What is UX design?

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Requirements/ Content. Concept/ User Research. There are a lot of things that go into UX design process. ... according t
What is UX? User's experience with a system e.g. websites, mobile apps, etc.

What is UX design? Well, I think it’s important to start by saying there’s no commonly accepted definition.

Here are some of its descriptions It’s an approach to design that takes the user into account It's the process of designing a solution that considers all the needs of the user The creative and analytical process of determining what a website, device, or piece of software is going to be It is the process used to determine what the experience will be like when a user interacts with your product

In other words, UX design is the process of designing (digital or physical) products that are useful, easy to use, and delightful to interact with.


SKELETON Wireframes SRUCTURE Site Map/ Screenflow

SCOPE Requirements/ Content STRATEGY Concept/ User Research

There are a lot of things that go into UX design process. However, most of this process are not visible to the user. The parts that are visible are usually only the end products of the process.



Visual Design

User Testing /Usability

UX Approach 



& Essentials

IA & wireframes




? User Research


Integration Support

User Research Knowing your user and their needs


IA & Wireframes Prototyping and organizing the information within you site's structure

Grouping your site's information meaningfully


Labeling information according to relevant content

Maximizing findability through proper navigation logic and detail in your description

User Testing/ Usability Evaluating design and improves how effectively the system can be used to achieve goals e.g. Through usability testing

Ensuring human ability to use the site/product and maximizes accessibility for all users


Visual Design Designing the look and feel of the interface


Delivery Front-end code development incorporating the user's needs into the product based on research


Integration Support Technical & backend support

The Importance of UX In some cases, failure to understand the user's need could cause a company to lose a lot of money or even permanently lost the market.


Understanding user's need is really important especially when it comes to international market.  With diverse user, also come diverse needs.


4. 5.

1. 6. 1.


In 1972, American Motors attempted to market its car, the “Matador,” in Puerto Rico based on its image of strength and courage.  However, in Puerto Rico the word “matador” translates to “killer.” The car was an unsuccessful venture in the county's dangerous road.



Tesco (U.K.-based grocery chain) failed in America (The failure cost the British chain nearly US$1.8 billion) due t their poor timing.  If they had opened a few years earlier, the brand could have found success selling its fresh supermarket meals to the growing local and organic consumer base.  But, Tesco’s Fresh & Easy opened their doors in 2007, on the edge of a recessionary cliff when American consumers appetite for food spending was heading south. 


TV Banking that was successful in the UK, was met by instant horror by the Hong Kong Customers. This is because unlike British families that have joint accounts and financial transparency, Hong Kong consumers find it unusual to have their accounts displayed to the rest of the household.

U.S. big box retailer, Walmart failed to take into account cultural nuances – in particular personal space – when it opened up shop in Germany in 1997. Customers were a tad bit freaked out by Walmart greeters and their propensity to bag customers groceries for them, both unusual practices in Germany. In 2006, Walmart pulled out, at a cost of US$1 billion.


Starbucks tried to push Australia market in 2000. Under the assumption that Aussies act the same as Americans and hence have the same coffee drinking habits.  Unfortunately, they failed to realize that the local movement dominates the Australian coffee market and for those prone to visiting chains, Starbucks proved to be too expensive. 

Online shopping does not take off in Indonesia even though it is successful in other Asian countries like China. This is mainly because of user’s reluctance in putting their credit card information online. Users in Indonesia prefer cash payment method over credit card payment.

Failures and misunderstanding like these could be avoided with proper UX strategy.

Next time you have a good experience with a product/ website/ application, know that there is someone behind the scene, working hard to make sure that you keep having a positive experience.

Lanoue, S. (2017, February 27). What is UX Design? 15 User Experience Experts Weigh In. Retrieved December 08, 2017, from          https://www.usertesting.com/blog/2015/09/16/what-is-ux-design-15-user-experience-experts-weigh-in/ Morris, A. (2017). Keep Asking "Why?" Curiosity, Delighting in Difference in Asia. Retrieved from http://uxpamagazine.org/keep-asking-why/ Sajan. (2013, February 26). A tale of poor taste: Why professional language translation is critical to the success of your company. Retrieved December 08, 2017, from https://www.sajan.com/a-tale-of-poor-taste-why-professional-language-translation-is-critical-to-the-success-of-your-company/ Seale, A. (2015, May 15). Epic fails by businesses that tried expanding into foreign markets. Retrieved December 08, 2017, from https://www.firmex.com/thedealroom/seven-epic-fails-by-businesses-that-tried-expanding-into-foreign-markets/ UI/UX Approach [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.rainconcert.in/assets/images/UI-UX-Approach.svg User Experience The 5 Levels of the Process [Digital image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://trozellidesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/UX-iceberg.jpg Zeevi, D. (2014, February 27). UX 101: What is User Experience? [INFOGRAPHIC]. Retrieved December 08, 2017, from          https://blog.dashburst.com/infographic/ux-101-what-is-user-experience/

Christy Annatiur -2017