You urge us to send our roots deep, and draw from the life-giving water you .... Free us so that ..... A Blessing of Our
From Everywhere to Everywhere INTRODUCTION Worship is one dimension of mission. Worship, liturgy, and prayer are part of the spiritual discipline that calls us to actively participate in God’s mission. This collection of worship resources, offered as gifts from missionaries and others serving with the General Board of Global Ministries can be used in corporate and personal worship. In addition to using this resource in worship, consider using these materials in your personal devotion and Bible study life. Use them in church meetings, Sunday school classes, agelevel ministries, or small group studies. As you worship using these resources from different regions, also remember the people in these communities. Lift them in your prayers every day! All of the resources are organized by their potential use in worship; however you are encouraged to use them in ways that best fit your worship design or personal devotion and prayer. Some of them were written for specific situations, adapt these for your worship context. Sorrows, concerns, and joys come to us all, no matter where we serve. You are encouraged to read each of the missionary biographies on the Global Ministries website as you prepare for worship: You will find a picture, description of the missionary’s ministry, as well as an email to be in conversation with him or her if you want to know more. Consider adapting this information to share with your congregation (possibly a notice in your bulletin or verbally in worship.) These resources may be reproduced and used in congregational worship with the inclusion of this copyright citation on each copy: © 2012 [insert name of author]. Reproduced from “Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere,” a resource of the General Board of Global Ministries. All rights reserved. Used by permission. and They may not be used for profit, sold, republished, or placed on a website. All scripture references are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, unless otherwise noted.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Liturgy Resources
Opening Prayer, Invocation, Call to Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Prayer for Illumination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Prayer of Confession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Creed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Contemporary Psalm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Prayer for the Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Prayer for Specific Times or Situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Offertory Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Sending Forth and Benediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Other Acts of Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Worship Visuals: Photographs and Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Resources by Author’s Country of Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Resources by Author’s Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
God of all people, we come together to be a community, a community of faith striving to grow closer to you and closer to each other. Be with us as we seek to hear from you, where you are at work, and what you require of us. You created us all to be agents of your love, justice, and mercy. Help and empower us in these tasks. Amen. Stephanie Kimec Ministry: US-2, Immigration Task Force, California-Pacific Annual Conference and Shalom Ministry at Echo Park United Methodist Church, USA Advance #3021353
2. Opening Prayer
O God, Searcher of all our hearts, you have formed us as a people and claimed us for your own. As we come to acknowledge your sovereignty and grace, and enter anew into covenant with you, reveal any falsehood within us. Let your Spirit impress your truth on our inmost being, and receive us in mercy, for the sake of our mediator, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Nancy Augusta Carew Ministry: Education, Women’s Training Center, Liberia Advance #13911Z
3. A Well-Watered Garden
A centering thought or opening prayer, based on Isaiah 58:6–11. Loving God in heaven, Your desire is that we grow in you. You urge us to send our roots deep, and draw from the life-giving water you provide. Your perfect plan is for your church to be: a well-watered garden, a cool and quiet place that nourishes and inspires the weary soul with the wonder and wisdom of the eternal God, a pleasant refuge that exudes the sweet-smelling aroma of Jesus Christ to the disillusioned, an oasis in a dry place that itself drinks of the Spring that never dries up, and gives direction to the searching and confused, a bountiful pantry that satisfies the hungry with good food, a symphony of color and diversity where others may sit for a minute and behold the beauty of the Lord.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
And when the time comes, Help us to submit to your careful tending and pruning, That we may bear more fruit for your glory In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Jane Kies Ministry: English Teacher, Africa University, Mutare, Zimbabwe Advance #10739Z
4. Call to Worship One: All: One: All: One: All: One: All: One: All: One: All: One: All:
Let us gather together. Let us gather together before God. Let us gather together. Let us gather together as children of one God. Let us gather together, Despite our disagreements, despite our differences. Whether black or white, male or female, Whether European, Latino, American, Arab, Roma, African, or Asian, Whether rich or poor, Christian, Muslim, or Jew, We are all children of one loving God. A gentle and caring Father; a strong and steady Mother, A God of love. Come, let us gather together. Let us worship God.
Michelle Dromgold Ministry: Mission Intern, Kindertreff Delbrücke After School Program, Berlin, Germany Advance #3021334
5. Call to Worship Using Psalm 118 One: All:
O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good; God’s steadfast love endures forever! Let Israel say, “God’s steadfast love endures forever.”
One: All:
The Lord is my strength and my might; God has become my salvation. There are glad songs of victory in the tents of the righteous: The right hand of the Lord does valiantly;
One: All:
The Lord has punished me severely, but God did not give me over to death. Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord.
One: All:
This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous shall enter through it. I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
One: All:
The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Governor Mays Ministry: Mission Interpreter, South Central Jurisdiction, USA Advance #982981
6. Call To Worship One: All: One: All: One: All:
The church is the place where the broken gather. Let us worship God who reconciles us to one another and to God. The church is the place where sinners are welcome. Let us worship God who, with forgiving hands, shapes us into new people. The church is the place where the lost, the least, the forgotten, the ignored gather. Let us worship God who looks at us with the eyes of love.
Lamberto and Angelita Valino Ministry: Seafarers Mission, Japan Advance #13994Z (Angelita), Advance #13993Z (Lamberto)
7. Call to Worship One: Come people of God; come and sing to the Lord a new song. Many: Cantad a Jehová cántico Nuevo! One: Come people of God; let us worship the Creator. Many: Cantad a Jehová cántico Nuevo! One: All:
Come, people of God, let us pray together for guidance in the days ahead. Cantad a Jehová cántico Nuevo! O sing to the Lord a new song!
Debra Tyree Ministry: Global Praise, a program of Global Ministries
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION 8. Prayer for Illumination
Holy and gracious God, you are the source of all light. Through your Word, pour out the Spirit of wisdom and understanding on us, so that our hearts and minds may be opened to know your truth and your way. Speak your eternal Word to us that we may respond to your gracious promises with faithfulness, service, and love. Amen. Jean Claude Masuka Maleka Ministry: Church Development and Pastoral Training, East Africa Annual Conference Advance #3021390
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
PRAYER OF CONFESSION 9. Prayer of Confession All:
God of love, we confess we often fail. We do not love all of our neighbors; we sometimes do not even love everyone inside of our congregation. Free us so that we can love like you. We ask for forgiveness for those times when we have turned a blind eye to the injustices we see. Forgive us for our closed hearts.
We confess that we find it easier to speak up for people than to speak with people, to get to know others, than to walk in their shoes.
Humble our hearts, so that we may see your divinity in all of your creation. (Allow a time for silent prayer of confession.)
Hear this good news, God forgives again and again; in the name of Jesus Christ you are forgiven!
Stephanie Kimec Ministry: US-2, Immigration Task Force, California-Pacific Annual Conference and Shalom Ministry at Echo Park United Methodist Church, USA Advance #3021353
10. Prayer of Confession
Gracious God, we often struggle with what it means to be faithful. Sometimes we surround ourselves with comfortable symbols. We see bread and juice, anointing oil, the cross, and our safe sanctuary. We look for familiar signs in our church that are all around us. Our friends sitting near, our favorite hymn being sung; it is very reassuring. Sometimes our church is a mighty fortress closing out the world. Outside these doors there are others. They are not sure they want to enter and we confess we are not sure we want them here. Forgive us our narcissism. Forgive us our complacency, praying for you to act when we are here. May we remember Christ has no body but ours. Help us to find that vital and disturbing faith which transforms. Help us not to confuse the symbols of faith with faith itself. May we be Christ’s body in the world. Amen. Donald E. Edwards Ministry: Shalom Zone, Grace Ministries, Roanoke, Virginia, USA Advance #982026
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
11. Prayer of Reflection and Confession
Sunday morning and I could be sleeping. I know the service by heart. No need for the hymnal when we say the Creed, Lord’s Prayer, or Doxology. I will be told again that I am forgiven, God loves me, and Jesus has saved me. Sometimes though, I feel an emptiness. I didn’t have to come today, but I did. Forgive me, Lord, when I fail to show others compassion. Forgive me my safe faith built on routines. Help me to be open to new paths. Maybe it is not so bad to say the Social Creed once in a while. It reminds me of why I first joined this church. Perhaps it is time for me to re-examine my faith and find new ways to be faith-filled. Forgive me, Lord. Donald E. Edwards Ministry: Shalom Zone, Grace Ministries, Roanoke, Virginia, USA Advance #982026
12. Our Confession
Creator, we are fragmented. You intended us to be one: woven together and safe in your arms. We have pulled society’s fabric into pieces, attempting to gain control for ourselves. The media often do no more than reinforce and polish our narrow views. We weld idols from broken shards of understanding and rely on them instead of your provision. Slowly, we erect a wall of fearful self-interest that becomes our shrinking prison. What we call “security” is a miserable separation. Though stitches hurt for a moment, sew us together again, Lord. Guide us in The Way when we are vulnerable, so we can grow to be faithful, kind, and resilient. Join our hands and hearts with distant communities so we can be whole, in solidarity and love. Warm us with your closeness, Great Counselor. Amen. John Daniel Gore Ministry: Mission Intern, Wi’am Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center, Bethlehem, Israel/Palestine Advance #3021335
13. Confession One:
People in need are knocking at the door, hungry, homeless, at risk. One: Here at home, and in many countries, doors are closing: doors of opportunity, doors of compassion, doors of welcome, they are all closing. All: I am the door, Jesus said.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
One: People are lost and looking for a way. Desperate, in danger, but there’s no way forward; and they can’t go back. One: So they die on the open seas, in freight containers, at border crossings. All:
I am the way, Jesus said.
People in terror are telling their stories, reporting abuse, rape, massacre. by government soldiers and officials. We choose to believe the official story or close our ears and our eyes to documented accounts.
I am the truth, Jesus said.
One: All:
Forgive us, O God, for slamming doors, for building roadblocks and detours, for putting our self interest before your truth.
One: Make us hungry and thirsty for your justice, All: make us uncomfortable with the way things are so that we keep finding ways to open doors, to make ways straight and to hear and tell the truth, All:
in the name of the one who is the Door and the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Andrew Donaldson, written in Seoul, Korea. Ministry: Worship Consultant, World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland Advance #3021281
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
CREED 14. Credo
Creo, Dios, que tú no eres en primer lugar nuestro Juez y Señor, sino nuestro Padre y Madre, porque oyes el clamor de tus hijos e hijas oprimidos. Que estás en los cielos, hacia donde se dirige nuestra mirada en medio de la lucha. Santificado sea tu actuar liberador contra los que nos oprimen, muchas veces en tu nombre. Venga a nosotros tu justicia, empezando por los más empobrecidos. Hágase tu voluntad y tu liberación, que empiece en la tierra y termine en el cielo. Que el pan que producimos todos juntos cada día, lo podamos compartir y comer juntos. Perdona nuestro egoísmo en la medida que luchamos por erradicar el egoísmo colectivo. Y no nos dejes caer en la tentación de explotar a los demás para acumular riquezas. Mas líbranos de la venganza y del odio contra el malo que oprime y reprime. Amén. Creed (Translated into English by Miguel Mairena, author.) I believe, God, that you are not primarily our Judge and Lord, but our Father and Mother, because you hear the cry of the oppressed—your sons and daughters. You are in heaven; we raise our eyes to you in the middle of our struggles. Hallowed be your liberating actions against those who oppress us many times in your name. Let your justice come to us, beginning with those most impoverished. Let your will and your liberation begin on earth and end in heaven. Let the bread that we produce every day be shared and eaten by all. Forgive our selfishness in the measure that we strive to eradicate collective selfishness. And keep us from the temptation of exploiting others to accumulate wealth. Deliver us from vengeance and hate against those who oppress and repress. Amen. Miguel Mairena Ministry: Women and Community Association, Nicaragua Advance #12877Z
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
CONTEMPORARY PSALM 15. Psaume à partir de l’Écriture: Souffrance d’une servante
Oh Dieu, aie pitié de moi et secours-moi Oh Dieu, viens en hâte au secours de ta servante. Ne regarde pas mes péchés et mes iniquités. Mes os se consument au-dedans de moi Mon âme languit et se dessèche. Chaque jour, je suis en pleure. Oh, si mes larmes pouvaient donner vie, elles le feraient Mais le souffle et la vie ne viennent que de toi seul, Eternel mon Dieu. Dieu de grâce et de miséricorde Tu n’as pas eu pitié de ta servante ; Tu n’as pas écouté ses prières et ses supplications Tu as fait descendre ta servante dans l’abîme, au séjour des morts. Tu as brise en moi orgueil, force, vie … Mes ennemis se rient de moi Et me demandent où est ton Dieu ? Je ne suis plus que l’ombre de moi-même Semblable à un arbuste brulé par le soleil dans le désert Père saint jette un regard favorable sur ta servante. Apaise son cœur ! Mon cœur saigne ! Qui viendra panser ma plaie ? D’où me viendra le secours ! Le secours me viendra de l’Éternel seul qui a fait les cieu et la terre. Le secours me viendra de l’Éternel seul qui est maître de toute chaire et de tout esprit. Mon âme ne t’attriste pas. Aie confiance en Dieu. Il te secourra dans sa grande miséricorde. Il fera de toi une source d’eau vive. Amen ! Psalm from Scripture: Suffering Servant (Translated to English by Jacqueline Agré, author.) Oh God, have mercy on me and rescue me Oh God, hurry to the aid of your servant. Don’t watch my sins and my iniquities. My bones burn inside of me, My soul is languishing and drying out. Every day, I mourn. Oh, if my tears could give life, they would, But breath and life come from only you, Lord, my God. God of grace and mercy, You have not had pity on your servant; You have not listened to her prayers and her pleas, You sent your servant down to the abyss, in the realm of the dead.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
You have broken my pride, strength, life . . . My enemies laugh at me And ask me, “Where is your God?” I am a mere shadow of my former self, Similar to a shrub burned by the sun in the desert. Holy Parent, take a positive look on your servant. Soothe her heart! My heart is bleeding! Who will come to heal my wound? Where will help come from for me? Help will come to me from the Lord, who made the heavens and the Earth. Help will come to me from the Lord, who is master of all flesh and spirit. My soul, do not sadden. Have confidence in God. God will rescue you in God’s great mercy. God will make you a source of living water. Amen! Jacqueline Agré Ministry: Educator with the Christian community, Tunis, Tunisia Advance #3021260
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
PRAYER FOR THE DAY 16. Prayer for the Day
All powerful, loving God, guide and direct our every move and word. Help us to be ever careful to share your love with everyone we come into contact with today and everyday. Provide your loving and caring arms around all of your children to bring good health, happiness, and wholeness to their lives. Help us to assist all of our neighbors with mercy and kindness in life, even when we feel hesitant to do so. We ask all of this in your son’s name. Amen. Katie Peterson Ministry: Director of God’s Country Cooperative Parish Ministry in the Eastern Upper Peninsula of Northern Michigan, USA Advance #982942
17. Prayer for the Day
Gracious God, we often fail to live up to your calling in our lives and we miss the signs of your work that goes on all around us. Renew us, we pray. Let us be captured again by visions of your kingdom. Help us to believe in the time proclaimed when the hungry will be fed, when strangers will be welcomed, when the sick will have care, and the homeless will find shelter. Grow us into the kind of disciples who will expect great things from you so that we may attempt and achieve great things in your name. In the name of Christ Jesus, we pray, Amen. Marilyn Beecher Ministry: Regional Director for Central Florida Justice for Our Neighbors, USA Advance #982900
18. Our Life as God’s Poem: A Centering Moment
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (KJV). In ancient Greek, the word translated as “workmanship” is poiema, which is the root of the English word “poem.” This verse could be understood to say: “for we are God’s poem . . . ” If our life is a poem written by the hand of God, then it is God’s lyrical masterpiece filled with twists and turns, metaphors and similes that are written to testify to God’s faithfulness. Through a life of devotion and service to Christ, we learn that when we put our hand in God’s hand and trust God in the face of fear; good things, including those good works that Christ has called us to do, are on the other side. God’s plan for our lives is not only for us, but also for those around us. Oh Lord, we are your poem. Help us to be the tablets upon which you carve a life of Christ-centered obedience, commitment, and service to others. Amen. Mary Zigbuo and Janine A. Camara, her granddaughter Ministry: Missionary with Circles of Hope, Wadesboro, North Carolina, USA Advance #10721Z
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
19. Thanksgiving Prayer One: All:
Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good; God’s love endures forever. All nations have enjoyed the benefits of God’s goodness and unfailing love. Your love hasfilled our congregations, the priests, and pastors and all those who fear you, Lord. We offer you our dedication and humbly give testimony to the goodness you, our God, have shown us.
One: All:
It is better to take refuge in the Lord. We know, dear Lord, that you are with us in all circumstances of life. We will not be afraid of troubles that come into our lives. We thank you, Lord, because you have heard our cry of anguish. God, you comfort us with support and give us a new perspective on the future.
One: All:
This is the day that the Lord has made. As we worship you Lord, we also confess our confidence in you. We rely on you more than those who have flesh and blood, both lowly and exalted.
Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.
Lamberto and Angelita Valino Ministry: Seafarers Mission, Japan Advance #13994Z (Angelita), Advance #13993Z (Lamberto)
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
Lord, you are our refuge and strength, our Mighty God, our Great Help in time of need. Right now, as we focus on the children of the world, we remember your words to “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them.” We bring these children before you. These precious children around the world who have yet to know the loving kindness of the Savior; we bring petition on their behalf. We pray for the abused children around the world, we pray that your love will overshadow and touch them where they are. May there be someone who will go in your name to bring deliverance and hope to the lost children of the world. May there be someone who will fight for the cause of the children and rescue them from child slavery. May there be someone who will show God’s love to bring healing to their hearts and hope for their futures. We pray for all the neglected children who are alone and hungry at night. May there be someone to show them Jesus’ love and compassion to provide food and shelter for the body and the soul. May there be someone who will teach and train them in the ways of God. May there be someone who will be willing to bring God’s truth in love and deed. May there be someone to take these children by the hand and bring them to Jesus. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Gary and Cindy Moon Ministry: Angel’s Haven Orphanage, a facility for children with HIV/AIDS in Chiang Mai, Thailand Advance #3021132 (Gary), Advance #3021128 (Cindy)
21. Centering Prayer for Easter Day
Christ died that we might experience eternal life. The resurrection of Christ has conquered the power of sin and death for each of us. Amen. Governor Mays Ministry: Mission Interpreter in Residence, South Central Jurisdiction, USA Advance #982981
22. Prayer for the Street Children of Cambodia
Almighty God, thank you so much for this beautiful day and the opportunity to be in ministry with the beautiful street children, the orphans, and abandoned children who are suffering from diseases, hunger, and poverty in Cambodia. They are so are eager to learn about God and are looking for Christian love. Lord, many children have died in Cambodia from Entero-Virus 71* and many are in the hospital dying. Protect these, your children, from danger and comfort those families that have lost loved ones to EV71. Lord, open our eyes to see what is happening to the children in Cambodia. Enable us to see your kindness and grant us your salvation. Make us more sensitive and caring like you. Move us to share our blessings with others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
*Entero-Virus 71 killed dozens of Cambodian children during the summer of 2012. More information is available online at Clara Biswas Ministry: Community Worker, Street Children Ministry, Cambodia Advance #13952Z
23. Prayer Read at a Service of Death and Resurrection for the Death of a Child*
At the grave of Lazarus, you wept Jesus, because you know all our sorrows. It’s not easy for us to accept the mystery of death, but you conquered it the morning of your own resurrection. Raise us, and all the suffering families of the world, from death into life, and help us to live victoriously in Thee as we continue our journey in this world. Our heavenly God, we thank you for Christ’s grace through which we come to your presence in this dark hour. We commend to your tender care [name of parents/guardians], as they mourn the death of their son/daughter, [name of the child.] We also pray for [names of siblings], their living children that you may lead them from sadness to strength. Fit them for love and service in the heavenly kingdom. Almighty God, in your keeping there is shelter from the storm as you give comfort to this family and all of us. Help us to know that your care enfolds us all; that you are our refuge and strength. In Jesus, our Lord, we pray. Amen. *The Theological Seminary of the Dominican Evangelical Church, where Dr. Grano de Oro serves as Dean, supports English language training for students and their children in separate groups. This prayer was read by one of the children in English at the tragic death of Juan, son of Francisco and Maria, and sibling of Luis and Martha, one of the Seminary’s families. Samuel Grano de Oro Ministry: Dean and Professor of the Evangelical Theological Seminary of the Dominican Evangelical Church, Dominican Republic Advance #13032Z
24. Responsive Reading for the Dedication Service at the Beginning of the Academic Year* Líder:
En el Nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.
Congregación: A Dios sea la gloria, la honra y el imperio ahora y por todos los siglos. Amén. One:
Dedicamos en ofrenda a su nombre los talentos y dones que él nos ha concedido.
Congregación: A Dios nos dedicamos en espíritu, alma y cuerpo. One:
Que el esfuerzo de nuestras mentes, mientras cumplimos las tareas académicas sea un reconocimiento del llamado a la misión que de El hemos recibido.
Congregación: Dedicamos nuestras vidas a ese propósito. One:
Que nuestra preparación académica se convierta en un recurso idóneo para el servicio a nuestras comunidades.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
Congregación: Te imploramos, Señor, que así sea. One:
Derrama tu Espíritu sobre los administradores y administradoras, profesores y profesoras, personal de oficinas, cocina y limpieza.
Congregación: En tus manos poderosas los encomendamos, Señor. One:
Oramos por nuestro Obispo, Superintendentes, Pastores, congregaciones locales y sus líderes.
Congregación: Que tu gracia y amor les acompañen siempre mientras dedican sus vidas a tu reino eterno y al servicio de nuestro país y comunidades. One:
Alabemos al Señor con nuestras vidas, dedicación y trabajo durante todo este año académico.
Congregación: Que así sea, ahora y siempre. Todos/as:
Responsive Reading for the Dedication Service at the Beginning of the Academic Year* (Translated to English by Samual Grano de Oro, author) Leader: In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All:
To God be the glory, the honor and power today and forever.
Leader: We dedicate as an offering to God the talents and gifts that God has granted us. All:
We commit ourselves to God in spirit, soul, and body.
Leader: That the effort of our minds, while fulfilling the academic tasks, may be an acknowledgment of the call to mission that we have received from God. All:
We dedicate our lives to that end.
Leader: We dedicate our academic training as a suitable resource for service in our communities. All:
So we fervently pray, O Lord!
Leader: Pour out your Spirit upon administrators, teachers, office, kitchen, and cleaning staff. All:
Into your powerful hands we commend them, O Lord.
Leader: We pray for our bishop, superintendents, pastors, local congregations, and their leaders. All:
We pray that your grace and love will be with them as they commit their lives to your eternal kingdom and to serving our country and communities.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
Leader: Praise the Lord in our lives, dedication, and work all throughout this academic year. All:
So be it, now and forever.
* In the first week of September every year, a worship service of commitment and dedication is held in the chapel. Pastors and congregations, as well as the theological community of the Evangelical Theological Seminary of the Dominican Evangelical Church participate in it. The service is to reaffirm of the purpose of theological education for pastors and lay leaders as a resource for mission and service. Local congregations could pray this as a part of their recognition of a new school year in their community. Samuel Grano de Oro Ministry: Dean and Professor of the Evangelical Theological Seminary of the Dominican Evangelical Church, Dominican Republic Advance #13032Z
25. The Call to Discipleship Litany One: The Creator is our Source and Strength. Our God is a force like wind and flame, spreading wide and penetrating lives. The Holy Spirit of the Lord is calling across the globe, calling to every society, calling for every disciple’s life, soul, and strength! All:
We hear, we understand, and we take action. Our hearts are like hot coals.
This calling breaks familiar shackles and melts idols. It upsets every false foundation, yet creates a movement that cannot be deterred. Christ’s disciples lay down their singular lives in exchange for collective responsibility. They will be peacemakers: the children of God.
We hear, we understand, and we take action. Ignite our hidden gifts with your breath.
The call to discipleship grates against corrupt institutions, religious and secular. Christ’s disciples are challenged to love enemies, without conceding, and ask questions for which they have no easy answer. They will say, “love justice and resist evil” with smiles upon their faces because their energy comes from the Eternal One.
We hear, we understand, and we take action. Fuel and sustain our endeavor, we pray.
At every moment, Jesus chose to be the perfect image of the Creator’s love by being present with those who sought him. Not content to be pure by the exclusion of sin, he reached to the despised, the ignored, the lepers, and the racially different. He offended people with power. They crucified him, but his principles were too momentous—unstoppable.
We hear, we understand, and we take action. Christ’s torch will never be extinguished.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
Humanity has let fear and greed fragment our world. The curtains that divide us also separate us from God. At first, our curtains are as thin as shut eyelids but they smother us as we lose compassion for our unseen brothers and sisters. Christ’s disciples will open the nations’ eyes and lead them by the hand. They will blast the concrete walls and loosen the tourniquets of steel that mar Christ’s vision. They will choose love and solidarity, not selfishness masquerading as security. We will hear, we will understand, and we will take action. Together, we can tear apart the curtains that prevent wisdom and compassion from spreading. Draw us near to your warmth, Creator, and near to each other in the fullness of time. Amen.
John Daniel Gore Ministry: Mission Intern, Wi’am Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center, Bethlehem, Israel/Palestine Advance #3021335
26. Prayer of Lament One: Teach us to lament, Lord. Teach us to weep until our eyes are swollen shut and no tears can fall. Teach us to wail until our every breath is a gasp and we have no strength left to stand. Teach us to grieve until the very core of our being is one with all of your children. All: Teach us to lament, Lord. One:
Teach us to love, Lord. Teach us to love until there are no more persons willing to commit suicide with bombs. Teach us to love until there are no more persons who use guns against the innocent. Teach us to love until there is no violence against one another in our communities. Teach us to love, Lord.
One: Teach us to witness, Lord. Teach us to be with each other as we offer clean water to the thirsty and food to the hungry. Teach us to join together to be messengers of your justice and reconciliation. Teach us to share the story of your grace and love offered to all. All: Teach us to witness, Lord. All:
Teach us to lament. Teach us to love. Teach us to witness. Teach us, Lord, we need to learn from you. Amen.
Debra Tyree Ministry: Global Praise, a program of Global Ministries
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
27. Opening Prayer During Eastertide
Creating God, your overflowing love is evident in the beauty of creation around us. We see your love in the abundant colors of the wings of each creature that flies, in the sunrise over the oceans, and in the glow of the moon at night. We hear your love in the sounds of the world around us—in drops of rain tapping on leaves, in the laughter of children, and in the powerful winds that blow across the face of the earth. We have experienced anew your creating love through the Easter “alleluias” that still echo in our hearts. We hear shouts of joy that proclaim, “Christ is alive!” Yet, Lord, we also hear the wailing cries of your people in communities destroyed by tornados, earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters. We hear the shouts of violence in war-torn cities and villages, in every street, and in too many homes. We see hunger in the eyes of people in every community. Hunger for food, for water, for safe places to live, for loving arms of comfort, and for the spiritual food of your Word and your love. We see the pain of injustice in the faces of those who have no available medical assistance, in workers who struggle in unhealthy work environments, and in the eyes of mothers who lose their children to warlords and slavery. Today, loving One, like the women of the first Easter morning, we walk with hope-filled hearts towards an empty tomb. We find ourselves in the dimness of the dawn, waiting for the sunrise of a world filled with shalom. Melt the dimness, Lord, and fill us with the light of your new day. While we wait, God of glory, we commit our lives to sharing the joyful news of the resurrected Christ as we serve with our sisters and brothers around the world. We join our “alleluias” with your people gathered here and in every corner of the earth. Grant that we may sing “Christ is Risen” triumphantly to a world that needs to hear that you are alive, just as you promised. We offer our praises to you this day in the name of Jesus, the Christ. Amen. Debra Tyree and Jorge Lockward Ministry: Global Praise, a program of Global Ministries
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
OFFERTORY PRAYER 28. Prayer of Dedication
(Translated into Swahili by Eric and Elizabeth Soard, authors) Tunakuskukuru Mungu kwa matunda ya baraka yako. Leo, tunasifu Mungu kwa matunda ya kazi yetu. Tunatoa matunda ku Mungu. Tumia sadaka yetu kwa mipango yako na baraka yako katika duniani. Amina. Prayer of Dedication God we thank you for the fruit of your blessing. Today we praise you for the fruit of our work and give it to you. Use our offering for your plans and your blessings in the world. Amen. Eric and Eizabeth Soard Ministry: Church Planter and Discipleship Trainer, Mara Region, Tanzania Advance #3021468 (Eric), Advance # 3021467 (Elizabeth)
29. Prayer of Dedication/Offering: About Togetherness
Our meeting is such a precious experience; we thank the Lord for every time we were together, before, and for every time we can join hands again. We yearn to be present with the Holy Spirit and each other. Beyond sitting together, even beyond pooling our resources in offering, we yearn to pool our talents and energies, joining together in collective responsibility. Make us, not just each of us, but all of us together, into the instrument that mends fractured communities and removes lingering barriers. Some of us are missing, whether by choice or by circumstances. Still others are yet to come into our lives. We pray you would increase our number to bolster the work we do together in our community and the wider world. We ask these things in your honorable name. Amen. John Daniel Gore Ministry: Mission Intern, Wi’am Palestinian Conflict Resolution Center, Bethlehem, Israel/Palestine Advance #3021335
30. Presentation of Tithes and Offering (Dedication) One: All:
We pray that all the blessings we have brought to you in this service will announce the good news of Jesus Christ. For the living of these days full of opportunity and blessing! Rejoice in the Lord! Rejoice!
Lamberto and Angelita Valino Ministry: Seafarers Mission, Japan Advance #13994Z (Angelita), Advance #13993Z (Lamberto)
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
SENDING FORTH AND BENEDICTION 31. Sending Forth and Benediction
(Translated into Swahili by Eric and Elizabeth Soard, authors) Mungu Baba anatulinda sisi. Yesu, Mwana wa Mungu, anatuongonzi sisi. Roho Mtakatifu, anakaa na sisi. Mungu Baba, tutakuamini Mungu. Yesu, Mwana wa Mungu, tutakufuata Yesu. Roho Mtakatifu, tutakusikia Roho Mtakatifu. Tunaenda kwa imani na amani. Sending Forth and Benediction God, protect us. Jesus, Son of God, lead us. Holy Spirit, stay in our hearts. God, we will trust you. Jesus, Son of God, we will follow you. Holy Spirit, we will listen to you. We go with faith and peace. Eric and Elizabeth Soard Ministry: Church Planter and Discipleship Trainer, Mara Region, Tanzania Advance #3021468 (Eric), Advance # 3021467 (Elizabeth)
32. Sending Forth / Benediction
O God, our heavenly Parent, who didst manifest thy love by sending thine only begotten Son into the world, that all might live through him; pour thy Spirit upon thy church, that it may fulfill his command to preach the gospel to every creature. We beseech thee to send forth laborers into thine harvest; defend them in all dangers and temptations; and hasten the time when the world shall be saved through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Jean Claude Masuka Maleka Ministry: Church Development and Pastoral Training, East Africa Annual Conference Advance #3021390
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
33. A Blessing of Ourselves: Sending Forth Or Benediction* (Please stand) Leader: Touch your eyes. May God open our eyes and may we clearly see the suffering of the world around us. Let us see ways that a crisis can be turned into an opportunity. Let us put aside any differences and work with one another. Leader: Bless my eyes. All: Bless my eyes. Leader: Touch your ears. May God bless and open our ears so we may hear the voices of others here and around the world and truly listen to what their needs may be. Leader: Bless my ears. All: Bless my ears. Leader: Touch your mouth. May we speak words of comfort, healing, renewal. Let us also speak words of advocacy and need for relief work, especially for the triple disaster in Japan. Let us speak words of protest against the nuclear power plants and effects of radiation. Leader: Bless my mouth. All: Bless my mouth. Leader: Touch your heart. May we be open to share God’s love any way we can with others who are doing disaster relief ministry. Let our love be “love in action.” Leader: Bless my heart. All: Bless my heart. Leader: Touch your hands. May we touch the wounds of Christ as we touch the wounds of the world with love, compassion, and tenderness. Leader: Bless my hands. All: Bless my hands. Leader: Touch (or reach towards) your feet. May we walk with courage on our journey. May we be in accompaniment and walk together. May we be inspired by the Holy Spirit to go forth to find new and continued ways to be in partnership with others. Leader: Bless my feet. All: Bless my feet.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
Leader: Touch (or bow) to the person next to you and say, “Bless you my sister/my brother/ my friend.” All: Bless you, my sister/brother/friend. All:
* Written for a worship service at an ecumenical conference for Japan Earthquake/Tsunami Relief held in Korea in April, 2011. (“love in action” is a phrase used by UMCOR.) Claudia Genung Ministry: Church Development and Community Outreach, Kobe, Japan Advance #11868Z Shown at approx. 00:34 minutes on this youtube video: Church development and community
34. Benediction
Humayo kayo na may kapayapaan kasama ng Panginoon sa Siyang nagkakaloob ng lahat ng mabubuting bagay upang maisakatuparan ang kapayapaang Siya rin ang may likha. Humayo kayo na may kapayapaan kasama ng Diyos na Siyang nagpupuno ng walang patid na kagalakan sa inyong mga puso. Nawa’y maging himala ang inyong mga buhay sa inyong kapwa na nakakasaksi ng inyong mga gawa. Siyanawa. Amen. Benediction (Translated into English from his native Tagalog by Lamberto Valino.) Go in peace with the Lord who equips you in every good thing to do God’s peacemaking will. Go in peace with God, who fills your hearts with unquenchable joy. May your life be a miracle to those who watch you. Amen. Lamberto and Angelita Valino Ministry: Seafarers Mission, Japan Advance #13994Z (Angelita), Advance #13993Z (Lamberto)
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
35. Benediction and Charge One: Go! Go from this place and be witnesses to the resurrected Christ. Go! Go to kneel and wash the feet of those with whom you serve. Go! Go to bring comfort to those who have found no comfort. Go! Go to share the everlasting love of Christ to all of those who cross your path. Go! And carry with you the Holy Spirit who empowered you at your baptism, the love of Christ as found in bread and wine made new, and the strength and wisdom of the Creator God. Go! And make disciples for the transformation of the world. All: Alleluia and Amen! Debra Tyree Ministry: Global Praise, a program of Global Ministries
36. Sending Forth into Service* One: Sisters and brothers, let us gather our thoughts and intentions that we may together bless [insert name] into a new journey of leadership and service. We, who received him/her as a gift, now send her/him forth as a gift to others in the building of God’s kin-dom. We ask you now to extend your hands towards him/her as we bless her/him going forth. [All raise an arm towards the person in a gesture of blessing] [Name] we bless you with the memories of our time together in [insert appropriate text such as meetings, projects, meals and so forth.] May the road rise up beneath you. All: May the road rise up to meet you. One: [Name], we bless you with the Spirit of gentleness and resilience for the days to come. [pause] May the wind be always at your back. All: May the wind be always at your back. One:
All: One:
[Name], we bless you with the gift of constant renewal and joy in the Holy Spirit wherever you go. [pause] May the sun shine warm upon your face. May the sun shine warm upon your face. [Name], we bless you with fruitfulness and abundance in your life and in your ministry. [pause] May the rains fall softly upon your fields. May the rains fall softly upon your fields.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
One: [Name], we bless you with our friendship and prayers until we meet again, asking that you be kept safe and always know you are loved. [pause] May God hold you in the palm of God’s hand. All: May God hold you in the palm of God’s hand. One: All:
Let the people say Amen! Amen!
*This is a blessing shared by the Global Ministries staff with Bishop Cynthia Harvey-Fierro as she left Global Ministries to begin her ministry as bishop. It can be used as a blessing for members who are moving to new communities, persons who are being sent out to be missionaries, persons who have accepted the call to ministry and are moving to continue their education or to accept an appointment. It can also be used as a sending of mission teams that have lived among you and are now returning home or moving to a new place. Jorge Lockward Ministry: Director of Global Praise, a program of Global Ministries
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
OTHER ACTS OF WORSHIP 37. Hymn: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (New Mission-Focused Text in Stanza Three)
1. Joyful, joyful, we adore thee, God of glory, Lord of love; hearts unfold like flowers before thee, opening to the sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness; drive the dark of doubt away. Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day! 2. All thy works with joy surround thee, earth and heaven reflect thy rays, stars and angels sing around thee, center of unbroken praise. Field and forest, vale and mountain, flowery meadow, flashing sea, chanting bird and flowing fountain, call us to rejoice in thee. 3. We are sending and receiving, changing systems, giving birth; Send us forth to kin-dom living; sowing justice ‘round the earth. Co-creating ever with you, planting seeds of your shalom, God of mission, dance among us, lead us to our common home. 4. Mortals, join the mighty chorus which the morning stars began; love divine is reigning o’er us, binding all within its span. Ever singing, march we onward, victors in the midst of strife; joyful music leads us sunward, in the triumph song of life. WORDS: Henry Van Dyke, st.1, 2, & 4. Glory Dharmaraj st. 3; versification by John Thornburg © 2012 General Board of Global Ministries. All rights reserved. Reproduction for use in worship is granted if full copyright citation is included.
38. Call to Worship Between Partners in Mission* One:
We are the people of God redeemed by Christ, our Head—who sees the vision in the intricate artistry of the universe and who gives us direction and purposeful focus. Who are we?
US Partners:
We are the hands who offer resources in love and partnership through personal and congregational support of the new mission initiative in [Insert name.] We are United Methodists committed to a life of sharing. Who are we?
International Partners: We are the body of Christ. We are the circulatory system that connects the church in mission. We are Christians committed to a life of support. One:
Who are we?
US Partners:
We are the arms that enfold each one with unceasing prayer. We are the unseen pillars of mission.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
Who are we?
International Partners: We are the feet who travel to new and old places, to offer Christ through the use of our talents and skills. We are missionaries, pastors, and Sunday school teachers. We are committed to a life of service. One:
Who are we?
US Partners:
We are children and youth.
International Partners: We are women and men. US Partners:
We are young and seasoned.
International Partners: We are God’s people who speak different languages. US Partners:
We are Christ’s servants who are from different cultures.
Partners Together:
We are partners—partners in God’s mission to the world. We all belong in the vision God sees before us. We are The Body. We are The Church. Amen
*This call to worship could be used as a call and response act of worship between two faith community partners in ministry This can happen using an internet service such as Skype as the two worship together through the use of the internet. It could also be in person, with representatives of both faith communities. Adapt as needed to fit your ministry setting. Patrick Friday and Jorge Lockward Ministry: In Mission Together, a program of Global Ministries
39. Blessing for UMCOR Kits
Gracious God, you know the hurts and needs of all your children. We ask you now to bless these kits as they go out to meet the needs of our sisters and brothers wherever there is chaos and hurt. May they bring health to those who do not have supplies to keep themselves healthy. May they bring hope to those whose lives have been upset by natural or human disaster. May they extend our compassion and love to those who receive them. We give thanks for the bounty, which we can share. We give thanks for the hands, which have assembled these kits. We give thanks for the hearts, which have been opened to sharing and compassion. God of justice and hope, bless these kits on their journey and distribution, and bless those who receive them. We lift this prayer in the name of the Jesus who taught us how to love each other. Amen. Jeanette Petit Ministry: UMCOR Sager Brown Volunteer, Baldwin, Louisiana, USA
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
Make me holy
40. Make Me Holy
4 &b 4
˙ ˙
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œ ˙.
ho - ly
œœ œœ ˙˙
for your ser - vice.
?b ˙
˙ C7
for - ev - er
˙ ˙
? b ˙˙
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˙ ˙
˙ F
œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ ˙ ˙
œœ ˙œ ˙ œ œ œœ˙ œ œ œ ˙ F
Make me read - y for you, my God;
œœ œœ
clean my heart, now and
make me
˙œ ˙ œ ˙ F
œ œœ œœ ˙˙ Œ œ
dif - ference. Make me read - y to preach the gos - pel.
w F/C
˙ F/C
œœ œ œ œ ˙
clean my heart, now and for - ev - er for
˙ ˙
Make me
œ œ œœ œ œœ ˙ œ
œœ œ ˙
œ œ
˙ ˙
make me ho - ly for your
Now clean,
&b œ œ œ ˙
w œ œ
Make me ho - ly for you, my God;
? 44 Œ b
˙ ˙
˙ F
˙. you.
Written as a sung Prayer of Dedication as the composer prepared to attend his Missionary Training Jean Claude Masuka Maleka and Commissioning, Spring, 2012. Ministry: Church Development and Pastoral Training, East Africa Annual Conference Advance #3021390 Words and Music: Jean Claude Masuka Maleka, Democratic Republic of Congo © 2012 Jean Claude Masuka Maleka, administered by the General Board of Global Ministries, t/a GBGMusik, 475 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10115. All rights reserved. Website: This song may be reproduced for use in congregational worship with the inclusion of the complete copyright citation on each copy. It may not be used for profit, sold, republished, or placed on a website.
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
30 Haitian Traditional
41. Feuilles-O (Kyrie) Feuilles‐O
(Kyrie) Flute
Clarinet in B b
# 4 4 ˙.
## & # 44
## & # 44 ˙ . Ky
Trumpet in B b
# & 44 ˙ . Ky
B b Cl. 8
B b Tpt.
w 1.
## & # w 1.
& & V
# # #
w 1.
i - son,
œ œ
i - son,
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
.. ˙
.. ˙
.. ˙
.. ˙
.. w
.. ˙ ..
# 4 ˙. 4
? # 44 ˙ .
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
# 4 4 ˙.
Arranged Andrew Donaldson
Sau - vez - moi
œ œ
- son.
Ky - ri - e
œ œ
œ œ
e - lei
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
Ky - ri - e
i - son,
e - lei -
Ky - ri - e
e - lei -
- son.
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
i - son,
œ œ
Ky - ri - e
œ œ
œ œ œ
Jé - sus
e - lei
œ œ
œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ
Sau - vez - moi
Jé - sus
Jé - sus
Ky - ri -
Sau - vez - moi
œ œ
Ky - ri -
Ky - ri -
œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ
Sau - vez - moi
Jé - sus
Ky - ri -
œ ri
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
2 14
B b Cl.
& &
# ###
B b Tpt.
B b Cl.
# #
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
la vie
œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ Chris-te e
& & V
# #
œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ
œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ Chris-te e
Sau-vez - nous
O Jé - sus,
la vie,
vous prie,
vous prie,
œ œ
la vie
œ œ œ œ
œ œ
œ œ œ œ
œ œ œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ œ œ
Sau-vez - nous
O Jé - sus
la vie,
O Jé - sus,
O Jé - sus
e -
lei - son,
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
Ky - rie
e -
œ œ
lei - son,
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ
vous prie,
vous prie,
œ œ ˙ œ œ
e - lei
œ œ ˙ œ œ
œ œ ˙ œ œ
le - i - son
Ky - ri - e
Ky - ri - e,
e - lei
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ
œ œ ˙ œ œ
Ky - ri - e
e - lei
lei - son,
œ œ
˙. -
Ky - rie lei
˙ œ œ
˙ œ œ
˙. -
˙ œ œ
˙ œ œ
˙ œ œ
Ky - rie lei
e -
˙ œ œ
Ky - ri - e - e - lei
œ œ ˙ œ œ
˙ œ œ ˙ œ œ
œ œ
Ky - rie lei
œ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ
Ky - rie
Ky - ri - e - e - lei
œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ
Chris-te e - le - i son,
œ œ
lei - son,
œ œ
e - lei
e -
Ky - rie
Ky - ri - e,
Ky - rie
œ œ
œ œ
œ œ ˙ œ œ
le - i - son
## & # œ œ œ œ ˙ œ œ
Chris-te e - le - i son,
B b Tpt.
œ œ œ œ
# ###
œ œ
?# 22
œ œ
## & # w
Feuilles-O (Kyrie)
Ky - rie lei
˙ œ œ
Arr. and adapt. © 2010 Andrew Donaldson. All rights reserved.
[email protected] Used by permission. This song may be reproduced and used in congregational worship with the inclusion of the complete copyright citation on each copy. It may not be used for profit, sold, republished, or placed on a website.
Andrew Donaldson Ministry: Worship Consultant, World Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland Advance #3021281
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
WORSHIP VISUALS: PHOTOGRAPHS AND ART 42. Choir praising God, the International Congregation of Jerusalem United Methodist Church, Copenhagen, Denmark
Joshua Kyeremeh Ministry: Pastor, International Congregation, Jerusalem United Methodist Church, Copenhagen, Denmark Advance #13960Z
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
43. Congregation Praying, the International Congregation of the Jerusalem United Methodist Church, Copenhagen, Denmark
Joshua Kyeremeh Ministry: Pastor, International Congregation, Jerusalem United Methodist Church, Copenhagen, Denmark Advance #13960Z
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
44. Picture of Hope
Artist: Akari Kawakami. This is a picture of a rainbow, a heart, and a child singing thanks to a world in which there is hope. Use this as a worship visual to remind people to pray for the devastated areas in Japan and any time you need an image of hope.
Submitted by: Claudia Genung Ministry: Church Development and Community Outreach, Kobe, Japan Advance #11868Z
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
INDEXES 45. Resources by Author’s Country of Placement COUNTRY Cambodia Denmark Dominican Republic East Africa Germany Japan Liberia Nicaragua Palestine/Israel Switzerland Tanzania Thailand Tunisia United States of America Zimbabwe
RESOURCE NUMBER 22 42, 43 23, 24 8, 32, 40 4 9, 19, 30, 33, 34, 44 2 14 12, 25, 29 13, 41 28, 31 20 15 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 21, 26, 27, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 3
46. Resources by Author’s Name NAME Jacqueline Agré Marilyn Beecher Clara Biswas Nancy Augusta Carew Glory Dharmaraj Andrew Donaldson Michelle Dromgold Donald E. Edwards Patrick Friday Claudia Genung John Daniel Gore Samuel Grano de Oro Jane Kies Stephanie Kimic Joshua Kofi Kyeremeh Jorge Lockward Miguel Mairena Jean Cluade Masuka Maleka Governor Mays Gary and Cindy Moon Katie Peterson Jeannette Petit
RESOURCE NUMBER 15 17 22 2 37 13, 41 4 10, 11 38 33, 44 12, 25, 29 23, 24 3 1, 9 42, 43 27, 36, 38 14 8, 32, 40 5, 21 20 16 39
Worshiping Together: From Everywhere to Everywhere
Eric and Elizabeth Soard John Thornburg Debra Tyree Lamberto and Angelita Valino Mary Zigbuo
28, 31 37 7, 26, 27, 35 6. 19. 30, 34 18