technology fee, each time the trader takes a trade. This is different to the traditional broker models where brokers mos
+33% BONUS
WE ELIMINATE BROKER FRAUD The $3bn digital options and $81tn retail FX-trading industry are mired with conflict of interest and fraud. Brokers have been long known to manipulate prices and even refuse withdrawals, thereby destroying retail trader balances and finances, over time. This contributes to a shocking 70-90%+ industry loss ratio, meaning that more than 7/10 traders lose money in the longer r u n . SPECTRE, which is built on the Ethereum blockchain, removes the broker out of the picture entirely and creates a new paradigm of trading.
BEG 27th October 2017
BEG 17th November 2017
END 5th November 2017
END 10th December 2017
Kay Khemani, CEO
SPECTRE (short for Speculative Tokenized Trading Exchange) is the world’s first brokerless, financial trading platform with an embedded, decentralized liquidity pool that acts as a counter-party to all trades. The liquidity pool is initially funded by an ICO and tokens are distributed to the investors in return.
Zisis Skouloudis, COO
The team consists of industry veterans, many of which who have direct research, trading and banking experience at J.P Morgan, Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank and an educational background at the London School of Economics.
When trading, all transactions are governed by smart contracts meaning that the broker is completely removed from this equation as well. The smart contracts pay out 2% dividends to ICO Dividend-token holders and 2% to SPECTRE as a technology fee, each time the trader takes a trade. This is different to the traditional broker models where brokers mostly get paid on trader losses.
A result of all the above is the creation of a fully transparent and fair trading environment with no conflict of interest between involved parties; a provably fair battleground where traders can fairly trade against the market without intervention.
PROGRESS UPDATE The public alpha went live in September 2017 and the connection to the Ethereum testnet environment is scheduled for Q4 2017. Unlike many ICOs, we have an existing trading product and have offered services to thousands of traders for years.
Regulatory: 12.0 %
Development: 17.0 %
Personnel: 19.0 %
Access will be made available on
There are two types of tokens available in the SPECTRE ICO: a Dividend-token and a Utility-token. The former pays a 2% dividend to its holder, while the latter offers its holder higher payouts, wider variety of assets inside the SPECTRE platform as well as participation in the token buy-back program.
For more information and the latest news about the SPECTRE project please check where you can also subscribe to the newsletter and always stay up to date with the latest developments. You may also contact us at
As Seen On
Risk Disclaimer: The information contained in this document is not investment advice. Investing in ICOs is a high risk endeavor and one that we strongly advise for you to confirm with your registered investment advisor. Only invest money that you can afford to lose. Pre-sale and Public Sale of SPEC tokens will not be open to US investors. Pre-sale bonus of 33% available.