Year 10 Curriculum Guide Triple Pathway

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10. Be particularly watchful in the run up to tests and be aware of controlled assessment ... History. German. Business & Comms. PE. Science (TRIPLE). RE. Spanish ... GCSE with the exams being held at the end of Year 11. ..... A GCSE in a modern foreign language is one of the key parts of the English Baccalaureate.
Year 10 Curriculum Guide Triple Pathway

THE CORE CURRICULUM The Core Curriculum is designed to give pupils the basic skills that they will need for the 21st Century. All pupils follow the Core Curriculum. This means that you don't have to pick these subjects. All Triple Pathway pupils study for GCSEs in the following subjects:  English Language and English Literature (2 x GCSEs),  Mathematics (1 x GCSE),  Science (3 x GCSE)  ICT (1 x GCSE) All pupils will also study Personal Development Learning and PE. For more information about these subjects - please read the subject pages. WHAT IS THE GOLD STANDARD? 

  

At present, if you achieve 5 or more GCSE's at Grade C or better, and two of those GCSE's are a GCSE in English and a GCSE in Mathematics, you are said to have achieved the GOLD STANDARD. In simple terms, this means you are considered to have the essential skills to thrive in the 21st Century. The Gold Standard has now become a minimum entrance requirement for many A level courses at college and a minimum requirement for many jobs and professions. The vast majority of universities- you will need to have achieved the Gold Standard at GCSE - as a minimum requirement.

TRIPLE PATHWAY If you are Triple Pathway - the school has identified that you are an academic pupil. Whilst all pupils are different - academic pupils will be thinking of going to college to study for A level subjects and then onto University to study for a degree. Academic pupils will need to have a broad range of different skills from a wide range of different subjects. They are pre-selected to allow selection of English Baccalaureate subjects.

GOING TO UNIVERSITY University or Higher education could benefit you in a number of ways. University or college lets you experience a rich cultural and social scene, meeting a variety of people while studying something you love. A higher education qualification can also lead to increased earning potential, a wider range of opportunities and a more rewarding career. A person who successfully completes a University degree is known as a graduate. Many employers target graduates in their recruitment campaigns. There are also some careers that are only open to Graduates. For example, if you want to become a doctor, vet, lawyer, physiotherapist or even a teacher – you have to have a degree. WHERE CAN I FIND MORE INFORMATION? Colleges - the local college websites are below. Use these to look up courses you are interested in. This will help you think about the subjects you need to choose - and the grades you need to get.    

Portsmouth College Highbury College Havant College Southdowns College

USEFUL WEBSITES FOR YOU TO LOOK AT This weblink gives you information about all the different types of qualifications available to pupils studying in Key Stage 4 This weblink gives you information about university courses and can give some useful information about course requirements. This weblink gives you information about how much people earn after completing particular courses at particular universities. It also gives information about employment rates. This weblink takes you to Portsmouth's online prospectus. This tells you what courses are available in all schools in the Portsmouth area. You can use this to find out further details about courses that you might be interested in studying at other schools. You can even apply online for some of them!

WHAT IS THE EASIEST WAY TO GET THE BEST GRADES AT KEY STAGE 4? Attendance Research shows that pupils with less than 8 days absence every year have 85% chance of achieving 5 A* - C grades at GCSE. Pupils with more than 20 days absence per year have LESS than 30% chance of achieving 5 A* - C’s. Every 17 days of absence amounts to a whole grade drop at GCSE! 94% attendance means no more than 11 days of absence a year! To really achieve, pupils must have more than 95% attendance every year. WHAT YOU CAN DO TO IMPROVE YOUR ATTENDANCE? 1. Regularly find out regularly your absence. (Ask for half days if easier) and check this matches with your own record. You can find this out from E-Portal. 2. Talk regularly with parents about school and how you feel about it. You are more likely to attend if you feel supported and your anxieties are listened to. 3. Ask your parents to phone us as soon as possible to tell us why you are absent, and when you expect to return. Putting the school number in your phone can save you time. Know the school routine for alerting your parents to absence. 4. Only stay at home for genuine illness. (You know!!) 5. Try to arrange all routine medical/dental appointments outside of school hours. 6. Ask your parents to avoid taking holidays in school time. 7. Know routines of the school day to avoid issues, e.g. have you forgotten your P.E. kit? 8. If there is a problem with your attendance, talk to your form tutor. They will always listen to an explanation. It may not impress them, but it counted enough with you to make you truant. Pursuing the reason for non-attendance is important. 9. Talk to us to help you resolve issues. We may be able to help and support you. You are not alone! 10. Be particularly watchful in the run up to tests and be aware of controlled assessment deadlines. 11. Catch up with missed work, a missed day doesn’t mean missed work. Ensure your attendance remains above 96% and this will allow you to achieve your potential.

Good attendance = Good results = Good job = GREAT FUTURE!


Core Subjects (Exam) English Maths Science (TRIPLE) ICT (GCSE)



Option 1

Geography History RE One of above

French German Spanish One of above

Art Business & Comms Dance Film Studies Geography Graphics History Music PE RE Textiles One of above

Core Subjects (Non-Exam) PD PE

Periods / fortnight English English English English English English English English

Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths

Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science


Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities Humanities


Option1 Option 1 Option 1 Option 1 Option 1

Science Science Science Science Science





[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? Mathematics provides a way of making sense of the world. It will enable you to analyse, explain and tackle a range of practical and real life tasks.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? All pupils will be expected to complete GCSE Mathematics. They will be entered for the Edexcel Linear GCSE with the exams being held at the end of Year 11. Functional skills will be included in each exam paper, assessing the ability to use Mathematics in real life situations. There is also the opportunity to complete GCSE Statistics for more able pupils.

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? You will study Number, Algebra, Shape and Space, and Data Handling through a variety of learning methods. The topics will be taught in a range of styles including, group work, investigation, skills, discussion and ICT. Where possible, links will be made to other curriculum areas and everyday applications of Maths skills.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? You will need to have a scientific calculator, ruler, protractor and compass of your own to bring to every lesson.

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “It’s hard work but enjoyable.” “I find it interesting because we work in a variety of ways which helps us to understand the work. We also work on a range of different activities including practical work on the computers.”




[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? English Language is about showing how well you can speak, listen, read and write. English Literature allows you to show that you enjoy novels, poetry, and plays, and understand how writers use language to affect your feelings.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? You will have three speaking and listening tasks and five Controlled Assessment tasks to complete during Year 10 and 11. At the end of Year 11 you will then be assessed by three examinations - one for English Language and two for English Literature. In the English Language exam you will analyse several, short, non-fiction texts and then produce two linked writing tasks of your own. In English Literature the first paper asks you to answer questions about two modern texts you will have read and in the second paper you will explore modern poetry from the studied Anthology.

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? You will practise writing about articles, poetry and also writing articles and descriptions of your own. You will prepare talks and listen to your friends giving talks. You will be given time and support to write the five Controlled Assessments for your folder. These Controlled Assessments will be: Spoken Language, Shakespeare and the Literary Heritage, Creative Writing (two tasks) and Extended Reading.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? You will develop your habit of reading for enjoyment, and writing to express your feelings and responses.

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “We get to share our ideas.” “It’s about your own feelings.” ”We do lots of different things.”




[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? Science is about finding out how the physical and living world works. It is also about how humans affect the world because of the way we use scientific discoveries.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? The OCR Gateway Separate Science course is a two year course. Pupils study all three sciences and will receive three separate GCSE qualifications (one in Chemistry, Biology and Physics) and this is most appropriate for pupils who wish to go on to further academic study, not only post-16 but also in Higher Education.

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? The course is made up of six modules for each separate qualification and the assessment for each subject includes:   

Unit 1: Modules 1, 2 and 3 (Examination: summer year 10). 35% of the total marks. Unit 2: Modules 4, 5 and 6 (Examination: summer year 11). 40% of the total marks. Unit 3: Controlled assessment (completed in year 10 and year 11): 25% of the total GCSE marks. These assessments are based on practical activities relating to the content of the course.

The course will be supported by visits to industry, colleges and other places where science is used in the workplace and there will also be visits from people working in the science sector.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? You will use your skills from other subjects, particularly English and Maths, and you will apply your IT skills in data-logging, modelling and communicating information.

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “It’s fun and challenging the same time” “Triple science will help you with your university and college applications” “You get a much greater understanding of each individual subject”

ICT (GCSE) CONTACT: MR STAYTE EMAIL: [email protected] WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? Current and emerging technologies  Computer systems and mobile technologies  Current input and output devices  Storage devices and media  Communications and entertainment. A range of ICT tools and techniques  Systems life cycle  Working with information to solve problems  Operating systems and user interfaces  Applications software  Word processing, DTP, web design and other presentation software  Graphics production and image manipulation  Spreadsheets and modelling software  Databases  Web browsing and e-mail  Web logs and social networking  Data logging and control software. Society’s use of ICT  Legal issues  Social and economic issues  Political, ethical and environmental issues. HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? Unit 1 Systems and Applications in ICT 1 hour 30 minutes Written Exam - 40% of the marks Unit 2 The Assignment: Applying ICT Approximately 25 hours of Controlled Assessment - 30% of the marks Unit 3 Practical Problem Solving in ICT Approximately 25 hours of Controlled Assessment - 30% of the marks WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? You will have a mixture of ICT Theory lessons as well as practical tasks designed to develop you skills and understanding of software packages. During the controlled assessment unit you will have practical investigation tasks and will use ICT in order to solve problems. WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? A memory stick would be useful.




[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? This course offers you the opportunity to work in a wide range of activities - drawing, painting, graphic design, ceramics, sculpture, print making and photography. It is a practical subject which lets you express yourself, use your imagination, develop design skills and an understanding of the work of other artists.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? Coursework is made up of two units and you will work on this until February in Year 11. The difference between coursework (60%) and the final exam (40%) is that the final exam piece has to be completed under supervised conditions. You have an 8 week period to prepare for this exam. Every piece of work produced in class or at home contributes to your final grade.

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? There are three approaches taken to coursework: Expressive - where you explore your own thoughts and responses to themes and issues. Art skills – where you will develop many different art skills such as painting, drawing and photography manipulation. Critical - where you make judgments about your own work and that of other artists.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? As part of the course you will be required to attend a visit to the Tate Modern in London and take part in other visits and workshops that may take place off site. You will be required to do a minimum of two hours a week of work at home. You are required to purchase an A3 sketchbook in order to complete coursework. Art packs are available.

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “I liked the visit to the Tate Gallery and I love the freedom we are given with our work.” “You have the freedom to develop your imagination and creative ideas to their full potential.”




[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? This course involves studying businesses and the communication systems they use. The course brings together the subjects of Business and ICT. You will also study the differences in computer systems, software and hardware. The course consists of a variety of units ranging from how businesses are structured to the laws and legislation governing business. HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? One theory examination (40%) One practical examination done on computer (35%) One Controlled Assessment (25%)

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? Communication Systems – electronic, organisations, paper and people. Data Gathering, Recording and Presentation. Money Transfer Systems, including payment systems and the documents used in business. Keeping data safe and secure. Use of computers in a business context. Legislation. We also run projects such as the Dragon's Den where you can pitch your business ideas to Dragon's to improve your presentation skills.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? You will need to be interested in the business world. You will need to be good at and enjoy using a computer. You need to have enjoyed ICT at Key Stage 3. You will need to realise that not all lessons will be on the computer as there is much about Business that is done without using a computer. What could I do next with GCSE Business and Communication Systems? A good grade at GCSE will help you move on to any AS, A level, vocational A level or BTEC National course. If you enjoyed your Business and Communication Systems GCSE, you might want to study a related subject like Business, Retail and Distribution Services, ICT or Media. Employment opportunities where your business and communication skills will be particularly valued include business management, retail management and ICT.

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “We learnt a lot about how businesses work.” “It will be useful in the future when we get into the world of work.” “I’ve got a lot better on the computer.”



[email protected]

This dance course aims to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to perform, choreograph and appreciate dance. HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? Unit 1: critical appreciation of dance written paper – 1 hour - 20% Unit 2: set dance practical examination solo performance 1 - 1½ minutes - 20% Unit 3: performance in a duo / group dance 3 – 3 ½ minutes controlled assessment - 20% Unit 4: Choreography Task 1: solo composition 1 -1 ½ mins - 15% Task 2: choreography – solo 1 ½ - 2 mins - 25% WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? You will have two practical sessions per week and one theory lesson where you will study and be continually assessed on the following: Performance: good studio practice, the technical nature of dance skills, the expressive nature of dance skills and factors which influence the achievement of the high quality dance performance. Choreography: the process of creating choreography, choreographic structure and key features of a dance. Appreciation: analysis and understanding of dances, the background to and social context of dance and the set work. WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? You need to be confident in your dancing ability to perform on your own in front of other people. You need to be able to dance in a variety of styles as the work is mainly contemporary. You will be expected to work outside of lesson time on assessment pieces, attend extra-curricular dance, and take part in school productions and the Rock Challenge. You also need to have the ability and confidence to choreograph dances on your own.




[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? Film Studies is the study of Film and its industries. The subject allows you to explore how films are made and marketed for different audiences.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? You will have 2 exams which are worth 50% of your GCSE: 1. Studying a specific film Genre such as Disaster Movies 2. Studying a specific film from World Cinema

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? You will study:  A variety of films  Learn about Film Language  Film industries, such as Hollywood  World Cinema You will learn some practical production skills used to make and market films:  Write screenplays  Storyboard scenes  Create marketing campaigns/film posters/websites/DVD covers  Write for film magazines  Film and edit trailers  Use digital photography

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER?  be able to work independently and in groups  be creative  have good ICT skills, drawing skills and written skills

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “It’s interesting because we get hands on experience of working with tools and materials.” “It’s a good subject if you like making things as well as drawing.”




[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? You will study French to GCSE, which will enable you to communicate in the foreign language. You will learn to understand the spoken and written forms of your foreign language and develop the ability to make yourself understood. Languages are more in demand than ever in today’s world as we compete with our European neighbours in the employment market. A language GCSE can help your application to university as many degree courses now require this qualification. A GCSE in a modern foreign language is one of the key parts of the English Baccalaureate. If you want to achieve this qualification you will need a GCSE in a modern foreign language.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? The GCSE will involve exams in listening, speaking, reading and writing. WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? The course is divided into topic areas and themes which cover the following :Personal Information Media and Culture Travel and Tourism Customer Service and Transactions Future Plans, Education and Work You will be expected to complete a variety of speaking and writing tasks which you will sometimes present in class. You will learn to read in depth and listen to authentic language through films, music, radio and television. You will practice past papers, so that you will be well prepared for the final exams. You may also work with a foreign language assistant to improve your pronunciation and build your confidence in speaking. The emphasis is on being able to communicate in a foreign language in both speaking and writing.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? For any language at GCSE you will need to purchase a dictionary and revision guide. You may also find grammar and phrase books useful. Access to the internet is very helpful. WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “It’s good to have for a job.” “It gives you an insight into a different country.” “You can go abroad and have a good idea of how to order food, ask the way or get medical help.”




[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? You will study German to GCSE, which will enable you to communicate in the foreign language. You will learn to understand the spoken and written forms of your foreign language and develop the ability to make yourself understood. Languages are more in demand than ever in today’s world as we compete with our European neighbours in the employment market. A language GCSE can help your application to university as many degree courses now require this qualification. A GCSE in a modern foreign language is one of the key parts of the English Baccalaureate. If you want to achieve this qualification you will need a GCSE in a modern foreign language.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? The GCSE will involve exams in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? The course is divided into topic areas and themes which cover the following :Personal Information Media and Culture Travel and Tourism Customer Service and Transactions Future Plans, Education and Work You will be expected to complete a variety of speaking and writing tasks which you will sometimes present in class. You will learn to read in depth and listen to authentic language through films, music, radio and television. You will practice past papers, so that you will be well prepared for the final exams. You may also work with a foreign language assistant to improve your pronunciation and build your confidence in speaking. The emphasis is on being able to communicate in a foreign language in both speaking and writing.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? For any language at GCSE you will need to purchase a dictionary and revision guide. You may also find grammar and phrase books useful. Access to the internet is very helpful.

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “It’s good to have for a job.” “It gives you an insight into a different country.” “You can go abroad and have a good idea of how to order food, ask the way or get medical help.”




[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? You will study Spanish to GCSE, which will enable you to communicate in the foreign language. You will learn to understand the spoken and written forms of your foreign language and develop the ability to make yourself understood. Languages are more in demand than ever in today’s world as we compete with our European neighbours in the employment market. A language GCSE can help your application to university as many degree courses now require this qualification. A GCSE in a modern foreign language is one of the key parts of the English Baccalaureate. If you want to achieve this qualification you will need a GCSE in a modern foreign language.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? The GCSE will involve exams in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? The course is divided into topic areas and themes which cover the following :Personal Information Media and Culture Travel and Tourism Customer Service and Transactions Future Plans, Education and Work You will be expected to complete a variety of speaking and writing tasks which you will sometimes present in class. You will learn to read in depth and listen to authentic language through films, music, radio and television. You will practice past papers, so that you will be well prepared for the final exams. You may also work with a foreign language assistant to improve your pronunciation and build your confidence in speaking. The emphasis is on being able to communicate in a foreign language in both speaking and writing.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? For any language at GCSE you will need to purchase a dictionary and revision guide. You may also find grammar and phrase books useful. Access to the internet is very helpful.

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “It’s good to have for a job.” “It gives you an insight into a different country.” “You can go abroad and have a good idea of how to order food, ask the way or get medical help.”




[email protected]. UK

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? Geography is about the natural and the man-made world and how the two interact. It is about how physical features are formed, what different environments are like and how people live. It looks at local, national and global examples.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? Geography offers a tiered entry targeted at foundation level (C - G) and higher (A* - D). All candidates will sit two exam papers. One paper tests two of the key themes and the second assesses one key theme. There is one controlled assessment task (coursework) worth 25% of the marks.

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? The Geography course uses an investigative approach to study a number of themes from the following three areas: Challenge of living in a built environment Physical processes and relationships between people and environments Uneven development and sustainable environments. Skills developed will include problem solving, communication, ICT and working with others.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? Pupils studying Geography need to be flexible in their approach to lessons as the GCSE course requires pupils to develop a range of key skills. Being able to interpret maps, photographs and diagrams are skills that are important in both the exams and controlled assessments. Local fieldwork linked to the controlled assessment will also be carried out.

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “I think geography is very important, it really helps you explain what is going on in the world.” “It’s helped me to think about other peoples’ points of view.” “I really enjoyed the visit to Hurst Castle Spit in the summer. It was great fun”




[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? Graphic Products have an impact on every aspect of our day to day lives. It is about communicating information effectively in a visual manner. Everywhere we look we are overwhelmed by graphic products and in every activity we do graphic products are involved in some way. Whether you aspire to be an architect, an arctic explorer, a fashion designer, a vet or anything else you will need to be able to understand, design and use graphic products at some stage. This course will require you to use your imagination and creativity to design and make various high quality graphic products. These may include logos, magazines, promotion literature, pop-up books, children’s activity sets, iconic signs, packaging and advertisements and so on. You will learn how to use CAD/CAM and develop your hand skills. In addition you will gain an appreciation of the work of contemporary designers and how the graphic product industry is responding to the social, moral, environmental and economic pressures of today’s world. You will have opportunities to work with ‘modern’ and ‘smart’ materials and will incorporate these into your own designs. The course is fun and rewarding. HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? The Controlled Assessment is worth 60% of your overall grade. You will produce a design portfolio and 3D products. You will also have a 2 hour exam paper with both written and design based questions. WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? You will develop your drawing and designing skills. You will improve your ICT skills in Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacture, develop an awareness of consumer requirements of a product; analyse products and the processes used to manufacture them; work practically with graphic media such as paper and card; learn about the impact of graphic products in advertising. WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? You need to enjoy being creative and designing and making things. You may need to provide your own materials. You need to be good at drawing and modelling. You need to enjoy practical making as well as designing. You need to be interested in the theory of graphics and design. You need to like making things like packaging and 3D card products. WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “I enjoyed designing and making the sign for my chose subject.” “It’s OK if you can’t draw; we learn lots of ways to produce the work.” “The restaurant design project was really good fun and I learnt lots of new drawing techniques” “Designing & making different types of packaging is interesting and fun.”




[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? The BTEC level 2 Certificate in Health and Social Care offers a specialist qualification that focuses on particular aspects of employment and covers the key knowledge and practical skills required in the Health and Social Care sector. It offers flexibility and a choice of emphasis through the optional units. It is broadly equivalent to one GCSE. HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? This course is portfolio based; there are no exams. All units covered will contribute to an overall Pass, Merit or Distinction grade. The Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Certificate in Health and Social Care totals 15-credits and 90 hours is the recommended guided time to successfully complete this course. The full qualification consists of either one specialist optional and one optional unit or three specialist optional units that provide a combined total of 15 credits WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? You may study either one specialist unit (1-4) and one optional unit (5-11) or three specialist units (1-4). The chosen combination will make up the 15 credits required. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Communication in Health and Social Care Individual Rights in Health and Social Care Individual Needs in Health and Social Care Ensuring Safe Environments in Health and Social Care Vocational Experience in a Health or Social Care Setting * Cultural Diversity in Health and Social Care Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care Human Lifespan Development Creative and Therapeutic Activities in Health and Social Care Health and Social Care Services The Impact of Diet on Health

* To successfully complete this unit, learners must complete 60 hours of work experience.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? It is recommended that learners undertake 60 hours of work placement and that all learners take Unit 5. The BTEC First Certificate in Health and Social Care will give learners an introduction to the sector and potential progression to the Edexcel BTEC Level 2 First Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care or the Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Society, Health and Development.




[email protected]

WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? History is about explaining key events from the past and considering the impact that these had on the people at the time and the long lasting effects. A key focus is working with historical sources such as speeches, photographs, political cartoons and historian’s interpretations, to assess their content, usefulness and reliability.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? You will have two written examinations and there are two assessments which count towards your final grade.

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? All of the History in years 10 & 11 is about the twentieth century so it helps to explain why the world is as it is. You will cover the following units: 1. USA: A Nation of Contrasts 1910-1929 (Race Issues, Boom and Bust, Changes to Entertainment) 2. Russia in Revolution 1914-1924 (Lenin & Trotsky, Communist Revolution, Civil War) 3. The USA in the twentieth century from 1929-2000. (Society: Depression, JFK, Women and Race: KKK, MLK, Malcolm X, Rodney King) 4. Two controlled assessment tasks based on British History; these pieces vary from year to year in terms of their content. History GCSE lessons are always varied in their activities. There are discussion based tasks, written pieces to a variety of audiences, exam technique and source analysis. We watch relevant films and video clips to support areas of study as often as we can. We aim to make history lessons as exciting as possible but more importantly we aim to make you confident historians who are prepared to question the world around them.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? An interest in History is vital. Historians should have enquiring minds and so the ability question the past is key. You should aim to always be an active learner and take responsibility for revisiting your notes on a regular basis. You need to be committed to completing homework and attending after school and lunchtime revision sessions in preparation for exams. Your history teacher will always put in 100%; we expect the same from our students.

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “History influences today’s life and that is why it is so important.” “History is really different to all the other subjects because we get taught about so many different things that matter to our lives today.” “I think history’s really interesting & it’s good to know what happened in other countries in the past.” “History at GCSE is really detailed; if you enjoy year 9 then you’ll think it’s even better in year 10 & 11.”



[email protected]

This Music course is designed to train you to be confident performers and composers. We all listen to music every day and this course will develop your understanding of how music is created and how to create it yourself. HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? The course is divided into two sections – controlled assessments and exam. For the controlled assessments you have to perform on your own and in a group. You also have to compose two pieces of music. WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS?          

The lessons will be divided into three topics: listening, performing and composing. In the listening lessons you will learn about: Musical Instruments Fusion and World music 20th Century music Popular songs Western classical music In the performing lessons you will learn how to perform better on the instrument of your choice and how to compose for it. In the composing lessons you will learn how to compose music on a larger scale and will use ICT to help you. You will work on your own and in groups during lessons.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? This course builds on the musical skills that you have gained during Years 7 to 9. You do not need to be able to play an instrument but it will help if you can play the keyboard or are a confident singer. If you do not already have instrumental lessons, these will be recommended. We will enhance your learning in lessons by attending local concerts and productions in the evening. You will also be expected to join in with school concerts and extra-curricular activities. WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “It is nice to have freedom in the choice of music that we play. It is not all classical” “The practical work is more enjoyable. There is an opportunity for everyone to participate. We hardly ever sit at desks!”



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This is an excellent GCSE for those of you who take a keen interest in sport whether that is in or out of school. You need to be motivated and willing to take part in extra-curricular activities, during lunch times or after school. Although this is a very practical subject there are theory elements to this which contribute to 40% of your GCSE. This GCSE alongside others would enable you to feed into sport qualifications in college. You will: • Develop your knowledge and practical skills in a range of physical activities. • Examine the effects of exercise and how training can improve performance. • Find ways to improve your own performances in a variety of roles. • Identify ways to develop and maintain a healthy and active lifestyle through participation in physical activity. • Appreciate the benefits of promoting ‘sport for all’. • HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? Unit 1 – Examination - 40% Unit 2 – Controlled Assessment - 60% - (48% performance in 4 different sports and 12% personal exercise program). Unit 1 is externally assessed through a written examination paper of 1 hour and 30 minutes. This will contribute a maximum of 40% towards your total marks. Unit 2 is assessed in two sections. Section 1 – Four practical performances in the role of either: player, participant, leader or official. You can achieve 48% of the marks from your four performances, two of which may be in the role of a leader or official. Section 2 – analysis of performance in one of the chosen activities. This will be worth 12% of the marks and should include planning, performing and evaluating a personal exercise plan. WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? You will have two practical sessions per week where you will study and be continually assessed on the following activities – Netball, trampolining, rounders, basketball, football, fitness training. You can be assessed in a range of other activities off site but it will be your responsibility to sort it out with your teacher. In your theory lesson you will look at, how the body works, what effect exercise has on the body and the social effects of exercise. WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? You will benefit greatly from attending extra-curricular clubs and school matches. You will also need your own sports whistle. WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “It’s fun!” “You get to do activities that you don’t usually do.” “I’ve been pushed to my full potential.” “You learn lots of new skills.” “You learn about all the muscles in the body.”




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WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? At GCSE level Religious Education is about understanding human experience. It focuses on moral and social issues and encourages you to develop your own views and ideas, as well as learning about religious ideas.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? You will have two written examination papers. There is no coursework element or controlled assessment.

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS? Throughout Year 10 and Year 11 you will study a variety of moral issues and ethical questions. You will look at these issues from your own perspective, Christian and Muslim perspectives and non-religious perspectives too. The Units of study are:  Relationships  Our World  Is it fair? (Racism, prejudice & poverty)  Looking for Meaning (beliefs about God)  RE and Medicine  Religious Expression  Authority, Religion and State (Justice and Injustice, Crime and Punishment)  Religion and Conflict (war and protest) You will have the opportunity to discuss and debate and carry out individual research. You will also be offered the opportunity to participate in a four day tour to Rome.

WHAT ELSE DO I NEED TO CONSIDER? You will be required to learn facts explain ideas, understand religious beliefs and form your own personal views and opinions. You need to be prepared to listen to others and to accept that other people may think differently from you. You must be prepared also to complete a variety of written tasks. An interest in religious beliefs, human behaviour and concepts such as justice, medical ethics and freedom are all important.

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “I love being able to express my opinion in class discussion.” “You learn a lot about real life issues such as euthanasia, prejudice and war.” “You are always encouraged to see different points of view. “ “It helps you to think about what is important in life.” “I enjoy discussing serious issues and thinking about what it all means to me.”




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WHAT IS THE SUBJECT ABOUT? This subject involves designing and making things from textiles.

HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? Coursework (60%) at least 2 units of work Practical exam (40%)

WHAT WILL I DO IN LESSONS?        

Drawing skills Fashion Illustration Study of work of historical and contemporary Fashion and Textile Designers Research of Art& Design Trends Introduction and development of techniques such as machine embroidery, different Embellishment processes Research and development of ideas Development of analytical skills Final outcomes will be individually designed and created decorative textiles/garment piece


To be creative and have a keen interest in design and make. Meeting deadlines for coursework. Attending workshops/after school. Contribution will be required to buy fabrics.

WHAT DO PUPILS THINK OF THE SUBJECT? “It can be hard but it is always fun and interesting”. ‘’I was pleased with my Textiles exam results!” “We went to the Clothes Show Live. It was brilliant.”