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Nov 21, 2005 - I am particularly pleased to be able to thank my colleagues. ... Hans Wilschut, for reviewing the text of this thesis. I am ...... Glück, F.: 1998, Nucl.

WITCH, a Penning trap for weak interaction studies



Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica Departement Natuurkunde Faculteit Wetenschappen


Proefschrift ingediend tot

Prof. Dr. N. Severijns

het behalen van de graad van doctor in de wetenschappen door

Valentin Yu. Kozlov

Leuven 2005

To my rst and major teachers of life, to my parents. With love and gratitude.

Acknowledgment I would like to thank everybody connected with the realization of this thesis. For the last four years, these people have inspired and helped me to complete this work within framework of the WITCH project. Even though the physics goal of the experiment was already attractive, they were able to provoked my interest still further as well as helping me avoid any pitfalls. First of all, it is a great pleasure to acknowledge the contribution of my supervisor, Prof. Nathal Severijns, for his friendly guidance and support. During the last four years, discussions with him were always highly valuable and I very much appreciate his willingness to help, his good advice and ability to negotiate with people in order to reach the best solution. I am particularly pleased to be able to thank my colleagues. Marcus Beck, for his expertise, knowledge of physics and general life discussions. His alien power was inspiring not only for good work, but also for fun outside of work. Bavo Delauré, for excellent example of a student being able to take initiative and be creative, as well as someone who was always ready to help. Axel Lindroth, for occasionally heated discussions but out of which, the truth was usually born. Sam Coeck, for his willing assistance while working on the set-up and also for very useful discussions about MCP detectors and Penning traps. Stefan Kopecky, whose expertise in Penning traps came at the right moment and was extremely helpful and eective. Mustapha Herbane, he only recently joined the group but has already provided valuable input. I would also like to express my gratitude to the colleagues and friends from the Nuclear Orientation part of the group: Victor Golovko, Ilya Kraev, Titia Phalet and Stefan Versyck. I wish to thank all the people involved in the WITCH experiment, those working at ISOLDE (CERN) and at other places around the world.

I am

particularly grateful to Dietrich Beck, Klaus Blaum, Frank Herfurth, Friedhelm Ames, Pierre Delahaye and Fredrik Wenander. I am indebted to the sta of the Mechanical and Electronics workshops at I



K.U.Leuven headed by Eddy De Wyngaert and Maurice Elskens with a special mention to Rony Heylen and Guido Claes. I also want to say a word of thanks to Jacques Pier-Amory, a design engineer at ISOLDE and a real professional at what he does, and Willy Schoovaerts, engineer at IKS. Without the people mentioned, the installation of the set-up would not have been completed. I would like to express my gratitude to the IT team of IKS, especially Luc Verwilst, for help in ghting with the computers.

Also thanks to the

administrative sta of IKS: Josee Pierre, Katia Cools and Sally Vetters for their guidance and help with all formalities. I also want to thank everybody at IKS for the pleasant times spent together. I am especially grateful to the members of jury: Dr. Klaus Blaum, Prof. Mark Huyse, Prof. Peter Lievens, Prof. Oscar Naviliat-Cuncic, Prof. Nathal Severijns and Prof. Hans Wilschut, for reviewing the text of this thesis. I am also obliged to my friends all over the world, in particular to Alexey Dobrynin, Ashot Gasparyan, Ilya Seluzhenkov and Cedric Cerna, for their support, friendship and pleasant chats.

I also cannot forget to thank my dear

girlfriend, Natalia Egorova, who supported me a lot during the nal stages of my thesis. Of course, I reserve my warmest and highest gratitude for my parents: my father, Yuri V. Kozlov, and my mother, Lubov' A. Kozlova.

Thank you so

much for your advice and support you provided during my life.

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica Leuven, Belgium November 2005

Valentin Kozlov







Physics context 1.1 1.2




Development of weak interaction theory Standard Model and

β -decay

. . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The Hamiltonian for beta decay




Beyond Standard Model

angular correlation

. . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Review of small  a experiments 6


Oak Ridge








TRIµP plans

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



LPC-Caen set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



WITCH set-up






. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38m K measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Trap technique




Principle of a Penning trap

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Processes in a Penning trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Ion motion in an ideal trap



Motion in the presence of additional forces


Ion cooling


Charge exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Many ions in a trap


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III




WITCH set-up 4.1


Overview of the experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Principle of the experiment

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Overview of the WITCH set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Choice of isotopes

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



ISOLDE separator

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Horizontal beamline


Vertical beamline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



WITCH traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Retardation spectrometer


WITCH magnet system


Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4.10 Ion-detection

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

51 52

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.11 Experimental cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.12 Diagnostic system

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.13 Vacuum system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.13.1 Cleaning for vacuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.13.2 Pumping system




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.14 O-line ion sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.14.1 REXTRAP ion source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.14.2 WITCH ion source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.15 WITCH control system & DAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.15.1 Choice of hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.15.2 Software developed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Simulations 5.1



Beam transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



PDT section



Injection into high magnetic eld . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Response function

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Ideal response for mono-energetic ions . . . . . . . . . .



Inuence of residual gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Doppler broadening



Cut-o angle

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Recoil spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Achievable precision



Procedure to analyse experimental data


β -particle


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

simulations in a simple approach


. . . . . . . . . . .



β -particle simulations β -spectrum . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



WITCH set-up in the GEANT4 program

. . . . . . . .






Very rst tests of WITCH



HBL tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



VBL tests




Results of the simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Pulsed Drift Tube tests

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Eciency of the vertical beamline

. . . . . . . . . . . .


Trap tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Box trapping



Buer gas cooling




Estimate of the buer gas pressure . . . . . . . . . . . .



Magnetic eld in the center of the cooler trap . . . . . .



Discussion on the frequency measurement . . . . . . . .


More tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



First radioactive ions in WITCH


Preliminary spectrometer tests

. . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .



MCP regime

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Perspectives 7.1



97 97


Possible improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






HV switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






60 kV ion source

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Spectrometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Vacuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Additional tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


REXTRAP tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The excitation frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The ion species in the rest gas and buer gas . . . . . .



Buer gas pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Cooling time

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Temperature of the ion cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Space charge studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Spectrometer investigation




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


More physics with WITCH

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Tensor interaction


F/GT mixing ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Q -value measurement +


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Charge state distribution

branching ratio

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Search for heavy neutrinos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



More... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




A Dipole excitation in the presence of a damping force


B Measurement time in case of


β -background




In the presence of the

β -background

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

β -background

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

C Tuning of the WITCH beamline

165 165




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



HBL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



VBL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






List of Figures



β -decay

process in the gauge theory and for four-fermion

contact interaction

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

β -decay.



Possible leptoquark interactions contributing to nuclear


Experimental apparatus of the Oak Ridge


Scheme of the TRIUMF experimental set-up

. . . . . . . . . .



Experimental arrangement of Berkeley set-up . . . . . . . . . .



Set-up with the transparent Paul trap from LPC-Caen . . . . .





experiment . . .

11 15

Most common types of Penning traps: hyperbolic trap and simple cylindrical trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



The ion motion in an ideal Penning trap . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Conguration of electrodes in order to generate an azimuthal electric dipole or quadrupole RF eld


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

reduced cyclotron motion by a quadrupole excitation at 3.5


Conversion of an initially pure magnetron motion into a pure

ωq = ωc


Trajectory of a particle in a Penning trap in case of a damping force only and when an additional azimuthal quadrupole excitation a is applied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



a = −1



Dierential recoil energy spectrum for


Schematic overview of the WITCH set-up

. . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . .



WITCH set-up presently installed in the ISOLDE hall, at CERN



Schematic overview of the ISOLDE hall



REXTRAP set-up: the trap electrode structure, buer gas dis-

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

tribution and potential along the trap axis . . . . . . . . . . . .



Schematic view of the horizontal beamline of the WITCH set-up



Vertical beamline of the WITCH set-up


The principle of PDT.


Geometry of the WITCH Penning traps

. . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.10 Scheme of the retardation spectrometer. . . . . . . . . . . . . .



List of Figures


4.11 Magnetic and electric elds on the axis of the spectrometer

. .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.13 Scheme and photo of the LPC position sensitive MCP assembly


4.14 Operation cycle of the WITCH experiment


4.12 MCP working principle

. . . . . . . . . . .

4.15 General schematic view of the WITCH set-up with the diagnostics indicated

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.16 Picture of the diagnostic based on the system with two cylindri. .


4.17 Scheme of the WITCH pumping system. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

cal bearings and the collimator strip in front (HBDIAG03).


4.18 REXTRAP ion source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.19 WITCH ion source

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.20 Electrical scheme of the HV switch system for 60 kV. . . . . . .


4.21 Layout of the present version of the HV switch system for 30 kV.


4.22 Generic software architecture of the WITCH control system . .


4.23 HV control program for all WITCH electrodes connected to computer controllable power supplies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Eciency of the PDT as a function of HV . . . . . . . . . . . .



The response function of the WITCH spectrometer for a monoenergetic peak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


tion of the WITCH spectrometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4

Cut-o angle as a function of the recoil energy charged ion


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Eect of the cut-o angle on the response function (∆U


Dierential recoil spectrum calculated for the Estimated precision on the coecient of


of a singly

5.6 5.8


Doppler broadening of the response function of the WITCH spectrometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Inuence of rest gas at dierent pressures on the response func-

= 10 V) 38 m of K

β + -decay β − ν angular correla-

77 77 79

tion, a depending on the total number of events N in the dier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



ential recoil spectrum

Results of the simple beta particle simulation . . . . . . . . . .



β -spectrum

generated for



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.11 WITCH set-up in the GEANT4 simulation program 5.12 Trajectories of

β -particles

of 3 MeV energy in the WITCH set-up

5.13 3D plot of the points where time

85 87 88

β -particles hit the set-up for the rst

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5.14 Plot showing the elements of the set-up which the rst

. . . . . .


β -particles hit

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


β -particles . . . . . the cases a = 1 and


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


5.15 Energy left in the pseudo-MCP detector by 5.16 Integral spectrum calculated for

a = 0.5





5.17 Dierential spectrum calculated for and

a = 0.5



for the cases


Slit scans of the beam prole with the HBL diagnostics


Eciency of the beam transfer through the HBL


a = 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . .


TOF spectra (VBDIAG03 MCP detector) of ions coming from the REXTRAP set-up (no switching was performed) . . . . . .



TOF spectra of



after the PDT (VBDIAG03 MCP detector)

Simulated TOF spectra for dierent time constants (10

τP DT < 0.4µs), 6.7

98 99

µs < 99

TOF spectrum for dierent ion species/masses measured with except for



compared to the measured spectrum . . . . . .

the VBDIAG03 MCP detector. 6.8


Schematic showing the behaviour of dierent parts of an ion bunch during the PDT HV switching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





(24 kV).

The PDT v oltage was 22 kV,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


First ions trapped in WITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


MCP signal for dierent storage times (simple box trapping in the cooler trap and no buer gas cooling)

. . . . . . . . . . . .


6.10 Trap voltages originally applied in order to capture ions in the cooler trap, get them in the quadrupole potential, transfer then into the decay trap and keep them there . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.11 Eciencies of the ion ejection from the cooler trap (shoot through the decay trap) as a function of the decay trap voltages

. . . .


6.12 Oscilloscope pictures of the MCP signal corresponding to dierent cooling times

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.13 Oscilloscope signal for a buer gas pressure of 9 mbar and 25 ms cooling time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.14 Time-of-ight values for




ions as a function of the cooling

time for dierent estimators and buer gas pressures of 5 mbar and 3 mbar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.15 Width of the TOF signal for




as a function of the cooling

time for dierent estimators at buer gas pressures of 5 mbar and 3 mbar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.16 MCP signal (SPMCPD01) for dierent cooling times (100..900 ms)113 6.18 Mass selective cooling of 6.19 Fitting the of



Ekin (tcool )







. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.17 Dipole excitation at the reduced cyclotron frequency


spectra converted from the TOF spectra

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6.20 Time of ight values for




ions as a function of the cooling

time. The corresponding ts are shown as well

. . . . . . . . .


6.21 Identication of dierent peaks based on the dipole excitation at the reduced cyclotron frequency

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


List of Figures


6.22 Calculated radius of the ion motion under the 6.23


excitation as

a function of the frequency shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





half-life measurement on the VBDIAG01 MCP detector. .

6.24 Integral spectrum measured with the SPMCPD01 detector for dierent ion source acceleration voltages . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.25 Summed MCP signal as a function of the number of incident particles (per bunch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.26 MCP signal shapes in the case of a double ion bunch . . . . . .


6.27 Change of MCP signal shape with the applied MCP HV and the saturation eect (VBDIAG03 detector).

. . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.28 Eect of the WITCH beam gate on the MCP signal (VBDIAG01, MCP HV=1.6 kV): removing early arriving ions with the beam gate increases the MCP signal of later arriving ions. 7.1 7.2 7.3

Time-of-ight spectrum on the detection MCP (oscilloscope pic138

Split anode of the new diagnostic MCP.


. . . . . . . . . . . . .

HV of the PDT as a function of time in case of a standard

. . . . . . . . .


νdipole (magnetron


. . . . . . .


νdipole (reduced cyclotron) . . . Rb and 87 Rb ions measured in the prepa-


ration trap of the ISOLTRAP set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Cooling resonance for


Cyclotron resonance for


of the ISOLTRAP set-up 7.9


The number of ions ejected from REXTRAP as function of the shift of the excitation frequency



The number of ions ejected from REXTRAP as function of the excitation frequency


. . . . . . . . .

Improved HV switch circuit scheme, modied by adding the clamping diode to improve the switching speed



ture) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

exponential decrease and using clamping diode 7.4

. . . . . .

Rb ions measured in the precision trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The number of ions ejected from the ISOLTRAP preparation trap as a function of the delay between the end of cooling by means of RF -eld and the extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.10 The width of the ejected ion signal as a function of storage time in the RFQ trap of ISOLTRAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.11 The number of ejected ions as a function of the buer gas pressure/voltage of the buer gas control unit for the REXTRAP set-up

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

7.12 Energy deposited by hind the MCP

β -particles


in the scintillator detector be-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7.13 Precision on Fermi to Gamow-Teller ratio measurement as a function of


angular correlation parameter . . . . . . . . .


7.14 Achievable precision for the determination of the Q-value from the EC peak position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Schematische voorstelling van de WITCH-opstelling


TOF spectra van


Gesommeerd MCP signaal als functie van het aantal invallende deeltjes per puls



. . . . . .


na de PDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


List of Tables


Conditions for violation of the discrete symmetries. . . . . . . .



Overview of small a experiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Example of the dierent

ω+, c, z, −

frequencies for the WITCH

Penning trap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2


Time scale of an increase (decrease) of the magnetron (reduced cyclotron) radius in the case of WITCH cooler trap . . . . . . .



Candidate isotopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Vacuum in the WITCH set-up (no buer gas used).

. . . . . .



Total eciency of optimized WITCH set-up.

. . . . . . . . . .



Increase of the total measurement time in the case of to the


β -background




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Eciency of box trapping of



ions in the cooler trap. No

buer gas is used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2

Estimation of the buer gas pressure in the cooler trap. calculation is based on the dipole excitation of the




ions . .

6.7 B.1


Evaluation of the buer gas pressure in the cooler trap based on Cyclotron frequencies calculated for various isotopes for

9 6.6



the TOF measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.5


Trapping eciencies as a ratio to the number of ions shot through the traps (without capturing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



T and

Bestim. = (9.018 ± 0.004)


Btheor =

T in the center of the cooler

trap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


ν+ ν+

frequencies calculated for frequencies calculated for

B = 9.018(4) B = 8.997(3)


. . . . . . . . . .



. . . . . . . . . .


Increase of the measurement time for the channel near the endpoint energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XIII


List of Tables



Positions of the detectors and the collimator diaphragms in HBL and VBL


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Eciënties voor een volledig geoptimaliseerde WITCH-opstelling en de op dit egenblik bereikte waarden . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Introduction Despite the fact that the

β -decay

process was discovered already at the end

of 19th century, our understanding of weak interactions has developed only gradually.

Nuclear beta decay has played a crucial role in the development

of weak interaction theory.

For instance, such experimental foundations of

the present standard electroweak model (which is the unied theory of the electromagnetic and weak interactions) as a) the assumption of maximal parity

violation; b) the assumption of massless neutrinos and c) the vector  axialvector (V-A) form of the weak interaction have their origin in the detailed analysis of nuclear beta decay process. Although the standard model of the electroweak interaction was shown to be very successful in describing existing experimental data both qualitatively and quantitatively, a number of parameters have to be determined experimentally and several important properties of the interaction are not well understood. One of these is that from the ve possible types of weak interactions  vector (V ), axial-vector (A), scalar (S ), tensor (T ) and pseudoscalar interaction (P )  just V and A interactions are present at a fundamental level. This assumption is based on experimental results only and the presence of scalar and tensor types of weak interaction is today ruled out only to the level of about 8% (combining the results of several experiments) of the V - and A-interactions [Severijns et al., 2006]. The main aim of the WITCH (acronym for Weak Interaction Trap for Charged particles) experiment is to study the structure of the electroweak interaction by determining the


angular correlation from the shape of the

recoil ion energy spectrum. The primary goal is to concentrate on the possible scalar component in the interaction.

A cloud of radioactive ions stored in

a Penning trap serves as the source for the experiment, thus leading to the minimization of scattering and energy loss of the decay products. The energy spectrum of the recoiling daughter ions from

β -decays

be measured with a retardation spectrometer.

in this ion cloud will

This recoil energy spectrum

can be measured for a wide variety of isotopes, independent from their specic 1



properties. The set-up is installed at the ISOLDE (CERN) facility, which provides a wide range of radioactive beams with good intensities, giving access to many isotopes of interest. The construction of WITCH was completed and the experiment is presently in the commissioning stage. First tests with stable beams as well as with radioactive ones were done already. The work presented here will focus on the development of the set-up, its present status, the results of the rst tests and possible improvements. The rst chapter gives an overview of the physics of weak interactions with emphasis on the

β -decay process and the β − ν

angular correlation. The second

chapter gives an overview the main experiments which determined the


angular correlation parameter a. Since the WITCH experiment uses a Penning trap, the basics of the Penning trap theory with some examples for the WITCH case are given in the third chapter. Chapter 4 provides a detailed overview of the set-up, starting from the physics principle of the experiment and continuing with the technical aspects to full the primary goal of the experiment. Chapter 5 is dedicated to the calculations and simulations done in order to ensure a good understanding of the set-up.

Chapter 6 describes the very rst tests

performed, discusses the results of these tests and highlights several problems experienced during this commissioning.

Finally, Chapter 7 suggests possible

solutions, technical modications and more tests that should lead to an even better understanding of the set-up and to further optimize it. overview of extended physics goals is given in this last chapter 7.

Also a brief

Chapter 1 Physics context The WITCH experiment is aiming to probe physics beyond the Standard Model of electroweak interactions. The corresponding physics background is given in this chapter.

1.1 Development of weak interaction theory One can somewhat arbitrarily divide a development of weak interaction theory into dierent periods, each one associated with specic concepts and framework.

The Fermi theory The rst theoretical description of the weak interaction was formulated by Fermi [Fermi, 1934]. Fermi's theory was a very important key to our understanding of weak interaction physics. Numerous eorts to test predictions of this theory and some of its extensions were made in order to determine the nature of the interaction. Applying this theory made it possible to describe both at that time known beta processes (β



decays), to explain electron and

positron spectra, to classify the beta decaying nuclei by their decay probability (allowed and forbidden transitions) and to estimate the weak interaction coupling constant

GF ,

but also to predict new phenomena such as inverse beta

decay, electron capture and


scattering on


[Mukhin et al., 1997]. Fermi's

theory also played an important role in neutrino physics:

the electron neu-

trino was nally discovered in a nuclear reactor experiment [Reines and Cowan, 1953a,b] based on the idea that a neutrino capture process may induce a detectable radioactivity. Fermi's theory of nuclear beta decay incorporated the neutrino hypothesis in a formalism similar to quantum electrodynamics. Fermi's Hamiltonian 3


CHAPTER 1 Physics context


involves a local four fermion vector type interaction:

GF HF = gF Jµ · j µ = √ (¯ pγµ n)(¯ eγ µ νe ) 2 where



refer to the hadronic and leptonic vector currents respectively,

are the Dirac

γ -matrices

(mass)−2 ,

γ5 = γ1 γ√ ¯ = e† γ4 . The interaction 2 γ3 γ4 and e gF = GF / 2. However, this coupling has the


is characterized by a strength, dimension of


i.e. can not correspond to a fundamental interaction

strength. It is remarkable that the simple Fermi theory is still useful today for the phenomenological description of low energy decay processes.

V-A extension of the Fermi theory Fermi's vector type interaction theory alone could not explain all experimental data (for instance, the so-called decay of



”θ − τ puzzle”

or the high probability of beta

In 1956 Lee and Yang suggested that parity conservation could

be violated in weak interactions [Lee and Yang, 1956]. Several tests were then proposed to verify this hypothesis.

The rst clear evidence came from the

celebrated measurement of the electron decay asymmetry from polarized



nuclei [Wu et al., 1957] which also indicated that the magnitude of the violation is very high. Finally, a set of experimental results and theoretical work led to the modication of Fermi's assumption and to the formulation [Feynman and Gell-Mann, 1958, Sudarshan and Marshak, 1958] of a universal theory in which the interaction is described by an eective Hamiltonian density in terms of a self-coupling universal current

Jµ :

In today's terms, the

GF HV −A = √ Jµ† · Jµ + h.c. 2 charged current Jµ for weak interactions

(1.2) is

Jµ = Jµhadronic + Jµleptonic = u ¯γµ (1 − γ5 )d0 + ν¯e γµ (1 − γ5 )e


This formulation can be extended to incorporate several generations of fermions by adding more terms into the current. The main statements of this theory are the following:

it assumes only the (V-A) variant of the interaction

the weak vector current is conserved

maximal parity (P ) violation and violation of charge conjugation (C )

massless neutrinos

1.1 Development of weak interaction theory


all leptons are left-handed while anti-leptons are right-handed

conservation of lepton number (leptons are always produced in pairs, or when one lepton is annihilated another lepton is produced)

Following Cabibbo [Cabibbo, 1963] the relative strength of the purely leptonic, semi-leptonic and strange purely hadronic processes do not have to be identical. In terms of the quark states this can be incorporated into the theory via the relation

d0 ≈ cos θC · d = Vud d where angle

d0 (resp. d) denotes the weak (resp. mass) and Vud is one element of the so-called

quark mixing matrix (see Eq.(1.7)).




is the Cabibbo


The (V-A) theory completed by the

Cabibbo hypothesis provides a good approximation for phenomenology of weak interactions at low energy.

Theory of electroweak interaction In analogy with quantum electrodynamics it was proposed that the weak interaction mechanism is also due to the exchange of an intermediate boson with a mass


[Lee and Yang, 1960].

The vertex coupling of this boson to the

fermions is characterized by a dimensionless constant g. In the limit of low momentum transfer one can derive a simple relation between the Fermi coupling of the (V-A) theory and that of the intermediate vector boson theory:

g2 GF √ = 2 8MW 2


However, the intermediate boson does not arise from a gauge symmetry principle. Therefore, this suggestion can not be considered as a fundamental theory but rather as an eective approximation only valid for processes at energies below the W mass threshold. The unication of the electromagnetic and weak interactions relies on a set of elaborated concepts and on the guiding principle of gauge invariance [Salam and Ward, 1961]. gauge group

The electroweak unication theory is based on the

SU (2)L ⊗ U (1)Y

[Glashow, 1961, Weinberg, 1967, Salam, 1968]

and contains four vector bosons:

W +, W −, Z 0



. Three of them (W


, Z 0)

correspond to weak interaction and have mass. The latter can be explained by the symmetry breaking or Higgs mechanism. The fundamental strengths of the weak interaction g and of the electromagnetic interaction e are related by

e = g sin θW


CHAPTER 1 Physics context




is the Weinberg angle. Theory successfully predicted the existence

of the c -quark (Bc

= 1/3, qc = (+2/3)|e|)

and neutral weak currents.


measurement of the ratio between neutral current and charged current events provided an estimate of the Weinberg angle, and Eqs.(1.5),(1.6) also an estimate of

MW ±

θW and from knowledge of GF MZ 0 (MZ 0 = MW ± / cos θW ).


Today the unied theory of electroweak interactions together with a description of the strong interaction forms the Standard Model of elementary particles.

As far as currently known there are 12 elementary particles (i.e.

which make up all the other particles found in Nature, and do not themselves


have any internal structure) : six leptons and six quarks which can be grouped in doublets:


e− νe 


u d

     µ− τ− , , νµ ντ      c t , , s b

The upper part in each quark doublet has a charge charge of



the lower one a

The weak eigenstates of the quarks of charge



from the eigenstates of these quarks with respect to the electromagnetic and strong interaction for which the quarks were dened. For d - and s -quark this is expressed as the Cabibbo-mixing (Eq.(1.4)). In the case of the three presently known quark families the quark mixing is expressed by the Cabibbo-KobayashiMaskawa matrix [Cabibbo, 1963, Kobayashi and Maskawa, 1972]:

  d0 Vud  s0  =  Vcd b0 Vtd

Vus Vcs Vts

  Vub d Vcb   s  Vtb b


where the prime denotes the weak eigenstates. The normalization of the particle wave-function requires that the CKM-matrix is unitary. At present the Standard Model of the electroweak interaction is very successful in describing the interaction both qualitatively and quantitatively. However, we already know that it has to be extended to account for the non-zero neutrino mass. Also the theory contains many free parameters and ad-hoc assumptions and many open questions still remain. Therefore, it is necessary to search for the existence of new physics or new phenomena beyond the Standard Model. The role of beta decay experiments in this branch of weak interaction studies is quite high (see e.g. [Deutsch and Quin, 1995, Herczeg, 2001,

1 there are also mediator bosons (gluon, W ± , Z 0 , γ ) which are also considered elementary in a sense that they are not themselves made up of smaller particles

1.2 Standard Model and

β -decay








Figure 1.1:


β -decay




process in the gauge theory (left) and for four-fermion

contact interaction (right) (from [Severijns et al., 2006]).

Severijns et al., 2006]). One can even say that nuclear

β -decay

has become a

precision tool to test some underlying symmetries of the Standard Model. As the current work is directly related to

β -decay

studies in search for

β -decay

physics beyond the present theory, a closer view on the theory of


possible extensions of the Standard Model is given in the next paragraph.

1.2 Standard Model and β -decay The symmetries of the underlying gauge group determine the properties of a fundamental interaction and its gauge bosons. In low-energy processes like


decay, in which the energies involved in the process are much smaller than the mass of the gauge boson, the interaction is equally well described by a fourfermion contact interaction. This kind of description preserves the symmetries of the gauge interaction.

Fig. 1.1 shows the scheme of

β -decay

for both a

description in terms of the exchange of gauge bosons and a four-fermion contact interaction.

1.2.1 The Hamiltonian for beta decay The standard (V-A) Hamiltonian for nuclear

β -decay

resulting from a four-

fermion contact interaction follows from Eqs.(1.2),(1.3) and (1.7):

GF uγµ (1 + γ5 )d) (¯ eγ µ (1 + γ5 )νe ) + h.c. H = √ Vud (¯ 2


Only a non-strange interaction is considered. This Hamiltonian assumes maximal parity violation and only vector and axial-vector interactions. The most general interaction Hamiltonian describing nuclear

β -decay


includes all possible interaction types consistent with Lorentz-invariance is given by [Lee and Yang, 1956, Jackson et al., 1957a, Jackson, 1958]

CHAPTER 1 Physics context



(¯ pn) (¯ e (CS + CS0 γ5 ) ν) + (¯ pγµ n) (¯ eγ µ (CV + CV0 γ5 ) ν)  1 + (¯ pσλµ n) e¯σ λµ (CT + CT0 γ5 ) ν 2 0 − (¯ pγµ γ5 n) (¯ eγ µ γ5 (CA + CA γ5 ) ν) 0 + (¯ pγ5 n) (¯ eγ5 (CP + CP γ5 ) ν) + h.c.



1 σλµ = − i(γλ γµ − γµ γλ ) 2 The interacting particles are now leptons and nucleons.


The interactions

Oi , i ∈ {S, V, T, A, P }, with OS = 1, OV = γµ , OP = γ5 . The ve dierent terms in Eq.(1.9) are

are described by their operators

√1 σλµ , OA = −iγµ γ5 , 2 called Scalar (S ), Vector (V ), Tensor (T ), Axial-Vector (A) and Pseudoscalar

OT =

(P ) contributions because of the transformation properties of the corresponding operators. The coecients




are the coupling constants. The nucleon

current is now given by


p¯Oi n


e¯Oi (Ci + Ci0 γ5 )ν


i and the lepton current by

X i

This description does not take into account eects due to nucleon or nuclear structure. The C -coecients determine the properties of the Hamiltonian in Eq.(1.9), and hence of the interaction, with respect to space inversion (P ), charge conju-

Ci 6= 0 and Ci0 6= 0, 0 while it is preserved for either Ci = 0 or Ci = 0. Maximum parity violation 0 corresponds to |Ci | = |Ci |. Other relations between the C -coecients and the gation (C ) and time reversal (T ). Parity is violated if both

symmetry properties of the interactions are given in Table 1.1.

1.2 Standard Model and

β -decay



Condition for violation

6 0 and ReC 0 6= 0) or = 0 (ImC 6= 0 and ImC 6= 0 ) 0 C 6= 0 and C 6= 0 ImC 6= 0 or ImC 0 6= 0



Table 1.1: Conditions for violation of the discrete symmetries.

The beta transitions are traditionally divided into allowed and forbidden transitions.

Allowed transitions correspond to processes in which no orbital

angular momentum is carried away by the pair of leptons. Their selection rules are:

∆J = Ji − Jf πi πf where







πf )

= 0, ±1 = +1


designate the spin and parity of the initial

(resp. nal) state. The allowed transitions can then be subdivided into singlet and triplet components depending on whether the lepton spins are anti-parallel (S = 0) or parallel (S = 1). In allowed transitions the singlet state can only

∆J = 0 (Fermi selection rule) whereas the triplet state corresponds ∆J = 0, ±1 (Gamow-Teller selection rule). In this last case, transitions between states of zero angular momentum (0 → 0) are excluded since it is ~i = J ~ f = ~0. The dierent transitions impossible to generate a triplet state for J arise when to

are described by dierent interaction terms of Hamiltonian (1.9).

It can be

shown [Wu and Moszkowski, 1966] that the S and V interactions lead to Fermi transitions (F), the A and T interactions to Gamow-Teller transitions (GT). In the minimal Standard Model of the weak interaction only V interactions are present (CV

CT = CT0 = CP = CP0 = 0).



and A

0 = CV0 = 1, CA = CA ≈ −1.27 CV , CS = CS0 =

angular correlation

Since the present work is dedicated to an experiment to probe the existence of a Scalar charged current weak interaction, it is necessary to see how the

Ci /Ci0 -coecients are related to observables. It was shown by Jackson, Treiman and Wyld [Jackson et al., 1957b] that the β − ν angular correlation, which is dened by the relative direction of the momenta of the two leptons, i.e. pβ and pν , depends on the coupling constants Ci /Ci0 , i ∈ {S, V, T, A, P } and at the same time on the nuclear matrix elements. For pure β transitions, however, the correlation becomes independent of the matrix elements, allowing one to

CHAPTER 1 Physics context


study the value of the non-Standard Model coupling constants independently of nuclear structure.

For allowed

β -decay

of non-oriented nuclei the above

authors calculated for the general Lorenz invariant interaction of Eq.(1.9) the distribution in electron and neutrino direction and electron polarization:

ω( σ|Ee , Ωe , Ων )dEe dΩe dΩν = F (±Z, Ee ) pe Ee (E0 − Ee )2 dEe dΩe dΩν × (2π)5   1 pe · pν m p p ξ 1+a +b +σ· G e +H ν 2 Ee E ν Ee Ee Eν  pe pe · pν pe × pν +K +L Ee + m E e Eν Ee Eν


Ω denote the total energy, momentum and angular β -particle and the neutrino; E0 is the total β -particle energy at the spectrum endpoint; m is the rest mass of the electron; F (±Z, Ee ) is the Fermi-function which corrects for the Coulomb interaction between the β particle and the nuclear charge; σ is the spin vector of the β -particle; ξ is a The symbols E, p and coordinates of the

normalization factor which is proportional to the decay rate and contains the nuclear matrix elements





= |MF |2 (|CS |2 + |CS0 |2 + |CV |2 + |CV0 |2 ) 0 2 + |MGT |2 (|CA |2 + |CA | + |CT |2 + |CT0 |2 )

The upper (lower) sign refers to

β − (β + )-decay.


Expressions for all correlation

coecients a, b, c, G, H, K and L can be found in the literature [Jackson et al., 1957a, Severijns et al., 2006].

Although G, H, K and L also can be used to

search for exotic interactions (S,T ), they are of no practical relevance at present [Severijns et al., 2006]. They are hard to measure since one has to determine the polarization of the

β -particle

with high precision. Including Coulomb cor-

rections, the coecients a and b can be calculated from (the upper (lower) sign refers to

aξ +

β − (β + )-decay)

  αZme ∗ 0 0∗ 2 0 2 2 0 2 2Im(CS CV + CS CV ) = |MF | |CV | + |CV | − |CS | − |CS | ∓ pβ   αZme |MGT |2 0 2 ∗ 0∗ |CT |2 + |CT0 |2 − |CA |2 − |CA | ± 2Im(CT CA + CT0 CA ) 3 pβ 2


  ∗ 0∗ = ±2ΓRe |MF |2 (CS CV∗ + CS0 CV0 ∗ ) + |MGT |2 (CT CA + CT0 CA ) with

Γ = (1 − α2 Z 2 )1/2


1.2 Standard Model and

β -decay


The parameter b in Eq.(1.14), known as the Fierz interference term, is not linked to any product of the observable quantities and will thus contribute to any correlation measurement. Looking at Eqs.(1.16,1.17) one notices that the rst has a quadratic dependence while the second depends linearly on the

Ci /Ci0

coupling constants. However, the b term has the disadvantage that it depends on the parity properties of the interaction (i.e. the two terms of Eq.(1.17) will be trivially equal to zero for

CS = −CS0


CT = −CT0 ).

This makes a measure-

ment of the a -parameter more favorable, even though a higher experimental precision is needed to get stringent limits for the coupling constants.

1.2.3 Beyond Standard Model In the Standard Model a number of parameters as well as several important properties of the interaction are determined empirically. One of these is that from ve possible types of interactions: vector, axial-vector, scalar, tensor and

pseudoscalar (see Eq.(1.9)) only the V and A interactions are present at a fundamental level. A wide range of theoretical extensions of the Standard Model are available (for instance, to account for nite neutrino mass, for a possible magnetic moment of the neutrino [Voloshin et al., 1986], left-right symmetric models [Beg et al., 1977], ...). Here we will briey extend on models with leptoquarks as related to scalar interactions.

Leptoquark extensions derive from Grand Unied Theories (GUTs). Here the gauge bosons couple to both quarks and leptons and have lepton number as well as color and baryon number. They are called leptoquarks. Their Feynman diagrams relevant for

β -decay

are shown in Fig. 1.2.


X (1=3)



Y (1=3)


X (2=3)




Y (2=3)

Figure 1.2: Possible leptoquark interactions contributing to nuclear

intermediate leptoquark can be a vector (X) or scalar (Y) particle.

β -decay.

d e+

e The

The absolute

value of the charge is given between the brackets (from [Severijns et al., 2006]).

Leptoquarks have a fractional charge

Q = 2/3

or Q =-1/3 . They can have

spin 1 (vector leptoquarks) or spin 0 (scalar leptoquarks). Their interaction at low energy can also be described in the form of a contact interaction [Herczeg, 1995, 2001]. The Hamiltonian for leptoquark interactions at low energy con-


CHAPTER 1 Physics context

serves lepton and baryon numbers and couples leptons of the rst generation to quarks of the rst generation. Thus no baryon or lepton number violation or generation mixing interactions are considered. Notably, both scalar and vector leptoquarks can lead to V, A, S and T interactions. Thus, a limit on e.g. vector leptoquarks not only yields a limit on the V interaction but also on e.g. a

S interaction, if just leptoquark exchange is considered. Conversely, a limit on e.g. S interaction yields always a limit on both scalar and vector leptoquarks. However, a limit on S or T interactions derived by assuming the exchange of leptoquark does not constrain S or T interactions caused by processes dierent from leptoquark exchange [Herczeg, 1995].

Chapter 2 Review of small  a experiments The interest to measure the

β − ν angular correlation parameter a raised in β -decay interaction. It was established that

order to determine the form of the

the weak interaction is dominated by V and A currents [Allen et al., 1959]. Nevertheless, scalar and tensor interactions are today ruled out only to the level of about 10% of the V - and A-interaction [Severijns et al., 2006]. This means that a sizable contribution of exotic scalar and tensor interactions is not excluded and present constraints should be improved. Table 2.1 summarizes the main results obtained in dierent measurements of the


angular correlation parameter a. The best limit for tensor inter-

TRIUMF-ISAC tion. Berkeley by about




Ar experiment and K measurements yield the best limits for scalar contribu21 N a experiment gives a result on a -parameter which deviates

action is obtained in Oak Ridge

experiment, while


3σ from the value calculated within the Standard Model.

Two planned

1 and WITCH) are listed as well. These set-ups and

experiments (LPC-Caen

techniques used are briey described in this chapter.

2.1 Oak Ridge 6He experiment In this experiment the energy spectrum of recoil ions from the

He was produced in a reactor by the 6 He to 6 removed and He was left to decay in a

was observed [Johnson et al., 1963]. The


Be(n, α) 6 He

β − -decay of 6 He


reaction. A continuous stream of water vapor brought

the laboratory where the vapor was

conical volume (Fig. 2.1). To check the source activity a proportional counter


Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Caen, IN2P3-ENSI, France 13

CHAPTER 2 Review of small  a experiments 14


(type of decay)


68% C.L.

a ± ∆a,


−0.3343 ± 0.0030, 0.9989 ± 0.0052(stat) ± 0.0039(syst),


(GT) (F)

0.9978 ± 0.0030(stat) ± 0.0037(syst)

He Ar (F)





δa < 1%

0.5243 ± 0.0091







(Oak Ridge)

[Johnson et al., 1963]


[Adelberger et al., 1999]



a experiments.

35 [Beck et al., 2003a] δa < 1% Ar (mixed), 26m WITCH Al (F) 46 (ISOLDE) V (F) Assuming the Fierz coecient b = 0, otherwise the limit is for a˜ (see Eq.(2.1)) This result deviates by 3σ from the Standard Model calculation.


[Ban et al., 2004]


[Scielzo et al., 2004]


[Gorelov et al., 2005]

a) b)

Table 2.1: Overview of small


published published published published










Experimental apparatus of Oak Ridge



experiment (from

[Johnson et al., 1963]).

detector (the monitor counter) was installed. The energy of the recoil




was analyzed by a tandem of stigmatic-focusing magnetic and electrostatic deectors. At the last stage the ions were accelerated and then detected by a secondary-electron multiplier [Johnson et al., 1963]. Although this experiment was carried out in the early 60's it provides the best limit on a tensor interaction till now.

Note that in this experiment the direct measurement of the recoil

energy spectrum was used.





Another technique to extract the recoil information is based on measuring the delayed proton (p ) or gamma (γ ) radiation.

If the daughter nucleus is

particle unstable, the daughter momentum can be determined from the decay products due to the Doppler eect. In principle it is possible to measure either a shift of the peak of a secondary radiation or the broadening of the peak. In the rst approach one has to determine a coincidence with the

β -particle.


the experiment described in [Adelberger et al., 1999] the second method was used because it seemed dicult to determine the sucient precision.

β -particle's

kinematics with

CHAPTER 2 Review of small  a experiments


A 60 keV


a carbon foil.




beam from the ISOLDE facility (CERN) was implanted in

Delayed protons after the super-allowed

0+ → 0+ β -decay


(i.e. a pure Fermi decay, so that a test for scalar interaction is performed)

were detected in a pair of p-i-n diodes. To avoid possible beta background the detection apparatus was placed inside a 3.5 T superconducting magnet. The experimental data were tted to a single parameter

a ˜

which includes both the

a -parameter and the Fierz term b (see Eqs.(1.16, 1.17)):

a ˜=

a 1 + (me /Eβ ) · b

A total precision of about 0.9% on the parameter


a ˜(a ) was obtained (Table 2.1).

One more comment about this experiment: the systematic error of 0.0039 (Table 2.1) comes from the fact that the Q -value of



was estimated from

the isospin-multiplet mass equation (IMME). This was necessary because of the


keV uncertainty in the


cently a new mass measurement of value [Blaum et al., 2003].

Ar mass [Audi et al., 1997]. However, re32 Ar was preformed, yielding an improved

Thus, the systematic uncertainty will be reduced

and a nal value will be given after a re-analysis.

2.3 TRIUMF-ISAC 38mK measurements This experiment deduces the

β −ν

correlation from the


momentum and the

recoiling nucleus momentum obtained in a coincidence measurement [Gorelov et al., 2005].

The recoil momentum is detected via a time-of-ight

(TOF) measurement, where the

β -particle

event serves as a start trigger. A

magneto-optical trap (MOT) is used to provide a cooled, backing-free source of atoms. The ion beam of



is produced at TRIUMF's ISAC facility and then

neutralized and captured in a rst MOT. To avoid background from untrapped atoms of both beam to a 2







the trapped atoms are transfered by a push

MOT equipped with the detectors (Fig. 2.2). The

β -telescope

is a position-sensitive Si-strip detector backed by a plastic scintillator.

Ar recoils are detected by an MCP detector

readout. Two independent analyses of the data set report the value of shown in Table 2.1. Since the

β -decay




2 with a resistive anode position


a ˜

(a )

is of pure Fermi type, it sets a

limit for a scalar interaction.

2.4 Berkeley 21N a experiment Similar to the TRIUMF experiment, at Berkeley a MOT and a coincidence measurement are used to study the


MCP - Microchannel Plate detector


β − recoil atom

correlation in the mixed

2.4 Berkeley

Figure 2.2:





Scheme of the TRIUMF experimental set-up (from [Gorelov et al.,

2005]). Not to scale.

Figure 2.3: Experimental arrangement of the Berkeley set-up (from [Scielzo, 2003]).

The scheme is not to scale.

CHAPTER 2 Review of small  a experiments


decay of the mirror nucleus


N a.




beam is produced by bombarding a

target with protons from the 88-inch cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [Scielzo et al., 2004]. When the atoms are captured in the trap, a trigger in either portion of the


telescope opens a

3 µs

coincidence window,

providing the time for the recoils to reach the MCP detector. Fig. 2.3 shows the experimental set-up. The a -parameter is deduced from the time-of-ight spectra of the recoiling



ions. The result deviates by about

value calculated within the Standard Model (Table 2.1).

from the

Further analysis is

necessary to understand this dierence, which is probably caused by a systematic error in the branching ratio used (several disagreeing values of the branching ratio exist [Achouri et al., 2004]). A new precision measurement of the branching ratio of the pure Gamow-Teller transition in


N a-decay


recently performed at the TRIµP facility at KVI Groningen [Achouri et al., 2004] and is being analysed now.

2.5 TRIµP plans Measurements of beta decay correlations with



trapped in a MOT are

also planned at TRIµP facility. The rst aim is to repeat the Berkeley


correlation experiment with an independent set-up but later also searches for Time-Reversal Invariance Violation are planned, i.e. a measurement of the Dcorrelation coecient in


N a decay and a search for an electric dipole moment

in the Ra atom [Wilschut et al., 1999, Berg et al., 2003].

2.6 LPC-Caen set-up The goal of this experiment is to improve the precision on the a -parameter measured in the pure GT-decay of than 40 years ago.






and performed at Oak Ridge more

nuclei are produced at the SPIRAL facility of

GANIL. In order to increase the injection eciency of the ions into the set-up, the radioactive ion beam is cooled and bunched by means of a Radio Frequency Quadrupole buncher [Ban et al., 2004]. The open geometry Paul trap constitutes the radioactive source of the experiment (Fig. 2.4). Similar to the two previous experiments the

β −ν

correlation will be deduced from a time-of-ight

measurement and the coincidence between the To detect the

β -particles

β -particle and 300 µm

a telescope consisting of a

the recoiling ion.

Si -strip detector

(SSD) and a thick plastic scintillator is used while the recoil ions will be counted with a position sensitive micro-channel plate. The set-up is now complete and under commissioning.

2.7 WITCH set-up



Set-up with the transparent Paul trap from LPC-Caen (from


[Severijns et al., 2006]).

2.7 WITCH set-up The WITCH experiment aims to study a possible admixture of a scalar type interaction in

β -decay

by determining the


angular correlation from the

shape of the recoil energy spectrum [Beck et al., 2003a, Kozlov et al., 2004], i.e. to use the similar method of measuring a -parameter as in the successful Oak Ridge





The set-up combines a double Penning trap

structure to form the scattering-free radioactive source of the experiment and a retardation spectrometer for a direct measurement of the recoil ion energy. An MCP detector is used to count the recoil ions.

The set-up was installed

at the ISOLDE facility at CERN and commissioning has started at the end of 2004. The primary goal is to measure the a -parameter with a precision of

δa ' 0.5%

and hopefully later to be able to optimize the set-up in order to

push the limits down to

δa ' 0.2%.

This work gives an overview of the present commissioning stage of the experiment, the mathematical simulations that were performed, the rst tests with the set-up, suggestions for improvements and nally a number of tests that are required for a better understanding of the behaviour of the set-up and to achieve the nal goal.


The theory of Penning traps is reviewed in chapter 3.

Chapter 3 Trap technique Ion traps have gained increasing importance in the eld of experimental nuclear physics and play now an important role in many elds:

nuclear structure,

astrophysics, as well as weak interaction studies [Herfurth, 2001, Kluge et al., 2003]. Since two Penning ion traps are at the heart of the WITCH experiment, this chapter is dedicated to a description of the main properties and operating principles of this type of traps.

3.1 Principle of a Penning trap A Penning trap [Brown and Gabrielse, 1986] is a three dimensional device which uses a combination of a strong axial magnetic eld and an electrostatic potential to store ions. A homogeneous magnetic eld

ˆz B = B·e

is used to

conne ions in radial direction while a quadrupole electrical potential assures connement in the longitudinal direction:

U (r, z) = with


U0 (2z 2 − ρ2 ) 4d2


ρ the radial distance of the stored particle from the x2 + y 2 ) and d the characteristic trap dimension. The two

the trap p potential,

trap center (ρ


most common possibilities to produce this potential are shown in Fig. 3.1. Since a quadrupole potential has a hyperbolic shaped equipotential surface, the most trivial way to build a Penning trap is to combine a ring electrode and two end-caps of hyperbolic form (see Fig. 3.1(left )).

In this case the

characteristic trap parameter d is given by:

s   1 2 ρ20 z + d= 2 0 2 21


CHAPTER 3 Trap technique


Figure 3.1: Most common types of Penning traps: hyperbolic trap (left) and simple

cylindrical trap (right).





are the distances of the ring electrode and end-caps from the

trap center, respectively (Fig. 3.1). The potential of Eq.(3.1) can also be dened by a superposition of the potentials of a set of cylindrical electrodes. This structure is named cylindrical Penning trap.

The parameter d now looses its meaning as representation of

the trap dimension. However,

U0 /d2

still serves to describe the depth of the

potential well.

3.2 Processes in a Penning trap 3.2.1 Ion motion in an ideal trap The equation of motion for a particle with charge q and mass m in an axial magnetic eld

B and an electrical potential described by Eq.(3.1) is given by: r¨


q (r˙ × B − 5U ) m

or 

 x ¨  y¨  z¨

 −

     x˙ 0 x 2  y˙  ×  0  − ωz  y  = 0 2 z˙ ωc −2z


3.2 Processes in a Penning trap

with The mass dependence


r q qU0 ωc = B and ωz = m md2 of ωc and ωz is widely used for precision

(3.4) mass mea-

surements. One can easily see that the axial and radial motion are decoupled in an ideal Penning trap. The axial part is a simple harmonic oscillation with frequency


along the z-axis:

z¨ + ωz2 z = 0 For the radial motion of a particle Eq.(3.3) can be rewritten as ([Brown and Gabrielse, 1986]):

1 ¨ − ωc ρ˙ × e ˆz − ωz2 ρ = 0 ρ 2 where



x2 + y 2

is the radial coordinate. In case of


ωz → 0 this reduces to ωc . The

the equation for a uniform circular motion with cyclotron frequency

1 2 2 ωz ρ comes from the repulsive radial term in the electrostatic potential of Eq.(3.1). Two consequences of this repulsive radial potential can additional term

be considered: rst, the frequency of the cyclotron rotation will be reduced because this potential reduces the centrifugal force; second, the fast cyclotron orbit will be superimposed upon a much slower, circular magnetron orbit. The equation for the radial motion can be solved by introducing two velocity vectors

V (+)


V (−)

([Brown and Gabrielse, 1986]), dened as

V (±)

ˆz = ρ˙ − ω∓ ρ × e h i p 1 = ωc ± ωc2 − 2ωz2 2



(3.6) (3.7)

If now one takes the time derivative of Eq.(3.6) and also uses Eq.(3.5) the equations of motion for

can be obtained:

(±) ˆz V˙ = ω± V ± × e Taking the dierence

(V + − V − )


the radial equation of motion can be found

to be


 ˆz V (+) − V (−) × e ω+ − ω−


Dierentiating this equation and taking into account Eq.(3.8) leads to the velocity dependence

ρ˙ =

ω+ V (+) − ω− V − ω+ − ω−


CHAPTER 3 Trap technique


Figure 3.2: The ion motion in an ideal Penning trap is a superposition of the re-

duced cyclotron motion (ω+ ), the magnetron motion (ω− ) and a harmonic oscillation (ωz ) in the direction of the magnetic eld.

Since a uniform circular motion with angular frequency described by

ˆz , ωc ρ = −v × e

ˆz ωc e

and velocity



it follows from Eq.(3.9) that the radial motion

of a particle in a Penning trap is the epicyclic superposition of two uniform circular motions.

They are named magnetron and reduced cyclotron motion

and characterised by the magnetron frequency frequency



and the reduced cyclotron

(Eq.(3.7)). Therefore, the complete motion of a particle is the su-

perposition of three independent eigenmotions: two epicycles and the harmonic axial oscillation, as is shown in Fig. 3.2. From Eq.(3.7) the following frequency relations can be obtained:

ω+ + ω− = ωc ,

2 2 ω+ + ω− + ωz2 = ωc2 ,

ω + ω− =

1 2 ω 2 z

Under the usual operating conditions for a Penning trap the frequencies and



ω+ , ω − ,

dier by several orders of magnitude. One can assume

ω+ ≈ ωc  ωz  ω−


2 = 1.817 · 104 V/m2 , 26 35 122 + 9 T eld) and its choice of isotopes ( Al , Ar, In; 1 charge state) [Delauré,

Typical frequencies for the WITCH Penning trap (U0 /d 2004] is shown in Table 3.1.

3.2 Processes in a Penning trap



Al 35 Ar 122 In






















Table 3.1: Example of the dierent

ω+, c, z, −

frequencies for the WITCH Penning


The Hamiltonian for the radial motion

is the sum of the kinetic energy

and the repulsive electrostatic potential energy:

  1 1 2 2 2 Hρ = m ρ˙ − ωz ρ 2 2


Using Eqs.(3.9)(3.10) and the relations (3.11) this radial Hamiltonian can be expressed as

Hρ =

1 ω+ V (+)2 − ω− V (−)2 m 2 ω+ − ω−


It is important to note in this respect that the magnetron motion has negative energy, i.e. it is unstable such that the magnetron radius increases when the magnetron motion loses energy. For example, simply removing energy from the magnetron motion by buer gas collisions will cause the particle to move down the magnetron energy hill to a larger radius until the ion is lost on the electrodes of the trap. This property of the magnetron motion needs particular attention in view of ion cooling in a Penning trap. The magnetron motion has another `speciality': unlike the other frequencies (see Eq.(3.4)) to rst approximation it does not depend on the mass of a particle:

ω− =

U0 2 Bd2


3.2.2 Motion in the presence of additional forces Some of the main features of Penning traps are the possibility to store ions in a very well localized space in vacuum and their mass selectivity. However, to achieve these one needs to adopt the ion motion in the proper way. The most common cases applicable for WITCH at present are briey reviewed below. Details can be found in [Savard et al., 1991, Forstner, 2001, Kellerbauer, 2002]

Frictional damping Using buer gas in a Penning trap allows to decrease the ion kinetic energy by collisions with the atoms of the gas. The damping of the ion motion can be

CHAPTER 3 Trap technique


described to good approximation by a viscous damping force:

F D = −δ r˙ where


is the damping coecient which is given by

δ= Here



q Kmob

p/pN T /TN


is the reduced ion mobility which is tabulated for dierent gases and

species (viz. [Ellis et al., 1976, 1978, 1984, Viehland and Mason, 1995]), while




are the gas pressure and temperature relative to normal pres-

sure/temperature, respectively. Taking into account this additional damping force, the equation of motion Eq.(3.3) will now look like:

       x ˙ x x ¨ y˙ ωc 2  y¨  −  −x˙ ωc  + δ  y˙  − ωz  y  = 0 m 2 z˙ −2z 0 z¨ 


Apparently, the axial motion is still decoupled from the radial one. However, it is now described by a damping harmonic oscillator.

It can be shown also

that the radial motion is still the superposition of two circular motions but the frequencies dier from the undamped case


ω = ω± ± ∆ω, On the other hand,


1 ∆ω = 16

δ m


 δ 2 8ωz + m (ωc2 − 2ωz2 )3/2

is quite small and can be neglected in many cases.

It is also important to note that the sum of the frequencies equal to

ωc .





is still

Another essential consequence is a time dependence of the radius

of the particle motion [Savard et al., 1991]

ρ± (t) = ρ± (0) exp(α± · t)


α± = ∓

ω± δ m ω+ − ω−



ω+  ω− the reduced cyclotron motion shrinks with a constant α+ ≈ −δ/m while the magnetron radius increases much slower because α− ≈ (δ/m) · (ω− /ω+ ). This means that the ion can still be lost because of the permanent Because

increase of the radius of its magnetron motion if it is kept in the trap long enough.

An example of the time scale of the change of the radius for the


magnetron and reduced cyclotron motion (α± ) for the case of the WITCH set-up is given in Table 3.2.

3.2 Processes in a Penning trap

Kmob  2 /Vs

B=6 T

−1 α−



Ar K



−1 α+

B=9 T

−1 α−

−1 α+


83 s

7.6 ms

187 s

7.6 ms


86 s

8.8 ms

194 s

8.8 ms

Table 3.2: Time scale of the increase (decrease) of the magnetron (reduced cy2 clotron) radius due to frictional damping for the WITCH cooler trap (U0 /d = 4 2 −4 1.817 · 10 V/m ) and He buer gas at 10 mbar pressure.

Figure 3.3: Conguration of electrodes in order to generate an azimuthal electric

dipole (left diagram) or quadrupole (right diagram) RF eld in the center of a Penning trap in order to excite the radial ion motion.

Dipole excitation Applying an additional time-varying electric eld can inuence the motion of particles in a Penning trap.

The two most common possibilities are dipole

and quadrupole excitations. An appropriate electrode conguration is shown in Fig. 3.3. The ring electrode has to be segmented into four pieces to allow both schemes (cuts are made along the azimuthal axis). Fig. 3.3 (left) shows how to connect an RF source in the case of dipole excitation of the trapped ions. The dipole potential is given by:

Φd = a where


Ud cos (ωd t − φd ) · x , ρ0


is a geometrical parameter which takes into account the deviation of

the electrodes shape from the ideal dipole conguration and

Ud is the amplitude

of the dipole excitation. Eq.(3.3) for ion motion now contains an inhomogeneous part:

CHAPTER 3 Trap technique


       x ¨ y˙ ωc x −k cos(ω t − φ ) 2 0 d d d  y¨  −  −x˙ ωc  − ωz  y  =   0 2 z¨ 0 −2z 0



= a

q Ud · m ρ0



One can clearly see that the axial motion is not changed by the dipole excitation. For the radial motion an important dierence appears: the radii of the excited motion are not constant anymore but time-varying functions. dipole excitation frequency is


tween the excitation and corresponding motion exactly cyclotron motion) or


If the

∆φ = φd − φ± beequals 3π/2 (reduced

and the relative phase

(magnetron motion), the radius can be expressed as

ρ± (t) = ρ± (0) +

k0 · td 2(ω+ − ω− )


This means that the increase of radius of the excited motion is proportional to the duration


of the dipole excitation and to the amplitude

Ud .


property of the dipole excitation allows to drive ions out of the trap center. If one does it for the magnetron motion, all ions (of all masses) can be brought to a larger radius at the same time since


is to rst order mass independent

(see Eq.(3.15)). If this excitation is done at the reduced cyclotron frequency

ω+ ,

mass selectivity can be obtained.

Quadrupole excitation To achieve an azimuthal quadrupole eld one needs to connect a periodic voltage to a four-split ring-electrode (Fig. 3.3, right ). The corresponding potential is described by

Φd = a where


Uq cos(ωq t − φq ) · (x2 − y 2 ) , ρ20


is a geometrical factor which again corrects for the non-ideal shape of

the electrode segments. The Eq.(3.3) now transforms to

 n 2 o     ωz − 2k0 cos(ωq t − φq ) x 2 x ¨ y˙ ωc  n o    y¨  −  −x˙ ωc  −  ωz2 − 2k cos(ω t − φ ) y =0  0 q q 2 z¨ 0 −ωz2 z 


3.2 Processes in a Penning trap


Figure 3.4: Conversion of an initially pure magnetron motion (shown by a circle)

into a pure reduced cyclotron motion (right) by a quadrupole excitation at On the left graph the rst half of a period is indicated (0 the right is a continuation of the left one until


t ≤ Tq

k0 = a

< t ≤ Tq /2).

ωq = ωc


The graph at

(from [Delauré, 2004]).

q Uq · m ρ20


Again, the axial motion is not aected, while the radii

ρ± (t)

of the radial

motion are again time-varying functions. If the RF frequency of the quadrupole excitation

ωq = ω+ + ω− = ωc and the phase shift between the excitation and (φq − φ+ − φ− ) = π , the expression for the radius looks like ω  ω  conv conv ρ± (t) = ρ± (0) cos t ± ρ∓ (0) sin t (3.29) 2 2

the radial motions


ωconv =

k0 2(ω+ − ω− )


This leads to an important property of the quadrupole excitation: the two radial motions now become coupled and at RF frequency

ωq = ωc they are conTq = π/ωconv .

tinuously converted one into another with the conversion period

The trajectory of an ion under such excitation is shown on Fig. 3.4. This type of resonant excitation is also called sideband excitation.

3.2.3 Ion cooling As was shown above Penning traps give quite some possibilities to manipulate ions. This feature becomes important if one talks about a precision experiment like WITCH. The recoil energy spectrum can be inuenced by dierent ion species that are present in the original beam, by the spatial size of the ion

CHAPTER 3 Trap technique


. Figure 3.5: Trajectory of a particle in a Penning trap in case of a damping force

only (left ) and when an additional azimuthal quadrupole excitation at the cyclotron frequency


is applied (right ) (from [Savard et al., 1991]).

cloud but also by the energy of the ions in the cloud.

The last one has to

be suciently small since it can not be separated from the recoil energy after nuclear

β -decay.

One of the simple, relatively fast and widely used techniques

to `cool' ions in the sense of energy dissipation is based on ion collisions with buer gas atoms [Savard et al., 1991].

This method is applicable for a wide

range of isotopes and is used in the WITCH experiment as well.


as was discussed on page 25, the disadvantage of this technique is that the magnetron motion is increased in radius and with time ions are thus lost on the electrodes of the trap. The evolution of the radial motion when only buergas cooling is used is shown in Fig. 3.5(left ). On the other hand, the radius of the reduced cyclotron motion decreases much faster than the increase of the magnetron radius (see on page 26). Now, as we know, the quadrupole excitation at frequency


causes continuous con-

version of the magnetron motion into the reduced cyclotron motion. So, using this excitation together with buer-gas leads to an overall cooling of ions in a sense of centering of the trajectories and dissipation of energy [Savard et al., 1991].

The corresponding ion motion is illustrated in Fig. 3.5 (right ).


should note here that the ions can be cooled only to the temperature of the buer gas. Typical pressures which are used for this buer gas are in the range

10−2 ÷ 10−5

mbar and the cooling time is in order of

10 ÷ 20


This technique has still another advantage. Since the cyclotron frequency depends on the mass of the particle (Eq.(3.3)), this fact makes it possible to remove impurities from the trap. However, rst the dipole excitation has to be applied. Because such excitation is mass-independent (see Eq.3.15) it will bring all ions on a larger magnetron radius. Next, the quadrupole excitation at the frequency


corresponding to the mass of interest has to be used, so

3.2 Processes in a Penning trap


that only the proper species will be re-centered.

3.2.4 Charge exchange As we have seen, the ion motion in a Penning trap is meta-stable but still ions can stay conned for a long time.

However, they can be inuenced by the

interaction with rest gas particles. This can lead to a charge exchange, so that the ions become neutralized, which means they will be lost. This eect is more pronounced for elements with a large ionization potential, like noble gases, and much less for alkalis. As an example, for the REXTRAP set-up


∼100 ms when N e is used 10−3 ÷10−4 mbar [Delahaye, 2004]. after


Ar ion losses become signicant

as buer-gas at a pressure of the order of Some tests in this respect which were made

with the WITCH Penning trap set-up are described in Section 6.3.

3.2.5 Many ions in a trap In fact, the formalism described in the previous subsections is only valid for a single particle in a Penning trap. If two or more ions are present, the Coulomb interaction between them has to be taken into account.

This will certainly

change the ion behavior in the trap. Two eects show up when the Coulomb interaction is considered:

the electric potential produced by the trap electrodes is inuenced by the electric eld of the ions (space-charge), and

the motion of the particles is aected but also the ion cloud is enlarged due to the Coulomb repulsion force.

The observable consequence of the Coulomb repulsion is a shift of the resonant frequency from the one derived for a single ion.

Experiments performed at

REXTRAP have shown deviations from single particle theory beginning with



ions [Forstner, 2001]. Since the WITCH experiment is going to deal with

∼ 106

ions this kind of phenomena needs to be taken into account.


ever, the attempts to calculate this phenomenon meet some problems.


analytical solution exists only for two particles and without buer-gas or RF excitation [Baumann, 1993], while numerical computer simulations for the real


situation (viz. 10

ions and more) exceed usable computer time [Forstner, 2001].

Nevertheless, several experimental studies of space charge eects in a Penning trap were made (see [Ames et al., 2001, Paasche et al., 2002]).

A numerical

simulation to overcome the computer limit was made by D.Beck [Beck et al., 2001]. At ion densities larger than a certain limit (which is, however, probably not reached with the WITCH set-up [Delauré, 2004]) the ion cloud can be described as a non-neutral plasma [Dubin and O'Neil, 1999]. In this regime one

CHAPTER 3 Trap technique


can treat the ion cloud as a collective phenomenon rather than looking on the scale of single particles. An application of this description for the WITCH case is discussed in [Delauré, 2004]. The importance for WITCH is stimulated by the following reasons:

Since for REXTRAP it was shown that the eciency of buer-gas cooling


decreases signicantly for more than 10

ions [Ames et al., 2001], corre-

sponding studies have to be made also for the WITCH set-up.

The response function of the WITCH spectrometer depends on the position of the recoil ion, i.e. because Coulomb repulsion enlarges the ion cloud in the trap it will induce systematic uncertainties for the experiment.

It might be that the Coulomb repulsion also changes the ion energy distribution in the trap which can again lead to an additional uncertainty in the measurements [Delauré, 2004].

The response function of the WITCH spectrometer will be discussed in detail in Section 5.2.

Chapter 4 WITCH set-up Since the WITCH experiment aims to search for a Scalar admixture in weak interactions and the possible eect of this is expected to be small, many aspects have to be taken into account in order to render the experiment as precise as possible. In this chapter rst the physics principle of the experiment and a short overview of the set-up are described. Thereafter, and then the experimental conditions and the technical specialities of the set-up are reviewed in more detail.

4.1 Overview of the experiment 4.1.1 Principle of the experiment Using Eq.(1.14) one can write the following expression for the correlation in nuclear

β -decay

W (θβν ) ≈ 1 + a · where




for unpolarized nuclei:

is the angle between the


h vβ m i cos θβν 1 − b c E


particle and the neutrino, E,

vβ /c

and m

are the total energy, the velocity relative to the speed of light and the rest mass of the


particle, b is the Fierz interference term (Eqs.(1.17 and 1.15)) which

has experimentally been shown to be small (e.g.

|bF | < 0.0044

at C.L.=90%

[Hardy and Towner, 2005]) and can as a rst approximation be assumed to be zero, and a is the


angular correlation coecient, which can be deduced

from Eqs.(1.15 and 1.16). Since the Scalar (S ) and Vector (V ) interactions lead to Fermi transitions (F) and the Axial-Vector (A) and Tensor (T ) interactions to Gamow-Teller transitions (GT) (see Sec. 1.2.1 and [Wu and Moszkowski, 1966]), the


angular correlation coecient a can be approximated as 33



Figure 4.1:

Dierential recoil energy spectrum for

a = 1


a = −1


[Kozlov et al., 2004]).



' 1−




In the Standard Model, i.e.

aF = 1


aGT = −1/3.

|CS | + |CS0 | 2

|CV |


" # 2 2 1 |CT | + |CT0 | − 1− 2 3 |CA |


in the absence of S - and T -type interactions,

Any admixture of S to V (T to A) interaction in

such a pure Fermi (Gamow-Teller) decay would result in

a < 1 (a > −1/3).


measurement of a therefore yields information about the interactions involved. However, the neutrino cannot be detected directly and the


angular cor-

relation thus has to be inferred from other observables. From properties of the general Hamiltonian of the weak interaction [Wu and Moszkowski, 1966] and of the Dirac

γ -matrices

it can be shown that a V interaction only takes place

between a particle and antiparticle with opposite helicities and an S interaction only between a particle and antiparticle with the same helicities. Therefore in super-allowed

0+ → 0+

Fermi decay, where the


and neutrino spins have

to be coupled to zero, the particle and antiparticle will be emitted preferably into the same direction for a V interaction and into opposite directions for an S interaction. This will lead to a relatively large energy of the recoil ion for a V interaction and a relatively small recoil energy for an S interaction (Fig. 4.1). The WITCH experiment aims to measure the shape of the recoil energy spectrum with high precision to determine the

β −ν

angular correlation

4.1 Overview of the experiment


parameter a and from this deduce a limit on a possible scalar admixture in weak interactions. An experiment to measure the recoil energy spectrum has two diculties: 1. the

β -emitter

is usually embedded in matter, which causes a distortion

of the recoil ion spectrum due to ion scattering in the source which leads to energy losses, and 2. the recoil ions have very low kinetic energy making a precise energy measurement dicult. In order to avoid the rst problem and to be as independent as possible from the properties of the isotopes to be used, the WITCH experiment uses a double Penning trap structure to store radioactive ions (see Sec. 4.6). The ion cloud in the second trap, the decay trap, constitutes the source for the experiment, where the ions are kept for several half-lives, i.e., of the order of 1 to 10 s for the cases of interest [Beck et al., 2003a]. To solve the second problem and measure the recoil energy spectrum a retardation spectrometer is used. The working principle of such a device is similar to the

β -spectrometers

used for the determination of the neutrino rest-mass in

Mainz [Picard et al., 1992] and Troitsk [Lobashev and Spivak, 1985]. The spec-

Bmax = 9 T, Bmin = 0.1 T, and an electrostatic retardation system

trometer consists of two magnets: the rst one providing a eld the second one providing

(see Sec. 4.7). Recoil ions are created in the strong magnetic eld region (i.e. in the Penning trap) and pass on their way to the detector the region with low magnetic eld (i.e. the retardation section of the spectrometer). Provided that the elds change suciently slow along the path of the ions, their motion can be considered as adiabatic. According to the principle of adiabatic invariance of the magnetic ux [Jackson, 1975]:

p2⊥ = const B where

p⊥ is


the momentum projection perpendicular to the magnetic eld


From Eq.(4.3) it follows that the radial kinetic energies of the ion in the trap



(Ekin, ⊥ ) and in the retardation section (Ekin, ⊥ ) are related as:

retard Ekin, ⊥ trap Ekin, ⊥ Thus a fraction


Bmin 0.1T = Bmax 9T

1 − Bmin /Bmax ≈ 98.9%


of the energy of the ion motion per-

pendicular to the magnetic eld lines will then be converted into energy of the ion motion along the magnetic eld lines. The total kinetic energy of the recoil ions can be probed in the homogeneous region of low magnetic eld retarding them with a well-dened electrostatic potential.



By counting how



Figure 4.2: Schematic overview of the WITCH set-up (from [Delauré, 2004]).

4.1 Overview of the experiment

Figure 4.3:


The WITCH set-up as presently installed in the ISOLDE hall, at

CERN. At the right side one can see the high voltage cage of the REX-EBIS (top) and REXTRAP (ground oor) set-ups.



many ions pass the analysis plane for dierent retardation voltages, the cumulative recoil energy spectrum can be measured [Kozlov et al., 2004, Beck et al., 2003a].

4.1.2 Overview of the WITCH set-up The general scheme of the set-up can be seen in Fig. 4.2 (a more technical layout is shown in Fig. 4.15). Fig. 4.3 shows the set-up as installed in the ISOLDE hall. In a rst step the ions produced by the ISOLDE facility (Sec. 4.3) get trapped and cooled by REXTRAP (Sec. 4.4). As soon as a sucient amount


of ions (10



ions) has been collected by REXTRAP they are ejected as a

60 keV (optionally 30 keV) bunch and are transmitted through the horizontal beamline (Sec. 4.5.1) of WITCH and a into the vertical beamline (Sec. 4.5.2). decelerated from 60 keV to


90◦ -bender

with spherical electrodes,

There the ions are electrostatically

eV in several steps before they enter the cooler

trap, the rst Penning trap of the WITCH set-up (Sec. 4.6).

In this cooler

trap the ion cloud is prepared for ejection through the dierential pumping barrier into the second Penning trap, the decay trap. The latter is placed at the entrance of the retardation spectrometer (Sec. 4.7). After

β -decay the recoil

ions emitted into the direction of the spectrometer spiral from the trap placed in the strong magnetic eld into the weak eld region.

In the homogeneous

low-eld region the kinetic energy of the ions is then probed by the retardation potential. The ions that pass this analysis region are re-accelerated to



to get o the magnetic eld lines. The re-acceleration also ensures a constant detection eciency for all recoil energies. Finally, the ions are focused with an Einzellens onto an MCP detector (see Sec. 4.10). For normalization purposes several

β -detectors

are also installed in the spectrometer section (Sec. 4.9).

4.2 Choice of isotopes The following criteria are applied to choose the right isotopes for


experiments with WITCH:

Fermi decay: A Scalar admixture can be present only in Fermi transitions. The best candidates are pure Fermi decays since in this case the


correlation coecient is independent of nuclear matrix elements. Apart from pure Fermi transitions, mirror transitions with a major contribution from the Fermi type can also be interesting. However, in this case the

ft -value has to be known to determine the ratio of the Fermi and GamowTeller matrix elements.

Half-life: In order to have a reasonable time available for the measurement, decays with a half-life of the order of seconds or less are needed.

4.2 Choice of isotopes


Long lived daughter: To exclude a distortion of the recoil spectrum by the decay of a radioactive daughter nucleus and to avoid the background created by such a nucleus, the lifetime of the daughter nucleus has to be suciently long or preferably these nuclei are stable.

Characteristics of other branches: To have a clean recoil spectrum other decay branches have to be avoided. However, as it will be discussed later (Sec. 5.3), only the upper half of the spectrum will be analysed, therefore other branches, if present, should have an endpoint energy that is at least twice lower than that of the main branch.

Production yield: As shown in Sec. 5.3, the WITCH experiment needs high statistics.

This means that the

β -emitters

with higher production rate

are preferable. From superallowed

0+ → 0+

decays the requirement on the lifetime of the

daughter nucleus leads to the candidates listed in the upper part of Table 4.1. In this table the main characteristics of the candidates are shown, including

1 [ISOLDE, 2005]. If there are

their production yield at the ISOLDE facility additional

β -decay branches, the one with the highest energy is used to estimate

the part of the recoil spectrum to be tted. The maximum energy of the recoil ion is calculated using the expression:


Erecoil (β ± ) =

∆E(∆E ∓ 2me ) 2(Mat (A, Z ∓ 1) ± me )


β + (β − )-decay, ∆E is the energy dierence between the initial and nal nuclear state, me is the electron mass, Mat (A, Z ∓ 1) is the atomic mass, i.e. Mat (A, Z ∓ 1) = A · u + mexcess , where u = 931494043 eV [Eidelman et al., 2004] is the unied atomic mass unit, A is the number of nucleons, mexcess is the mass excess (tabulated, for instance in where the upper(lower) sign corresponds to

[Audi et al., 1997]). For the energy of the recoil ion from electron capture one has:

EC Erecoil =

(∆E)2 2 Mat (A, Z − 1)


As can be seen from Table 4.1, the candidate isotope with the highest yield at ISOLDE is



However, the ground state of

one of the branches is very close in energy to the


K is also a β -emitter and β -decay of 38m K . However,

because of its very small probability and long half-life while the measurement cycle of WITCH is rather short, the ratio of decays from ground over isomeric state is of the order of


5 · 10−5 ,

for an equal initial population, at the end of

measured yields are normalized to a proton beam of 1 µA, while an average intensity for ISOLDE is about 2 µA and may a few days per year be even up to 4 µA [ISOLDE, 2005]

CHAPTER 4 WITCH set-up 40




nucl. 26






46 V Mn


54 Co





122 In

Table 4.1:




1920 s

1.525 s

7.4 · 105 y

6.3452 s




458 s

0.6813 s

0.923 s

gs 61.7 s


iso 0.283 s

0.42237 s



105 s

gs iso



nucl. 26







46 Ti Cr



EC Erecoil












3.95 · 104






7.6 · 105 2.9 · 105

1.5 · 103

1.26 · 103 2.24 · 105 3.4 · 107 1.4 · 109


















gs 476 fs






325 fs








1.8 · 1017


1.25 ps


gs exc



Cl 122 Sn


correlation measurements with WITCH. Lifetimes, atomic masses, decay energies PEC from [Hardy et al., 1990] (except for 33 Cl and 35 Ar which





1.41 · 102



4.1 · 107

54 Fe



2.5 · 108

0.193 s






414.5 4.742


1.6 · 107
















1.17 ps



1.215 ns

150 fs










0.76 ps









1.56 ps

88.8 s


2.511 s

1.5 s



10.3 s



10.8 s

1.775 s




Candidate isotopes for

and branching ratio's (BR) are taken from [Firestone, 1996],

are from [Naviliat-Cuncic et al., 1991]) and yield information from [ISOLDE, 2005].

4.3 ISOLDE separator

the cycle (viz.

∼ 2


s) [Delauré, 2004].

However, Table 4.1 shows that this

population is not equal and the ISOLDE yield of


larger by two orders of magnitude than the yield of


K in its ground state is K . On the other hand,

this ratio depends on the target and can be smaller. It should thus be possible to develop a target that produces enough does not aect the measurement on




ions while the presence of




Apart from pure Fermi decays, the mirror transitions in isospin

T = 1/2

odd-even nuclei can also be interesting since for these decays the eect of nuclear structure is minimized [Delauré, 2004]. However, the sensitivity of the angular correlation parameter a on the coupling constants

CS , CS0


in this case

depends on the Fermi to Gamow-Teller mixing ratio y : the sensitivity being higher if the mixing ratio is larger. This limits the candidates to two transitions:


Cl →33 S



Ar →35 Cl [Delauré, 2004], which are also listed in Table 4.1.

For these two decays the uncertainty on the parameter a due to the mixed character of the decays can be determined from the experimental log ft value [Naviliat-Cuncic et al., 1991] and turns out to be in the order of 0.3% [Delauré, 2004]. The disadvantage of


decays is that the probability of the shake-o eect,

on which one has to rely (see Sec. 5.3) to be able to measure the recoil spectrum, is only in the order of 10%, such that the measurement statistics is reduced by one order of magnitude. Especially in the commissioning phase when the set-up is not yet fully optimized, one needs as high statistics as possible to understand the behaviour of the set-up and to test it.

For this reason the spectrometer

tests to see the rst recoil ion spectrum will be performed with the



(Table 4.1).



Another advantage of this isotope is that the production

β + candidate. The measurement plan of WITCH is thus to rst use In, mainly to test 35 and optimize the set-up and then to investigate either Ar or 38m K for a scalar + interaction study, since these isotopes are among the β emitters of interest the yield is by one order of magnitude higher than for any other


ones that are most abundantly produced at ISOLDE . The best suited isotopes would be while








but the yield at ISOLDE for the rst is still to low,

is currently not yet available at all.

4.3 ISOLDE separator In order to reach the required high precision WITCH needs high intensity radioactive beams.

The world leading facility regarding the production of

most radioactive nuclei is the on-line isotope separator facility ISOLDE at CERN [Kugler et al., 1992, Kugler, 2000, ISOLDE, 2005]. The target group of ISOLDE is permanently working to improve and extend the ISOLDE targets, in order to increase the beam intensities and enlarge the variety of available isotopes. That is why ISOLDE was chosen for the installation of the WITCH

CHAPTER 4 WITCH set-up 42

Figure 4.4: Schematic overview of the ISOLDE hall. The two separators (GPS and HRS) are shown. The WITCH experiment

and REXTRAP set-up are also indicated.



set-up. ISOLDE produces a large variety of radioactive nuclei (more than 60 elements have been produced over the last 30 years). the facility is shown in Fig. 4.4 .

The schematic layout of

CERN's Proton Synchrotron Booster (PS

Booster) delivers a pulsed proton beam with an energy of 1 to 1.4 GeV that is sent onto the ISOLDE target. Radioactive isotopes are produced by spallation, fragmentation or ssion reactions in the target material. The reaction products diuse out of the target into the ion source. Depending on the desired species they are singly charge ionized either by surface ionization, electron impact in a hot plasma or by resonant laser ionization. Then the ions are extracted from the ion source and accelerated to 60 keV (optionally 30 keV). There are two mass separator magnets which are used for a mass selection of the beam. The general-purpose separator (GPS ) has a mass resolving power of about 2400 and can provide radioactive ions to three dierent beamlines simultaneously (one mass to one beamline).

The high resolution separator (HRS ) has bet-

ter resolving power of about 6000 which can be reached in high resolution mode [Kugler, 2000]. After mass separation the DC beam is delivered to the users via an extensive electrostatic beamline system. The WITCH experiment takes the ISOLDE beam behind the REXTRAP set-up, which is discussed in the following section.

4.4 REXTRAP REXTRAP [Ames et al., 2005] is a 1 m large cylindrical gas-lled Penning trap which serves as the rst stage of the ion preparation for the REX-ISOLDE postaccelerator [Habs et al., 2000].

Similar to REX-ISOLDE, REXTRAP is also

used by WITCH as a beam cooler and buncher of the incoming continuous ISOLDE ion beam. The beam ejected from the REXTRAP has a better emittance than the original ISOLDE beam: mm · mrad (at 30 keV, for less than


it was measured to be about

10 π ·

ions and sideband cooling [Ames et al.,

2005]), while the typical ISOLDE beam emittance is

35 π· mm · mrad (at 60 keV)

[Schmidt, 2001]. To be able to capture the 60 keV ion beam of ISOLDE, the complete REXTRAP set-up is located on a high voltage (HV) platform at 60 kV. The magnetic eld for the Penning trap operation is provided by a superconducting magnet of 3 T maximum eld. Since REXTRAP was designed to handle large amounts


of ions (10

÷ 107 )

it has relatively large dimensions (Fig. 4.5).

The central

part of REXTRAP is split into two parts. The stopping part has a high buer gas pressure of about


mbar of Ne or Ar to make sure that the ions loose

sucient energy in order to be captured in the potential minimum of the trapping part (Fig. 4.5).

When the ions are in this potential minimum they are

exposed to the RF -sideband cooling for typically 20 ms in a buer gas pressure



Figure 4.5: REXTRAP set-up: the trap electrode structure, buer gas distribution

and potential along the trap axis are shown (from [Schmidt, 2001]).

of about


mbar [Ames et al., 2005]. After the end of the cooling, the ions

are accelerated towards the trap exit. The typical repetition rate of REXTRAP for REX-ISOLDE purposes is 50 Hz while the WITCH experiment requires at present only 1 Hz repetition.

4.5 Beamline The purpose of the WITCH beamline is to guide and prepare the ion bunch coming from REXTRAP for injection into the WITCH Penning traps.


beamline is divided in two sections: the Horizontal beamline (HBL) and the Vertical beamline (VBL). Both sections serve dierent purposes.

4.5.1 Horizontal beamline After the ISOLDE ion beam is cooled and released in bunched mode from the REXTRAP, it is injected into the HBL part of the WITCH set-up. The function of the HBL is to transfer the ion beam from the REXTRAP set-up into the WITCH vertical beamline (Sec. 4.5.2) as ecient as possible. The general

4.5 Beamline


Figure 4.6: Schematic view of the horizontal beamline of the WITCH set-up

overview of this is given in Fig. 4.6.

The HBL primarily contains dierent

electrodes to guide the ion bunch into the VBL. Only static voltages are used for this. The essential components of the HBL are two systems of kicker-bender electrodes and an einzellens. The two electrostatic benders each consist out of two spherical electrodes.

The spherical shape ensures that the beam is also

focused in the direction perpendicular to the deection plane [Delauré, 2004]. The construction of these kicker-bender combinations is based on the design made for the REX-ISOLDE beamline. Between the kicker-bender systems the einzellens is installed in order to better focus the beam. In order to be able to also correct the beam direction, steerer plates are used in the HBL (Fig. 4.6). Three beam diagnostic systems are foreseen to monitor the beam while tuning it (see Sec. 4.12). The horizontal beamline is one single vacuum section.

4.5.2 Vertical beamline An overview of the VBL is shown in Fig. 4.7. It contains primarily cylindrical electrodes (inner diameter 59.5 mm) and steerer plates. The VBL can be divided in two sections by its function. In the rst section a special long electrode, named Pulsed Drift Tube (PDT ), is installed (see below). This electrode serves to shift the potential energy of the ions down over the range corresponding to the original beam energy (i.e. 30 kV or 60 kV for typical ISOLDE operation). The second part of the VBL contains a set of electrodes to create a drift section in order to inject the ion bunch into the magnetic eld. Instead of having



Figure 4.7: Vertical beamline of the WITCH set-up (from [Delauré, 2004]).

4.5 Beamline


Figure 4.8:

The principle of PDT.

one long electrode the drift region is split into dierent shorter components to provide exibility during beam tuning [Delauré, 2004]. The two dierent sections of the VBL are also separated vacuum sections: the rst part, containing the PDT, can be separated by a valve from the second one, the drift section, which is part of the spectrometer vacuum (see Sec. 4.13). The PDT vacuum chamber, together with part of the drift section, can be taken out in order to free space for loading/unloading the traps.

Pulsed drift tube section The ISOLDE beam has 60 keV or 30 keV kinetic energy. Ions at such energy can not be injected into the Penning traps, meaning the beam has to be retarded before injection. One possibility is to put the trap structure on a high voltage platform. However, this means that also the magnet, the corresponding electronics etc. have to be on the same platform. This is too dicult to realize in the case of the WITCH experiment because of the vertical orientation of this part of the set-up. Another solution is to use a pulsed cavity as described in [Herfurth et al., 2001]. The principle of such a cavity

2 as used at WITCH is

illustrated in Fig. 4.8. When the ion pulse is inside the PDT the potential of the cavity is switched down over the range of 60 kV (30 kV) from 52 kV (26 kV) down to -8 kV (-4 kV). In this way the kinetic energy of the ions is not changed while the potential energy is shifted to -8 kV (-4 kV), so that the total energy becomes zero (Fig. 4.8). This means that the ions can now be captured in the Penning traps at ground potential. In reality one has to take into account the


named Pulsed

Drift Tube in the case of WITCH, or in short PDT



Figure 4.9:

Geometry of the Penning traps.

The cooler trap (left ) is separated

from the decay trap (right ) by a dierential pumping barrier.

The total length of

the two traps is 42.8 cm. EE denotes the End-cap Electrodes, CE the Correction Electrodes and RE the central Ring Electrode of the traps. Also the buer gas inlet is shown.

energy spread and the ripple of the power supplies. All these cause the ions to have an energy slightly higher than the ground level. To trap the ions in the WITCH cooler trap a voltage in the order of 100 V therefore has to be applied to the end-cap electrodes (Sec. 4.6). The corresponding electronics to perform the operation of the PDT is described is Sec. 4.15.1.

4.6 WITCH traps When the ion beam is decelerated in the VBL and injected in the region of the high magnetic eld, it is ready to be captured in the WITCH Penning traps. The purpose of the traps is to capture, cool, center and store the ions. To separate these functions in the WITCH set-up two Penning traps are used, a cooler trap and a decay trap (Fig. 4.9). First, the ions get trapped in the cooler trap, where they are buer gas cooled to room temperature and then centered. For this purpose helium gas is injected into the trap as a buer gas (see Sec. 3.2.3). After this the ions are ejected through a dierential pumping barrier into the decay trap where they are kept for a couple of half-lives, i.e. of the order of 1 s to 10 s for the nuclides of interest. The pumping barrier serves to limit the ow of buer gas (He ) into the decay trap, since the ion cloud in the decay trap constitutes the source for the experiment and ultra-high vacuum is required in the spectrometer behind the traps so as to exclude scattering of the recoil ions on rest gas or buer gas atoms. The WITCH traps are of the cylindrical type since this allows to inject more ions and have better pumping due to the more open structure, compared

4.7 Retardation spectrometer


to the hyperbolic Penning traps that are used for high-accuracy mass measurements. The design of both WITCH traps is similar to the ISOLTRAP cooler trap [Bollen et al., 1996, Raimbault-Hartmann et al., 1997]. The central ring electrode is divided into eight sections along the axis to allow to apply dierent

RF excitation schemes (Sec. 3.2.2). The decay trap has a shortened end-cap electrode but is otherwise similar to the cooler trap. More details can be found in [Delauré, 2004].

4.7 Retardation spectrometer As can be seen from Fig. 4.1 and Table 4.1 the recoil ions have very small energy, in the order of a few hundreds of eV. This energy is sucient to leave the trap but is dicult to measure. To analyze the recoil energy of ions produced in


decay the WITCH experiment uses a retardation spectrometer (Fig. 4.10). The principle is based on applying a retardation potential, so that only ions with energy above the retardation potential can reach the detector. This detector is an MCP detector, which is just a counter with no energy sensitivity. When a certain retardation voltage is set, the corresponding number of ions is counted on the detector.

If now the voltage is changed, a dierent number of ions

reaches the detector. One can thus scan the whole recoil energy spectrum (in fact, the integral recoil energy spectrum is measured). However, the retardation potential probes only the component of the ion energy parallel to the axis of the electrical eld, while ions escaping from the trap also have a radial component of motion.

Conversion of the radial component of kinetic energy

into the longitudinal one is thus needed. The principle to do this is based on the adiabatic invariance of the magnetic ux, also known as inverse magnetic mirror. In this case the energy conversion is dened by the ratio of the magnetic elds [Jackson, 1975]. This is why the double Penning trap structure is placed in a strong magnetic eld of 9 T while the analyzing region is in a weak magnetic eld of 0.1 T. Thus a fraction

1 − Bmin /Bmax ≈ 98.9% of the ion radial energy

is converted into axial energy while the ions spiral from the high eld to the low eld region. The requirement of adiabaticity means that over one cyclotron turn the change of the magnetic eld is small [Delauré, 2004]. The scheme of the designed retardation spectrometer is shown in Fig. 4.10. During the design several considerations were taken into account. First of all, the retarding electric eld is parallel to the magnetic eld in the volume occupied by the recoil ions. Next, to assure that the energy conversion is adiabatic it is preferable that the electrostatic retardation of the ions is performed as soon as possible after they leave the high magnetic eld region [Delauré, 2004] (Fig. 4.11). On the other hand it should not be too fast, as the ions can otherwise be reected already in the intermediate zone because of incomplete energy conversion. The retardation potential therefore reaches its maximum in the re-



Figure 4.10: Scheme of the retardation spectrometer.

4.8 WITCH magnet system


Figure 4.11: Magnetic eld prole (solid line) and retardation electric eld (dashed

line) on the axis of the spectrometer (z-axis). The electric eld has been calculated for

Uret = 100

V. z=0 corresponds to the center of the 9 T magnet. The positions of

the traps and the detector are also indicated.

gion where the ions experience the full energy conversion (so called analysis

plane ). The ions that pass this analysis plane are re-accelerated to



to get o the magnetic eld lines and are then focused with an Einzellens onto the MCP detector. This has two advantages: 1) it ensures a constant detection eciency for all recoil energies; 2) the majority of the

β -particles

will miss the

ion detector since they are not focused by the einzellens but instead continue spiraling along the magnetic eld lines, so that most of them end up by hitting the wall. The disadvantage of this approach is that the ion beam gets large in radial dimensions, meaning a large detector is required [Delauré, 2004]. The response function of the spectrometer and how this is aected by different eects is discussed in Sec. 5.2.

4.8 WITCH magnet system As was mentioned before, the WITCH experiment needs two magnets for its operation. The magnet system built by Oxford Instruments


contains both

superconducting magnets of 9 T and 0.2 T in one single cryostat. The double Penning trap structure is placed in the lower bore tube (internal diameter 13 cm) of the strong 9 T magnet while the spectrometer is in the top bore tube (internal diameter about 21 cm) of the weak 0.2 T magnet.

The eld along

the axis produced by the two magnets together (the 0.2 T magnet was scaled to 0.1 T) is shown in Fig. 4.11. The position of both trap centers, the analysis



plane and the MCP detector are also indicated. The homogeneity of the 9 T magnet in the region of both trap centers is about a

5·10−5 , the homogeneity of

the 0.2 T magnet when the applied current is set to produce the 0.1 T plateau is about


at the plateau position [Superconductivity, 2002].

The cryostat system needs relling of the liquid nitrogen once every 3 days and of the liquid helium once every 7 days. These periods are long enough to be convenient for the measurements (even relling of the liquid nitrogen should not disturb the experiment). The system is equipped with magnet power supplies that allow to power up and down the system at any time and set any possible combination of the magnetic eld (0

< Bstrong ≤ 9

T and

0 < Bweak ≤ 0.2


4.9 Normalization If only one retardation step is applied during one trap lling it is necessary to know how many ions are stored in the trap at every lling in order to measure the shape of the recoil spectrum precisely. This means that a precise normalization is required. This is e.g. possible by counting the are emitted after the nuclear

β -decay.

β -particles that

About half of the beta particles will

go in the direction of the spectrometer but they will not be disturbed by the electrostatic barriers of the spectrometer because of their much higher energies of O (MeV). In the spectrometer itself the trajectories as the ions.

β -particles

follow almost the same

It is therefore impossible to install the

β -detector

there, as it would then also block the ions and thus disturb the recoil ion measurement. However, higher up in the spectrometer, where the recoil ions get o the magnetic eld lines and are re-accelerated onto the MCP detector, while the betas continue along the eld lines, the trajectories of both particles are separated.

At present several p-i-n diode detectors are installed in the

electrode SPDRIF01 (Fig. 4.10 and Fig. 4.15). The simulations to determine the best place for these

β -detectors

and to calculate the trajectories of the


particles will be discussed in Sec. 5.7. The present position of the detectors is meant for test purposes to check the simulations. An alternative possibility to measure the recoil spectrum is to scan all necessary retardation potentials during one single trap lling. normalization is required.

In this case no

However, a correction for the time-dependence of

the count rate due to the life-time of the trapped isotope has to be performed in this case. The corresponding electronics that was developed for this type of measurement is described in Sec. 4.15.1. In the current WITCH set-up both methods can be used.

4.10 Ion-detection


Figure 4.12: MCP working principle (from [DelMar, 2005]).

4.10 Ion-detection The detector to count the number of ions that passed the retardation barrier of the spectrometer is a microchannel plate detector (MCP). The working principle of an MCP is based on electron multiplication (Fig. 4.12). An MCP consists of a specially fabricated plate which has several million independent channels each of which acts as an independent electron multiplier. An incident particle (ion, electron, photon etc.) enters a channel, hits the wall and emits an electron. These secondary electrons are accelerated by the electric eld that is created by a voltage applied across both ends of the MCP. In principle, the eciency of such a detector depends on the initial ion energy and incidence angle, but this can be overcome if the particles are accelerated to more than a few keV energy. This, together with the fact that the ions can be focused more easily when they are accelerated, are the two reasons why the ions are accelerated up to 10 keV after the retardation section. A more detailed description of the working principle of an MCP detector can be found, for instance in [Wiza, 1979, Gao et al., 1984, Brehm et al., 1995]. The original detection part of the set-up was designed for a Hamamatsu MCP detector with active area of 2 cm diameter and an eciency of 30% (test detector) but it was also foreseen to use a larger detector. The test detector has a single anode and thus cannot give any spatial information about the ion envelope.

However, since the diameter of the ion beam at the detector

position is expected to be about


cm it is much more interesting to use a

larger detector and possibly also with position sensitivity (the latter is useful to study the properties of the set-up as well as a number of systematic eects). A group from LPC-Caen together with the company Roentdek [Roentdek, 2005] developed and tested two MCP position sensitive systems with active diameter of 47 mm (DLD40) and 83 mm (DLD80) (Fig. 4.13) [Roentdek, 2005,


Figure 4.13:


Scheme of the assembly for MCP tests performed at LPC-CAEN

(top ) and photo of the LPC position sensitive MCP (bottom ) (from [Naviliat-Cuncic, 2005]).

4.11 Experimental cycle


Figure 4.14: Operation cycle of the WITCH experiment. The time axis is not to


Liénard et al., 2005].

The position encoding is done with the use of a delay

line anode, which is made from conducting wires rolled up in X and Y directions. The position in one direction is deduced from the propagation time dierence of the signals to reach two opposite ends of the corresponding wires [Liénard et al., 2005]. The detection eciency was found to be 52.3(3)% and the position resolution of this detector has been estimated to be 110(26) µm. Acceleration of the ions in a potential of about 4000 V ensures a maximal eciency, whatever the incident ion energy, and avoids a loss of eciency due the ion incident angle [Liénard et al., 2005]. In the present WITCH set-up the detector of 47 mm diameter can be easily implemented while the larger detector requires a more serious modication of the detection part (see Sec. 7.1).



4.11 Experimental cycle The experimental cycle of WITCH in principle depends on the isotope and its half-life. However, it cannot be smaller than

tmin = tprep ,

the ion preparation

time (Fig. 4.14), which is mainly dened by the cooling time needed in the REXTRAP and in the WITCH cooler trap. In addition it is also limited by the used electronics. For instance, at present the HV switch system to pulse down the PDT cannot operate at a rate higher than 1 Hz (see Sec. 4.15.1). The WITCH experimental cycle begins when the REXTRAP starts to accumulate the almost continuous ISOLDE beam during

taccum (Fig.

4.14). At

the same time the cooling process in REXTRAP by means of buer gas collisions starts.

Then the RF sideband cooling is applied (Sec. 3.2.3).


the ions are ejected from the REXTRAP and injected into the WITCH beamline. There they are pulsed down in the PDT during


and injected into

the cooler trap, where similarly to the REXTRAP the ion bunch is cooled via buer gas collisions and sideband cooling. Thereafter the ions are transfered to the decay trap. At this moment the preparation time tprep ends and the real measurement period tmeas starts. During this period the recoil ions which pass the retardation barrier are counted with the MCP detector. After the end of the measurement the decay trap is emptied in order to be reloaded again with the next ion bunch (Fig. 4.14). One should note that the preparation cycle can take place during the time of measurement

tmeas ,

i.e. that just after the end of the measurement period

a new ion bunch is already prepared and ready to be injected into the decay trap.

4.12 Diagnostic system To monitor the beam and study the properties of the WITCH set-up (for instance, its eciency) diagnostic detectors are located at several places (Fig. 4.15), approximately in focal planes according to the beam transport simulations. In the VBL and HBL the diagnostic systems include both a Faraday Cup (for beam intensities of O (pA)) and an MCP (for a beam intensity lower than pA). However, at present the MCP detectors (DelMar


MCP-MA25, diameter of

the sensitive area 18 mm [DelMar, 2005]) are only installed in the VBL. In the spectrometer part there is only one diagnostic detector, SPMCPD01 (Fig. 4.15). The VBL and HBL diagnostic systems consist of a linear feedthrough (CaburnMDC E-BLM-275-6) and a movable plate on which the detectors are mounted. The originally designed system was found to be not reliable enough and to cause occasional blocking of the diagnostics. It was therefore re-designed and two systems of bearings were implemented to support the weight of the detector plate and to guarantee the necessary motion. One is based on two cylindrical

4.12 Diagnostic system

Figure 4.15:


General schematic view of the WITCH set-up with the diagnostics

indicated (HBDIAGxx, VBDIAGxx, SPMCPDxx, where xx is the corresponding number. SPMCPD02 is the detection MCP). The abbreviations used are: HB is horizontal beamline, VB is vertical beamline, SP is spectrometer, DIAG is diagnostic and D is ◦ detector. The HBL is 90 rotated (i.e. the top view of the HBL is shown).



Figure 4.16:

Picture of the diagnostic based on the system with two cylindrical

bearings and the collimator strip in front (HBDIAG03).

stainless steel bearings (Caburn-MDC ALMB-1), the second one makes use of four stainless steel wheels (HEPCO SSLJ13CNS/ENS). To scan the position and size of the beam, several collimator systems are used.

A rotation cube,

which allows to vary the collimator opening continuously, is installed in front of the HBDIAG02 and VBDIAG01 diagnostics. At all other places a stainless steel collimator strip with holes of dierent diameter (3, 5, 8, 20 mm) can be placed in front of the detector. The same strip has also a slit of

20 × 1 mm2


scan the beam prole (Fig. 4.16). In the HBL the strip installed has one slit which allows to scan the beam prole only in the direction dened by the strip

motion while in the VBL an angular (45 ) slit is added instead of the 20 mm hole. The combination of these two slits permits to obtain information about the beam prole in two directions: along the strip motion and perpendicular to it [Delauré, 2004].

The SPMCPD01 MCP detector is installed on a long

rotating arm and does not have any collimator system in front.

4.13 Vacuum system As was already mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, to measure a precise recoil spectrum scattering of ions has to be avoided. The eect of the rest gas on the response function of the set-up will be discussed in Sec. 5.2 but it can already be stated here that the WITCH experiment requires ultra high vacuum (UHV) conditions. The special care here that is required to achieve this goal is described in this section.

4.13 Vacuum system



Pressure, mbar



10−7 ÷ 10−8 a)

≤ 10−7





∼ 5 · 10−8

∼ 10−8

∼ 5 · 10−8

the HBL vacuum is worse when the WITCH set-up is open to the REXTRAP beamline. a)

Table 4.2: Vacuum in the WITCH set-up (no buer gas used).

4.13.1 Cleaning for vacuum As far as vacuum is concerned, the world is a dirty place! This means that it is necessary to clean all vacuum vessels and components in some way [Reid, 1999]. Already during the design, care was taken to avoid any trapped volumes and to have as many open ways for pumping as possible.

Next, all compo-

nents of the WITCH set-up were cleaned either with pure ethanol or acetone before assembling. These cleaning agents are good solvents and evaporate easily with low residue. After this chemical cleaning the HBL and VBL with all

◦ The bore tube of ◦ the magnet system was vacuum baked at 150 C only because of construction

the components were vacuum baked at 200-250 C in-situ.

restrictions. After baking the bore tube, walls were in addition treated with the glow discharge method using Ar gas, which is an eective nal cleaning process to reduce out-gassing and desorption rates [Reid, 1999]. The spectrometer electrodes rst passed standard chemical cleaning and were then vacuum

red at a temperature of 950 C in


mbar pressure in the TS-MME/CERN

vacuum ring furnace which has a useful working volume of 5.5 m height by 1 m diameter. Typical pressures for the WITCH set-up with all components mounted and no buer gas used are listed in Table 4.2 (see also Fig. 4.17).

4.13.2 Pumping system The WITCH pumping system is shown in Fig. 4.17. It is at present based on the

3 ATP400 or ATP900) and pre-vacuum

combination of turbo pumps (Alcatel

rotary pumps (Alcatel 2015SD or 2063SD). There are four dierent vacuum sections which are separated by means of VAT


UHV valves: the HBL, the PDT

(or VBL), the spectrometer and the detector region. Every section, except the spectrometer, is evacuated by one ATP400 turbo pump. Since the spectrometer vacuum includes part of the vertical beamline, the Penning trap section (together with the cooler trap where the buer gas is injected) and the spec-

3 Alcatel Vacuum http://www.adixen.com











Figure 4.17: Scheme of the WITCH pumping system. The abbreviations used are:

HB: horizontal beamline, VB: vertical beamline, SP: spectrometer, DR: detection region, UHVV: UHV valve, PREV: Pre-Vacuum valve, TURP: Turbo pump, ROTP: Rotary pump, PIRA: Pirani gauge, PENN: Penning gauge, FULL: Full-range gauge [Delauré, 2004].

4.14 O-line ion sources


trometer itself, this region requires the highest pumping power. Two ATP900 (pumping speed 900 l/ sec) are installed for this section: one at the bottom of the cryostat and another one on top of it. Due to the fact that the spectrometer response function is inuenced by the pressure in the spectrometer itself (Sec. 5.2), it is of utmost importance to have very good vacuum in this region. The present spectrometer electrode structure is therefore designed in such way

4 material can still be installed in order to further improve

that so-called NEG

the vacuum in this section, possibly to the low


or even


mbar range.

To monitor the pressure every section is equipped with either a combination of Penning and Pirani vacuum gauges or a full-range vacuum gauge (Fig. 4.17).

4.14 O-line ion sources In order to perform the o-line commissioning of the WITCH set-up two ion sources are available. The rst one is the ion source of the REXTRAP set-up, which allows to test the entire line REXTRAP→WITCH beamline→WITCH traps→detector. The second ion source is part of the WITCH set-up itself and is located in the VBL just in front of the entrance to the magnetic eld and in the same vacuum chamber where also the VBDIAG03 diagnostics is installed (Fig. 4.15). Both o-line sources produce stable ions and are described in this section.

4.14.1 REXTRAP ion source The principle of the REXTRAP ion source (Fig. 4.18) is based on the concept described in [Dezfuli et al., 1996]. An alkali-zeolite is lled in a conically shaped cylindrical hollow heater made from graphite. The direct current going through this heater builds up a temperature gradient between the thinnest part in front and the thicker part at the end. This gradient causes a steady ow of alkali atoms from the back of the reservoir to the front. There the atoms are ionised with the aid of tungsten wires incorporated in the zeolite material. The ions are then accelerated in the electrostatic eld created between the ionizer at high voltage and an electrode at ground potential. The beam can additionally be inuenced by an extraction electrode [Schmidt, 2001]. The whole ion source assembly is electrically isolated from the beam-line and can be elevated up to 65 kV, the heating current is up to 75 A, providing a beam with intensities typically of a few nA. The ion source works very reliably and delivers ion beams of


Cs+ ,

zeolite [Forstner, 2001].


non-evaporable getter (Sec. 7.1.6)





N a+

depending on the used



Figure 4.18: REXTRAP ion source (from [Forstner, 2001]).

4.14 O-line ion sources


Figure 4.19: WITCH ion source (from [Pfeier, 2001]).

4.14.2 WITCH ion source Since the REXTRAP ion source is also used for the REX-ISOLDE facility this limits its application for WITCH. This is why a commercial cross beam ion source was bought from Pfeier company (type BN846481-T). The principle of this ion source is based on electron bombardment of gas atoms (Fig. 4.19). The electrons emitted by the tungsten cathode enter the ionization chamber through a gap. When the electron energy is suciently high, a small portion of the gas in the ionization chamber is ionized. These ions are pulled out by the extraction electrode and then focused with an ion lens [Pfeier, 2001]. The standard ion source delivers a DC beam.

However, it was modied in such

way that the voltage of the lens (V3, see Fig. 4.19) can also be pulsed, thus providing a pulsed ion beam as well. Depending on the gas pressure and the cathode current the ion source intensity can be up to 100 nA [Coeck, 2003]. The ion energy is about 100 eV.



4.15 WITCH control system & DAQ To control the whole WITCH set-up a dedicated system of electronics and software has been developed [Lindroth et al., 2004]. The dierent components of this specially designed hardware and software that was developed for the WITCH experiment are described in this section.

4.15.1 Choice of hardware The hardware used to operate the set-up is a combination of commercially available electronics and devices that were specially developed for WITCH.

Beamline The WITCH beamline is mainly lled with electrodes. All of them, except the

PDT, require static voltages. To control these voltages a set of power supplies was bought from ISEG company (CPx, EHQ series) and Spellman.

For the

steerer plates a bipolar power supply was built at IKS. This has 9 independent channels and both negative and positive polarity voltages can be set in the range of (-2 kV,+2 kV). The computer control is realized with a CAN eldbus for ISEG power supplies, with analog signals for Spellman and ISOBUS for steerer plate power supplies. Control via analog signals is not currently implemented into the developed software.

PDT For proper operation of the PDT the high voltage has to be switched over 60 kV (30 kV) while the ions travel inside the electrode (Sec. 4.5.2). In practice the pulse down process proceeds via an exponential decay of the voltages, with a time constant

τP DT .

This means that the ions leaving the PDT at dierent

times will have dierent energies. In order to get a reasonably low energy spread

tswitch ≈ several · τP DT . For the present HV τP DT = 0.186 µs and tswitch ∼ 1.3 µs (1.2 µs) beam, where tswitch is dened such that ∆Eion




= 40%).

while the production of



At present the 26m Al is not yet

it might be dicult

ions due to charge exchange losses in the

REXTRAP set-up.

5.5 Procedure to analyse experimental data The procedure that was developed to analyse the experimental data is as fol-

recoil Se(C) (Ekin ) is calculated taking estimated a is the β − ν angular correlation parameter, N 0

lows: rst, a recoil ion spectrum parameters




(a , N , σ )


is the number of events and



is the standard deviation of a Gaussian which is

taken for the response function. This spectrum is then compared to the experimental integral spectrum

recoil S(Ekin )

using the Maximum-Likelihood estimate,

which tells how much the calculated spectrum deviates from the data. Based on this deviation the estimated parameters are adjusted, so that the deviation of the calculated spectrum from the data gets smaller.

In order to nd the

better parameters the downhill simplex method is used [Beck, 2005b]. Another possible method to analyse the experimental data is described in [Delauré, 2004] and is based on a comparison of the randomly generated

recoil Se(R) (Ekin )

recoil S(Ekin ). The e(R) (E recoil ) has input parameters (N 0 , a0 , b0 ) where N 0 is random spectrum S kin 0 0 the number of events, a is the β − ν angular correlation parameter and b is spectrum and the measured integral spectrum

the Fierz term (see Sec. 1.2.2). The best tting sample spectrum gives the t parameters

af it


bf it .



method can be used to compare the simulated

sample with the measured spectrum. To calculate or generate the spectrum

recoil Se(C,R) (Ekin )

is not a trivial task

because this sample spectrum has to take into account: 1. All necessary corrections to the shape of the Coulomb interaction between the

β -particle

β -spectrum

such as the

and the nucleus, radiative

corrections, second order contributions (weak magnetism and induced tensor term) and recoil order contributions. rections and their inuence on the

Details about these cor-

β -spectrum

shape can be found in

[Wilkinson, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1995a], [Wilkinson, 1995b, 1997, 1998, Glück, 1998]; 2. The response of the set-up. The theoretical spectrum from item 1 has to be folded with the response function which takes into account all set-up related eects (part of them is described above in Sec. 5.2). 3. A possible

β -background

(see Sec. 5.7).


β -particle

simulations in a simple approach


At present the procedure for data analysis is still under development, i.e. more corrections to the

β -spectrum

shape still have to be included in the program

code, while the response function of the set-up as well as the real



have still to be investigated in detail.


β -particle

simulations in a simple approach

As was already discussed in Sec. 4.9 a normalization (counting

β -particles) may

be necessary for the precise measurement of the recoil spectrum. This means that a suited place to install one or more

β -detectors

has to be found in order

to provide enough statistics for the normalization. The original eld map provided by Oxford Instruments covers the volume of the set-up contained within

0 < R < 12

−102 cm < z < 190 cm in steps of 2 cm and (z = 0, R = 0) corresponds to the eld map was extrapolated for the case R = 0

cm in steps of 1 cm, where

center of the 9 T magnet. The with cubic spline up to

z = 260

cm in the form [Beck, 2005b]:

B(z) = with

z0 = 116.6 cm.

14570 (z − z0 )3


The radius of the particle motion at each position is calcu-

lated and it is checked whether this radius exceeds the radius of the electrode at this position. If it does, this is counted as a hit at the current Z -position. The results of these simulations done for three dierent energies and for three dierent starting points are presented in Fig. 5.9. The center of the coordinate system

(z = 0, R = 0) corresponds to the center of the 9 T magnet. According β -detectors were installed in the SPDRIF01 electrode. (see

to these results test

Fig. 5.9 and Fig. 5.11 and comments to these gures).

5.7 GEANT4 β -particle simulations Similar simulations as described in the previous section were also performed using the GEANT4

1 simulation package [Agostinelli et al., 2003, GEANT4, 2005].

GEANT4 is a toolkit for simulating the passage of particles through matter. It contains a complete range of functionality including tracking, geometry, physics models and hits [Agostinelli et al., 2003]. Using this package gives better exibility to control physics processes in the simulated set-up and provides realistic results.

β -particle simulations performed for WITCH using GEANT4 to dene β -detector and to check the β -background on the main MCP

the position of a

are described in this section.


GEANT is an abbreviation for GEometry ANd Tracking.

CHAPTER 5 Simulations


Figure 5.9:

Results of the simple beta particle simulation.

(a ) is the electrode

structure in the program; (b ), (c ) and (d ) are the positions where the electrode if they start from

z = 0, r = 2

mm (d ).

z = 0, r = 0

The simulation is for

β -particles touch z = 0, r = 1 mm (c ), and mono-energetic β -particles of 3 MeV, mm (b );

5 MeV and 7 MeV which are emitted isotropically.

5.7 GEANT4

β -particle



Figure 5.10: β -spectrum generated for the branch with 35 of Ar.

E0β = 4943.3

keV (BR




β -spectrum

In principle it is possible to generate the

β -spectrum using the GEANT4 tools.

The disadvantage of this is that the spectrum will be produced during every run of the program, i.e. using a lot of CPU time, and the result will strongly depend on the used random generator and the computer architecture. In general it is also a good idea to separate the steps of the simulation: 1. description of the source of the experiment, i.e. generation of the initial event; 2. response of the set-up to this primary event; 3. reconstruction of the primary event using the output of item 2; In this way it is possible to split the tasks between dierent people/groups and cross-check the simulations, include non-standard model physics to generate primary events and test the reconstruction procedure of the primary events from the response of the set-up.

Based on this philosophy a separate pro-

β -spectrum

was written. In its rst version one has to

gram to generate the

β + /β − -decay, β to set the endpoint energy E0 and enter the number of events to be generated Nev , i.e. only one branch can be simulated. The output of the program specify as input information the charge Z, to choose between

is the energy of every

β -particle

and its direction

(px , py , pz ),

stored in one

ROOT Tree le [Brun et al., 2001]. At present only the Fermi function is implemented to account for the nuclear Coulomb interaction with the emitted

CHAPTER 5 Simulations


β -particle. β -spectra were generated for the most intensive branches for 35 Ar, 60 Co and 122 In. Fig. 5.10 shows an example for the branch of 35 Ar with β endpoint energy E0 = 4943.3 keV and branching ratio BR = 98.02%. The mean energy of 2.28 MeV for the produced spectrum is close to the average energy of the total spectrum (taking into account all branches) E β = 2.266 MeV [Firestone and Ekström, 2004].

This can be considered good enough in or-

der to nd the best place for a normalization

β -background

β -detector

and to check the

on the main detector.

5.7.2 WITCH set-up in the GEANT4 program The scheme of the simulated set-up is presented in Fig. 5.11. The double Penning trap structure is described as a set of two solid cylinders (inner diameter 40 mm) made from copper and a pumping diaphragm with opening of 4 mm diameter, also made from copper. All electrodes as well the walls of the lower and upper magnet bore tubes are made from stainless steel. detector a very simplied model is used, i.e.

For the MCP

a solid disk of quartz material

(SiO2 ), 80 mm diameter and 1 mm thick. Due to this primitive assumption it will further be called pseudo-MCP detector. the whole set-up and was set to be


The vacuum is the same in

mbar. Since the

β -particles

have a

much higher energy O (MeV) than the retardation barrier O (100 eV) the electric eld is not implemented in the description of the set-up.

The magnetic

eld map was extended by Oxford Instruments, so that it covers the range

−100 cm < z < 350 cm in steps of 1 cm 0.5 cm where (z = 0, R = 0) corresponds


0 < R < 21

cm in steps of

to the center of the 9 T magnet.

The original eld map is provided separately for the 9 T magnet and the 0.2 T magnet. The 0.2 T magnet was scaled to 0.1 T and the total eld map was calculated (Fig. 4.11). For the positions in between the eld map points, linear interpolation was used:

Bz (R, z) = az · zmap + bz , where az = Bz [iR , jz + 1] − Bz [iR , jz ] bz = Bz [iR , jz ] − az · zmap zmap = z/stepz and similar for the radial component of the eld


BR (R, z):

BR (R, z) = aR · Rmap + bR , where aR = BR [iR + 1, jz ] − BR [iR , jz ] bR = Bz [iR , jz ] − aR · Rmap Rmap = R/stepR


5.7 GEANT4

β -particle



Figure 5.11: WITCH set-up in the GEANT4 simulation program. The positions

are given as they are used in the program, i.e.

(z = 0, R = 0)

corresponds to the

place where the 9 T magnet bore tube merges with the 0.2 T magnet bore tube. This coordinate system is shifted by 428 mm with respect to the one that is used for the eld map, where the origin was taken at the 9 T magnet center. comparison the numbers given in brackets are for the system where corresponds to the center of the 9 T magnet.

To facilitate

(z = 0, R = 0)

CHAPTER 5 Simulations


Figure 5.12: Trajectories of

β -particles

of 3 MeV energy for an isotropic distribu-

tion. The center of the decay trap is at -32.3 cm.

In these Eqs.(5.8,5.9)

Bz [iR , jz ] (BR [iR , jz ])

are the tabulated values for the

axial (radial) component of the magnetic eld from the eld map le and

stepz (stepR )

is the step size of the eld map for the axial (radial) eld projec-

tion. The initial


event is either read from the le produced by the

β -spectrum

program (Sec. 5.7.1) or a mono-energetic event is generated for program test purposes. The spatial distribution is isotropic and ions are equally distributed in a sphere of 5 mm radius (nal simulation), a 1 mm radius sphere or a disk of dierent radius (the disk is perpendicular to the axis of the magnetic eld) in the center of the decay trap.

5.7.3 Results of the simulations Simulations were rst done for certain xed energies to avoid articial eects of the programming. It was veried that GEANT4 calculates the right radius of the

β -particle

emitted perpendicular to the magnetic eld lines.


reading of the eld map was also checked at dierent points. The trajectories of the

β -particles were visualized (Fig. 5.12) and no strange eects were found.

Fig. 5.12 also shows that at the end of the spectrometer the trajectories of the

β -particles

diverge as they are following the magnetic eld lines.

Finally the program was run with the


Ar spectrum (Fig. 5.10), an isotropic

distribution and a cloud of ions of 5 mm radius in the center of the decay trap. The positions and elements of the set-up which the

β -particles

hit rst after

leaving the decay trap were detected. This is shown in Fig. 5.13 and Fig. 5.14.

hit the set-up for the rst time.



spectrum, 5 mm cloud, isotropic


distribution. The center of the decay trap is at -323 mm.

β -particles

β -particle

Figure 5.13: 3D plot of the points where

5.7 GEANT4 89

CHAPTER 5 Simulations


One can recognize the shape of certain electrodes and also the pumping diaphragm (at nearly -400 mm).

Numerically the amount of hits is shown in

Fig. 5.14. As can be seen, the largest number of hits is in the pumping barrier: nearly 80% of the betas going in this direction hit the barrier. The next volume that is actively bombarded by

β -particles

is the SPDRIF01 electrode, as

was also shown already in the rst simulations based on the simple approach (Sec. 5.6).

However, one has to note that Fig. 5.14 gives the absolute num-

ber of hits for the whole volume.

Taking into account that the size of the

pumping barrier is much smaller than the size of the SPDRIF01 electrode, one can conclude that the pumping barrier is the most ecient place to install the

β -detectors.

The technical possibility to implement this is discussed in Sec. 7.1.

Another important output of these simulations is the estimate for the background on the main detector.


As was mentioned, the MCP detector is

introduced in the program as a very primitive model. Nevertheless, this allows to check how many particles will arrive on the detector. Fig. 5.14 and Fig. 5.15 show that this amount is actually rather large: from a total of 250 000 simulated events 8608 betas arrive on the 8 cm diameter pseudo-MCP detector.


number has to be compared to the number of ions arriving on the same detector. From 250 000 events only half goes in direction of the spectrometer. Assuming

β + -decay is measured and that one thus has to rely on the shake-o eect + −1 get 1 recoil ions, gives an additional factor of ∼ 10 . Taking into account

that to

a cut-o angle one needs to additionally apply factor of 0.8 (see Sec. 5.2.4 and Table 5.1).

This means that about 10 000 ions will arrive as full recoil ion

spectrum on the MCP detector. It might be that an MCP of 4 cm diameter is sucient for the ion detection. Since the

β -background

events equally cover

the surface of the pseudo-MCP, a twice less diameter of the detector means a reduction of the background by a factor of 4, i.e.

corresponding to 2152

beta-particle events. This comparison of the

β -background

is not complete since one still has to

take into account the detection eciency of the MCP for ions of O (10 keV) energy (the recoil ions are accelerated onto the MCP, see Sec. 4.10) and particles of O (MeV) energy.


The model used for the MCP detector is too

primitive to give the answer on this question. The measurements performed by the TRIUMF and Berkeley groups [Behr, 2005, Scielzo, 2005] showed that this eciency is very close to the one for ions (i.e. the absolute MCP detection eciency is about 50÷75% for

β -particles of O (MeV) energy).

This means that

if one assumes the MCP registration eciency for betas and ions to be 60%, the MCP detector will register

∼1290 β−particles

against 6 000 ion events in

the full recoil ion spectrum. However, the beta-background has to be compared to the number of events not for the total recoil ion spectrum but for every retardation step of the spectrometer. Since the

β -particles

have a much higher energy than the retar-

5.7 GEANT4

β -particle



βM CP = 0.06


βM CP = 0.6
















144 eV < E < 284 eV 144 eV < E < 277 eV 144 eV < E < 270 eV


with βs no βs Table 5.2: Increase (tmeas /tmeas ) of the total measurement time in the case of 26m Al due to the β -background. Two sizes of the detector and dierent sensitivities

of the MCP to

β -particles are considered.

Three energy regions to scan are presented,

the retardation scan step is in all cases is the same, i.e. 7 eV.

dation barrier, the number of


events on the MCP detector will be the same

for every retardation step, i.e. for any channel of the recoil ion spectrum. The spectrum which is measured with the retardation spectrometer is the integral one (Fig. 5.16). This means that near the endpoint energy the ion count rate is lowest and the inuence of the beta-background is the largest. However, a measurement of the integral spectrum also means that the number of ion counts is increasing if the retardation potential is decreased, so that the eect of the

β -background is respectively reduced. Fig. 5.16 shows the integral spectrum of 26m Al and three estimates of the β -background mentioned above, leading to very dierent results. Finally, it is necessary to estimate how long one has to measure in view of this background in order to achieve the precision discussed in Sec. 5.4. The corresponding mathematics is presented in Appendix B where Eq.(B.8) denes the time increase for every retardation step in comparison with the no-beta background case. Table B.1 gives an example of how much the collection time should be increased in case of



for a measurement

close to the endpoint energy region. This part should experience the largest time increase, since there the ion counting rate is lowest. This means that the time of measurement of all other channels should be aected less. Table 5.2 shows estimates of the total time increase again for



(the recoil ion spec-

trum endpoint energy is 280.6 eV (Table 4.1)), when the part of the recoil ion spectrum with

144 eV < E < 284 eV

is considered and for a retardation step

of 7 eV. The rst row gives the values when all 20 channels are scanned, the second row when the last bin is skipped and the last row when the last 2 bins are skipped.

The calculations are done supposing that the eciency of the

β = 0.6) and if it would β be ten times smaller (M CP = 0.06). As can be seen, when the last two bins (which contain only few counts; see Fig. 5.16) are not measured and the MCP MCP for

β -particles

is equal to the one for ions (M CP

detector has a diameter of 4 cm, the time increase is about factor of 1.7 for

βM CP = 0.6

and almost negligible for

βM CP = 0.06.

Fig. 5.16 and Fig. 5.17

show the part of the integral and dierential spectrum that are cut in this case (dash-dotted vertical line).

Of course, it is also necessary to check how the

CHAPTER 5 Simulations


nal precision of the a -parameter is inuenced by reducing the measurement window.

From comparison of the two cases

a = 1


a = 1/2

(shown in

Figs. 5.16 and 5.17) one might expect that the eect should not be too large. The important dierence between the original way of measurement (if there is no

β -background)

and the measurement discussed in this paragraph, is that

in the rst case every channel is measured during the same time, while in the presence of the

β -background

the channels closer to the endpoint energy are

measured much longer than the other channels. These simulations, for sure, have to be checked experimentally and the issue about the MCP detection eciency for ions and betas also has to be investigated in practice, especially for the MCP detector dedicated for the WITCH experiment.

If one uses the output of the simulations presented in

N = 107 ions in the dierential spectrum is sucient to achieve a precision ∆a = 0.005, the time increase shown in Table 5.2 means that the required precision on the β − ν correlation might still be achieved in a realistic time period (e.g. 8.6 hours × 20.8 = 7.5 days for 35 Ar). Nevertheless, reducing the β -background will clearly Fig. 5.8 to estimate the total measurement time, i.e. that

be advantageous. Some ideas how one might avoid this background are given in Sec. 7.1.

5.7 GEANT4

β -particle



Figure 5.14: Plot showing the elements of the set-up which the β -particles hit 35 Ar spectrum, 5 mm cloud in center of the decay trap, isotropic distribution.


Figure 5.15:

Energy left in the pseudo-MCP detector by

spectrum is used; 5 mm cloud; isotropic distribution.

β -particles.




CHAPTER 5 Simulations


Figure 5.16: Integral spectrum calculated for


Al for the cases a = 1 and a = 0.5. E = 270 eV is indicated.

The endpoint energy is 280.6 eV (Table 4.1); the position of

Three estimates of the beta background are shown (dotted lines) for the cases: (1) β β ions ions 8 cm MCP detector, M CP = M CP ; (2) 4 cm MCP detector, M CP = M CP ; (3) β ions 4 cm MCP detector, M CP = 0.1 · M CP

Figure 5.17:

a = 0.5.

Dierential spectrum calculated for




a = 1 and E = 270 eV is

for the cases

The endpoint energy is 280.6 eV (Table 4.1); the position of

Chapter 6 Very rst tests of WITCH The installation of the WITCH set-up took several years and commissioning was started already during the last phase of the installation. In most of the tests the o-line REXTRAP ion source (delivering a


K ion beam) was used.

The tests performed are discussed in this chapter.

6.1 HBL tests The rst part of the WITCH set-up which the ions enter is the horizontal beamline (Sec. 4.5.1).

Since also the installation of WITCH has begun with

the HBL, it is logic that the rst tests of WITCH were performed at this part of the set-up. Since the ISOLDE facility (and respectively, REXTRAP) can operate basically at 60 keV or 30 keV, the tests were done using both high voltage settings. In most of the tests the o-line REXTRAP ion source (



ion beam) was

used. Ions were rst cooled in the REXTRAP for 20 ms in Ne buer gas and then injected into the WITCH set-up. The typical pressure in the HBL is in the range of

10−8 ÷ 10−7

mbar (the pressure being better if the HBL vacuum

section is separately pumped and worse if it is open/connected to other vacuum sections).

The REXTRAP set-up can operate at 50 Hz repetition rate

providing a beam that is intense enough to be measured in the Faraday cups of the WITCH diagnostics system. All Faraday cup measurements at WITCH are normalized to the current on the last REXTRAP diagnostic (BTS.FC20 ) which is about 1 m away from the rst WITCH electrodes. It is possible to scan the prole of the beam in the HBL but at two dierent positions and each time only in one direction (horizontally at HBDIAG01 and vertically at HBDIAG03). The typical size of the beam is about 3.5 mm (FWHM) in both directions, see Fig. 6.1.

The tests performed showed that the tuning can be 95

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


Figure 6.1: Slit scans of the beam prole at two positions in the HBL diagnostics.

Left : HBDIAG01 (horizontal) scan, right : HBDIAG03 (vertical) scan. Plots are for a 30 keV




done in such a way that there is no signicant loss of beam intensity through the HBL, i.e. nearly 100% transmission eciency is obtained (see Fig. 6.2). To tune the voltages and monitor the beam the three diagnostics in the HBL and the rst one in the VBL are generally used (Fig. 6.2). However, because the quality of the beam in the HBL denes how well it is injected into the VBL and also later into the magnetic eld and into the traps, it is necessary to check the injection of the ion beam from the HBL into the VBL also over a longer distance, i.e. using another diagnostics higher up (for instance, an MCP which is installed in the spectrometer), for ne tunning of the beam transport.

Figure 6.2:

Eciency of the beam transfer through the HBL (also see Fig. 4.6).

The upper number gives the transfer eciency obtained in tests with a 60 keV ion beam while the lower number is for 30 keV ions.

6.2 VBL tests


6.2 VBL tests The next section of the WITCH set-up is the vertical beamline (VBL). This is a more complicated system than the HBL since it contains the pulsed drift tube electrode, PDT, (see Sec. 4.5.2) and is situated in the vicinity of the high magnetic eld. The main purpose of this part of WITCH is to shift the potential energy of the ions in the PDT and then guide and inject them into the magnetic eld and the cooler Penning trap. An additional speciality of the VBL (in fact of the PDT ) is the high voltage of 60 kV or 30 kV (depending on the ion beam energy). The vertical beamline was rst tested in the laboratory for vacuum conditions and high voltage sparking and then was installed at ISOLDE in May 2003. The typical vacuum in the VBL is of the order

6 · 10−8 ÷ 5 · 10−7


The main purpose of the VBL tests that were performed till now was to prove the functionality of the PDT, check its eciency and investigate and optimize the injection of the ion beam into the WITCH magnetic eld.

6.2.1 Pulsed Drift Tube tests Because the development of the necessary electronics to start PDT tests took more time than expected, the rst successful tests were performed only in July 2004.

Earlier, during the design phase of this part of the set-up, intensive

SIMION simulations had been performed. According to these simulations the travel time of 30 keV 4 kV) is

∼ 5 µs



ions in the PDT (for a combination of HV = +26/-

while the present electronics scheme of the HV switch box

provides a pulse down time of the PDT of about 1.2 µs (time constant

0.18 µs)

[Delauré et al., 2005].

This gives an

∼ 3.7 µs

τP DT =

time window to pulse

down the ion beam. However, the ion bunch ejected from the REXTRAP setup (see Fig. 6.3) has a time structure that is longer than this time window (the typical bunch length is

∼ 10 µs),

meaning it is not possible to pulse the

1 of it. So the original bunch can be

complete bunch but at best only about 43%

considered to consist of dierent parts: 1) ions which will pass through the PDT before the pulsing down starts, 2) an intermediate part containing partially bunched ions, 3) well bunched ions, 4) another intermediate part of partially pulsed down ions 5) ions which enter the PDT when it is already at low voltage (Fig. 6.4). For the cases 1) and 5) these ions will have

∼ 60

keV (30 keV) after

the PDT, i.e. they are much faster than the well-bunched ions. This leads to the time structure of the signal after the PDT as shown in Fig. 6.5 (a, b, c and d correspond to the transitions between dierent parts in Fig. 6.4). In this gure the simulated (using SIMION) and measured spectra are compared. One clearly sees that already at the position of the VBDIAG03 diagnostics the ions

1 43% is estimated as follows: the switching time window is ∼ 3.7 µs and the length of the incoming pulse is ∼ 10 µs (Fig. 6.3), meaning that at least 37% of the incident ions should be well bunched, but one also has to take into account an ion distribution in the bunch.


CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH

Figure 6.3: TOF spectra (VBDIAG03 MCP detector) of ions coming from the 39 REXTRAP set-up (no switching was performed). The main component is K; 23 N a also comes from the ion source (but disappears a few days after relling of 20 the source [Wenander, 2005]); N e+ appears due to ionization of the REXTRAP

buer gas.

Figure 6.4:

Schematic showing the behaviour of dierent parts of an ion bunch

during the PDT HV switching. Dierent parts of the initial bunch are inuenced in dierent ways.

6.2 VBL tests


Figure 6.5: TOF spectra of

MCP detector).



after the PDT (at the position of the VBDIAG03

The simulation is for a HV switch time constant = 0.2µs.


measured spectrum is the MCP signal inverted and scaled to the simulated spectrum. Measurement and simulation are both for HV PDT = 26 kV. The zero of the TOF-axis corresponds to the start of the HV switching.

−5 Figure 6.6: Simulated TOF spectra for dierent time constants (10 µs


< τP DT
99.9997%), but the transfer line is not yet equipped with a cold trap or other purication system. The buer gas pressure measurement is done at a point after the gas dosing valve (Pfeier Vacuum, RME005 ) and before the transfer line enters into the vacuum chamber. With this installation the buer gas pressure is regulated via a feedback loop. The gas dosing valve was adjusted to 5 mbar

2 on the buer gas gauge (Balzers PKR251 ). This results

2 One has to remember that the read-out is dierent for dierent gases. Here and below the values for the buer gas are given at the measurement point (feeding line) and how they are displayed on the unit, i.e. without taking into account the type of the gas.

6.3 Trap tests



Number of ions




(fraction to transfer) 1



( Transfer)
















8.2 ms 19 ms 170 ms 530 ms 910 ms













Table 6.1: Eciency of box trapping of



ions in the cooler trap. No buer

gas is used. The rst row for each storage time lists the estimated number of ions via summing of the MCP signal, the second row by summing the absolute values. Errors correspond only to the standard deviations of the measured signal.

Figure 6.9:

MCP signal for dierent storage times. 39

cooler trap was used with no buer gas cooling.


Simple box trapping in the ions were produced in the

REXTRAP ion source and transfered into WITCH. The magnetic eld was 6 T.

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


Figure 6.10: Trap voltages originally applied in order to rst capture ions in the

cooler trap (squares), get them in the quadrupole potential (crosses), transfer them into the decay trap (diamonds) and keep them there (circles). The lines connecting the points are introduced to guide the eye. The labels on the

x-axis refer to the electrodes

for the decay (D) and the cooler (C) trap. The labeling of the trap electrodes was explained already in Fig. 4.9. The centers of the cooler trap and decay trap correspond to respectively CRE1 and DRE8.

in a measured pressure at the top of the cryostat system of several



Such a pressure, according to vacuum ow calculations for a simplied setup, results in a buer gas pressure inside the cooler trap in the required range of

10−3 ÷ 10−4

mbar. It is to be noted that these calculations did not take into

account several features of the set-up that reduce the pumping speed (such as the long connection between the turbo pump and the vacuum system and the presence of the electrode structure), but is expected to yield the right order of magnitude of the gas pressures.

The eect of the buer gas cooling can immediately be seen by checking if ions end up into the quadrupole potential in the center of the trap. The applied scheme is that the ions are rst trapped into the box potential of around 80 V formed by the end-cap electrodes and after


ms the end-cap electrode

voltages are reduced to zero (Fig. 6.10, curve 2.Cooling in quadrupole potential). If the ions are already signicantly cooled by collisions with the buer gas atoms they have to stay into this quadrupole potential (with a depth of about 10 V) formed by the central ring electrode and the correction electrodes. This eect was clearly seen.

6.3 Trap tests

Figure 6.11:


Eciencies of the ion ejection from the cooler trap (shooting the

ions through the decay trap onto an MCP detector) as a function of the decay trap voltage. Eciencies are expressed as a ratio to the situation when the decay trap is at -10 V and when the ions are shot through all the traps. Two estimators are used (see p.103).

Trap voltages When ions are cooled in the cooler trap, they stay in the quadrupole potential. For a proper WITCH operation the cloud of ions has to be transfered into the decay trap since only the energy of ions decaying in this trap will be probed by the retardation spectrometer. A diculty with this is, however, that during the transfer the ions can regain some energy because of the dierence in the potentials and/or shape of the quadrupole wells. This eect has to be minimized because it brings an uncertainty in the recoil ion energy. The original scheme for capturing ions in the cooler trap, cooling them into the quadrupole potential and thereafter transferring them into the decay trap is presented in Fig. 6.10. One can clearly see that the dierence between the lowest point of the quadrupole potential and the potential of the decay trap is about 10 V (the voltages shown are applied voltages on the electrodes and not exactly the potentials which are seen by the ions). This means that the ion cloud can get 10 eV energy during the transfer. Tests were therefore carried out to probe the decay trap potential.


results are presented in Fig. 6.11. During the tests the ions were rst cooled in the cooler trap for 100 ms and then simply shot out of the cooler trap. The decay trap voltages were increased until a clear loss in the number of ions appeared, at which moment the decay trap is thus at a higher potential than the quadrupole potential in the cooler trap.

Following these tests the decay

trap voltage was chosen to be -8.5 V. At this potential a large fraction of ions

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


still passes through (and during the rst trap tests one wants to have as many ions as possible) but the fact that it is less then 100% means that the value of 8.5 V is close to the depth of quadrupole potential of the cooler trap (Fig. 6.11). It is interesting to note that a SIMION calculation indicates that for a voltage of -10 V applied on the central ring electrode of the cooler trap (CRE) the potential in the cooler trap center is -8.4 V. One more result of these tests, which can be seen from Fig. 6.11, is that after 100 ms of cooling there is still a large spread in the ion energy (or also the space size of the cloud which results in the energy spread).

Trapping eciencies From the test described above (Fig. 6.11) and an additional measurement of the extraction of the ions from the decay trap, the trapping eciencies can be evaluated. For the situation where the cooling time is 100 ms and the buer gas pressure is 5 mbar, the end-cap electrodes of the decay trap are set to +10 V and -8.5 V is applied on all other decay trap electrodes (Table 6.2). A trapping eciency of about 60% was found for the cooler trap, while the transfer into the decay trap and the trapping eciency of the decay trap was found to be about 100%. However, during this test there was no ion species determination of the detected ions. Number of ions trapped compared to the number of ions shot through both traps

Ejected from the Cooler trap

Ejected from the Decay trap

0.59 ± 0.02

0.65 ± 0.05

Table 6.2: Trapping eciencies determined by comparing the number of trapped

ions to the number of ions shot through both traps (without capturing). Only statistical errors are indicated here, which does not fully take into account the instability of the REXTRAP ion source (see page 104). The trap parameters are given in the text.

Dierent pressures It is also necessary of course to nd an optimum for the buer gas pressure that is used. In a simple approach, at higher buer gas pressures the ions should be cooled faster, which is important, because, for instance, it gives a wider choice of isotopes (i.e.

ions with shorter half-life become accessible).

On the other

hand, a higher buer gas pressure also means higher pressure in the decay trap and in the spectrometer (i.e.

larger uncertainty on the recoil energy) and a

higher probability for charge exchange (i.e. larger losses of the initial ions). A good optimum thus has to be found. First a scan of the MCP signal as a function of the cooling time was performed for a buer gas pressure of 5 mbar.



ions are trapped in the

6.3 Trap tests


Figure 6.12: Oscilloscope pictures of the MCP signal (in [a.u.]). Graphs correspond

to dierent cooling times (100 ms, 150 ms, 200 ms, 250 ms, 300 ms, 500 ms) in the cooler trap. The buer gas pressure was 5 mbar. The t function used is Eq.(6.2)

Figure 6.13:

Oscilloscope signal for a buer gas pressure of 9 mbar and 25 ms ν+ (39 K)-excitation.

cooling time. None of the peaks moves under

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


cooler trap, cooled there for some time and then transfered (without capturing) through the decay trap onto the MCP detector behind the WITCH trap structure. It was found that after


ms of cooling the MCP signal splits in

two dierent peaks (Fig. 6.12). This means that other ions then




too, for instance, because the buer gas is not clean enough. Qualitatively the eect of the cooling can be seen in Fig. 6.12. To describe it quantitatively one can use the weighted mean value of the signal, the position of the minimum (the MCP signal is negative) and try to t the shape of the MCP signal with some function. The latter is a most complicated task since the MCP response is inuenced by the energy spread of the ions, the size of the cloud and saturation eects of the MCP detector itself, so that it is hard to derive an analytical expression.

However, it can be clearly seen that the

signal has a non-symmetric shape.

Dierent combinations of Gaussian and

exponential functions were tried but the most simple t was obtained with the ROOT Landau distribution (the ROOT Landau function is adopted from CERNLIB routine G110 denlan [CERN, 1996]) and as it can be seen from Fig. 6.12 this t gives a reasonable result. Finally, to evaluate quantitatively the MCP signal behavior the following estimators were used: 1. Weighted mean of the histogram (Mean ). When there are two peaks, the histogram is split in two parts and the mean number is calculated for the left and right part, corresponding to the rst and second peak, separately. 2. Minimum of the histogram after smoothing (ROOT smooth function is used) (Min ). Again, when there are two peaks, the minimum is calculated for the two parts of the histogram independently . 3. The ROOT Landau distribution was used to t the shape of the MCP signal. The most probable value (MPV ) is used in this case as an estimator of the peak position. To estimate the width of the signal the following approaches are used: 1. Standard deviation (dev ) over the histogram (or the part corresponding to the rst/second peak). 2. Sigma of the Landau distribution (Sigma ). For background evaluation the following method was used: 1. The background is tted with a linear function (fback (x)

= a + bx) at the

left and right side of the peak and subtracted from the original histogram. The new histogram is then tted with the Landau distribution function, yielding the MPV and Sigma values.

6.3 Trap tests


2. The values obtained in item 1) are used as input parameters to t the original histogram with the function

f (x) = a + bx + Landau(Const, M P V, Sigma)


in the full TOF range of the histogram. This provides MPV and Sigma. Next, background is subtracted as

fback (x) = a + bx

and the other para-

meters, i.e Mean, Min and dev are found. Results are presented in Figs.6.14 and 6.15. As can be seen, the measurements and analysis were also done for 3 mbar buer gas pressure. An attempt at 9 mbar (Fig. 6.13) showed a structure with several peaks already after 25 ms of cooling. However, none of the peaks could be moved/changed with a

ν+ (39 K)

excitation which most probably means that these peaks originate from impurities in the trap. The fact that at higher buer gas pressure the impurity peaks became more pronounced indicates that these impurities come mostly from the buer gas line and not from the rest gas inside the set-up. From Fig. 6.14 one can see that for a buer gas pressure of 5 mbar and cooling for 100 ms the ions are not yet cold and the time of ight from the trap to the MCP detector still increases with a larger cooling time (i.e. energy decreases).

After cooling for 200 ms the TOF stays more or less constant

(this is also the moment when the double peak structure appears; the step in the spectrum at TOF∼


ms is mainly due to the analysis procedure: at

this moment two peaks are t separately). If one takes this constant TOF∼

103 µs,

it can be estimated (for the conguration used and the position of

the MCP detector) that this TOF corresponds to an energy of O (eV) (see Sec. 6.3.4, p.120).

This energy is still much higher than room temperature

(i.e. 0.025 eV). However, it can be explained as the energy which the ions gain because of the ejection from the cooler trap while the energy of the ions in the trap is smaller than that. Analysing Fig. 6.15 one can see that the dierent estimators show a similar behavior of the width of the MCP signal, for both buer gas pressures used: rst it increases and later it drops down and stays approximately constant, which indicates that the cooling limit is reached. The initial broadening of the signal can be explained by the appearance of the rst peak, corresponding to an impurity, at nearly the same position as the peak.



The fact that the energy of the ions is decreasing and the width of

the signal after a certain moment stays constant proves that the buer gas cooling technique works. Similar behavior was observed also for longer TOF (i.e. using the spectrometer MCP): after a cooling time of 200 ms the maximum of the MCP signal stays more or less constant; the width of the signal is at rst decreasing with increasing cooling time and seems to become constant for longer cooling times (Fig. 6.16). Similar tests with 3 mbar buer gas pressure show the ion energy is still decreasing until a cooling time of is already too long for ecient WITCH operation.

∼ 500

ms, which


Figure 6.14:

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH

Time-of-ight values for



ions as a function of the cooling time

for dierent estimators and buer gas pressures of 5 mbar and 3 mbar.

Figure 6.15:

Width of the TOF signal for



as a function of the cooling time

for dierent estimators at buer gas pressures of 5 mbar and 3 mbar.

6.3 Trap tests


Figure 6.16: MCP signal (SPMCPD01) for dierent cooling times (100..900 ms).

On the x -axis is the time of ight (sec) and the y -axis shows the MCP signal in [a.u.]. The buer gas pressure was 5 mbar. Note the dierent range and scale on these axis!

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


6.3.3 Excitations As was described in Sec. 3.2.2 the Penning traps allow to manipulate ions using the combination of the buer gas and an RF -eld in order to achieve better parameters for the ion cloud (remove impurities, cool down and center the cloud, etc.). As not all excitation schemes are required at the present level of WITCH operation, only the basic excitations were tested till now.


ν+ excitation

In Fig. 6.17 the oscilloscope pictures corresponding to the dipole



are shown. With no applied excitation there are three peaks, the last one is identied as



while the others appear due to the ionization of the buer-

gas impurities (supposedly

H2 OH + and CO+ ,

i.e. the rest gas of the set-up or

gas coming together with the buer-gas). Next, the following scheme is used: rst the ions get cooled by collisions with the buer gas atoms in the cooler trap during 80 ms, secondly they are excited at B-eld) for 100 ms with an amplitude of


ν+ (39 K) = 2363170 Hz (6 T = 10 V and nally they are

extracted. No systematic scan of the number of ions ejected from the trap as a function of the excitation frequency was done but only a qualitative study of the TOF oscilloscope spectrum.

It can be seen that the second peak in

Fig. 6.17b becomes larger and broader to higher TOF. This can mean that the applied amplitude is not enough to fully remove the of the trap so that the




larger, i.e.



ions from the center

peak gets broader and shifts towards the smaller

TOF (partially under the second peak). since the


Another explanation could be that

ions are not centered anymore, their radius of motion becomes

they occupy a larger volume and can thus ionize more atoms of

the buer gas or impurity. If now after


excitation the ions are cooled for

100 ms with the buer gas, the spectrum looks again the same as without excitation applied, which proves that the with

ν+ (39 K)

excitation the




excitation mechanism works, i.e.

were brought to a radius larger than the

radius of the pumping diaphragm but smaller than the internal radius of the trap electrodes, and after the


excitation they are again centered by buer

gas cooling.


mass selective cooling

It was already mentioned in Sec. 3.2.3 that a mass selective removal of unwanted species can be achieved via a combination of dipole




and quadrupole

The idea is that due to the properties of the dipole



tation all ions of all masses are rst brought to larger radii and then using the quadrupole


excitation with the frequency of the mass of interest, only

wanted ions are centered, meaning they can be brought through the dierential

6.3 Trap tests


ν+ of 39 K : a ) νrf = ν+ (39 K) = 39 to the excited K

Figure 6.17: Dipole excitation at the reduced cyclotron frequency

the ions are rst cooled for 80 ms and then b ) dipole excited at


Hz (Aν+

= 10

V) during 100 ms; the peak corresponding

goes away and c ) the ions are cooled again by the buer gas after the dipole excitation 39 of the K ; the 39 K peak appears again. The He buer-gas pressure was 8 mbar (at the gas dosing valve position). The magnetic eld was 6 T.


Figure 6.18:

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH

Mass selective cooling of


K : a ) no excitation is applied b ) ν− νc (39 K) excitation; 39 K ions come

excitation; all peaks disappear c ) quadrupole

back but the signal amplitude is, for some as yet unknown reason, much lower.

6.3 Trap tests


pumping barrier for further measurements. This technique was tried qualitatively for



ions. A dipole

ν+ ,

similar way as



excitation (ν−

from an oscilloscope spectrum) with amplitude 50 ms, and followed by a quadrupole with amplitude

= 130

Hz, determined in the

checking at which frequency all ion peaks disappear

Aνc (39 K) = 1.6


Aν− = 150 39

excitation (νc (

mV was applied for

K) = 3553729


V for 3 ms (B-eld is 9 T). As in the previous

test no systematic scan of the excitation frequencies was performed but only a visual analysis of the TOF oscilloscope picture. The corresponding steps of the process are shown in Fig. 6.18. Fig. 6.18a displays the situation before any excitation, the second peak cor-


responds to


When a dipole


excitation is applied, all ions are driven

out as can be seen in Fig. 6.18b (both peaks disappear). If now a quadrupole

RF -eld at

νc (39 K)

frequency is used, one can expect the

back while other impurities should disappear.



ions to recenter

However, Fig. 6.18c does not

fully correspond to this. As it is supposed to happen, there is indeed no other species than



present, but the signal corresponding to the



ions is sig-

nicantly smaller and broader than the one without any excitation. A possible reason for this can be either wrongly chosen parameters (so that the ions hit the electrode and are lost), some electronics problem (electronic noise in some channels, dierent capacitance of the track: connection wires + electrodes) or space charge related eects (i.e. a shift of the cyclotron frequency, increase of the size of the cloud [Beck et al., 2001]). The dipole



N e ions ν− ' 140 Hz (to successfully remove all ions). 39 one in the K test leads to ν− = 135(5) Hz.

excitation was also applied while working with the

and the frequency used there was Combining this value with the Using this value of


and an estimation of the magnetic eld in the cooler

trap center (see next Subsection 6.3.5), one can deduce from Eq.(3.15) the trap parameter

U0 /d2 = 1.53(6) · 104


V/m . For the ISOLTRAP preparation

trap, which is very similar to WITCH cooler trap, one has





U0 /d2 = 1.8 ·

[Beck, 1997].

6.3.4 Estimate of the buer gas pressure As mentioned in [Savard et al., 1991], [Konig et al., 1995] and [Schmidt, 2001], in the presence of buer gas the parameters of the dipole and quadrupole excitations (which are used to manipulate the ions in order to clean the ion cloud from impurities and to cool the ions) depend on the properties of the buer gas, as well as on the pressure in the trap. Knowledge of the buer gas pressure is also necessary to estimate a possible systematic eect on the recoil energy spectrum, as the buer gas pressure inuences the pressure in the decay trap and in the spectrometer. Dierent methods used to estimate the buer gas pressure are therefore discussed below.

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


Vacuum ow calculation This concept is based on a gas ow calculation in the molecular ow approach. Formulas can be found, for instance, in [Suurmeijer et al., 2000]. For this calculation only the spectrometer vacuum part was considered (i.e. between the SPTURB01 and SPTURB02 turbo pumps). The presence of the spectrometer and beamline electrodes was skipped. Since the rest gas pressure is dominated by the buer gas, other contributions, such e.g. out-gassing of materials were neglected. The pressure reduction of the pumping barrier between decay and cooler trap was taken as



pdecay trap = 10−3 · pcooler trap ).

The di-

aphragm in the pumping barrier has a diameter of 2 mm and is 20 mm long. Later, in order to reduce the eect of the magnetic eld on the turbo pump SPTURB01, a prolongation tube of

∼ 1

m was implemented in the set-up,

but this tube was not included in the vacuum calculation. The result of the calculation is that for a buer gas pressure in the cooler trap of


mbar, the

pressure on top of the spectrometer (i.e. at the top of the cryostat system) is


mbar. Based on this calculation the buer gas ow (5 mbar at the read-

out point) was adjusted such that the pressure measured on top of the cryostat system is several


∼ 1 · 10


mbar (without the buer gas the pressure measured is


Estimation from the dipole excitation The dipole excitation of ions brings them on a larger radius.

This radius is

also buer gas pressure dependent (Eq.(A.1) and Eq.(A.2)), meaning one can estimate the pressure range of the buer gas by varying the radius of the ion

Rdiaphragm and the (inner) inner radius of the trap electrode Relectrode . If rion < Rdiaphragm = 0.15 cm ions still go through the diaphragm and are counted on the detector, i.e. the (inner) eect of the dipole excitation is not visible; if rion > Relectrode = 2 cm ions hit the wall of the electrode and disappear, i.e. they can not be cooled again



between the size of the pumping diaphragm

and be detected. The radius of motion of the ions after they are dipole excited during a time

texc ,

supposing that the ions start from the radius

the applied frequency

ωrf = ω± ,

R± (texc ) = where

q Ud k0 = a m · ρ0


R(0) = 0


is given by Eq.(A.5):

α t e ± exc − 1 k0 · 2 (ω+ − ω− ) α±

δ ± α± = ∓ ω+ω−ω ·m −


(see Eq.(A.2), Eqs.(3.22÷3.24) and

Eqs.(3.16, 3.17)).

magnetron excitation (νrf

= ν− )

One can estimate from Eqs.3.21 and 3.17 that (q

= +1),

(α− · texc )

for the

at 6 T or 9 T magnetic eld, using the buer gas (He :


K ions Kmob =

6.3 Trap tests


pcooler (He) = O(10−4 ÷ 10−3 mbar) and the temperature T (He) = TN = 273.15 K) and at texc = 50 ms (also taking into account that ω+  ω− and ω = 2πν ) is: 21 cm2 /Vs),

assuming the pressure

 α− texc ≈

ν− q p/pN · · ν+ m Kmob T /TN

· texc = O(10−3 ÷ 10−2 )  1


Therefore, Eq.(6.3) can be rewritten as:

R− (texc ) = i.e. to rst order


1 + α− texc − 1 k0 ≈ k0 · texc · 2 (ω+ − ω− ) α− 2ω+


does not depend on the buer gas pressure, so that one

can estimate the parameter

k0 .

Since the eect of the magnetron excitation is

clearly visible and at least some ions can be re-centered back with the quadru-

0.15 cm < R < 9 · 105 m/s2 < k0 < 1.2 · 107 m/s2 for an applied dipole excitation amplitude Aν− = 150 mV. If one takes directly the 39 expression for k0 (Eq.(3.24)) and takes a = 1, q = 1, m = m( K), Ud = (inner) Aν− = 150mV, ρ0 = Relec = 2 cm then k0 = 1.86 · 107 m/s2 . The discrep-




excitation (see Sec. 6.3.3) one can assume the radius

cm, which gives for


the range

ancy is probably due to the fact that the applied dipole eld depends on the geometry of the trap (i.e. how many electrodes were used, the size of these electrodes and the number of electrode segments) but also on the capacitive and inductive coupling of all the cables and, most importantly, the trap structure itself [Beck, 2005a].

reduced cyclotron excitation (νrf

= ν+ )

Using the same values as above (for the combination of



texc =  100 ms, one obtains:  q p/pN |α+ texc | ≈ − · · texc = O(10 ÷ 102 ), m Kmob T /TN

ions and He buer

gas) and


e−|α+ texc |  1


k0 R (texc ) = 2 (ω+ − ω− ) +

−|α t| e + − 1 ≈ k0 · m · 2ω+ δ α+


Using now the expression for the damping coecient (Eq.(3.17)) one can get a relation between the radius of the ion motion and the buer gas pressure:

pbuf f er gas = pN

mV), i.e.


k0 the value estimated above is scaled as (ν ) k0 = (Aν+ /Aν− ) · k0 − . The buer gas pressure

In order to calculate the parameter

Aν+ /(Aν− = 150

m Kmob T /TN k0 · qR+ 2ω+

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


Measurement : R =

(ν ) k0 − (ν ) k0 −


= 9 · 10



= 1.2 · 10




5mbar (Aν+ 0.15

= 2V)

8mbar (Aν+


2 · 10


3 · 10


= 10V)


2 · 10


2 · 10



1.2 · 10


1.6 · 10


9 · 10



1.2 · 10


[mbar] [mbar]

Table 6.3: Estimation of the buer gas pressure (in mbar) in the cooler trap. 39 The calculation is based on the dipole excitation of the K ions. Values are given (inner) for two radii (Rdiaphragm = 0.15 cm and Relectrode = 2 cm) and two estimates of the parameter k0 . Two series of measurements were done: at 5 mbar and at 8 mbar

pressure at the read-out point.

calculations for two independent measurements done at 5 mbar and at 8 mbar buer gas pressure at the read-out point (Fig. 6.21 and Fig. 6.17) are shown in Table 6.3.

As one can see there is quite a big range of possible pressures

obtained. This is due to the spread on the parameter


and the range in values

for the radius of the ion motion. Also, one notes that the similar estimates of the buer gas pressure for the measurements at 5 mbar and 8 mbar at the read-out point do not correspond to the ratio 5:8 which one would in principle expect, but rather to about 1:5. This fact and the results obtained from the dierent methods are discussed at the end of this subsection.

Estimation from the TOF spectrum As was described in Sec. 3.2.2 in the presence of buer gas the damping of the ion motion can be described by the viscous damping force (Eq.(3.16)). Taking into account only this force, Eq.(3.16) yields the time dependence of the ion velocity:

v(t) = v(0) · e−δ t/m where


is given by Eq.(3.17).


In a simple approach one can then write the

time dependence of the kinetic energy of the ion as follows:

Ekin (tcool ) = The parameter

m v 2 (tcool ) = Ekin (0) · e−2δ·tcool /m + Ekin (tcool → ∞) 2

Ekin (tcool → ∞)


takes into account a nite limit of the buer

gas cooling (in the ideal case the ions can be cooled to the temperature of the buer gas (viz.

0.025 eV, if the buer gas is at room temperature)) as well

as the energy which the ions can gain during transfer (viz. about 1 eV). The kinetic energy can be converted into the time-of-ight and compared to the measured TOF spectrum (Fig. 6.14) or vice versa, the measured TOF spectrum can be recalculated into kinetic energy. In order to nd the buer gas

6.3 Trap tests


pressure the latter possibility was used (Fig. 6.19).

To calculate the kinetic

energy a simple approach was applied, i.e. supposing that the ions after ejection from the cooler trap move with equal speed in the 2


part of the cooler

trap and in the decay trap and thereafter move with the speed corresponding to the electrostatic potential of -700 V determined by the electrodes behind the trap (the eect of the magnetic eld is not considered). The inuence of the buer gas on the ions after ejection (i.e.

the fact, that the ions moving

in the direction of the detector still experience the presence of the buer gas) can be neglected, since the travel time through the second half of the cooler trap, O (100 µs), is much less than the cooling time, O (100 ms).

Two inde-

pendent ts of the data for 5 mbar and 3 mbar buer gas pressures at the read-out position (taking the MPV estimator) were performed using Eq.(6.9)

Ekin (0), Ekin (tcool → ∞) and the pressure-dependent ) were obtained (Table 6.4). Varying the conversion of TOF into ( 2·δ m Ekin (for reasonable parameters, e.g. Ekin (0) < 100 eV, which is the value of 2·δ the end-cap potential) it was found that the pressure-dependent part, ( m ), changes by no more than a factor of 3, while the parameter Ekin (tcool → ∞)

(Fig. 6.19). From these parameter

is O (eV). Using Eq.(3.17) one can write the following expression for the buer gas pressure in the cooler trap:

 p = pN ·

2δ m


m Kmob T /TN 2·q


( 2·δ m ) was used, together with pN = = 21.5 cm2 /Vs, T = TN = 273.15 K. As

To calculate the pressure the tted value of




m = m( K), q = 1, Kmob

can be seen from Table 6.4 the estimated buer gas pressure in the cooler trap for 5 mbar and 3 mbar at the read-out position do not show the same ratio (5:3 ) as at the read-out point but rather a ratio 3.5:1. One can also convert the deduced

Ekin (t)

function into a TOF spectrum and compare this with the

measured one (Fig. 6.20). It can be seen that the t function obtained from the 5 mbar data and scaled to 3 mbar (TOF 3/5 5 mbar in Fig. (6.20)) does not work for the 3 mbar data.

The same holds for the t function obtained

from the 3 mbar data and scaled to 5 mbar (TOF 5/3 3 mbar). However, if the 5 mbar t function is scaled by a factor 5:2 (TOF 2/5 5mbar) and the 3 mbar t function is scaled by a factor 2:5 (TOF 5/2 3 mbar), reasonable agreement with the data is obtained. This fact can be partially explained if

∼ 30% of the buer gas gauge (Balzers PKR251 ) is taken into p5mbar = 5 mbar ± 30% and p3mbar = 3 mbar ± 30% which leads to = 1.7 ± 0.7.

the accuracy of account:

p5mbar p3mbar

Discussion and comparison of the dierent methods As one can see all three methods seem to give dierent values for the buer gas pressure. Because of the similar construction and use, the WITCH

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


Figure 6.19: Fitting the Ekin (tcool ) spectra converted from the TOF spectra of 39 K (Fig. 6.14) with the t function given by Eq.(6.9). Data are taken for two buer

gas pressures, i.e. 5 mbar and 3 mbar, at the measurement point.

Figure 6.20:

Time of ight values for



ions as a function of the cooling time for

the MPV estimator, at pressures of 5 mbar and 3 mbar at the measurement point. The corresponding ts are shown as well.

6.3 Trap tests


buer gas pressure at read-out position :

5 mbar

3 mbar

Ekin (0), [eV] Ekin (tcool → ∞), 2δ/m [sec−1 ]

∼ 15 ∼ 1.5 ∼ 15.9 7 · 10−6

∼ 13 ∼ 1.3 ∼ 5.4 2 · 10−6


p [ mbar]

Ekin (0), Ekin (tcool → ∞) and (2δ/m) as obtained for buer gas pressure

Table 6.4:

at the read-out point of 5 mbar and 3 mbar, and evaluation of the buer gas pressure in the cooler trap. The formula that was used to estimate the buer gas pressure is given in text.

cooler trap can be compared to the ISOLTRAP preparation trap. It can be [Kellerbauer, 2002, Blaum et al., 2003] that for He buer gas at

found in


pressures O (10

÷ 10−3

mbar) the typical cooling time is several 10 ms for

the ISOLTRAP set-up. Comparing with the WITCH cooler trap, where cooling times of

100 ÷ 300

ms are necessary (5 mbar at the read-out point), one

can conclude that the buer gas pressure in the WITCH cooler trap is lower,


i.e. O (10

÷ 10−4

mbar). It will be now briey discussed why the dierent

approaches used above could fail. 1. For the vacuum ow calculation the pumping diaphragm was taken as a central cylindrical hole (diameter 2 mm, length 20 mm) while in the real set-up there is also space outside of the trap, i.e. between the pumping barrier and the wall of the magnet bore tube (with internal diameter



This space is partially covered with a kapton foil but this

is denitely not a vacuum tight connection. This leads to a bigger ow of He gas into the spectrometer part, which means that the calculated pressure on top of the spectrometer will be reached already at a lower buer gas pressure. 2. As can be seen from Eq.(6.7) and Eq.(3.24) the amplitude of the


excitation scales with the buer gas pressure. However, one notes from Table 6.3 that the applied amplitudes of the dipole excitation are not in the same ratio as the buer gas pressure at the measurement point. We were also not able to excite



ions with the dipole excitation for 9 mbar

buer gas pressure at the read-out point (Fig. 6.13), which means that

Aν+ = 10

V (limit of the electronics) was not sucient to drive ions out,

while at 5 mbar the applied amplitude was

Aν+ = 2

V. It is interesting

to note from Fig. 6.13 and Fig. 6.17 that other species get ionized as well in the cooler trap (and this eect is larger at higher pressures). This can cause the applied dipole eld to be partially screened by the Coulomb eld of these ions. This means that the real eld necessary to drive ions out is smaller than the applied one, so that the values of the amplitude used

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


give a too high estimate for the buer gas pressure. Also, a more precise determination of the parameter

k0 is needed. Further, the calculations νrf = ν+ . However, the method of the

above are based on the assumption

frequency determination is not precise (see Sec. 6.3.6), as can already be seen from the fact that in one case in another


ν+ ( K) = 2367100

ν+ (39 K) = 2363170 Hz (Fig. 6.17) and

Hz (Fig. 6.21) for the same 6 T magnetic

eld. This can signicantly change the radius estimation (Fig. 6.22), i.e. the buer gas pressure (e.g.

for a shifted frequency the radius can be

smaller than the one corresponding to the resonance frequency and this leads to a too high pressure estimate, Eq.(6.7)). A last comment is that all the equations used for this estimate assume that only one ion is present in the trap, while during the tests the trap was lled with

103 ÷ 104


It is, however, not possible to estimate the eect of this in an easy way. 3. The estimation based on the analysis of the TOF spectra gives the lowest limit but it is by one order of magnitude lower then the one from the comparison with the ISOLTRAP set-up. This could be due to the fact that the cooling aects all types of motions while in TOF spectra mainly the axial motion plays a role. One can thus conclude that a more precise method for the determination of the buer gas pressure is needed. This is especially important since it inuences the eciency of the cooling, e.g. it changes the optimal settings for the sideband cooling (for a given ion species, gas type, temperature and magnetic eld the required strength of the RF eld is completely determined by the pressure p [Konig et al., 1995]). This also means that a wrong assumption of the buer gas pressure could explain the failure of the mass selective cooling test (Sec. 6.3.3). Another result of this analysis is that the buer gas line should be better cleaned to avoid or limit the presence of impurities.

6.3.5 Magnetic eld in the center of the cooler trap The necessity to know precisely the magnetic eld at the trap center is based on the following two factors: 1) the cyclotron frequency, and therefore the centering and cooling of the ion cloud as well as the mass-selectivity, are directly dened by the value of the eld, while 2) the response function of the WITCH spectrometer also depends on it. Originally the magnetic eld map was provided by Oxford Instruments for both magnets separately. However, this eld map resulted from a calculation/approximation based on measurements that were made at the factory, prior to the delivery and installation of the system at CERN. Also, inserting the traps structure with all the wiring may change the eld strength in the trap centers due to the magnetic susceptibility of the used materials. Direct measurement of the eld with an NMR probe is hardly possible because of the very dicult access to the area.

6.3 Trap tests




Alm Ar 38 K 39 K 122 In 35

(Btheor )

νc [Hz] (Bestim. )











Table 6.5: Cyclotron frequencies calculated for various isotopes for

Bestim. = (9.018 ± 0.004)


Btheor = 9


T in the center of the cooler trap.

An elegant way to estimate the magnetic eld is using a known isotope (i.e.

m) and experimentally nd the proper cyclotron frequency νc . B (see Eq.(3.4)). 39 From the excitation tests performed with a K beam, νc (39 K) was found via 39 quadrupole excitation of K (direct determination, νc = 3553729(2000) Hz) 39 but also via dipole excitation of K (which gives only ν+ = 3554019(2000) Hz but in another test also ν− = 135(5) Hz was determined, see p.117). The 39 estimated uncertainty for νc and ν+ is based on two ν+ ( K) measurements (2) 39 (1) 39 at 6 T eld: ν+ ( K) = 2363170 Hz (Fig. 6.17) and ν+ ( K) = 2367100 Hz 39 39 (Fig. 6.21), which leads to ∆ν+ ( K) = 2000 Hz. The nal result for νc ( K) is ν ¯c = 3554000(1000) Hz, which corresponds to a magnetic eld in the center of the cooler trap BCooler = 9.018(4) T (according to the eldmap from Oxford Instruments the magnetic eld in the center of the cooler trap is 9.001061 < B < 9.001072 T ). The set eld was 9 T for the lower magnet and 0.1 T for with known mass

This gives enough information to determine the magnetic eld

the top magnet of the system. Based on this value the cyclotron frequencies for the isotopes of interest for WITCH were estimated (see Table 6.5). The masses used were taken from [Audi et al., 1997].

Identication of the impurity peak The experimentally determined value of the B -eld in the center of the cooler trap can be used to identify the rst peak in Fig. 6.12. With was found to correspond to mass 19, and

ν+ (exp) = 7279948




ν+ = 4845000


excitation it

Hz (6 T magnetic eld)

Hz (9 T eld). Two possibilities exist for mass 19 :

as part of the teon material, which is widely used in the WITCH

set-up (wire insulation, buer gas tube, sealing for buer gas line, etc.) 2.

H2 OH +

formed from water vapor.

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


Figure 6.21: Identication of dierent peaks. Ions are a ) rst cooled for 200 ms νrf = ν+ (39 K) = 2367100 Hz (Aν+ = 2 V) during

and then b ) dipole excited at

100 ms and c ) at the reduced cyclotron frequency (Aν+

= 0.5

νrf = 4845000

The peak corresponding to the excited mass disappears. 6 T. The


∼ ν+ (mass 19)

V) during 100 ms (in this case the ions were rst cooled during 400 ms).


The magnetic eld was

buer-gas pressure was 5 mbar (at the gas dosing valve position). The

increase of the MCP signal after removing the rst peak could be related to MCP eects (see Sec. 6.4.3)

6.3 Trap tests



ν+ [Hz]


Table 6.6:

H2 OH +

ν+ (exp)





frequencies calculated for



K data it is νc frequency for both elements and, using the measured ν− = 135(5) Hz, to extract the ν+ frequency for 19 F and H2 OH + . Results are + shown in the Table 6.6. As can be seen the ν+ (H2 OH ) frequency is closer to ν+ (exp), leading to the identication of the impurity as H2 OH + . Taking the B-eld value

B = 9.018(4)

B = 9.018(4)

T calculated from the

possible to calculate the


K , the ν+ excitation was also N e ions and the experimental frequency was found to be ν+ (20 N e) = 6910000(2000) Hz. In the same way as above the B -eld can now be calculated. This yields B = 8.997(3) T which diers by more than three 39 standard deviations from the estimation based on the K measurements. The 19 + frequencies ν+ ( F ) and ν+ (H2 OH ) are now also dierent (Table 6.7) and seem to be quite far from ν+ (exp) = 7280000(2000) Hz. However, similarly to what was done for


performed for


ν+ (Hz)


Table 6.7:


H2 OH +

ν+ (exp)




frequencies calculated for

The reason of this large dierence with the wrongly determined

ν+ (20 N e)



B = 8.997(3)


measurement could be either a

frequency or a wrong magnetic eld value. For

instance, a too broad resonance peak for used could lead to an incorrect value of

20 N e in combination with the method ν+ (20 N e) (see subsection 6.3.6). Also,

the magnetic eld in the cooler trap will be slightly smaller if the top 0.2 T magnet is switched o. One additional comment about the identication of mass 19 is related to chemistry: i.e.



is the most electronegative and most reactive of all elements,

it immediately interacts with its environment.



Further, the ionization

39 K is −1 19 only 418.0 kJ mol [WebElements, 2005]. This means that if a F ion is 39 ionized by collisions with K , the free electron most probably will be adopted 19 almost immediately again by F rather than by 39 K , so that there will be no 19 charge exchange between F and 39 K . It can be concluded that the mass 19 19 is most probably not F but H2 OH + (this was recently conrmed by the new tests [Coeck, 2005a]). potential of




kJ mol

while the ionization potential of

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


6.3.6 Discussion on the frequency measurement All estimates made above were done supposing that the frequency

νrf = ν+ .

However, the frequency was not determined with high precision. Only a rough estimate was made in order to get qualitative understanding of the trap basics. The radius of the ion motion under dipole


excitation can be calculated

using Eqs.(A.1 andA.3). As can be seen from Fig. 6.22 if one tries to nd the proper


frequency from a qualitative study of the oscilloscope picture (i.e.

the peak corresponding to the excited ion mass disappears because the ions get on the radius larger than the opening of the pumping diaphragm) one can get only a rough estimate of the frequency, or even fail in some cases (especially at higher buer gas pressure). One can also note that if the applied frequency


is shifted by 3 kHz, the radius of the motion of the ions started from the

center of the trap may already be larger than the opening of the diaphragm (R

= 1.5

mm). This also means that the estimate of the radius can be o by

10−4 mbar). Concluding: 1) a precise measurement of the ν± and νc frequencies is nec2 essary in order to determine the characteristic trap parameter U0 /d and the an order of magnitude (for a buer gas pressure below

magnetic eld in the trap center, needed to identify the dierent species in the trap; 2) a better procedure to estimate the buer gas pressure in the cooler trap has to be developed.

6.4 More tests During the commissioning of WITCH more tests were done in order to have a better understanding of the set-up. This section gives an overview of these tests.

6.4.1 First radioactive ions in WITCH In November 2004 WITCH got its rst radioactive beam time (with




CaO ISOLDE target and a plasma ion source with cold transfer line were used. However, due to a sintering of the target material and non-optimal ISOLDE tuning the yield for yield is





was about 400 times less than expected (the usual

atoms/s for this ion source/target combination [ISOLDE, 2005]).

Retuning and optimizing the ISOLDE settings reduced this loss to a factor 40. Mainly this fact (the eciency of WITCH is not high enough yet to deal with this reduced intensity) prevented us from going for the rst recoil spectrum measurement. Still, the decay of



two short measurements is: 1.775(4) s).


was observed on the VBDIAG01 MCP

Ar obtained as the weighted average of T1/2 (35 Ar) = 1.70(5) s (the value in literature is

detector (Fig. 6.23). The half life of

6.4 More tests

Figure 6.22: Calculated radius of the ion motion (in [meters]) under




as a function of the frequency shift, i.e. ν+ − νrf (in [Hz]). The plots are for dierent −3 buer gas pressures: 10 ÷ 10−6 mbar and for two values of the parameter k0 (see 39 p.119). Calculations are done for K ions in He buer gas using Eqs.(A.1 andA.3) (ν− ) with R(0) = 0, texc = 100 ms, Aν+ = 2 V and k0 is scaled as k0 = (Aν+ /Aν− ) · k0 . The calculation is done in the single ion approach. Radius of the pumping diaphragm is also indicated. Note the logarithmic scale on the y -axis!

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


χ2 / ndf

35Ar halflife measurement


179.1 / 185 4.962 ± 0.014


-0.3867 ± 0.0150


140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0










time, sec Figure 6.23:



half-life measurement on the VBDIAG01 MCP detector.

6.4.2 Preliminary spectrometer tests In order to study the WITCH spectrometer and its response function in the best possible way a radioactive beam is necessary. Trying to do this with a stable beam meets some serious restrictions on what can be tested:

the response

function is mainly aected by the processes in the trap, so one has to capture rst ions in the decay trap and in order to reproduce the decay situation the stable ions then have to leave the trap at a few hundreds eV energy. The latter can be realized by accelerating ions in the trap electro-statically but with the present trap electronics this is not possible (ions can get only

∼20 eV). Another

possibility is to inject ions directly into the spectrometer without capturing them in the traps. However, this excludes the eect of the trap processes, i.e. it does not reproduce a recoil spectrum measurement situation. Also adiabatic conversion of radial into axial energy can not be properly tested in such tests. Nevertheless, this kind of tests has to show if the spectrometer works as a electrostatic barrier. Since the rst attempt with radioactive beam did not allow to study the WITCH spectrometer because of an insucient amount of radioactive ions, a simple electrostatic test was performed.

During this test the WITCH ion

source was used and no magnetic eld was set. The results are presented in Figs. 6.24.

It can be seen that the spectrometer electrodes work ne as an

electrostatic barrier.

The fact that the integral spectra have a peak shape

might be explained by the electrostatic focusing which can play a role in the absence of the magnetic eld. The WITCH spectrometer was also successfully tested for sparking up to

6.4 More tests


Figure 6.24: Integral spectrum measured with the SPMCPD01 detector for dierent

ion source acceleration voltages dening ion energies of 100 V, 130 V and 145 V. The WITCH ion source was used. Note the logarithmic scale of the y -axis.

600 V, which is above the recoil ion end-point energy for the isotopes of interest.

6.4.3 MCP regime The working principle of an MCP detector was shortly reviewed on page 53. Special care has to be taken about the operation regime of an MCP since it directly inuences the interpretation of the measurement.

Under certain

conditions an MCP is not sensitive anymore to the number of incident particles (Fig. 6.25), meaning that the detector misses some events. This state is known as the saturation of the MCP. The reason for it is that after a channel of the MCP res, the charge in the channel walls must be replenished and as long as this is not done, this channel is not sensitive anymore. The typical dead-time of one MCP channel is in the order of several tens of milliseconds [Wiza, 1979]. For the WITCH diagnostic MCPs it is



The saturation of an MCP

depends on:

the ion current density, i.e.

the number of incident particles per MCP

channel and per second (the more particles in the bunch are incident the higher the probability that some of them arrive in the same channel); Fig. 6.25 and Fig. 6.28 ;

the MCP acceleration voltage applied between the front of the rst and the back of the second plate of the MCP (the MCP eciency increases

CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


Figure 6.25: Summed MCP signal as a function of the number of incident particles

(per bunch). MCP HV = 1.4 kV (VBDIAG03 detector). The plot shows a combination of two independent measurements. As can be seen, the MCP saturates if the 5 number of incident particles is ≥ 4 · 10 per bunch.

with the voltage, i.e. the MCP eectively sees more ions (until it reaches a plateau at typically


kV for the diagnostic MCPs)), Fig. 6.27;

The eect of the ion current density is shown in Fig. 6.25:

after a certain

amount of ions in the bunch the MCP signal stays constant. However, already much earlier the dependence of the MCP signal on the number of incident ions ceases to be linear. This behavior can be explained by partial saturation: Fig. 6.27 shows that at MCP HV=1.25 kV the


N a+

signal has a block shape

while at higher MCP voltage the signal still increases but shows a signicant drop in intensity for later arriving ions. This means that the early arriving ions saturate a certain fraction of the MCP channels, leading to a decrease of the MCP registration eciency for later ions. This can be also seen from Fig. 6.28: when the early arriving ions are removed with a time window before they reach the detector (the WITCH beam gate is used for this) the signal corresponding to the late ions increases. More careful studies were performed in [Coeck et al., 2005b] where it was also found that for a given beam spot the shape of the MCP detector is mainly aected by the incoming beam intensity and the voltage over the MCP plates. In addition, these measurements were extended to the case of two separate pulses arriving on the detector in a very short time interval (compared to the recovery time of the detector). This showed that the second pulse can be seen as a continuation of the rst one (Fig.6.26). Finally, in this work it was also shown that Monte-Carlo simulations using a reservoir model reproduce the qualitative behavior of the measurements [Coeck et al., 2005b].

6.4 More tests


Figure 6.26: Signal shapes in the case of a double ion bunch (an initial bunch has

a rectangular shape distribution). Two consecutive pulses are drawn directly behind each other, thus omitting the real time interval between them. 1: pulse shape for one long pulse of 580


3: second of two 300

2: rst of two 300


pulses separated by 100



long pulses that are separated by 50

µs; 4: µs long



long pulses separated by 50

rst of two 300


pulses separated by 100

5: second of two 300

(from [Coeck et al., 2005b]).


CHAPTER 6 Very rst tests of WITCH


The eect described above inuences the measurements and has to be taken into account for the eciency estimates.

This was not noticed in the very

beginning and was therefore investigated only after the trap tests were done. Thus the real trapping eciency can dier from the numbers in Table


The eect was partially taken into account for the measurement of the PDT eciency but at that time the beam gate to set the proper time window was not used. This means that the early and late ions (in the sense of the PDT HV switching), which arrive onto the MCP before the well bunched ions, can saturate the MCP so that the eciency to register the correctly pulsed ions is lower.

This could explain the dierence between the measured eciency

and the estimated one and would mean that the measured eciencies are most probably lower limits for the actual values. The saturation of the MCP also plays a role in the beam tuning.

If the

MCP detector works in the saturation regime, it is not sensitive anymore to the absolute number of ions. Even more, a better centered ion beam can cause saturation of the central channels, while a wide beam will lead to a larger MCP signal, since the detector is not saturated and more channels are covered by the beam spot. voltage.

One of the solutions for this is to work at lower MCP high

This decreases the saturation threshold but a drawback is that the

MCP registration eciency is also reduced. Another possibility is discussed in Sec. 7.1. The dead-time and saturation of the MCP can also inuence the recoil spectrum measurement, since in real measurement conditions the recoil ions are supposed to reach the recoil MCP detector at a rate

> 105



requires a careful study. Combining MCP detectors with one or two Ni meshes at the entrance (to avoid saturation) should improve the situation. This is currently being tested.

6.4 More tests

Figure 6.27:


Change of MCP signal shape with the applied MCP HV and the

saturation eect (VBDIAG03 detector).

Figure 6.28:

Eect of the WITCH beam gate on the MCP signal (VBDIAG01,

MCP HV=1.6 kV): removing early arriving ions with the beam gate increases the MCP signal of later arriving ions.

Chapter 7 Perspectives The WITCH set-up was completed only recently and it is clear that the set-up is not yet optimized. Thus there is still room for many improvements. This chapter gives an overview of possible solutions to problems encountered during the commissioning.

Also more tests are necessary to better understand the

behaviour of the set-up and to learn how to tune it better. A short overview of future physics goals is also presented.

7.1 Possible improvements From the technical point of view the WITCH set-up is not yet fully optimized. Also, new ideas still appear during every new test that is performed.

7.1.1 Beamline The eciency of injection into the high magnetic eld (i.e. cooler trap) was originally considered to be about 40% (Table 5.1). However, during commissioning it turned out that this eciency is only about

0.1 ÷ 1% (see Sec. 6.2.2).

This discrepancy could be explained via MCP related eects either directly (i.e. the real injection eciency is higher than the measured one, because the measurement is damped by the MCP saturation eects, see Sec. 6.4.3) or indirectly via non-optimal tunning (the diculty of tunning is also related to the proper working regime of the MCP detector). Moreover, the diagnostic system with the collimator strip, which performed well in the HBL, was not reliable enough and did not provide the necessary information for tuning. 137


CHAPTER 7 Perspectives

Figure 7.1: Time-of-ight spectrum on the detection MCP (oscilloscope picture).

Signals corresponding to the non-pulsed 30 keV part of the beam and the well bunched ions are indicated. No trapping was performed, only injection into the high magnetic eld.

7.1 Possible improvements


Figure 7.2: Split anode of the new diagnostic MCP.

Beam gate One of the problems during tuning and eciency measurements is that only a fraction of the incoming ion beam can be correctly pulsed down (Sec. 6.2.1). The non-pulsed high energy 30 keV ions then arrive rst on the diagnostic MCP and can cause saturation of the detector, reducing the MCP sensitivity to the later arriving well-bunched ions. Part of these energetic ions also reaches the detection MCP at the end of the spectrometer, in spite of the magnetic eld (Fig. 7.1). This can again cause saturation of MCP, which will inuence the measurement of the recoil ion spectrum. Another drawback is that during a radioactive run, the decays of non-pulsed 30 keV radioactive ions implanted directly on the detection MCP will lead to additional background. All these problems can be avoided if one uses a beam gate installed in the HBL (or

VBL) in order to select the part of the original beam which corresponds to the correctly pulsed down ions. The necessary electronics to switch the voltages in the range of 1000 V within several 100 ns is currently being developed.

Diagnostics A new system of VBL diagnostics is currently under development. It is based on an MCP detector with split anode (Fig. 7.2) and a Ni -mesh in front of the MCP. The latter reduces the intensity of the incoming beam in order to avoid saturation of the detector. The transparency of this mesh can be measured to good precision with laser light. The split anode system provides the possibility to check the beam size and its position on-line.

The combination of the

Ni -mesh and the split anode will allow to avoid the problems caused by the saturation of the MCP during the beam tuning. The corresponding electronics in a minimal version can be almost the same as for a standard MCP detector with a single anode but adding one more device to read all the anode sections

CHAPTER 7 Perspectives


in series. A 2D picture can be reconstructed by software. This type of MCP with a position sensitive anode can also be useful for some of the trap tests (see Sec. 7.2). However, this will require a position sensitivity of better than 1 mm. Another modication which appeared to be necessary is the installation in the beamline of a few Si p-i-n diodes in order to measure the radioactivity. During a radioactive run it is good to check the intensity of the radioactive beam component at dierent places in the set-up to determine the transport eciency but also to check whether the radioactive beam contains a stable component which can not be distinguished without such measurement. During the rst commissioning run the ions were rst implanted on the MCP detector and thereafter the

β -particles were detected with the same MCP. It was realized

that this method is not very suitable as it has two problems: the implanted beam can cause saturation of the detector, i.e. decrease the MCP sensitivity, and, in addition, the detection eciency for

β -particles

is low. Both problems

can be avoided by implanting the beam in a foil that is observed with Si p-

i-n diodes, since this detector assembly will be sensitive only to radioactive ions. Implanting in a foil and not directly in the detector is necessary to avoid damage of the diode by the beam. This system is planned to be installed in the coming months.

7.1.2 HV switch The original scheme of the HV switch system was copied from the ISOLTRAP experiment and was slightly modied for the WITCH purposes. However, the experience of the ISOLTRAP set-up showed that during standard ISOLDE operation at 60 kV the BEHLKE HV switch develops a leakage current with time. This means that the required voltage of

∼ 60 kV is not delivered anymore

to the set-up. A new HV scheme was therefore developed for ISOLTRAP in


close cooperation with the company Elektronik-Beratung . Based on the same new HV switch system a similar scheme was also developed for WITCH by this company.

This new system has also the advantage that the switching

time is improved by a factor of

2 ÷ 3.

This is done with an approach of a

clamping diode, which ties the decreasing voltage to a pre-dened value for a limited period of time. Fig. 7.3 shows the expected behaviour in time and Fig. 7.4 shows a possible circuit implementation. The switching process in this case starts as usual, the voltage of PDT of the 60 kV goes down towards the negative biasing voltage V2.

0.2 µs

In the graph in Fig. 7.3 a time constant

is assumed. After roughly 600 ns, corresponding to

3 × τ,



the voltage

has dropped below the value of an auxiliary voltage supply, to which the diode is connected. The diode therefore becomes conducting and prevents the PDT -

1 Dr. Stefan Stahl - Elektronik-Beratung, Sonderanfertigungen · Kellerweg 23, D - 67582 Mettenheim · Germany.

7.1 Possible improvements


Figure 7.3: HV of the PDT as a function of time in case of a standard exponential

decrease with

τ = 0.2 µs

(1) and using the clamping diode (2) (from [Stahl, 2004]).

Figure 7.4: Improved HV circuit scheme, modied by adding the clamping diode

(D1) to improve the switching speed (from [Stahl, 2004]).

CHAPTER 7 Perspectives


voltage from a further decrease [Stahl, 2004]. Another possible modication of the HV switch system is related to the repetition rate. The current system, as well as the newly developed one, can operate at 1 Hz. This should be enough if the half life of the isotope of interest is of the same order.

On the other hand, a higher repetition rate opens a

wider range of possible candidates (as e.g.



might also be necessary to measure noble gases.



Table 4.1).

In addition, it

For instance, if


ions of

are released within one second from the ISOLDE target, in order to get

them all in the REXTRAP set-up the accumulation time should be of the same duration. But due to the high charge exchange probability the amount of ions will be reduced signicantly after

∼ 100



ms [Delahaye, 2004]. However, if

one could operate WITCH at 10 Hz this would permit to trap the majority of




ions produced by the ISOLDE target. The repetition rate of the HV

system is dened by the capacitance of the PDT (90 ÷ 100 pF) and the resistor

R1 = 600 MΩ

(Figs. 4.20, 7.4).

The resistor R 1 serves to limit the current

owing through the FUG power supply (which provides +60 kV) because this can hold only 0.1 mA (FUG HCN 6,5M 65000). If a power supply with a higher current limit is used, for example, 1 mA, the corresponding resistors can be 10 times lower and the system should be able to operate at 10 Hz.

7.1.3 Traps During the commissioning period it was realized that varying the negative part of the HV switch system in order to give more energy to the ions improves the injection in the cooler trap. However, the present electronics (GAF switchable ampliers, see Sec. 4.15.1) limits the end-cap potential to ions with energy

< 90

∼ 90

V, i.e. only

eV can be successfully trapped. As an upgrade of the

end-cap power supplies the same type of device as was developed for the beam gate can be used, allowing to apply higher voltages on the end-caps. It was shown in Sec. 6.3 that the buer gas of the cooler trap contains impurities.


Taking into account that the obtained cooling time is O (few


ms) and that it was not possible to increase the buer gas pressure in

order to decrease this cooling time because of impurities, it is clear that the buer gas system has to be improved. First of all, the external line has to be as short as possible (the internal part can not be changed), then this line has to be cleaned, baked out and pumped to remove contaminations. To further clean the buer gas, one can in addition cool this line with liquid nitrogen. The latter should be helpful especially if the buer gas line is not completely vacuum tight and some air can get inside. Two more issues which, nally, might be useful are the following: a ) a procedure to align the trap structure and b ) a better vacuum separation between

7.1 Possible improvements


the cooler and the decay trap (from the external side of the traps). As to the rst, it is important to better know the exact position of the center of the decay trap in order to study the response function. The second issue inuences the vacuum in the decay trap.

7.1.4 60 kV ion source As was already mentioned the current eciency of ion injection into the cooler trap (including the VBL eciency) is far from the expected one.

To carry

out eciency tests and improve the beam tuning in WITCH, transport of ion beams through the complete WITCH beamline is necessary.

At present this

can be done either with an ISOLDE beam or with the REXTRAP ion source. Naturally, the ISOLDE beam is primarily meant for physics measurements and not for technical studies. The REXTRAP ions source is often needed by the REXTRAP team for tests and developments and, in addition, can not be used during experiments involving the REXTRAP set-up (since it blocks the ISOLDE beam at the entrance of REXTRAP). This limits the time available for testing with WITCH signicantly.

A design study was therefore started

to develop an ion source for WITCH similar to the one of REXTRAP and to implement this in the horizontal beamline.

7.1.5 Spectrometer The idea here would be to improve the power supply and electrical insulation (i.e. also the electrical connector from vacuum to outside) in order to be able to reach +1500 V. This will extend the range of isotopes for which a recoil ion spectrum can be measured. At the same time it will also allow to study electron capture peaks from more isotopes so as to investigate the response function of the spectrometer and to provide its energy calibration. With respect to the detection part, the 8 cm diameter MCP detector with position sensitive anode might be used to study the size of the recoil ion beam, a possible dependence of the beam on the ion energy and the

β -background.

This MCP with necessary electronics will be provided by the LPC-Caen group [Roentdek, 2005, Liénard et al., 2005]. However, such installation would mean a re-design of the detection vacuum chamber, since the whole MCP assembly (also taking into account the high voltage requirements) does not t in the present chamber (with CF150 ange size). The corresponding design has already been started.

7.1.6 Vacuum The vacuum of the WITCH system is not bad for normal WITCH operation but it can still be improved to avoid pressure related systematic eects and

CHAPTER 7 Perspectives


to reduce the charge exchange probability. The WITCH spectrometer was designed with the possibility to use non-evaporable getters (NEG). This material is widely spread in the eld of high vacuum.

The getters are used as high

and ultra-high vacuum pumps to remove active gas molecules from the vacuum environment through a chemical reaction on their active surface [Mazza, 2002]. The advantage of this vacuum material is that it can be distributed in the system, i.e. one can reach almost any place in the set-up to provide the necessary pumping in-situ. Also, once activated this material does not require any additional eort.

350 ÷ 450◦ C

The activation temperature of this material is about

(St707 NEG). It can also be activated by sending a high current.

One more benet of this material is nally that it can be cut and suitably bent by the user to adapt to the specic application. The pumping capacitance of a NEG strip of

100 cm2

can be several 100 l /s, depending on the activation

temperature and time.

7.2 Additional tests This section is dedicated to the suggestions for o-line tests in order to study the set-up and clarify some of the parameters.

7.2.1 REXTRAP tuning The REXTRAP set-up provides a bunched beam for the WITCH experiment. The main properties of the beam are therefore dened by REXTRAP. As was pointed out in Sec. 6.2 the pulse length of the REXTRAP bunch is at present too long for ecient HV switching in the PDT cavity.

Up to now the trap

settings of REXTRAP (which determine the characteristics of the bunch) were not optimized for WITCH purposes. The necessary tests should therefore be done. In order to achieve a shorter time structure of the bunch one can e.g. increase the depth of the trapping potential. However, this will also force the ion cloud to expand into radial direction, i.e. the transversal emittance of the bunch would increase. This could reduce the transfer eciency [Delauré, 2004]. Tests have to show the optimal balance for WITCH. One can, nally, maybe also work on the extraction electrical eld of REXTRAP. This eld inuences the energy spread of the ion bunch, i.e. to a certain extent it plays a role also in the time structure of the bunch [Delauré, 2004].

7.2.2 The excitation frequencies It was already pointed out in Sec. 6.3 that good knowledge of the dipole and quadrupole frequencies can give important information about the set-up, i.e.

7.2 Additional tests

Figure 7.5:


The number of ions ejected from REXTRAP as a function of the

excitation frequency


(from [Schmidt, 2001]).

magnetic eld value, depth of the potential of the trap

U0 /d2 ,

buer gas pres-

sure etc. Some methods to increase the precision of the frequency measurements are presented in this subsection. One also has to remember that the results of experiments performed at REXTRAP [Forstner, 2001] have shown deviations from the single particle theory already for


stored ions: shifts in the reso-

nance frequencies of the ion motions were observed. This means that to avoid such eects during frequency measurements one has to deal with

< 104


magnetron excitation The idea is similar to what was used before: to excite the ions at variable frequency close to


and determine the number of ejected ions. The amplitude

and the time of excitation has to be chosen in such a way, that at the frequency

νdipole = ν−

the radius of ion motion is larger than the pumping barrier open-

ing. This can be done either qualitatively, by simply looking on the oscilloscope picture or quantitatively, using Eq.(A.5). Once the amplitude and excitation time are estimated one should obtain the spectrum

Nions vs. (νdipole − ν− ) with νdipole = ν− .

good precision. A minimum in the count rate will correspond to

An example of such a scan performed at REXTRAP for magnetron excitation is shown in Fig. 7.5. When the magnetron frequency is known, one can study the behaviour of the amplitude/excitation time combination and also extract the trap potential depth

U0 /d2

via Eq.(3.15).

CHAPTER 7 Perspectives


The number of ions ejected from REXTRAP as a function of the

Figure 7.6:

shift of the excitation frequency νdipole (from [Schmidt, 2001]). Both spectra shown 133 are for Cs+ ions, excitation time texc = 10 ms, Adipole = 100 mV (• symbol) and

Adipole = 200 mV (◦ symbol).

reduced cyclotron In the same way, measuring the number of ejected ions after can determine

νdipole = ν+ .

The only dierence with the



excitation one

excitation is that

the reduced cyclotron frequency depends on the ion mass while the magnetron excitation frequency does not. Taking into account that

νC = ν+ +ν−

and that

the reference ion is known, it is possible to extract the magnetic eld value in the trap (Eq.(3.4)). An example of a frequency scan for the reduced cyclotron motion of



in the case of REXTRAP is shown in Fig. 7.6.

quadrupole excitation In the case of quadrupole excitation one can use two methods to determine the frequency: one is based on the cooling eciency (in the presence of the buer gas) and another one is based on the time-of-ight technique (in case of no buer gas damping). In the rst method the same procedure as required for mass selective cooling is applied: rst ions are brought to a larger radius via magnetron excitation and they are then centered back with a quadrupole excitation at applied frequency corresponds to


νrf .

If the

the cooling is most ecient and one can

expect a maximum in the number of ejected ions, since the cloud will then pass through the hole of the pumping barrier. This case is demonstrated in Fig. 7.7 where the number of ions was measured as a function of excitation frequency


in the ISOLTRAP set-up for







The second method is based on the fact that the initial magnetron motion can be completely converted into cyclotron motion by a quadrupole excitation

7.2 Additional tests

Figure 7.7:

Cooling resonances for








Shown is the number

of ejected ions from the preparation trap of the ISOLTRAP set-up vs. the applied frequency (from [Konig et al., 1995]).

Figure 7.8: Cyclotron resonance for

trf = 3.6



ions obtained for an excitation time of

s in the precision trap of the ISOLTRAP set-up (from [Konig et al., 1995]).

CHAPTER 7 Perspectives


with the appropriate amplitude and duration if

νrf = νc .

This leads to an

increase of the radial kinetic energy of the ion motion [Konig et al., 1995]. The ejected ions then drift through the inhomogeneous eld which transforms radial energy into axial one. The ions in resonance with the RF eld will thus have the shortest time-of-ight to the detector. The corresponding TOF spectrum measured in the precision trap of the ISOLTRAP set-up is shown in Fig. 7.8. Both methods can be applied for WITCH in order to nd the correct cyclotron frequency.

The rst one should be used in the cooler trap and the

second one in the decay trap. The diculty to use the second method also in the cooler trap (switching o the buer gas) is caused by the small opening of the pumping diaphragm. It is to be noted also that the resonance structure of Fig. 7.8 is inuenced by the rest gas, i.e. one can use this fact in order to estimate the rest gas pressure in the decay trap. We would nally like to mention again here, that from Eq.(3.4) and a known isotope one can calculate the true magnetic eld in the center of the trap. To increase the precision of the extracted value and to perform a validity check of the result it is interesting to repeat such a magnetic eld measurement for dierent isotopes. Varying the set eld with the magnet power supply, one can thus calibrate the power supply to the real eld values.

Estimates for all frequencies for a number of isotopes of interest for the WITCH experiment are given in Table 3.1.

7.2.3 The ion species in the rest gas and buer gas Once the magnetic eld is known and calibrated, a scan of either




frequencies in the same way as described above will give information about the ion species in the buer gas or in the rest gas in the traps.

However, these

ions rst have to be ionized. This can be done either with an electron gun or by injecting ions of a noble gas. The noble gases have the highest ionization potential which means that with high probability they will attract the electrons from the rest gas atoms, ionizing them in this way. To produce noble gas ions the WITCH ion source can be used [Coeck, 2005a]. To check the composition of the rest gas in other parts of the system a small commercially available gas analyser can be used.

These analysers are

available to mount either on a CF63 or a CF40 ange.

However, since it is

based on a quadrupole system it is impossible to use such an analyser while the WITCH magnetic eld is switched on. The analysis of vacuum residuals and their intensities can also give information about out-gassing of the system and possible vacuum leaks.

7.2 Additional tests


7.2.4 Buer gas pressure It was already stated that good knowledge of the buer gas pressure in the cooler trap and of the rest gas pressure in the decay trap is important for proper excitations and for a good understanding of the response function of the spectrometer (Sec. 6.3.4 and Sec. 5.3). Till now it was not yet possible to draw precise enough conclusions about these pressures (Sec. 6.3.4). So, more tests are necessary to clarify the situation.

It is also important to mention

that the purity of the buer gas system has to be veried rst. Otherwise the method based on the ion motion in the trap can be aected by charge exchange or damping by other ion species.

pressure calculation It is possible to do more extensive vacuum ow calculations and introduce more free parameters (like the eciency of the pumping barrier or out-gassing of the system) which can be checked experimentally. The example here would be to estimate the pressure not only at the top of the system but also at the bottom, vary the pumping capacitances and calculate the corresponding readout pressures.

All these circumstances can be checked in practice and more

precise conclusions should be drawn.

using properties of the magnetron motion Another possibility is to use the fact that the radius of the magnetron motion increases with time (Eqs.(3.20 and 3.21)). First ions have to be centered with sideband cooling (Sec. 3.2.3) and then, due to the exponential increase of the radius of magnetron motion with time, the number of ions extracted through the pumping diaphragm will exponentially decrease with time.

An example

of such measurement and extrapolation of data points in case of ISOLTRAP is shown in Fig. 7.9. However, one also has to consider the time scale of the radius increase. For instance, in the case of the WITCH cooler trap (U0 /d


= 1.53·10 V/m ) for K ions, 9T magnetic eld and a helium buer gas pressure −1 −4 of 3 · 10 mbar the decay parameter α− is ∼ 75 s. Considering that to get −1 enough data points the measurement has to be done for several α− , this time 4


is very long. time becomes


On the other hand, if the eld is reduced to 1 T the decay


s. So, to use this method one has to decrease the WITCH

magnetic eld to about one Tesla. To achieve better precision one can also vary the eld around 1 T and make the measurement with dierent ion species. It is dicult to use this method in the decay trap for two reasons: since the pressure there has to be much lower the ingly (α−

∝ p);

−1 α− -parameter

there is no diaphragm to select the ions.

increases accord-

The latter can be

solved by introducing a position sensitive detector: instead of selecting with

CHAPTER 7 Perspectives


Figure 7.9: The number of ions ejected from the ISOLTRAP preparation trap as

a function of the delay between the end of cooling by means of an RF -eld and the 133 extraction (from [Savard et al., 1991]). The measurement is done for Cs and a −4 helium buer gas pressure of 3 · 10 mbar; the magnetic eld is 0.7 T. The line is a t to an exponential decay with a decay constant

1/α− = 22

ms (Eq.(3.21)).

the diaphragm, the evolution of the position and intensity of the ions after ejection is then measured. To decrease the measurement time one can increase the pressure in the cooler trap. If this test will not permit to give the rest gas pressure in the decay trap one can still estimate an upper limit and verify the functionality of the pumping diaphragm.

7.2.5 Cooling time In principle if one knows the buer gas pressure the corresponding cooling time (i.e. the time the ions need to reach the temperature of the buer gas) can be calculated. Nevertheless it is also interesting to check this time experimentally. In Fig. 7.10 the method used in the ISOLTRAP experiment is demonstrated. It is based on the measurement of the width of the ion signal extracted from the RFQ ion trap as a function of the cooling time. The pulse width decreases because of the decreasing ion temperature and the smaller axial distribution of the ions in the trap. At ISOLTRAP one generally considers that the ions are cooled enough if the width is less then

1 µs.

However, one should keep in

mind that normally ISOLTRAP operates with