core strength. All fitness levels welcome. M Th
11:45a-12:45p 6:40-7:40p
$58 (Sr. $47) $53 (Sr. $43)
Strengthen Yoga #13470 This 60-minute yoga flow class, will challenge your sense of balance while working your core and legs. T
$58 (Sr. $47)
Stretch and Strengthen #13480 This class is for all ages to strengthen and stretch all major muscle groups at their own level. Core work and balance will be addressed. T Th
10:50-11:50a 10:50-11:50a
$58 (Sr. $47) $53 (Sr. $43)
Yoga #13490 Class includes breath control, meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures to increase health and relaxation. F
new A time
$58 (Sr. $47)
[email protected]
Tae Kwon Do Learn the technique, strength and proficiency of this martial arts style under the instruction of Grand Master B.C. Yu. Youth (Ages 5-12) Sun/W 4:10-5:10p 10/1-10/29 A 11/1-11/29 B 12/3-12/27 C Adult (Ages 12 and up) T/Th 7:45-8:45p 10/3-10/31 A 11/2-11/30 B 12/5-12/28 C
#13500 $54 $54 $48 #13501 $54 $48 $48
Tai Chi #13510 Harmonize body & mind, better handle stressful situations, learn to release body energy to move with unified integrity using your structural alignment. All levels welcome. Instructed by Karla Groesbeck. T
$58 (Sr. $47)
Commando Krav Maga #13520 Commando Krav Maga is not traditional or sport-based martial art. There are no competitions, rules, or regulations. Instead, CKM is designed for the primary goal of survival in no rules environment. M 7:45-9:15p A W 7:45-9:15p B
$78 $78
Water Aerobics #12000 Looking for a new and refreshing way to stay in shape? Water aerobics is a great low impact workout that can improve strength, flexibility, circulation and cardiovascular stamina. Workouts can easily be tailored to match your abilities. No swimming skills required. M M T T W W Th Th F Sat
9:00–10:00a 6:00–7:00p 9:00–10:00a 10:00–11:00a 9:00–10:00a 6:00–7:00p 9:00–10:00a 10:00–11:00a 9:00–10:00a 9:00–10:00a
$58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47) $53 (Sr. $43) $53 (Sr. $43) $58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47)
Personal Trainers!
If you’re looking for that extra boost of motivation, personal trainers are available. Photos and bios of each trainer are available on the bulletin board at the facility and our website at
Welcome Back! Friendly Reminders
World Dance Fitness #13100 This fun and easy to follow cardio dance class combines high-energy and motivating music with unique moves and combinations that make you feel like you are partying on the dance floor! W Sat
9:15-10:15a 10:35-11:35a
$58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47)
Zumba Fitness® #13110 This Latin-based aerobic fitness class uses easy, fast, and slow rhythms set to fun Latin and international music. A real “feel happy” cardio workout! M Th F F
6:40-7:40p 12:00-1:00p 7:45-8:45a 6:30-7:30p
$58 (Sr. $47) $53 (Sr. $43) $58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47)
Zumba Gold® #13120 Class combines zesty Latin and international rhythms with exhilarating, easy-to-follow moves and an invigorating party-like atmosphere. The pacing and moves are designed to suit the needs of the active older participant, as well as those just starting their journey to a fit and healthy lifestyle. F Sun
10:20-11:20a 2:30-3:30p
$58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47)
Zumba Toning® #13130 An innovative muscle training program using lightweight dumbells in combination with Latin-inspired dance rhythms. It provides participants with a safe, effective, redefining total body workout. Sun W
12:10-1:10p 6:40-7:40p
$58 (Sr. $47) $58 (Sr. $47)
! Zumba Step® #13140 Looking to strengthen and tone your legs and glutes? Step right up. This class combines the awesome toning and strengthening power of step aerobics, with the fun fitness-party of Zumba. Increase your cardio and calorie burning, while adding moves that sculpt your core and legs.
$58 (Sr. $47)
Age Restriction - Must be 16 or older to enter the cardio or weight room. Must be over 13 to be in the building without an adult. Please make sure to bring a school ID for age verification purposes if you are under 16. Fitness - Review class schedule for new times. Gym - We limit attendance during basektball, therefore you must get a wristband from the front desk in order to be in the gym. Pool Schedule Change - Please note, we have adjusted the pool schedule time for swim lessons. Party Space - When renting this space, each guest must pay to enter and you must follow the pool/gym schedule.
Halloween Bash Saturday, October 28, 6:30-8:30pm Put on your Halloween garb, and join us as the gymnasium is transformed into a Halloween Haven! Get ready for some tricks, some treats, tons of fun, and an amazing balloon drop! Cost : $6/person, $22/family of 4 and $3 each additional child; register online at
Weight Room Orientation We currently offer weight room orientation Mondays at 10:30am. Our experienced staff will explain weight room etiquette and demonstrate how to use each station properly. The cost for these 1 ½ - 2 hour sessions is $12 per person. Please register in advance.
Class Registration Options In person • Fax • Mail • Online Online registration at: Forms are at the front desk or online at: (“Forms & Publications”/“Application Forms”/ select “Class Registration Form”) Mail to: Meri Lou Murray Recreation Center P.O. Box 8645, Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645 Fax: 734-971-2094 For additional information, contact Sarah Walls, Parks & Facilities Supervisor (734) 971-6355 x 0 |
[email protected]
Class Fee Refund Policy Cancelled or full class
Full refund
Before class begins
Full refund less $5 service fee
After class begins*
Pro-rated refund less $5 service fee
Missed class
No refund
No cash refunds; credit card or check only. *Refund after 1st class only with letter from doctor for medical disability or from employer indicating transfer from the area.
Fall 2017 | Newsletter Fall 2017
Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission
(734) 971-6337
Instructional Swim Registration Required
I Online Registration: 9/3 - 9/24
Walk-in Registration: 9/5 - 9/26
($5 late fee per class for registration after 9/26)
Lessons Run: 10/1 - 11/4
Online Registration: 10/22 - 11/5 Walk-in Registration: 10/23 - 11/7
($5 late fee per class for registration after 11/7)
Lessons Run: 11/12 - 12/16
No Classes: 11/23, make up 12/21
Parent Tot 1 $40 #11010 (6 mos–18 mos with adult) With adult participation, infants and toddlers learn to enjoy water activities. Songs and games teach the children water comfort. One adult per child.
Level 1 $45 #11060 (At least 5 yrs) Children who can float and kick on both front and back without support begin to complete their strokes. Focus on stroke completion and technique.
Session I Sat 11:00–11:25a A Sat 12:30–12:55p B
Session I Th 4:50–5:30p A Th 5:40–6:20p B Sat 10:00–10:40a C Sat 10:50–11:30a D Sat 11:40a–12:20p E Sat 12:30–1:10p F
Session II C D
Parent Tot 2 $40 #11020 (18 mos–3 yrs with adult) Through songs and games, and with adult help, pre-school aged children learn water comfort and simple water skills. One adult per child. Session I Sat 10:30–10:55a A Sat 12:00–12:25p B
Session II C D
Parent Tot 3 $40 #11030 (2½–4+ yrs with adult) We’ll begin to practice skills from Preschool 1; for kids who aren’t ready to be in the water without a parent. One adult per child. Session I Sat 10:00–10:25a A Sat 11:30–11:55a B
Session II C D
Preschool 1 $40 #11040 (At least 4 yrs) Great for beginners! Children with little or no water experience will learn water comfort, supported floating/kicking, basic arm movement. Session I Th 5:00–5:25p A Th 6:00–6:25p B Sat 10:00–10:25a C Sat 11:00–11:25a D Sat 12:00–12:25a E
Session II F G H I J
Preschool 2 $40 #11050 (4–5 yrs) Children already comfortable in the water will practice swimming skills without support. Floating, kicking, front crawl and back crawl will be taught. Session I Th 5:30–5:55p A Sat 10:30–10:55a B Sat 11:30–11:55a C Sat 12:30–12:55p D 8 Fall Fall2017 2017 | Newsletter
For online registration, select the name of the child you would like to enroll from the drop-down menu.
Session II E F G H
Session II G H I J K L
Level 2 $45 #11070 (Must pass Level 1 or with permission) Learn to combine and coordinate basic swimming skills into complete strokes. Rhythmic breathing introduced; front and back crawls will improve. Session I Th 4:50–5:30p A Th 5:40–6:20p B Sat 10:00–10:40a C Sat 10:50–11:30a D Sat 11:40a–12:20p E Sat 12:30–1:10p F
Session II G H I J K L
Level 3 $45 #11080 (Must pass Level 2 or with permission) Deep water comfort is a must. Improved stroke technique and endurance is the focus. Children work on more distance with front and back strokes, along with breaststroke and treading water. Session I Th 4:50–5:30p A Sat 10:00–10:40a B Sat 11:40a–12:20p C
Session II D E F
Level 4 $45 #11090 (Must pass Level 3 or with permission) Students will refine and improve all strokes learned while increasing endurance and stroke efficiency. More distance is introduced. Session I Th 5:40–6:20p A Sat 10:50–11:30p B Sat 12:30–1:10p C
Session II D E F
Beginning Swimmer $50 (Sr. $40)#11100 (13+ yrs) Designed for those with little or no water experience. Class will focus on water comfort and introduction of strokes. Th 6:30-7:30p
Session I A
Session II B
Intermediate Swimmer $50(Sr. $40)#11110 (13+ yrs) Designed for students with some water experience and swimming ability. Class will focus on stroke improvement, including correct breathing coordination. Th 6:30-7:30p
Session I A
Session II B
PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS Private Swim Lessons $100 #11000 (4+ yrs) One-on-one instruction to fit individual needs. Five week sessions. A second person may be added to the same lesson for $50. Sun 2:00-2:30p Sun 2:30-3:00p Sun 3:00-3:30p Sun 3:30-4:00p Tues 5:00-5:30p Tues 5:30-6:00p Tues 6:00-6:30p Tues 6:30-7:00p Th 6:30-7:00p Th 7:00-7:30p Th 7:30-8:00p
Session I A B C D E F G H I J K
Session II L M N O P Q R S T U V
(734) 971-6355 x 0 |
[email protected]
No make-ups, refunds, or substitutions for missed instructional swim classes Late registration for Instructional Swim will result in a $5 late fee
[email protected]
Leave Your Colorful Print on the Community Hannah Cooley, Management Analyst Did you know Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission hosts two races during the month of September? Held at our most popular parks, Rolling Hills & Independence Lake, these events provide participants with the chance to test their fitness, while supporting local area nonprofits. This year we will be hosting our fourth annual “Colors of Cancer 5K” at Rolling Hills County Park on September 16th. This non-competitive race will benefit the U of M Comprehensive Cancer Center and help raise awareness for the
“colors of cancer;” colors that symbolize the different types of cancers that affect friends and loved ones. Event participants receive a white race t-shirt and are showered with vibrant colored corn starch intended to represent the colors of cancer. Dance to the beat of the DJ, visit vendors, run through color clouds, meet new friends and support loved ones affected by the disease. Unlike other color runs, all proceeds from this event will go to the U of M Comprehensive Cancer Center. Independence Lake County Park will be hosting the first annual “Big Foot, Small Print Trail Run” on September 30th. Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission
Spread awareness and support the
Register at
September 16, 2017 • 11:00am
Rolling Hills County Park For more information call (734)484-9676 *Vehicle admission is required
2016 Colors of Cancer Color Blast
2016 Colors of Cancer Red Station
has partnered with the Huron River Watershed Council for this trail run to further support healthy and vibrant communities in Washtenaw County. Enjoy the beautiful fall colors that Independence Lake County Park has to offer while running this scenic 4 mile course. This event also offers a 1 mile fun run/walk for participants of all ages, so bring the whole family! All proceeds will benefit the Huron River Watershed Council. We hope you come out and enjoy Washtenaw County parks while contributing to your local community causes! For more information about races and other park events visit
Fall 2017 | Newsletter
WashtenawCounty CountyParks Parks&&Recreation RecreationCommission Commission Washtenaw Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission
(734) 971-6337 (734) 971-6337
EXPLORE NATURE WITH NATURALISTS KELSEY & SHAWN Program Naturalist: (KD) = Kelsey Dehring (SS) = Shawn Severance
Programs are subject to cancellation. Age restrictions may apply. Visit website for updates:
Nature Fun For Kids!
10am-12pm | Kids ages 5+. Free. Max. 15 kids per program. Registration #811005 Sat, Sept 16 | Bugs and their Buddies Section A Independence Lake County Park (KD)
Preschool Hikes
10-11:30am | County Farm Park Kids ages 2-4 with caregiver. Free. Max. 15 kids per program. (SS) Registration #811003 Thurs, Sept 21 | Pollinator Power Section A Thurs, Oct 19 | The Secret Life of Squirrels B Thurs, Nov 16 | Campfire Celebration C
Junior Naturalists Kids ages 7-12 | Free. Max. 10 kids per program. Each program session will target a different area of nature and build an awareness of the natural world through direct observation. Sessions may be attended separately; however, kids who attend four programs throughout the year will receive a Junior Naturalist prize. Adult nature programs may be substituted. Registration #811004 Sat, Sept 23 | Michigan Trees | 2-4pm Section A Parker Mill County Park (SS) Sat, Oct 14 | Paper Making | 10:30am-12:30pm B County Farm Park - Meet at the Platt Rd. Pavilion (KD) Sat, Nov 18 | The Mighty Beaver | 2-4pm C Burns Stokes Preserve (KD)
Registration required. Descriptions and registration at; enter registration # and section ID. Questions? Email
[email protected]. Paving the Way to Progress continued from front cover
HWPI and WCPARC (along with other public agency partners) will be working together to complete the remaining 30 miles of trail, estimated to cost $37 million, which includes the seven mile gap along the Huron River between Dexter and Ann Arbor. The primary goal of HWPI is to raise approximately $20 million in private funding to augment WCPARC’s public funds, which can be used to leverage state and federal grant sources, thereby accelerating the rate of completion of the B2B. In the summer of 2017, HWPI launched its initial fundraising drive: the “Karen’s Trail” campaign, named in honor of Karen McKeachie, a world-class triathlete who was killed in August 2016 while bicycling on Dexter-Chelsea Road. The Karen’s Trail campaign is expected to increase community awareness about the importance of completing the B2B and seeks to raise $1 million in small 10
Fall 2017 | Newsletter
donations to match the $1 million that was donated to the B2B by the McKeachie family. The benefits of this partnership are already beginning t o s h o w . Tw o construction projects are planned for 2018: 4.7 miles along M-52 north of Chelsea from Werkner Road to North Territorial Road and a 1.2 mile segment from DexterHuron Metrop ark east to Zeeb Road along the Huron River. The Huron River segments of the B2B are also part of the statewide “Iron Belle Trail,” further elevating the significance of the trail and partnership.
Learn how you can help build the B2B! Visit:
PROGRAMS & EVENTS Program Naturalist: (KD) = Kelsey Dehring (RG) = Ron Gamble (FS) = Faye Stoner (SS) = Shawn Severance
Programs are subject to cancellation. Visit website for updates:
[email protected] Fall 2017 Nature Program Cultural Program Special Event Children’s Program Vehicle Park Entry Fee Program/Event Fee (all others FREE) Pre-Registration Required at
Scarecrow Mystery Dash Obstacle Course at Independence Lake Park!
Sat, Sept 2
Sun, Sept 24
Wed, Nov 1
Saturday Morning Bird Walk | 8-10am Trinkle Marsh Preserve | Hike along the edge of the wetland areas and visit forest habitat. Notice what birds are active at the end of summer and look out for early fall migrants! Long pants and insect repellent recommended. (FS)
Sat, Sept 9
Dog Swim | 10am-12:45pm Rolling Hills Water Park Come splash in the pool with your pup! $5 per dog, owners get into water park free. Limit 2 dogs per owner. Times vary based on size of dog. Registration #RH712302. Family Campout Independence Lake Park 2-6pm tent set-up | Crafts, fishing, nature programs, night hike, and more. $8/person. Pre-registration required, contact Julie at
[email protected] or (734) 449-4437 x.201.
Sun, Sept 10
Wildflowers of Late Summer | 10am-12pm Northfield Woods Preserve | Look at some of the field and wetland flowers found in the open habitat of this preserve and learn about grasses and sedges. (FS) Dog Swim | 11am-12:45pm Rolling Hills Water Park See above for information. Registration #RH712302.
Sat, Sept 16
Colors of Cancer 5K | 11am Rolling Hills Park | Wear white and, by the end, you will display your support with many colors! $30; kids 10 and under free. Registration #RH721300. For more info, contact Rhonda at
[email protected].
Sun, Sept 17
Summer Botany at the Doll Family Farm | 10am-12pm | Sylvan Township Conservation Easement | Open to the public only for this event, Faye Stoner and Ellen Weatherbee will lead a hike into a veteran forest for an exploration of native plants in late summer. Hikers will explore the forest and wetland habitats along maintained trails. Registration #811006.
Sat, Sept 23
Picnic in the Park | 12pm | Rolling Hills Park | Bring a picnic and join us for an afternoon of fun, games, and great music! Featuring the Bridge County Bluegrass Band. Free with vehicle admission. For more info, contact Rhonda at
[email protected].
3rd Annual Ypsilanti Fall River Day 12-3pm | Riverside Park (City of Ypsilanti park, north end entrance on Cross Street just east of Huron Street) | Kids ages 2-5 with caregiver. Free. Come enjoy the fall colors along with our Huron River in Ypsilanti! Enjoy nature hikes, a Raptors of the River program, kid’s crafts & fishing, or go-at-your-own-pace kayak trip (single and double kayaks available for rent).
Sat, Sept 30
Big Foot, Small Print Trail Run & 1 Mile Kids Run/Walk Kids Run - 9am | 4mi Trail Run - 9:30am Independence Lake Park | Discount registration rates apply before 9/16. Registration #IL421303.
OCTOBER Sun, Oct 1
Fall Seed Share | 1-4pm | County Farm Park, Meet at the Platt Rd. Pavilion | Network with gardeners and obtain rare and unusual plant seeds, native plants, and heirloom vegetable seeds.
Sat, Oct 7
Scarecrow Mystery Dash 10am-2pm | Independence Lake Park | Activities include: crafts, obstacle course, games, and cider and doughnuts. $6/person; $22/family of 4; + $3 add. child. Registration #IL421301.
Sat, Oct 14
Monster Smash 12pm-3pm | Rolling Hills Park Family-fun event featuring favorite Halloween activities! $6/person; $22/family of 4; + $3 add. child. Registration #RH721303. Soil Exploration at Sharon Short Hills 10am-12pm | Sharon Short Hills Preserve Hike hills and explore soil pits to better understand the landscape from above and below. Learn about the topography, soil science, and the geology that created them. (RG) Registration #811007.
Sun, Oct 22
Fall Colors Hike | 2-4pm | Scio Woods Preserve Enjoy the beautiful changing colors of fall as we hike through a beech-maple forest. (KD)
Sat, Oct 28
Halloween Bash 6:30-8:30pm | Meri Lou Murray Rec Center | See page 7 for info.
Rumblin’ Tumblin’ Pumpkin Mash 3-7pm | Rolling Hills Park | Roll your carved pumpkins down the sledding hill and try to hit the targets at the bottom!
Sat, Nov 4
Glow Disc Golf Tournament 5pm-10pm | Independence Lake Park | Join us for the 2nd Annual Red Hawk Glow Disc Golf Tournament. This is the only after-hours disc golf tournament hosted at Independence Lake Park. $30 per person cash only. Register at For more info, contact Julie at
[email protected]. Full Moon Hike | 7-9pm | West Lake Preserve With a full moon, visibility at night is easier. We’ll hike to discover what other animals are enjoying the extra light and gaze at fall constellations. (KD)
Sun, Nov 5
Fleming Creek Fall Ramble | 2-4pm | Parker Mill Park | Explore the Fleming Creek floodplain forest in fall - look at vines, trees, shrubs and late fall fruits. (SS)
Sun, Nov 12
Exploring the Baker Woods Preserve | 2-4pm Baker Woods Preserve | The varied terrain and floodplain forests provides a unique fall experience along Mill Creek. (KD)
ONGOING Sharon Mills Tours Sundays, Sept 10 & 24; Oct 8 & 22 1-4pm | Sharon Mills Park | Learn about the mill’s varied uses over time with a focus on Henry Ford’s influence. Parker Mill Tours Sundays, Sept 10, 17 & 24; Oct 1, 8, 15 & 22 1-5pm | Parker Mill Park | Learn how the Parker family used waterpower in the 1870s to grind flour, turn a lathe, and run other machines in this fully operational pioneer grist mill. Playground Pop-Up Play Saturdays, Sept 30; Oct 14; Nov 4 10-11am | County Farm Park | Kids ages 2-5 with caregiver. Free. Join outdoor educators for a fall nature exploration. First to arrive, first to play. Kids can join as space opens during the hour. Check out our Facebook page for detailed program descriptions.
Fall 2017 | Newsletter
Washtenaw County Parks & Recreaton Commission Facility Map
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Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation P.O. Box 8645 Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645
1 2 28
Parks & Recreation Facilities
Natural Areas Preservation Program (NAPP)
A. Park Lyndon | 340 acres
1. Leonard Preserve | 259 acres
B. Cavanaugh Lake County Park | 59 acres
2. Ervin-Stucki Preserve | 126 acres
17. Northfield Woods Preserve/ Arbor Woods Preserve | 81 acres & 22 acres
C. Sharon Mills County Park | 248 acres
3. Brauer Preserve | 226 acres
18. Clark & Avis Spike Preserve | 103 acres
D. Pierce Lake Golf Course & Park | 232 acres
4. DeVine Preserve | 157 acres
19. Sharon Short Hills Preserve | 84 acres
E. Independence Lake County Park | 446 acres -and Gosline Preserve* | 40 acres
5. Burns-Stokes Preserve | 29 acres 6. LeFurge Woods Nature Preserve 160 acres
F. Osborne Mill Preserve | 39 acres
7. Kosch Headwaters Preserve | 160 acres
22. Weatherbee Woods | 84 acres
G. Park Northfield | 12 acres
8. Albert J. Miller and Robert & Nancy Smith Preserve | 29 acres
23. Jack R. Smiley Nature Preserve † | 100 acres 24. Tom A. Freeman Preserve | 59 acres
9. Raymond F. Goodrich Preserve | 48 acres
25. Harwood Heritage Preserve | 16 acres
10. Riverbend Preserve | 53 acres
26. Whitmore Lake Preserve | 235 acres
11. Squiers Preserve | 55 acres
27. Herman L. Koenn Preserve | 191 acres
12. Fox Science Preserve | 73 acres 13. West Lake Preserve | 217 acres
28. Watkins Lake State Park & County Preserve 1,122 acres (407 acres owned by WCPARC)
14. Meyer Preserve* | 260 acres
29. Dominican Meadows Preserve* | 90 acres
15. Draper-Houston Meadows Preserve 99 acres
* Public access not available at this time
H. Meri Lou Murray Recreation Center -and Nelson Meade County Farm Park | 127 acres I. Swift Run Dog Park | 10 acres J. Parker Mill County Park | 44 acres K. Superior Center Park | 1 acre L. Rolling Hills County Park & Water Park 439 acres
20. Trinkle Marsh Preserve at Easton Farm †
16. Scio Woods Preserve | 91 acres
151 acres
21. Baker Woods Preserve | 70 acres
Owned by Southeast Michigan Land Conservancy; portions protected via NAPP †
Visit us online for photos, maps, info, and detailed directions at