Events as Dividuals: Aspectual Composition and Event Semantics

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Let me first restrict the empirical domain of the present paper to the aspectu- ..... mar called plug, extended in Verkuyl 1993 to plug+ to form the basis for the.
Events as Dividuals: Aspectual Composition and Event Semantics∗ Henk J. Verkuyl Institute for Language and Speech OTS University of Utrecht



Let me first restrict the empirical domain of the present paper to the aspectuality of the a-sentences in (1)–(4). It will help me to clarify the terminology and to take away possible misunderstandings: (1)

a. Judith ate a sandwich terminative b. #Judith ate a sandwich for an hour c. Judith ate a sandwich in an hour


a. Judith ate sandwiches durative b. Judith ate sandwiches for an hour c. ?Judith ate sandwiches in an hour


a. Nobody ate a sandwich durative b. For an hour nobody ate a sandwich c. ?In an hour nobody ate a sandwich


a. Judith disliked a sandwich durative b. Judith disliked a sandwich for an hour c. ?Judith disliked a sandwich in an hour

The a-sentences illustrate the compositional nature of aspectuality: the aspectual distinction between (1a) and (4a) can only be attributed to a difference between the verbs. One could call eat a terminative and dislike a durative verb, but this would become problematic in view of the difference between (1a) and (2a): here the verb is kept constant; yet (1a) is terminative (some say ‘telic’) and (2a) is durative (some say ‘atelic’). This proves that the internal argument plays a role in the determination of aspectuality. The same applies to the external argument: the only relevant difference between (1a) and (3a) is a difference between the NP Judith and the NP nobody. ∗

I would like to thank Mana Kobuchi-Philip, Ralf Naumann, Bill Philip, Yoad Winter, Martijn Spaan and Joost Zwarts for their helpful comments on earlier versions.

The conclusion of this brief inspection of the data is that both the verb and its arguments contribute to the aspectuality of sentences. This conclusion was reached in Verkuyl 1972. Although people in general seem to adhere to the idea of a compositional approach, many of them do not take the consequences that in my view should be drawn: to find out which basic semantic material underlies aspectual composition and how the composition proceeds at higher phrasal levels. In the present paper, I shall discuss the mathematical principles underlying aspectual composition in the a-sentences from the point of view of analyzing the notion of event as it plays a role in event semantics, viz. as a primitive notion. I will argue that this notion is as complex as aspectual composition requires it to be. The adverbials in the b- and c-sentences serve the purpose of identifying the a-sentences as being terminative or durative. I will call (1a) terminative. The other three a-sentences are durative. An adverbial like for an hour applied to (1a) excludes the single event interpretation of (1a) the result being some other form of aspectuality (a queer sort of repetition), but it is compatible with the durative aspectuality of the other a-sentences. The reverse holds for the in-adverbials. It would not be appropriate to say that the b- or c-sentences or sentences like Judith ate a sandwich yesterday or Judith ate sandwiches twice are terminative, at least not in the same sense as (1a). The b- and c-sentences in (1)–(4) consist of their a-sentence plus an adverbial. In a way, (1a) can be seen as the aspectual “kernel” on which adverbials and other adjuncts may operate. If we extend (1a) to e.g. Yesterday Judith ate a sandwich in the bathroom at midnight this kernel remains intact and it should be the point of departure, so to say, for the determination of higher forms of aspectuality. This analysis of aspectuality differs considerably from what follows from event semantic approaches. In the present paper, I will characterize the aspectual kernel consisting of the verb and its internal argument (a sandwich in (1a)) and its external argument (Judith in (1a)). I will use the term ‘inner aspectuality’ for the aspectual information expressed by this kernel structure. The term ‘outer aspectuality’ will be used for the result of applying modifying adverbials to inner aspectual information. The idea behind this position is that if one takes (Fregean) interpretation seriously, the proper way to go is from the bottom of phrase structure to top of it. The syntactic structure suitable for a bottom-to-top interpretation construing the aspectuality of sentences like (1a)–(4) will be Figure 1. I will not go into the question of how fine-grained the phrasal structure of (1a)– (4a) should be from the syntactic point of view. It is easy to extend Figure 1 with all sorts of functional projections of the generative kind, but this would not substantially alter the syntax involved in the composition of aspectuality and presented below. Therefore, Figure 1 reduces a number of equivalent alternative syntactic representations to their bare minimum. In current generative theory, the lower S would correspond with the top of a V-projection (= IP), S0 with CP, and NP will be read as DP, etc.1 But for the purpose of the present paper 1

In Verkuyl 1993 more structure than shown in Figure 1 is involved in the construal of inner aspectuality, but as it does not play a role in the argument of the present paper, I will


S0 @ @. . . outer aspectuality


@ @

inner aspectuality ? NPext

S @ @ @ VP @ @ @ NPint V

Figure 1: Basic structure of aspect construal. the relabeling of syntactic nodes is not important. There is no separate AspectPhrase at this stage of the analysis. This is a matter of strategy and reasoning. Such a phrase is often assumed by those who take events as primitive individuals. I will argue that if one needs such a projection, it should be allowed only to mark the transition from inner to outer aspectuality. Only in this way, certain aspectual phenomena can be explained that cannot be explained otherwise. On the assumption that there are good linguistic reasons for assuming that the NP VP partition of Figure 1 in sentences like (1)–(4) is motivated, the question arises whether or not this structure may be the input of an interpretation function yielding values from the domain of discourse. There are two positions. The first one is the standard first order position developed on the Russell-Quine line in mathematical and philosophical logic: Figure 1 is translated into the logical form of sentences like (1)–(4). This is what Russell, Quine, Chomsky and Davidson have in common: they translate sentences into the format given in (5), with P an n-place predicate and a1 , . . . , an as its arguments.2 (5)

P n (a1 , . . . , an ) (n ≥ 1)

At this point there are again two options: to stop at (5) or to interpret (5) as a subset of the Cartesian product over the domain of discourse, as in (6). (6)

[[P n ]] ⊆ D × .{z . . × D} (n ≥ 1) | n

Although (6) represents the standard semantics of (5), neither Quine nor Chomsky nor Davidson seem to be very happy about really employing it.3 Chomsky not discuss it here. 2 Whenever I refer to (5) this will also pertain to the quantified version of (5) Qx1 . . . Qxm .P n (a1 , . . . , an ), with 1 ≤ m ≤ n. In this way, generative logical forms obtained by Quantifier Raising as developed in May 1977;1985 also fall under its heading. 3 Certainly, Davidson’s T-convention seems to place him on the model-theoretic side, but in his analysis of events he never employs the available model-theoretic machinery and rather operates on the syntax side.


places the interpretation of (1)–(4) outside his grammar in LF0 , which makes it hard to expect any theory formation about aspectuality from his side if this turns out to be a semantic phenomenon. Davidson also restricts himself to (5) extending it so as to make it possible for him to yield the right inferences. For him it is important to show that D may contain events as individuals due to valid inferences drawn from the extended (5) and not because he really is interested in how the relation between the structure of (1)–(4) and the structure of the domain D is. Turning now to the second position with respect to Figure 1, we find it in Montague’s work. For example, Montague 1974a explicitly defends the view that a natural language may be seen as a formal language. This means that structures like Figure 1 may be interpreted in the Fregean way. The notion of Fregean interpretation based on type-logic in the sense explained by Halvorsen and Ladusaw 1979 comes to mind here. The general idea is not unknown in generative circles because Katz, Fodor and Postal used it informally in the sixties (without paying debt to Frege). The slogan roughly is that the meaning of a sentence is composed of the meanings of its parts. With respect to Figure 1 a Fregean interpretation means that (1)–(4) are interpreted bottom-up, starting with the lexical items and yielding phrasal meanings. Montague’s model-theoretic work respects (6), though the scheme is extended so as to account for intensionality, but it is primarily his use of type-logic that makes it possible to do away with the format of (5) as a fixed syntactic pattern of interpretation and to leave the predicate and its arguments “in situ”, as in Figure 1. That is, the V can be seen as a predicate of a certain functional type asking for an internal argument NPint and forming a VP which combines with the NPext so as to form an S. I will restrict myself here to this aspect of the Montagovian outlook on interpretation of syntactic structure, but I would like to add that his semantics may be put on “stable” trees, as HPSG and related grammars have shown, i.e trees as we know them from generative syntax. In other words, it is possible to consider the tree in Figure 1 as a generative tree, which rather than being converted into an LF receives its interpretation either directly as in Montague 1974a, or more indirectly as in Montague 1974b, in both cases by translating the tree into an equivalent type-logical structure. For the purpose of the present paper it is not necessary to execute this, because for convenience and for the benefit of the exposition of the machinery involved, the semantics of the sentences in (1)–(4) will mainly be given in terms of the corresponding domain structure, i.e. in terms of the mathematical functions underlying sentences like (1)–(4) rather than their representations. I think that the bifurcation into two sorts of representations of sentences explains a lot about the opposition between certain branches of event semantics and theories based on the compositionality of aspectuality, such as Verkuyl 1972;1993. It is the purpose of this paper to analyze some of the differences between the two approaches. Let me therefore identify the problems that will be discussed. First of all, the differences between (1)–(4) can not be satisfactorily dealt with in the philosophical branch of event semantics, that is, along the lines of Davidson and Parsons. This can be shown quite easily. Before the Davidsonian


extension of the standard format (5), (1a) would be represented as (7): (7)

∃x[Sandwich(x) ∧ Eat(j, x)]

This is to be interpreted as being true when there is a sandwich x and the pair hj, xi ∈ [[Eat]]. The verb is a set of pairs. This makes it impossible to explain the aspectual differences between the a-sentences of (2)–(4). For example, the standard logical form of (4a) is (8): (8)

∃x[Sandwich(x) ∧ Dislike(j, x)]

This means that the aspectual difference between (1a) and (4a) must be found somewhere in the difference between hj, xi ∈ [[Eat]] and hj, xi ∈ [[Dislike]]. This does not help very much, so an extension of (5) was called for anyhow. Not in Davidson 1985 but e.g. in Parsons 1990 an appeal was made to representations like (9). (9)

a. ∃e[. . . Cul(e)] b. ∃e[. . . Hold(e)]

That is, new predicates are postulated which may express that an event holds or culminates. This seems to improve on (7) and (8): (10)

∃e∃x[Sandwich(x) ∧ Eat(j, x, e) ∧ Cul(e)]


∃e∃x[Sandwich(x) ∧ Dislike(j, x, e) ∧ Hold(e)]

One could then point out that ‘Cul’ be incompatible with for an hour and compatible with in an hour and that the reverse holds for ‘Hold’. It seems then that aspectuality comes within the reach of the extended first order logic. Apart from the problem that the introduction of predicates like these hardly exceeds the level of observational adequacy by just making the representation look like the semantic difference between (1a) and (4a) without giving any hope for an explanation, Parsons’ version of (9) turns out to be inadequate and unilluminating given what is known about aspectuality in the compositional tradition, as I will point out in section 3.3. The general question arising is whether or not event semantics may be considered explanatorily adequate by treating aspectual phenomena in terms of ‘Cul’ and ‘Hold’. Thus I will have a look at event semantics from the point of view of its treatment of aspectuality. There is a second problematic area that I want to explore. In Figure 1 the VP plays a very crucial role. It carries the information of what I will call the Path of the external argument denotation. So, aspectually the VP is taken as a unit, as is the (lower) S but with quite different semantic properties, as I will show. Now recall that Davidson’s famous 1967-paper started with considering the anaphoric reference of it in sentences like (12) as applied to (1a). (12)

Judith did it slowly deliberately in the bathroom at midnight

What does it refer to in (12)? This question led to the Davidsonian event semantics, because Davidson could not live with the idea that the it in (12) 5

would pick out the VP of sentences like (1a). Why not? Because for him under the standard format in (5) a VP is not a semantic unit that can be referred to. But as I shall point out, if a phrase may refer to a function there is no need to postulate an event as a primitive inside the area of inner aspectuality. The event is there because there is a VP which denotes it but this VP is there only given more elementary information contributed by the verb and its internal argument. The presence of the VP for eventhood is only a necessary condition: there must be an appropriate mapping between the external argument and the VP, which is absent in (3a). From this problem of anaphoric reference, which turns out to be connected with a particular choice between two sorts of logical languages, it is a small step to get into another problem that may be solved if stated correctly. Vendler’s well-known aspectual classes proposed in his Verbs and Times have been defined on the verb. Dowty clearly took the notion of verb linguistically and in particular, lexically and many followed him on this route.4 In my critical analysis of his essay in Verkuyl 1989 I also assumed that Vendler’s notion of verb is linguistic. However, it occurs to me that Vendler may also be interpreted as taking the notion of verb much in the way Montague did, namely as corresponding with the VP, expressing a sometimes complex unanalyzed one-place predicate. This still does not solve the problems for Vendler but this rather benevolent new interpretation turns out to make more sense than trying to pin Vendler down on four different lexical verb classes. On this line of interpretation the VP gets its own place. More strongly, I will show that it is possible to bring Vendler’s notion of Verb as VP and Davidson’s it into the compositional tradition by making clear that they intuitively must have referred to what can be made explicit as the Path in the localistic tradition that gave rise to the scheme in Figure 1. So, this will be the theme of the present paper: to focus on the role of the VP in the making of terminative aspectuality and to show that only due to the presence of certain information in the sentence itself may one conclude that the sentence pertains to an event or a process or a state. In this way, the notion of event is saved but it will be understood quite differently from what nowadays seems to be the case in the (neo-) Davidsonian tradition. The remainder of the paper will be structured as follows. In § 2, a brief sketch will be given of the compositional machinery of Verkuyl 1993, called plug+ . In § 3 I will go into four proposals concerning the issues discussed above —proposals by Davidson, Vendler, Parsons and Krifka— and I will compare the plug+ -solutions with these proposals. 4

The Edinburgh coercion tradition can be seen as a result from it.


The plug+ -framework

2 2.1


It is very informative to see that, Krifka 1989a excepted, there is no systematic event semantic analysis available of sentences like (13). (13)

a. b. c. d. e.

Judith ate three sandwiches Two girls ate three sandwiches Several girls ate at least three sandwiches Many girls ate three sandwiches Some girls ate all sandwiches

Some of the quantifying NPs cannot be treated in first-order logics as pointed out by Barwise and Cooper 1981. Their article, together with an interest in the behaviour of plural NPs generated by e.g. Scha 1981 resulted in serious attention for important issues in generalized quantification. All sentences in (13) are terminative, so from the point of view of temporal structure these sentences have also been under investigation. Joint work of Jaap van der Does and myself led to work in which we set out (a) to reduce the number of readings of the sentences in (13): Scha 1981 assigned (at least) ten readings to e.g. (13b), Link 1991 about eight; (b) to clean up the notions of distributivity and collectivity as they were used in the literature.5 This work resulted in a grammar called plug, extended in Verkuyl 1993 to plug+ to form the basis for the analysis of aspectuality. I give this information here just to point out how deep the connection between an aspectual theory and a theory of quantification should be. In my view, this bears directly on the criteria by which event semantics should be evaluated: it can only be taken as a serious enterprise in the study of aspectuality of sentences if it deals with quantification.6 However, it is also important to see that by developing a framework in which the account of plurality receives a central place, certain problems arise in the treatment of singularity, as discussed in § 3.4. 5

Distributivity is often treated as synonymous with atomicity, and collectivity is often contaminated with the notion of spatiotemporal contiguity or joint agency, etc. The relevant publications are Verkuyl and van der Does 1991, Van der Does 1992, Verkuyl 1993 and concluding joint work on multiple quantification Van der Does and Verkuyl 1995, among others. The discussion involves: Scha 1981, Link 1987, Lønning 1987, Landman 1989, Gillon 1987, Lasersohn 1989;1990;1995, among others 6 This judgment does not hold for Hinrichs 1986b or Hinrichs 1986a which are focussed on the role of aspectuality in construing discourse structure. In general, event semantic tools are very handy in the study of macro-structures. But for the study of which elements in a sentence determine aspectuality, the judgment seems fair enough.


In the present section, I shall account for the compositionally formed terminative aspectuality of the sentences in (14).7 (14)

a. b. c. d.

Mary lifted four tables Mary lifted a table Three girls lifted four tables Three girls lifted a table

It will be shown that their terminative aspectuality is systematically predicted.8 Moreover, the framework in which the sentences in (13) and (14) are treated, contains a complete theory about distributivity and collectivity and subsumes Scha’s cumulativity. In brief, there are three functions involved in the composition of the aspectuality of the sentences in (13) and (14): 1. the function s contributed by the verb lift and providing for the sense of progress in verbs expressing change; 2. the function ` amalgamating the V and its internal argument into the VP-denotation [[V P ]]. 3. the function π relating the members of the external argument denotation to [[V P ]]. These functions will now be defined and explained in some detail in the following three subsections.


The successor function s

There is an aspectually important lexical distinction between verbs expressing change and verbs expressing a state. This well-known distinction is often referred to as an opposition between non-statives and statives. In order to distinguish them, one may also use the feature opposition [±stative]. By employing features one follows a long linguistic tradition, the idea being that features should have a proper interpretation. In my work on aspectuality, I have been using the opposition pair [±add to] rather than [±stative], in order to underscore that verbs of change are responsible for the property of additivity in nonstative verbs: they yield temporal structure construed from some point of origin. This treatment of verbs belongs to the localistic tradition in which change has been given a dynamic treatment. The localism involved in the account of change can be tied up very naturally with the number systems: each [+add to]-verb is interpreted as introducing a well-ordered set I of indices i. Let I := N. That is: I is taken as the set of natural numbers, which by Definition 1 are the endpoints of intervals in R, the set of real numbers. 7

The reason for shifting from sandwiches to tables is has to do with the introduction of indices. 8 As shown in Verkuyl 1993 this does not only hold for numerals, but for all generalized quantifiers. It is simpler to demonstrate the system in this way.


Definition 1 IV := {(0, k) ⊆ R |k ∈ N} The successor-function s : I −→ I is defined over I by ∀k ∈ I : s(k) = k + 1.9 The connection between I and IV is made by a function succ : IV −→ IV defined such that for all ∀k ∈ N : succ((0, k)) = (0, s(k)) In this way [+add to]-verbs meet the Peano axioms characterizing natural numbers (cf.Partee et al. 1990:75–78 for details). Indices are introduced as part of the information expressed by a [+add to]-verb. Ignoring at this stage the information about the external argument X, the verb lift in (15) introduces indices of which the information about the internal argument Y is made dependent: (15)

. . . λiλY.[[lift]](i)(Y )(X)

Type-logically, lift is here of type hi, hhe, ti, tiii, the type of functions taking an index and yielding a collection of sets. This is the type the function ` discussed in detail in § 2.3.10 The indices i contributed by the verb constitute a well-ordered set and so there is a point of origin which is the starting point of an enumerative device. We are quite familiar with this sort of use of natural numbers when we in fact operate in the reals. We apply it when we put the daily odometer of a car on zero and start to drive. Its natural numbers give us a means to experience the sense of progress. If we take the train we make progress in the reals but we speak about the progress in terms of the stations, discrete entities in the naturals. Also the picture in Figure 2 shows that whenever we can we use natural numbers as representatives of stretches in the reals.


n k 3  Q Q  Q 1 2H 3 4 *  Y  H  H HH 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

week day

Figure 2: Days, weeks, months as numbers and stretches In natural language shrinking and expansion play a prominent role: we are used to treat days, weeks, months both in N and in R as in Figure 2. It is important to see that there is no absolute hierarchy: a month is a set of weeks and a week 9

The reason for distinguishing I from N is that I might be taken as a set isomorphic to N except for the property of equidistance, as argued in Verkuyl 1987. 10 The full representation of lift is (i) λIλXλiλY.[[lift]](I)(i)(Y )(X). The verb expresses a relation between two atemporal sets Y and X, indices i and the set of indices I construed from the indices i. The treatment of tense requires a set I collecting the indices i and discussed in § 2.6. In the plug+ -grammar the λIλX-part of (i) is treated syncategorematically to keep derivations simple (see Verkuyl 1993:292–297). The important point demonstrated in (15) is that the dependency structure in the VP is mirrorred in the lexical information. One might say that the i in (15) corresponds with Davidson’s e, but it should be observed that the indices i are taken as just part of an event rather than being events themselves.


is a set of days. Yet, a month is both a collection of sets of days, but it is also simply a set of days. I consider this shifting from one number system to the other as crucial for our use of language, especially when we see that the effect of these shifts is to use the naturals as the most simple way of counting.11


The Path-function `

The general picture for VP’s containing a [+add to]-verb as in (1a)–(3a), (13) and (14) is given in Figure 3. The VP is [+TV P ] (terminative) if the internal NP is [+sqa], and [−TV P ] (durative) otherwise. VP[±TV P ] @ @ @ @

s -V ⊂ [+add to] `



Figure 3: The Path-function ` In (14a) Mary lifted four tables the internal argument NP is labeled [+sqa]. The NP pertains to what I call a Specified Quantity of A where A is the denotation of the head noun. The label will be made more precise shortly.12 At this point it is sufficient to observe that by the presence of the subscript [+sqa] the co-domain of ` is finite. The subscript [−sqa] in (2a) Judith ate sandwiches indicates that the co-domain of ` is not finite.13 Dependent on the plus- or minus-values of the NP, the VP will become VP-terminative or VP-durative. The domain of ` is the set I, its co-domain DL is set of “positions” p making up the internal argument denotation. i

Definition 2 `x : I −→ DL with `x = {hi, pi : [[at(p)(x)]]m,i = 1} As the definition of the Path-function contains a place for information concerning the external argument, ` will be subscripted with x, when necessary for the exposition. Definition 2 characterizes the injective function ` as a set of pairs hi, pi such that x is in the position p at i, given a model M. The term “position” is used to indicate that ` defines a Path in the sense of the so-called localistic 11

To conclude with another metaphor. A clarinet-player playing a score observes discrete representations (notes) and performs some structure in the reals. The s-function of a [+add to]-verb offers a score getting its actualization in the reals by appying tense. Don’t worry about metaphors: they will be replaced by a formal machinery below. 12 In Verkuyl 1972 [+sqa] is purported to generalize over such NPs as a sandwich, the concerto, that John was ill in John heard that John was ill, a piece of/from X, three concertos, some of Boccherini’s cello concertos, the whisky, a draught of/from X, a Norwegian sweater, a house, many things, etc. That is, it covers the same ground as the theory of generalized quantification which did not exist at the time, one of the reasons why it took so long before I could give a formal treatment of this intuitively clear notion. 13 I avoid the term infinite on purpose: non-finite may mean ‘indeterminable’ as in (2a).


tradition in the linguistic analysis of verbs expressing change.14 The localistic element in Definition 2 is the at-predicate which localizes the external argument x in a certain position with respect to the predication involved. Thus, `x constitutes a ‘Path of x’ keeping track of how x relates to the members of the internal argument denotation as far as satisfaction of the predicate is concerned. This is important for the analysis of plurality, because in (14c) Three girls lifted four tables there are three x-s involved each obtaining a Path, i.e. a way in which they are involved in the predication. Still stated in terms of positions, for each actualization of a Path `, the picture in Figure 4 holds. It illustrates the way in which the localistic heritage is [[N P ]]:








• i+1

• i+2

`x : • i

[[V ]]:

• ...

Figure 4: ` forming a set of pairs, i.e. a ‘Path’ integrated in the model-theoretic machinery. It shows how the relationship between an external argument x (Mary in our lifting examples) and the members of the internal argument NP denotation (a set of tables) may be structured. The information expressed by the VP is built up cumulatively. Let me demonstrate this with the help of (14a) Mary lifted four tables. Let the set of tables T = {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 }. The situation in Figure 5 would make (14a) true, with three liftings involved.





{{t1 },{t2 }}

{{t1 },{t2 },{t3 }}

{{t1 },{t2 },{t3 },{t4 }}




• i+1

• i+2

`M ary :


• i

Figure 5: The information of a cell is carried over to its successor. Each box is a collection of subsets Y of T made dependent on an index, as discussed in the type-logical explanation of the verb lift in (15). The last box 14

That ` is defined in terms of positions is formally not so crucial as we shall see below: it is rather a tribute to the body of ideas called localism as we find it in e.g. Gruber 1976 and in Jackendoff 1976; 1983; 1990, among many others and going back to Latin grammar. An attractive linguistic feature of the localistic perspective on change and statehood is that by the use of the term ‘position’ a rather natural generalization is expressed over different semantic fields such as positional change (Mary lifted four tables), change of possession (She bought four tables), identificational change (She melted four tables) and other forms of change.


is formed by successive steps. In this particular situation, the Path of Mary `M ary would be: {h1, p1 i, h2, p2 i, h3, p3 i}.


hMary, h1, p1 ii hMary, h2, p2 ii hMary, h3, p3 ii hMary, h3, {p1 , p2 , p3 }ii

hMary, h1, {{t1 , t2 }}ii hMary, h2, {{t1 , t2 }, {t3 }}ii hMary, h3, {{t1 , t2 }, {t3 }, {t4 }}ii hMary, h3, Tii

The left-hand side of (16) says that `M ary distinguishes three positions at each of which the model satisfies the Lift-predication applied to Mary and subsets of T . Given a model M in which (14a) is true, Mary reached the position at which at({{t1 , t2 }})(Mary) = 1 at index 1. At index 2 a new collection was added and so at({{t1 , t2 }, {t3 }})(Mary) = 1, etc.15 In this way, ` keeps track of the way in which the individual members of the external argument of the predicate are involved in the predication. It is also explained why the function s comes to a stop: after p3 there is no table from T available for being lifted. This accounts for the terminativity of (14a) – (14d) as well as for the sentences in (13) and for (1a).16 In general, one may say that (14a) is made true by a set of possible configurations given cardinality 4, and three positions, among which (16). The situation in (16) and Figure 5 is just one of the possible combinatorial configurations that may arise due to the presence of the cardinality information in the NP. In the plug-representation of the internal argument NP, this is provided for by the presence of an existential quantifier introducing a partition of the set which is the denotation of the head noun of the internal argument. Leaving out some details, the NP four tables is represented as (17). (17)

λP∃W [W ⊆ [[table]] ∧ |W | = 4 ∧ ∃QpsW [Q = P]]

This says that there is a set W of four tables having a cardinality of 4 structured as a partition Q such that Q is the collection of sets of things being lifted denoted by the predicate P.17 The existential quantifier over Q purports to express the degree of uncertainty about which of the possible actualizations has been the case, but it warrants that there is one. This concurs with the empirical fact that none of the sentences in (13) and (14) give away how the sandwiches were eaten or how the tables were lifted: one-by-one, as a group or in intermediate configurations. By taking walk as a [+add to]-verb and defining it as in (18), one explains why Zeus in Zeus walked may have walked indefinitely. (18)



The formal machinery contains a Union-operator to reduce the collection p3 to the set T. In my own work, this idea was of course present in Verkuyl 1972, but it did not get a formal semantic treatment until the Groningen conference on Tense and Aspect in 1983 and the Amsterdam Colloquium in 1984 at which I presented Verkuyl 1987. Though worked out in different ways this idea has also been adopted by Krifka 1989a and by Tenny 1994, where it is called ‘measuring out’. 17 ps means that W is partitioned by Q. P is to be restricted to lifted tables, so it should be written as P[[table]] but I will not bring this into the formula here; cf. Verkuyl 1993:143–167 16

for the details.


The difference between lift in (15) and the unergative verb walk is that there are no internal argument sets Y to bring s to a stop. We assume that in this case the co-domain of ` yields the empty set for every application of s.18 The presence of cardinality information in (17) can be seen as the [+sqa]property of the NP four tables in (14a). For NPs like many tables, few tables, at least 3 tables the [+sqa]-information adopts the form |W | = k where a precise value of k is not conveyed. In the case of the bare plural sandwiches, the representation does not contain cardinality information of the form |W | = k. Therefore, the co-domain of ` cannot be bounded, so the partitioning is unbounded and s does not come to a stop. This explains the durativity of (2a) Judith ate sandwiches.19


The participancy function π

A third function relating the external argument NP and the VP is required to complete the basic internal aspect construal. This participancy function π takes as its domain the external NP-denotation assigning to each element x in it a unique `. In order to relate an x to its own Path, we shall write π(x) = `x . Definition 3 π : [[N Pext ]] −→ (I −→ DL ) is defined as: for all (singletons) x ∈ [[N P ]]ext : π(x) = `x , where `x := {hi, pi : [[at(p)(x)]]m,i = 1} What π does in (14a) is to assign the VP-denotation to the individual Mary, that is π(M ary) = `M ary . The same applies to Judith in (1a): π(j) = `j .20 In Verkuyl 1988 a distinction was made between two constraints on π: π is either injective or π is constant. This turns out to be a natural division based on the intuition that in many languages some sort of plural (all different)/singular(all one)-distinction is called for. Two familiar types of function are taken into account. Given f : A −→ B: 1. f is injective: ∀a, a0 ∈ A : a 6= a0 ⇒ f (a) 6= f (a0 ) 2. f is constant: ∀a, a0 ∈ A : f (a) = f (a0 ) Applied to (14c) Three girls lifted four tables, this means that the external domain [[N Pext ]] contains three elements to which π will be applied and that there are two different “modes”: (19)

a. π is injective : `1 6= `2 6= `3 b. π is constant : `1 = `2 = `3

18 As argued in Verkuyl 1995 this explains why Mary began to walk is terminative: begin puts a restriction on ` yielding a truncated ` : {h1, ∅i} which is of the same type as `. The range of the function is bounded. The argument shows that in the case of walk the `-function is present, indicating that walk at the lexical level is different from walk at the VP-level. 19 The general idea is that a bare plural introduces a collection of sets and that the cardinality information is at the collection level (≥ 1) and not at the set level. For an extensive analysis of bareness of NPs see Verkuyl 1993:129–140. 20 In Verkuyl and van der Does 1991 and Van der Does and Verkuyl 1995 the elements of dom(π) are singletons, but nothing hinges on that. Def 3 can be adapted to take individuals of type e.


On the injective “mode” each of the girls is given a unique value in the codomain of π. So there are three different images of π. In terms of predication this means that the predicate ‘lift four tables’ applies fully to each of the girls. It is called the distributive mode because it closely resembles the situation we find in simple arithmetical equations like: (20)

3 × 4 = (2 × 4) + (1 × 4) = (1 × 4) + (1 × 4) + (1 × 4)

The distributive mode lets the function π distribute in the same way as the law of distributivity does in (20). Note that the number 3 is split up in 2 plus 1 and 1 plus 1 plus 1 and that 4 is repeated in all splits. This is what happens in (21), where the VP is repeated dependent on the number of elements in the external argument domain.21 (21)

3 girls lifted 4 tables = . . . = girl1 lifted 4 tables + girl2 lifted 4 tables + girl3 lifted 4 tables

This makes it possible to recast the notion of distributivity in terms of Figure 6. z}|{ z}|{ z }| {

{a} → . . . ,


{b} → . . . , {c, d} → . . .

{a, b, c} → . . . , ... {a, b, c, d} → . . . | {z } {d} → . . . z



| {z }

{b} → . . . , {c} → . . . , {d} → . . . |{z}

Unit set 

{a} → . . . ,




Figure 6: Distributivity in the new sense. Possible actualizations of (14c) along the lines of Figure 6 are (22)–(24), among many other configurations: (22)

{girl1 } 7→ {h1, {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 }i} {girl2 } 7→ {h2, {t3 , t4 , t5 , t6 }i} {girl3 } 7→ {h3, {t3 , t4 , t6 , t7 }i}


{girl1 } 7→ {h1, {t1 }i, hj, {t2 , t3 }i, hk, {t4 }i} {girl2 } 7→ {h2, {t3 , t4 , t5 , t6 }i} {girl3 } 7→ {h4, {t3 , t4 , t6 , t7 }i}


{girl1 } 7→ {h1, {t1 }i, hj, {t2 , t3 }i, hk, {t4 }i} {girl2 } 7→ {h2, {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 }i} {girl3 } 7→ {h3, {t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 }i}


Contrary to (20) the law of distributivity in (21) works only one way, i.e. asymmetrically. This is due to the fact that the combinatorial algebra underlying Figure 1 is not associative. See Verkuyl 1993;1996 for a more detailed analysis.


An important advantage of the index-dependency of the tables in (21) is that the indices create the room for varying over all combinatorial possibilities. Thus, there are two ways of distinguishing between two tables:22 hi, {t1 }i = 6 hj, {t1 }i vs. hi, {t1 }i = 6 hi, {t2 }i Definition 4 captures the range of combinatorial possibilities of NP-denotations illustrated in Figure 6.23 Definition 4 X is distributive iff for all X, Y ⊆ D : (i) if X ∈ X & Y ⊆ X, then Y ∈ X; (ii) if X ∈ X & Y ∈ X, then (X ∪ Y ) ∈ X When π is a constant function we obtain for (14c) the situation in (25). (25)

π(g1 ) = `g1 = π(g2 ) = `g2 = π(g3 ) = `g3

The most natural (terminative) sentences for obtaining this interpretation are given in (26), although they have a distributive interpretation in the sense explained above. (26)

a. The twelve passengers killed that horrible villain b. Hans and Uwe wrote that introductory book about DRT

In both cases none of the individuals involved may claim the VP-predicate itself. So, the passenger Sean may not say ‘I have killed that horrible villain. Likewise, Uwe may not say that he wrote that introductory book about DRT. It is exactly this what I call kolchoz-collective or totalizing sense of the predicate that is accounted for by making use of πconstant .24 In the plug-framework, for any collection of sets X, given a domain D kolchoz-collectivity is defined as: Definition 5 X is totalizing with respect to the collections A, B iff : (i) A ∩ B ⊆ X; S (ii) there is no X ⊆ D : X ⊂ (A ∩ B) & X ∈ X This says that the unit set (A ∩ B) satisfies the predicate denoting X and it S precludes the predicate from being applied to any proper subset of (A ∩ B). Note that the distinction between the notions of distributivity and kolchozcollectivity concurs with the old distinction between count nouns like child , passenger , book etc. and group nouns like herd and committee. Although the set denoted by herd contains individuals the use of the noun herd prevents that S

22 This makes it possible to formulate the first part of a “law”: in all the configurations based on the injective (19a) the total number of tables is always k × m, where k is the cardinality of the external argument NP and m the cardinality expressed by the internal argument: in each of the configurations (22)–(24) the total number of token-dependent tables is 12. From the preceding footnote it follows that the total number of girls remains 3. 23 Def. 4 holds trivially for (1a): the function π is applied to a single argument and yields just one ` and so Def. 4 applies. This is because the grammar is based on the treatment of plurality. 24 A related approach to the notion of collectivity can be found in Lasersohn 1995, but it is worked out quite differently.


any member of a herd be called a herd. The lowest level at which we may quantify is the group level, whereas regular count nouns allow us to “enter” the set of children and get at its subsets. Similar considerations apply to the difference between Def 4 and Def 5.25


The three functions working together

The three functions s, ` and π do not only account for terminativity, they also account properly for the distributive and collective facts. The result of the interaction between s, ` and π is given in Figure 7. It comprises all the different   

   s -

`x1 6

DL I I   π   [[N P ]] x1  ext


`xn 6


DL I I   π 



Figure 7: The relation between s, ` and π. sorts of terminativity discussed so far: 1. n = 1 as in (1a), (13a), (14a) and (14b). Here the difference between the distributive mode and the totalizing mode is irrelevant: they collapse. 2. n ≥ 1 in dom(π) as in (13b)–(13e), (14c) and (14d). Here there are two possibilities: (a) n = 1 in ran(π) : totalization defined in Def. 5; (b) n ≥ 1 in ran(π): distributivity defined in Def. 4. If Figure 7 is the right picture of the compositional process involved, it follows rather straightforwardly that events are not individuals. Which part of the system making up the information should be called an event seems to be a matter of convention. In (14c) Three girls lifted four tables one might call each s + ` + π-combination an event, even though the indices provided by s are the same from the temporal point of view. Note also that parts of a Path may be called an event. But one might also call the VP and event. If so, then one conclusion should be that mereological approaches to event structure tend to blur the differences between the levels at which we speak about events. 25

For a more detailed discussion see Verkuyl 1994; see also Landman 1989.



Tense and Progressive Form

Tense is syntactically defined as taking a tenseless S of type hhhi, ti, ti, ti to form a tensed S0 : S0 = infl(S).26 Its semantics is given in (27), where α varies over the different tenses. (27)

[[infl]] = λS∃I∃IV [S(I) ∧ I = Ent+ (IV ) ∧ T enseα (IV )(i∗ )]

In (14a) Mary lifted four tables α =