Abstract: The statistical theory of spectra formulated in terms of random ... Statistical properties of a quantum system were found to be profoundly interrelated.
Nuclear Physics A504 (1989) 562-588 Nosh-Holland, Amsterdam
V.V. SOKOLOV Insfifufe
of Nuclear Physics, 630090, Novosibirsk, USSR Received
22 August
The statistical theory of spectra formulated in terms of random matrices is extended to unstable states. The energies and widths of these states are treated as real and imaginary parts of complex eigenvalues for an effective non-hermitian hamiltonian. Eigenvalue statistics are investigated under simple assumptions. If the coupling through common decay channels is weak we obtain a Wigner distribution for the level spacings and a Porter-Thomas one for the widths, with the only exception for spacings less than widths where level repulsion fades out. Meanwhile in the complex energy plane the repulsion of eigenvalues is quadratic in accordance with the T-noninvariant character of decaying systems. In the opposite case of strong coupling with the continuum, k short-lived states are formed (k is the number of open decay channels). These states accumulate almost the whole total width, the rest of the states becoming long-lived. Such a perestroika corresponds to separation of direct processes (a nuclear analogue of Dicke coherent superradiance). At small channel number, Ericson fluctuations of the cross sections are found to be suppressed. The one-channel case is considered in detail. The joint distribution of energies and widths is obtained. The average cross sections and density of unstable states are calculated.
1. Introduction Statistical
are now providing
deep insight into the physics of real quantum
systems. They arise from structure uncertainties instance, disordered solids or atoms in random complexity systems Statistical
of the wave functions.
but, in some conditions, properties
with the dynamical
of a quantum stability
of systems under consideration (for external fields) as well as from the
The latter can take place not only in many-body even for a small number system were found
of phase space trajectories
of degrees
to be profoundly of a corresponding
of freedom. interrelated classical
system. One can schematically subdivide existing statistical approaches ‘) into global and local ones. Theories of the first kind deal with wide energy regions. The main statistical quantity here is the level density p,(E) for given energy E and other exact integrals of motion 1. It results in the coarse description, commonly using thermodynamical concepts. Actually, one should take an ensemble average over typical eigenstates of the given hamiltonian. The Bohr idea of a compound nucleus ‘) is an excellent example. In the local-type approach ‘> a sequence of closeiy spaced levels is considered and the main subjects of interest are correlations and ffuctuations of quantities relating 0375-9474/89/$03.50 @ Elsevier Science Publishers (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)
V. V. Sokolov,
to specific energy
As for the usual
it is of minor
statistical works
of Wigner
were begun
V.C. Zelevinsky
of state properties
Dyson “) although
long before ‘)_ Usually
and statistics
here. This field can be naturally
“). Its extensive
‘) and
/ Dynamics
one considers
was initiated studies
on excitation referred
of local
the statistics
to as
by pioneering regularities
of energy
levels and
matrix elements of simple operators “). The progress in this area has provided us with an understanding of the difference between regular and stochastic quantum systems, as connected with quasiperiodic or ergodic behaviour of co~esponding classical systems 9-‘t). The random matrix theory 3,6,‘2) proved
to be an adequate
tool for investigating
local statistics of quantum states. This method implies a higher degree of abstractness in comparison with Gibbs thermodynamics and reveals the most profound properties determined by general features of dynamics (hermiticity, unitarity, 7’-invariance) rather than by specific details. Stochasticity of motion gives rise to the hypothesis of equivalence of bases in the space of states. It means that the distribution function of matrix elements of a hamiltonian is invariant with respect to orthogonal transformations. Thus, one obtains the gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE) of random real symmetrical matrices which gives a good description of stochastic motion in actual
(for example,
in nuclei)
as well as in
model calculations. Lifting the T-invariance restriction one comes to the gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE) of complex hermitian matrices. As it is well known, GOE and CUE predict respectively linear and quadratic level repulsion at small spacings. The repulsion reflects the possibility of level crossing only on a manifold of zero measure in the space of random matrix elements. Actually, excited states of physical systems have a finite lifetime. An unstable state is created by an external field and decays afterwards via open channels. Strictly speaking, the above-mentioned standard gaussian ensembles are applicable to discrete stationary levels only. The influence of coupling with the continuum on the properties of internal states has not been su~ciently understood up to now. In fact, such effects have been considered only in some numerical calculations (see e.g. ref. 13)) of nuclear reactions. On physical grounds, one should expect that even in the case of separated resonances (T/L2 % 1) the level statistics will be modified due to instability.
In particular,
one can guess that the level repulsion
at small distances
=zT should be washed out. The remote classical analogue for this phenomenon is originating from non-crossing phase the possibility of intersection of “corridors” space trajectories of conservative motion as a result of dissipation. In the opposite case of overlapped resonances (r/D* 1) the whole pattern is set by the openness of a system, namely by external mixing via continuum 14). This situation is new for statistical spectroscopy. Since unstable states emerge as intermediate ones in various reactions, the complete statistical description calls for extra hypotheses concerning reaction amplitudes. Assuming that the decay of the internal state n into the channel a performs an
V. V. Sokolov,
of a complicated
its component probabilities Thomas
matched within
V.G. Zelevinsky
wave function to this channel,
/ Dynamics
and extracts
the modulus
one can also obtain
the scope of Wigner-Dyson 15) for neutron
and stabtics
theory. of isolated
the distribution
IAz12 of of decay
In such a way, the Porterresonances
in good
agreement with experiment ‘1. In contrast to this approach, we use below independent statistical assumptions on internal states and decay amplitudes. For separated resonances nevertheless we come to the same Porter-Thomas width distribution. For many years, statistical reaction theory and statistical spectroscopy were being advanced practically independently. direction of a combined description
Only recently the progress was achieved in the of reaction amplitudes and cross section together system 16--‘R).Having in mind primarily investigation
with levels of an open quantum of unstable intermediate states we will pursue
the same aim of combined
description using methods generalizing those of traditional statistical spectroscopy. Such as approach leads to the problem of spectral properties of nonhermitian random matrices. Ensembles of those matrices provide generalization of gaussian ensembles of hermitian hamiltonians to unstable systems. We proceed from the general theory of resonance nuclear
“). In good
approximation reaction amplitudes can be represented as sums of pole terms in the complex energy plane. Such poles 8, = E, --iiF,, being the eigenvalues of the non-hermitian effective hamiltonian X correspond to unstable intermediate states with energies E, and widths r,. We adopt simple statistical hypotheses concerning matrix elements of hermitian and antihermitian parts of X. If coupling of internal states with the continuum is weak (small external mixing) and resonances do not overlap, r/D Q 1, our assumptions give the same results theory. The only significant difference is the disappearance small distances
as the Wigner-Dyson of level repulsion at
1Em - E,,] -Cmax {r,,, r,,}.
In the opposite, limiting case of strong external mixing, the results are governed by the algebraic structure of the anti-hermitian part of %. This structure follows, in fact, from the unitarity condition. Therefore its consequences are of a general nature. Due to this structure,
of widths
r/D 5 1. As a result, k rapidly decaying states are formed (k is the number of open channels) reflecting segregation of fast “direct” processes. The rest of the intermediate states are long-lived and have small excitation cross sections. This discrimination of widths is consistent with the picture 20) of the two-step course of nuclear reactions in the region of overlapping resonances. The similar phenomenon-formation of a short-lived coherently decaying state in a system with almost degenerate levels - is known in quantum optics as Dicke superradiance. Such a state of N identical two-level atoms coupied via the common radiation field has a width r = A+ where y stands for the width of the excited level of a single atom. In sect. 2 we discuss the phenomenological non-he~itian effective hamiltonian X and its connection to the scattering matrix 3 arising from the general reaction theory. In particular, it is shown that the number of nonzero eigenvalues of the
V. V. Sokolov, V.G. Zelevinsky 1 Dynamics and statistics
anti-hermitian different
of 2
can not exceed
forms of the secular
sect. 3. In the case of strong state is demonstrated R-matrix
equation external
for one-channel
and compare
the number
for complex mixing,
k of open
the width
8, are considered
We introduce
at a single
the phenomenological
of the scattering
Sects. 4
and 5 are devoted to discussion of our statistical hypotheses concerning the distributions of matrix elements of hermitian and anti-hermitian parts of X The distributions of corresponding eigenvalues are analyzed. In sects. 4 and 6 the ensemble averages of R- and S-matrices are found as well as the averaged cross sections of scattering and absorption r,, is obtained of complex
processes. The joint distribution function for energies E, and widths in sect. 7 for the one-channel case. In particular, quadratic repulsion
is revealed.
Due to the unitarity
in the poles
of an amplitude for the one-channel scattering can be expressed in terms of complex energies 8, only. Therefore the statistics of residues follow from the level statistics in this case. Finally, the mean density of unstable states in the complex energy plane is found in sect. 8. Both cases of weak and strong examined.
2. Effective hamiltonian
are explicitly
and scattering matrix
Suppose a complex quantum system (for instance, a highly excited atomic nucleus) near an excitation energy E is considered. Let the given energy region contain N resonance states studied with reactions a + b (a, b = 1,2, . . . , k are open channels). In accordance with ref. 19), the scattering matrix
sha(E) = 8’” - iTb”(E) can be expressed in terms of amplitudes AZ connecting n (n = 1,2,. . . ) N) with a channel state a as follows:
(2.1) an internal
(2.2) Here the N x N matrix
in the internal
X= H -tiW plays the role of the For simplicity, we do ing contribution can The anti-hermitian
effective hamiltonian; matrices H and W are both hermitian. not take into account pure potential scattering. The correspondbe introduced without difficulties. part W of (2.3) has the form W,,,,=
; A”,A:*, o=,
V. V. Sokolov,
V.G. Zelevinsky
where the sum goes over k open channels. (2.1) [ref. ‘“)I. Generally energy dependent.
is high in the energy matrix
that reaction
Al and
elements energy
are negligible
far from this interval).
of S-matrix H,,
since the level density
in, the regular
this region
are sufficiently
is rather smooth,
we are interested
and statistics
Eq. (2.4) assures the unitarity
this dependence
/ Dynamics
(one should Hen&,
one can restrict
oneself to considering only the explicit pole energy dependence in (2.2). This means we can use the matrix % as an effective hamiltonian for studying local dynamical and statistical properties of an unstable system. For convenience, we introduce operator notations in the channel space marking N x k matrices
them with a caret. Using rectangular (2.2) and (2.4) in the compact form ~(E)=A.~;_L_A,
of W causes the important
A = {At} we write down eqs.
for k < N the matrix
W cannot
have more than k nonzero eigenvalues. Indeed, columns of the matrix A are N-dimensional vectors in the inner space. Provided that k < N these vectors span the k-dimensional subspace of the state space. One can choose the remaining N - k basis vectors to be orthogonal to the columns of the matrix A. Then it is clear that the rank of the matrix W is equal to k. It can be shown readily that the nonzero eigenvalues of W coincide with those of the k x k matrix ~=A+A
in the channel
Its elements
X’” =I,,
(2.6) Ai*Az
are scalar
of k N-
dimensional vectors A”. For definiteness, we will consider below the T-invariant theory. As it is known, then the choice of channel states is feasible making the S-matrix symmetric. Without loss of generality, make
the inner
the effective
As a result,
can also be chosen 5Y symmetric,
for the T-invariant
XT= 2
AZ become
the amplitudes
real, At = AT.
N eigenvectors
r,!~“”(n = 1,2, . . . , N) of the non-hermitian hamiltonian to exponentially decaying states and the complex eigenvalues 8, = E, -$ir,,
= S,,8,.
Z! corre-
give their energies E, and widths r,,. With the notation composed of columns (Cl(“),one can write the diagonalizing Z=
case to T marks
V for the N x N matrix transformation
of % as (2.8)
of Z leads to pTW=l=C@T.
V. V. Sokolov,
Here second
the first equality
KG. Zelevinsky
X is non-hermitian.
of the existence
of common
of the eigenvalue
and statistics
the orthonormalization
one is the completeness
/ Dynamics
At the same time
Thus eigenstates
decay channels.
!P’!P # 1 since the
$“” are non-orthogonal
the equation
by ?P’ from the left and the conjugate
because XV = !PX,
by tY
from the right we get ~+W~d-~~~+~~=+(~-~+)W=-jty’W~=-iA”*A”T. Unlike
A, the tilded
amplitudes i=
A”, = 1 A&b’,“’ n
are complex, Ai being the decay amplitude of an unstable eigenstate m into a channel a. Eq. (2.10) is nothing but the matrix form of the Bell-Steinberger relation 22). After diagonalization of resonance terms
of 2, the scattering
(2.2) takes the form of a sum
ha (2.12)
> Thus,
in adopted
are meromorphic
in the complex energy plane having poles in the points of eigenvalues of X. Residues in the poles are complex. It is essential for the interference of close resonances 23,24).
3. Secular equation and R-matrix. Complex
(2.7) of intermediate
of widths
states are roots of the secular
Det(g--X)=0. The structure
(2.4) of the operator
Let us introduce respectively,
the resolvents
G0(8)=(SS-~))‘, In what follows
W guarantees G’(8)
non-negativity G(8)
we will also need the k x k matrix
of the widths
of the matrices
in the channel
H and
space (3.3)
R( ZY)= ATGO( ‘@A
similar to the Wigner R-matrix of the nuclear reaction theory. Matrix elements of R( 8) have poles in the real points 8 = 8, of eigenvalues of the hermitian part H. Eq. (3.1) can be transformed as follows Det(g-X)=Det(SS_)Det[1+fiG”(8)W] = Det (SZ- H) exp {Tr log [ 1 +fiG’(
V. V. Sokolov,
V.G. Zelevinsky
/ Dynamics
It is easy to verify that one can permute cyclically result one reduces the secular equation (3.1) to
and stafistics
the matrix
AT under
log. As a
det[l+$R(8)]=0, where
det stands
for the determinant
in the k-dimensional
In the
practically interesting case k < N, the new equation (3.5) is simpler than the original one (3.1). Using the separability of W we get the Dyson-type relation connecting resolvents (3.2) for stable and unstable systems c(g) Insertion
= cO($)-~iG0(8)~[l+~iR($)I-‘~~~0(8).
of eq. (3.6) into eqs. (2.5) and (2.1) gives f(E)
In addition,
the useful
1 +$iR(E)
1-$6(E) 1 +;iR(E)
for the trace of the Green
TrG(8)=TrG0(8)+$K(~) follows from (3.6) where the function
K( 8) is given by the trace (Tr) in the channel
space (3.10) As should
be the case, complex
of eq. (3.5). The contributions cancel out.
poles in eqs. (3.6)-(3.10) of real poles
with the roots
8 = E, from the two terms of eq. (3.9)
In the simplest one-channel case the R-matrix (3.3) turns out to be just a meromorphic function with positive residues (Wigner R-function) and the secular equation (3.5) takes the form l+$R(8)=l+$Tr[G”($)W]=0.
If 8, = E, -@, is a root of eq. (3.11) then 1 -$R( 8*) = 0, i.e. the one-channel S-matrix (3.8) vanishes at 8= 8 :. Taking into account the asymptotic condition lim E+m S(E) = 1 we obtain the factorized representation (3.12) used repeatedly in the literature [see for example ref. 26)]. This representation is equivalent to the sum (2.12) over poles, provided that the complex parameters 8, are roots of the secular equation (3.11). However, the expression (3.12) remains
V.V. Sokolov, KG. Zelevinsky / Dynamics and statistics
for arbitrary
8,. If one takes,
cease to be equivalent.
as in ref. 26), energies
then the two representations
En and widths
of the one-channel
The noted fact often slips away. Meanwhile
ation (3.12) with arbitrary
8, may become
of W stressed in sect. 2. Such a non-equivalence is especially important ances when the anti-hermitian part W dominates.
the parametriz-
with the algebraic
in the case of overlapped resonIn the basis of eigenvectors of H
one has (3.13) Accordingly,
the secular
(3.11) can be written
as a pair of coupled
equations Y”E” arc arc n (&ET;2+$2=1’ ” (E-E,)2+$2=E*
In the limiting
case of the completely
immediately that there exists the unique with nonzero width
H = E * 1, one obtains
of the effective
r=Cy,=TrW=w n
accumulated over all individual widths y”. The remaining N - 1 states remain stable. A similar situation ruling out the arbitrary choice of widths r, always occurs if external mixing is strong. Indeed, it follows from (3.14) that if the summarized width w exceeds the energy range AE where levels a, are located, then the broad level with the width ri - w emerges whereas the remaining widths prove to be small. In the limits w/AE
s 1 and N > 1, assuming
the distribution
of E, to be homogeneous
symmetric around E = 0, one can obtain easily for the broad level E, = (llW)C”Y&” -O,~,=~[1-O((AE/w)~)].Asforthenarrowlevels(n=2,3,...,N), their energies E,, occur intermittently between neighbouring a, and their widths r,
- (AE/ w)~w/N complement r, to the total value w. For strong external mixing the more convenient form of the secular equation be obtained with the help of the orthogonal transformation diagonalizing
can the
anti-hermitian part W. Since in the one-channel case the matrix W has N - 1 degenerate zero eigenvalues, one can diagonalize in addition the (N - 1) x (N - 1) submatrix of the hermitian part H with the extra orthogonal transformation of the (N - 1)-dimensional subspace. As a result, eq. (3.11) takes the form %-h-lZ($)+$w=O,
where notations
h, = HI, = Hv,
V.V. Sokolov, V.G. Zelevinsky / Dynamics and statistics
are introduced,
E, being
At h, = 0 only one level is unstable the widths function
R (3.17)
continuum states. On the basis of the preceding
of the (N - 1)-dimensional having
a width
of the unstable
one. This mixing
to the function paragraph,
w. The remaining
R (3.13)
the scattering
is described
describing amplitude
of H.
levels E, get mixing
by the with
Since l?(E) +oo at E + E, the amplitude (3.18) and the cross section zeroes coinciding with E,. Peaks of the cross section are disposed satisfying
have N- 1 at energies
the equation E-h-&E)=O,
which is nothing but the secular equation for eigenvalues of the hermitian part H. The R-function (3.13) has roots of eq. (3.19) as its poles*. Therefore, independently of the power of external mixing, the one-channel cross section has (neglecting the potential contribution) N peaks alternating with N - 1 zeroes**. However, only in the case of weak coupling via the continuum, the cross section peaks lie, according to (3.14) and (2.12), at the points E, = E, of the energies of unstable intermediate states and have near those points the Breit-Wigner shape with widths r,, = -rn. In the opposite case of strong coupling E,, = F,, (v = 2,3,. . . , N; see eq. (7.36) below) so that now the cross section minima rather than its maxima fall at energies of unstable states. The contributions of the broad and narrow resonances happen to be opposite in phase and cancel out. Outside the interval AE occupied by the narrow resonances,
the amplitude
(3.18) has the Breit-Wigner
with the width
One can conclude that the variables h, E,,, h,, and w are more adequate for parametrizing the energy dependence of the one-channel S-matrix then energies E, and widths r,, of intermediate unstable states. The latter are suitable for analysis of the time dependence
of the process.
These two ways of treatment
are complemen-
tary. We would like to note though that the pole parametrization (2.12) is universal for any channel number whereas the simple properties of the expression (3.18) have no analogues in the many-channel case. Thus, the strong coupling with continuum drives creating a short-lived state. Similarly, if there exist decay probabilities, k broad states are formed summed width. This phenomenon observed in
to sharp redistribution of widths k open channels with comparable absorbing practically the whole realistic calculations of specific
* We recall that the energy shifts occurring in the general theory of nuclear reactions are incorporated into H. l* Such a behaviour of the cross section is typical for the one-channel case only. If, apart from the elastic channel, some inelastic channels are opened the elastic cross section has no zeroes. This is the case also for inelastic cross sections at k 2 3 [ref. “)I. The cross section peaks do not coincide, in the general case, with R-matrix poles. These results follow from the many-channel analogue of eq. (3.18).
V. V. Sokolov,
to a compound of separated at N>l Using
13) implies nucleus.
hearthevalue the term
VG. Zelevinsky
/ Dynamics
the predominance
Quite abrupt
to development
and statistics
of direct processes transition”
of broad
over relaxation
from the uniform
states occurs
w-AE,i.e.(y)=w/N-D=AE/N. “direct
we actually
in mind
fast process
independently of its mechanism. The duration h/w of this process is essentially shorter not only than the recurrence time h/D but also than the time interval h/AE of fragmentation of the entrance state into more complicated configurations. On the other hand, we have shown that the lifetime of long-lived states is T(w/AE)h/D% factor w/AE. have
h/D. This time exceeds the delay time obtained The discrepance is due to the difference of input from the S-matrix
in ref. “) by the assumptions. We
(2.2) based
on the general
reaction theory. In the one-channel case we have obtained from here eq. (3.18) as a consequence. Hence, the only parameter characterizing the instability of intermediate states is Tr W = w. Unlike this, the explicitly unitary form (3.12) of the S-matrix with arbitrary widths was used in ref. *“). As it has been stressed earlier, the two representations are not equivalent. The large lifetime r of compound states as compared with the recurrence time h/D implies that the system reaches thermal equilibrium. Elastic scattering
the single-particle
with the back-
ground of stable many-particle levels 29) can be considered as a particular example. The single-particle resonance is formed by the optical shell-model potential. The scattering amplitude found in ref. 29) coincides with (3.18), w being the width of the single-particle resonance. Generally, short-lived states are generated by the anti-hermitian part W of the effective hamiltonian. This part forms superpositions of internal states matched to channel wave functions weakly coupled with the internal
In fact, such a state is identical
to the doorway
state introduced
ref. 30). It is clear from (3.18) how the spreading width r’ of the doorway state arises. The influence of the ocean of long-lived states is described by the function k(E). If one replaces the summation over v in eq. (3.17) by integration, this function gets the imaginary
part corresponding
to the width r’ = 27r(ht)/
D - AE. Therefore,
in our case rt - w B r’ - AE. As it has been mentioned
in Introduction,
width collectivization
by strong
coupling via common decay channels (“self-organization” observed in numerical calculations “)) can be considered as a nuclear analogue of Dicke coherent superradiance 2’). Similar effects were found in numerical simulation 3’) of a dissipative spin system.
4. Statistics of the hermitian part of the hamiltonian; In the preceding logical hamiltonian
averaging over GOE
sections we have discussed dynamical properties of a phenomenoX of an unstable system. Now we proceed by treating 2 as a
V. V. Sokolov,
of an ensemble
We consider independent.
V.G. Zelevinsky
of random
with general
the hermitian We suppose
/ Dynamics
We assume
N x N matrix
for matrix
H belongs
to the
and their distribution function Such assumptions are known
N’N+‘l/nexp( Here the centre joint distribution
W parts of X to be statistically
H and anti-hermitian that a real symmetric
the simplest
GOE, i.e. matrix elements H,,, are not correlated invariant with respect to orthogonal transformations. to imply the gaussian
and statistics
is ‘)
of H, -$TrH’).
of the energy scale is placed at the origin. function of N eigenvalues .el, . . . , Ed
Eq. (4.1) leads to the
(4.2) The normalization
constant cN=2
in (4.2) is equal 32) to
N(N+l)/4 1 _N ,[!*I.&)]-‘. ( a2 >
As in ref. I*) we have introduced
the scale factor
N in the exponent
(4.3) of eq. (4.1).
As a result, in the limit N -+OO the energy levels E, are located within the Nindependent interval (-a, a) the mean spacing being equal to D = 2a/ N. The essential feature of the GOE is the level correlation described by the preexponent factor in (4.2). The probability for two levels to coincide tends to zero in proportion to their spacing (so-called linear level repulsion). If the T-invariance is not supposed (the GUE case) this factor is replaced by the quadratic one “). Due to orthogonal invariance, the wave functions p”” of stationary
states may
be represented in the GOE by N-component unit vectors {cp’,“‘}spread isotropically over the hypersphere C,,, (cp!,!,‘))‘= 1. In the large-N limit, it gives the gaussian distribution of components cp’,“’with zero mean values and variances ((cpi,“‘)‘) = l/N. Postulating that amplitudes AZ have the same statistical properties as components cp’,“’one easily obtains
the xk-square
of decay widths where the number
of degrees of freedom k is equal to the channel number (Porter-Thomas distribution for k = 1). This procedure, however, has no serious justification so we prefer to derive the width distribution with the aid of independent statistical hypotheses concerning the anti-hermitian part W (see the next section). Computation of mean values of various quantities over the GOE is simplified in the limit of large N. In particular, in order to average the Green function G’(8) (3.2) one can expand it into a formal series about H and average each item with the use of the pair contraction formula (see eq. (4.1)) (4.4)
V. V. Sokofov, V.G. Zeleuinsky ,I Dynamics and statistics
At N + CO,only non-intersecting contractions are surviving 16) since there a trace in the internal space being proportional to N compensates the factor N-’ in (4.4). The summation of those terms gives* 1
(Go(Q)= ~-(u2/4~)Tr(Go(~)}’
From eq. (4.5) we get 33) g’(~)-~(TrG’(g))=~[i(-~~~,
where the sign is determined by the asymptotic condition g”( %‘)= l/ 8 at ‘%: + co. Using expression (4.6) we obtain the mean level density for a stable system p’(E)=
CS(E-E,) (. =
N--$&x2-E2 0(a2- E2)
(the semicricle Wigner rule “)). The analogous GOE - averaging the R-matrix (3.3) leads in the limit N+ co to (R(~P))GoE=(G’(~))~~~‘(~)JZ,
where the matrix ?? has been defined by eq. (2.4). In particular, in the one-channel case
In the similar manner averaging the function I?( ‘8) (3.17), we find
For GOE-averaging the S-matrix connected with the R-matrix by the non-linear relation (3X), we note that at N + a3 contractions (4.4) of random matrix elements belonging to different R-matrices reduce the number of independent traces leading to contributions of higher order in l/N If the channel number k < N then the smallness of l/N can not be recompensed by a trace in the channel space arising when contracting two matrix elements of H from neighbouring R-matrices. Therefore, up to terms of order k/N, 1 -$i,q”( E)??
&%,E = 1 +4ig”(E)2. * This method
is applicable
also to h~miltonians
a regular
(4.11) part along with a random
V. V. Sokoiov, V.G. Zelevinsky / Dynamics and statisiics
As one
compound the original “direct”
see, the GOE-averaging states
so that the result
W. In other
has smoothed depends
only on the matrix
the average
of long-lived rather
(4.11) describes
on fast
5. Statistics To investigate
of the anti-hermitian states of an open
part of the hamiltonian system,
one is in need of information
about Nk real (due to the T-invariance) matrix elements Ax of the total hermitian hamiltonian between internal (n) and channel (a) states as well as about internal matrix elements H,, . We will assume that the statistical properties of these quantities are similar
and can be described
As in (4.4) we have introduced
by gaussian
here the scale factor (w)=(Tr
So we suggest
so that the average
trace (5.2)
is independent of N serving as an invariant characteristic parameter of decay channels under study. As in eq. (4.1), the gaussian distribution of amplitudes AP, follows practically uniquely from the statistical independence and orthogonal invariance in the internal space. Strictly
the hypothesis
of statistical
direct inelastic reactions. However, it is not too difficult to generalize the consideration to include these reactions in our scheme using the method of ref. 34). For simplicity, we suppose open channels to be equiprobable (TV = 7, (w) = kv). Then additional orthogonal invariance in the channel space arises resulting in the joint amplitude distribution function P(Af,
. . .,A:)=(s)““‘*exp(
depending on w = Tr W = C,, (A:)* only. The distribution (5.3) allows us to derive statistical properties of the matrix elements W,,,, (2.4). The diagonal elements W,,, = C, (AZ)2 = ‘y,, are positive, statistically independent and distributed by the Xk-square rule, (5.4) l In the paper by Weidenmiiller I’), it is supposed that the amplitude randomness takes place in the eigenbasis of the hermitian part H only. However, it is difficult to adjust this assumption to orthogonal invariance of the GOE of hermitian parts.
V. V. Sokolov, V.G. Zeievinsky / Dynamics and siatisiics
This derivation
wave functions
(sect. 4). With the channel
tends to the gaussian
no identification
of decay
with components
the expression
= $&JXP{
with the mean value and the variance
(5.6) respectively. These equations were used frequently 35) in order to extract the effective number of open channels from experimental data. Such a procedure can be meaningful only if the is then a weak The trace w its distribution
widths are small and resonances are not overlapping. The matrix W perturbation and the y,,‘s indeed can be treated as resonance widths. of the matrix W is a sum of independent random quantities yn and function (Nk-I)/2 gk(W)
at Nk s 1 turns
into gaussian
N --w 2rl
(5.7) )
one (5.8)
with the mean value (w) = kv and the small variance
As for off-diagonal 1W,,I
W,,,,, m # n, their
only and can be expressed ~k(Wmn)=L
(” IW,,,“~)‘kP”‘2 277
(WmJ=O, The analogous
in terms of the MacDonald
function (;“I
(w’,,)=+2=&w)2. of matrix
for a transition
K,(Z), ,
(5.11) between
complicated states has been considered in ref. 8). of a certain row or column of W Unlike the original amplitudes AZ, elements are not statistically independent. Variables mutually independent and independent of y,, are the angles f3,, between N k-dimensional vectors A, with components A”, . Using such a representation we have W,j,,=(A,~A,)=Jy,y,cosfL.
V. V. Sokolov,
The distribution
of any angle
V.G. Zelevinsky
from the expression
and statistics
em,, is given by the formula
LP’k(e) ensuing
/ Dynamics
(k 2 2)
Qfk) T($(k-1))
for a solid
sink-2e in a k-dimensional
Since a
rotation in the channel space does not change a scalar product (5.12), the total number of random parameters specifying the matrix W is equal to Nk -+k( k - 1) for k s N. For k > N one should add the number i(k - N)(k - N - 1) of rotation generators for the complementary (k - N)-dimensional space getting as a result tN(N + 1) independent of k. The distribution of k non-trivial eigenvalues of the matrix W at k < N is of particular interest. As it has been mentioned in sect. 2 they coincide with k eigenvalues
y* of the matrix
2 = ATA (2.6) in the channel
The distribution sought for can be obtained by the stochastic equation method 36,37). A stochastic process is constructed to describe evolution of the amplitude matrix A in fictitious time r, dA(r)= where the gaussian
force is defined
of initial
da: da:
=$ ~“c?~~&,,,, dr.
the distribution
of amplitudes
AZ tends
to that of eq. (5.3) at r+ CO. The evolution of eigenvalues ya(r) is determined by (5.14) as well. Diagonalizing the matrix *(r+dr) with the help of perturbation theory with respect to the parameter (dr)1’2 one can get the drift and diffusion coefficients and then write down the Focker-Planck equation for the distribution function of eigenvalues. Its steady solution is (recall that all y’ > 0)
P( y’, . . .
yk) =
where C, ya =Tr 2 =Tr W = w. The normalization constant methods developed in ref. “) and proves to be equal
can be calculated
It can be seen from (5.16) that (y”)= 7. When applied to the hermitian part H the stochastic equation method leads naturally to eq. (4.2). The distinction between eqs. (4.2) and (5.16) is caused by the specific form (2.6) of the matrix 2: its matrix elements are finite sums of products
V. V. Sokolov,
of normally
and the expression
V.G. Zelevinsky
/ Dynamics
and statistics
In the limit N + ~0 this difference
-1N 10 x If - yblexp-$z w-T*) 1 I
(5.16) turns into
. . .
1 rl
n a a outside the domain of compound resonances the two cross sections coincide being equal to (in units of (r/ k2)(2J + 1) where J is the angular momentum and k is the relative initial wave number) a,(E)
= o,.,.(E)
77* ~ [;(E+JE*-a2)]*++n2 x2
(El> a.
The parameter x = T/a introduced in (6.3) is a measure of external mixing and resonance overlapping. In the far regions 1E I z=-a, the function (6.3) looks like the wings of a Breit-Wigner resonance with the broad width n (we omit the channel superscript for simplicity).
K V. Sokolov,
the compound
V.G. Zelevinsky
/ Dynamics
region IEl< a, the projectile
of an intermediate
rr,,,.(E)= lwm-112= do not coincide,
can be captured
As a result, the total cross section
a,(E)=2(1-ReJS(E)))= and the shape
and statistics
their difference
rat,,(E) = 1 - kWH/*= being the cross section of absorption accordance with the qualitative analysis
xJ1 -
due to compound nucleus formation. In of ref. *‘), the absorption cross section (6.6)
decreases when the degree of resonance overlap increases. Fig. 1 demonstrates the energy behaviour of the cross sections
form symmetric
and the total cross section
have the double-humped
1 I
Fig. 1. Energy behaviour of average cross sections; solid lines 1 and 2 correspond to the shape elastic cross section and to the absorption cross section, respectively; the dashed line 3 corresponds to the total .cross section.
V. V. Sokolov,
V.G. Zelevinsky
with respect to the centre of a spectrum. the minimum
is in the centre.
The maxima
The relative
(+,(O) x2+1 _==~l-g,(a) x(x + 1)
/ Dynamics
and starisiics
lie at the edges E = *a whereas
of the minima
a,.,.(a) =(X+1)Z=
x2+ 1
The approximate equalities correspond to the strong mixing limit when the middle parts of resonance curves flatten. This flattening is the manifestation of the spreading width (see sect. 1).
7. Distribution of complex energies for an N-level one-channel system As we have noted in sect. 5, at k < N the matrix
W is specified
by Nk - qk( k - 1)
random parameters. Recollecting N eigenvalues of the hermitian part H we have altogether I= N( k + 1) -$k( k - 1) parameters on which the N complex energies are dependent. Being interested in the distribution of energies and widths we have to integrate over I-2N = (k - l)( N -ik) extra variables. In the exceptional case of k = 1 the number
1 of original
variables is just equal to the number 2 N of parameters of integration drops out and the problem becomes transformation and calculation of the jacobian. This one-channel
{E,,, T,,} so that the necessity
to variable
case will be considered below in detail. We use the secular equation (3.11) with the R-matrix with respect to levels and perform the transformation define characteristic polynomials of N x N matrices
in the form (3.3) symmetric {E,, -y,,}+ {E,,, I’,,}. Let us H, X = H -$W and Xt =
n Q(h)=Det(A-X)=n(A-g,,), n Q(A)=Det(A-X+)=fl(A-%z).
” One can easily verify that due to eq. (3.13)
aQo(A 1
Q(A)=QdA)-$iC %,a~. m
The coefficients
AiN,” of polynomia Qo(A)=
1s (7.1) and (7.2) defined
; (-l)“A’,N’(~)AN-n, n=O
; (-l)“A’,“‘(8)AN-“, n=O
; II=0
V. V. Sokolov,
are symmetric
over their N variables
AhN’(&)= 1 )
/ Dynamics
and linear
of coefficients
in each of them: A:N’(E) = 1 EmEn,. . . ) f?l ’ “lJ2J(E,-EJ2+:(r,+rJ2=
( > c
After integrating resonances 9v2,.
over E, and r, one obtains
the distribution
for long-lived
(m, n = 2,3, . . . , N): . . , EN;
. , rN)
[I + Wd
c, miN-1/2
)I .
x exp
To estimate values of typical small widths it is convenient to introduce amplitudes Pn = a (n 3 2) assuming that they run over the whole real axis. Then dr, ;z+rJdB” where
G =C,“=, r,
dimensional density
= G(N-3)‘2 dG do,_,
and d ON-1 stands
for an infinitesimal
space with Pn as its coordinates.
(7.32) has a maximum
(7.33) solid angle of a (N - l)-
It is easy to show that the probability
at (7.34)
whereas the angle distribution in the space of Pn is nearly isotropic. Hence, the individual small widths are of order rnz2 - G,/( N - l), i.e., at large N, r,,, - n/z2N and the corresponding overlap parameter is r/D - (T/x2N)N/a = l/x < 1. As a consequence, long-lived states fall again in the small overlap regime, and, at spacings S,, < l/x, the energy distribution coincides with that of eq. (4.2).
V. V. Sokolov,
These results
are evidently
they can be derived The version
(3.16) obtained
/ Dynamics
of dynamical
from the secular
for the case x * 1. Since, limit under
V.G. Zelevinsky
and statistics
than statistical
by diagonalization
of the matrix
due to eq. (4.4), (ht) = a2/4N
we can use the perturbational
c”h -E, ht-$iw
(sect. 3) straightforwardly. W is appropriate
= n2/4x2N
is small in the
Neglecting (h - .z~)~c u2 as compared (7.36) the large width
w2= n2 we find from eqs. (7.35) and
as well as small ones (7.38) A similar picture has been discussed by Shapiro 2”) based on quite different arguments. In contrast to that paper, we are not in need of any assumptions concerning the preexistence of narrow resonances on the background of a broad one. The separation of width scales happens automatically by virtue of the structure of the matrix W which is dictated ultimately by the unitarity principle. It should be stressed that in the one-channel case the width rearrangement leaves no room for manifesting Ericson fluctuations 38). Indeed, at N> 1, the conditions necessary for the strong overlap of resonances cannot be implemented. To reveal such fluctuations
be k B 1 open
k short-lived
with comparable widths and weakly correlated decay amplitudes arise. To investigate rigorously the cross section fluctuations in the framework of our approach, one should derive the distribution problem elsewhere.
of decay amplitudes
8. Average
An important quantity for an N-level complex energies %,, = En -$ir, (compare
(2.11). We hope to return to this
of unstable
unstable (4.7)),
= C6(E-E,)6(r-I’,) n >(
is the mean
V. V. Sokolov, V.G. Zeleoinsky / Dynamics and statistics
to dTp(E,
At x < 1 the anti-hermitian order
8, = E, - $y, . The density
r) = N.
W is a small perturbation
so that in the lowest
p (E, ZJ is then factorized,
P(E, r) = p’(E)%(r)
where p”(E) is the semicircular distribution (4.7) and C?‘,(r) stands Thomas distribution (5.4) with the mean value (r) = n/N.
for the Porter-
In the opposite case of x > 1, it is convenient to use the alternative version (3.16) of the secular equation. Eigenvalues of X can be found by perturbation theory (7.35), (7.36). Separating in eq. (8.1) the short-lived ones (n=~=2,3,..., N) we have
(n = 1) states from long-lived
p( E, ZJ = ;(Sc2’( ‘2’)- 8,)) +; C (S(*)( i!T- Z$,)) . Averaging over h, and E, in the first term (denoted at N + cc like in (4.9) resulting in
by p,( E, I’)) can be carried
pl(E,~)=~(6(2)[~-h+~iw-$a2g0(h-~iw)])h,W. Quantities
h and w are normally
with mean values
(h) = 0 and (w) = n
and variances (h2)= n2/2x2N and ((~-77)~)=277~/N so that we can expand the argument of the S-function in eq. (8.5) over h/w. In the real part, the corrections cancel out up to the second order inclusively result coincides with that of eq. (7.37). Hence,
whereas in the imaginary part the we obtain in this approximation
p,(EJ)=(cT(E-~)~(CW+W/X*)),,,,. Final
over h and w can be performed
(8.6) trivially
N[C~(1-x-2)]2 v2( 1 - X-*)2
Within our accuracy, the energy and the width of the short-lived state are not correlated. This resonance is located near the centre of the region of levels coupled with a given channel. The whole energy region is covered by the resonance width. As for fluctuations of E and r they are relatively small, -l/m. The second term of eq. (8.4), p,(E, r), contains N - 1 identical contributions. Each of them is equal to
V. V. Sokolov,
V.G. Zelevinsky
/ Dynamics
and statistics
with notations I=
it is obvious
wr [a+(g’].
that (see eq. (4.7)) (8.10)
(8.11) The remaining The result is
over h and w can be done
by the saddle-point
(-gr) .
We keep here unity side by side with N to guarantee proper normalization. Thus, for N - 1 long-lived states the semicricle GOE rule (4.7) along with the PorterThomas distribution (7.38), (r) = 7/x2N.
are recovered. However, the latter has a small average width As we have emphasized earlier, overlap of long-lived resonances
is small, (r)/D - l/x. In the general case of arbitrary external mixing one can use the electrostatic analogy to reduce the calculation of the average density (8.1) to the more convenient averaging of the trace of the Green function (see ref. 39)), (8.13) The function (8.13) acquires the meaning of the two-dimensional electric field created by the charge distribution p( E, r). Then, by virtue of the Maxwell equation, (8.14) It allows to perform
the explicit
A,. The remaining
over the gaussian
is still a complicated
of amplitudes
9. Conclusion In this paper we have attempted to extend standard statistical spectroscopy of discrete levels to unstable states. Decaying systems are described by ensembles of random non-hermitian hamiltonians represented by N-dimensional matrices. Complex eigenvalues of these matrices determine energies E, and widths r, of states with a finite lifetime. Under simple statistical assumptions corresponding to completely stochastical motion, the eigenvalue distribution in the complex plane (E, r) is obtained. The one-channel case is discussed in detail.
V. V. Sokolov, KG. Zelevinsky / Dynamics and statistics
The instability repulsion
at distances
they repulse increasing
of states changes smaller
quadratically coupling
place. When matrix
than widths.
with respect
with the continuum, elements
the energy statistics,
As for complex
to the distance dynamical
of the anti-hermitian
8, = E, -$I’”
in the complex
of a system takes
part of an effective hamiltonian
become comparable with the spacings of eigenvalues of the hermitian part, a transition to a new regime occurs. In the new regime the picture is determined by the algebraic structure of the anti-hermitian part dictated by unitarity rather than by particular statistical hypotheses. As a result, decay probabilities turn out to be redistributed in such a way as to distinguish short-lived states (their number is equal to that of open decay channels) saturating approximately the whole summed width of levels. The remaining long-lived states are quite isolated and their statistics are essentially the same as those of stable states. Such a picture implies the coexistence of direct and compound processes resulting in a gross-structure of the cross section. A similar structure with several short-lived resonance states has been observed in numerical simulations of nuclear reactions 13). In this work formation of such a structure along with the state overlap increasing was referred to as “self-organization”. As one can see its mechanism is of a quite general to Dicke superradiance in quantum optics.
being analogous
In the one-channel case there is no room for manifestation of Ericson fluctuations. In principle, they might be observed if the channel number is large enough to generate a number of interfering resonances. This problem is under study. The main results of this paper have been published in ref. 4’). We thank Ingrid Rotter for stimulating discussions and making information on her results available to us prior to publication. We appreciate useful discussions with M.G. Urin;
we are grateful
also to F.M. Izrailev
for permanent
to the
work and to L.F. Khailo for help with the calculations. In addition, one of us (V.S.) would like to mention fruitful discussions with V.L. Lyuboshitz, and the other (V.Z.), those with I.V. Krivoshey.
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