Detailed narratives of over 400 plants;. ⢠Line drawings of 266 weeds;. ⢠Large colored photographs;. ⢠Close up p
WEEDS OF THE GREAT PLAINS Weeds of the Great Plains is a collaborative effort between the University of Nebraska and the Nebraska Department of Agriculture. This work replaces Weeds of Nebraska and the Great Plains, previously published and sold by the Department. Weeds of the Great Plains is a 7” X 10”, hardbound book which features: • • • • • • •
Detailed narratives of over 400 plants; Line drawings of 266 weeds; Large colored photographs; Close up photographs of weed flowers, seedlings, and key identification characteristics; Identification methods to distinguish similar species; Historical attributes and uses of each plant; and Plant habitats and descriptions of growth forms.
The intent of this important weed identification book is to meet the needs of farmers, ranchers, and homeowners, as well as the more technical expectations of botanists to accurately identify weeds and common plants in the Great Plains. The price of this book is $25 per copy which includes postage. There is a charge of 2.49% for processing credit cards. Individuals wishing to purchase the book at the Department of Agriculture’s office in Lincoln may do so for a cost of $22.50. This lower fee is possible because handling or mailing costs are not necessary. You may order this book by submitting the order form below. ALL ORDERS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY CASH, VISA/MASTERCARD, CHECK, OR MONEY ORDER AND PAYABLE TO THE NEBRASKA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Please print or type) Please send me _____ copy(s) of Weeds of the Great Plains. Enclosed is full payment of $________ ($25 per copy – if mailed; $22.50 per copy – if picked up)
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Phone: Send a completed order form and payment to: Nebraska Department of Agriculture Central Fee Collection P.O. Box 94668 Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 Visa