Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment Edith Martinez-Guerra1, Jairo Castillo-Valenzuela2, Veera Gnaneswar Gude3*,
ABSTRACT: An update on the current research and
Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment
development of wetland treatment technologies for
Constructed wetlands (CWs) have been successfully used
wastewater treatment is provided in this paper. This article
for treating different wastewaters for decades and have been
focuses on wetland applications in wastewater treatment (as
identified as a sustainable wastewater management option
an advanced treatment unit or a decentralized system), and
(Wang et al., 2017). For example, Liang Y et al. (2017)
nutrient and pollutant removal (metals, industrial and
published a detailed review on constructed wetlands for
emerging pollutants including pharmaceutical compounds).
saline wastewater treatment. While an overview of the state
A summary of studies involving the effects of vegetation,
of the art of CWs for decentralized wastewater management
wetland design and operation, modeling, hybrid and
in Brazil was also published. This section describes several
innovative systems, landfill leachate treatment, and
studies performed on CWs during the year of 2017. Ming Li et al. (2017) designed a CW for maximal
pathogen removal is also included.
nitrogen removal and minimal nitrous oxide (N 2 O)
————————— 1Research
emission. The results show that nitrogen removal and N 2 O
Engineer; 3*Associate Professor
emission in CWs were significantly affected by C/N (Carbon
Laboratory, U.S. Army Engineer Research
and Nitrogen) ratio of the influent. Much higher removal
and Development Center. 3909 Halls Ferry Road,
efficiency of NH 4 +-N (98%) and total nitrogen (90%) was
Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180, United States.
obtained simultaneously in surface flow constructed wetland US
(SFCW) at C/N ratios of 12:1, and low N 2 O emission (8.2
Environmental Protection Agency Region 4, 980 College
mg/m2/d) and the percentage of N 2 O-N emission in total
Station Rd, Athens, Georgia, 30605.
nitrogen (TN) removal (1.44%) were also observed. In
addition, wetland systems have also been evaluated for the
of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762
treatment of recycled domestic wastewater. In fact,
[email protected]
Almuktar et al. (2017) designed a VFCW meeting the
KEYWORDS: wetlands, natural treatment, vegetation,
irrigation water quality standards and successfully planted
hydrology, pollution, stormwater.
Chilli with the effluent. However, some thresholds (P,
doi: 10.2175/106143018X15289915807281
ammonia-nitrogen, and total coliform) exceeded. The
1537 Water Environment Research, Volume 90, Number 10 - Copyright © 2018 Water Environment Federation
excessive nutrients benefited the plants. Andreo-Martinez et
97.2% of chemical oxygen demand (COD); 33.33, 85.71,
al. (2017) investigated the performance of a horizontal sub-
and 92.5% of Nitrate/Nitrite; 53.5%, 46.5%, and 88.8% of
surface constructed wetland (HSSFCW) in Spain. The
sulphate; and 98.3%, 99.7%, and 99.6% of total suspended
wetland was planted with Phragmites australis, and it was
solids (TSS) were obtained from the anaerobic, anoxic, and
designed to treat artificially aerated domestic wastewater to
aerobic zones respectively. These combinations were found
produce reusable water for agricultural purpose. An average
to be efficient in municipal wastewater treatment.
TP removal of 96.9% was achieved while turbidity, TSS,
Furthermore, some halophytes have shown the ability to
TN, and E. coli removal rates were also improved. In
accumulate salts in their tissues, which make them attractive
addition, an integrated VFCW was designed for the removal
for domestic wastewater treatment (Fountoulakis et al.,
dephosphorization process in treating reclaimed water (Du et al., 2017).
A matured vertical-flow constructed wetland planted with Phragmites australis was compared to three
Barco and Borin (2017) evaluated the depuration
different types of ponds: ponds with wastewater; ponds with
performance and macrophyte plants growth in a full-scale
wastewater and reeds; and ponds with wastewater, reeds and
hybrid CW (composed of a HSSF) treating municipal
aeration- (Al-Isawi and Scholz, 2017). Higher COD, SS.
wastewater. The CW was vegetated with evergreen
NH 4 -N, and PO 4 -P were achieved using the matured VFCW
xerophile species. Results indicated median concentration
than when using the ponds. Moreover, the nitrate-nitrogen
abatements for the entire system of 74.3% for TN, 62.1% for
concentration increased in the aerated ponds reflecting
NH 4 -N, 77.7% for NO 3 -N, 29.6% for TP, 37.4% for PO 4 -P,
higher oxygen availability. Similarly, the effects of
and 46.7% for COD. On the other hand, Rehman et al.
supplementing plant-based carbon sources of a VFCW
(2017) investigated the role of oxygen released by
planted with Arundo donax and Pontederia cordata were
macrophytes (Typha latifolia and Phragmites australis) for
studied (Fu et al., 2017). The results showed that the addition
degrading organic waste, which demonstrated a strong
of the composite carbon source produced the highest
removal efficiencies of NH 4 +-N 91.5%, NO 3 -N 94.5%, and
chlorophyll, and fresh plant biomass. The maximum DO in
TN 92.8% in VFCW.
the substratum of CWs proved to play a significant role in
Five types of CWs operated under semi-
reducing hydraulic retention time (HRT) in vegetated CWs
continuous vertical flow mode were analyzed on the
(Rehman et al., 2017). Badejo et al. (2017) used a sequential
treatment of municipal wastewater resulting in significant
activated sludge reactor and vegetated submerged bed
removal efficiencies of each contaminant studied (Kumar
constructed wetland (VSBCW) planted with Vetiveria
and Singh, 2017). The average NH 4 +-N, TN, NO 2 --N, NO 3 --
zizanioides. The percentage removal of 96.6%, 96.9%, and
N, SO 4 2-, and PO 4 3- removal efficiencies were 83.6%,
1538 Water Environment Research, Volume 90, Number 10 - Copyright © 2018 Water Environment Federation
82.4%, 15.61%, 48.9%, 80.5%, and 78.9% respectively in
Wetlands for Nutrient Removal
semi-continuous CWs. The average NO 2 --N removal
An autotrophic enhanced floating treatment wetland
efficiency shows that highest nitrite accumulation occurred
(AEFTW) and a heterotrophic enhanced floating treatment
in the control CWs. In a similar case, a full-scale integrated
wetland (HEFTW) were designed to remove undesired
VSSFCW was operated over a six-year period for advanced
nitrogen from secondary wastewater effluent (Gao et al.,
treatment of mixed wastewater (Wu et al., 2017). The system
2017). About 89.4% of total nitrogen (TN) was removed
resulted in an average removal efficiency of 70%, 70%,
from AFTW and 88.5% from HEFTW. Valkama et al.
34%, 52%, 45%, 74%, 21%, 43%, and 98% for COD, NH 4 -
(2017) reported that nutrients removal in wetlands were
N, NO 3 -N, TN, TP, TSS, F−, Ni, and E. coli, respectively.
dependent on temperature, oxygen concentration, NO 3 -N
Multistage treatment wetlands can be used to
concentration, and discharge after removing 13% TP and
14% NO 3 -N in a wetland in southern Finland. Similarly, in
(Wojciechowska et al., 2017). A pilot-scale multistage
Eastern United States, six large wetlands were used to
treatment receiving non-synthetic wastewater can achieve a
remove NO 3 -N. The NO 3 -N removal was found to be
total nitrogen removal of 95-99%. Lutterbeck et al. (2017)
significant between seasons and soil types (Messer et al.,
conducted a life-cycle analysis of an anaerobic unit
2017). Also in the United States, Wetland conservation
containing four SSFCW and two photoreactors in the
programs have been implemented along the Mississippi
treatment of wastewater. The reductions in chemical oxygen
River Basin. Shrestha et al. (2017) studied draining
demand (COD) varied between 93% and 97%, whereas the
watersheds in southeastern Arkansas and concluded that the
biochemical oxygen demand decreased by 97-98%.
conservation of wetlands in the Lower Mississippi River
Additionally, 97% of the Total Kjedahl Nitrogen (TKN),
Basin have significantly improved stream habitat as well as
100% of the ammoniacal nitrogen, and more than 90% of
water quality.
total phosphorus were removed from the wastewater. On the
Most of the nutrients found in surface water comes
other hand, Ledon et al. (2017) investigated the life-cycle
from agricultural runoff, which led Darwiche-Criado et al.
greenhouse gaseous emissions and primary exergy resources
(2017) to evaluate the influence of agricultural activities
consumption associated with a HSSF. The results indicate
during a two-year period. It was determined that wetlands
that greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions per capita (12–22
can be used as buffer zones to effectively remove nutrients.
kg CO 2 eq/p.e/yr) and primary exergy resources consumed
Yin et al. (2017) evaluated a thermally modified calcium rich
(24–27 MJ/m3) for the HSSF are lower than those of a
attapulgite as a substrate for rapid phosphorus removal in
constructed wetlands. Results indicated that more than 95%
kgCO 2 eq/p.e/yr and 96 MJ/m3).
of P can be removed in less than one hour with a sorption capacity of 4.5-6 mg P/g. CWs can also serve as sinks for
1539 Water Environment Research, Volume 90, Number 10 - Copyright © 2018 Water Environment Federation
nutrient compounds (West et al., 2017). Liu et al. (2017)
al. (2017) used a CW coupled with biofilm electrode reactor
reviewed the potential of wetlands on advanced nutrient
(CW-BER) to treat wastewater with a relatively high level
removal from surface waters by a consortium of attached
of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) concentration. Moreover,
microalgae and bacteria.
Huang et al. (2017) studied the use of silver nanoparticles
Mesquita et al. (2017) evaluated the difference in
(AgNPs) on the removal of nutrients from wastewater. The
removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds
TP removal efficiency was 47.9% at the end of the
based on the seasonal changes in a full-scale gravel-based
experiment (120 d), which mainly depends on the adsorption
horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland in Portugal.
and precipitation of substrate. Gao et al. (2017) developed a
The results demonstrated that season variations had a
novel electrolysis-integrated horizontal subsurface flow
significant impact on the removal efficiency of TN, NH 4 +-
constructed system (E-HFCWs) to intensify removal of
N, NO x -N, TP, and DP, with higher values in spring-summer
nitrogen and phosphorus from contaminated water. When
and 26.1%,
the HRT varied from 2 h to 12 h, the removal rate of nitrate
respectively) than in autumn-winter (0%,-7.7%, -9.8%,
increased from 20% to 84%. Phosphorus (P) removal was
12.9%, and 0%, respectively. Seasonal changes also affected
also greatly enhanced exceeding 90% when the HRT was
the research done by Tan et al. (2017), who investigated the
longer than 4 h in the electrolysis-integrated HFCWs. This
seasonal nitrogen transformations and removal pathways in
improvement is due to the in-situ formation of ferric ions by
a surface flow constructed wetland (93,000 m2 with five
anodizing of sacrificial iron anodes, causing chemical
treatment cells), which treats domestic wastewater in
precipitation, physical adsorption and flocculation of
subtropical Taiwan. These type of wetlands showed higher
phosphorus confirming the role of electrolysis process.
nitrogen removal rates during the summer due to the high
Natural wetlands, subwatershed and watershed
nitrification in sediments. Bear et al. (2017) monitored a
levels can influence the total phosphorus reduction in water
pilot-scale wetland for over two-year period obtaining a 90%
bodies. For example, Daneshvar et al. (2017) evaluated the
removal of nitrate and significant removal of e-coli during
Saginaw River Watershed, which is the largest watershed in
the summer, significantly higher than those observed in full-
Michigan. The phosphorus reduction was studied in four
scale wetland.
different wetland sizes including two, four, six, and eight ha.
Innovations in wetland modifications for nutrient
The study concluded that the two ha wetland had
removal are being pursued by several researchers. Wang et
significantly lower phosphorus reduction rates, and that the
al. (2017) used a modified single-stage-tidal flow
wetlands located in headwaters and downstream had
constructed wetland (TFCWs) with a step-feeding and
significantly higher phosphorus reduction than the ones
nitrogen transformation pathways in the TFCWs treating
located in the middle of the watershed indicating the
domestic wastewater. On the other hand, Junfeng Wang et
importance of selection and placement of wetlands. In
1540 Water Environment Research, Volume 90, Number 10 - Copyright © 2018 Water Environment Federation
Jiaozhou Bay, China, four types of wetlands (sandy beaches,
79.9%, and 98.4%, respectively during the dry season; and
mud flats, tidal marshes, and estuarine intertidal zones) were
93.6%, 84.4%, and 94.6%, respectively during the rainy
studied for nutrient removal carried by submarine
season. Shingare et al. (2017) evaluated the efficiency of
groundwater discharge (Qu et al., 2017). It was noted that
Typha latifolia and Cyperus rotundus in treating domestic
nutrients carried out by submarine groundwater discharge
wastewater in CW. The results showed a log reduction of 5.0
provide a more important source for the phosphate-limited
and 4.8 for total coliform, 4.5 and 3.9 for E.coli, and 5.5 and
environment to plankton. Hernandez-Crespo et al. (2017)
5.5 for shigella. Additionally, there was a complete removal
concluded that horizontal subsurface flow constructed
of fecal coliform and Salmonella. Calheiros et al. (2017), on
wetlands (HSSFCW) are more efficient than FWSCW in the
the other hand, reported up to a 3 log removal in
removal of organic matter, suspended solids, and nutrients.
Enterobacteriaceae and up to 2 log removal for E. coli using
The recommended working time of FWSCWs is from 18 to
27 m/yr and 55 m/yr for HSSFCW, which is based on effluent COD concentrations.
Maiga et al. (2017) suggested that any type of pathogen can be removed in a constructed wetland. However, the pathogen removal efficiency in full-scale
Wetlands for Pathogens and Viruses Removal
wetlands will depend on variables, such as sunlight,
Microbial communities play an important role in constructed
sedimentation, plants, mechanical filtration and adsorption,
wetlands when removing contaminants from water. Lv et al.
and temperature. Donde and Bangding (2017) performed an
(2017) compared the microbial community metabolic
exhaustive literature review on detection techniques,
function from both saturated and unsaturated CW
removal, and wastewater purification efficiencies of fecal
mesocosms including five planted (Juncus effuses, Typha
coliform bacteria (with emphasis on E. coli) indicators in
latifolia, Berula erecta, Phragmites australis, and/or Iris
pseudacorus) and one unplanted mesocosm in the treatment of the pesticide, tebuconazole. The microbial activity and
Wetlands for Emerging Pollutants Removal
metabolic richness of interstitial water from unsaturated
Removal of emerging contaminants such pharmaceutical
CWs were significantly lower than that from saturated CWs.
and personal care products (PPCPs), endocrine disrupting
Lekeufack et al. (2017) studied various configurations of
chemicals (EDCs), antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and
vegetated CWs in Cameroon for the treatment of domestic
heavy metals has become an important area of research due
wastewater. The CW was planted with Fuirena umbellata
to the potential for numerous health impacts. These are
(Cyperaceae) to remove fecal bacteria, and it was compared
commonly found in municipal wastewaters, industrial
with an unplanted wetland. The removal efficiency for total
wastewaters and landfill leachates. Yang Zhang et al. (2017)
coliforms, fecal coliforms, and faecal streptocci were 94.7%,
assessed the removal of pharmaceuticals ibuprofen and
1541 Water Environment Research, Volume 90, Number 10 - Copyright © 2018 Water Environment Federation
iohexol in vegetated CW mesocosms consisting of a variety
the treatment of livestock wastewater. It was reported that
of plants. More than 80% ibuprofen was removed in the CW
the presence of veterinary antibiotics, such as enrofloxacin
planted with Juncus effuses, while more than 80% iohexol
and ceftiofur does not influence the biochemical removal
was removed in the CW with Berula erecta demonstrating
processes that occur naturally in CWs. Huang (2017)
the efficiency of vegetated CWs. Liang Zhang et al. (2017)
evaluated the performance and bacterial community
planted a CW with Juncus, Typha, Berula, Phragmites, and
dynamics of a VFCW during the treatment of antibiotics-
Iris which showed ibuprofen removal rates of 29-99% when
enriched swine wastewater. The concentrations of all the
compared to unplanted ones, 15-85%. It was noted that the
chemical properties including oxytetracycline (OTC),
ibuprofen removal was positively correlated with the oxygen
difloxacin (DIF), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), nitrite/nitrate,
concentration in the water. In another study, six pilot-scale
sulphate and total organic carbon (TOC) in down-flow
SSFCWs were loaded with municipal wastewater using
treatment soils were significantly higher than those in up-
emerging organic compounds (EOCs) namely caffeine,
flow treatments on day 30, 60 and 90.
ibuprofen, naproxen, benzotriazole, diclofenac, acesulfame,
Matamoros et al. (2017) investigated the discharge
and carbamazepine as process indicators for biodegradation
of emerging contaminants (ECs) from wastewater plants.
(Kahl et al., 2017). The highest removal efficiency was
Twelve (12) full-scale HFCWs were constructed and used as
observed from the two aerated wetlands and the two-stage
tertiary treatment to remove 16 ECs from secondary treated
vertical flow system, both removing more than 90% of
ketoprofen, and diclofenac were the most abundant (>2000
Antibiotics are showing removal resistance in
ng L−1 on average) in the secondary treated wastewater
wastewater. A pilot-scale aerated SSFCW treating municipal
effluent. EC removal levels ranged from 0 to 92%, with an
and hospital wastewater was used for the removal of selected
average removal of 43% recommending the suitability of
pharmaceuticals (Auvinen et al., 2017). The effect of active
HFCWs for this purpose.
aeration was assessed. The removal of metformin and
The removal of four (4) emerging pharmaceuticals
valsartan is significantly increased when continuous aeration
and personal care products using a lab-scale CW planted
is applied (99 ± 1% vs. 68 ± 3% for metformin and 99 ± 1%
with greater duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza) was evaluated
vs. 17 ± 2% for valsartan), although the microorganisms can
(Jianan Li et al, 2017). Up to 100% removals were achieved
adapt to degrading metformin in anoxic conditions.
for paracetamol (PAR), caffeine (CAF) and tricolsan (TCS)
Moreover, it was noticed that intermittent aeration provides
while the highest removal for DEET was 32.2% in batch
equally efficient removal of the selected pharmaceuticals as
tests. When a stabilization tank was added to the CW, the
continuous aeration. Almeida et al. (2017) investigated how
final removals of the PPCP contaminants were 32.6%,
veterinary antibiotics affect wetlands’ performance during
97.7%, 98.0% and 100% for DEET, PAR, CAF and TCS,
1542 Water Environment Research, Volume 90, Number 10 - Copyright © 2018 Water Environment Federation
respectively, by CW system alone, while 43.3%, 97.5%,
Design and plant species play an important role in
98.2% and 100%, respectively, were achieved by CW-ST
wetland performance (Zhang, Lv et al., 2017a). For example,
system under continuous conditions. Sgroi et al. (2017)
ibuprofen removal was higher in planted CWs in
studied the removal of emerging organic contaminants and
unsaturated, saturated and aerated saturated designs. Plants
fluorescence signature using a hybrid CW system including
(Juncus, Typha, Berula, Phragmites and Iris) increase
the following configurations: unsaturated vertical subsurface
microbial degradation process due to oxygen availability.
flow, partial saturated vertical subsurface flow, saturated
Similarly, higher hydraulic residence times and macrophye
horizontal, and free water surface wetlands. The removal
covers improved removal efficiencies of androstenedione,
efficiency of each contaminant varied on the type of
carbamazepine, caffeine, diclofenac, estrone, ibuprofen,
wetland; for example, the free water surface wetland
paracetamol, propranolol and triclosan in a CW treating
achieved a 98% removal of sucralose while the vertical
hospital wastewater (Vystavna et al., 2017). A review
SSFW achieved 9%. However, the free water surface
focused on the effect of different aeration strategies
wetland did not remove any trimethoprim, but the VSSFW
suggested tidal flow, effluent recirculation horizontal and
removed 13%. In contrast, Avila et al. (2017) achieved 30%
vertical flow, and artificial aeration wetlands as best
of sucralose in a VFCW.
performing systems in terms of TSS, COD, and nitrogen
Removal of 11 types of perfluoroalkyl acids
removal efficiencies (Ilyas and Masih, 2017).
(PFAAs) and 7 PFAA precursors was evaluated in a
Almost all of the paracetamol, caffeine and
constructed wetland consisting of aeration lagoon, reed beds,
tricolsan concentrations were removed in a free water
sedimentation tank and polishing ponds (Yin et al., 2017).
constructed wetland planted with Spirodela polyrhiza while
Soil and sediment sorption and plant uptake accounted for
the highest removal for DEET was 32.2% in batch tests.
majority of PFAAs removal (up to 96%) while aeration
Addition of a stabilization tank under continuous flow
lagoons removed most of the PFAA precursors. Removal of
conditions improved the removal efficiencies of all PPCP
caffeine, ibuprofen, naproxen, benzotriazole, diclofenac,
contaminants (Li Zhou et al., 2017). Influence of antibiotics
acesulfame, and carbamazepine was investigated in
(enrofloxacin and ceftiofur) on metal removal by
conventional horizontal flow, unsaturated vertical flow
constructed wetlands was investigated in mesocosms
(single and two-stage), horizontal flow with aeration,
planted with P. australis (Almeida et al., 2017). Above 85%
vertical flow with aeration, and reciprocating wetland
removal of Fe, Cu, Zn was achieved, noting that ceftiofur
systems (Kahl et al., 2017). Aerated and vertical flow
improved metal uptake by P. australis and no adverse
systems performed better than other configurations,
impacts of antibiotics were found. Mesocosms planted with
performance improving with elevated temperatures and
Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis, Irispseudacorus,
oxygen availability.
Juncus effusus, Berula erecta and a control mesocosm
1543 Water Environment Research, Volume 90, Number 10 - Copyright © 2018 Water Environment Federation
(unplanted) were studied to understand the influence of
al., 2017). Adsorption and microbial degradation were
PPCPs (ibuprofen and iohexol) (Zhang Lv et al., 2017b). The
reported to be the causes for this removal plants playing a
study showed that presence of PPCPs did not have any
major role in this process. Microbial communities are also
influence on the water quality of the wetland effluent but the
affected by the presence of pharmaceutically active
plat type and hydraulic loading rates had varying influences
compounds (PhAC) (Yan et al., 2017). It was reported that
on ibuprofen or iohexol removal. Pretreatment of
Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Bacteroidetes dominated
polybrominated diphenyl ethers containing synthetic
under PhAC exposure, while Desulfobulbus and Treponema
wastewater through a photocatalytic chamber prior to
were the dominant genera. Proteobacteria had a good
entering a sub-surface flow constructed wetland planted with
correlation with PhAC concentrations.
Oryza sativa and Phragmites australis improved removal efficiency from 55% (without pretreatment) to 95% (Chow et l., 2017). A review article focusing on the presence and fate of the organic pollutants was published which includes discussions on 41 organic priority substances and 17 contaminants of emerging concern (Gorito et al., 2017).
Metals removal Four engineered up-flow wetlands planted with typha latifolia but different filling materials such as peat, zeolite, volcanic cinder and sand were operated for more than 120 days to evaluate the Boron removal capacity from drinking
Landfill leachates are concentrated with various
water (Turker et al., 2017). Peat-media filled engineered
emerging contaminants such as acetaminophen (ACT),
wetland has shown the highest removal efficiency of 91%
bisphenol A (BPA), clofibric acid (CA), caffeine (CF),
while the removal efficiencies of volcanic cinder, sand and
crotamiton (CTMT), diclofenac (DCF), N,N-diethyl-m-
zeolite reactors were 84%, 83% and 57%, respectively.
toluamide (DEET), gemfibrozil (GFZ), lincomycin (LIN),
Similarly, a microcosmic vertical flow constructed wetland
salicylic acid (SA), and sulfamethazine (SMZ). A 5-hectare
planted with Iris sibirica fed 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg/L Cd
hybrid HSSF-CW system including aerated lagoons and reed
(Cadmium) was able to remove 94.9%, 97.4%, 95.6% and
beds in Singapore was shown to remove more than 90% of
96.2%, respectively (Ma et al., 2017). Nearly 50% of the Cd
these contaminants including antibiotic resistance genes (Yi
removal was attributed to substrate adsorption phenomena
et al., 2017). Variations in the PPCP and EDC concentrations
and the rhizospheric microbial and enzymatic activities,
both in raw leachate and their removal efficiencies were
removals being higher in planted wetlands in comparison
attributed to the redox conditions of the closed landfill site.
with unplanted wetlands. These results can be supported by
A laboratory scale VFCW planted with Phragmites australis
the observations made by Gill et al. (2017) who monitored
was able to remove nearly 100% of phenolic compounds
the accumulation of heavy metals such as Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb,
from synthetic leachate with a superior performance
Zn from highway runoff in sediments and vegetation of a
compared with unplanted constructed wetland (Dan, Fuji et
constructed wetland over a nine-year period. The
1544 Water Environment Research, Volume 90, Number 10 - Copyright © 2018 Water Environment Federation
accumulation rates were 0.1 (Cd), 15.6 (Cu), 11.6 (Pb) and
ground biomass and below ground biomass in a Phragmites
88.3 (Zn) g per m2 highway drained per year with
australis constructed wetland was evaluated for individual
corresponding removal efficiencies of 5% (Cd), 60% (Cu),
contributions (Mulkeen et al., 2017). It was noted that
31% (Pb) and 86% (Zn), respectively.
analysis of above ground biomass alone could be an
The presence of acetate, propionate, humate, ammonium, and heavy metals did not have an effect on the growth of Phragmites australis but Juncus effuses withered
underestimation considering the accumulation rates by the below ground biomass indicating an optimum time of biomass harvesting to be effective throughout the year.
(Dan, Oka et al., 2017). High removal of heavy metals (Zn, Cr, Ni, Cd, Fe, and Pb) due to rhizofiltration in the upper soil layers was the reason for Phragmites australis while bioconcentration and translocation were the reasons for Juncus effuses. Two horizontal subsurface flow (HSF) and two vertical flow (VF) pilot-scale CWs were operated in parallel to evaluate Chromium (Cr) removal potential from wastewater. Studies with batch and continuous flow conditions under planted and unplanted configurations showed that planted VF constructed wetlands had higher removal efficiencies fitting pseudo-second-order and Langmuir models (Papaevangelou et al., 2017). A HSF constructed wetland planted with Limnocharis flava removed more than 90% of Hg (mercury) from gold mine effluent which is nine-fold higher than the unplanted constructed wetland (Marrugo-Negrete et al., 2017). The influence of hydraulic flow direction on the removal of antibiotic resistance genes (oxytetracycline and difloxacin) was studied using different substrates like brick and oyster shells (Huang Zheng et al., 2017). Higher antibiotic removal was observed in brick columns, however, higher antibiotic resistance genes compared to the environment were observed in the effluents influenced by substrate type and the flow of direction. Removal of metals and nutrients by above
Vegetation in Wetlands Plant biodiversity in CWs can enhance its treatment capabilities. For example, early spring species such as Rumex japonicas, Oenanthe hookeri, Phalaris arundinacea and Reineckiacarnea can be used to remove phosphorus from CWs. In a study done by Geng et al. (2017), communities including Oenanthe hookeri outperformed other communities in removing P. According this study, species composition exert stronger effect than species richness on the removal of P from wastewater. Kan et al. (2017) combined benthic fauna (Tubifex orientalis) substrate-microbes
(SFCWs) by adding T. tubifex removals of 81.14 ± 4.16% and 70.49 ± 7.60% were achieved, which were 22.27% and 27.35% (nitrogen and phosphorus) higher than that without T. tubifex. Additionally, with T. tubifex, higher proportions of particulate (22.66 ± 3.96%) and colloidal phosphorus (20.57 ± 3.39%) observed promoted phosphorus settlement and further absorption by T. orientalis. In fact, Saggai et al. (2017) investigated the diversity (25 plant species) of plants for metaremediation of human wastewater in an arid climate. The removal efficiencies of BOD, COD, TSS, total phosphorus, ammonia, and nitrate were maintained at high
1545 Water Environment Research, Volume 90, Number 10 - Copyright © 2018 Water Environment Federation
levels, approximately 90%, 80%, 94%, 60% and 50%,
showed that a TP removal efficiency of 78.2-89.8% was
respectively. An extremely high reduction of total coliform
achieved under different inlet loading rates (Luo et al.,
bacteria and streptococci was observed (approximately
2017). A similar plant, Myriophyllum spicatum, was used to
99%) without a specific disinfection step.
remove nutrients (Verhofstad et al., 2017). During the
The removal of nutrients from saline wastewater
testing period, an average of 17.0 mg N.m−2.d−1 and 2.7 mg
using vegetated CWs has also been studied. The study
P.m−2.d−1was sequestered via plant biomass. Also, for swine
evaluated how plant species, influent loads, and salinity
wastewater, a full-scale integrated CW (ICW) with a
influence the performance. The used wetland plants included
bioreactor and three wetland units was used to remove
nitrogen from swine wastewater (Zhang et al., 2017). Two
zizanioides, and Canna indica. 100% N at both low and high
of the wetlands were vegetated with Myriophyllum
influent loads, and 10% and 93.8% of P at low and high
aquacticum and the other one was vegetated with Ipomoea
influent loads were removed by Canna indica. (Liang et al.,
aquatica, Zizania latifolia, and Nasturtium officinale. ICW
2017). In addition, different plants have been studied to
showed high N removal efficiency with average removal rate
remove not just nutrients from saline water but also to
of 98% for NH 4 +-N and 96% for total nitrogen, and it was
remove salt from high salinity wastewater. Jesus et al. (2017)
reported that the responsible development of functional
reported that Spartina maritima and Juncus maritimus are
microbial communities could contribute to efficient N
halophytic plants that could be used to enhance the removal
of nutrients in saline water; however, they demonstrated that
salt removal with these plants might be impractical in future
performance in the treatment of domestic wastewater. Two
of four wetlands were planted with Cyperus articulatus, a
Potamogeton crispus to enhance the performance of SFCW
Colombian native aquatic macrophyte, to evaluate the
at low temperature (Jian Zhang et al., 2017). NH 4 -N and TP
removal of dissolved organic matter and nitrogenous
treatment efficiency was higher in spring (between 80 and
compounds from domestic wastewater (Caselles-Osorio et
90%) and decreased during the summer. TP treatment
al., 2017). The other two wetlands remained unplanted and
used as controls for the experiment. A removal efficiency of
confirming that SFCWs are being affected by climate
91% of organic matter was achieved from the planted
change; however, seasonal plant collocation has a potential
wetlands, which is higher than the 80% removal in unplanted
benefit to CWs.
wetlands. NH 4 +-N removal was significantly improved in
Three-stage pilot-scale surface flow CWs planted
planted systems, averaging 85% vs. 40% for unplanted
with Myriophyllum aquaticum were used to treat swine
systems (p < 0.05). Furthermore, Two pilot-scale
wastewater from a lagoon over three years. The results
intermittently operated HSSFCWs, one planted with Acorus
1546 Water Environment Research, Volume 90, Number 10 - Copyright © 2018 Water Environment Federation
calamus and the other one with Phragmites australis were
(imidacloprid, range: