Playbook. Prepare the initial ideas for the meeting. All. All. 40. Playbook ..... Source:
World Conquest with Edison
WORLD CONQUEST WITH EDISON Team Members (and responsible teachers): Dan Yang, UTA,413928 Md Moniruzzaman Tanim, TUT, 245178 Kaloyan Gadzhev, TAMK, 1504182, Pasi Kuusijärvi Fernando Sotelo, UTA, 422827, Timo Poranen Hannah Hung, UTA, 422514 Lassi Visanen, UTA, 98621,Timo Poranen Project Partner: Jussi Niutanen, Intel
Facilitator: Joonas Kemppainen
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Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Project’s background and need ..................................................................................................... 3
Initial value proposition ................................................................................................................... 3
Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations ..................................................................................... 3
Project team and stakeholders .............................................................................................................. 3 3.1
Project team ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Project partner .................................................................................................................................. 6
Other Stakeholders and collaboration .......................................................................................... 6
Project execution ..................................................................................................................................... 7 4.1
Define your project cycle ................................................................................................................ 7
Available resources ......................................................................................................................... 7
Key focus areas of the project ....................................................................................................... 8
Development methods & Tools ..................................................................................................... 8
Elements of the demo ..................................................................................................................... 9
Success criteria ........................................................................................................................................ 9
What prevents you from succeeding .................................................................................................... 9
Working hours ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Solution ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Usefulness of the solution, efficiency and usability .................................................................. 15
Improvements and Suggestions .................................................................................................. 16
Learning experiences ............................................................................................................................ 16
10 Appendix / Open issues ........................................................................................................................ 18
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PROJECT’S BACKGROUND AND NEED ► JussiNiutanen. Project Partner, M.Sc., PhD Student. He is working for Intel Finland Oy. ► The project partner is looking for a solution for end user problem(s) which is solved using Intel® Edison board. Intel Edison is sort of tiny processor that can be used for controlling purpose or entertainment. Number of solutions utilized by Intel Edison have already been done but more is needed. ► The project partner is looking for a solution for end user problem(s) which is solved using Intel Edison board. The solution has to be user friendly for end customers. The project partner is looking for innovative and new ideas. ► The solution must add value to end users which shall lead to a commercially profitable outcome. As a result project partner shall be able to demonstrate novel and innovative solutions for example at some fair or some partner could create new project and/or start new business. ► Okay,we can say end user means the mass peoples around the world. For instance, target user may be vary from young people to aged people. ► It is very interesting for us that we are making a proposal for project partner using Intel Edison microchip. The significant part is that we have open a field so that we can dream and build any solution which solves a significant end user problem.
INITIAL VALUE PROPOSITION ► The customer is looking for a solution to an end user problem. The ideal outcome is a prototype for the end users. ► The value for the end user will be something they can use very easily and efficiently. They can own it very cheaply. ► Intel wants to get a new, fresh and profitable idea that introduces a novel solution to a significant end user problem.
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World Conquest with Edison
Phone number
Dan Yang
Md Moniruzzaman Tanim
Kaloyan Gadzhev
Fernando Sotelo
Hannah Hung
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Lassi Visanen
Yang Dan My name is Yang Dan. I am a Master degree student of University of Tampere. In the World Conquest with Edison project team I will take the role as a software developer. This is a good chance to experience a real project and the ideas are all came up by ourselves. I hope to enhance programming and team working skill after finishing this project. Md Moniruzzaman Tanim Hi, I am Md Moniruzzaman Tanim. I am doing my MSc in Electrical Engineering. My focus area is Wireless communication, RF Circuits and Smart Grids. In the world conquest with Edison project team, I want to play a vital role for developing and designing innovative and savvy electronic gadgets for consumer ends. I surely think this project work will give me a comprehensive idea about team work, generating new ideas as well as think about market, and designing electrical smart devices. I think this real life project work with Intel will enhance my knowledge and give a concrete shape of my studies. Kaloyan Gadzhev My name is Kaloyan Gadzhev. My role in the project is related is connected with the developing of the business concepts and ideas. I will be also responsible for dealing with the marketing and business part including research for the business ideas, validation and measurement of the real data, etc. My personal goals for the project are to improve my abilities in developing new ideas and working in intercultural environment. I believe that can gain lots of valuable experience and learn through the process, therefor I expect to have a clear, finished and effective idea/prototype at the end of the project. Fernando Sotelo Torres My role in the project will be to participate in all the activities, been a proactive member. Because I’m studying mechatronic engineering I have the knowledge in hardware that could be useful for our project. I can manage mechanic, electronic and some software tools that will provide the skills needed for this tasks. World Conquest with Edison is a great opportunity to create something big, not only a product that can be successful in the market, but a product that could solve a problem of society. In short words it’s a great opportunity to learn and innovate at same time. Hannah Hung As a language education major, I would like to contribute my knowledge to the project for making future education a better environment for students to learn. Making use of the technology, future classrooms can be very motivating for students. Even when the project does not lead to a product related to my expertise, I am willing to step out of my comfort zone and be ready to learn through the process. As part of this international team, I would like to not only learn from different cultures
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK and perspectives, but also find out the common needs that every citizen on the Earth has. These needsmay turn out to be the biggest market for Edison board as well. Lassi Visanen My name is Lassi Visanen and I am a Computer Sciences student at the University of Tampere. I am the project manager of our team which means that I will be the one in touch with the stakeholders. My main role in our project will be working on the usability side of the product but I also have some basic programming skills. I look forward to learn some valuable teamwork skills and how to develop a real product from simply an idea. I believe we will create an effective new solution to whichever problem we want to solve with Edison Board!
Project partner Jussi Niutanen, +358 44 799 2983, Our communication tools with the project partner include biweekly meetings and emails. The project partner is looking for as many ideas as possible. Some can be practical and realistic at this point; others can be innovative and may be produced in the future years. We will brainstorm many possibilities for the use of Edison and our project partner will give advice on those he thinks best suit the company’s need.
Tampere University of Applied Sciences PasiKuusijärvi, +358 40 846 3052, A final report at the end, and meetings with teachers. University of Tampere TimoPoranen, +358 40 190 1719, Tampere University of Technology Lauri Sydänheimo Professor,Head of Department, Electronics and Communications Engineering +358 44 534 1501, Demola Joonas Kemppainen, +358 40 1942772,
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The first step of the cycle is brainstorming as many ideas as possible and choosing the best 5 of them. After consultation with the facilitator and the project partner we will focus on one of them. Keeping in mind the main hypothesis for the product and the problem it solves we will proceed with creating demo version of the product. The demo version should be as simple as possible and its main purpose is to validate the idea. The next step is validating the product and the idea with potential customers. By analysing the data collecting during the validation we can decide if the idea has real potential or we should focus on one of the others. If the results are positive, based on the data, we can decide if any changes are needed in the concept or the product. Then we start the whole cycle again. 4.2
39 40 41 42 43
Responsible Activity 2
Initial meeting
Purpose and impression of the All project were shared.
Prepare the initial ideas for the All meeting.
Playbook meeting Ideas & research Playbook meeting Ideas & research
Description Responsible Ideas were discussed Brainstorm (disadvantages All and advantages) All Ideas & Research
All All All
All All
Idea workshop
All All
Background: Intel Edison is a compute board that provides ease-of-development with a fully open source hardware and software development environment for a range of products. It means that there are endless possibilities of projects. The Edison board has the possibility to increase their capacity with Page 7 of 52
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK different modules. We can find those modules in The board can connect via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, it means that you can communicate with different devices increasing the possibility of projects.
Ideas are listed in the end of this document.
Focus area 1. Information search Focus area lead: All team members Resources needed: Time, usage of Internet Focus area 2. Design Focus area lead: All team members Resources needed: SolidWorks Focus area 3. Coding and programming Focus area lead: Yang, Lassi, Fernando Resources needed: C++, LabView Focus area 4.Market Focus area lead: KaloyanGadzhev, Hannah Resources needed: Study Market Focus area 5.Hardware Focus area lead: Fernando,Tanim Resources needed: Sensors, CD motors, Servo Motors Focus area 6. Business concept Focus area lead: KaloyanGadzhev
Brainstorming. Prototyping. Design. Our facebook page:
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Type here.
Final product demo Playbook Playbook presentation Requirements specification Pitching presentations
Metrics: • • • • •
Market test, use the product test. Usability Cost of the product Market acceptance Level of technology
Possible solutions and prevention
Bad communication
We can try to be as clear as possible in all our explanations and all group member can ask as many times as possible about any part of the project that is not clear or them. Don’t be afraid to share ideas.
Procrastination or bad time management
We can create deadlines for small tasks and stick to them, post these on the Facebook group, so that in the long run things won´t be done in the last minute.
Bad costs calculation
we can always present company partner an idea of how much the demo will cost and how much it will cost to produce it and they will give us a real feedback of how much more ir can cost.
Lack of compromise
Making sure all members know what they have to do, feel part of the team and they have an important role . Do some motivation meetings if necessary is also a good idea.
Unclear goals
We can try to be as clear as possible in all our explanations and all group member can ask as many times as possible about any part of the project that is not clear or them. We can also have many meeting with our company partner to make sure we are in the right development track.
Lack of knowledge of team´s members weak and
We can establish some meeting to know each other Page 9 of 52
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK strong points.
better, our abilities and weak points. This is very important in the long run, when we will need all the possible talents and efforts on our project development.
Moniruzz amanTani m
Dan Yang
KaloyanG adzhev
Fernando Sotelo
Hanna h Hung
VisanenL assi
Week 38
Week 39
Week 40
Week 41
Week 42
Week 43
Week 44
Week 45
Week 46
Week 47
Week 48
Week 49
Week 50
Week 51
Week 52
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3 TOTAL
15 101
6 113
Specification of activities can be found in the online file that was update every week: edit?usp=sharing
SOLUTION Page 10 of 52
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK ► What was your solution? How did you solve the problem? Create a system that will be able to predict natural disaster, with the goal of saving human lives. Using Intel Edison (Microcontroller) and RF sensors, located in a study area like a forest in order to examine the animal activity in that area. ► List things that the solution consists of or that describe it. 1. Set the study area 2. Collocate sensors connected to Intel Edison. Stablish a network communication. 3. Vision and trap system to place RFID sensor to the animal 4. Track the animal behavior 5. Test and study the animals in a controlled laboratory environment 6. Create Data 7. Match the data with earthquake prone areas animal behaviour data 8. Analyse this data and compare it with statistical data and predict about future calamities ► What material did you create in the project that delivers value to the partner and helped you in the process? For example:Demo, Technical/design documents. Demo Specifications The process is explain in the image below:
Material required for the protoype: • Microntroller Page 11 of 52
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Sensors (Ultrasonic or Infrarred) WebCam Wired Leds Servo motor Cardboard
Area of Study (Forest)
Light Indicator Smart Sensors
Trap to place the Location Systems Animal to study
MICROCONTROLLER CODE int Sensor1 = 0; int Sensor2 = 1; #define led1 3 #define led2 4 #define led3 5 #include Servo servo_1; int count = 0;
//Sensor1 on pin A0 //Sensor2 on pin A1 //Led Entrance //Led Exit Blue //Led Exit Red //Motor Servo Variable //Variable count times animal is detected
void setup() {
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(led1, OUTPUT); pinMode(led2, OUTPUT); pinMode(led3, OUTPUT); servo_1.attach(8);
//Pin of Servo 8
} void loop() { int value=analogRead(Sensor1); //Read the Sensor 1 intdist=map(value, 50, 510, 150, 20); //Convierte a cm, Range of the sensor int value1=analogRead(Sensor2); //Read the Sensor int dist1=map(value1, 50, 510, 150, 20); Serial.print(" Distance1: "); Serial.println(dist); Serial.print(" Distance2: "); Serial.println(dist1); Serial.print(" Counter: "); Serial.println(count); delay(1000);
//Print the distance sensor1 in cm //Print the distance sensor2 in cm //Print times of detection
/*SENSOR 1*/ if (dist>= 25 &&dist= 25 &&dist= 25 && dist1 = 7 && count = 12) { count=0; } else { digitalWrite(led3, LOW); } }
//Alarm //Led Red Turn On
SCREEN CODE In order to display the video of the camera and the data acquire by the microcontroller the software LabView was use. Video display program:
Data acquisition and save program: Page 14 of 52
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VIDEO OF THE PROTOTYPRE For more valuable material see the appendix
The solution raised was ambitious, saving lives will never be an easy task. But Intel Edison can be used for the Natural Disaster Prediction because is able to detect and send data by Wi-Fi to a data base. Through the prototype we demonstrated that ideas is possible to implement in a real scenario (Earthquake zone) in order to study the animal behavior and acquire useful data for the data mining process. Having as a goal to predict a natural disaster like an earthquake.
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK ► What is the bigger picture? The technology is enough to develop a system that will be able to prevent loss of human lives. Intel Edison is capable to manipulate devices in order to catch the animal to study and track them. However study the animal behavior becomes the hard task. What comes next is develop an accurate system that show when the animals are running away, through the use of the data found. 8.2
IMPROVEMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS ► What kind of follow-up would the team propose?
An important improvement of the prototype is the fastest data transfer between the microcontroller and the computer through Wi-Fi should be develop and test it. Then develop a real trap to catch the animals, more accurate sensors and cameras. Than the monitoring systems need to be in a real area of study. In short words the system need to be validate it. That means more money and time. 9
LEARNING EXPERIENCES ► How was the communication between the project members, project partner, teachers and Demola?
Thanks to the good introduction given by Demola, it was easy to communicate between stakeholders. Email and bi-weekly meetings were the formal way to communicate with our project partner. Between team members we used social networks (Facebook) for communicating and deciding meeting times. ► What working methods have you used? We followed a lean startup process in order to design the product. It wasn't followed strictly, but it was useful because of the short time to develop the idea. We first brainstormed a lot in order to get a good idea for the project than the design, the implementation of the project through a prototype. The next step was the verification. ► How would you improve your methods in a future project, and what have you found valuable? Find the soon as possible a necessity in the market. Create a product that will be a success in the market, in order to find it out, a validation test is need it. One of the most valuable thing were the creation of ideas, there a big amount of possible ideas for a project that can be developed through the use of technology as Intel Edison Board. ► Risk management: did you have problems/issues during your work and how did you overcome them? The first problem was the selection of the appropriate idea to develop a successful product. We overcome this problem by doing a background research and doing a comparison matrix with pros and cons. At the end the idea select it wasn't suitable to create a prototype. So we selected the second one and develop a representation of how the system will work in real life, reaching the task of doing a demo. ► Personal experiences, acquired skills, working as a team, etc. Answer also which Demola events/activities were useful for both personal growth and project progress? Page 16 of 52
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK Fernando Sotelo Torres Being in a Demola project was one of the most enrichment things during my exchange period. I meet people from all around the world, different profiles and different point of views gave the chance to acquire communication skills. I choose the project, because I knew that Intel is a worldwide company that will give the tools and challenge to develop something great, and I was correct. During the project partner was always active, giving useful feedback and the tools. We were a homogeneous team, which was an advantage because there were different point of views. Than the flow of ideas was great, everyone contributes with their expertise and participate in the activities required to develop the project. The idea creation tool given by the Demola were useful, during the first month after some brainstorming sessions we were out of ideas. Than our Demola facilitator gave us the guideline to test and document our ideas in order to rank them. In the other hand during the Jams we learn some useful tool like, get expertise to give a good quality pitch and how to study main user in order to validate the product. One problem that we face, was the difficulty to develop a demo because of the knowledge need it to develop it. We solve it by changing the idea of the final project, which gave us the possibility to develop a prototype that show how the proposed system should work. I learn that analyzing our scope need to be always present in order to achieve the best results possible. I acquired communication skills, abilities to pitch, documentation skills, 3D modelling abilities to create a demo and apply the electronic and coding knowledge in order to develop the prototype. In short Demola was a great opportunity to learn and innovate at the same time.
Md Moniruzzaman Tanim Simply I had very good 4 months working with Demola and Intel Finland. I worked from Brainstorming to pitching my whole work in front of Students and Teacher as well as project partner. I acquired skill like solving industry related problem, market survey, engineering design and pitching your work in front of non technical background student. It was also a good experience to work with team. I really appreciate Fernando and Lassi for their heart and soul dedication towards project. Others members were active too. For me the two Jam was very helpful for me and last day before pitching the grooming session with Percy was wonderful and helpful. It was very productive for me.
Lassi Visanen As the project manager I loved having to see the big picture of the project. Reading through every team member’s input taught me about their working methods and gave me deeper understanding of project management. In the brain storming phase there was no need for a leader, but towards the end it became more important for me to assign tasks and keep the project coherent. The innovative atmosphere at Demola office made working enjoyable and the pitching exercises really gave me confidence in public speaking. Also, what could be a better way to refine your team working skills than working on a project as a part of an international team!
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Feedback from mid pitching event: • • • • •
We made clear why it’s needed and how it works, what value it brings Liked the visual side of the presentation Would like to see the actual prototype Is birdwatching the most crucial problem what can be solved with this technology in the project? Would be good if it did more; i.e. shows what herbs can be eaten
The documentation of the ideas are arranged in importance order. It means that the first two were the ones that we work more during the project, Prediction of Natural Disasters and Birdnocular.
Prediction of Natural Disaster Using Sensors and Edison Boards Motivation: Slime Mold Grows Network Just Like Tokyo Rail System
Motivation •
Animals That Can Predict Disasters []
Animals can predict everything from natural disasters to sports results (Paul the Octopus made better prediction 2010 WC Football) []
Can Animals Predict Disaster? []
Background Theory
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Animals can pick up the “infrasonic” sound pulses created by storms and earthquakes. []
Have you ever noticed that bees are nowhere in sight before it rains?
Bears have an amazing sense of smell, such that they can sniff out a human that is 18 miles away.
So based on these we are coming forward with some solutions to predict Natural Disaster.
Itsa Empirical Method.
Means ... its based on Measurement and Data Analysis Rather a concrete Mathematical Derivation. As its Empirical so YOU have To Give Time for getting some fruitful result.
OUR Proposal ✓ A place where we can let animals free, Maybe a forest. In Forest there will be Edison with Motion Detector and RF Reader. ✓ Animals with RF collar and RF Tag. ✓ While the animal will be in close proximity of RF reader , it will store data to Edison. In addition the motion sensor will be activated when any kind of animal come to that detection are. ✓ When motion detector sense the animal movement it will trigger on board camera and take videos in average format. It will work in the night as well (Bit Expensive) ✓ The whole area will be covered by WiFi signal. A helium balloon mount with Edison and Internet connection will be fixed in the air. So it will take all the data from on field Edison Board and send them to Database. ✓ When local database received all the information it will start working. Also the video fill be there as well. So we can get data + video. And analyzethem . ✓ We can check their •
Movement (in different condition of nature)
We can count them (Animal Census)
We can get video footage about their life style.
We can observe the wild life
We can get data from remote location
So Animals (Motion/dislocation + activity) is the outcome of this system .
✓ Finally we can get some result based on these Study.
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK Current Method of Counting
Current Method of Counting
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Current method of Tagging •
VHF Radio Tracking,
Satellite Tracking and
Global Positioning System (GPS) Tracking.
Pros and Cons of Current Tagging System VHF
Need Radio Transmitter inside Animal
Need Satellite (Animal With Receiver )
Need Radio Receiver
Small Transmitter , Small range
Large in Size
Large in Size
Not that expensive but Very Tough when in large area
3000-4000USD+ Satellite Communicating Cost
Whole Package is very expensive like software, Receiver, transmitter ...
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK Need Antenna and You have to be in the coverage
The sale price is higher and the cost of the monthly or annual subscription is also slightly higher.
Problem with : Battery , weight, Data Retrieval, Cost
What is New in Our System INNOVATION? •
Edison Board , Sensors, Video Footage
No Physical Fence needed , we will do it virtually
Motion + video
Real time data collection
No need to Rent Aeroplane + pilot for Counting animals
More User Friendly
Less Expensive If you want to cover Huge Area.
No need to establish a new GSM Coverage Area, Internet Ballon can make coverage from remote distance
Remote Wild life Exploration
Market •
If we can implement this system we can create a market.
Along with this new system, we can enhance conventional method of Tagging and Counting Wild animals.
From World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Over the 50 years since it was founded, WWF has invested around US$11.5 billion in more than 13,000 projects
Future Works •
Field Ornithological research
Wildlife Studies
Live broadcast of Wild Animals Activity
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PROTOTYPE PROCESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Study an specific area Sensor that detect movement Take video in real time The tram is actioned Place the location tracker in the animal Keep record of the movement Start alarm when the limit is trespass Page 23 of 52
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK 8. 9. 10. 11.
Acquire data Generate graph Data mining Prevent natural disasters
The process is explain in the image below:
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Area of Study (Forest)
Light Indicator Smart Sensors
Trap to place the Location Systems
Animal to study
MICROCONTROLLER CODE int Sensor1 = 0; int Sensor2 = 1; #define led1 3 #define led2 4 #define led3 5 #include Servo servo_1; int count = 0;
//Sensor1 on pin A0 //Sensor2 on pin A1 //Led Entrance //Led Exit Blue //Led Exit Red //Motor Servo Variable //Variable count times animal is detected
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(led1, OUTPUT); pinMode(led2, OUTPUT); pinMode(led3, OUTPUT); servo_1.attach(8); //Pin of Servo 8 } void loop() { int value=analogRead(Sensor1); intdist=map(value, 50, 510, 150, 20);
//Read the Sensor 1 //Convierte a cm, Range of the sensor Page 25 of 52
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK int value1=analogRead(Sensor2); int dist1=map(value1, 50, 510, 150, 20); Serial.print(" Distance1: "); Serial.println(dist); Serial.print(" Distance2: "); Serial.println(dist1); Serial.print(" Counter: "); Serial.println(count); delay(1000);
//Read the Sensor
//Print the distance sensor1 in cm //Print the distance sensor2 in cm //Print times of detection
/*SENSOR 1*/ if (dist>= 25 &&dist= 25 &&dist= 25 && dist1 = 7 && count = 12) { count=0;
//Detection of animal sensor 2
//Alarm //Led Red Turn On
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK } else { digitalWrite(led3, LOW); } } SCREEN CODE In order to display the video of the camera and the data acquire by the microcontroller the software LabView was use. Video display program:
Data acquisition and save program:
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK Birdnocular Software Design 1. Introduction 1.1
This software design document describe the architecture and system design of Birdnocular. The purpose of this design document is to allow the development to proceed with an understanding of what to be built and how is it expected to be built. 1.2
This document is focused on the base level system and critical parts of the system. The system will be used in conjunction with other pre-existing system. 2.
Use Case
Figure 1. Use case diagram
Use Case Detail: Search from server
Precondition: the binocular has internet connection. Typical flow of events: Page 29 of 52
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK 1. User take picture and click the search from server button. 2. Picture and location information will be sent to server and server feedback the result. 3. Binocular receive the result and show it on the screen. 4. Exception: there is no finding.
Use Case Detail: Search from local storage
Precondition: there is downloaded images in the binocular storage. Typical flow of events: 1. User take picture and click the search from local button. 2. Image Analysis Part of the binocular receives the picture and compares it with the images stored in local. 3. Result will be shown on screen. 4. There is no finding.
Use Case Detail: Pre-download Image Data
Precondition: 1. The binocular has internet connection. 2. There is enough available storage.
Typical flow of events: 1. User find certain location on map. 2. User clicks download button.
Design Overview
System Architecture
System Interfaces: •
User Interfaces: the user interface will allow user to easily take picture, search for picture, display information and download data. The user should be presented all main functions
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Figure 2. System components
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Binoculars for Rookie Birders
1. Competition (Exist or not?) •
Binoculars that take pictures/ record/ geotag:
Bird identifier apps/ websites
2. Market The Survey focused on 2011 participation and expenditures by U.S. residents 16 years of age and older. In general, birders have high education and better income.
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK According to the U.S. census in 2009, 24 million Americans play basketball, 23 million baseball, and 9 million play American football — at the same time, there are estimated to be nearly 60 million American birdwatchers. Fish and Wildlife Service study, in the United States alone, bird watchers contributed about $36 billion to the U.S. You may not know that birdwatching in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico generates $25 billion per year in hard cash and it employs over 60,000 people.
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK 3. Innovation This is the first combination of binoculars and bird identification.
4. Implementation Some questions to think: Should we make the questions asked in apps into programming/ image identification? Are we cooperating with existing app/ bird database? Or binocular producers?
Use cases:
When the internet connection is good:
Bird watching -> find unknown bird->take picture ->send picture and GPS information to server -> server processes the picture and searches it in database -> server sends information to user-> information will be displayed on screen.
When there is no internet connection (e.g. in Africa wild):
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK Download existing birds picture and information in certain place in advance-> Bird watching -> find unknown bird->take picture->Edison process the picture and search it in the local database >display the information on screen. When users find new species, they can upload to ask or they know what it is and then edit it so that benefit others.
5. Return of Investment Existing smart binocular prices: $479.00
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK 6. Problems being solved Real-time knowledge requires experience. Binocular or camera can only capture images in human memory or digit memory. People search information afterwards. This product aims to help nature lovers to get knowledge whenever they see unknown animals. Guidelines for beginner bird watchers:
You need a field guide for your area.
You need a binocular to see the birds.
Record your bird sightings.
binoculars, field guide, cameras, records, apps, connections
7. Usability/ User-friendliness This will be the same as binoculars that most people are familiar with, but with extra functions.
Bird watching apps
Bird Identifier
Photographer's guide of buying binoculars's%20Guide%20to%20Buyi ng%20Binoculars.aspx
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK 8. Possible design of Birdnocular Model had been done using SolidWorks 3D modelling:
Animated video:
9. Use case presentation A video was made in order to present a clear idea in how the product will work. An interaction with the user:
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK Handy Baby Stroller Value : Reduce Mom’s tension, father’s running, save time, better security and monitoring Competitor : Is a total new concept. But the main competitors will be the companies that produce normal baby strollers, there are 34 big companies around the world. •
Smart baby monitor:
Origami baby stroller:
Cost : A bit expensive (maybe) from regular one.
Basic Idea: Instead of using regular and conventional baby stroller i am going to offer an advanced baby stroller. It can accommodate multiple babies (if any). It can be operated via bluetooth remote control/mobile. It will consists liquid sensor inside baby couch, so if baby pee then buzzer will let you inform. also it will consists temperature sensor so it can sense temperature and act upon that. If it sense cold then baby stroller automatically put blanket/jacket/… on babies. also this baby stroller will carry an automatic umbrella with it so if rain starts it will give shelter to the baby by opening umbrella. Despite that, This advanced baby stroller will consists a smart playing chamber. so if your baby started crying inside bus or while walking , this playing chamber will start playing with your kid. We can mount a small vga camera on it so we can monitor baby from remote location.
Market The main users are parents and caretakers. 5 million babies are being born in Europe every year. In USA the births are almost 4 million per year. In Canada – 390 000, in Australia – 310 000. However, the poor families probably won’t be able to afford the stroller. That’s why it’s more suitable to target the top 35% wealthy people. That amounts to approximately 2.30 million in USA, 2.85 million in Europe, 0.14 million in Canada and 0.11 million in Australia which accounts to 5.4 million potential customers. The expected global growth is expected to be 5% over the period 2014-2019.
Value proposition The baby stroller can improve the quality of life of both wearer and the caretaker. It minimizes the labor the caretaker has to do. Sometimes it is inconvenient for parents to check baby’s diaper in public places. It also keeps the baby healthy and clean. It also adds value to the family security and increases the sense of responsibility.
Innovation Level Monitoring system: The product will notify the user the state of the baby. •
Sensor that detect motion when he/she is sleeping. Page 38 of 52
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Camera located in the handle bar that allow to see his/her baby immediately.
Odour detection sensor to prevent the baby stained (dirty) for a long time.
Security system: A location system, you will never lose the baby. Entertainment and comfort: •
A temperature sensor activate a blanket to cover the baby in cold environment or take out the blanket in warm situation. The parents can set the temperature for this action.
In case of rain a umbrella automatically cover the baby.
Accessible toys
Mobile phone connectivity: An app that will be capable to control the temperature and camera. Notification of the state of the baby can be seen the app (Motion, pee detection, temperature, presence of liquid, location)
Implementation difficulty In most developed countries there are strict standards regarding prams and strollers. Some of the key requirements are connected with design (some mandatory features like parking), performance testing (should be tested for impact, strength, load, durability and stability in laboratory conditions) and others. There is no international, valid for all standards that can be followed. Different countries have their own standards. Examples for them are: •
Canada - SOR/85-379;
USA - ASTM F833-13;
Europe - EN 1888:2012;
Australia and New Zealand - AS/NZS 2088:2009;
As a conclusion, the stroller might have to be adjusted to the local markets and might not be possible to be sold as standardized product. Problem being solved (is there a problem) Monitor your baby in real time. Security features gives the parent the possibility to avoid stress. Save time. Usability/User-friendliness The usability is an important point to take in count, that why the next features will be present in our product: •
Easy-to-Use Folding Trigger
Features an Adjustable Handle
Comfortably Fit Two Small Children or one children depending in the necessities of the user
Can Accommodate an Infant Car Seat
Protects a Child from Difficult Weather Conditions
Extras helpful features (cup holders, organizer pocket or tray)
Easy to clean
Brakes Page 39 of 52
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Competition There are some competitors that have realtivies solutions for our problema: •
Smart baby monitor:
Origami baby stroller:
There is no all-in-one stroller combining all the features described above. However, there are different products solving the separate needs. Some of them are: •
Motorola MBP36S Remote Wireless Video Baby Monitor ($250)
Bedwetting and Diapers Alarms and Sensors
*Modeling structure. Add features to the normal baby stroller.
Comparison Table
No competition
New innovation: Use/ combination of smart binoculars and recognition software
Management of database
Within team skills range
Smart Baby Stroller
Big market
Within team skills range
Already in exist in the market
Earthquake Prediction
Valuable idea
Possibility to save lives Requires lots of Edison boards
Needs lots of research
Finding a customer
Binoculars for Nature Lovers
What’s next
Concentrate on the Prediction of Natural Disaters
User research Page 40 of 52
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK Find data about the users from: Blogs, forums, stories, interviews, survey, bird watching documentary Organize an interview with a “professional” bird watcher Conduct a survey
How smart binoculars work and how can we use the existing solutions? Is there existing locational/ regional databases about birds?
Gamification/ social media
Does the user get points from new discoveries? How could the user share his pictures and discoveries in social media?
What you don't know about your users?
Do they go in groups or individual?
Do they wear gloves?
What do they have to carry already?
How much are they ready to invest?
**** OLDER IDEA DOCUMENTATION **** Binoculars for Rookie Nature Lovers Binoculars with functions of built-in camera/ video recorder, wifi, GPS that helps identify objects in the wild. It could be used for identifying animals, plants, or even for stargazing purpose. The binoculars show you the name, characteristics of the object you see right from the binocular lenses. This function can be turned on and off. This is different from Google Glass since these binoculars are intended to look far enough for observation, and they are equipped with identification function. A separate mobile phone app could be used for keeping track of what objects have been collected and ready to be shared on all social media. A community with nature lovers can share with each other right at the moment where a special species is spotted at a certain location at a certain time. Page 41 of 52
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK Users: 1. People who love to explore the nature but are not familiar with it. 2. Students/ Kids who are learning about the nature. (educational purpose) Problems to solve: 1. Improve nature education. 2. Gain appreciation for the nature. Digital binoculars with camera already exists:
Automatic system to prevent icy windshield If you have to drive all the days in the morning to your job, probably you have encountered that the windows of your car are frezen.A smart device that can collocate above the cars when they are park. The function of it is to measure the temperature and when is cold enough to freeze the windows, a blanket or suitable material will came out to cover the windows in order to prevent the freezing windows. It a good way to save energy and solve the problem. Users: Person with cars that live in cold countries
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK Problem to solve: The waste of time by taking out the ice from the windows in cold temperatures, save time. Prevent car accident and give comfort to the user. To release the blanket a system similar to the automatic curtains can be used.
Automatic washing + drying + folding machine
This is a laundry machine that combines all three functions in one. To make the folding easier, there may be different sections in the machine for different types of clothing, eg. tops, bottoms, socks, etc. Ps. 1. washing+drying machines exist 2. needs a cheaper, compact design Users: 1. Everyone who needs to do the laundry. 2. Busy people who don't have time to do the laundry. They may be working parents, students, or hotels owners.
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK 3. Forgetful people who always forget to take the clothes out of the washing machine and the clothes get wrinkled. Problems to solve: 1. Saves time. 2. Prevents wrinkles on clothes. This is an idea proposed somewhere else…but not done yet. 1. A similar project done by a robot, but it costs a lot…$280,000! 1. Remote cat toy User: cat owner Problems to solve: Cat owner cannot stay with their cat everyday. They can play with their cat in their office via this smart toy. The owner use their mobile phone to control a laser pointer and cameral stalled in their home via an Edison board to attract and play with cats. Accident Notification System User: car owner Problems to solve: many high-end car already have this accident notification option. If our product can be designed well to connect different sensors of different types of cars, it will be a good after market product. Earthquake prediction by Animals Using Edison Users : scientist, Researchers , NGO, Value : Saving lives, saving money Every year earthquake takes millions of life worldwide as well it damages the infrastructure of a city. The catastrophe of earthquake is not manageable and forgettable. There is no such prediction mechanism that can say when and where will be the next earthquake. There are only few mechanism presents in the world that only can predict earthquake before few seconds. [1, 2, 3] [1] [2] [3] So shall we live like this or we can try to invent some sort of forecasting system to combat with the Earthquake. Now, question arises how? By many researchers [4, 5, 6], few animals can predict natural disaster before 3 weeks. Yes they can sense natural disaster before it takes place. Now how does it look like, if we use natural living things to predict natural disaster? From my point of view i think it may possible. Page 44 of 52
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK [4] [5] [6] Basic Idea:
Extra Eyes and Ears Have you ever had the need to be in two places at the same time? Imagine you have a device that can work as your eyes and ears somewhere else. You could give it to your friend to bring to a lecture you can’t attend. You could use it to watch your children while you work in the basement or see if your coffee is ready without going to the kitchen. No need to run from place to place - just leave the device on the table and see from your phone.
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK How does it work? You would have a small personal device with a camera and a microphone that connects directly to your smart phone. You can watch or record what’s happening in the device’s location directly from your phone screen and even talk through a speaker. The device would be small to carry and ready to use just by dropping it on a table. Attributes: • camera and microphone (streaming, snapshots and recording) • speaker • phone app for control • small • drop and use • bluetooth and WiFi Possible use case examples: • attending a meeting / event remotely • do work that requires doing something and seeing what happens in two different places • have eyes in a tighter spot • leave it on the back of your car while parking on reverse • recording video from +1 perspective • leave it on a window to see when the visitors arrive • simple surveillance Existing competitors: • webcams (not so mobile) • mobile phone cameras (having to leave a phone somewhere to work as your camera) • WiFi cameras (webcam like, not meant to be carried) • bluetooth cameras Users: not yet decided the target user group, gadget users Problem to solve: limited amount of you, having to be present in two places at the same time
Smart cane alternative
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK The cane for blind people is there to let them be aware of their surroundings and not to trip while walking. The cane is a tool to solve this specific problem. With the help of sensors you could get rid of the cane. With a radar system located in the user’s feet, he can get ground level information about obstacles in front of feet. How does it work? Install sensors in shoes or trousers. User gets notified about obstacles in front of you and their distances via vibration, sound. Users: blind Problem to solve: awareness of surroundings Automatic Lunch It’s a machine that will create food automatically like sandwiches, cereal, salad, etc. And somedrink. You select the food and the time that you want your food to be ready, through an app in your cellphone. The benefits are save time and the comfort, no need to make food. A fridge, toaster and some other tools need to be include it. One of the largest food surveys made in UK found that 16 per cent of all men and five per cent of women admitting that they cannot cook anything and 10,000 respondents found that five million adults, balk at even boiling an eggs.Those can be the main users of the Automatic Lunch. · · ·
Users: People who are in a rush, gamers, students. Problem to solve: Natural necessity of eat and the lack of time to cook. No need to eat fast food. Reference:
Smart Agenda It’s a device that can be allocated to the side of the bed. It will be a personal assistant that will help the user to do their tasks, like a smart alarm clock with more features. From waking up earlier to do the laundry, this device will remind all the things. The task and meeting will be register through a mobile app. The value of the device is that you can watch things in a more tangible way, like an agenda. In addition the device will have a screen display to project all the things that you're watching in the mobile phone (Videos, games). Solving the usability problem of small screens in mobile phones. And you can charge the phone when is connect it. The device can place in different environments, like kitchen and bathroom. •
Users: People that have a smart phones and want to amplified the uses of the mobile phone. Organized people.
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Problem to solve: Personal agenda. Give the user the possibility to have a big screen when its need it but the mobile features of a cell phone. The size of the screen matter: [1] ] impact_of_mobile_phone_screen_size_on_users_perceived_usability_effectiveness_and_e fficiency Competition: There are some mobile phone apps can be related.But this device will be a complement for It’s a complement for the smart phones. [1] Handy Baby Stroller
Value : Reduce Mom’s tension, father’s running, save time, better security and monitoring Competitor : So far nobody comes forward with this kind of idea. Cost : A bit expensive (maybe) from regular one. Basic Idea: Instead of using regular and conventional baby stroller i am going to offer an advanced baby stroller. It can accommodate multiple babies (if any). It can be operated via bluetooth remote control/mobile. It will consists liquid sensor inside baby couch, so if baby pee then buzzer will let you inform. also it will consists temperature sensor so it can can sense temperature and act upon that. If it sense cold then baby stroller automatically put blanket/jacket/… on babies. also this baby stroller will carry an automatic umbrella with it so if rain starts it will give shelter to the baby by opening umbrella. Despite that, This advanced baby stroller will consists a smart playing chamber. so if your baby started crying inside bus or while walking , this playing chamber will start playing with your kid. We can mount a small vga camera on it so we can monitor baby from remote location.
Smart Pot The pot can automate completely the process of taking care of the houseplants. By placing sensors in the pots for monitoring the “health” of the plants, including moisture, light, temperature, humidity and other factors, the system can decide based on previously based parameters if the plants need more resources like water, fertilizers, change in temperature or in light. Having a resources loaded in containers, integrated into the pot might allow the system to automatically take care of the plants. Providing ability to customize the “conditions” for different types of plans is essential because of the various requirements they have. The system consists of multiple portable sensors that can be put into the plan for the measurement part and one controller that makes the decisions and provides information to the user through mobile or desktop application.
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK Users The main users of the product will be ones that have lots of houseplants, are highly interested in plants and gardening and travel often either for business or personal reasons. Another possible user group is people who doesn’t have any knowledge about plants and gardening but want to have plants in their homes. In Europe 16% of the population have plants in their homes. Problem being solved: Often when people go away from their homes there is nobody to take care of their plants and they die. The product can solve this problem and provide the users to enjoy the energy plants bring. Similar products: There are already products for monitoring the plants like providing information about moisture, temperature, light, etc. There are also pots that allow self-watering (the roots directly get water from the water tank beneath. However, none of them completely automates the process of caring about the plant nor provides customized solution for the different types of plants. ($137) ($60) ($50 - $200) Product and Service Specifications: The Pot
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK The pots need to be able to hold at least 4 liters of water which would be enough for watering small to medium sized plant for 2-3 weeks. However, pots with bigger size can have up to 25 liters of water which would be enough for 8-12 weeks even for big plants. The water tank can be hold in a container, placed into the pot. Another container for the fertilizers must be included also. Its size can be smaller – to contain 500 grams to 1 kilogram. It can also be attached to the inside part of the pot. A pump will be needed to take care of the watering. Sensors for moisture, light, temperature and water flow will provide information needed for the system to ensure that the best conditions are met for the plant. The total costs for all the sensors and the pump are around $30 total. The
A whole system for a household might include multiple pots that are connected to one Edison board which coordinates them. Detailed information about plants’ requirements is available for every type and can be used as a benchmark for evaluating the current progress and conditions of the plants. A remote database or self-owned one can be used to store that information. Page 50 of 52
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DEMOLA PLAYBOOK The information from the house plants will be stored and will be available to the users through mobile or web application. Based on that information and the benchmarking, advices will be given to the user in order to improve the conditions of the house plants. Obstacles: 1. What source of power supply to use? 2. At least 1 month of power supply is needed without charging or using plugs.
Initial ideas • • • • • • • • • • • •
Emotional health monitoring Plant automatic management system (garden/ farm) Communication tools for the disabled (translation from sign language to spoken words, facial expressions) Smart wheelchair for the disabled Traffic lights monitoring and scheduling Green energy generated through panels on the street lamps (solar power, saving energy) Language learning Learning materials for the unprivileged kids Classroom management Daily friend (learning, memories) Smart rings (marriage) Items tracking (lost & found)
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