Equality Correlation Calculation

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Fill in the value of each element Y and R, make sure there is NO value of an ... Kalkulator untuk membuat Regresi Linier ... Calculator for non-intercept linear.
Equality Correlation Calculation Sigit Haryadi Institut Teknologi Bandung

ABSTRACT Equality correlation method is a statistical measure showing the extent to which the random variable being measured has similarities with the reference variable, where the determination of the correlation index is done by calculating the Haryadi Index of the relationship between the random variable as measured by the reference variable. In this case, an index equal to one represents a perfect similarity between the elements of the variable as measured by the pairs of elements of the reference variable, let R be the reference variable = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11} and Y is random variable measured = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22}, then Y has an equity correlation index equal to one through the relationship function my = 2R, since all elements of Y are equal to twice of the pairing elements of R.

1. Internet Calculator To simplify the calculation, an internet calculator has been created, which is a website that provides a field of content, where we can fill in the element values of the measured variable and the reference variable, then the index and the level of the equality correlation will be obtained. Procedure: Fill in the size of the measured random variable (Y), which should be the same as the size of the reference variable (R) Fill in the value of each element Y and R, make sure there is NO value of an element equal to NOL; then click CALCULATE The website address is http://sigitharyadi.net/multidicipline/korelasi-kesetaraan/

2. Calculation Process Explanation I.

Calculates the Correlation Variable = measured variable divided by the reference variable, which each element is the element of the random variable measured divided by the paired element in the reference variable.



Calculate “the share” of the Correlation Variable, that is by using the formula: Si = (the value of an element of the correlation variable divided by the sum of all elements).


Then calculates the equality correlation index using the following formula “Haryadi Index”


Then determine the level of competition as follows: a) The Haryadi index is equal to 1.00 is corresponding to the Perfect Equivalence Correlation Level. b) The Haryadi index between 0.95 and 0.99 is corresponding to a very strong level of Correlation Equality. c) The Haryadi index between 0.90 and 0.94 is corresponding to a strong degree of Correlation Equality. d) The Haryadi index between 0.85 and 0.89 corresponds to an almost strong Correlation Equality Rate. e) The Haryadi index is between 0.75 and 0.84 corresponding to the intermediate level of Correlation Equality. f) The Haryadi index between 0.60 to 0.74 corresponds to an almost weak Correlation Equity Rate. g) The Haryadi Index between 0.50 and 0.59 corresponds to a weak level of Correlation of Equality. h) The Haryadi index of less than 0.50 is corresponding to a very weak level of Correlation of Equality.

3. Notes The detailed description is in the bibliography as follows:

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