Oct 1, 2014 - Scott McLean. Sharon Montgomery's son. The death ..... Facilitator: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman; Location
Westminster Presbyterian Church “...and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8 October 1, 2014
Friends and fellow disciples, I am really excited about the conversations we’re going to have in the next few weeks. Haywood started us off really well on Stewardship Kick-off Sunday, challenging us to think about the space between what we say and what we do. I’d bet for all of us there is some difference between what we hope to do, what we believe, what we know we should do, and what we end up actually doing. Why those differences exist is a pretty interesting conversation, I think. Sometimes we get caught up in other things. Sometimes we feel like we have done enough. Sometimes we forget. Sometimes we are afraid to do something hard. Sometimes we aren’t as committed as we think we should be. By now, you have all received your stewardship devotional booklet. We are taking a slightly different approach this year through these devotions, one in which I hope you will participate. One thing we have talked about as a Stewardship Committee is that too often – and I confess I am guilty of this – when it is time for the Community Stewardship Relay, and the pledge materials come to our house, we don’t give them the time we should. Sometimes I simply check what I gave last year, make a small increase, then put it in the envelope, and move it on. Our goal this year is to begin a conversation in our homes and in worship about what matters to us, about our values, about – as Paul says in Philemon – what refreshes our hearts. This is surely about stewardship, about our collective financial gifts. I want to personally ask you to make a pledge to the mission of God in this place. I know I will.
In this Issue Concerns & Celebrations Stop Hunger Now Meal Packing Project Homeless Connect Join the Fellowship Committee Love Spending Time with Toddlers? State of the Church Report 3 Things to Know Register Now: Fall Women's Retreat Register Now: Wednesdays ROCK! Child & Youth Protection Policy Women's Spirituality Group Westminster School for Children Sunday Morning CE for Adults Junior Choir Our Chancel Choir... Young Adult News @ WPC A Thank You Youth Ministry Community Opportunities Preaching Schedule Worship Volunteers
2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8
But the larger conversation is about who we are, and how we see and live in God’s world. The stewardship devotional booklet contains four devotions, one for each week of this season. I invite you to do these at home and discuss them with your friends. Pop me an email and let me know what you are seeing and learning. The devotion for the first week asks you to write down three things you are grateful for in your life, and to offer a prayer of thanksgiving to God for these things. My three things are: 1. Family. When they are wonderful, and when they are exhausting. In seasons of celebration, and seasons of grief. Family. 2. Watching children learn. Today, Wilson, our 18-month-old, learned that there is a lever you can push on the front of our refrigerator that dispenses water. He is having more fun than he should with that. It is messy, and a little frustrating, but also joyous. 3. Conversation. I think of the three men’s groups that have begun recently. A group of extraordinary men have gathered, and we have had some really rich conversations for which I am grateful. What about you? I look forward to continuing this good and faithful work with you in the coming weeks.
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Will you help pack 10,000 meals for hungry children across the globe this Sunday? (See page 2 for details.)
October 1, 2014
~ Concerns & Celebrations ~
Please remember the following in your prayers this week. The birth of Jennie & Robert Brame's daughter Dave Duling's mother Marge Enberg's sister-in-law The marriage of Barbara Fletcher's son Richard & Sally Keener's sister-in-law Ken Lundstrom's cousin's wife
The marriage of Bill & Eileen McAvoy's daughter Scott McLean Sharon Montgomery's son The death of Hal Safrit's uncle The birth of Eric & Kate Walford's daughter
Volunteer Opportunities & More at Westminster and Beyond Stop Hunger Now Meal Packing Event Sunday, October 5, at 5:30pm Fellowship Hall Come out at 5:30pm this Sunday and have fun while we work toward alleviating world hunger! All ages are invited to participate. Childcare for ages 5 and under is available by reservation only; to reserve a spot email
[email protected] by the end of today, Wednesday, October 1. To date, we've raised $2,342.37 toward the $2,500 it takes to purchase the 10,000 meals we'll pack this Sunday. Thank you to all whose donations have brought us so close to our goal!
Project Homeless Connect Collection
Enjoy event planning? Have great skills for organizing? Love bringing people together to spend time with one another in community?
Westminster is collecting hygiene items for Project Homeless Connect, a one-day, one-stop event connecting people who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness with a broad range of services. These services include housing, employment, health and dental care, mental health care, veterans' and social services, legal services, and more.
Westminster's Fellowship Committee is looking for folks like you. The Fellowship Committee plans various congregational events throughout the year, including the Ash Wednesday Pancake Dinner and Christmas Sing-along.
Please bring the following items to the yellow collection bin in the Holderness Mission Center by this Sunday, October 5: Soap/shampoo Lotion Disposable razors
Shaving cream Deodorant Toothbrushes
If you're interested in serving on the Fellowship Committee, please come to the committee's October 14 meeting at 7:30pm (4207 Swarthmore Rd, Durham). This is a great opportunity to serve the church and meet new people. Contact: Ashley Messick (
[email protected])
Toothpaste ChapStick Tissue packets
Love spending time with toddlers? Volunteer with the 1- and 2-year-olds in the Nursery during the 11am worship service! We need one volunteer to serve with two paid staff each Sunday, so come prepared to give lots of love and enjoy playtime (no diaper changing skills necessary). Email Melissa Katrincic (
[email protected]) to see which dates are available and to sign up. -2-
Westminster Presbyterian Church
State of the Church Report Dear Faithful of Westminster: As stewardship season gets underway, the Ways & Means Commission wanted to give you an update on this year’s budget and work. There were no major capital projects this year, but the campus should look cleaner and brighter with the pressure washing and painting that was completed over the summer. In 2010, we elected to stop distributions from the Holderness Fund for local missions. There was not enough income generated from the fund to cover the required distributions without using part of the principle. We are happy to report we were able to resume these distributions this year. The distributions are coming entirely from principal. Presently, our operating revenue is almost 10% under budget. Although this is typical for this time of year, if you are able to go ahead and pay your pledge, it would be helpful. The operating expenses are about 6% under budget. Barbara and the rest of the church staff watch the budget carefully and try to allocate expenses to match revenues. All of the committee chairs have been working on their “wish budget” for 2015. The Finance Committee, headed by Dana Lange, will take these committee budgets and develop a 2015 budget. They will give the budget to the Stewardship Committee to work with for the current campaign.
We lost two of our committee members this year to moves. David Anderson moved to Washington, DC, to take a job at George Washington University, and Alyson Bosworth moved to Concord so Bobby could be closer to his job. The new change in church officers also brings changes to the make-up of Ways & Means. Darren Skeen has rotated off the Session, so Doug Wellemeyer is the new Session liaison. Dana Lange will continue as Finance Committee chair. Judd Staples will continue as Diaconate liaison. Amy Simonson will continue to chair the Stewardship Committee. C.V. Connor will still be in charge of Property Management, and Mary Ferrell will stay on as Clerk. Finally, I will hand the chair reins over to Andy Finkle and continue as past moderator. Barbara Fletcher will retire at the end of October. She has been the backbone of our committee for years. She has done double duty as treasurer and business administrator, and we appreciate all her hard work. We are sad to see her go, and wish her well on this new chapter in her life. Serving as the Ways & Means moderator has been so rewarding. Committee work at WPC really gives you that chance to see the Christ in your fellow committee members and his hand at work in the church. Warmly, Lucy Stokes 2013-2014 Moderator Ways & Means Commission
— – - 3 Things to Know - – —
your kindness
Stewardship season is in full swing at Westminster! Here are some important things to know:
the heart
Devotionals not picked up last Sunday were mailed on Monday. If yours hasn't arrived yet, follow along with the digital version at www.bit.ly/wpc2015devo.
1. Your devotional...
2. In your envelope...
In the envelope with your devotional is one of two items: a note explaining the Mail Path or a contact sheet listing who is on your Path for the Community Stewardship Relay. We are sharing these items with you earlier this year to help you prepare for the Relay. Your pledge materials (financial pledge card, electronic giving form, and Time & Talent pledge sheets) will begin making their way to you when the Relay begins on October 19 and 20.
3. You are invited... In this week's devotion, "I always thank my God...", Chris asks us to write down three things that we are grateful for in our lives. Chris shared his three things in his letter on page 1. You are invited to share your own three things on WPC's Facebook page at www.bit.ly/wpc3things (please login to comment). We look forward to learning about what you thank God for! -3-
October 1, 2014
Christian Education news
Register NOW for Wednesdays ROCK! Kick-off: Wednesday, October 15 4:15-5:30pm
Register NOW for the Fall Women's Retreat Sign up online at www.bit.ly/wpcFallWRetreat14 by the end of today. All retreat details are available at the registration link.
Parents, register your children for Wednesdays ROCK! online at www.bit.ly/wpcWedsROCK by Wednesday, October 1. The cost is $25 for the first child in a family, and $12.50 for each additional child for the fall semester (online payment not available). Checks should be made payable to WPC with "WR!" in the memo line and submitted to Barb Schmidt in the church office.
For more info, contact Eileen McAvoy (919-493-7547); for scholarship requests, contact Heather Ferguson (919-489-4974, ext. 104).
Westminster’s New Child and Youth Protection Policy As the Christian Education Committee began the process of revisiting and revising Westminster’s Child and Youth Protection Policy the following statement became crystal clear. One of the foundational components of a healthy and vibrant ministry is a covenant or policy that: •
Welcomes members into faithful service,
Builds and maintains an atmosphere of trust, and
Upholds the importance of a safe environment, protecting the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of children, youth, and the adults who care for them.
And so, we embarked upon a nine-month course that would reveal the “best practices” of other churches and presbyteries, the wisdom and direction of church and institutional insurance companies, and the tragic results of not having sufficient policies and training practices in place. On September 21, the Session of Westminster received and approved the new policy. Here is the Statement of Policy found in the introduction to the policy: “Westminster Presbyterian Church is committed to maintaining a safe environment in which children and youth are nurtured and instructed in the faith, and protected from neglect and emotional, sexual, and physical abuse. Our goals are to protect children and youth in all church programs, to educate our members concerning abuse issues, and to protect volunteers and nursery staff, as well as the church as a whole, from potential wrongful accusations of abuse or neglect. We recognize that children and youth are entrusted to the care of adults in church programs and activities, both on and off the campus, and in programs operated by others on church property. They will be free to participate in these programs and activities without intimidation, coercion, or abuse of any type. This general policy is applicable to all persons whether nursery staff, volunteers, church members, visitors, or guests.” The next steps in the implementation process are crucial. All persons working with children and youth (Church School teachers, nursery volunteers, youth sponsors, etc.) must participate in a Child and Youth Protection Policy training session and complete the approved application and covenant. There will be three identical training sessions from which to choose: 1.
Sunday, October 12, 12-1pm - Childcare will be available in the Fellowship Hall and a light lunch will be served. You must RSVP at www.bit.ly/wpc10-12CYPPT by October 8.
Saturday, November 8, 9-10am - RSVP by November 5 at www.bit.ly/wpc11-8CYPPT. Childcare will be available upon request on the registration form.
Thursday, November 20, 7-8pm - RSVP by November 17 at www.bit.ly/wpc11-20CYPPT. Childcare will be available upon request on the registration form.
Please register for the training that works for your schedule using the links above. Contact Heather Ferguson with questions (
[email protected]). -4-
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Sunday Morning Christian Education for Adults The following classes continue to engage adult members and guests in Bible study, social action, and the truths of Jesus. On Sunday, October 19, we will introduce a new five-week elective, Technology and Your Teen, led by our own Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman. This will be a great class for parents!
Women's Spirituality Group October 22 and November 19 | 9:30am-12pm in the Parlor
The Surprising Wideness of Mercy: Week 4
The Women's Spirituality Group will discuss Diana Butler Bass's book, "Christianity After Religion" on two upcoming dates, October 22 and November 19, from 9:30am-12pm. Anyone interested in learning more about changing trends in church attendance in the U.S. or how the concept of "spiritual, but not religious" came about is more than welcome to join us. We will also talk about spiritual practices and practice centering prayer in each session. See Heather Ferguson to purchase a copy of the book. Contact Dorothy Pennell at
[email protected] for more information.
Facilitator: Cathy Church Norman; Location: Parlor Every encounter with another person offers us a unique opportunity to extend mercy. This week, we will learn about the wideness of mercy in everyday life.
Bible Roundtable
Facilitators: Eric Wolf, Gene Brannon; Location: Room 208 The round table discussions in this class focus on Herbert Miller's book, "Jesus' Twenty Mega Truths." Jesus taught only one thing about how to live a quality life: the kingdom of God. But Jesus illustrated that megatruth in twenty different ways.
Sojourners It's October! What an exciting month for the students of Westminster School. We are looking forward to our Fall Open House. This is an evening event and a time for parents to hear about the first month of school from their child's teacher. It's nice having this event after we've been able to get to know one another, and the children are accustomed to the school routine. Our four-year-olds are looking forward to a visit to Green Acres Farm in Cary. They will go on a hay ride, enjoy the corn maze, and even meet Bessie the Milk Cow! Our three-yearolds will participate in our annual "Community Helper Day" on October 22. Several community helpers will gather in the Westminster parking lot with their special vehicles. We'll welcome a police officer, several fire fighters, an emergency medical technician, a dump truck operator, and a church bus driver (thank you, Betty Berghaus!). The children are very excited about meeting the people in our community who help keep us safe. Of course, at the end of the month, we'll celebrate Halloween in the traditional Westminster way. We'll all dress up, parade, sing songs, and listen to stories told by Carol Van Hise! Westminster School continues to be a great place for children and grown-ups to learn and have fun together. Thanks for all you do! Kathy Stickley Director
Facilitators: Various class members; Location: Room 204 The Sojourners class is being guided by Steve Corbett, Brian Fikkert, John Perkins, and David Platt's book, "When Helping Hurts." "Unleashing and equipping people to effectively help the poor requires repentance and the realization of our own brokenness. When Helping Hurts articulates a biblically-based framework concerning the root causes of poverty and its alleviation."
The Present Word Teachers: Richard Draffin, Mike Bunch; Location: Room 205 The Present Word class will begin a new theme of “Dark Nights of the Soul,” for four sessions in October and look at the messages of Habakkuk, Job, and the psalmist as they each experienced hope and God’s help during times when trouble turned sunshine days into darkness.
Technology and Your Teen: A Faithful Approach
Facilitator: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman; Location: Parlor Snapchatting, Facebooking, Instagramming, friending/liking/ hashtagging. The lingo alone is overwhelming! Come learn how to guide our teens through the jungle of technology, using our faith as a compass. We will discuss the use of technology by teens, the benefits and dangers, the ways to incorporate boundaries, and how to use technology as a tool for spiritual growth. This class is open to everyone, especially those who interact with teens. -5-
October 1, 2014
Music news Registration is not required, but we need at least one parent helper at each rehearsal. I look forward to a strong children’s choir program this fall, and can’t wait to see you soon!
Junior Choir begins Wednesday, October 22 Join us as we learn about music and make a joyful noise to the Lord! Junior Choir is open to all children 4 years old through 5th grade, and meets in the Music Room from 4:15-5:15pm every other Wednesday (alternating with Wednesdays ROCK!).
Questions? Contact Monica Rossman (919-489-4974, ext. 113;
[email protected]).
Our Chancel Choir is waiting to welcome you! If you have ever sung in a choir and miss it, or if you’ve never sung in a choir but wonder what it would be like – particularly during the musically rich Advent and Christmas season – please consider joining the Chancel Choir. Even if you don’t have time for a weekly commitment, limited-time or seasonal commitments are all right… whatever works for you! Your participation provides you with wonderful musical experiences and fellowship, and the opportunity to serve God and your church family in a meaningful way. Upcoming musical events include: • Westminster’s beloved annual Lovefeast, scheduled for 5pm on Sunday, December 7. Special music is provided by our in-house Lovefeast Choir, which is open to all singers and operates on its own rehearsal schedule, starting November 8 (more details will be provided in the next newsletter). • Our Chancel Choir’s annual presentation of Advent Lessons & Carols in both morning worship services on Sunday, December 14. Our November 8 choir retreat (9:15am-12:30pm in the Music Room) focuses on the music for this heartfelt worship experience; it is possible to learn all the music by attending this event and the December 13 dress rehearsal, though of course it’s most helpful to attend more rehearsals. • The 8pm Christmas Eve service, which includes wonderful choral anthems in a beautiful worship environment. If you want to join us, simply come to one of our Thursday night (7:30pm) or Sunday morning (10am) choir rehearsals in the Music Room. If you have questions, or a scheduling issue or limited-time commitment you’d like to discuss, don’t hesitate to contact Monica Rossman (
[email protected]; 919-489-4974, ext. 113). Let’s keep our choir program strong as we continue to sing joyfully to the glory of God!
A Thank You
Young Adult News @ WPC *Durham YA Picnic: Join other Presbyterian young adults in Durham for a potluck picnic this Saturday, October 4, from 5-8pm at Duke Park (Acadia St). Rain location: First Pres Durham. Please email
[email protected] if you're planning to attend. Supper Club: Friday, October 10, from 6:30-8pm at Heather & Will Turner's home. The Turners will supply the basics for a taco bar (tortillas, shells, meat); please bring sides, toppings, and drinks. Kids are welcome. RSVP at www.bit.ly/1qVv79L. Contact Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman with questions about Young Adult Group activities (
[email protected]).
Dear Westminster congregation, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks for the support my family received in the way of delicious meals, cards, phone calls, and prayers after my unexpected surgery. Your thoughtfulness and kindness is much appreciated. We are truly blessed to have a wonderful church family at Westminster. Sincerely, Mark Howell & family
Westminster Presbyterian Church
youth ministry news
For youth group on Sunday, September 21, the youth had their first class dinner gatherings. Class dinners are like supper clubs for our youth – they gather to share a meal together with peers from their own grade. Here's what each class did: 6th & 7th Grade
Super Hero Night! The youth made their own super hero costumes and played fun games.
Stop Hunger Now: The youth and youth sponsor meal packing shift begins at 6:45pm; parents, please be sure to drop your youth off for their youth group program at 5:30pm, and know that you are invited to come back at 6:45pm to help pack meals! Corn Maze registration due: sign up online at www.bit.ly/wpcCornMaze14 Corn Maze Trip: Meet at WPC after 11am worship service; return to WPC at 4:30pm. No youth group at 5:30pm. Class Dinners (Various locations)
8th Grade
Confirmation Excursion The confirmands adventured to 9th Street for a delicious dinner at Cosmic Cantina, and to Duke's East campus for frisbee. 9th-12th Grade
Brinner (breakfast for dinner) The senior highs ate bacon in their pj's. 'Nough said.
Community Opportunities North Carolina Presbyterian Historical Society 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting Saturday, October 18
There will be a pig pickin’ good time at New Hope Camp and Conference Center from 5-8:30pm on Saturday, October 4. Bring your family, friends, and appetite for our 11th Annual BBQ Dinner fundraising event. BBQ pork or chicken plates are $10 and children’s plates are $7 for those under 8 years old. Take out is available. During the evening there will be activities for all ages including a raffle, carnival games, face painting, wagon rides and much more! Enjoy live music by Haw River Social and Pleasure Club. Tickets can be purchased in advance. Contact the office at 919-942-4716.
The North Carolina Presbyterian Historical Society will hold its 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 18, from 9:30am2:30pm at the historic Ramah Presbyterian Church near Huntersville in Mecklenburg County. Enjoy the fall colors with us, and the history of this beautiful church, its very old cemetery, and the whole region. Registration is $20. The schedule, registration form, and address are available at www.ncphsociety.org. Contact: Program Chair Sam Martin (910-428-4165). -7-
October 1, 2014 Westminster Presbyterian Church 3639 Old Chapel Hill Rd Durham, NC 27707 Phone: (919) 489-4974 Fax: (919) 493-4553
[email protected] www.wpcdurham.org www.facebook.com/wpcdurham The next WPC newsletter will be published on October 15. The deadline to submit material is October 8. To submit material for publication, contact Communications Coordinator Kara Pearce at
[email protected] or 919-489-4974, ext. 101. The newsletter is emailed. If you prefer to receive a paper copy by mail, please contact Kara Pearce.
Preaching Schedule October 5 - World Communion Sunday Preaching: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman October 12 Preaching: Chris Tuttle October 19 - Community Stewardship Relay Begins Preaching: Chris Tuttle October 26 - Birthday Sunday Preaching: Taylor Lewis Guthrie Hartman
Worship Volunteers for October 5, 12, 19 and 26 ACOLYTES 10/5 Justin Meyer 10/12 Daniel & Andrew Bear 10/19 Harrison Truscott 10/26 Logan McElroy LECTORS 10/5 8:30 10/12 8:30 10/19 8:30 10/26 8:30
Dorene Palermo 11:00 Linda Van Gombos 11:00 Lee Murphy 11:00 Sue Murphy 11:00
USHERS 10/5 8:30 11:00 10/12 8:30 11:00 10/19 8:30 11:00 10/26 8:30 11:00
Bonnie & Dailey Derr, Volunteers Needed Barb & Bill Burig, Cathy Snider, Volunteers Needed David, Kathleen, David & Carter Lapp Volunteers Needed Gary Carr, Lois Bender, Jim & Susan Ketch Volunteers Needed Jill & Michelle Nelson, Adella & Christina Boxberger Jeremy & Laural Trantham, and Volunteers Needed
Rachel Meyen Davis Bingham Jeremy Trantham Judy Lamon NURSERY Monthly Coordinator: Melissa Katrincic OFFERING COUNTERS Every Sun. Infants & Toddlers - WPC Nursery Staff 10/5 8:30 Dottie Bartholomay, Sharon Barnes 10/5 2-3 Volunteers Needed 4-5 Jonathan & Sally Evans 11:00 Bill & Barb Burig 10/12 2-3 Patrick Lang & Shannon Allee 4-5 Carrie Tuttle, Jan & Holland Hale 10/12 8:30 Jack & Carol Walker 10/19 2-3 Jenny Whitman & Carolyn Holmes 4-5 Kristen & Eric Bourn 11:00 Sally Cook, Anne Wolf 10/26 2-3 Brian & Katie Hanczaryk 4-5 Anne Wolf, Ben & Tina Allen 10/19 8:30 Lois Bender, Sue Murphy *See p. 2 for a new nursery need in the Toddler Room. 11:00 Alex & Mary Denson 10/26 8:30 Ryowon Kim & Peter Scilipote SOUND TECHNICIANS 11:00 Beth Eagen, Gloria Kanoy 8:30 Doug Wellemeyer 11:00 Lee Katrincic FLOWERS Shirley Collins, Jackie Whitt, Bonnie Derr, Betsy Mangum
Westminster Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA).