WWF TPR template - Coalition Clean Baltic

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Jan 1, 2016 - The list of activities for third and fourth quarters of 2016 are in Annexes 1 ... Good cooperation establi
WWF Project and Priority Programme Technical Progress Report (TPR) GENERAL NARRATIVE REPORT (DUE EVERY 6 MONTHS)

Project/ Programme Name: Project/Programme Number(s): Reporting Period: Project/Programme Start Date (FY): Report Completed by: Date Report Completed MM/YR):

Building Capacity and Involvement of Civil Society in Environmental and Natural Resources Management in North West Russia 500370 01.07.2016-31.12.2016 01.01.2016 Project Manager from CCB Maria Basova 31.01.2016

1) Outcomes and Impacts Achieved During the first half year of the Programme CCB has started the joined approach of management of the river basins and MSP in Baltic Programme areas through stakeholder dialogue, CSO’s involvement and engagement based on previous and new partnership. Ecosystem based management is used as a prior method to reach sustainable resource management, good environmental status of the Baltic Sea and its catchment and development of the Baltic Sea areas in a sustainable manner as well as civil societies involvement in these processes. One of the aims of CCB’s establishment in 1990 was to unite NGOs voices and to empower member organisations making them capable actors at the Baltic Sea region scale. The BBNP Programme which is dedicated to capacity development of civil society to enable them to play an active role in sustainable management of their surrounding resources are in line with CCB’s work and gives us opportunity to expand our partners’ network in Russia and involve new NGOs and CSOs to participation. Shortly after the Programme started, the preparation and baseline setting work has been done with the results on Short-term Outcome and Output levels, achievements and current progress in Baltic Component presented below. The list of activities for third and fourth quarters of 2016 are in Annexes 1 and 2 to this report. OUTCOME 1. Ecosystem based management (EBM) in river basins is strengthened through increased civil society and community participation CCB held a seminar for IRBM to which participants from both regions were invited. Neman River Basin was chosen by CCB as a pilot area for joint Public River monitoring and Introduction of Public Advisory River Teams concept. Local authorities, NGOs, academic institutions were invited to the seminar and the dialogue between stakeholders was initiated. Parallel to CCB’s common activity in KO, partners in LO has started a dialogue with regional municipalities, local authorities in Luga River Basin and other stakeholders. Below we have gathered some of the achievements, which have been made during the first half year of the Programme describing them with output specification. OUTCOME 1.1. Civil society is engaging in Ecosystem based management (fishery management, forest management, protected areas, floods protection, etc.) with other relevant stakeholders OUTPUT 1.1.1. Civil society actors are aware and have capacity to engage actively in natural resources management and field work Achievements: 1. In LO contacts were established with regional and municipal authorities related to the Programme theme: 10 official written inquiries were sent to the local authorities, 5 visits took place, both

Barents – Baltic Nature and People Programme



3. 4.



aiming to explore possibilities for cooperation, 2 letters of support were received – from the Committee of Environmental Control and the Committee for Education of the regional government. Direct contacts and cooperation were established with Public Environmental Council of Leningrad oblast, common work has started for preparation a joint plan of Year of Ecology actions, and start multi-stakeholder seminar; contacts were also established with vice-chairs of Luga rural district administration, deputies of Luga and Kingisepp municipalities, local NGOs and educators in Luga basin and South shore of the Gulf. Around 12 gardener associations in Lomonosov district and Luga districts of the LO were informed about agriculture-relatedpollution in Luga river. Within seminars in KO, 96 persons were informed about the BBNP project, its aims and objectives, plans and activities on river monitoring within Neman and Pregolya basins as well as on wells monitoring, analysis for nitrogen content. Draft overview of priority issues for public participation in ERBM on the South shore of the Gulf of Finland was presented at the meeting in Velikie Luki, Pskov region among water and farming experts, participant’s feedback as a part of experience exchange within CCB network. A cooperation and information exchange was strengthened between FoB and Clean Luga public organization. Clean Luga organization, using the experience of Friends of the Baltic, is expanding its activities on testing wells and springs in Luga town, and is planning to organize wells monitoring as main part of their regular activity. It is a clear example of capacity raising for cooperation partner. (LO, FoB)

1.1.2. Platforms (PARTs) are established and actively engaged with relevant stakeholders in RBM and nature conservation Achievements: 1. A few local deputies in Luga, Kingisepp, Peterhof, etc intended to cooperate in environmental sphere. Cooperation with local activists in Luga town LO and common activities on the local level started. Established contacts with vice-chair of Luga rural district administration. Friends of the Baltic have also established initial contacts with Gatchina Administration representatives in LO. 2. Project challenges to protect water bodies from nutrient pollutions, and to develop public awareness on green solutions were shared with Public Environmental Chamber of Leningrad oblast 3. Good cooperation with Commission on the Agriculture, Entrepreneurship and Environment of the Public Chamber of the Leningrad Region, as well as Public Environmental Council of Leningrad region, were established and common multi-stakeholder round table was organized. 4. Education organizations from Luga were interested in future cooperation, including River Watch (RW) activities, and finding of practical solutions to reduce pollution in the river Luga. 1.1.3. Civil society actors have access to information and capacity to monitor and gather information relevant to RBM and nature conservation Achievements: 1. Technical and methodical support of youth RW investigations/expeditions was provided. 2. 5 local schools in Luga district and Center for Creative development (network of all 18 Kingisepp schools) are involved in cooperation in LO. 3. 9 lectures for schoolchildren, teachers and municipal specialists in Ecocentrum were given. Around 200 schoolchildren and adults were informed about the Baltic Sea ecosystem, challenges, and simple measures to reduce the nutrient impact on the Baltic Sea. Youth was involved in Pubic River monitoring through RW youth expeditions and Youth investigation conference on eco-monitoring. 4. 60 tourists were interviewed in Kurgalsky Nature Reserve and were informed about Nature Reserve and its value. Preliminary agreement for cooperation with tourist centre at Kurgalsky Nature Reserve was concluded. 5. Good cooperation established for arrangement of Luga River Festival, official support from local Committee of education, LO, obtained. 6. Open Environmental Festival "Ecological way of life - common actions towards the Year of Ecology in Russia” was organized in Lomonosov, LO.

Barents – Baltic Nature and People Programme


1.2. River basin management is strengthened by voluntary nutrient load reduction commitments and flood protection measures, based on source mapping and climate change adaptation strategies 1.2.1. Nutrient reduction commitments approach developed and tested per river basin and for individual sources (farms, municipalities) Achievements: 1. Testing the nutrient concentrations at Luga river and 2 main drinking water sources of Luga town and discussion with residents about how to reduce the nutrient impact on water sources. More activists received test materials for continuing investigations on the South shore of the Gulf of Finland. 2. Ca. 12 gardener associations in Lomonosov and Luga districts LO were informed about the simple eco-solutions for individual rural households to protect water bodies from domestic contaminations by nutrients. 3. Preparation was made for a study trip to Estonia and Finland for key stakeholders on learning about best practices for nutrient reduction, Friends of the Baltic, LO. 4. Ecocentr, KO took a preparatory step in purchasing equipment (test-strips for nitrates) for creation of informational and educational water centres for two campaigns “Youth for clean rivers”, “Wells without nitrates”. Preparation for the summer River watch activities in KO was made. 5. Communication was initiated with an expert on ecological agriculture from Society for promoting sustainable development of rural areas about future cooperation and media-tour preparations in LO, and other Programme activities about farm waste and organic agriculture. Social and business development centre in Luga agreed to assist with involving farms in the Programme activities. 6. Preparation work and meetings with Estonian scientific organizations and NGO’s (Tartu and Sillamae, Estonia) took place to organize a study trip to Estonia, Green World, LO. 1.2.2. Major sources of nutrient runoff mapped in the Russian part of Neman river basin and Luga river basin Achievements: 1. Collection of information is in the process in LO on poultry farms, pig farms. 2. Start of investigation of nutrient runoff on the South shore of the Gulf of Finland based on SKIOVO and consultations with officials, Friends of the Baltic, LO. 1.2.3. Climate adaptation strategies are considered when flood protection measures are discussed and developed Achievements: 1. Experience of Nordic and Baltic countries was collected and analysed. Information from residents and Leningrad region authorities is still being collected. 2. General approaches in the Baltic Sea region, Russia to climate adaptation measures/climate adaptation plans was overviewed. 3. Gathering the information on flood risks in the particular project area started. 4. Development of CSO vision for climate adaptation in focus of flood protection and climate mitigation measures for the river basins has started. 5. Dissemination of CSO vision through media, own publication, presenting to decision makers and other stakeholders was made. 1.3. Nature conservation within river basins is strengthened by local communities through environmentally sustainable tourism and entrepreneurship 1.3.1. Local communities have received knowledge, skills and motivation for ecotourism activities as a source of their livelihoods Achievements: 1. Researchers, wetland nature reserve rangers and managers met to discuss the local actions in nature conservation and planed collaborative actions in future in LO, Kurgalsky Nature Reserve 2. The program of junior guides was developed within a framework of two-day seminar «Agricultural tourism: start your business», KO. 3. Preparatory phase of the “School for junior guides” was launched, the target audience was identified, the support on behalf of locals as well as from school was received, KO.

Barents – Baltic Nature and People Programme


4. The information from sociological surveys among tourists of Kurgalsky Nature Reserve was processed and individual expert Anna Loseva prepared a short paper, LO. 5. The purposes of the BBNP Programme, conservation value of Kurgalsky Nature Reserve and opportunities of ecological tourism development were presented to the management of 'Planetaplus' tourist centre. 1.3.3 Relevant stakeholders are trained in fund raising for local actions in RBM and nature conservation Achievements: 1. A two-day seminar «Agricultural tourism: start your business» united about 50 persons, created interaction with local communities, provided education of participants, drafts of business-plans were prepared. KO, Curonian Spit. 2. EBM is understood by civil society and applied in MSP processes in dialogue with other key stakeholders Second common activity on outcome level was held by CCB in Riga in November 2016. The Seminar on Marine Spatial Planning and the Aarhus convention gathered participants from both regions. The location was chosen to have back-to-back meeting with the 2nd Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum. CCB member organisations and partners from BBNP Programme were able not only to get introduction to MSP and public participation but also to attend one of the biggest MSP events in Baltic Region. The current progress in the second outcome was not so efficient due to the delay of contracting of partners who were supposed to work on it. That could also be confirmed by the total financial percentage of distributed funds for implementation of the second outcome, which were about 25% of the whole Programme costs so far. 2.1. Civil society is active and capable stakeholder in MSP processes 2.1.1 Background information is developed as input to CSO and community engagement in MSP Achievements: 1. Feedback was given on possible cooperation with volunteers for pilot MSP project in LO. 2. Potential volunteers from different villages were brought together and contacts were shared. Main ideas and strategy for future activities were outlined. First steps were taken to create a group for cooperation in VK Social Network, by the individual expert Anna Loseva. 3. 7 Programme partners were trained on Maritime Spatial Planning and public participation by CCB. 2.1.2 Relevant civil society actors are mobilized to be involved in existing management and planning processes Achievements: 1. 85 residents and summer residents of Kurgalsky Peninsula got the information on Kurgalsky Nature Reserve, including younger residents. 2. Most of earlier published materials about Kurgalskiy were collected and reviewed, discussion of the concept of the Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) plan for the area started and approaches were made to sustainable development, BFN, LO. 3. Green World (LLC Decommission) established new contacts and involved indigenous people in the cooperation. 2.1.3 Awareness and capacity strengthened among CSO and communities as actors in EBM MSP processes. Achievements: 1. Elders of Kurgalsky Peninsula villages got the information on governing bodies which control environmental issues within LO and on the international conventions for environmental protection. 2. Members of 'Clean Vuoksa' were informed about the value and environmental problems of Kurgalsky Nature Reserve. 3. Representatives of local community at Bolshoe Kuzemkino were informed about Nord Stream-2 Gas Pipeline project.

Barents – Baltic Nature and People Programme


4. Members of NGO 'Marine Mammals’ Council', scientific community and environmental organizations were informed about Nord Stream-2 Gas Pipeline project and its threats for Kurgalsky Nature Reserve. 5. BFN experts reviewed existing practices of wetland area planning in the Wadden and Baltic Sea regions and ways of sharing these practices to different groups of stakeholders. 2.2. EBM integration in MSP is recognized by relevant stakeholders, and implementation of EBM integration in MSP activities has started 2.2.1 Background documents and information are developed and consultations with stakeholders have been held Achievements: 1. Negotiations were held with a representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Leningrad Region 2. Public Environmental Council of the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland was created, consisting of 12 persons. Cross-cutting Approaches According to WWF’s Cross-cutting Approaches for the current report period CCB have used:  Rights based approach by inviting all relevant stakeholders to participation and cooperation within the CCB’s common seminars and gave equal opportunities to all partners despite the fact that we have not signed agreements with all of them.  Civil society approach – All CCB’s work are built upon implementation of the Programme through our partners' organisations who represent CSOs at the Programme area.  Partnership approach – CCB are building the Programme team together with our partners according to principles of equality, mutual learning and open dialogue.  Transparency – CCB distributed clear guidance about the Programme reporting system and system of financial control to the partners. Some of the documents were provided in Russian for better understanding.  Gender and Social Diversity approach – Programme partners are aware of this approach, they are performing gender analysis of their target groups and follow up the engagement of the public by gender-segregated data. The partners from LO Friend of the Baltic (Ecocentrum) has reported that they put extra efforts into it by involving children of migrants to participate in their River Watch activities. Other partners from LO Green World (Decommission) sent the letter of Programme support received from NGO Shoykula (Izhora ethnic minority) which showed involvement of interest in BBNP Programme from the small community of indigenous people.

2) Effective Implementation of Work Plans and Budgets* CCB has started implementation of the BBNP Programme and planned activities in both Baltic Sea regions. For the first half year of the Programme we managed to sign all planned contracts (4 agreements) with cooperation partners in Leningrad Oblast (LO) and has started to work with 4 of 10 planned partners in Kaliningrad Oblast (KO). CCB has a stable long-term cooperation with NGOs in LO and 2 of the cooperation partners are members of CCB. The delay of the implementation of the Baltic component of the BBNP Programme in Kaliningrad Oblast could be explained by several reasons. CCB does not have as strong cooperation history with NGOs in KO as in LO and due to unclear situation on the Programme management level and delay with the permission of signing contracts, some of the partners have lost the enthusiasm. New amendments to “foreign agent law” in Russia brought some doubts in NGOs community and fear of dealing with foreign grants. That led to that some of the NGOs in KO decided to establish commercial bodies to avoid this threat, which took more time than it was expected. Moreover, we had changes in the managing team and changed Assistant in KO in September who needed to get familiar with the Programme and establish contacts with the partners. Anyway, we stay in contact with all partners and put extra efforts to push the implementation of the Programme in KO, by organizing meetings and inviting partners to our common events. To keep the Programme partners in KO together and in order to build the regional NGOs Programme Team, CCB initiated signing of regional NGO’s Declaration of Intents to enlist the NGO’s support of the BBNP Programme (Annex 3). Beside this CCB send an official letter to the Kaliningrad

Barents – Baltic Nature and People Programme


ministry of natural recourses and ecology with information about the Programme and request for support (Annex 4). The Programme Budget was not distributed in the Programme costs line as it was planned due to above-mentioned reasons. The signing contract with the organisations in KO is going on actively. Programme partners’ plans according to signed grant and service agreements were realized as they planned and there were no significant devaluation from their budgets.

3) Challenges and Strengths Affecting Performance The CCB’s Programme management team faced challenges, which are connected to the political situation in Russia and the impact of the Foreign Agent law and its amendments on the environmental organisations. As more organizations are included in the register of Foreign Agents, the partners became more afraid of getting funds from the foreign donors. To overcome this challenge new scheme of cooperation with CSOs through affiliated commercial bodies were discussed during inception phase with primary donor. In some cases, our Programme partners have already had the commercial entities in place, but in other cases, e.g. in case of KO they decided to create such bodies to minimize the complications in the work. One of the other challenges that management team is supposed to overcome is building a sufficient system of monitoring current progress and results of the Programme. So far, CCB stay in contact with the partners and keep updated on the situation at the regions through our regional assistants, performing quarterly monitoring of partners activities and planned results. The Processes monitoring tools were discussed with the Programme management team and it still unclear if the tools as LoE and LoCA are useful for the processes within the Programme and if they will measure the progress. Some of the strengths of our partners are their incredible devotion to nature conservation issues, great experience and ability to find solutions in difficult for CSO's times. The 2017 Year of Ecology and Protected Areas, declared by the Government of Russia, also affects the programme performance in a positive way, as many officials were seeking contacts with environmental organizations to plan their activities for the “Year of Ecology”.

4) Adaptive Management Currently CCB have no significant deviation from the Programme plans, objectives or strategies, so we do not see any needs for adaptation on the Programme level. The main adaptation were discussed at the inception phase of the Programme at it was accepted by the donor to finance our NGO’s partners through the service contracts and their commercial bodies to mitigate risks of Foreign Agent law. Some adaptations to the Budget were done due to delay with signing of the contracts with the partners. We are striving to equalize the difference until the end of the first financial year. In February 2017, the Programme management team will gather for the common discussion of the monitoring tools in Stockholm to develop the strategy for monitoring of the processes and adapt the exciting WWF’s tools for Russian context.

5) Sharing of Lessons Learned* 1. Visualisation is very important in the work with the local people. Two examples from different regions supported this statement. Simple visible practical things attract supporters and partners – like conducting simple tests in wells and springs - a good way to attract the attention of local people and start the discussion about reducing the impact on water resources. (Green Planet, KO) The relationship and dialogue with local people at Kurgalsky Peninsula were established with help of photos made by an animalist photographer who previously had worked at the territory of this protected area. Local people recognized this area and could understand the environmental issues that were raised at the meetings. (Anna Loseva, LO) 2. Establishing contacts with local communities, deputies or well-known activists helped to gain strong support during the implementation of the project. Many local people have already provided

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technical support in form of free accommodation or providing venue for meetings. (Anna Loseva, LO) Thanks to meetings, local communities had an opportunity to share great amount of environmental information and local problems (overgrowing of Vibya River, constriction of channel between Lake Lipovskoe and Gulf of Finland, destruction of old oaks in Kiryamo, poaching in Vibye etc.). Dialogue and contact with local people are very important to be updated about the situation on the spot. (Anna Loseva, LO) Partner (BFN) have found a very good project synergy in this period because of the support activities for the “Flight of the swans” expedition (volunteer project with no funding for partners) which allowed them to attract different stakeholders to the meeting to cover planned outputs for the BBNP Programme. (BFN, LO) Experience showed that direct communication with various stakeholders (National Park, authorities, local communities) is needed for understanding of the current situation and its development in the future. People have potential, but they need support to collaborate with stakeholders. (Curonian Spit, KO) FoB is looking for common interests and understanding. Youth River Watch activity is a key point for common interests and inter-regional inter-municipal cooperation. One observation was done that local municipality is more open to cooperate with NGO’s just to demonstrate good examples of farming and ecological management in the area, but not problems. In order to gain their support we shouldn’t point on problems but rather on solutions (LO, FoB)

Barents – Baltic Nature and People Programme


Sida-funded CCB Activity Report within the Barents-Baltic Nature and People Programme Reporting period: Jul – Dec 2016 Chronological list of events. #

Location Date

Title of event

(City, Country)

Target group(s)

Number of participants

Aim of the event

Common Programme activities CCB 1







RBM revising and indicators workshop

Project partners meeting LO

Stockholm, Sweden

Programme management team (WWF Sw, WWF Ru, CCB)

Baltic Fund for Nature office, St. Petersburg, Russia

Project partners Friends of the Baltic, Green World, Baltic Fund for Nature, CCB

12 (3 of them via skype)


Update Programme partners about news after meeting in Stockholm, discuss activity plans, contribute to planning common activities.


To review the Project activities, to exchange information about outcomes, to discuss common activities with project expert Anna Loseva and CCB assistant Eduard Podgaiskii


Project partners meeting KO

Kaliningrad State Technical University audience of 446, Kaliningrad, Russia

Project partners in KO (Green Planet, GAUKODO KODYUTCAKT, Non-profit partnership Institute of Spatial Planning, Development and Foreign Relations, Olga Dmitrieva, CCB


Project partners meeting LO

Ecocentrum exhibition, St. Petersburg, Russia

Project partners: Friends of the Baltic, Ecocentrum, A. Loseva, CCB.

Seminar on Marine Spatial Planning and the Aarhus convention

Riga, Latvia (back-to-back seminar to the 2nd Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum on 23-24 Nov. 2016)


CCBs partners (CCB member organisations and partner NGOs), partners of the second outcome from the BBNP Programme


20 CCB partners. Of them 7 (2F/ 5M) participants from BBNP Programme

Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme

To revise RBM and indicators, to get familiar with the assessments tools Exchange project values and activity plans among partners, contribute to planning common activities, invite partners to use multi stakeholder seminar in Leningrad oblast Public environmental chamber (December) for promotion of project aims.

Seminar aimed introduce Maritime Spatial Planning, the EU Directive on MSP and public participation in this work. Part of the seminar was dedicated to the Aarhus convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters.

10.12.201611.12.2016 6

Seminar on Developing of cross-border public monitoring plans for Neman river basin

Kaliningrad, Russia


Multi-stakeholder seminar on IRBM in Neman basin

Kaliningrad, Russia (back-toback seminar with a project meeting on joint public river monitoring in Neman and Pregolya basins (NCM))



Coordinating project partners meeting KO

Kaliningrad, Russia (back-toback meeting to Multistakeholder seminar on IRBM in Neman basin)


Oct-NovDec 2016

9 Individual meetings with partners in KO carried out by Assistant in KO



Oct-NovDec 2016

5 Individual meetings with partners in LO carried out by Assistant in LO

Kaliningrad, Russia

St. Petersburg, Russia

NGO’s and water experts from Russia, Poland, Lithuania and Belarus, partners of the first outcome from the BBNP Programme

Approx.15 participants (10 women, 5 men)

CCB member organisations and partner NGOs, partners of the first outcome from the BBNP Programme

Approx. 30 participants. 13 (7F/6M) participants from BBNP Programme.

BBNP Project partners in KO + ССB Programme director, Programme manager, Assistant in KO

11 (5F/6M)

BBNP Project partners in KO

All partners organisations

BBNP Project partners in LO

All partners organisations

Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme

Exchange experience on river monitoring and NGO work for rivers conservation. CCB Networking. FoB presented RW manual, experience of RW activities and public involvement to local development in the Gulf of Finland regions. Introduction of Public Advisory River Teams concept Transboundary: BY, PL, LT, RU stakeholder dialogue – government, academia, CSOs ”Neman Vision 2030” Connection to other CCB’s Programmes and Projects Field trip The meeting aimed update situation about signing agreements, individual consultations about donor requirements, budgets review meetings, review of planned activities, exchanging information about future plans Individual meetings aimed to help partners to make budgets, update situation about signing agreements, individual consultations, to make the Mango Assessments Individual meetings aimed to update situation about signing agreements and Programme implementation, individual consultations, to make the Mango Assessments, participation at partners meetings within the Programme



Title of event


Target group(s)

Number of participants (F/M)

Aim of the event

The Head of Committee, the main lawyer, the main specialist of water department

5 participants (4 F / 1 M)

Establish interaction, secure state information support for cooperation with Committee and local municipalities for project activities, agree about NGO-GO common interests and activities, especially within the year of Ecology in RF.

1.Partners Programme activities LO 5-07-2016, and the second visit 9-08-2016

Meetings with the Head of the Committee of state environmental supervision of the Leningrad region


Moving seminar on the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland .

St. Petersburg, Russia, the Committee office.

South Coast of the Gulf of Finland

for CCB partners, ecological experts and environmental activists of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland

6 men

Preview the implementation area and Programme goals, get common understanding of the Programme objectives and work on the implementation plans.

4 participants (all women)

To present the project plans to Neva-Ladoga Water Basin Directorate and discuss possibilities of future cooperation with focus on development of nutrients map for the river Luga, mediatour on the best practices on the South shore of the Gulf, study visits to Estonia and Finland.

Residents and summer residents of Kurgalsky Peninsula

26 participants Appr.(47% M /53% F)

To provide the knowledge on protected area (Kurgalsky Nature Reserve), to involve people for the issues of nature conservation, to reveal motivated person volunteering in terms of conservation of Kurgalsky Reserve and Maritime Spatial Planning.

Residents and summer residents of Kurgalsky Peninsula

20 participants Appr. (47% M /53% F)

To provide the knowledge on protected area (Kurgalsky Nature Reserve), to involve people for the issues of nature conservation, to reveal motivated person volunteering in terms of conservation of Kurgalsky Reserve and Maritime Spatial Planning.


The working meeting in the Neva-Ladoga Water Basin Directorate

NLWBD office, St. Petersburg, Russia.

The Head and Deputy Head of Neva-Ladoga Water Basin Directorate


Meeting with residents of Kurgolovo village

Usl-Luga Rural Settlement, Kurgalsky Peninsula, Leningrad region, Russia


Meetings with residents of Kiryamo village

Usl-Luga Rural Settlement, Kurgalsky Peninsula, Leningrad region, Russia

Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme


Meetings with residents of Tiskolovo, Konnovo and Gakkovo villages


Visit to the Committee of general and professional education of Leningrad region


Outdoor demonstration of the environmental friendly solutions for rural households

Gardening community “Fauna” Lomonosov district, Leningrad region, Russia

Group of activists of the Union of gardening and dacha’ non-profit associations of the Lomonosov district of Leningrad oblast


Visit to the Committee of natural resources of Leningrad region

St. Petersburg, Russia

The Deputy Head of Committee and main specialist


Round table «Environmental education and practical activities of schoolchildren for nature conservation and water ecosystems saving in Luga and Kingisepp districts in Leningrad region»

St. Petersburg, Russia

NGO’s, environmental activists and teachers from Luga and Kingisepp districts, St. Petersburg, so as experts form state educational organizations.

24 participants Appr. (47% M /53% F)

To provide the knowledge on protected area (Kurgalsky Nature Reserve), to involve people for the issues of nature conservation, to reveal motivated person volunteering in terms of conservation of Kurgalsky Reserve and Maritime Spatial Planning.

4 participants (all women)

Establish interaction, secure state information support for cooperation with educational organizations of Leningrad oblast, agree about common educational activities on the South shore of the Gulf and in the Luga river basin within the Year of Ecology

Ust-Luga Rural Settlement, Kurgalsky Peninsula, Leningrad region, Russia

Residents and summer residents of Kurgalsky Peninsula

St. Petersburg, Russia, the Committee office

The main specialist of Committee, and coordinator of environmental; education commission of the Pubic Environmental Chamber of Leningrad oblast.

17 participants (approx.10 women, 7 men)

To raise awareness of leaders of gardening communities (as multipliers) on the simple eco-solutions for individual rural households, which help to protect water bodies from domestic and agricultural pollution.

4 participants (3 women, 1 men)

Establish interactions, agree bout common interests especially in the focus of climate change consequences, and adaptation measures addressed to flooding in the Leningrad region

9 participants (8 women, 1 men)

To involve youth environmental groups from Luga, Kingisepp and Lomonosov districts to the River Watch Network, introduce CCB approaches to River Watch and public participation in the river basin management, planning interregional River Festival 2017, and other educational and awareness-raising activities in the Leningrad region within the Year of Ecology in Russia.

Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme


Visit the Gardeners Day of International AgroRus exhibition

To identify the main stakeholders in Luga, Kingisepp, Gatchina and other districts of Leningrad region in the frame of the Gardener’s Day, establish communication with Farmers association of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region about project activities (seminars and visits on best practices, education, involvement to decision making)

Len Expo center, St. Petersburg

Farmers and gardeners associations of Leningrad oblast

5 participants (3 women, 2 men)


Participation in the Public Chamber of Leningrad oblast Round table about Krasny Bor toxic landfill cultivation and the issue of public control over them

St. Petersburg, Russia

NGO’s, environmental activists, researchers, authorities, mass media

approx. 28 participants (18 women, 10 men)


Inter-regional Round table on plans and activities for the 2016-2017 school year

Ecocentrum exhibition, St. Petersburg, Russia

Educational organizations from St. Petersburg and Luga river basin

21 participants (all women)

Involve teachers and environmental activists to the corresponded project activities, promotion of green solutions for nature conservation, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and conservation of rivers and Baltic Sea via educational activities.


Preliminary visiting of 'Planeta-plus' tourist center

Ust-Luga Rural Settlement, Kurgalsky Peninsula, Leningrad region, Russia

Administration of the tourist center


To organize a training for the center's holders which will demonstrate the opportunities of ecological tourism and provide the ideas for future development of the center


Round table «Cooperation perspectives for environmental education to save water bodies»

The Center of Creative Development, Kingisepp, Leningrad region, Russia

The Kingisepp teachers of natural sciences and similar areas, experienced in the field work with schoolkids, and deputy of Kingisepp municipality


Lecture/training for 'Clean Vuoksa' environmental organization

Ust-Luga Rural Settlement, Kurgalsky Peninsula, Leningrad region, Russia

Volunteers and leadership of organization

(24-25, 31)07-201, (56, 12-13, 23)-09-2016

Conducting sociological surveys among tourists

Ust-Luga Rural Settlement, Kurgalsky Peninsula, Leningrad region, Russia

Tourists visiting Kurgalsky reserve

9 participants (all women)

40 (38% M/62% F)

60 Appr. (65% M / 35% F)

Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme

To develop cooperation with Public Chamber of the Leningrad Region, contribute to NGO position on Krasny Bor, present CCB Position, and promote public access to information/participation in decision making about landfill exploitation

To discuss public involvement and school community participation in River Watch and nature protection on municipal level. To discuss cooperation with Center for Creative Development, and organization of Inter-regional River Festival 2017 on the Luga River in Kingisepp

To draw attention and involve regional CSO organization to Kurgalsky Nature Reserve and its current problems.

To reveal basic properties of unorganized tourism for the purposes of its future management.


Moving seminar on the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland .

South Coast of the Gulf of Finland

for CCB partners, ecological experts and environmental activists of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland

6 men

Preview the implementation area and Programme goals, get common understanding of the Programme objectives and work on the implementation plans.


Annual meeting “Migratory birds for people”. Theme: Successful international working practices.

Vestamager Nature Park, Copenhagen, Denmark

Nature centre managers, spatial planners, nature education and outreach specialists.

15 (2 experts from partner organization 1F/1M)


International seminar on Environmental Education for the Gulf of Finland: the trilateral cooperation, FoB

St.Petersburg, Russia

NGO’s, researchers, educational organizations – both participants from Russia and Finland. Representatives from NLBWA, and Committee of nature use of St.Petersburg

25 (20 women, 5 men)

(1) To look at the Danish experience in nature reserve planning (Vestamager reserve near Copenhagen Airport and Vadehavet area in the Wadden Sea), other examples from Migratiory Birds for People network of wetland nature centres. (2) To learn and discuss the international practice of management of nature protected areas and nature visitor centres, including related issues of coastal and marine spatial planning (3) To share the experience in nature interpretation with specific focus on wetlands and water-related birds. Two BFN experts took part in this event Communication with Neva-Ladoga water basin administration and Leningrad oblast government department on nature protection about future cooperation, experience exchange on public nature protection and raising public awareness activities among Leningrad region, St.Petersburg, Estonia and Finland NGOS, scientists, and governmental (including educational) institutions More: http://www.baltfriends.ru/node/2023


Ecosystem services provided by wetland protected areas (including Ramsar sites): opportunities for arranging volunteer programs and availability of funding sources.

Rakovie lakes, Gribnoe, Leningrad region, Russia

Media, conservationists, NGOs, local wildlife rangers, scientists

12 (7 women /5 men)

Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme

(1) To discuss the questions related to research and conservation measures for the Bewick’s swans (Cygnus bewickii) as a flagship species for wetlands on East Atlantic bird Flyway, while meeting the “Flight of the swans” expedition crew, experts in swan research and representatives of Russian system of nature reserves. (2) To develop a mechanism of involvement of public and volunteers in wetland management and restoration as well as bird monitoring programs. BFN arranged this event



Title of event

Partners Programme activities LO 10.10.2016 Round table “Environmental education and practical environmental activities in Luga, Leningrad region, in the frame of the Year of Ecology” , FoB


Target group(s)

Number of participants (F/M)

Aim of the event

Luga town, Leningrad region, Russia

Teachers, NGO’s of Luga district

6 (only women)

To coordinate project activities in Luga region, including RW training in February 2017, agree about program and methodology of 2017 river monitoring and involved RW teams, discuss main challenges for water quality in the Luga river, its springs and other water supply facilities. More: http://www.baltfriends.ru/node/1943


Meeting in the Luga district Administration, FoB

Luga town, Leningrad region, Russia

Local authorities of Luga district administration

4 (3 women, 1 man)

Establish interaction, present future project activities in Luga region to the Aleksei Golubev, Deputy Head of Administration, and Svetlana Lapina, Deputy for Social Affairs, to present our potential for cooperation and give invitation to the River Festival 2017.


Environmental Festival "Ecological way of life common actions towards the Year of Ecology in Russia”, including serious of lectures, exhibitions, consultations, FoB

Lomonosov, Leningrad region, Russia

Ordinary citizens, children, teachers, journalists, specialists of Lomonosov district of Leningrad region


Organizing series of exhibitions, lectures and interactive information and educational activities with the support of the Lomonosov municipality to raise awareness on the simple measures to reduce nutrient loads on the Baltic Sea, and reduce the impact on the climate among wide range of stakeholders (children, adults, older people) http://www.baltfriends.ru/node/2019


Outdoor water investigation and lecture for students and members of the municipal Youth Council " Environmentally friendly behavior for clean rivers and canals and saving the Gulf of Finland" within the European Week for Local Democracy, FoB Visits to Estonian scientific organizations and NGO’s, FoB

St.Petersburg, Russia

Students and members of the Youth Council

17 (12 women, 5 men)

Raise public (youth) awareness on the local democracy issue, involve young people to water conservation activity, strengthen cooperation with local municipality where Ecocentrum exhibition is situated http://www.baltfriends.ru/node/1953

Tartu, Sillamae, Estonia

NGO’s (Centre for Transboundary Cooperation, Center for Applied Ecology, Estonian University for Life Science

6 (4 women, 2 men)

To discuss possibility to organize study tour to show best practices of ecosystem based management in Estonia, particular sites with good examples (eco-farming, wastewater treatment, farm waste management).


Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme



Title of event

Partners Programme activities LO 22.10.2016 Youth conference of ecomonitoring, FoB


Target group(s)

Peterhof, St.Petersburg, Russia

Teachers, students, scientists of Leningrad oblast(including Luga basin) and St.Petersburg


Discussion between Russian and European NGOs within the Seminar on climate adaptation regulated water ecosystems under the annual all-Russian Conference “Climate and energy. Solutions for the future”

Peterhof, St.Petersburg, Russia

NGO’s from different regions of Russia (including NW Russia - Barents and Baltic regions) and from Europe


Presentation of threats connected with 'Nord Stream-2' Gas Pipeline Conduction in Kurgalsky Nature Reserve for NGO 'Marine Mammal Council' during workshop Conservation challenges for the Caspian seal and other landlocked seals, AL

Astrakhan, Russia

Scientific community, nongovernment organizations, journalists, representatives of the business sector

Number of participants (F/M)

Aim of the event

Around 92 participants, including 61 authors of abstracts, among them 40 women, 21 men 62 representatives of 30 environmental NGOs from 7 Federal districts of Russia, as well as 6 from European NGO’s (25 women, 37 men)

Schoolchildren at the conference presented the results of environmental monitoring of water natural objects in the region, the results of environmental expeditions, studies of different aspects of environmental safety. http://www.baltfriends.ru/node/1980

45 (16F / 29M)

To provide the information on 'Nord Stream-2' Gas Pipeline project and its treatments for Kurgalsky Nature Reserve and true seal species, to involve NGO 'Marine Mammal Council' in the process of the problem discussion, to obtain an independent expert opinion of MMC's members

Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme

Participants discussed the climate change challenges and consequences for water bodies, needed actions, general opportunities for climate actions in the Russian regions, Friends of the Baltic presented for participants the draft of NGO recommendations on regional climate action plans, the result was adopted Matrix “THREATS-ACTIONS” in the field of climate adaptation of regulated water ecosystems (HPP), and NGO Position to COP22 in Marrakesh. These materials were disseminated via NGO’s networks and web-resources (see links on 1.1.3) More about event: http://rusecounion.ru/node/2852 FoB participated in this event


Meeting with the Chairperson of the Environmental commission of Leningrad Oblast Legislative Assembly

Sosnovy Bor, LO, Russia

Leningrad Oblast Authorities

1 (M) - Nikolay Kuzmin from GW

To adopt the project plan and the format of the cooperation


Participation in seminar "Resources for Development: forms of cooperation of local authorities, NGOs and the business community". FoB participated in this event

Gatchina, St.Petersburg

NGO’s from Leningrad region, representatives of Gatchina Administration and Gatchina district, small business association

12 (9 women, 3 men)


Series of meetings (FoB): a) Meeting with Deputy head of Luga municipal district Administration b) Municipal support center for local business development in Luga district "Social and Business Center" c) Short discussions with local citizens (fishermen, farmers) on the market Lecture for schoolchildren, Fob

Luga, Leningrad region

Luga municipality

2 (1 women, 1 men)

Luga, Leningrad region

Local business support center, NGO

2 women

Establishing contacts with representatives of local governments, NGOs and small business, exchanging views on effective forms of interaction of NGOs, businesses, local authorities in the implementation of social projects and programs, discussing the problem of increasing the motivation of population to participate in social projects and programs. The seminar was held by the iniviative of the Leningrad Region Government Committee for Press and PR and representatives of administrations of Gatchina rural district, responsible for cooperation with NGOs, which see value in join activities to improve the quality of life of the LO. Acquaintance, presentation of Nature and people project and discussion on the future project steps, special focus – on development of press-tour on the area and support by municipality Discussion about involving business community (main local industries) to media-tour development

Luga, Leningrad region

Local citizens - fishermen and gardeners

4 (2 women, 2 men)

Investigation of the local citizens vision and attitude to ecological status of Luga river, including salmon status and flooding

Children's (Youth) Palace "Near Voznesensky Bridge"

Schoolchildren, organizations

Around 100 participants

Schoolchildren informed about the topics: Saving the Baltic sea, Clean Water, Eco-friendly choice to reduce human load to the sea

Meeting with the head of Russian Union of gardeners in Leningrad region Working Meeting with the leader of Society for promoting sustainable development of rural areas, FoB

Smolninskaya hotel, St.Petersburg

The head of Union of gardeners

3 (2 women, 1 men)

Discussion about involving of gardeners into project activities

Ecocentrum, St.Petersburg


6 (4 women, 2 men)

The aim to exchange the vision and establishing strong cooperation to promote sustainable solutions in agriculture to reduce the nutrient load to the Luga river basin. FoB presents thier project activities, and Society for promoting sustainable development of rural areas presented findings and results of







Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme

LugaBalt project (2012-2014 years) and experience in cooperation with local agricultural industries. 08.12.2016

Forum of public organizations of Leningrad region (participation and short presentation of project activities)

Roshino, Vyborg district, Leningrad region

Regional authorities, NGO’s from Leningrad region

Approx. 150 participants

Short introduction of project activities to participants during the Session of environmental education


Meetings with residents in the form of 3 lectures in Krakolie Secondary School, AL

Ust-Luga Rural Settlement, Kurgalsky Peninsula, Leningrad region, Russia

Students of local school of Ust-Luga Rural Settlement (3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 grades)

142 (61 men, 75 women, including 6 teachers, all women)

To provide the knowledge on Kurgalsky Nature Reserve for the students and teachers of local school, to raise the concernment of resident children and teenagers to Kurgalsky Peninsula's nature and its conservation


Meeting with residents of Bolshoe Kuzemkino, AL

Bolshoe Kuzemkino Rural Settlement, Leningrad region, Russia

Residents of NW part of Kurgalsky Peninsula

11 (2 men, 9 women)

To provide the knowledge on Kurgalsky Nature Reserve, to involve people for the issues of nature conservation, to provide the information on the project of Nord Stream gas pipeline.


Training for administrator of 'Planeta-plus' tourist center, AL

Kingisepp, Leningrad region, Russia

Administration of the tourist center

3, including organizer (2 men, 1 woman)

To demonstrate the opportunities of ecological tourism and provide the ideas for future development of the center


Meetings with volunteer group of Kurgalsky Peninsula, AL

Department of Vertebrate Zoology, Saint-Petersburg State University, SaintPetersburg, Russia

Probable volunteers of Kurgalsky Nature Reserve (summer residents)

9, including organizer (2 men, 7 women)

To discuss potential participation of volunteers in the protection and management of Kurgalsky Nature Reserve


Participation in the Joint Basin Council of BarentsWhite sea and -Baltic Sea basin okrugs, FoB

St.Petersburg, Russia

Officials of Basin Departments, Federal Agency of Water resources, Regional governments of NW Russia, regional Vodokanal, Emergency situation services, NGOs, scientists, etc.

Approx. 70 participants

The aim was to receive information about basin departments and regional governments work on the prevention of nutrient pollutions, inventing and adaptation of flooding zones, other measures for water conservation.

Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme



Title of event

Partners Programme activities LO 16.12.2016 Participation in Seminar on Promotion of best practices and technologies to reduce environmental impacts of Industrial Livestock Farming, FoB

20.12.2016 21.12.2016




Target group(s)

Number of participants (F/M)

VelikieLuki, Pskov Region, Russia

Representatives of farms, authorities (environmental enforcement, water management, agriculture, municipal), academia, NGOs, media, experts from Russia and Sweden, as well as representatives of IFIs (NEFCO)

Approx. 50 participants

Working visit to Tolmachevo school, and а trip to Luga river, inspection of suspected locations to conduct field research in 2017, FoB Round table «Nature and People – Open Dialogue on the Year of Ecology 2017 Actions for the Improving the Regional Environment”

Tolmachevo, Luga district, Leningrad oblast, Russia

NGO’s, educational organizations

5 (4 women, 1 men)

Leningrad region Government, St.Petersburg, Russia

Regional authorities, NGO’s, business community, media.

41 (15 women, 26 men)

Seminar for the residents of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland, GW

Sosnovy Bor, LO, Russia

Local environmental activists of the South Coast of the Gulf of Finland

11 (5 men + 6 women)

Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme

Aim of the event

The aim of event was to support the reduction of pollution impacts originating from Industrial Livestock Production in transboundary river basins of the Baltic Sea. Best Available Technologies that are used for reduction of environmental impacts from Industrial Livestock Production (pigs, poultry and cattle) as well as Best Agricultural Practices were presented. FoB made presentation on Instruments of transboundary river basin management: EU Water Framework Directive (EU) and Schemes of Comprehensive Use and Protection of Water Bodies (Russia) More: http://www.ccb.se/?event=seminar-on-promotion-of-bestpractices-and-technologies-to-reduce-environmental-impacts-ofindustrial-livestock-farming&event_date=2016-12-16 Discussion about instruments for River watching and making investigation of Luga river

The aim of event – to establish open dialogue of authorities and civil society on the regional environmental situation and discuss both challenges and actions, which may be implemented within the Year of Ecology 2017 in Russia. FoB made presentation about public role in the improvement of ecological status of Leningrad region rivers and the Baltic Sea. Friends of the Baltic NGO resented its plans for raising public environmental awareness and involving people to actions aimed to improvement of environment and conservation of nature. More: http://www.baltfriends.ru/node/2009 The mission of the seminar was to inform and motivate the local activists from the South coast of the Gulf of Finland, invite them to be a part of the Programme and discuss the model of the cooperation after the closing othe NGO Green World as a “foreign agent”.



Title of event

Partners Programme activities LO 27.12.2016 Annual meeting of the NGO Shoykula, GW


Meetings with fishermen of Gakkovo, AL


Target group(s)

Number of participants (F/M)

Aim of the event

Vistino, LO, Russia

Izhora indigenous people

35 (15 men 20 women)

To adopt the activity plan and cooperation with Shoykula

Gakkovo Village, Ust-Luga Rural Settlement, Kurgalsky Peninsula, Leningrad region, Russia

Fishermen which have fishing grounds in Kurgalsky Nature Reserve

7 (6 men, 1 woman)

To provide the information on marine heritage of Kurgalsky Nature Reserve, the purposes of its organization, necessity of species conservation and restriction of the marine resources exploitation

Partners Programme activities KO 51 21.09.2016

Seminar organized by Green Planet

Kaliningrad, Russia


Seminar organized by Green Planet

Gusev, Russia

Seminar organized by Green Planet

Sovetsk, Russia

Environmental teachers

22 100% F

Ribachie village, Curonian spit, Russia

Local citizens, individual business community living at the territory of National Park, local authorities

39 (28F/11M)– 1st day



Two-days seminar «Agricultural tourism: start your business» , CS

Environmental teachers

100% F

23 Environmental teachers 100% F

21 (5F/16M)– – 2nd day

Barents–Baltic Nature and People Programme

Engagement of schools, youth and teachers in environmental education and nature conservation, involvement in the further BBNP project activities on river and well monitoring. One Ecocentr expert took part in this event. Engagement of schools, youth and teachers in environmental education and nature conservation, involvement in the further BBNP project activities on river and well monitoring. One Ecocentr expert took part in this event. Engagement of schools, youth and teachers in environmental education and nature conservation, involvement in the further BBNP project activities on river and well monitoring. One Ecocentr expert took part in this event. Cooperation development between citizens of Spit and National Park, learning of successful experience of development of rural territories, touristic interest increase to visit National Park, obtaining of individual experience to develop a business-plan, finding of finance sources.