Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 1. Progress in regression: why
sociolinguistic data calls for mixed-‐effects models. Daniel Ezra Johnson.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models Progress in regression: why sociolinguistic data calls for mixed-‐effects models Daniel Ezra Johnson 4317 Spruce Street #202 Philadelphia, PA 19104 (347) 400-‐5214 Short title: Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models
Progress in regression: why sociolinguistic data calls for mixed-‐effects models Sociolinguistic data should not, in general, be analyzed with ordinary fixed-‐effects regression models, such as VARBRUL and GoldVarb use. Tokens of linguistic variables observed in natural speech are rarely independent. They can usually be grouped, whether in a balanced or an unbalanced way, according to the factors of speaker and word. Sociolinguists should allow for the possibility that individual speakers and words can behave differently with respect to their variables of interest. Fixed-‐effects models assume that all variation is at the level of the token, while mixed-‐effects (or hierarchical) models – which can be fit with R or any modern statistical software – can take potential speaker-‐level and word-‐level variation into account. In part because many potential predictors are in a nesting relationship with speaker or word, mixed models give more accurate quantitative estimates of predictors’ effects, and of their statistical significance (Johnson 2009). This article demonstrates the superior performance of mixed models, using both simulated data sets and data on coronal stop deletion taken from the Buckeye Corpus (Pitt et al. 2007). The author would like to thank: Sali Tagliamonte and the participants in NWAV 38’s workshop “Using statistical tools to explain linguistic variation”; Jenny Cheshire, Lars Hinrichs, Nancy Niedzielski, Heike Pichler, Adam Schembri, Jacqueline Toribio and the participants in the Rbrul workshops at Queen Mary University of London, the University of Texas at Austin and Rice University; Douglas Bates, Ben Bolker,
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models Katie Drager, Josef Fruehwald, Kyle Gorman, Florian Jaeger, William Labov, and David Sankoff; and three reviewers, whose comments were copious and helpful.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models
0. Introduction to mixed models Sociolinguists typically make many observations of a given linguistic variable. They also observe elements of the context in which the variable occurs – not only the linguistic context, but the entire speech setting, including attributes of the speaker. It is then possible to estimate the size and significance of the effects of these contextual elements. For example, one could explore how different groups of speakers realize post-‐vocalic /r/ differently, or how a word-‐final consonant is affected differently depending on the initial segment of the following word. The “principle of multiple causes” (Bailey 2002) means that the variation observed for any linguistic variable has multiple sources. Variation arises in different places, being tied to the speaker, the word, and the token, among others. Multiple regression is a statistical method that quantifies the simultaneous effects of several contextual predictors on a response variable. [Note 1] When the response is a measurement on a continuous scale (e.g. of vowel formant frequencies) the procedure is called linear regression, because the response is modeled as a linear function of the predictors. With a binary response – which may be conceived as any choice, if not a conscious one, between two alternatives – we can use logistic regression. This models the log-‐ odds of the response, or ln(p/(1-p)), as a linear function of the predictors. [Note 2] Logistic regression came to be widely used in the 1970s, when the first version of VARBRUL (the variable rule program for sociolinguists) was released (Cedergren & Sankoff 1974).
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models
Today, many sociolinguists still use a version of VARBRUL, called GoldVarb. It is limited to logistic regression and supports categorical but not numeric predictors. Nor does it easily allow for interactions among predictors, among other disadvantages (Johnson 2009). A serious flaw in the VARBRUL/GoldVarb method of analysis is that it violates the independence assumption. [Note 3] In regression, each observation should deviate from the model’s prediction independently. If tokens are correlated according to speaker and word, then this assumption is not met, unless speaker-‐level and word-‐ level variation are modeled explicitly. [Note 4] A sociolinguistic corpus of coronal stop deletion, showing substantial grouping by speaker and word, was made available by Josef Fruehwald, who extracted it from the Buckeye Corpus of casual speech (Pitt et al. 2007; Fruehwald 2008). The Buckeye Corpus consists of phonetically transcribed recordings of 40 white speakers from the Columbus, Ohio area: 20 older, 20 younger, 20 male, 20 female. In our sub-‐corpus, the 13,664 tokens of word-‐final /t/ and /d/ are moderately unbalanced across speaker, ranging from 135 to 519 tokens per person. If we built a model accounting for all the relevant between-‐speaker predictors – gender, age, social class, etc. – we might see that speakers did not individually favor or disfavor deletion, and further, that they all had the same constraints on deletion. If not, though, the correlation among each speaker’s tokens would violate the independence assumption of the model – unless a predictor for individual speaker were included.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models
There are 905 distinct words in the corpus. As this is naturalistic speech, the data is highly unbalanced across word, with almost half the words occurring only once while several words occur more than 1000 times. After we took into account all the between-‐word predictors we could think of – including lexical frequency, as recommended since Hooper (1976) and in exemplar-‐theoretic work following Pierrehumbert (2001) – would all words then behave alike? Perhaps they would, but it seems rash to assume it without even checking. However, the predictors in ordinary regression are fixed effects, and fixed effects for nested predictors cannot be properly estimated at the same time. Predictors are nested when the value of one is completely predictable from the value of the other. Speaker is nested within the between-‐speaker predictor of gender, because any token from “Mary Jones” comes from the larger “female” grouping. Regardless of the real magnitude of the gender effect, a fixed-‐effects model could fit the data equally well using a gender parameter of any size – including zero. The individual-‐speaker coefficients would simply shift up and down to compensate for any change in the gender coefficient. While speaker identity and a between-‐speaker trait like gender might both be relevant, the fixed-‐effects regression results would be misleadingly arbitrary, because of the predictors’ collinearity. [Note 4] The same holds if the nested predictor is the word, and the nesting predictor is a between-‐ word variable like lexical frequency or a typical “linguistic factor” [Note 5]. While recognized early on (Rousseau & Sankoff 1978a), along with the related issue of temporal correlation among tokens (Sankoff & Laberge 1978), the nesting problem has mostly been ignored since (but see Sigley 1997). Indeed, the statistical
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models
theory and computational means to address it have existed only recently. Efforts have often been made to limit by-‐word imbalance by discarding data, but this does not eliminate nesting, Most VARBRUL analysts have left the nested grouping factors of speaker and word out of their final models completely (Tagliamonte 2006). Unfortunately, this has serious consequences for estimating the effect sizes and statistical significances of the remaining predictors (Johnson 2009). Fitting fixed-‐effects models without predictors for speaker or word assumes that individual-‐speaker and individual-‐word variation do not exist, and the VARBRUL methodology does not encourage us to ever question these assumptions (see also Gorman 2009). On the other hand, mixed-‐effects regression models – mixed models, for short – are valid regardless of the status of these assumptions. This is possible because alongside the familiar fixed effects, mixed models have random effects as well. [Note 6] There are several differences between the two types of effect; one distinction is that the fixed effect levels (e.g. male, female) would likely recur in any extension or replication of a study, while the random effect levels (e.g. Stacy, Rick) might well not. It is not always obvious whether to treat some predictors as fixed or random, nor does it always matter very much to the results. However, with nested predictors, the nested effect (e.g. speaker) must be random, while the nesting effect (e.g. gender) should be fixed, unless it is itself nested in another predictor. The software penalizes the size of the random effects, so the fixed effects come out as large as possible, sometimes larger than they would if no random effects were used (Bates to appear).
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models
Although the discussion in this article often simplifies matters by discussing one fixed effect at a time, it should be understood that multiple fixed effects (gender, class, age) can effectively share a random effect (speaker) in a nesting relationship. The techniques for fitting mixed models have been developed over the past 15 years (Pinheiro and Bates 2000). A major advance occurred with the introduction, in 2003, of the R package lme4. Its modeling function glmer() can handle large data sets, and it can fit models with random effects that are crossed, enabling the sociolinguist to take both speaker and word variation into account. The simplest type of random effect is a random intercept. A model with a random intercept for speaker assumes a large population of speakers, from which the speakers in the data are, in theory, a random sample. When the response is continuous, each speaker’s intercept is an estimate of their deviation from the population mean. When the response is binary, the intercept represents the degree to which an individual favors one or the other outcome. Taken together, the intercepts are assumed to follow a normal distribution. The standard deviation or spread of this distribution is the main random effect parameter estimated by the software. A speaker random effect can be large or small, and is sometimes even estimated at zero, meaning there is no evidence that the speakers in the sample vary any more than would be expected by chance. In general, this article employs random intercepts less for their own sake than to obtain more accurate significances and effect sizes for the fixed effects of interest. Drager and Hay (this volume?) show some of the ways sociolinguists can use
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models
random intercepts more actively, including using them as predictors in subsequent models, a procedure they call cascading models. A more complex type of random effect is the random slope, which allows speakers (or words) to differ with respect to their fixed effect constraints. For example, we could build a model where speakers are allowed to differ not only in their overall use of post-‐vocalic /r/ (with a random intercept), but also in their degree of style-‐shifting (with a random slope). Of course, if the data reflects that speakers style-‐shift uniformly, the spread of the slope term will be narrow, or zero. We can compare models with different amounts of fixed-‐ or random-‐effect structure, usually to test whether more complex models are justified. In such hypothesis testing, different statistical issues arise depending on whether the model is linear or logistic, and whether we are testing the significance of a random effect, a fixed effect in a mixed model, or a fixed effect in an ordinary model. When we compare two nested models, one usually has a term that doesn’t occur in the other, and we want to know if its effect is significantly different from zero. In ordinary fixed-‐effects linear regression, we would fit the models with lm() and compare them with an F-‐test. For ordinary logistic regression we would use glm() and a likelihood-‐ratio test. When we wish to test a fixed-‐effect term in a linear mixed model, the F-‐test and the likelihood-‐ratio test become problematic, and the Markov chain Monte Carlo method is preferred (Pinheiro & Bates 2000). To test a fixed-‐ effect term in a logistic mixed model, MCMC is currently unavailable, and likelihood-‐ ratio tests have been cautiously recommended (they may be anti-‐conservative). Testing the significance of the random effects themselves is more complex because
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 10 they are variance estimates, which have zero as a lower bound; the R package RLRsim performs appropriate likelihood-‐ratio tests for such terms.
Introducing relevant fixed effects generally decreases the “residual” individual-‐ speaker and individual-‐word variation modeled by the random effects. Decreasing this variation toward zero may be an attractive methodological goal, but assuming it to be zero from the start is not a logical way to analyze data. Even if there is no truly individual variation, the random effects stand in for any relevant predictors that have not been operationalized and included in the model (Josef Fruehwald, p.c.). Speakers and words are natural grouping factors in naturalistic linguistic data, and crossed random intercepts for these two factors are generally appropriate, even if fitting such models requires a larger amount of data to be collected. Whether random slopes are worth considering depends on the nature of the fixed-‐effect predictor involved. For instance, style could plausibly have a different effect depending on the word as well as the speaker, but a phonetically-‐grounded following-‐segment effect – in coronal stop deletion, say – is less likely to affect individual words differently. The remainder of this article leaves random slopes aside, and discusses the benefits of mixed models with random intercepts. Section 1 uses simulated data to facilitate comparison of these models’ performance with that of ordinary fixed-‐effects models. As we will see, fixed-‐effects models are worse in a number of ways. In section 2, analogous results will be derived from the coronal stop deletion sub-‐corpus of the (real) Buckeye Corpus. In order to make our points as clearly as possible, we will often consider one fixed-‐effect predictor at a time, suspending, as it were, the principle of multiple
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 11 causes. In a real sociolinguistic analysis, of course, we would model other fixed effects, and as a reviewer suggests, consider interactions between them. Note that for such more complicated models, the principles motivating the use of random effects, and the improvements derived from using them, remain largely the same. 1. What can go wrong using ordinary fixed-‐effects models instead of mixed models This section will illustrate four ways in which using ordinary fixed-‐effects models on grouped data can cause error. Only individual-‐speaker grouping will be considered. However, similar pitfalls can apply if we ignore individual-‐word variation, or any other correlation among observations in a data set. So when “speaker” is used, the reader may also wish to imagine “word”, or some other repeated unit. [Note 9] The following four subsections each argue that speaker variation should lead us to use mixed models. Section 1A shows that fixed-‐effects models inflate the significance of between-‐speaker effects. Section 1B shows that when speakers contribute differing amounts of data, it causes inaccurate estimates of between-‐ speaker effects. Section 1C shows that a differing balance of tokens across speakers can cause inaccurate estimates of within-‐speaker effects. And section 1D shows that – in logistic regression only – fixed-‐effects models underestimate within-‐speaker effects. 1A. Fixed-‐effects models overestimate the significance of between-‐speaker predictors
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 12 Perhaps the most important danger of not using mixed models involves the significance of between-‐speaker predictors. If individual speakers vary widely, then even randomly-‐chosen sub-‐groups of sample speakers can differ substantially, just by chance. So can men and women, old and young speakers, or any other division. Ignoring this individual-‐speaker variation leads to a high rate of Type I error, where a chance effect in the samples is mistaken for a real difference between the populations. Mixed models keep the Type I error rate near where it should be (.05 is the usual proportion tolerated). At the same time, unavoidably, they are prone to more Type II error. That is, if speaker variation is at a high level, we cannot discern small population effects without a large number of speakers (Johnson 2009). We start by observing the effect of gender in the coronal stop deletion corpus, where there are 20 male and 20 female speakers. The response variable is binary, reflecting final coronal stops (preceded by other consonants) that are either deleted, or retained as plain or glottalized stops. The male speakers deleted the /t/ or /d/ in 3805 of 6962 tokens (54.7%), while the female speakers deleted it in 3496 of 6702 tokens (52.2%). Ordinary logistic regression tells us that the male speakers favor deletion by 0.100 log-‐odds. [Note 12] If we perform a likelihood-‐ratio chi-‐square test, comparing the model with gender to a null model with no predictors, we get a p-‐value of 0.0035. This implies that it is very unlikely that the observed gender difference is due to chance. According to a fixed-‐effects model, such as VARBRUL would use, gender is a significant predictor of deletion.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 13
1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6
mixed-effects likelihood-ratio test p = .67
fixed-effects likelihood-ratio test p = .0035
0.6 0.5 0.4 0.0
proportion of deletion
Figure 1. Deletion by gender in the Buckeye Corpus. Left: pooled data (fixed-‐effects model). Right: data separated by speaker (mixed-‐effects model). The left panel of Figure 1 reinforces this impression. It shows one circle for the male speakers’ data and another, slightly lower down, for the female speakers’. (The area of each circle is proportional to the number of tokens it represents.) In the right panel, however, we see the same data broken down by individual. This reveals that both male and female speakers have a wide range of deletion rates, and the two ranges almost completely overlap. Any gender difference now appears to be contingent on the particular speakers in the sample. If a few speakers were missing, for example, we might not see any effect.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 14 We can formalize this by assessing the significance of gender by comparing mixed-‐effects models having a subject intercept. Now the likelihood-‐ratio test returns a p-‐value of 0.67, nowhere near the usual 0.05 threshold for statistical significance. The mixed models say that while speakers vary, there is little evidence for a gender difference. Even though we might have expected males to delete more, as coronal stop deletion is a stable non-‐standard feature, this revised conclusion accords better with the patterning of the speakers on Figure 1. 1B. Fixed-‐effects models inaccurately estimate the effect sizes of between-‐speaker predictors, when some speakers contribute more data than others In estimating a difference between two groups of speakers, we should ideally treat each individual equally (“averaging by speaker”). Fixed-‐effects regression distorts group differences by lumping the data from different individuals together (“averaging by tokens”). Figure 2 helps to illustrate this distortion.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 15
1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 male
mixed-effects gender difference 0.053 log-odds factor weights: female .513, male .487
fixed-effects gender difference 0.100 log-odds factor weights: female .525, male .475
0.6 0.5 0.4 0.0
proportion of deletion
Figure 2. A fixed-‐effects model underestimates the effect size of gender in the Buckeye Corpus. Left panel: pooled data. Right panel: data by speaker. The effect size difference between groups is given in log-‐odds and in factor weights. The left panel ignores the fact that different speakers contributed different numbers of tokens. We have an average deletion rate of 54.7% (3805/6962) for the male speakers, compared with 52.2% (3496/6702) for the older speakers. A fixed-‐ effects regression model averages by tokens, so the gender effect it reports is simply ln(0.547/(1-‐0.547)) -‐ ln(0.522/(1-‐0.522)) = 0.100 log-‐odds. If we count speakers equally and simply average their deletion percentages, the gender difference becomes noticeably smaller: 53.1% for the male speakers vs. 52.0% for the female speakers. This is because the males with higher deletion rates have more tokens (an average of 393 tokens for the 10 higher-‐deleting males), and
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 16 the males with lower deletion rates have fewer tokens (an average of 303 tokens for the 10 lower-‐deleting males). Averaging by tokens skews the male estimate higher. In keeping with a more even treatment of speakers behind the averages, a mixed model with a random speaker intercept returns a smaller – and as we saw in section 1A, a non-‐significant – gender difference. [Note 14] The mixed model effect size is only about half as large: 0.053 log-‐odds. The inaccuracy of fixed-‐effects models, faced with token imbalance, is a general problem, but its direction can vary; here, the effect size was overestimated, but with other data, a fixed-‐effects model could underestimate a between-‐speaker effect size. Another example of overestimation is found in Becker (2009), working with a data set of 3000 tokens of postvocalic /r/ from seven New York City speakers. Five of the speakers are female and two are male. While this is too few speakers to seriously estimate a population gender difference, the results illustrate our point. In Becker’s data, the female speaker with the most data has the lowest rate of postvocalic /r/, and the female with the least data has the highest rate of /r/. [Note 15a] Averaging by tokens, both of these women will act to boost the deletion rate for their gender, in turn exaggerating the difference between women and men. Fixed-‐effects models might be a viable option – at least as far as effect sizes are concerned – if our data were always balanced, with equal numbers of tokens per speaker (and per word). Such balance may be feasible in certain experimental contexts, but sociolinguists’ desire to elicit conversational speech virtually ensures that it will be rare in our data sets. We can limit imbalance artificially, by placing a ceiling on the tokens from a given speaker or of a given word, but this approach
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 17 throws away valuable data arbitrarily and thus introduces its own problems. Mixed models are preferable because they can accept our complete, complex data sets as they are, working equally well if the data is balanced or unbalanced. [Note 16] 1C. Fixed-‐effects models inaccurately estimate the effect sizes of within-‐speaker predictors, when speakers do not share the same balance of data The discussion so far has revolved around the consequences of ignoring individual-‐speaker variation as it relates to between-‐speaker predictors. Within-‐ speaker predictors, too, can be misestimated by failing to take speaker variation into account. This would clearly be true if these predictors’ effects varied from speaker to speaker, but is also the case if the variability applies only to speakers’ intercepts. The issue involves another type of data imbalance. Looking at speech style, for example, we would have cause for concern if different speakers were represented by different amounts of data in different styles. Suppose we measure a vowel in three styles; the number of reading passage and word list tokens is constant across speakers, but the amount of spontaneous speech from each person is different. Imagine further that the speakers who produce more spontaneous speech tend to produce a lower F1 in all styles. Unless we model this, the group estimate for spontaneous speech will be downwardly biased. The combination of speaker variability and token imbalance will be mistaken for an effect of style. [Note 17] Using a simulation, we can illustrate this point while assuming that speakers “have the same grammar” – the speech styles affect each speaker in the same way. Unlike real data, the population parameters of simulated data are known. We might
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 18 define our population to have no underlying difference between two groups. Samples from the groups will usually show some difference, due to chance (sampling error). By sampling many times, we can estimate how often the observed difference exceeds a threshold, such as the level found in a real data set. Here, simulations will be used to compare the parameter estimates made by fixed-‐effects and mixed-‐effects models, each fit to the same samples drawn from the same population. We will simulate and model 1000 data sets. In each, there are 10 speakers, whose intercepts differ: their average F1 values are normally distributed with a mean of 500 Hz and a standard deviation of 100 Hz. All speakers produce 50 tokens in word list style and 50 tokens in reading passage style. For spontaneous speech, two speakers produce 25 tokens, six produce 50 tokens, and two produce 75 tokens. Within each style, each speaker’s F1 values vary randomly with a standard deviation of 50 Hz. Between styles, all speakers differ in the same way. Compared to their reading passage tokens, every speaker’s word list tokens are 50 Hz higher in F1, and their spontaneous speech tokens are 50 Hz lower, on average. (This is for the purpose of illustration rather than necessarily representing a plausible style effect). Where the data is balanced across speakers, the fixed-‐effects and mixed-‐effects coefficients are unbiased and always nearly identical: close to 500 Hz for reading passage, +50 Hz for word list. For the imbalanced spontaneous speech style, both models are unbiased, with a mean effect near -‐50 Hz, but while the mixed model is usually quite close to the mean, the fixed-‐effects coefficient varies widely. The
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 19 average difference between the estimates was 7.7 Hz; the largest difference was 32.8 Hz. In a large majority of runs – 821 of 1000 – the mixed model estimate is closer to the theoretical effect size of -‐50 Hz, by a median amount of 5.8 Hz. In the other 179 runs, it is the fixed-‐effect estimate that is closer to -‐50 Hz, by a median of 1.7 Hz. The fixed-‐effects estimate is least accurate when the speakers with more spontaneous speech have much higher or lower F1 means than those with less spontaneous speech. If they have similar means, then both models are accurate.
Figure 3. Four example runs from the simulation. In each run, speakers 1-‐2 produce 75 tokens of spontaneous speech, speakers 3-‐8 produce 50 tokens, and speakers 9-‐ 10 produce 25 tokens. The mixed model estimate for the style (solid lines) accounts for this imbalance. The fixed-‐effects estimate (dashed lines) ignores the imbalance and can thus be too low (run 624), too high (run 733), or on target (runs 738, 765).
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 20 Figure 3 shows how token imbalances affect four simulations. In run 624, the position of the large and small circles makes the fixed-‐effects estimate for spontaneous speech too low: -‐83 Hz. In run 733, the opposite configuration makes it too high: -‐17 Hz. The imbalanced speakers do not have extreme means in run 738; the estimate is -‐50 Hz. In run 765, all the imbalanced speakers are low, cancelling each other out; the estimate is -‐49 Hz. The mixed model, on the other hand, is near -‐ 50 Hz in all four cases. Random token-‐level variation is the only reason why the mixed model sometimes appears less accurate than the fixed-‐effects model, as occurred in 179 of 1000 simulations. No combination of data imbalance and intercept variation would cause this to happen. Even here, the mixed model is not really less accurate. It always models the observed grouped data better, but fluctuations in the sample may cause the estimates to deviate from the parameters of a simulation or a real population. 1D. Fixed-‐effects models underestimate the effect sizes of within-‐speaker predictors in logistic regression With a binary linguistic variable, we cannot model the response probability as a linear function of the predictors, at the risk of predicting probabilities outside the legitimate range of 0 to 1. Instead, we typically model the log-‐odds of the response probability, ln(p/(1-p)), a quantity that can range from -‐∞ to +∞. But if we adopt logistic regression to analyze binary data, we should perhaps no longer make comparisons by manipulating raw proportions in a linear way. If we are committed to the log-‐odds scale, we should regard the difference between 50%
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 21 and 60% (0.41 log-‐odds) as being only half as large as the difference between 80% and 90% (0.81 log-‐odds), contra, e.g. Guy (2007). [Note 18] Do language users or language learners actually interpret proportions, and differences of proportions, on the log-‐odds scale? Logistic regression is well motivated for the study of diachronic change, because S-‐shaped curves are actually observed for many changes in progress. Indeed, some simple theoretical mechanisms of competition between variants (or grammars) predict that rates of change should be proportional to p(1-p), ensuring that a plot of p against time is a logistic curve (Kroch 1989, Yang 2000, Denison 2003). For synchronic constraints, there is less evidence for the S-‐shaped patterns we would expect to see if the log-‐odds of binary responses were affected linearly by predictors. For example, within a speech community we do not generally find the largest (raw) differences in linguistic production between the social classes in the middle of the class hierarchy, with smaller differences between groups at either end of the spectrum (Labov 1966). And turning to the perception of social class, it seems unlikely that small (raw) differences near 0% or 100% would make as much of an impression on listeners as larger differences in the vicinity of 50%. Whether or not it is motivated in all sociolinguistic circumstances, logistic regression is a convenient tool for modeling the constraints on binary variables. Rather than discourage its use, the purpose of this section is to illustrate a pitfall in applying fixed-‐effects logistic regression to grouped data. Imagine that speaker A uses a variant 50% of the time in context “low” and 60% in context “high”, a difference, as noted, of 0.41 log-‐odds. Speaker B uses the variant
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 22 much more overall – 80% of the time in context “low”, 86% in context “high” – but the contextual difference is the same on the log-‐odds scale. From the point of view of logistic regression, the high/low predictor has the same effect for both speakers. They differ only in their overall use of the variant, that is to say, in their intercept. However, if we combine data from speakers A and B, we will always observe a high/low effect that is smaller than 0.41 log-‐odds. If A and B contribute equally, the combined “low” context will show an overall rate of 65% (the average of 50% and 80%), and the “high” context will show a rate of 73% (the average of 60% and 86%). This difference is only 0.37 log-‐odds, 9% smaller than the true effect size. The intercept difference between speakers A and B is quite large here (1.39 log-‐ odds). The larger the individual-‐intercept variation, the worse a mistake it is to estimate a within-‐speaker effect by pooling the data, which ends up averaging speakers’ proportions on the probability scale instead of on the log-‐odds scale. Table 1 shows the average effect size from a repeated simulation of 200 tokens from each of 50 speakers. The data is divided equally into “high” and “low” groups, and the underlying effect size is 1 log-‐odds unit. Speakers’ intercepts are normally distributed with a standard deviation of 0 (no speaker variation), 0.5, 1, 1.5, or 2 log-‐ odds. (Admittedly, the higher values here may represent more variation than is likely to be observed within a single speaker demographic.) The table shows the average effect size, over 100 repetitions of the simulation, from a fixed-‐effects model with “high/low” as the only predictor, and from a mixed model that also includes a random speaker intercept. [Note 19]
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 23 speaker intercept variation standard deviation (log-‐odds) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
fixed-‐effects model mean effect size (log-‐odds) response ~ high.low 1.000 0.950 0.828 0.714 0.604
mixed-‐effects model mean effect size (log-‐odds) response ~ high.low + (1|speaker) 1.000 1.006 0.998 1.004 0.996
Table 1. The effect of pooling binary data across speakers with different intercepts. Each simulation has 50 speakers, each with 100 “low” tokens and 100 “high” tokens. Each speaker has a 1.000 log-‐odds difference between “low” and “high” but speakers vary in their intercept as in the left column. Results are the mean of 100 simulations. When speaker intercepts do not vary, the fixed-‐effects model is accurate, but as the variance increases, its accuracy falls off, slowly at first: a standard deviation of 0.5 gives an estimate that is 5% too low. A speaker standard deviation of 1 gives a result that is 17% too low, and a standard deviation of 2 gives a result that is 40% too low. The mixed model always estimates an effect size close to the ideal value. Figure 4 is a graphical representation of this effect. There are 10 speakers, whose intercepts have a standard deviation of 2.05 log-‐odds. Each speaker produces 500 “low” tokens and 500 “high” tokens; these levels differ by an underlying 1 log-‐odds.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 24 Figure 4. The effect of pooling binary data across speakers with different intercepts. Ten speakers, whose intercepts are normally distributed, std. dev. = 2.05 log-‐odds. Each speaker: 500 “high”, 500 “low” tokens. Mean high/low diff. = 1.01 log-‐odds. Thin logistic curves fit to each speaker’s data (unfilled circles). Thick logistic curve fit to pooled data of all speakers (filled circles); high/low difference = 0.59 log-‐odds. If the y-‐axis of Figure 4 were on the log-‐odds scale, we would ideally see ten parallel lines, all with a slope of 1. On the probability scale, we would expect ten logistic curves with maximum slopes of 0.25 (like the reference lines). Due to chance, the individual curves depart from this ideal, their log-‐odds slopes ranging from 0.89 to 1.19. The data is balanced, so the mean of the ten slopes estimates the group “high/low” effect at 1.01 log-‐odds. A mixed model estimates it at 1.00 log-‐ odds. On the other hand, an analysis of the pooled data – the filled circles and thicker, flatter curve on Figure 4 – averages speakers on the probability scale instead of the log-‐odds scale, and gives a slope that is 41% too low: 0.59 log-‐odds. Because this issue, along with those discussed in the previous subsections, has generally been ignored throughout the history of quantitative sociolinguistics, it is likely that many published findings in our field are in error, at least to a small extent. Probably the most severe consequence of the inappropriate use of fixed-‐effects regression modeling is Type I error – attributing an effect to a predictor that is really due to chance (section 1A) – especially as VARBRUL methodology relies on an automated stepwise procedure to determine which predictors should be included in a model. Of course, there can be no Type I error if an effect is real. For example, even if a study did not sample enough speakers to show a significant difference between men
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 25 and women, the study’s estimate of the gender difference might not be useless, especially if other studies corroborated the finding with similar results. The idea that published effect sizes might be inaccurate (sections 1B-‐1D) is troubling, but it is mitigated by the VARBRUL practice of not interpreting results in a strongly quantitative way. Sociolinguists are usually content to say that the effect of B is larger than that of A, rather than claiming that B has, say, 1.75 times the effect of A. Studies making more direct use of a model’s numeric parameters, such as the “exponential” account of coronal stop deletion (Guy 1991), are more open to criticism if, for any of the reasons outlined, the numbers they rely on are inaccurate. 2. A comparison of ordinary fixed-‐effects (VARBRUL) and mixed-‐effects regression, applied to coronal stop deletion in the Buckeye sub-‐corpus The parameters of simulations are manipulated to make desired points clearly. When we compare methodologies on real data sets, the differences are not always as remarkable, and a given difference may have complex and multiple causes. Again using the coronal stop deletion data from the Buckeye Corpus, this section compares the results of a VARBRUL-‐style analysis to one employing mixed models. Some of the resulting differences are subtle – especially in effect sizes – but taken together they are substantial enough to recommend the mixed-‐model approach. Six predictors will be examined: segment identity, preceding context, following context, morphological category, word frequency, and gender. The coding and ordering of phonological factors is based on Smith et al. (2009).
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 26 Segment identity is either /t/ or /d/. Preceding phonological segments fall into five categories: sibilant, stop, nasal, non-‐sibilant fricate, and lateral (in decreasing order of their usual deletion-‐favoring effect). Following segments also form five groups: obstruent, liquide, glide, vowel, and pause (also in order, with the position of pause being dialect-‐specific; Guy 1980). Morphological category separates the regular past tense (e.g. missed) from the irregular past tenses, a miscellaneous group (e.g. burnt, cost, held, left, sent, went). The other two morphological categories are monomorphemes (e.g. cult) and -‐n’t. Word frequency was calculated on the basis of 22.8 million words of telephone speech (derived from the Fisher and Switchboard corpora by Kyle Gorman), taking the base-‐10 logarithm of the ratio of the frequency of each wordform to that of the median frequency word. This center point – canned, found 104 times – receives a score of 0. A word one-‐tenth as frequent (like institutionalized) receives a score of -‐ 1, a word 100 times as frequent (like friend) receives a score of +2, and so forth. The most frequent words are don’t at +3.23 and just at +3.22; these two words make up 1.5% of the telephone corpus, and 29% of the coronal stop deletion corpus. All words with the minimum frequency score of -‐2.02 (like annexed, nudist, or whupped) occurred just once in the 22.8M-‐word corpus. Excluding 46 tokens of words missing from the telephone corpus, and 17 tokens without a clear following segment, left us with 13,601 tokens of 881 word types. Our mixed models will employ random intercepts for word and speaker, because we have between-‐word predictors (segment, preceding context, morphological
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 27 category, frequency) and a between-‐speaker predictor (gender). Note that following context does not have a nesting relationship with word or speaker. Without random slopes, we assume that speakers may vary in their overall level of deletion, but have the same grammar with respect to the within-‐speaker predictors. Individual words may favor or disfavor deletion, but the effects of following segment and gender are assumed to be constant for each word type. 2A. Differences in significance Table 2 is a comparison of the significance estimates (p-‐values) returned by fixed-‐ effects and mixed-‐effects models, regarding the six predictors described above. significance (p-‐value) significance (p-‐value) in predictor in fixed-‐effects model mixed-‐effects model* -‐17 segment 2.06 x 10 7.03 x 10-‐6 preceding segment 1.63 x 10-‐104 1.70 x 10-‐29 -‐107 following segment 3.70 x 10 1.87 x 10-‐112 morphological category 8.54 x 10-‐27 7.25 x 10-‐11 word frequency 1.50 x 10-‐70 2.16 x 10-‐4 -‐7 speaker gender 3.71 x 10 0.258 Table 2. Significance of predictors in fixed-‐ and mixed-‐effects models fit to 13,601 tokens of coronal stop deletion. *contains random intercept for speaker, word type. All of the fixed-‐effect p-‐values (left column) are extremely low. Relying on these numbers, we would conclude that the three phonological predictors, as well as morphological category, word frequency, and gender, all influence the probability of coronal stop deletion. Controlling for the other effects makes gender appear more significant than in section 1A’s fixed-‐effects model, where it was the only predictor.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 28 The p-‐values from a mixed model (right column) are higher in all cases but one, and usually vastly higher; the important exception is following segment. Without a nesting relationship with speaker or word, following segment does not gain spurious significance in the fixed-‐effects model. By contrast, speaker variance causes the fixed-‐effects model to overestimate the significance of the between-‐ speaker predictor, gender. And word variance inflates the significance of the between-‐word predictors like preceding segment and word frequency. The fixed-‐effects p-‐values would be accurate if there were no variation by speaker and by word. Considering its actual level, most of them are far too low. The mixed model estimates that words vary with a standard deviation of 0.59, while speakers have a standard deviation of 0.48. The model also shows which speakers (#19, #11, #13, #37) and words (kind, amount, front) most favor deletion, and which speakers (#6, #25) and words (can’t, saint) most disfavor it. [Note 22] Word frequency is not as closely correlated to deletion as the microscopic fixed-‐ effects p-‐value implies. If we consider old and told, where the preceding context is almost identical, and constrain the following context to tokens before obstruents, we find 61% deletion in told (44/72), but only 30% in old (20/66). This bucks the trend whereby more frequent words show more deletion; told is only 1/3 as frequent as old in the telephone corpus (and about half as frequent in the Buckeye Corpus). Word-‐level reversals like this – whether due to individual-‐word preferences or larger collocations – by no means discredit the frequency effect, but taking them into account leads to a more reasonable significance estimate. The mixed-‐effects p-‐
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 29 value near .0002 allows for a very small chance that the frequency effect is spurious. The fixed-‐effects value near 10-‐70 is not compatible with the complexities of the data. With a sufficiently large data set such as this one, real effects – and most of the ones here have been detected in several previous studies – will remain significant using mixed-‐effects regression. With fixed-‐effects regression, not only are non-‐ significant predictors called significant, the significance of real predictors is exaggerated. 2B. Differences in effect sizes Moving beyond significance levels – which are highly dependent on the size of a data set, as well as on the strength of the effects – this section will compare the estimated effect sizes between a fixed-‐effects and a mixed-‐effects model, each of which contain the five predictors that were confirmed by the mixed-‐effects model above as significant (that is, all of them except gender). Table 3 presents these coefficients both in log-‐odds and as factor weights, except for the continuous predictor of word frequency. The coefficient for frequency represents the estimated change in the log-‐odds of deletion for any one-‐unit increase in the frequency score (that is, for a tenfold increase in word frequency). Each predictor is affected differently by the change from a fixed-‐effects model to a mixed model with speaker and word intercepts. We will list the similarities and differences, and try to understand why the most important differences come about. predictor
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 30 (factor group)
(factor weight) in fixed-‐effects model
(factor weight) in mixed-‐effects model* segment /d/ 0.279 (.569) 0.274 (.568) /t/ -‐0.279 (.431) -‐0.274 (.432) preceding segment sibilant 0.754 (.680) 0.756 (.680) nasal 0.736 (.676) 0.725 (.674) stop 0.238 (.559) 0.164 (.541) fricative -‐0.605 (.353) -‐0.336 (.417) liquid -‐1.123 (.245) -‐1.309 (.213) following segment obstruent 0.515 (.626) 0.570 (.639) glide 0.188 (.547) 0.196 (.549) vowel 0.005 (.501) -‐0.000 (.500) pause -‐0.708 (.330) -‐0.766 (.317) morphological category n’t 0.272 (.568) 0.548 (.634) irregular 0.483 (.618) 0.325 (.581) monomorph. 0.007 (.502) -‐0.044 (.489) regular -‐0.762 (.318) -‐0.829 (.304) word frequency +1 log-‐unit 0.383 (N/A) 0.187 (N/A) intercept (input prob.) @ median freq. -‐1.213 (.229) -‐1.074 (.255) Table 3. Coefficients of predictors in fixed-‐ and mixed-‐effects models fit to 13,601 tokens of coronal stop deletion. *contains random intercept for speaker, word type. Among the between-‐word predictors, the models agree on the effect of segment identity: /d/ is slightly more likely to delete than /t/. For the effect of preceding segment, although the ordering of levels is just as expected from Smith et al. (2009), the numbers do change somewhat between the two models. The coefficients for a preceding stop (positive) or fricative (negative) move towards zero in the mixed model, while that for a liquid becomes more negative, disfavoring deletion.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 31 Morphological category is the only predictor where we observe a change in the ordering of the levels. In the fixed-‐effect model, the irregular past tense category favors deletion most, while in the mixed model, n’t favors deletion the most. The reason for the reversal is not entirely clear, but probably reflects the fact that a larger n’t effect allows the model to postulate smaller word effects in this category. Both models agree that irregular pasts undergo deletion more than monomorphemes, an unexpected result that deserves further investigation. Regular past forms show the least tendency to delete, a typical finding which has been seen to support a functionalist “tendency for semantically relevant information to be retained in surface structure” (Kiparsky 1982:87). But misunderstandings due to homophony, as in the deletion of the past tense suffix, can affect grammar without any functionalist mechanism (Fruehwald & Gorman in press). One might also argue that monomorphemes are exposed to deletion more than rule-‐generated regular past tense forms, without necessarily endorsing the specifics of Guy’s (1991) cycle-‐ based lexical phonology account. A much larger difference is found for word frequency, where the mixed model estimate of +0.187 log-‐odds (per tenfold increase in frequency) is less than half the size of the fixed-‐effects estimate of +0.383. This difference will be addressed below. For following segment – neither a between-‐word or between-‐speaker predictor – the mixed model effects are all about 10% larger. This is likely caused by the phenomenon discussed in section 1D, where pooling data across a grouping factor – here, across two – leads to underestimation of effect sizes in logistic regression.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 32 The largest difference between the two models concerns word frequency. In both models, more frequent words exhibit more deletion, but in the mixed model this effect is less than half as large, a change brought about by the word random effect. In the Buckeye data, there is not a close relationship between frequency and deletion. A modest word variance (standard deviation: 0.59 log-‐odds) lets the mixed model fit the data more closely, but the frequency slope ends up being less steep. fixed-effects model
mixed-effects model amount
kind front
1 0
observed - predicted (log-odds)
1 0
can't end
observed - predicted (log-odds)
just don't
word frequency (0 = median, +1 = 10x more frequent, etc.)
saint -1
word frequency (0 = median, +1 = 10x more frequent, etc.)
Figure 5. Scatterplots illustrating the fixed-‐effects and mixed-‐effects estimates of the word frequency effect. Only words with 5+ tokens and variable deletion are shown. Figure 5 plots a measure of the error in each model – the difference between observed and predicted deletion – against frequency. The figure illustrates 229 word types, those with over five tokens, and with neither 0% nor 100% deletion. Mixed models offer a way to handle “outlier” words without throwing away their data. Figure 5 shows that the three highest-‐frequency words – don’t, just and kind – delete even more than predicted. If we discarded these words – which make up a
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 33 third of the data! – the fixed-‐effect frequency slope would drop from 0.383 all the way to 0.100. The mixed-‐model estimate of 0.187 falls in between; it does not ignore exceptional words, but it does not ignore that their behavior is exceptional, either. Also, just like speakers, words with a high or low number of tokens are treated on an equal basis by the mixed model, so the most common words do not bias our estimates – even of a frequency effect. As with any continuous predictor, a careful treatment of word frequency would explore whether some other relationship besides a straight line would fit the data better. The point here is that to understand the intricacies of this data set – e.g. that word frequency favors deletion, but not as much as the most frequent words might suggest – the mixed-‐effects model is a useful, if not essential, tool. Also, the fixed-‐effect coefficients in a mixed model reflect an attempt – if not a perfectly successful one – to factor out idiosyncrasies that might not even apply to another set of data on the same variable, with different words and speakers. The long history of variable rule analysis, including the substantial bibliography on coronal stop deletion, consists of researchers comparing and contrasting their results in a productive manner. We know from this progress that fixed-‐effects models’ effect sizes are not massively unreliable, nor have shrunken p-‐values led to a fatal level of Type I error. However, it may be telling that in practice, VARBRUL analysis is often only semi-‐quantitative, referring to the relative magnitude of effects, and not their absolute sizes. Perhaps this is the best that can be expected from the misapplication of fixed-‐effects regression models to grouped data.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 34 Having described several clear advantages of applying mixed-‐effects models to sociolinguistic data, this article recommends crossed random intercepts (at least) to capture the effects of the individual speaker and individual word. Simulations using known population parameters have shown how inaccurate our regression estimates can be if we ignore the real structure of our data and model it as if each token were independent and of equal value in determining the effects of the predictors. A large corpus of coronal stop deletion provided a test case showing the sometimes substantial differences in effect size, and the usually quite large and important differences in statistical significance that are found between fixed-‐effects and mixed models. The true parameters underlying any real data set are unknown, but the observed differences can be understood with the insights taken from the simulated examples. Given enough data to fit it, a mixed-‐effects regression model will do a better job of exposing spurious effects, while real effects will remain significant. Mixed models also estimate effect sizes more accurately, in a way that abstracts from the idiosyncrasies of the sample at hand. They offer more hope for truly quantitative analysis and comparison with (or replication of) other research. If there is to be a scientific sociolinguistics, mixed-‐effects regression will be one of its instruments. Notes 1. There is some variation in the terminology used to discuss regression models. The response can also be known as the dependent variable, with the predictors known as independent variables. Predictors that are categorical
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 35 (having two or more discrete levels) are also called factors, but in the VARBRUL literature they are called factor groups, with the individual levels known as factors. When the coefficients for factors in a logistic regression are reported on a 0-‐to-‐1 probability scale, they are called factor weights. Similarly, the intercept becomes the corrected mean or input probability. Ordinary fixed-‐effects models have also been called flat, while mixed-‐effects or just mixed models are also known as hierarchical or multilevel models. 2. When the response is a count of occurrences rather than repetitions of a choice, the best option may be log-‐linear (or Poisson) regression, where the logarithm of the response variable is modeled as a linear function of the predictors. Another possibility for count data is negative binomial regression (Coxe et al. 2009). 3. The use of stepwise regression – the up-‐and-‐down procedure at the heart of most VARBRUL analyses – is no longer recommended (Harrell 2001). Another problem arises if predictors are highly correlated, when regression coefficients become unreliable. Such multicollinearity among non-‐nested predictors calls for other approaches (Chatterjee & Hadi 2006). 4. Another challenge for modeling linguistic data is autocorrelation: generally speaking, this is the tendency for nearby tokens (in time or in space!) to resemble each other. Autocorrelation can be handled within a mixed-‐effects regression approach, but this will not be demonstrated in this article. 5. The VARBRUL-‐era dichotomy of internal (or linguistic) vs. external (or social) factors is incomplete. Speech style can affect a response similarly to a
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 36 social factor like class (Labov 1966), but structurally it is quite different. Speaker is nested within social class (each speaker belongs to only one class), but not within style (each speaker uses several speech styles). A better typology distinguishes among speaker-‐nesting (between-‐speaker), word-‐ nesting (between-‐word), and non-‐nesting (within-‐speaker, within-‐word) predictors. The same predictor can play different roles. In a community study, age is a between-‐speaker predictor. But in a longitudinal study, each speaker produces data at several ages, so age is a within-‐speaker predictor. 6. Strictly speaking, a random effect is a factor whose levels are a randomly-‐ sampled subset of a larger population. Modeling random effects allows inferences to be made about that population. If we sample 100 speakers to represent a city, and include a random intercept (and perhaps random slopes) for speaker, our results will apply – bearing in mind the appropriate confidence intervals – to the whole population of the city. But if we study the five children in a family, there is no population to generalize to. In this case, a fixed effect for speaker will fit the sample data more closely. But if we wish to model between-‐speaker predictors, speaker must always be a random effect. 7. [note deleted] 8. [note deleted] 9. A reviewer has suggested that a normally-‐distributed intercept for speaker is more likely than the same thing for word. This suggests not that a word intercept is unnecessary, but that we are further from accounting for the other factors that make words behave differently. If observed word effects
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 37 are roughly normally distributed, it makes more sense to model them with a random effect than to ignore them. Still, it is worth noting that an intercept for word is more controversial than one for speaker (Guy 2009). 10. [note deleted] 11. [note deleted] 12. A regression model estimates k-1 parameters for a factor with k levels. There are two common ways of reporting these parameters. In treatment contrasts, one level is the baseline, with a coefficient of zero that is usually not reported. The other k-1 coefficients represent the differences between the baseline and each of the other levels. The intercept represents the prediction for the cell where all factors have their baseline values. With zero-‐sum or sum contrasts, the intercept is the grand mean of the predictions for all cells. Each coefficient represents the deviation of one group from the mean. Because the deviations for a factor sum to zero, one coefficient is predictable from the others, and is usually not reported. VARBRUL uses sum contrasts, and does report k coefficients for a factor with k levels. Another VARBRUL particularity is that instead of log-‐odds units, coefficients are reported as factor weights on the 0-‐to-‐1 probability scale. 13. [note deleted] 14. Especially in logistic regression, if a speaker had very few tokens, it would not make sense to include their observed rate in a group average; the estimate would be too unreliable. This is of most concern if a speaker has fewer than about 50 tokens. Speaker #6 shows 45 deletions out of 157 total
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 38 tokens; we can report a 95% confidence interval for this proportion as 22%-‐ 36%. So the estimate of 29% is not very precise, but not too imprecise either. Mixed models use shrinkage to take into account the amount of data from each speaker, adjusting those with less data towards the group mean. 15. A reviewer notes that the association between less data and more post-‐ vocalic /r/ may be no coincidence, as interviewees who feel uncomfortable being recorded could produce more formal variants, yet fewer of them. 16. It is sometimes claimed that VARBRUL handles unbalanced data well (Cedergren & Sankoff 1974), but this statement must be taken in context. True, compared to other software available in that era, VARBRUL could accept unbalanced data sets and fit regression models to them. However, the coefficients of such fixed-‐effects models will be inaccurate when the data is unbalanced, unless there is no speaker-‐level or word-‐level variation. 17. “Fixed-‐effects model” should be understood to refer to models without predictors for grouping factors such as individual speaker. If there are no between-‐speaker predictors, we can treat speaker as a fixed effect. We might then automatically group speakers (Rousseau & Sankoff 1978b), or extract demographic generalizations by performing non-‐parametric tests (Sigley 1997) or linear regression (Sankoff 2004) on the speaker effects. Because we usually want to make inferences over a larger population of speakers than those in our particular sample, a mixed model estimating speaker and between-‐speaker effects simultaneously is generally to be preferred.
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 39 18. Differences between 0% and 10% or 90% and 100% are infinite in log-‐odds. However, categorical behavior of 0% and 100% is perceived and produced, even though it cannot be modeled elegantly using logistic regression. 19. For this simple type of simulation, an ordinary regression model with a fixed effect for speaker yields almost identical results to a mixed model with a random effect for speaker. As noted, it is only the absence of between-‐ speaker predictors that makes the speaker-‐as-‐fixed-‐effect option possible. The fixed-‐effects model would be preferred if we were mainly interested in these particular speakers. To control for speaker variation and make a general estimate of within-‐speaker effects, the mixed model is preferred. 20. [note deleted] 21. [note deleted] 22. The words with the most “overdeletion” are kind, amount, and front, with deletion rates of 87%, 83%, and 77%. Subtracting the random word effects, our model predicts 49%, 31%, and 44% deletion for these words, relatively low rates reflecting, in part, that the following segment is usually a vowel. These words usually occur in collocations with of: kind is almost always kind of, amount is almost always amount of, and front is in front of more than half the time. How this relates to coronal stop deletion is unclear: the adverbial kind of is plausibly its own lexical item, as is (arguably) in front of, but certainly not amount of. It seems likely that prosody plays a role, as these syllables are stressed and precede unstressed of. We could refine our model by incorporating prosodic predictors into the fixed effects (see Sigley 2003).
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 40 There is other evidence for true lexical effects. Even though it often appears as end of – in the same phonological and prosodic environment as kind of – the word end is an “underdeleter,” with a predicted deletion rate of 52% but an observed rate of only 28%. The word can’t underdeletes even more: predicted 68%, observed 36%. Can’t is interesting because deletion can cause homophony with can, and a particularly undesirable homophony at that, since the words are antonyms. The question of how actively speakers avoid homonymy has been debated throughout the history of linguistics. A somewhat cynical alternative is that the Buckeye Corpus speakers actually deleted a normal amount in can’t, but that some of these tokens were mistaken for can, apparently lowering the deletion rate. Another possibility is that this type of mishearing – called leakage by Fruehwald and Gorman (in press) – can, over time, change the probabilities of rule application. Finally, we note a proposal by Guy (2007:112), in which overdeleting words are given two phonological representations. For and, we would have an /ænd/ that undergoes deletion normally, and a synonymous /æn/ accounting for the “overdeletion”. Despite raising theoretical and learnability concerns, Guy’s theory makes two clear predictions. One is that there should be no examples of underdeleting words. The other is that predictors like following context should show a smaller effect on the exceptional words. Against the first claim, we have already mentioned can’t and end; another substantial underdeleter is aren’t: predicted 59% deletion, observed 35%. We can test the following-‐context prediction by modeling three subsets of
Sociolinguistic data calls for mixed models 41 the data: 171 overdeleting words (word effect above +0.2), 583 average words (between -‐0.2 and +0.2), and 127 underdeleting words (below -‐0.2). These three models estimate the deletion-‐favoring effect of a following obstruent vs. a following vowel as 0.447 log-‐odds for the underdeleting words, 0.568 for the average words, and 0.591 for the overdeleting words. This interaction is neither significant (p = .11) nor in the predicted direction. Even and only shows a reduced effect of following obstruent vs. vowel if we use raw deletion percentages instead of their equivalents in log-‐odds. Drawing from Neu (1980), Guy reports that ordinary words have 39.3% deletion before obstruents, 15.8% before vowels. For and, it is 95.7% before obstruents, 82.1% before vowels. Guy analyzes the range of percentages, which is 0.58 times as large for and. But expressed in log-‐odds, the effect for and is 1.28 times as large. Guy’s reasoning depends on rejecting the logistic framework in favor of an older “multiplicative model of constraint effects.” But even within Guy’s own framework, there is an inconsistency. The following-‐segment range for and is 0.58 times as large as for ordinary words, which implies a mixture of 58% underlying variable /ænd/ and 42% invariant /æn/. But with this mix, we would predict that and should show .58 * .393 + .42 * 1 = 64.8% deletion before obstruents and .58 * .158 + .42 * 1 = 51.3% deletion before vowels. The observed deletion rates for and are far higher: 95.7% and 82.1%. The algebraic trick simply does not work. References
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