your roots Flyer - Henry Schein

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irrigant prior to obturation. File-Eze is an effective 19% EDTA in a ... The biocompatibility and low cytotoxicity help to extend the life of endodontic treatments.
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Equipment • Education • Implants • CEREC • Lasers •


08700 10 20 43 029 2044 2888 0141 952 9911 028 9037 0702

EMAIL [email protected] ONLINE LIKE US ON HenryScheinUK FOLLOW US ON @HenryScheinUK

OraSeal Caulk and Putty OraSeal caulking and putty material effectively adheres to wet rubber dams, wet gingival and mucosal tissues, wet teeth, metals, etc. even underwater or in saliva.


Use OraSeal Caulking when an adequate seal is difficult to obtain with compromised teeth or roots; OraSeal may also be used to repair rubber dam leaks.

A D V A N T A G E Apply OraSeal Caulking with a black mini or white mac tip to prevent leakage of rubber dam during treatment. Shape with a wet, gloved finger, wet cotton swab or instrument. Procedure is performed in a clean, dry field.

Oraseal Caulk & Putty Kit - 1130146 Contents: 2 x 1.2ml OraSeal caulk syringes 2 x 1.2ml OraSeal putty syringes 20 x tips

Caulking Refill - 1098187

Putty Refill - 1098188

Contents: 4 x 1.2ml syringes

Contents: 4 x 1.2ml syringes

Sable Seek Caries Indicator • Provides precise, mess-free delivery. • Easily identifies demineralised dentine •

and root canal orifices. Dark green Sable Seek is great near vital pulp.


A D V A N T A G E 1130147 Contents: 4 x 1.2ml syringes 20 x black mini brush tips

Following cavity preparation, apply Sable Seek with Black Mini Brush Tip.

Rinse with air/water spray while vacuuming. Identify demineralised, decayed dentine even in difficult to see locations.

Remove carious dentine with slow speed round bur or hand instrument.

Reapply Sable Seek. Rinse and verify complete caries removal.

EDTA 18% Solution A root canal chelating agent that conditions/cleans through a chelation process, Ultradent EDTA 18% Solution is the irrigant of choice for smear layer removal and can be used as a final irrigant prior to obturation.

1130148 Contents: 1 x 30ml Indispense syringe

File-Eze 19% EDTA

Canal instrumentation (no irrigants or lubricants). Smear layer intact in canal.

Canal instrumentation with both sodium hypochlorite and File-Eze (EDTA) lubricant or EDTA 18%. Smear is removed. Note clean, open tubules.

File-Eze is an effective 19% EDTA in a water-soluble, viscous solution for chelating, lubricating and debriding root canal preparations. It is peroxide free so will not affect the set of methacrylate resin sealers.



Contents: 1 x 30ml Indispense syringe

Contents: 4 x 1.2ml syringes 20 x NaviTips assorted 30 gauge 5 of each length

Equipment • Education • Implants • CEREC • Lasers •

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029 2044 2888



028 9037 0702

UltraCal XS is a uniquely formulated 12.5 pH calcium hydroxide paste that is both aqueous and radiopaque. For years, calcium hydroxide has been recognised as an antibacterial agent due to its high pH as well as its ability to potentially stimulate healing of bone. We recommend the larger 29g NaviTip for predictable flow, enabling direct placement.

UltraCal XS

1129302 Contents: 4 x 1.2ml syringes 20 x black mini tips 20 x Endo-Eze tips (assorted)

Endo and/or perio? Two treatments with UltraCal XS over 3 months

Citric Acid 20% solution

Ultradent Citric Acid is a mild acidic material that is effective at dissolving/cleaning calcium hydroxide, eg. UltraCal XS. It is also recommended as a cleanser/conditioner to remove smear layer 1130149 from dentinal walls and Contents: is perfectly delivered 1 x 30ml Indispense syringe with a NaviTip or NaviTip FX.

EndoRez Canal sealer The world’s first syringe-delivered, self-priming canal sealer, EndoREZ minimises the amount of chair time required for obturation. This thixotropic material has an affinity for moisture deep in dentinal tubules and lateral canals, providing the most complete seal available. Since methacrylate-based EndoREZ relies on chemistry rather than heat or pressure to fill the canal, the risk of additional root trauma/fracture isSYBRONENDO SYBRONENDO greatly reduced. The biocompatibility and low cytotoxicity help to extend SYBRONENDO the life of endodontic SYBRONENDOISO No. treatments. Rapid set can be further accelerated with EndoREZ Accelerator. Additionally, ISO No. SYBRONENDO ISO No. SYBRONENDO studies show that EndoREZ is versatile enough to be used as the sealer with any obturation 6 ISO No. 6 ISO No. method, e.g. master cone, lateral condensation or warm gutta percha. Create a “monobloc” 6 ISO No. 8 6 by using EndoREZ resin coated gutta percha points. 8

K Flex Fil K Flex Fil K Flex Fil K Flex Fil EndoRez Obturation Kit K Flex Fil 21mm K Flex Fil 1130150 21mm 21mm Contents: 21mm *398006* 398006 *398006* 398006 21mm 1 x 5ml dual barrel syringe *398006* 398006 21mm 20 x 398008 Skini syringes *398008* *398006* 398006 *398006* 398006 20 x 398008 mixing tips *398008* *398008* 398008 *398006* 398006 *398010* *398008* 398008 20 x 398010 assorted NaviTips – 29 gauge *398010* 398010 *398008* 398008 120 x398010 EndoRez points *398010* *398008* 398008

6 8 6 10 8 10 8 10 8 15 10 *398015* 398015 *398010* 398010 15 10 *398015* 398015 *398010* 398010 15 10 *398015* 398015 *398010* 398010 20 15 EndoRez Refill Kit *398020* 398020 *398015* 398015 20 15 *398020* 398020 *398015* 398015 1130151 20 15 *398020* 398020 *398015* 398015 25 20 *398025* 398025 *398020* 398020 Contents: EndoRezdeliveredshortofapexthrough Instrumentedcanalswithgutta Penetratesevenintodentinaltubules. 25 20 *398025* 398025 *398020* 398020 NaviTipandsingleconepercanal perchaconesinserted. 25 1 x 5ml dual barrel syringe 20 *398025* 398025 *398020* 398020 Pack of 6 30 SYBRONENDO 25 inserted.Qualityseal/fillofentirecanal *398030* *398025* 398025 20 x 398030 mixing tips 30 Pack of 6 SYBRONENDO 25 *398030* 398030 *398025* 398025 anatomyandisalsoradiopaque. 30 Pack*398030* of 6 25 398030 SYBRONENDOISO No. *398025* 398025 21mm 25mm 30mm 35 30 Pack of 6 *398035* SYBRONENDO 398035 *398030* 398030 21mm 25mm 30mm 35 30 Pack of 6 *398035* SYBRONENDOISO No. 398035 *398030* 398030 35 21mm 25mm 30mm 30 *398035* 398035 Pack of 6 SYBRONENDOISO No. *398030* 398030 6 *398006* *398106* *398306* 398006 398106 398306 Pack 40 21mm 25mm 30mm 35 *398040* 398040 *398035* 398035 of 6 SYBRONENDOISO No. 6 40 *398006* *398106* *398306* 398006 398106 398306 ISO No. 21mm 25mm 30mm 35 *398040* 398040 *398035* 398035 Pack of 6 SYBRONENDO 6 40 *398006* *398106* *398306* 398006 398106 398306 ISO No. 21mm 25mm 30mm 35 *398040* 398040 *398035* 398035 8 6 *398008* *398108* *398308* 398008 398108 398308 45 40 *398006* *398106* *398306* 398006 398106 398306 *398045* 398045 ISO No. 21mm 25mm 30mm *398040* 398040 Pack of 6 Pack of 6 8 6 45 *398008* *398108* *398308* 398008 398108 398308 40 *398006* *398106* *398306* 398006 398106 398306 *398045* 398045 ISO No. 21mm 25mm 30mm *398040* 398040 8 45 6 *398008* *398108* *398308* 398008 398108 398308 40 *398045* 398045 *398006* *398106* *398306* 398006 398106 398306 *398040* 398040 10 *398010* *398110* *398310* 398010 398110 398310 ISO No. 8 ISO No.50 45 30mm 25mm 21mm 398008 25mm 30mm 21mm 398050 6 *398008* *398108* *398308* 398108 398308 *398050* *398045* 398045 *398006* *398106* *398306* 398006 398106 398306 10 8 50 *398010* *398110* *398310* 398010 398110 398310 45 *398008* *398108* *398308* 398008 398108 398308 6 *398050* 398050 *398045* 398045 *398006* *398106* *398306* 398006 398106 398306 10 50 8 *398010* *398110* *398310* 398010 398110 398310 6 15 45 45 *398050* *398008* *398108* *398308* 398108 398308 398306 398106 398006 398008 398045 398050 398145 398345 *398045* 398045 10 *398015* *398115* *398315* 398015 398115 398315 55 50 8 *398010* *398110* *398310* 398010 398110 398310 *398055* 398055 *398050* 398050 *398008* *398108* *398308* 398008 398108 398308 10 *398015* *398115* *398315* 398015 398115 398315 50 *398010* *398110* *398310* 398010 398110 398310 8 8 15 *398055* 50 55 398308 398108 398150 398350 398008 398008 398050 398055 *398050* 398050 *398008* *398108* *398308* 398108 398308 15 55 10 *398015* *398115* 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SybronEndo K Flex Files

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VALO LED Curing Light Range 1128577

Valo offers unsurpassed accessibility without compromising patient discomfort or curing efficiency. Valo's focused collimated beam delivers a complete, uniform cure and its efficient broadband LED's ensure that Valo doesn't overheat. With 3 curing options - standard power, high power and new plasma emulation mode with all unique timing intervals enables the practitioner to choose the right power for any given procedure. Valo cures all restorations due to combined dyes creating wavelengths of light that cure all light-cured dental materials with the touch of a button.

Valo uses a custom, multi-wavelength LED for producing the high intensity light at 395-480nm capable of polymerising all light-cured dental materials. This intensity will also penetrate porcelain and is capable of curing underlying resin cements similar to a quality halogen light. Valo has a medical grade, international power supply and is suitable for power outlets from 100 to 240 volts. The handpiece is designed to rest in a standard dental unit bracket or can be custom mounted using the bracket included in the kit.

Valo features a slender, aerospace aluminium body, making it lightweight and exceptionally durable.

VALO Cordless Valo Cordless offers the same unprecedented accessibility and accuracy as the original Valo in a battery operated wand body. It’s the perfect light for the practitioner who prefers the freedom of total mobility offered by cordless equipment. With standard, high power and extra power (plasma emulation) curing modes, the revolutionary Valo Cordless delivers the right power in the right place.

1128576 "Valo is a fantastic piece of equipment. Clinicians no longer have to choose between normal output, high intensity output or the power of a PAC light because Valo offers all three in one lightweight, compact, durable unit. Valo's ability to produce the greatest amount of energy at distances up to 10mm from the tooth is just amazing. I have been using the light for some time and would not want to be without it.” Dr JohnKanca

Endodontic Tips Black Micro FX Tips

ENDO-EZE Delivery Tips


Use with/for: Ultra-Etch, Prima Dry, Sable Seek, PermaSeal, Silane.

Use with/for: Delivery placement of sealers, luting materials, irrigants, or vacuuming and/or air/ water delivery; TriAway Adapter and Ultradent syringes.

Use NaviTips to deliver irrigants and medicaments to short of the apex. EndoREZ, File-Eze, UltraCal XS, have all been specially designed to flow through the NaviTip.

1130152 Contents: 100 x tips

Black Micro Tips Use with/for: Black Micro (25g cannula): Ultra-Blend plus, EtchArrest, PermaFlo, UltraSeal XT plus, OpalDam, and Ultracare.

1130153 Contents: 100 x Black tips

Capillary Tips

ENDO-EZE® Contents: 20 x tips

1130158 - 18g 1130159 - 19g 1130160 - 20g 1130161 - 22g 1130162 - 31g

FX Navitips Use with/for: Ultra-Etch, UltraSeal XT plus, PQ1, Ultradent Porcelain Etch, Citric Acid

1130163 (17mm)

1130164 (25mm)

Contents: 20 x tips

Contents: 20 x tips

Use with/for: Luer Vacuum Adapter, for moisture removal from endodontic canals. Use with 1.2ml or 5ml syringes.

ENDO-EZE Irrigator Tips

Capillary Tips (0.014")

Use with/for: File-Eze and Sodium Hypochlorite.

1130155 Contents: 20 x tips Capillary Tips (0.019")

1130157 Contents: 20 x tips

1098185 Contents: 20 x tips

1130165 Contents: 100 x tips Equipment • Education • Implants • CEREC • Lasers •

Please note, sales calls may be recorded for training purposes. E&OE. All prices exclude VAT and are subject to availability and cost increases. Medicinal products/offers contained within this flyer are not available to veterinarians, or to be administered to animals. Institutional accounts are not eligible for point rewards programmes. Henry Schein Dental reserve the right to correct clerical omissions and errors in this flyer.

30 GAUGE 1130166 - NaviTips, 17mm 1129301 - NaviTips, 25mm 1130168 - NaviTips, 27mm 1130169 - NaviTips, Assorted Contents: 20 x NaviTips 29 GAUGE 1130170 - NaviTips, 17mm 1130171 - NaviTips 21mm 1130172 - NaviTips, 25mm 1130173 - NaviTips, 27mm Contents: 20 x NaviTips