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Charter schools are free public schools that are open to all. New York ... students across New York City, and more chart
What lic b u P e ar er t r a h C ? s l o o h Sc

Inwood Academy for Leadership, New York

It’s about great public schools. www.nycCharterSchools.org

Facts about Charter Schools

A PA R E N T ’ S P E R S P E CT I V E :

“I like the diverse curriculum of the charter school my child attends. My daughter is not only learning the basics of arithmetic and English, but her studies are rich in science, the arts and social studies. I also appreciate the way the school makes me feel welcome as a partner in my child’s education.” Valerie Babb, Parent of a Harlem Link Charter School student

Charter Schools Are Public Schools Charter schools are free public schools that are open to all New York City students. Charter schools are independent of the NYC Department of Education and operate according to the terms of a performance contract or “charter” issued by a New York State authorizer. Charter schools are held accountable for meeting specific academic achievements. The combination of freedom and accountability for success allows charters to respond to community needs, try new approaches and put student learning first.

Charter Schools Are in Demand There are currently 159 charter schools, serving 56,600 students across New York City, and more charter schools continue to open each year. In 2012, five students applied


There are now charter schools operating in New York City, students. educating


Invictus Preparatory Charter School, Brooklyn

for every one charter school seat. More than 55,000 students are currently on waiting lists to get into a charter school. The numbers are clear – NYC parents are choosing charters.

Charter Schools Help Students Achieve Studies show that New York City has one of the highest performing charter school sectors in the country. Charter school students consistently pass the state academic tests at higher rates than the city average. Charter schools also demonstrate quality in other ways, including higher attendance rates and higher ratings on parent, teacher and student satisfaction surveys.

For more info: nycCharterSchools.org/about 212.437.8300

An Educational Choice for Parents

A S t u dent’ s Perspective:

“Democracy Prep has given me the education and opportunities that my family has always wanted for me. In addition to my studies, Democracy Prep took me to Ecuador to renovate an orphanage and I got the chance to testify in front of Congress about my teachers!” Michael C., College Class of 2017, Manhattan

Charters Give Parents a Choice Charter schools provide parents an alternative to traditional district schools. They also give parents the opportunity to choose a school based upon what they think will work best for their child. As each charter school is different, parents should learn more about what each school has to offer. To locate and learn more about NYC charter schools, please visit: www.nycCharterSchools.org/charter-school-search.

Charter Schools Have the Freedom to Innovate Because they are independent of the district, charter schools have greater flexibility in the way they operate. Many charter schools not only emphasize the core subjects of English and Math, but they also offer programs in the arts, science and languages. Charters can also implement new and in-


of charter school students passed state tests in Math vs. 61% of all students citywide and passed in English vs. 47% citywide.


Lighthouse Charter School, Bronx

novative approaches to improve student learning, including using longer school days and school years to help students prepare for college and careers.

Charter Schools Serve All Students Charter schools welcome all students, including English Language Learners and students with special needs. Charter schools do not select students based upon their academic background. Instead, students are admitted by random lottery after parents fill out a simple application. Charter schools serve students in elementary through high school grades and are located in every borough of New York City.

For more info: nycCharterSchools.org/charter-school-search 212.437.8300

How to Apply

a Teach er ’s Perspective:

“At KIPP, I am able to be creative in the class room and try new teaching methods to see what works best, but I am also held accountable for my results. I have weekly one-on-one check-ins with our dean or director of instruction, class observations by other teachers, and professional development opportunities with teachers from other KIPP schools.We do all of this so that we can master our teaching skills in order to give the best possible instruction to our students.” Dominique Young, 7th Grade English Teacher, KIPP Infinity, Harlem

Fill Out an Application by April 1 It’s easy to apply to a charter school. Students need to fill out an application for each school they are interested in attending. Each school has its own application process and submission deadline, although most schools require applications to be in before April 1 for a child’s placement in the fall. There are several ways for families to acquire an application: •V  isit the school’s website and download an application or apply online. • S top by the school to pick up an application or call the school and ask them to mail you an application.  se the Charter Center’s Common Online Charter School • U Application to apply to multiple schools at once.Visit: www.nycCharterSchools.org/charter-school-search. Be sure you meet each school’s deadline!


Application deadline to most charter schools is April each year.

Achievement First Endeavor, Brooklyn

Each School Runs a Random Lottery for Applicants When there are more student applications than seats available, charter schools are required to hold lotteries to randomly select students for admission. Each school runs their own lottery following the application deadline. Students who are not selected in the lottery will be placed on a waiting list for seats that may become available in the future.

For more info: nycCharterSchools.org/enrollment-faq 212.437.8300

111 Broadway, Suite 604 New York, NY 10006 www.nycCharterSchools.org Read our blog: www.nycCharterSchools.org/blog Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Charter411 Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/Charter411