Yonkers NY Herald Statesman 1951 Grayscale - Fulton NY Post Cards

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Westchester Newspapers R a d i o ; ... i Army Intelligence and is with the ! Institute of .... Arme-. Valuable. RE00B0SALE i s. 20 WARBTRTON AVENUE ». TLA ZA.
T H E H E R A L D S T A T E S M A N . Y O N K E R S . N . Y.. F R I D A Y . N O V E M B E R 3 0 . 1951.


T E L E P H O N E Y O N K E R S 5-5000

Permits Issued To Construct 18 More New Homes In Yonkers

suitable quarters for the secretarial, and other functions tra- WFAS Forum ilksToExpand ; and ditional with the operation of a ; growing Elks Club. Increasing "heir Building I membership was given as the rea- To Air Views sen fjor the need for more space. Yonkers Lodge of Elks is planng to increase its oresent fa- O k u n i e w i c z P a r t i c i p a t e s On Red China

Alfredo Poggiogalle. one-family The Yonkers ^Building Departj ment has approved the construc- dwelling with garage, 84 Algontion of 18 new- homes. Permits quin Road, $14,000. Jties a t 93 North Broadway by "Can We Free China From the j have been granted t o : lilding a one-story and hasement In Fleet M a n e u v e r s Two At $8 000 Yoke of Communism?" Idition to the north and west of J ^ T . and TV Builders, one-family Michael S. Okuniewicz. machinL. M. E. Building Corporation. To discuss this question on the i le present building. dwelling with garage, 22 Blackford ist's" m a t e third class. U.S.N., of Westchester Newspapers R a d i o ; two, one-family dwellings. 12 and Avenue, SS.800, Exalted Ruler Francis P. Tobin 19 Garfield Street, serving aboard J. T. and T. Builders, one-family 16 Humsbridge Road. $8,000 each. as directed at Wednesday night's the escort aircraft carrier USS Forum over WFAS next Sunday afternoon from 4 to 4:43, Miss F r a n k Martin, one-family dwelldwelling with garage, 17 Blackford dge meeting to appoint a com- Mindoro. participated, in Atlantic Marlatt of Mount Vernon, j ing with garage, 333 St. John I Avenue, $8,500. ittee for such purpose. Fleet Exercises 52, large fleet Frances j J. T. and T. Builders, one-family | Avenue, $12,500. The additional space will pro- m a n e u v e f l ^ e l d in t h e Caribbean, the moderator, has secure^ four speakers with e x p e r i e n c e ^ ! the dwelling with garage, 51 Kettell F r a n k Martin, two one-family de an enlarged meeting room the Navy reports. Orient. dwellings with garages. 85 and 88 Avenue. $SJX)0. The speakers a r e : "kumse'y Estate Inc., one-family , Loring Avenue. $9,000 each. Samuel J, Mills of White Plains, : dwelling with garage, 282 Rumscy Gerard H. Attanasio. one-famj!y who was born in" China, served I Road, $10,000. ; dwelling with garage, Lefferts there as a missionary and taught , .Garco Construction Corporation, ; Read. $6,000. at the University of Nanking and ! four one-family dwellings with gaPermits for other construction Shantung Christian University. His i rages. 22. 26. 34 and 38 Barring- : were issued to: . oriental friendships are many. | ton Road. $8,000 each. Arthur K. Halvordson. one-car The Rev. Daniel C. Thomas, pasBen Alessi, one and one-half ' garage. 372 Scarsdale Road. $3,000. tor of the North Avenue PresbyteDELLWOOD I family dwelling, 43 Massitoa Thelma Landman, real estate ! rian Church in New Rochelle, likei Road. $18,000. off ice. 2011 Central Park Avenue. 5-lb. CHEDDAR CHEESE WHEEL wise born in China, is the son of Lillian. Tardella one-family ! $250. missionaries and was educated dwelling with garage. 1137 Nep- H. L. Arens. one-car garage, 15 ^\ through high school in Shanghai. perhan Avenue, $8,000. Hawley Terrace, $1,800. Wo hov» avatlaMo a !tmr»«d qoonttty He was a chaplain in the Pacific J. Finkelstein. one-family dwellRohert Rode, addition to oneof DELLWOOD Cheddar Cheeso, In during the war. ing with garage, 100 Brookdale family dwelling, no increase in 5-lb. wheolj, packed as gifti. Mr. Yang. Chinese industrialist Drive, $27,000. tenancies, 355 Upland Avenue. M a d * la D E I L W O O D ' S own cheese who will speak with fresh know$700. plant, from the same DELLWOOD milk ledge of his country, has only reJulia Yasko. alteration of twoos you drink, DELLWOOD Cheddar cently arrived here from the Orfamily dwelling to three-familv. Chees* Is the finest available. Your Nasi ient. 35 Pier Street. $100. fjrst taste will affirm that the combiHaig Babian. a native of Yonnation of finest milk, expert cheeseNickolas Sacco. alteration of carb of 20 South Broadway was kers. served during the w a r with sold by Mary 'Kecfe to Peter making know-how, c a r e f u l a g i n g , A D E E P PLOT, 50 by 262 , one-family dwelling to threec* i Army Intelligence and is with the feet, was sold with this 10 room, a t t o r n e y for the seller, .and a:id Luiga Pet raced of Danhury, shelf-curing and meticulous handling Plans have been filed by the family. 122 Loomis Avenue. $1,000. ! Institute of "Pacific Relations of three and one-half hath dwelling has made DELLWOOD N . Y. State Charles Ctt rr-a n of 18 South Conn., through t h e real estate Cheddar Cheese a gourmet's delight. . New York University. He writes at 64tj North Broadway, one of offico of Thomas S. Burke Inc.. Broadway represented the buy- Garco Construction—Corpora t4on-jOrder1 from your DELLWOOD Milkof 10 Canterbury Road for 1 0 ; T H E RflPltf U f t l K P , about China and the Orient. 351 South Broadway. John Vac- er.—Staff Photo. toe citv's older estates. It was * mon or use mail order coupon below. more one-story dwellings in its de- ; * * * ' n t n * * u » \ riUUOC ^ ¥ ¥ . velopment on and near Barrington ! % 1205 WorBurton Ave * ,T u l i a n n t;—Bor-kcwskj, .Victoria j;Pfc. (^rntairlteTuTrTS— _ s Estimated to cost S8.UD0 each, * " . (PLEASE PRINT) TOn. V-9210 -Bttehar.sn.—Arme- ^r©ftw*v, I nn Road. the houses will be at 11 17, 46, • DELLWOOD DAIRY C O . , INC„ 770 Saw MM *W*Koott,Yonk*n 2, N.f. ) Davies, Reba Fort gang. Andrea ;To N o r f o l k Base Hyman, Florence* McDonald, JuFollowing are featur? starting 50, 54. 58, 66,. and 70 Rarrington + A Beautiful Setting For Your% TROOP *>5 HOLDS Send foi_ Pfc. Thomas P. Gorman, U.S. COURT OF AWARDS dith Rosen, Lorraine Santillo, times as listed by theater man- 1 Road, and 24 and 30 Anita Road. T i e Building Department has is- tWEDDING RECEPTIONS M.C., has returned to his base at I AddrtttA Court of Awards and an In- Caroline Schelin, Linda Strahl, agers: Norfolk, Va.. from the U.S. Naval Marcia Subkow, and Catherine L O E W S — Fort Defiance: 1:36, | sued permits for the work. OrerZoo/cinr; The Hudscti { vestiture Ceremony wereconducI Clry -Zone_ _5Jat»_ Hospital in Portsmouth where he 5:07. S.41; Here Comes the Groom: ' Sutherland. T^d_. yesterday " for. Intermediate j : had been convalescing for several Dog L i c e n s e T o B e | $ 4 - 5 0 postpaid—C/ig. m y a « f . • Cne . j assigned 1o t h e headquarters of ceived cook and second class' dog licenses will not be available TRANS-LUX CENTRAL — You i ! i the Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic badges and membership stars; Gail j W o m a n D e n i e s C h a r g e at his office until Jantiary. Never Can Tell: 1:30, 4:30, 8:00; Duffy, Brunhilde H.asch. home garFleet. • Flying Leathernecks: 2:38, 6:00, ! den, and Bette Whit", flower gar- Of D i s o r d e r l y C o n d u c t PLEASANT WEATHER 0:lt>. den, as well as membership stars I Pleasant weather appeared in PARK HILL •-Ca'tle Drive: I Mrs. Anna Schulz, thirty-eight, • nnd second class badg?s; ' and ; Restaurani! [ Joan Longdbardi, Barbara Mayer, I of 47 St. Mary Street, was 'held ' 1:20, 5:00, 8:25; Captain Horatio" prospect over most of the nation todav. Falcon O'Connell and P a t r i c i a : in S250 bail for trial Monday Hornblower: 2:40, 6:25, 0.45. 574 Vonkers Ave. i KEN'I — "I he Strip- 1:25, 4:15. Yiafmv* second clas badge's and j v% hen she pleaded innocent hefore Judge Fay in Special Sessions 8:10; The Well: 2:55, 6:10, 0:40: stars. . . serving Daily] HOLBACK'S Court yesterday to a disorderly | TERRACE - Rhubarb. 2:10,: and Sunday S e c o n d c l a s s badges were conduct charge. / 20 WARBTRTON AVENUE » 6:00, 0:20; Trio: 4:30. 7:45. " 1 Complete Lunches Today - _ "RHUBARB' " T R I O " — And —

; innn A Thrilling Master-piece in Suspense









EXTRA: 3 Cartoon* «. Chapter 13 • A T O M MAN v i . SUPERMAN TRANS-


Centra! vr^v


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