Existence and Uniqueness Theorem for Fuzzy

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Abstract In this article we consider fuzzy integral equations and prove the existence and uniqueness theorem. Keywords: fuzzy integral equation, existence, ...
Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1-5 Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/jmsa/1/1/1 © Science and Education Publishing DOI:10.12691/jmsa-1-1-1

Existence and Uniqueness Theorem for Fuzzy Integral Equation Andrej V. Plotnikov1,2,* , Natalia V. Skripnik 2 1

Department of Applied M athematics, Odessa State Academy Civil Engineering and Architecture, Odessa, Ukraine Department of Optimal Control and Economic Cybernetics, Odessa National University named after I.I. M echnikov, Odessa, Ukraine *Corresponding [email protected]


Received December 20, 2012; Revised January 29, 2013; Accepted March 02, 2013

Abstract In this article we consider fuzzy integral equations and prove the existence and uniqueness theorem. Keywords: fuzzy integral equation, existence, uniqueness, fuzzy differential equation Let E n be the set of all u : R n  [0,1] such that u satisfies the following conditions:

1. Introduction In recent years, the fuzzy set theory introduced by Zadeh [1] has emerged as an interesting and fascinating branch of pure and applied sciences. The applications of fuzzy set theory can be found in many branches of science as physical, mathematical, d ifferential equations and engineering sciences. Recently there have been new advances in the theory of fuzzy d ifferential equations [2-7], fuzzy integral equations [8-16], fu zzy integrodifferential equations [17,18,19,20], differential inclusions with fu zzy right-hand side [21-24] and fu zzy differential inclusions [25,26,27] as well as in the theory of control fu zzy differential equations [28,29,30], control fu zzy integrodifferential equations [31-36], control fu zzy differential inclusions [37,38,39,40], and control fu zzy integrodifferential inclusions [41]. Almost in all papers mentioned above the authors also consideres equivalent fuzzy integral equations. However, integral equations are encountered in various fields of science and in nu merous applicat ions, including elasticity, plasticity, heat and mass transfer, oscillation theory, fluid dynamics, filtrat ion theory, electrostatics, electrodynamics, biomechanics, game theory, control, queuing theory, electrical engineering, economics, and med icine. Therefore, in this article we consider fu zzy integral equations and prove the existence and uniqueness theorem.

i) u is normal, that is, there exists an x 0  R n such that u(x0 )  1 ; ii) u is fu zzy convex, that is,

ux  (1   ) y  min u(x), u( y) for any x, y  R n and 0    1 ; iii) u is upper semicontinuous,

iv) u0  cl x  R n : u(x)  0 is co mpact. If u  E , then u is called a fuzzy nu mber, and E n is said to be a fuzzy number space. For 0    1 , denote n

u  x  R n : u(x)   .

Then from i)-iv), it fo llows that the  -level set

u  convRn  for all 0    1 .

Let ˆ be the fuzzy mapping defined by ˆx   0 if x  0 and ˆ0   1 . Define D : E n  E n  [0, ) by the relation

D(u, v)  sup h u  , v . 0 1

Then D is a metric in E n . Further we know that [42]:

1) E n , D is a co mp lete metric space,

2. Preliminaries

Let comp (R n ) conv (R n ) be a set of all nonempty (convex) co mpact subsets from the space R n ,

h A, B  min S r A   B, S r B  A  r 0

be Hausdorff distance between sets A and B , S r A  is r -neighborhood of set A .

n 2) Du  w, v  w   Du, v for all u, v, w  E , n 3) Du, v    Du, v  for all u, v  E and   R .

Definiti on 1. [5] A mapping F : [0, T]  E n is measurable (continuous) if for all   [0,1] the set-valued

 

map F : [0, T]  conv R n defined by F (t )  F(t ) is Lebesgue measurable (continuous).

Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications

Definiti on 2. [5] A mapping F : [0, T]  E n is said to be integrably bounded if there is an integrable function h ( t ) such that x( t )  h( t ) for every x(t )  F0 (t ) . Definiti on 3. [5] The integral o f a fu zzy mapping

T  F : 0, T  E n is defined levelwise by  F( t )dt    0 



F ( t )dt  {


 f (t)dt : f : [0, T]  R



for all ( t , X' ), ( t, X" )  Q ; iii) there exists a positive constant K such that D(F( t , X), ˆ)  K (1  D(X, ˆ))

for all ( t, X)  Q ; iv) the mat rix-valued functions A(t ), A 1 (t ) are continuous; v) there exist positive constants a 1 , a 2 such that

is a measurable

A( t )  a 1 ,

A 1 ( t )  a 2


selection of F : [0, T]  conv(R n ) } for all   0,1 . Definiti on 4. [5] A measurable and integrably bounded mapping F : 0, T  E n is said to be integrable over

0, T if


 F(t)dt  E



for all t  [0, d] . Then equation (1) has a unique solution on the interval [0, d] . Proof. Let us build the successive approximat ions of the solution:

X 0 (t )  A(t )X 0 for 0  t  d ,


Note that if F : 0, T  E n is measurable and integrably bounded, then F is integrable. Fu rther if

F : 0, T  E n is continuous, then it is integrable.

Proposition 1. [2] Let F, G : [0, T]  E n be integrable and   R . Then T





 F(t)  G(t)dt   F(t)dt   G(t)dt ;

0 T



t   X k ( t )  A( t ) X 0  F(s, A 1 (s)X k 1 (s))ds   0  

for 0  t  d . By conditions i), ii) and iv) of the theorem X k (t ) is continuous on [0, d] for all k  N . Besides

D(X 0 (t ), X 0 )  D(A(t )X 0 , X 0 ) 


  F(t)dt    F(t)dt ; 0

 D(A( t )X 0 , ˆ)  D(X 0 , ˆ)  (a 1  1) D( X 0 , ˆ) ;


D(X1 (t ), X 0 (t )) 

3) D(F(t ), G(t )) is integrable; T T  T   4) D F( t )dt, G ( t )dt   D(F( t ), G ( t ))dt .   0 0  0


 D(A( t )[ X 0  F(s, A 1 (s)X 0 (s))ds], A( t )X 0 ) 

0 t

 D(A( t )[ X 0  F(s, A 1 (s)A(s)X 0 )ds], A( t )X 0 ) 

3. Main Result


Consider the fuzzy integral equation


t   X( t )  A( t ) X 0  F s, A 1 (s)X(s) ds,   0  

 

 D(A( t )[ X 0  F(s, X 0 )ds], A( t )X 0 )  (1)

0 t

 a 1D([ X 0  F(s, X 0 )ds], X 0 ) 

where t  [0, d]  R  is time, X  E n is a phase variable, A( t ) is n  n -dimensional matrix-valued function,

F : R   E n  E n is a fu zzy mapping, X 0  E n . Definiti on 5. A fuzzy mapping X : [0, d]  E n is called a solution of integral equation (1) if it is continuous and satisfies integral equation (1) on interval [0, d] . Theorem. Let in the domain n Q  { (t, X) [0, d]  E } the follo wing conditions hold: i) for any fixed X the fuzzy mapping F(, X) is continuous; ii) there exists a positive constant L such that D(F( t, X' ), F( t, X" ))  LD(X' , X" )

0 t




 a 1 D( F(s, X 0 )ds, ˆ)  a 1 D(F(s, X 0 ), ˆ)ds  t

 a 1 K(1  D(X 0 , ˆ))ds  a 1K(1  D(X 0 , ˆ)) t ; 0

D(X 2 (t ), X1 (t ))  t

 D( A(t )[ X 0   F ( s, A1 ( s) X 1 ( s))ds], 0


Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications t

A(t )[ X 0   F ( s, A1 ( s) X 0 ( s))ds])  0





 a 1D( F(s, A 1 (s)X1 (s))ds, F(s, A 1 (s)X 0 (s))ds) 

K (1  D(X 0 , ˆ)) a 2L

 a 1 D(F(s, A 1 (s)X1 (s)), F(s, A 1 (s)X 0 (s)))ds  0 t

 a 1 LD(A 1 (s)X1 (s), A 1 (s)X 0 (s))ds  0 t

mappings {X k (t )} k 0 in uniformly bounded:

D(X k (t ), X 0 )  b for all t  [0, d] . Let us show that the sequence of the fuzzy mappings {X k (t )} k 0 is a Cauchy sequence. For any m, p  N we have

D(X mp (t ), X p (t )) 


t   a 1 D F(s, A 1 (s)X m  p 1 (s))ds,  0


 a 1a 2 L a 1K (1  D(X 0 , ˆ)s ds  0

 a 12 a 2 LK (1  D(X 0 , ˆ)

 F(s, A 1 (s)X p 1 (s))ds    0  t

t2 ; 2! t

D(X 3 (t ), X 2 (t )) 

 a 1 La 2 D(X m  p 1 (s), X p 1 (s))ds .

t    D A( t )[ X 0  F(s, A 1 (s)X 2 (s))ds],  0 



D(X mp (t ), X p (t )) 

 A( t )[ X 0  F(s, A 1 (s)X1 (s))ds]    0  t


 a 1 La 2 D(X (s), X (s))ds  1

p     t

 (a 1 a 2 L)


 a 1a 2 L a 2 a 2 K (1  D(X 0 , ˆ) 1


s2 ds  2!


t  a 13 a 2 LK (1  D(X 0 , ˆ) 2 3! and so on. Therefore,

D(X n 1 ( t ), X n ( t ))   a 1n 1a n2 Ln K (1  D(X 0 , ˆ))

t n 1 . (n  1)!

 ... 

D(X m ( t p ), X 0 )dt p ...dt 1 


b (a 1 a 2 L ) p t p b (a 1 a 2 L ) p d p  p! p!

[0, d] . Then   max D(X( t ), Y( t ))  0 . t[0,d ]

max D(X n 1 (t ), X 0 ) 

t[0,d ]

 max D(X n 1 (t ), X n (t ))  ...  max D(X 2 (t ), X1 ( t ))  t[0,d ]

 max D(X1 (t ), X 0 (t ))  max D(X 0 (t ), X 0 )  t[0,d ]

t p 1

Therefore, the sequence {X k (t )} k 0 is a Cauchy sequence. Its limit is a continuous fuzzy mapping that we will denote by X ( t ) . Owing to the theorem conditions in (1) it is possible to pass to the limit under the sign of the integral. We receive that the fuzzy mapping X ( t ) satisfies equation (1), i.e. X ( t ) is the solution of (1) on the interval [0, d] . To prove the uniqueness, suppose that there exist at least two different solutions X ( t ) and Y ( t ) of (1) on


t[0,d ]




i 1

K (1  D(X 0 , ˆ)) a1a 2Ld e  (a 1  1)D(X 0 , ˆ)  b . a 2L

 a 1 La 2 D(X1 (s), X 0 (s))ds 

(a 1a 2 Ld ) i  (a 1  1)D(X 0 , ˆ)  i!

Hence, it follows that the sequence of the fuzzy



n 1

t[0,d ]

As t    X( t )  A( t ) X 0  F(s, A 1 (s)X(s))ds,   0  

t   Y( t )  A( t ) X 0  F(s, A 1 (s)Y(s))ds   0  

Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Applications


In 1982, D. Dubois and H. Prade [43,44] first introduced the concept of integration of fuzzy functions. O. Kaleva [2] studied the measurability and integrability for the fuzzy set-valued mappings of a real variable whose values are normal, convex, upper semicontinuous, and

then t

D ( X (t ), Y (t ))  a1a2 L  D( X (s ), Y (s ))ds . 0

compactly supported by fuzzy sets in R n . Existence of solutions of fu zzy integral equations has been studied by several authors. They have used the embedding theorem of Kaleva, wh ich is a generalization of the classical Rådström embedding theorem, and the Darbo fixed point theorem in the convex cone. In this article we p rove the existence and uniqueness theorem without using the embedding theorem of Kaleva.

So t

D(X( t ), Y( t ))  a 1a 2 L D(X(s), Y(s))ds  0 t

 a 1a 2 L ds  a 1a 2 Lt  a 1a 2 Ld , 0 t


D(X( t ), Y( t ))  a 1a 2 L La 1a 2 sds  0

 (a1a 2 L) 2 


[1] [2]


t d  (a1a 2 L) 2  , 2! 2!


D(X( t ), Y( t ))  (a 1a 2 L) m  Then


dm . m!

  max D(X( t ), Y( t ))  (a 1a 2 L) m  t[0,d ]


dm m!


(a 1a 2 Ld ) m 0. m! m 

[6] [7]

any m  N that contradicts lim

This concludes the proof. Remark 1. If A( t )  I then fuzzy integral equation (1) is equivalent to the Cauchy problem

D H X  F(t, X),

X(0)  X 0 ,

where D H X is the fuzzy Hu kuhara derivative o f a fu zzy mapping X : R   E n [2]. Remark 2. So lutions of integral equation (1) can be not fuzzy differentiab le in the sense of Hukuhara. For example, if

 cos( t ) sin( t )   , F(t, A 1 (t )X)  A 1 (t )X , A( t )     sin( t ) cos( t ) 

X 0  K1  E 2 , where K  such, that for all  [0,1]


[9] [10] [11]

[12] [13] [14]

[K  ]  {x  R 2 :| x i | (1   ) , i  1,2} , then we get the fuzzy integral equation


  X( t )  A( t ) X 0  A 1 (s)X(s)ds    0   t


It is obvious that its solution is X( t )  A( t )K t and e


X( t ) is not fuzzy differentiable in the sense of Hukuhara for all t  0 . Ho wever fu zzy integral system (1) will be equivalent to the following fuzzy hybrid system


D H Y  Y, Y(0)  K1 , X(t )  A(t )Y(t ) [19]

4. Conclusion

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