CloudCom’2011 Athens, Greece November 30th , 2011
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
1 Motivation & Goal 2 Our Contribution 3 Experimental Evaluation 4 Conclusions 5 References
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Research Goals & Challenges Problem Minimize TCO subject to SLA constraints
Challenges • Conflicting objectives • Physical Resources and Applications heterogeneity • Workload dynamics
Goals To automatically manage computing resources in order to • Satisfy SLAs (as more as possible) • Reduce TCO (in terms of energy consumption) • Adapt to dynamic, conflicting and distributed environment Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
System-level Architecture
SLO metric: application-level response time Shared physical resource: CPU Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager
• Goal: to find the best tier CPU shares
for the monitored application. . . • According to current operating
conditions • In order to achieve SLOs
• One manager for each application
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: Architecture Adaptive Feedback Control with Self-Tuning Regulation (STR) scheme [1]
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: System Model
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: System Model (cont’d)
• Goal: to model application dynamics • We use black-box models • Relationships between system input and system output • System input: CPU shares • System output: tier mean residence times • Discrete-time MIMO ARX model [8]
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: System Parameters Estimation
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: System Parameters Estimation (cont’d)
• Goal: to identify ARX model structure and parameters • We use online system identification to cope with
time-varying workload • Recursive Least-Squares (RLS) algorithm to estimate
system parameters at each control interval • We evaluated several variants and chose • RLS with variable forgetting factor [10]
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: Transducer
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: Transducer (cont’d) • Goal: to filter system output in order to • Remember past system behavior • Mitigate the effect of short peaks • Predict outputs during idle periods • We use the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average
(EWMA) filter Sk = αXk + (1 − α)Sk −1 ,
• Exponential decay of the weight of past outputs • Smooth increments for short peaks • Smooth decrements for idle periods
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: Controller Design
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: Controller Design (cont’d)
• Goal: to design controller parameters • We use optimal control by means of the infinite-horizon
discrete-time Linear Quadratic (LQ) control design • For each control interval, find the optimal state-feedback
gain matrix which minimizes the cost function: J = Js + Jc where: • Js : cost to keep system output near to its SLO value • Jc : cost to improve controller stability
• We evaluated several variants and chose • Linear Quadratic Regulator with Output Weighting [7]
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: Controller
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: Controller (cont’d)
• Goal: to compute optimal tier CPU shares to achieve
application SLOs • State-feedback control which computes the optimal control
sequence from the LQ control design
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Machine Manager
• Goal: to arbitrate among conflicting
CPU share demands. • Application Managers work
independently from each other • The aggregated CPU share demand
coming to each physical machine may exceed the maximum available • CPU shares are adjusted according to a given policy • One manager for each physical machine
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Machine Manager (cont’d)
• Proportional policy: for each control interval k > 0: • Let n be the number of VMs hosted on a specific physical machine, • Let D, for 0 < D ≤ 1, be the maximum CPU share, • CPU shares are bounded in the (0, D] real interval • Let d1 (k ), . . . , dn (k ) be the incoming CPU share demands
for the n VMs, ˆ1 (k ), . . . , dˆn (k ) is • The adjusted CPU share demands d computed as: di (k ) dˆi (k ) = Pn D j=1 dj (k )
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Experimental Evaluation: Setup
• We have implemented a discrete-event simulator in C++ • Output analysis by means of the Independent Replications
method • Performance indices: • Response Time • % SLO Violations • Energy Consumption • Replication length: at least 106 succeeded requests • Number of replications: 95% confidence interval half length
≤ 4%
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Experimental Evaluation: Setup (cont’d) • Three 3-tier applications • SLO metric: 0.99th quantile of response time distribution • Per tier request service time: App1 App2 App3
[Det(0.060), Det(0.060), Det(0.060)] [Det(0.030), Det(0.060), Det(0.030)] [Det(0.015), Det(0.030), Det(0.060)]
• Five homogeneous physical machines • CPU capacity: 2000 • Energy model (Watt): E(u) = 143 + 258.2u + 117.2u 0.355 • VMs initial placement: Best-fit • Place each VM in the physical machine which leave the least amount of residual space
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Experimental Evaluation: Setup (cont’d)
• Four scenarios based on the type of the arrival process: • Behavioral pattern: Deterministic Modulated Poisson Process (DMPP) • Self-similarity: Pareto Modulated Poisson Process (PMPP) • Temporal burstiness: Markov Modulated Poisson Process (MMPP) • Mix: a mixture of the three types above • Three resource management approaches: • S TATIC -SLO: SLO-conserving approach • S TATIC -E NERGY: energy-conserving approach • O UR -A PPROACH: our solution • No Migration Manager
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Experimental Evaluation: Results
Application #1 % SLO violations
Application #2 % SLO violations
Application #3 % SLO violations
0.67% 19.19% 0.36%
0.75% 14.05% 0.49%
0.78% 19.40% 0.49%
Power Consumption Watt % Wasted Joules 1043.59 1013.04 1037.69
0.73% 17.68% 0.44%
Application #1 % SLO violations
Application #2 % SLO violations
Application #3 % SLO violations
0.86% 21.91% 0.88%
0.78% 17.41% 0.75%
0.69% 15.58% 0.59%
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Power Consumption Watt % Wasted Joules 1158.37 1083.23 1150.11
0.78% 18.28% 0.75%
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Experimental Evaluation: Results (cont’d)
Application #1 % SLO violations
Application #2 % SLO violations
Application #3 % SLO violations
0.68% n/a 0.81%
0.76% n/a 0.77%
0.77% n/a 0.66%
Power Consumption Watt % Wasted Joules 1064.90 n/a 1064.12
0.74% n/a 0.75%
Application #1 % SLO violations
Application #2 % SLO violations
Application #3 % SLO violations
0.77% n/a 0.77%
0.77% n/a 0.76%
0.53% n/a 0.64%
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Power Consumption Watt % Wasted Joules 1029.71 n/a 1036.31
0.68% n/a 0.72%
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
• Effective administration of Cloud Infrastructure resources is
challenging • Our goal is to design an automatic and adaptive resource
management for SLO satisfaction and TCO reduction • Our approach is based on control-theoretic techniques • Preliminary results show that by implementing smart
resource management strategies it is possible to achieve good results in terms of both energy consumption and SLO preservation
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Future Works
• Application Manager • Consider minimum-variance controllers • Evaluate other type of control design (e.g., PID) • Evaluate other type of system models (e.g., ARMAX) • Migration Manager (WiP) • Optimization techniques • Approximated algorithms • Incremental VMs placement
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Thank You!!
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
References I [1]
Karl Johan Åström et al. Adaptive Control. Addison-Wesley, 2nd edition, 1994.
S. Bittanti, P. Bolzern, and M. Campi. Exponential convergence of a modified directional forgetting identification algorithm. Syst. Control Lett., 14:131–137, 1990.
Joseph L. Hellerstein, Yixin Diao, Sujay Parekh, and Dawn M.Tilbury. Feedback Control of Computing Systems. John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
João P. Hesphana. Linear Systems Theory. Princeton University Press, 2009.
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
References II [5]
Christos Karamanolis, Magnus Karlsson, and Xiaoyun Zhu. Designing controllable computer systems. In Proc. of the 10th Conference on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS’05), pages 1–9, Santa Fe, NM, 2005. USENIX Association.
R. Kulhavy and M. Karny. Tracking of slowly varying parameters by directional forgetting. IFAC Proc. Ser., pages 687–692, 1985.
Huibert Kwakernaak et al. Linear Optimal Control Systems. Wiley-Interscience, 1972.
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
References III [8]
Lennart Ljung. System Identification: Theory for the User. Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 1999.
Ján Mikleš and Miroslav Fikar. Process Modelling, Identification, and Control. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
[10] D.J. Park, B.E. Jun, and J.H. Kim. Fast tracking rls algorithm using novel variable forgetting factor with unity zone. Electronics Letters, 27(23):2150 –2151, nov. 1991. [11] Suzanne Rivoire et al. A comparison of high-level full-system power models. In Proc. of the 2008 USENIX Conf. on Power Aware Computing and Systems (HotPower’08), pages 1–5, 2008. Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Additional Slides. . .
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: System Model
• Input-output relationship at control interval k > 0: • System input: CPU shares si (k ) • System output: tier mean residence times pi (k ) • Application mean response time p(k ) is simply P p(k ) = i pi (k )
• Issues: 1 Nonlinear relationship between pi (k ) and si (k ) [3] 2 Different order of magnitude of pi (k ) and si (k ) [5] • Solution: 1 Local linearization around an equilibrium point [4] 2 Normalization
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: System Model (cont’d)
¯i ) Relative deviations with respect to the equilibrium point (s¯i , p ¯i pi (k ) − p , (controlled variable) ¯i p si (k ) − s¯i ∆s˜i (k ) = (control variable) s¯i
˜i (k ) = ∆p
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: System Model (cont’d) • Discrete-time MIMO ARX model with structure (na , nb , nk ):
˜ (k ) + ∆p
na X j=1
˜ (k − j) = Aj ∆p
nb X
˜(k − j − nk ) + e(k ) Bj ∆s
where: ˜ (k ) ∈ Rm is the column vector of output relative • ∆p deviations, at control interval k ˜(k ) ∈ Rm is the column vector of input relative • ∆s deviations, at control interval k • na , nb , and nk are the are the number of poles, the number
of zeros plus one, and the input delay, respectively • A1 , . . . , Ana and B1 , . . . , Bnb are the system parameters
matrices with dimension Rm×m
• e(k ) ∈ Rm is the white noise column vector, at control
interval k Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: System Parameters Estimation • Identification of: • ARX model structure (na , nb , nk ) • ARX parameters A1 , . . . , Ana and B1 , . . . , Bnb • Offline system identification • Only used to infer the model structure • Inadequate to estimate system parameters • Unable to find a reasonable low-order model with a good fit
• Online system identification • Recursive Least-Squares (RLS) algorithm to estimate system parameters at each control interval • • • •
Exponential Forgetting [8] Direction Forgetting (DF) [6] DF + Bittanti’s correction [2] Exponentially Weighted RLS (EWRLS) [10]
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: Transducer
ˆi (k ) (at control interval k ) is filtered by an System output p Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) filter: ˆi (k ) + (1 − α)pi (k − 1) pi (k ) = αp
• Smooth increments for short peaks • Smooth decrements for idle periods
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: Controller Design • Optimal control by means of the infinite-horizon
discrete-time Linear Quadratic (LQ) control design: • Find the optimal state-feedback gain matrix L which
minimizes the cost function: J(u) =
∞ X
xT (k )Qx(k ) + uT (k )Ru(k ) + 2xT (k )Nu(k )
k =0
• Variants: • Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) • Linear Quadratic Regulator with Output Weighting (LQRY) • Linear Quadratic control with Integral Action (LQI)
Note Need a state-space representation of the target system Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: Controller Design (cont’d) From MIMO ARX to state-space MISO system representation: x(k + 1) = Ax(k ) + Bu(k ) y (k ) = Cx(k ) + Du(k ) such that: 0 ˜ (k ∆p B x(k ) = @
0 1 ˜(k − nb − nk + 1) ∆s B C .. u(k ) = @ A . ˜ ∆s(k − nk )
1 − na + 1) C .. A, . ˜ ∆p(k )
Z I Z B Z Z I B B . . . .. .. A = B .. B @ Z Z Z −Ana −Ana −1 −Ana −2 ` T ´ C= 0 . . . 0T 1T , 0
... ... ... ...
1 Z Z C C .. C , . C C I A −A1
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Z B .. B . B=B @ Z Bnb 0
... ... ...
1 Z .. C . C C ZA B1
D = 0T
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico
Application Manager: Controller
• State-feedback control which computes the optimal control
sequence u∗ (k ) = −Lx(k ) which minimizes the LQ cost function • The feedback gain matrix L is obtained during the LQ
design from the solution of the associated DARE
Energy-Efficient Resource Management for Cloud Computing Infrastructures
Guazzone - Anglano - Canonico