EDW ARDI YII. REGIS,. No. 60. ANALYSIS. ]. Short title .... Book," and thereupon
tile certificate authorised to be issued unclet· the said Act shall be issued to sllch
1 9 0 9. AN NO
EDWARDI YII. REGIS, No. 60. ANALYSIS. ]. Short title. 8. Power of attorney made solely for 2. Trell8urer authori~erl to bonow dealing with stock need not be £225,641 198. 4d. stamped or regiRtf'red. Power to reborrow. 9. Appropriation of £1791 yearly to 3. Money chargeable on revenue. redeem £ 179,117. 4. Money may be borrowed in accorn- ] O. Certain sums to: form part of Public ance with 59 Vict. No. 6, 52 Debts Sinking Fund. Il. Commissioners may invest moneys. Vict. No. 55, or 55 Vict. No. 2. 5. Rate of mterest, and when payable. 12. In case of friendly society or branch, Treasurer may issue stock or Treas~ 6. Date when money repayable. Treasurv hills. ury bills in names of trustees for the time being. . 7. Treasurer may dispense with signature of lender. ,
*,*t***.·.*... ********** ..........****.. ***.... *
AN A eT to authorise the Inscription of Stock 1909. and I ssue of Treasury Bills for the purpose of borrowing a Sum not exceeding Two hundred and twenty-five thousand six hundred and forty-one PoundH Nineteen Shillings' and Four Pence. [30 Deremher, 1909.]
H ER.EAS it is desirable that the Treasurer of the State shoult} authorised fo horrnw money not exceeding the slim of Two hundred and twenty-five thousand si~ hundred and forty-one Pounds Nineteell
No. 60.
Inscribed Stock and Treasury Bills (No. 1). A.n. l!lOH.
Shillings and Four Pence, at anyone time, in the manner hereinafter mentioned: Be it therefore enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliamellt assembled, as follows :~--
Short title.
1 This Act mav be cited as "The Inscriueq" Stock and Treasury Bills Act (No. ] ),' 1909."
Treasurer 2-( I.) It shall be lawful for the Treasurer of the State to raise, authorised to borrow, and receive under the authority of this Act, by the issue and horrow £225,641 sale of inscribed stock, local inseribed stock, or Treasury bills, or 198, 4