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Welcome to our Pledge a pound lottery – a great way for you to support us whilst ... winner published on the noticeboa
WELCOME TO OUR PLEDGE A POUND LOTTERY Welcome to our Pledge a pound lottery – a great way for you to support us whilst having a bit of a flutter! Here’s how it works… You complete and sign the attached membership form and Standing Order mandate for a minimum of £1 a month (or £12 annually) or pay by cheque. This buys you one membership number (we will allocate), which enters you into the monthly draw. All participants must be over 16. The draw will take place on the 3rd Monday of each month. If you win, a cheque will be posted to your home address and the name of the winner published on the noticeboard in the community centre, on Facebook and the Gregson Green website. The prize money will be 40% of the membership fee taken that month. The remaining 60 % goes to the Gregson Green fundraising account. The prize money will be allocated to 3 prizes, first prize 60% of the allocated monies and two further prizes worth a total of 20%. e.g 500 numbers sold = £500 -first prize of £100 and 2 prizes of £50 1000 numbers sold = £1000 first prize of £200 and 2 prizes of £100 Any queries, please contact Alan or Jacqui Gibson on 01254 852998 or email [email protected] JOIN OUR Pledge a pound club TODAY AND YOU COULD BE OUR NEXT WINNER!

Pledge a pound Lottery

Gregson Green Registered Charity 521121

PLEDGE A POUND SIGN UP MEMBERSHIP NUMBER Name (to which cheque will be made out should you win) Telephone no. ___________________ (daytime) ___________________ (evening) Email contact details ___________________________________________________ Postal address (to which winnings will be sent) I/we understand that Gregson Green will forward the completed Standing Order Mandate to the bank indicated and that £ will be taken from my/our account on the first of each month, or a sum of £ to be paid annually via cheque or Standing Order and paid into the Gregson Green account until I/we advise the bank otherwise. I/we agree that if we wish to cancel this order I/we will also inform Gregson Green Charity of this decision. Signature_______________________________ Date:________________ Please return this form to 47 Arrowsmith Drive together with your Standing Order Mandate/cheque so we can update our records THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND GOOD LUCK!

Pledge a pound Lottery

Gregson Green Registered Charity 521121

STANDING ORDER MANDATE YOUR DETAILS: Full Name: Address: Postcode: Bank Name Bank Address Postcode Sort Code No: Your Account Number PLEASE PAY: Recipients name Gregson Green Recipients bank and branch name Lloyds Recipients Sort Code No. Recipients Account No. 309685 37000460 Date of first regular payment Amount and frequency thereafter £2 monthly £24 annually Payment Reference (Initial and Surname) £4 monthly £48 annually Until further notice in writing £5 monthly £60 annually Signature_______________________________ Date:________________ Pledge a pound Lottery

Gregson Green Registered Charity 521121

Pledge a Pound RULES PURPOSE The purpose of the Pledge a pound lottery is to raise funds. The money will be paid into the Gregson Green bank account and used towards building of the new community centre. RULES 1. For a cost of £1 per month (i.e. per draw) you will be allocated one number. 2. A draw will be made every month with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. 3. The prizes will total 40% of the annual income. 4. This will be apportioned as: 1st prize of 20%, 2nd prize of 10% and 3rd prize of 10% for 10 out of 12 months. The prizes for August and December will be higher with a 1st prize of 50%, 2nd prize of 25% and 3rd prize of 15% of the monthly income. 5. The Pledge a pound is a private lottery and is open to all residents of Gregson Lane, Coupe Green and surrounding areas and their family and friends. Anyone age 16 or over can join. 6. Payments must be made by standing order (preferably annually) or annual cheque. One month’s notice is required for cancellation. 7. Member’s numbers will only be entered if their subscription is up to date. 8. If a member has no valid reason for missing a payment, their number may be sold to someone else. 9. The draw shall be made at the fundraising group meeting held on the 3rd Monday of the month. 10. The winning cheque will be posted to the address on your membership application within one week of the draw. 11. The name and numbers for each month’s winners will be posted in the community centre notice board on Gregson Green website and facebook page. 12. The Pledge a Pound Club will be run by the Gregson Green Steering group. In case of any dispute the decision of the Committee is final. 13. Unless otherwise advised, a member will be deemed to have left the Pledge a Pound club if his/her subscription renewal remains unpaid for a period of one month. 14. If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be placed into Gregson Green funds after six months. 15. It is the responsibility of members to inform the organisers if they move house.

Pledge a pound Lottery

Gregson Green Registered Charity 521121