Work Study and Regular Meeting Agenda

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Jan 22, 2018 - The Board of Directors welcomes the opportunity to hear public comment and allows time for this purpose a
Mission: Engage our community. Inspire our students. Prepare our graduates.

Work Study and Regular Meeting Agenda Marysville School District Educational Service Center Board Room 4220 80th Street NE Marysville, WA 98270 The Board of Directors welcomes the opportunity to hear public comment and allows time for this purpose at each regular session meeting under "Hearing of Business of Visitors". To address the board, sign up on the clipboard provided at the entrance. Time: Each individual has up to 3 minutes. A group of individuals may combine their time (up to a 10 minute maximum) withone spokesperson for the group. Individuals who wish to speak or combine their time need to sign in on the speaker's clipboard. The maximum time allotted for Hearing of Business of Visitors per agenda is 30 minutes. In the interest of time, order, and respect to others: Complaints or charges about employees are not permissible during public comment. These issues are to be addressed to the superintendent in writing. The board, superintendent or district personnel typically do not engage in direct conversations or give feedback during the meeting. Questions / comments from those addressing the board may be referred to staff for follow up at a later date, if needed. Board action and discussion is limited to previously published agenda topics (RCW 42.30). School Reports to the Board of Directors: School reports are developed and shared electronically. Please note that the reports are a "live" document that may be edited up to presentation time. ACCESSIBILITY The public is always invited to attend school board meetings. The Marysville School District does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission or access to these public forums. If you should require any reasonable accommodation to enable you to attend and/or participate, please contact the Superintendent's Office at 360-965-0005. We request at least 48 hours advance notice for special accommodations. 1/22/2018 04:30 PM

I. Work Study Session - 4:30 PM, Strawberry Room District Reports: Engage. Inspire. Prepare. Learning and Teaching:

(Work Session)

Instructional Leadership Team Go 'Round - General Information and Updates

Finance and Operations: Policy 6500; Risk Management, and Policy 6800; Safety, Operation, and Maintenance of School Property Update submitted by Greg Dennis, Facility and Security Supervisor, and Gregg Kuehn, Risk Management and Purchasing Supervisor

Board Development: Board At-A-Glance Calendar Review and Discussion Board Goals Review and Discussion

District Updates: Secondary Schools / District Engagement Process Update - presented by Jason Thompson, Acting Superintendent Upcoming Events - presented by Dr. Tom Albright, President

II. Call to Order - Regular Session Meeting, 6:30 pm, Board Room Presenter: Dr. Tom Albright, President

III. Flag Salute IV. Approval of the Agenda V. Hearing of Business of Visitors

(Vote) (Information)

Public Comment

VI. Communications / Reports Staff, Student, and Community Recognition* Kiwanis and Soroptimists Students of the Month - Eden Au Nguyen and Carson Mielke, Marysville Getchell High School Campus (December), and Abagail Pierman and Arthur Estudillo, Arts & Technology High School (January) - presented by Steve Powell, Kiwanis Staff, Student or Board Reports* (Reports may be presentation-style or written and provided as a supplement to the agenda). Indian Education Department - Overview and Introductions - presented by Deborah Parker, Director of Equity, Diversity, and Indian Education

VII. Approval of Minutes


Minutes of Work Study and Regular Session - January 8, 2018

VIII. Consent Agenda

(Consent Agenda)

December 2017 Financials.pdf January 2018 Enrollment.pdf AP Vouchers 2018_1_22.pdf Travel Requests 2018_1_22.pdf Gifts to the District 2018_1_22.pdf

IX. Board Action


a. Indian Policies and Procedures (IPPs) Presenter: Deborah Parker, Director of Equity, Diversity and Indian Education and Matt Remle, Indi... Board Action Request IPPs 2018_01_22.pdf Indian Education Policy and Procedure.rev. January 2018.pdf

b. Request to Teach Out of Endorsement Presenter: Jason Thompson, Acting Superintendent

Board Action Request Teaching Out of Endorsement 2018_1_22.pdf

X. Follow-up Items


a. Work Study Dates, Board Meeting Dates and Upcoming Events Monday, February 5, 2018, 4:30 pm/Work Study, 6:30 pm/Regular Session b. Superintendent Comments c. Board Comments

XI. Executive Session

(Executive Session)

The Marysville School District Board of Directors will meet in Executive Session for 30 minutes to discuss the performance of a public school employee. No action will be taken by the Board during or following the executive session.

XII. Adjourn *Reports may not occur at every regularly scheduled meeting.