providing the latest IEEE 802.11n draft documents and sharing her tutorial material on IEEE 802.11n, and ..... This process is also referred to as slicing.
C 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright
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I. Wong, David
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To my family David Tung Chong Wong
To my parents and wife Peng-Yong Kong
To my wife, Shuo, and my kids, Paul and Wendy Ying-Chang Liang
To Nancy, Daryl, and Kevin Kee Chaing Chua
To my wife, Betty Jon W. Mark
1.1 Introduction / 3 1.2 Wireless Communication Systems / 3 1.3 Block-Based Transmissions / 5 1.4 Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing Systems / 9 1.5 Single-Carrier Cyclic Prefix Systems / 11 1.6 Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access / 12 1.7 Interleaved Frequency-Division Multiple Access / 13 1.8 Single-Carrier Frequency-Division Multiple Access / 16 1.9 CP-Based Code Division Multiple Access / 17 1.10 Receiver Design / 18 Summary / 25 Appendix / 26 References / 27
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12
Introduction / 31 MIMO System Model / 32 Channel Capacity / 33 Diversity / 42 Diversity and Spatial Multiplexing Gain / 43 SIMO Systems / 44 MISO Systems / 45 Space–Time Coding / 45 MIMO Transceiver Design / 50 SVD-Based Eigen-Beamforming / 52 MIMO for Frequency-Selective Fading Channels / 52 Transmitting Diversity for Frequency-Selective Fading Channels / 56 2.13 Cyclic Delay Diversity / 59 Summary / 62 References / 62 3 ULTRAWIDEBAND
3.1 Introduction / 65 3.2 Time-Hopping Ultrawideband / 67 3.3 Direct Sequence Ultrawideband / 84 3.4 Multiband / 94 3.5 Other Types of UWB / 97 Summary / 107 References / 110 4 MEDIUM ACCESS CONTROL 4.1 Introduction / 115 4.2 Slotted ALOHA MAC / 117 4.3 Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance MAC / 119 4.4 Polling MAC / 126 4.5 Reservation MAC / 127 4.6 Energy-Efficient MAC / 132 4.7 Multichannel MAC / 139 4.8 Directional-Antenna MAC / 141
4.9 Multihop Saturated Throughput of IEEE 802.11 MAC / 147 4.10 Multiple-Access Control / 156 Summary / 161 References / 161 5 MOBILITY RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
5.1 Introduction / 165 5.2 Types of Handoffs / 167 5.3 Handoff Strategies / 169 5.4 Channel Assignment Schemes / 170 5.5 Multiclass Channel Assignment Schemes / 195 5.6 Location Management / 218 5.7 Mobile IP / 220 5.8 Cellular IP / 221 5.9 HAWAII / 222 Summary / 223 References / 224 6 ROUTING PROTOCOLS FOR MULTIHOP WIRELESS BROADBAND NETWORKS
6.1 Introduction / 227 6.2 Multihop Wireless Broadband Networks: Mesh Networks / 227 6.3 Importance of Routing Protocols / 230 6.4 Routing Metrics / 239 6.5 Classification of Routing Protocols / 245 6.6 MANET Routing Protocols / 254 Summary / 262 References / 262 7 RADIO RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR WIRELESS BROADBAND NETWORKS 7.1 Introduction / 267 7.2 Packet Scheduling / 268 7.3 Admission Control / 295 Summary / 303 References / 304
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4
Introduction / 307 Traffic Models / 309 Quality of Service in Wireless Systems / 321 Outage Probability for Video Services in a Multirate DS-CDMA System / 326 Summary / 336 References / 337
339 341
9.1 Introduction / 341 9.2 Network Architecture / 343 9.3 Physical Layer / 343 9.4 Medium Access Control Scheduling / 354 9.5 Mobility Resource Management / 361 9.6 Radio Resource Management / 362 9.7 Security / 363 9.8 Quality of Service / 364 9.9 Applications / 365 Summary / 365 References / 366
WIRELESS BROADBAND NETWORKING WITH WIMAX 10.1 Introduction / 367 10.2 WiMAX Overview / 367 10.3 Competing Technologies / 370 10.4 Overview of the Physical Layer / 371 10.5 PMP Mode / 374 10.6 Mesh Mode / 378 10.7 Multihop Relay Mode / 384 Summary / 387 References / 387
11.1 Introduction / 391 11.2 Network Architectures / 393 11.3 Physical Layer of IEEE 802.11n / 393 11.4 Medium Access Control / 404 11.5 Mobility Resource Management / 422 11.6 Quality of Service / 425 11.7 Applications / 426 Summary / 426 References / 427 12
12.1 Introduction / 429 12.2 Network Architecture / 430 12.3 Physical Layer / 431 12.4 Medium Access Control / 437 12.5 Mobility Resource Management / 459 12.6 Routing / 460 12.7 Quality of Service / 460 12.8 Applications / 460 Summary / 461 References / 461 13
13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4
Introduction / 463 3GPP/WLAN Interworking / 464 IEEE 802.11u Interworking with External Networks / 467 LAN/WLAN/WiMax/3G Interworking Based on IEEE 802.21 Media-Independent Handoff / 468 13.5 Future Cellular/WiMax/WLAN/WPAN Interworking / 471 13.6 Analytical Model for Cellular/WLAN Interworking / 474 Summary / 478 References / 478 APPENDIX
A.3 Random Variables / 483 A.4 Poisson Random Process / 486 A.5 Birth–Death Processes / 487 A.6 Basic Queueing Systems / 489 References / 501
This book is divided into two main parts. The first part covers the enabling technologies for wireless broadband networks, and the second part covers the various systems for wireless broadband networks. The enabling technologies are clearly explained, with illustrations to provide readers with the necessary knowledge to better understand the rationale for the design of advanced practical systems, which are presented in detail in the second part of the book. The important enabling technologies for wireless broadband networks include OFDM, MIMO, UWB, MAC, mobility resource management, radio resource management, routing, and quality of service for multimedia services. The advanced systems that are covered for wireless broadband networks include 3.9G long-term evolution (LTE) cellular systems, WiMax, WLAN (IEEE 802.11e and 802.11n), WUSB, and WiMedia. The 3.9G LTE cellular system and IEEE 802.11n WLAN are still currently under standardization, but the latest information on them is provided in the book. The treatment is such that essential wireless broadband networks are covered together with a thorough explanation of the theories and rationales in the design of these advanced practical networks. The objective of the book is to provide a good foundation in theories and to apply some of these to advanced practical systems in wireless broadband networks, embodying the physical layer to the network layer in the ISO/OSI model. Applications of these systems are also presented. Extensive references are available for those readers who want to explore the theories or advanced practical systems in greater depth. Our approach is to couple theories with advanced practical systems for wireless broadband networks. Thus, the book is unique in these aspects and differentiates itself from other books in the marketplace. Part I consists of eight chapters. Chapter 1 is devoted to orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing (OFDM) and other block-based transmissions. A brief xiii
introduction to the basics of wireless communications systems is provided, and various multiple-access schemes, such as OFDM, single-carrier cyclic prefix, orthogonal frequency-division multiple access, interleaved frequency-division multiple access, cyclic prefix-based-division multiple access, and multicarrier code-division multiple access, are presented. Linear and iterative equalizers are also reviewed for the general channel. Chapter 2 deals with multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems. The MIMO system model, channel capacity, diversity gain, and relationship between spatial diversity gain and spatial multiplexing gain are introduced at the beginning of the chapter. SIMO systems, MISO systems, and space–time coding are explained together with the signal-to-noise ratio expressions. MIMO transceiver design is also presented in this chapter. In the final part of the chapter, SVD-based eigenbeamforming, MIMO and transmit diversity for frequency-selective fading channel, and cyclic delay diversity are explained in detail. In Chapter 3 we describe and analyze the performance of time-hopping and directsequence ultrawideband (UWB) systems. Both single and multiple traffic classes, both with and without multipath channels, are considered. Other types of UWB systems, such as transmitted reference UWB, chirp UWB, multicarrier UWB, and MIMO UWB are also presented. In Chapter 4 we describe and provide analytical frameworks for medium access control (MAC) protocols. The MAC protocols include slotted Aloha, carrier-sense multiple access with collision avoidance, polling, reservation, energy efficient, multichannel, directional, time-division multiple access, frequency-division multiple access, and code-division multiple access. In Chapter 5 we categorize the types of horizontal and vertical handoffs as well as the types of handoff strategies. Channel assignment schemes for single and multiple traffic classes are presented with analytical models. The channel assignment schemes for single traffic classes include nonprioritized, prioritized (guard channels), limited fractional guard channel, fractional guard channels, guard channel with queue, and two-level guard channels. The channel assignment schemes for multiple traffic classes include complete partitioning, complete sharing, and virtual partitioning. Link-layer resource allocation schemes are presented and analyzed for both single and multiple traffic classes. Location management is also presented briefly. Finally, mobile IP, cellular IP, and HAWAII for mobility handling are presented. Chapter 6 covers routing protocols for multihop wireless broadband networks. The routing metrics are also classified in this chapter. Furthermore, six types of classification for routing protocols are listed: topology-based versus position-based, proactive versus reactive, distance vector versus link state, hop-by-hop routing versus source routing, flat versus hierarchical, and single-path versus multipath. Existing routing protocols such as ad hoc on-demand distance vector, optimized link state routing, and dynamic source routing are also discussed in detail. Chapter 7 deals with radio resource management for wireless broadband networks. Two important aspects of radio resource management discussed and analyzed in this chapter are packet scheduling and admission control. The packet-scheduling schemes include channel error avoidance scheduling for fair bandwidth sharing and
channel error-avoidance scheduling with quality-of-service differentiation. Model-, measurement-, and resource-based admission controls are also discussed in this chapter. In Chapter 8 we deal with various traffic models and quality of service in wireless systems. The traffic models include voice, video, data, web browsing, and network gaming. The wireless systems include universal mobile telecommunications systems, WiMax, IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network (WLAN), and WiMedia wireless personal area network (WPAN). Part II consists of five chapters. In Chapter 9 we introduce the latest 3.9G LTE cellular system, which is still under standardization. This chapter covers the architecture, physical layer, radio link control, packet data convergence protocol, and radio resource control of LTE cellular networks. Mobility management, radio resource management, and quality of service in LTE cellular networks are also described and discussed. Applications in this wireless broadband network are also described. In Chapter 10 we introduce WiMAX and its competing technologies. Different modes of operations in WiMAX are also described and discussed in detail. These modes of operations include PMP, mesh, and multihop relay. In Chapter 11 we describe and discuss IEEE 802.11 WLAN and its architectures, physical layer (IEEE 802.11n), and medium access control protocols (IEEE 802.11, 802.11e, 802.11n, and 802.11s). The focus of the physical layer and medium access control is on IEEE 802.11n, which has a data rate of up to 600 Mbps. An analytical model is presented for IEEE 802.11n MAC and 802.11e MAC. Mobility resource management of IEEE 802.11 WLAN, and quality of service and applications of IEEE 802.11n WLAN are also described and discussed. In Chapter 12 we introduce WiMedia WPAN and its architectures, physical layer, and medium access control. WiMedia has a data rate of up to 480 Mbps. An approximate analytical model for the WiMedia MAC is presented in this chapter. Wireless universal serial bus (WUSB) is also described briefly. Mobility resource management, quality of service, and applications of WiMedia WPAN are described and discussed. Chapter 13 looks at an envisaged vision of a future convergence of networks with WPANs, WLANs, WiMax, and cellular networks. The issues arising from the interworkings of these networks are also discussed. Six 3GPP/WLAN interworking scenarios are presented. IEEE 802.11u for interworking with external networks is also described briefly. IEEE 802.21 media-independent handoff is described in this chapter. Finally, an analytical model for cellular/WLAN interworking is presented. For completeness, an appendix that presents a concise review of the basics of probability, random variables, exponential random process, birth–death processes, and simple queueing systems is included.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS There are many people that we want to thank. First and foremost, we are deeply indebted to the series editors, Dr. Vincent Lau and Dr. Russell Hsing, who invited us to write this book. We sincerely thank Dr. Francois Chin, Dr. Sumei Sun, and Dr.
Chen Khong Tham for supporting this project. We would like to thank Sumei for providing the latest IEEE 802.11n draft documents and sharing her tutorial material on IEEE 802.11n, and Higuchi-san for sharing his seminar material on LTE. We would also like to express our gratitude to Serene, Jianxin, Cheng Heng, Shajan, Sai Ho, Winston, Zhiwei, Ananth, Lijuan, Lokesh, and The Hanh for proofreading some parts of the book. Thanks are due to Mr. Paul Petralia, Ms. Whitney Lesch, Ms. Anastasia Wasko, Mr. Michael Christian, and Ms. Angioline Loredo for their assistance and professional advice. We would also like to thank all the people who have helped in the preparation and production of this book in one way or the other. Those contributions notwithstanding, this book has been devised and written by us alone, and we remain responsible for any errors in the final version of the book. Last but not least, we would like to thank our family and friends, who provided love and encouragement throughout this project. DAVID TUNG CHONG WONG PENG-YONG KONG YING-CHANG LIANG KEE CHAING CHUA JON W. MARK
1.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter we first provide a brief introduction to the basics of wireless communication systems. Then we focus on reviewing various block-based transmission schemes that play important roles in the physical-layer design of wireless broadband networks. These schemes include orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), single-carrier cyclic prefix (SCCP), orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA), interleaved frequency-division multiple access (IFDMA), single-carrier frequency-division multiple access (SC-FDMA), cyclic prefix-based code-division multiple access (CP-CDMA), and multicarrier code-division multiple access (MC-CDMA). From these schemes, we also establish a generic input–output model and review linear and nonlinear equalizers that can be used to recover the transmitted signals.
1.2 WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS From a physical-layer perspective, the block diagram of a wireless communication system shown in Figure 1.1 consists of three key components: the transmitter, the wireless channel, and the receiver. On the transmitter side, the design objective is to transform the information bits into a signal format suitable for transmission over Wireless Broadband Networks, By David Tung Chong Wong, Peng-Yong Kong, Ying-Chang Liang, Kee Chaing Chua, and Jon W. Mark C 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright
Information bits
Channel Coding
Transmitter Channel
Information bits
Channel Decoding
FIGURE 1.1 Block diagram of a wireless communication system.
the wireless channel. The major elements in the transmitter include channel coding, modulation, and linear or nonlinear precoding. When the signal passes through the wireless channel, the signal will be attenuated due to propagation loss, shadowing, and multipath fading, and the waveform of the signal received will be different from the one transmitted, due to multipath delay, the time/frequency selectivity of the channel, and the addition of noise and unwanted interference. Finally, at the receiver side, the information bits transmitted are to be recovered through the operations of equalization, demodulation, and channel decoding. With channel coding, the information bits are converted into coded bits with redundancy so that the effect of channel noise and multipath fading can be minimized. The modulation operation transforms the coded bits into modulated symbols for the purpose of achieving efficient transmission of the signal over the channel with a given bandwidth. The objective of the precoding operation is to provide robustness over the fading channel with multipath delay, or to compensate for the unwanted interference. The equalization operation estimates the modulated symbols by removing the effect of the channel. Through proper design of the precoding operation, equalization sometimes becomes very simple. The demodulation operation converts the estimated symbols into a bit format, which is then used to recover the information bits through the channel decoding operation. 1.2.1 Frequency-Selective Fading Channels In a wireless propagation environment, the signal transmitted arrives at the receiver with multiple delayed and attenuated versions, and these versions are added up and received by the receiver. The difference in traveling time, τ , between the shortest and longest paths is called excess delay spread. When the excess delay spread is much smaller than the symbol period, Ts , the channel can be described by a single delay tap. With this single delay tap, in the frequency domain, the channel responses are flat
within the channel bandwidth; thus, the channel is said to be a flat fading channel. If the excess delay spread is relatively large compared to the symbol period, the channel can be described by multiple delay taps, and in the frequency domain, the channel responses are no longer flat for all frequencies of interest; thus, this channel is called a frequency-selective fading channel. Suppose that we have a sequence of modulated symbols {x(n)} transmitted at the symbol rate of 1/Ts , through a frequency-selective fading channel. At the receiver, after sampling at the symbol rate, we receive a sequence of received samples {y(n)}. The relationship between {y(n)} and {x(n)} is given by y(n) =
˜ h l (n)x(n − l) + u(n),
˜ where u(n) is the additive noise and h l (n) is the lth delay tap of the channel at time n. We can further characterize the channel as a fast fading or slow fading channel, based on the relationship between the bandwidth of the transmitted signal and the Doppler shift of the wireless channel. When the Doppler shift is relatively significant compared to the signal bandwidth, the channel is called a fast-fading channel and h l (n) changes with time n; otherwise, the channel is referred to as a slow-fading channel and h l (n) is invariant to the time instant n. When slow fading is considered, for description brevity, we drop the time variable in the channel coefficients. 1.2.2 Receiver Equalization It is seen from equation (1.1) that for a frequency-selective fading channel, the signal received at a time instant is the superposition of weighted and delayed versions of the symbols transmitted. This results in introducing intersymbol interference (ISI). Let N be the number of transmitted symbols and L be the number of channel taps spaced at a symbol interval; then the receiver collects N + L − 1 samples, which are related to the entire number of symbols transmitted. Equalizers have to be designed at the receiver to compensate for ISI and to recover the symbols transmitted. The optimal equalizer involves maximum likelihood (ML) detection, which requires very high computational complexity. Suboptimal equalizers have thus been proposed which can be implemented in either linear or nonlinear fashion and require complexity much reduced from ML detection. The performance of these suboptimal receivers is, however, usually far away from the performance bound achieved by ML detection.
1.3 BLOCK-BASED TRANSMISSIONS To reduce the computational complexity of equalization, block-based transmissions have been proposed. Specifically, in a block-based transmission, the entire sequence of
modulated symbols is first divided into multiple blocks, each is preprocessed further using linear transforms, and guard symbols are inserted between two consecutive blocks. If the length of the guard symbols is longer than the channel memory, two consecutive blocks will not interfere with each other; thus, each block can be equalized separately. Two types of guard symbols are applicable in block-based transmissions. One is zero padding, which inserts zeros between two consecutive blocks; the other is cyclic prefix (CP), which is the copy of the last portion of the signal block. In the following, we describe the properties of CP-based block transmissions.
1.3.1 Use of a Cyclic Prefix The block diagram of a CP-based block transmission system is shown in Figure 1.2. Let N be the length of one signal block and denote the signal block to be transmitted through a frequency-selective fading channel as follows: x = [x(0)
x(N − 1)]T .
The channel is characterized by a channel impulse response (CIR) h = [h 0 h 1 · · · h L−1 ]T , which contains L equally spaced time-domain taps (spaced at symbol intervals Ts ). Instead of transmitting block x directly, a new block, x˜ , is generated and transmitted through the channel. The new block is formed by appending the last P symbols of x to the head of itself. The portion of the first P symbols in the new block x˜ is the
x Add CP
y Remove CP
FIGURE 1.2 Block diagram of a CP-based block transmission system.
cyclic prefix (CP). Then the new block x˜ can be represented by ˜ ˜ − 1) x(P) ˜ ˜ + 1) x(P ˜ + 2) · · · x(P ˜ + N − 1)]T · · · x(P x(P x˜ = [x(0) ⎡ ⎤T = ⎣x(N − P) · · · x(N − 1) x(0) x(1) · · · x(N − P) · · · x(N − 1)⎦ . xT
(1.3) With the transmitted signal x˜ , the received signal becomes y˜ (v) =
˜ − l) + u(v), ˜ h l x(v
v = 0, 1, . . . , P + N + L − 1,
l =0
˜ is additive where u(v) complex Gaussian random variable with zero mean and vari 2 ˜ ance E |u(v)| = N0 . The P received signal samples from y˜ (0) to y˜ (P − 1) associated with the CP portion are discarded, and we are interested in the received signal samples from y˜ (P) to y˜ (P + N − 1), which are associated with the data block. From (1.4), when P ≥ L − 1, we can write the following equations: ˜ y˜ (P) = h 0 x(0) + h 1 x(N − 1) + · · · + h L−1 x(N − L + 1) + u(P), ˜ + 1), y˜ (P + 1) = h 0 x(1) + h 1 x(0) + · · · + h L−1 x(N − L + 2) + u(P .. (1.5) . y˜ (P + N − 1) = h 0 x(N − 1) + h 1 x(N − 2) + · · · + h L−1 x(N − L) ˜ + N − 1). +u(P If we collect the N received signal samples in (1.5) to form a vector y = [ y˜ (P) y˜ (P + 1) · · · y˜ (P + N − 1)]T , this vector can be written as ˜ y = Hx + u,
˜ ˜ + 1) · · · u(P ˜ + N − 1)]T , and thanks to the addition of where u˜ = [u(P) u(P CP, H is now a circular matrix of size N × N given by ⎡
h0 ⎢ h1 ⎢ H= ⎢ . ⎣ ..
0 h0 .. .
··· 0 .. .
0 ··· .. .
h L−1 0 .. .
h L−2 h L−1 .. .
··· ··· .. .
⎤ h1 h2 ⎥ ⎥ .. ⎥ . . ⎦
h L−1
h L−2
Note that what we have developed so far is for the transmission of a single block. To transmit multiple blocks consecutively, Figure 1.3 shows the structure of continuous transmission with CP. From this figure it is clear that some signals received at the beginning of a block are affected by symbols transmitted from the previous block. This
nth block
FIGURE 1.3 Structure of continuous transmission with CP.
phenomenon is called interblock interference (IBI). Again, if P ≥ L − 1, inserting CP and discarding the received signals associated with CP help to eliminate the IBI. 1.3.2 Relation Between Vectors x and y The circular matrix H in (1.7) can be decomposed into the form H = W NH W N ,
where: r W N ∈ C N ×N is the N × N discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix, given by ⎡
1 1 − j2π/N ⎢ 1 e 1 ⎢ W=√ ⎢. .. . N ⎣ .. − j2π(N −1)/N 1 e
··· ··· .. . ···
e− j2π(N −1)/N .. .
⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦
e− j2π(N −1)(N −1)/N
Note that W NH W N = I N . r = diag{H0 , H1 , . . . , HN −1 } ∈ C N ×N is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements by frequency responses, Hk , of the channel; that is, defined − j2πkl/N for k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1. Hk = lL−1 = 0 hl e The proof of (1.8) is given in the appendix at the end of the chapter. From (1.6) and (1.8), we have the following relation between x and y: ˜ y = W NH W N x + u.
1.3.3 Overview of Block-Based Transmissions By proper design of the transmitted signal vector x in (1.10), various block-based transmission schemes can be developed, including but not limited to the following: r Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) system r Single-carrier cyclic prefix (SCCP) system r Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA)
r r r r
Interleaved frequency-division multiple access (IFDMA) Single-carrier frequency-division multiple access (SC-FDMA) Cyclic prefix–based code-division multiple access (CP-CDMA) Multicarrier code-division multiple access (MC-CDMA)
OFDMA, IFDMA, SC-FDMA, CP-CDMA, and MC-CDMA are designed to support multiple users to share the same radio resource simultaneously. OFDM and SCCP systems, however, are designed to support single-user communication only. Thus, to support multiple users in sharing the same radio resource, they have to be used in conjunction with other multiple-access schemes, such as time-division multiple access (TDMA) or frequency-division multiple access (FDMA). In TDMA, the time resource is divided into time slots and each user is allowed to use the entire frequency band when it is allocated to use the time slot. In FDMA, the frequency resource is divided into frequency subbands, and each user is allowed to use the entire time resource at the frequency subband allocated to the user. In the following sections, the details of each scheme are provided.
1.4 ORTHOGONAL FREQUENCY-DIVISION MULTIPLEXING SYSTEMS Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is a discrete Fourier transform (DFT)–based multicarrier modulation (MCM) scheme [1,2]. The basic idea of OFDM is to transform a frequency-selective fading channel into several parallel frequency flat fading subchannels on which modulated symbols are transmitted. OFDM has been widely adopted in various communications systems, including the digital audio broadcast (DAB) [3] and digital terrestrial video broadcast (DVB-T) [4] standards in Europe and Japan, the IEEE 802.11a/11n wireless local area network (WLAN) [5], and the asymmetric digital subscriber loop (ADSL) [6]. 1.4.1 System Description The block diagram of an OFDM system is depicted in Figure 1.4. A sequence of data symbols {s(n; v)}vN=−10 is first serial-to-parallel (S/P)-converted to form the nth data block s(n) = [s(n; 0) s(n; 1) · · · s(n; N − 1)]T . This block is transformed by the inverse DFT (IDFT) operation. The output of the IDFT is the transmitted signal block x(n). This block is added with the CP portion as shown in Section 1.2, and the resulting block is parallel-to-serial (P/S)-converted for transmission. The relation between the data block and the transmitted signal block is given by x(n) = W NH s(n).
At the receiver side, the receiver first discards the received signal samples associated with the CP portion. The received signal samples associated with the data block are then fed to the DFT operation. The output of the DFT is passed through the
x n;N−P
x n;N−1 x n;0 x n;1
N−1 v=0
s n;v
Add CP
x n;N−1
P/S x n; N−P x n; N−1
s n;0 s n;1
x n;0 x n;1
x n;0 x n;1
s n; N−1
x n; N−1
x n; N−1
FIGURE 1.4 Block diagram of an OFDM transmitter.
equalizer to recover the data symbols. These operations are illustrated in Figure 1.5. Based on (1.10) and (1.11), we have ˜ y(n) = W NH s(n) + u(n).
z(n) = W N y(n) = s(n) + u(n),
After the DFT, we obtain
˜ where u = W N u. It is clear from (1.13) that OFDM transforms a frequency-selective fading channel into a number of frequency flat channels which are called subchannels. The output at the kth subcarrier is given by z(n; k) = Hk s(n; k) + u(n; k),
k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1. IBI y n;0 y n;1
sˆ n;v
N−1 v=0
y n;N−1
Rem. CP
sˆ n;0 sˆ n;1
z n;0 z n;1
y n;0 y n;1
IBI y n;0 y n;1
sˆ n; N−1
z n; N−1
y n; N−1
y n; N−1
FIGURE 1.5 Block diagram of an OFDM receiver.
At the receiver, thanks to (1.14), a one-tap equalizer can be applied to each of the subcarrier outputs to recover the transmitted symbol delivered over that subcarrier. More specifically, the coefficient of the zero-forcing (ZF) equalizer is C(n; k) =
1 , Hk
k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1,
while that of the minimum mean square error (MMSE) equalizer becomes C(n; k) =
Hk∗ , |Hk |2 + N0 /E s
k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1,
where E s is the average energy on every modulated symbol. The recovered symbol on the kth subcarrier is obtained by rounding s¯ (n; k) = C(n; k)z(n; k),
k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1,
to the closest element of the signal constellation in use. This process is also referred to as slicing. 1.4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of OFDM Systems One of the attractive features offered by OFDM is that it provides relatively simple one-tap frequency-domain equalization over the complex time-domain equalization used in conventional single-carrier systems. Furthermore, since OFDM has decoupled the frequency-selective fading channel into a parallel set of flat fading channels over the subcarriers, a more fascinating advantage of OFDM is that it allows power and bit loading over the subcarriers, and by doing so, for a given power budget the channel capacity can be maximized. OFDM suffers from some drawbacks, however. For example, timing synchronization error results in the IBI. Carrier frequency offset destroys the orthogonality among the subcarriers and introduces intercarrier interference (ICI). The presence of IBI and/or ICI degrade the system’s performance dramatically [7, Chap. 2]. Another shortcoming of OFDM is its high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). When OFDM signal with high PAPR passes through a nonlinear device, high peak signals may be clipped. The distortions caused by this clipping will affect the orthogonality of subcarriers.
1.5 SINGLE-CARRIER CYCLIC PREFIX SYSTEMS [8] As OFDM suffers from high PAPR, a single-carrier duo of OFDM has been proposed, and this system is called single-carrier cyclic prefix (SCCP) system. The block diagram of a SCCP system is depicted in Figure 1.6. The symbols transmitted are first grouped into blocks. Unlike OFDM, where these blocks are transformed using IDFT
s n;v
N−1 v=0
sˆ n;v
N−1 v=0
=s n
sˆ n P/S
x n S/P
Add CP
z n EQ
Rem. CP
FIGURE 1.6 Block diagrams of SCCP transmitter and receiver.
before CPs are appended, in SCCP, CPs are inserted directly to these blocks. After that, the resulting blocks are parallel-to-serial-converted and delivered to the transmitting antenna for transmission. At the receiver, the received signal samples associated with the CP portion are removed and the received signal block is transformed to the frequency domain to perform equalization. Finally, the estimated block symbols are transformed back to the time domain for symbol detection. From Figure 1.6, if we choose x(n) = s(n) and y(n) is filtered as z(n) = W N y(n), we have z(n) = W N s(n) + u(n).
Based on (1.18), a frequency-domain equalizer can be deployed to recover the symbols transmitted. More specifically, let s˜ (n) = W N s(n); then (1.18) reads z(n) = ˜s(n) + w(n).
A ZF or MMSE equalizer can be applied in (1.19) to estimate s˜ (n). After that, the transmitted symbols are recovered as sˆ (n) = W NH s˜ (n).
SCCP has been adopted as a part of the IEEE 802.16 standards for wireless metropolitan area networks (WMANs).
1.6 ORTHOGONAL FREQUENCY-DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS With the increasing demand on high-data-rate applications and more users supported in a geographical area, orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA), which is a combination of OFDM and FDMA, has been proposed to support multiple
users simultaneously. First adopted for cable TV (CATV) networks [9], OFDMA has been used in the uplink of the interaction channel for digital terrestrial television (DVB-RCT) [10] and in the IEEE 802.16 standards for WMAN [11]. OFDMA has also been used in satellite communication [12] and third-generation cellular system long-term evolution (3G-LTE). 1.6.1 Subcarrier Allocation In an OFDMA system, a number of users transmit their information data simultaneously on a number of available subcarriers. Each user is assigned to a set of subcarriers called a subchannel. Different subchannels are mutually exclusive. More specifically, suppose that there are N subcarriers and U users in the system. N subcarriers are divided into S subchannels, in which one subchannel consists of P = N /S subcarriers. It is obvious that the system can, at maximum, support only U ≤ S users simultaneously. In a subcarrier assignment scheme [13], each user’s subchannel occupies a group of P adjacent subcarriers. This scheme is called localized subcarrier allocation. For this scheme, frequency diversity offered by a multipath channel is not obtained because a deep fade can occur over a large number of subcarriers assigned to a given user. To overcome the drawback of localized subcarrier allocation, distributed subcarrier allocation was proposed [14]. In this scheme, subcarriers belonging to a given user are uniformly distributed over the entire set of N subcarriers. This allocation method reduces the probability that a substantial number of carriers of a user experience a deep fade at the same time. Hence, the frequency diversity can be exploited fully. In a more flexible way, each user can select the best available subcarriers (i.e., those available subcarriers having the highest signal-to-noise ratios for that particular user). By doing so, the sum rate of the system can be maximized. 1.7 INTERLEAVED FREQUENCY-DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS Interleaved frequency-division multiple access (IFDMA) is a multiple-access scheme combining the advantages of spread-spectrum and multicarrier transmission. By assigning each user a set of orthogonal subcarriers, no multiple-access interference (MAI) arises even in a severe frequency-selective fading channel. At the receiver side, user discrimination is done using FDMA. Selecting the subcarriers for a particular user from the set of interleaved subcarriers, IFDMA is by nature a single-carrier-based system. IFDMA has the following advantages over other multiple-access schemes. In comparison with TDMA, IFDMA uses continuous transmission. Compared to CDMA, no MAI is present. With respect to traditional FDMA, IFDMA is capable of achieving better frequency diversity. Moreover, IFDMA overcomes the large power backoff problems associated with its competitor OFDM/OFDMA by reducing the peak/average power ratio, since it employs a single-carrier modulation [16]. The IFDMA symbols transmitted can be generated in two ways, in either the time [15] or the frequency domain [16].
si n
N−1 v=0
d Repeat R times
xi n
Add CP
Phase Shift
P/S Channel
sˆ i n;v
y n
zi n
N−1 v=0
Subcarrier Selection
NR-point DFT
Rem. CP
FIGURE 1.7 Block diagram of an IFDMA system with the transmitter implemented in the time domain.
1.7.1 Time-Domain Implementation Consider a CP-based block transmission scheme in which the nth data block of length N belonging to the ith user is denoted as s (i) (n) =[s (i) (n; 0)
s (i) (n; 1)
s (i) (n; N − 1)]T .
It is obtained from the S/P operation on a data sequence {s (i) (n; v)}vN=−10 . Denote R as the repetition times, or alternatively, the spreading factor in the frequency-domain implementation, which has to satisfy the condition to avoid overloading the system. The block diagram for time-domain implementation of an IFDMA transmitter is depicted in Figure 1.7. Next, the nth data block is compressed and repeated R times. The resulting nth IFDMA symbol is given by ⎡ ⎤T 1 d (i) (n) = √ ⎣s (i) (n; 0) · · · s (i) (n; N − 1) · · · s (i) (n; 0) · · · s (i) (n; N − 1)⎦ . R R times
(1.21) This IFDMA symbol for the ith user is then modified by a phase vector p(i) of size N R in which the lth component is expressed as p (i) (l) = exp(− jlϕ (i) ),
l = 0, 1, . . . , NR − 1,
where ϕ (i) = i(2π/NR) is the user-dependent phase shift. The elementwise multiplication of d (i) (n) and p(i) assures orthogonality among different users [15]. The
resulting signals for the ith user are given as x (i) (n) = d (i) (n; 0)
d (i) (n; 1)e− jϕ
d (i) (n; NR − 1)e− j(NR−1)ϕ
. (1.23)
With the user-dependent phase shift, each user is assigned a set of orthogonal frequencies and such operation facilitates easy user separation at the receiver side. Before transmission, CP is inserted to the front of each block x (i) (n) to eliminate IBI. Assume that the channel for the ith user is a frequency-selective fading channel T h (i) · · · h (i) with L equally spaced time-domain taps, h(i) = [h (i) 0 1 L−1 ] . The signal samples received from user i after the removal of CP can be written as H (i) ˜ (i) (n), (i) y(i) (n) = W NR NR W NR x (n) + u
(i) (i) (i) where W NR is the NR × NR DFT matrix, (i) NR = diag{λ0 , λ1 , . . . , λ N R−1 }, in which L−1 (i) − j(2π/NR)kl denotes the frequency response of the kth subcarrier of λ(i) l = 0 hl e k = the channel and u˜ (i) (n) is the addictive noise. At the receiver, the signals received contain signal samples from all users:
y(n) =
y(i) (n),
i =1
where U is the total number of users. If we choose U ≤ R,
after NR-point DFT, the orthogonality among different users allows us to separate the users by selecting the subcarriers allocated to the ith user. The relation between the resulting signal z (i) (n) for the ith user with respect to the data block s(i) (n) is given as (i) (i) z (i) (n) = (i) N W N s (n) + u (n),
where z (i) (n) = [y (i) (n; i)
y (i) (n; i + R)
y (i) (n; i + (N − 1)R)]T
(i) (i) (i) (i) and (i) is a column vector containing N = diag{λi , λi+R , . . . , λi+(N −1)R }, and u (i) the elements of u˜ at positions {i, i + R, . . . , i + (N − 1)R}. Equation (1.27) is the same as the SCCP model given in (1.18). Thus, although no MAI is present for IFDMA system, intersymbol interference still exists. Various equalization techniques have to be employed to recover the signals transmitted.
1.7.2 Frequency-Domain Implementation Equivalently, the IFDMA transmission signal can be constructed in the frequency domain as illustrated in Figure 1.8. First, N-point DFT is performed on each data block s(i) (n). Then the frequency-domain symbols b(i) (n) = W N s(i) (n) are interleaved in such a way that each user occupies an orthogonal set of subcarriers and the resulting expression of the kth subcarrier (k = 0, 1, . . . , NR − 1) from the ith user is given as c(i) (n; k) =
k = k R + i otherwise,
b(i) (n; k), 0,
(k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1)
where R represents the frequency spacing between adjacent subcarriers (sometimes called the spreading factor) [16]. Finally, the time-domain symbols x (i) (n) obtained after NR-point IDFT is inserted with a CP portion before transmission. The resulting transmitted signal implemented in the frequency domain is exactly the same as the one generated in the time domain. Hence, the receiver structure and analysis remain the same as in the previous case.
1.8 SINGLE-CARRIER FREQUENCY-DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS For IFDMA, each user is allocated with interleaved subcarriers; thus, frequency diversity can be achieved for all users. The frequency-domain implementation structure of IFDMA provides other ways to allocate subcarriers to the users. For example, in Figure 1.8, each user can be allocated a different set of N consecutive subcarriers, called localized subcarrier allocation. With localized subcarrier allocation, the system is called single-carrier frequency-division multiple access (SC-FDMA) [17, 18]. Similar to OFDMA systems, SC-FDMA can achieve multiuser diversity.
s i n;v
bi n
si n
N-point DFT
ci n Subcarrier Mapping
xi n NR-point IDFT
Add CP
sˆ i n;v
zi n
N−1 v=0
y n Subcarrier Selection
NR-point DFT
Rem. CP
FIGURE 1.8 Block diagram of an IFDMA system with the transmitter implemented in the frequency domain.
1.9 CP-BASED CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS In this section we review CDMA-based block transmissions. In particular, we consider CP-CDMA and MC-CDMA systems. We assume that there are U active users in both systems. Each user has the same processing gain of G. The short code for the ith user is denoted as ci , where ci = [ci (0) ci (1) · · · ci (G − 1)]T . All U short codes make up a set of U orthonormal basis vectors (i.e., ciH c j = 1 for i = j and ciH c j = 0 for i = j). The long scrambing code for the nth data block is denoted by the diagonal matrix D(n). 1.9.1 CP-CDMA [19] In a CP-CDMA system, each user transmits Q = N/G symbols in one data block where N is the size of the data block. The Q symbols of one user are first spread out with the user’s specific spreading code. After that, all the chip sequences of all users are added up. The total chip sequence, which has the length of N , is then passed through the CP inserter. At the receiver, the received signal samples associated with the CP portion are removed, and then the DFT transform is performed on the remaining signals associated with the data block. We have the following equation to model the CP-CDMA system: z(n) = WD(n)Cs(n) + w(n),
where: r s(n) = [¯s T (n) s¯ T (n) · · · s¯ T (n)]T ; s¯ (n) = [s (n; v) s (n; v) · · · s (n; v)]T v 1 2 T Q 1 2 for v = 1, 2, . . . , Q, and si (n; v) is the vth symbol of the ith user transmitted on the nth data ⎧ block. ⎫ ⎨ ⎬ r C = diag C, ¯ . . . , C¯ ; C¯ = [c1 c2 · · · cU ]. ⎩ ⎭ Q times
1.9.2 MC-CDMA [20] In an MC-CDMA system, each of the Q symbols from a user is spread in the frequency domain on some subcarriers. The total number of subcarriers in the system is N = GQ. On the receiver side, the nth block received after DFT can be written as z(n) = D(n)C s(n) + w(n),
where z(n), C, s(n), and w(n) are defined as in the CP-CDMA system. The matrix is the interleaver matrix, which is used to allocate to nonconsecutive subcarriers chips belonging to a symbol.
1.10 RECEIVER DESIGN The fundamental objective of the receiver design in communication systems is to recover the information bits dedicated to a particular receiver. From the derivations above for various multiple-access schemes, we arrive at the following generic input–output model: z(n) = Hs(n) + u(n),
where the channel matrix depends on the specific scheme of interest. To describe the linear receivers, we make the following assumptions: r s(n) = [s(n; 1) s(n; 2) · · · s(n; K − 1)]T is the signal vector transmitted. We assume that the symbols transmitted, s(n; k)’ s, are zero mean, independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) with power E{|s(n; k)|2 } = E S . r u(n) ∈ C N ×1 is the noise vector, which is assumed to be a zero-mean complex Gaussian random vector with a covariance matrix of E{u(n)u H (n)} = N0 I N . r The symbols transmitted are statistically independent of the noises. To facilitate subsequent derivations, we define the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as = E S /N0 . Our objective is to recover the transmitted signal vector s(n) based on the received signal vector z(n). The ML estimate of s(n) is given by
s ML (n) = arg min z(n) − Hs(n) 2 , s(n)∈C K
where C = {c0 c1 · · · c|C|−1 } is the set containing all constellation points of the modulation scheme in use and |C| is the size of the constellation. Equation (1.32) requires an exhaustive search of all |C| K possible vectors to find the ML estimate of s(n). This number should be very large when we use higher modulation schemes and/or when the signal dimension K is large. Hence, the ML receiver involves an exponential complexity, and low-complexity suboptimal receivers are desired in practical systems. In this section we give an overview of two types of suboptimal receivers: linear and nonlinear. Among the linear receivers, zero-forcing and minimum mean square error receivers are chosen due to their simplicity and popularity. However, these receivers provide performance that is far from that of the ML receiver. Hence, nonlinear receivers are also reviewed. We cover the MMSE receiver with soft interference cancellation and a block-iterative generalized decision feedback equalizer. 1.10.1 Linear Receivers The model of linear receivers is represented by matrix C H in Figure 1.9, where C = [c0 c1 · · · cK −1 ]. A linear receiver uses a weighting vector ck of dimension N × 1 to decode the kth symbol, s(n; k), based on the received signal vector. More
sˆ (n)
FIGURE 1.9 Block diagram of linear receivers.
specifically, we calculate the quantity
s(n; k) = ckH z(n) = ckH hk s(n; k) +
ckH hi s(n; i) + ckH u(n).
i =k
The signal component in s(n; k) is ckH hk s(n; k), and its power is given by 2 PS = ckH hk E S . The interference-plus-noise component is ance is determined by σk2 =
i =k
ckH hi s(n; i) + ckH u(n), and its vari-
c H hi 2 E S + ck 2 N0 . k
i =k
Hence, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) for determining the symbol s(n; k) is given by
SINRk = i =k
H 2 c hk k . H 2 c hi + (1/ ) ck 2 N0 k
H ZF Receiver For the ZF receiver, C ZF is determined by the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse of H. When H is a square matrix and is invertH reduces to H −1 . When N ≥ K , the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse of H ible, C ZF becomes [21] H = (H H H)−1 H H . C ZF
In this case, the output of the ZF receiver is given by
s(n) = (H H H)−1 H H(H s(n) + w(n)) = s(n) + (H H H)−1 H H w(n).
It is observed that the ZF receiver tries to null out the interferences from other symbols, and it usually suffers from noise enhancement because of the nulling purpose. MMSE Receiver The MMSE receiver is the optimal linear receiver that maximizes the SINR at the equalization output. To derive this receiver, we define the mean square error (MSE) between the transmitted symbol s(n; k) and the equalization output s(n; k) as follows: 2 J (ck ) = E s(n; k) − ckH z(n) 2 = E s(n; k) − r kH ck − ckH r k + ckH R z ck ,
where R z = E{z(n)z H (n)} and r k = E{z(n)s ∗ (n; k)}. Differentiating (1.39) with respect to c∗k [22, App. B], we obtain ∂ J (ck ) = R z ck − r k . ∂ c∗k
ck = R−1 z rk.
R z = E z(n)z H (n) = HH HE S + N0 I N
r k = E{z(n)s ∗ (n; k)} = hk E S .
Letting ∂ J (ck )/∂ c∗k = 0 yields
From (1.31) we have
Therefore, (1.41) can be written as −1 ck = (HH H + (1/)I N )−1 hk = hk hkH + hi hiH + (1/)I N hk .
i =k
Equivalently, the MMSE receiver for all symbols transmitted can be represented as C MMSE = (HH H + (1/)I N )−1 H.
Some parameters of the MMSE receiver that we are interested in are: r The output SINR for the symbol s(n; k): The generic SINR formula in (1.36) can be written as SINRk =
H 2 c hk
k , ckH H k H kH + (1/ )I N ck
where H k is the matrix H in which the kth column is removed. Using the matrix inversion lemma† with A = H k H kH + (1/ )I N , B = hk , C = hkH , and D = − 1, we have
HH H + (1/ )I N
= A−1 −
A−1 hk hkH A−1 1 + hkH A−1 hk
Thus, the MMSE weight vector ck in (1.44) is given by −1 ck = HH H + (1/ )I N hk 1 1 −1 = A hk = A−1 hk , 1 + βk 1 + hkH A−1 hk
where βk = 1 + hkH A−1 hk . Substituting (1.48) in (1.46), we obtain −1 hk . SINRk = βk = hkH H k H kH + (1/ )I N
r If we define αk = c H hk , we can easily obtain k αk =
βk . 1 + βk
r After placing (1.48) in the general form of variance of interference plus noise in (1.35), we obtain σk2 = ckH H k H kH E s + N0 I N ck =
βk . (1 + βk )2
In the MMSE receiver, for a given s(n; k), when the signal dimension K becomes large, the interference plus noise can be modeled as a zero-mean complex Gaussian random variable. From (1.33) we have
E{s(n; k)} = αk s(n; k) = s(n; k). †( A −
BD−1 C) = A−1 + A−1 B( D − CA−1 B)−1 CA−1 [23].
This result implies that the MMSE receiver produces a biased estimate of s(n; k). For phase-shift-keying (PSK) modulation, if hard decisions are made on s(n; k), the BER performance will not be affected by this biased estimate. However, for quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), this bias does affect the BER performance. Therefore, we need to obtain an unbiased estimate of s(n; k). We can achieve this estimate by multiplying s(n; k) with a scaling factor of 1/αk , which yields
s(n; k) =
1 s(n; k). αk
It is easy to see that E{s(n; k)} = s(n; k); hence, s(n; k) is called an unbiased estimate of s(n; k). 1.10.2 Iterative Receivers In the preceding section, we studied linear equalizers. In this section, two nonlinear iterative receivers, MMSE-SIC and BI-GDFE, are presented. These receivers have near-ML performance and much reduced complexity. MMSE-SIC [24] We first present the MMSE-SIC receiver to estimate the transmitted symbols in (1.31). Let ck,l be the MMSE weighting vector for the kth symbol s(n; k) at the lth iteration. At the first iteration, the conventional MMSE is used. Hence, from (1.44), ck,1 is determined as ⎛ ck,1 = ⎝ hk hkH +
⎞−1 hi hiH + (1/ )I N ⎠
hk .
i =k
From (1.53), the unbiased output of this MMSE receiver for the kth symbol is written as
s 1 (n; k) =
1 H c z(n) = s(n; k) + r1 (n; k), αk,1 k,1
H where αk,1 = ck,1 hk and r1 (n; k) is the residual interference and noise after the bias removal, which is given by ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎝ H H r1 (n; k) = c hi + ck,1 u(n)⎠ . (1.56) αk,1 i =k k,1
With the help of (1.51), we can derive the variance of r1 (n; k) as 2 σk,1
H ck,1 H k H kH E s + N0 I N ck,1 |αk,1 |2
Hence, the SINR of the output of the kth symbol can easily be obtained: SINRk,1 =
H 2 c hk k,1
. H H k H kH + (1/ )I N ck,1 ck,1
The soft estimate of s(n; k) is then calculated as |C|−1
s˜1 (n; k) = E s(n; k)|s 1 (n; k) =
cv f (s 1 (n; k)|s(n; k) = cv )
v=0 |C|−1
f (s 1 (n; k)|s(n; k) = cv )
where f (a|b) is the probability density function of a given b. When the signal dimension K becomes large, the residual r1 (n; k) can be modeled approximately as 2 ; hence, a zero-mean complex Gaussian random variable with variance of σk,1 %
f (s 1 (n; k)|s(n; k) = cv ) = √ 2 2π σk,1
|s 1 (n; k) − cv |2 exp − 2 2σk,1
& .
Repeating those calculations for k = 0, 1, . . . , K − 1, we obtain the soft information for all symbols after the first iteration. Suppose that we have the soft information for all symbols after the lth iteration. At the (l + 1)th iteration, for the kth symbol, the MMSE-SIC receiver performs soft cancellation of the interference to produce z k,l+1 (n) to estimate s(n; k) at the (l + 1)th iteration as z k,l+1 (n) = z(n) −
hi s˜l (n; i)
i =k
= hk s(n; k) −
hi (s(n; i) − s˜l (n; i)) + u(n).
i =k
Based on (1.61), a new MMSE weighting vector, ck,l+1 , is obtained for the kth symbol as follows: −1 hk , ck,l+1 = hk hkH + H k Dk,l H kH + (1/ )I N where Dk,l = diag{d0,l
dk−1,l } with
di,k = E{|s(n; i) − s˜l (n; i)|2 s l (n; l)} 1 = (E{|s(n; i)|2 s l (n; i)} − |˜sl (n; i)|2 ) Es
and |C|−1 E{|s(n; i)|2 s(n; i).} = |cv |2 p(s(n; i) = cv s l (n; i)).
From the new weighting vector in (1.62) and (1.55), the new unbiased output of the kth symbol is determined. Hence, soft interference cancellation is carried out for every iteration. Note that the weighting vectors are different from one symbol interval to another; thus, the computational complexity for MMSE-SIC is still very high. BI-GDFE [25] The block diagram of a BI-GDFE receiver is given in Figure 1.10. This receiver is an iterative receiver in which the decisions obtained from the previous iteration are used to reconstruct the ISI, which is then canceled out from the received signal vector for the purpose of improving the detection performance in later iterations. At the lth iteration, the received signal vector z(n) is passed through the feed forward equalizer (FFE) K l . At the same time, the hard decisions from the previous iteration sˆ l−1 (n) are filtered by the feed-backward equalizer (FBE) Dl . The output from the FFE then subtracts the output from the FBE to generate zˆ l (n), which is exploited further to obtain the hard decision sˆ l (n). The optimal values of K l and Dl that maximize the SINR at the lth iteration are given by [25] Kl =
−1 2 HH H + (1/ )I N 1 − ρl−1 H
and Dl = ρl−1 K lH H − Al ,
where Al is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are equal to those of K lH H; ρl−1 is a coefficient that indicates the statistical reliability between the hard decision sˆ l−1 (n) and the transmitted signal vector s(n), and E{s(n)ˆslH (n)} = ρl−1 E s I K .
sˆl−1 n
zˆl n
z n KHl
FIGURE 1.10 Block diagram of a BI-GDFE receiver.
MMSE BI−GDFE (1 iteration) BI−GDFE (2 iterations) BI−GDFE (4 iterations) MFB
SNR (dB)
FIGURE 1.11 Performance of MMSE and BI-GDFE receivers for IFDMA.
Methods for determining the statistical reliability coefficients are studied in [25] for QPSK modulation and in [26] for high-order QAM. For the first iteration, ρ0 is chosen to be zero and thus the BI-GEFE receiver functions as the conventional MMSE receiver. If the channel matrix H is static over some symbol intervals (block fading channel), the values of K l and Dl need to be determined once and can be applied to the entire block. This helps to reduce the complexity of a BI-GDFE receiver compared to a MMSE-SIC receiver. In [25], computer simulations have shown that the BI-GDFE receiver is capable of achieving the single-user matched-filter bound (MFB) for spatial multiplexing based on large random multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) channels when the received SNR is high enough. That is, the BI-GDFE receiver is very effective in suppressing the interference between the data streams for MIMO systems. The use of BI-GDFE in CP-CDMA and MC-CDMA can also be found [27,28], while a reconfigurable BI-GDFE has been proposed [29] for various CP-based block transmissions. As an example, in Figure 1.11 we plot the performance curves of MMSE and BI-GDFE receivers for IFDMA systems with 256 subcarriers, each user being allocated 64 subcarriers and with a channel length of 64. Here, for IFDMA, discontinuous subcarrier mapping is used. From the simulation results it is clear that a BI-GDFE outperforms an MMSE and can achieve a performance close to that of an MFB.
SUMMARY Multiple-access schemes play important roles in designing the physical-layer air interfaces of broadband wireless networks. In this chapter, various multiple-access
schemes have been reviewed in detail from transmitter and receiver perspectives. We have also reviewed linear and nonlinear equalizers for generic transmission models. Recommendations for further reading are as follows: r Equivalence and relationship of MMSE-SIC and BI-GDFE [26] r Resource allocation for multiuser OFDM systems [30–32] r Resource allocation for OFDMA [33]
APPENDIX: PROOF OF (1.8) We first prove the following theorem. Theorem 1.1
Consider the following two sequences:
r Sequence 1: [x(0) r Sequence 2: [x(0) ˜
x(1) ˜ x(1)
··· ···
x(N − 1)]. ˜ − 1)]. x(N
Their corresponding Fourier transforms are [X (0) X (1) · · · X (N − 1)] and [ X˜ (0) X˜ (1) · · · X˜ (N − 1)], respectively. If sequence 2 is a circular shift version ˜ = x((n − v) N ), of sequence 1 by right-shifting the elements to v positions [i.e., x(n) where (·) N denotes the modulo operation over period of N ], then X˜ (k) = X (k)e− j(2πkv/N ) ,
k = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1.
Proof: For any value of k, we have
X˜ (k) =
N −1
− j(2πkn/N ) ˜ x(n)e
N −1
x((n − v)N )e− j(2πkn/N )
x(N − v + n)e− j(2πkn/N ) +
N −1
x(n − v)e− j(2πkn/N )
x(n )e− j[2πk(n −N +v)]/N +
n = N −v
= e− j(2πkv/N )
N −v−1 n = 0
N −1 n=0
x(n )e− j[2πk(n +v)]/N
x(n)e− j(2πkn/N ) = X (k)e− j(2πkv/N ) .
˜ = W H A. Notice that To prove (1.8), let A = W and H ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣
1 A = W = √ N
H0 H1 .. .
H1 e− j2π/N .. .
··· ··· .. .
HN −1
HN −1 e− j2π(N −1)/N
H0 H1 e−[ j2π(N −1)]/N .. .
⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥. ⎥ ⎦
HN −1 e−[ j2π(N −1)(N −1)]/N (1.69)
˜ m) = W H A(:, m), and we only need to prove Using MATLAB notation‡ we have H(:, ˜ that H(:, m) = H(:, m) for m = 1, 2, · · · , N. − j(2πkl/N ) , we have From the definition of Hk , Hk = lL−1 = 0 hl e ⎡ ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎣
H0 H1 .. . HN −1
⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦
h0 h1 .. .
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ √ ⎥ √ ⎢ ⎥ h = N W⎢ ⎢ L−1 ⎥ = N WH (:, 1) . ⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ . ⎥ ⎣ .. ⎦ 0
˜ 1) = W H A(:, 1) = W H W H(:, 1) = H(:, 1). From Thus, A(:, 1) = WH(:, 1) or H(:, ˜ is just the circular shift version of the (1.69) we observe that the mth column of H ˜ by down-shifting the elements m − 1 positions. Furthermore, from first column of H (1.7), the mth column of H is just the circular shift version of the first column of H ˜ 1) = H(:, 1). Hence, by down-shifting the elements m − 1 positions. Besides, H(:, ˜ = H. we conclude that H
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2.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter we consider wireless communication systems with multiple transmitting and/or multiple receiving antennas. When both transmitter and receiver sides have multiple antennas, these systems are referred to as multiple-input, multipleoutput (MIMO) antenna systems, or MIMO systems. In [6] and [7], Foschini and Telatar have proven that for a given power budget and a given bandwidth, the ergodic capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh fading channel increases linearly with the minimum number of transmitting and receiving antennas. It is this promising result that makes MIMO an attractive solution for achieving high-speed wireless connections over a limited amount of bandwidth. The increased data rate for MIMO systems is achieved through spatial multiplexing. MIMO also offers improved transmission reliability through transmit and/or receive diversity. In fact, even when there is only one transmitting antenna, receive diversity can be achieved through the use of multiple receiving antennas. Such a system is called a single-input, multiple-output (SIMO) system. Equivalently, transmit diversity can be achieved through the use of multiple transmitting antennas. A multiple-input, single-output (MISO) system has multiple transmitting antennas and a single receiving antenna. We first study the fundamental capacity limits of MIMO systems; then we look at the transceiver design for MIMO systems with channel state information (CSI)
Wireless Broadband Networks, By David Tung Chong Wong, Peng-Yong Kong, Ying-Chang Liang, Kee Chaing Chua, and Jon W. Mark C 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright
known or unknown at the transmitter side. We also consider the design for two special systems, SIMO and MISO systems. For a frequency-selective fading channel, OFDM, SCCP, and IFDMA are designed in conjunction with MIMO to achieve increased data rate transmission or in conjunction with space–time coding to achieve transmit diversity.
2.2 MIMO SYSTEM MODEL We consider a narrowband MIMO wireless communication system with Nt transmitting antennas and Nr receiving antennas. This system is illustrated in Figure 2.1 and the channel is referred to as an Nt × Nr MIMO channel. Considering the flat fading environment, the MIMO system can be represented by a discrete-time model at time index n as follows: z(n) = Hx(n) + u(n),
where: r The transmitted signal vector x(n) of size N × 1 is drawn from a white Gaussian t codebook. In other words, the elements of x(n) are i.i.d. zero-mean Gaussian random variables. The correlation matrix of the signal vector is defined as R x = E{x(n)x H(n)} with trace{R x } = P, where P is the fixed total transmit power. r We use h to denote the channel coefficient from the lth transmitting antenna to k,l the kth receiving antenna, where l = 1, 2, . . . , Nt and k = 1, 2, . . . , Nr . Hence,
1 x1(n)
h1,l u1(n) hkr,l
xl (n)
l hN r,l
zk(n) uk(n)
Nt Nr
zNr(n) uNr(n)
FIGURE 2.1 MIMO antenna system model.
the channel matrix H in (2.1) is written as ⎡ ⎢ ⎢ H =⎢ ⎣
h 1,1 h 2,1 .. .
h 1,2 h 2,2 .. .
··· ··· .. .
h 1,Nt h 2,Nt .. .
h Nr ,1
h Nr ,2
h Nr ,Nt
⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ∈ C Nr ×Nt . ⎦
Furthermore, we assume that h k,l is a complex Gaussian random variable with zero mean and a variance of E{|h k,l |2 } = 1. r The elements of noise vector u(n) of size Nr × 1 are i.i.d. complex Gaussian random variables with zero mean and a variance of N0 . Therefore, the correlation matrix of the noise vector is R u = E{u(n)u H(n)} = N0 I Nr . Two special cases are: 1. When Nt = 1 and Nr > 1, the system becomes a single-input, multiple-output (SIMO) system. 2. When Nt > 1 and Nr = 1, the system becomes a multiple-input, single-output (MISO) system.
2.3 CHANNEL CAPACITY Channel capacity is a fundamental performance indicator that describes the maximum rate of data transmission that a channel can support with an arbitrarily small probability of error incurred due to channel impairments. The channel capacity for additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels was derived by Claude Shannon in 1948 [1]. For single-input single-output systems, the capacity limits for fading channels have been well documented: for example, in [2–5]. In this section we consider the channel capacity of MIMO systems in a fading channel environment. We first look at the capacity for single-input, single-output (SISO) fading channels. 2.3.1 SISO Channels Consider the following AWGN channel: x(n) = s(n) + u(n),
and assume that: r The transmitted signal s(n) is zero-mean i.i.d. Gaussian with E{|s(n)|2 } = E s . r The noise u(n) is zero-mean i.i.d. Gaussian with E{|u(n)|2 } = N . 0
We define the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as = E s /N0 . The capacity of the channel is determined by the mutual information between the input and output, which is given by C = log2 (1 + ).
Here the unit of capacity is bits per second per hertz (bits/s/Hz). In a high-SNR region, the channel capacity increases 1 bit/s/Hz for every 3-dB increase in SNR. Next, we consider the following SISO fading channel: z(n) = hx(n) + u(n),
and assume the following: r The transmitted signal x(n) is zero-mean i.i.d. Gaussian with E{|x(n)|2 } = E s . r The noise u(n) is zero-mean i.i.d. Gaussian with E{|u(n)|2 } = N0 , and the SNR is = E s /N0 . r The fading state h is a random variable with E{|h|2 } = 1. Let us first introduce the concept of a block fading channel, which is a slowly fading channel whose coefficient is constant over an interval of time T and which changes to another independent value, again constant over an interval of time T, and so on. The instantaneous mutual information between z(n) and x(n) of the fading channel conditional on channel state h is given by I (x; z|h) = log2 1 + |h|2 .
Since h is a random variable, the instantaneous mutual information is also a random variable. Thus, if the distribution of |h|2 is known, the distribution of I (x; z|h) can be calculated accordingly. The channel capacity of a fading channel can be quantified either in an ergodic sense or in an outage sense, yielding ergodic capacity and outage capacity. The ergodic capacity of the SISO fading channel in (2.5) is defined as C = E log2 1 + |h|2 ,
where the expectation is taken over the channel state variable h. Physically speaking, the ergodic capacity defines the maximum (constant) rate of codes that can be transmitted over the channel and recovered with an arbitrarily small probability of error when the codes are long enough to cover all possible channel states. In Figure 2.2 we compare the capacities of the AWGN channel and the SISO Rayleigh fading channel with respect to the received SNR. Here, for the fading channel case, we have used the average received SNR. It can be seen that at high SNR, the capacity of the fading channel increases 1 bit/s/Hz for every 3-dB increase
AWGN Rayleigh fading
Capacity (bits/sec/Hz)
10 8 6 4 2
SNR (dB)
FIGURE 2.2 Capacity comparison for AWGN channels and SISO Rayleigh fading channels.
in SNR, which is the same as the AWGN channel. Since the instantaneous mutual information is a random variable, if a code with constant rate C0 is transmitted over the fading channel, this code cannot be recovered correctly at the receiver at a fading block whose instantaneous mutual information is lower than the code rate C0 , thus causing an outage event. We define the outage probability as the probability that the instantaneous mutual information is less than the rate of C0 ; that is, Pout (C0 ) = Pr (I (x; z|h) < C0 ) .
Based on this, the q% outage capacity Cout,q% is defined as the maximum information rate of codes transmitted over the fading channel for which the outage probability does not exceed q%.
2.3.2 MIMO Channel Capacity for One-Channel Realization We next investigate the channel capacity for MIMO channel with a given realization of the channel matrix. After that, the ergodic channel capacity of the system under fading channels is presented. We assume that the receiver has the perfect information on channel matrix H. Furthermore, we differentiate two cases: One is that the channel matrix is known at the transmitter, referred to as the CSI-known case, and the other is when the channel matrix is unknown at the transmitter, referred to as the CSI-unknown case.