Exploiting Links and Text Structure on the Web A Quantitative ...

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Jan 21, 2011 - Management and Collaboration Infrastructure at the International Semantic. Web Conference 6 ..... text le

Von der Fakulta¨t fu ¨r Elektrotechnik und Informatik der Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universit¨at Hannover zur Erlangung des Grades eines DOKTORS DER NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN Dr. rer. nat.

genehmigte Dissertation von Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Christian Kohlsch¨ utter geboren am 26. Oktober 1979 in Hof/Bayern 2011

Referent: Prof. Dr. techn. Wolfgang Nejdl Korreferent: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernardo Wagner Tag der Promotion: 21.01.2011

Abstract As Web search is becoming a routine activity in our daily lives, users scale up their expectations concerning Search Quality. This comprises factors such as accuracy, coverage and usability of the overall system. In this thesis, I describe quantitative strategies to improving search quality from two complementary perspectives, link structure and text structure, which are key topics in the field of Web Information Retrieval. I utilize some fundamental properties of the Web, presumably of human behavior after all, that are theoretically justified as well as relatively easy to apply. Link Structure. Humans do not create or follow links to Web pages arbitrarily. In fact, most of the links refer to own pages (at host-level), a fact that I exploit for simplifying the PageRank computation, particularly the principal Eigenvector of the corresponding link matrix. Also, apparently humans seem to likely link to pages that are relevant to the originating document. I present a corresponding method for automatically identifying a topic of a text query solely based on link structure, utilizing multiple topic-specific PageRank vectors. Text Structure. Humans also do not create or read text on Web pages arbitrarily. I show that the creation process of Web text is governed by a statistical law that corroborates the Quantitative Linguistic theory, yet I extend current models by the following notions: text on Web pages can be separated into blocks of “short text” and blocks of “long text”, depending on the number of words contained in the block. A large amount of actual “full text” is attributed to the class of long text whereas short text appears to mainly cover the navigational text fragments usually referred to as “boilerplate”. I present a simple, yet very effective strategy that utilizes this property for accurate main content extraction, ranking and classification. As an attempt to unification, I conclude that the processes of browsing HTML pages and of creating HTML text can be seen as a combination of two orthogonal motivations. This perspective not only facilitates highly efficient and effective algorithms, it also aids in understanding the corresponding human behavior.



Zusammenfassung Mit der wachsenden Bedeutung des World Wide Web im t¨aglichen Leben steigt auch die Erwartungshaltung gegen¨ uber Suchmaschinen und deren Qualit¨at. Dies umfasst Aspekte wie z.B. Treffergenauigkeit, Abdeckung und Nutzbarkeit (Usability) des Gesamtsystems. In der vorliegenden Dissertation beschreibe ich quantitative Strategien zur Verbesserung der Suchqualit¨ at aus zwei sich erg¨ anzenden Perspektiven, Linkstruktur und Textstruktur, zwei Kernthemen im Bereich des Web Information Retrieval. Hierbei betrachte und nutze ich einige fundamentale Eigenschaften des Web (und vermutlich des menschlichen Verhaltens im Allgemeinen), welche theoretisch fundiert und zugleich relativ einfach anwendbar sind. Linkstruktur. Menschen setzen und folgen Hyperlinks auf Webseiten nicht willk¨ urlich. In der Tat ist es so, dass ein Großteil auf eigene Seiten zeigt (auf Host-Ebene). Diese Eigenschaft nutze ich f¨ ur eine Vereinfachung der PageRank-Berechnung, bei der der Haupteigenvektor der dazugeh¨ origen Link-Matrix gesucht wird. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass Links h¨ aufig dann gesetzt werden, wenn die verbundenen Seiten thematisch zusammen h¨angen. Diese Eigenschaft nutze ich, um, nur mittels Linkstruktur und themenspezifischen PageRankVektoren, zu einer Freitext-Suchanfrage automatisch relevante Themen zu finden. Textstruktur. Menschen setzen und lesen auch Text auf Webseiten nicht willk¨ urlich. Ich zeige, dass der Erzeugungsprozess von Text im Web beschrieben werden kann durch ein statistisches Textgesetz, welches im Einklang mit Erkenntnissen aus der quantitativlinguistischen Texttheorie steht. Hierbei erweitere ich jedoch bestehende Modelle wiefolgt: Text im Web besteht aus zweierlei Arten von Bl¨ocken, jene mit kurzem Text und solche mit langem Text, abh¨ angig von der Anzahl der eingeschlossenen W¨orter. Ein Großteil des eigentlichen Haupttext einer Webseite kann mit Langtext beschrieben werden, wohingegen Kurztext haupts¨ achlich die navigationsspezifischen Textfragmente, den sogenannten “Boilerplate”, beschreibt. Diese textuelle Gesetzm¨aßigkeit mache ich mit Hilfe einer einfachen aber effektive Strategie zum akkuraten Extrahieren von Text, zum Ranking und zur Klassifikation von Webseiten nutzbar. Als Versuch einer Vereinheitlichung schlussfolgere ich, dass die Prozesse der Erzeugung bzw. Rezeption von HTML Links und Text als Kombination zweier orthogonaler Motivationen beschrieben werden k¨onnen. Diese Perspektive erlaubt nicht nur hocheffektive Algorithmen, sie erm¨ oglicht auch ein besseres Verst¨andnis menschlichen Verhaltens.



Keywords Search Engines, Link and Text Structure, Quantitative Models

Schlagworte Suchmaschinen, Link- und Textstruktur, Quantitative Modelle



Acknowledgments I am grateful to have had numerous inspiring discussions with many people who shared their insights with me on a variety of topics, which eventually led to the present thesis. I would like to thank them all. First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Professor Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl for giving me the opportunity to conduct my thesis research, for his advice, guidance and profound support throughout this work. I am very thankful to also have Professors Dr.-Ing. Bernardo Wagner and Dr.-Ing. Markus Fidler in the thesis committee, spending their time on my dissertation. I also owe Professors Dr. Gabriel Altmann and Dr. Reinhard K¨ohler a special debt of gratitude for providing a plethora of excellent work in the field of Quantitative Linguistics, and for helping me, by their publications as well as by private correspondence, to deeper understand the problem domain from a complementary perspective. Their unparalleled help to introduce me to the community of Quantitative Linguistics deserves my deepest respect. Special thanks go to Dr. Peter Fankhauser for dragging my attention to Machine Learning, for deep and insightful comments and great discussions. The members, colleagues and former colleagues of the L3S Research Center deserve many thanks for providing a stimulating and fun environment, for fruitful discussions and for interesting collaborations at research and project work. My research was finally made possible by having a full-time position at L3S as a research associate, which was mainly funded by the European Commission’s FP6/FP7 projects NEPOMUK, ELEONET and SYNC3 and so, indirectly, by the taxpayers. Many thanks also go to the German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) for their conceptual support during my studies. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their support and encouragement and for giving me the opportunity, volition and stimulus to seek challenges in the academia. Most importantly, I thank my wife, Anastasiya, for her love, exceptional patience and support as well as for her continuous belief in me and my work. Christian Kohlsch¨ utter ix


Publication List The algorithms and experimental results presented in this thesis have been published in several conference proceedings in the field of Information Systems and as a book chapter in the field of Quantitative Linguistics, as follows. 1. Christian Kohlsch¨ utter, Paul-Alexandru Chirita, Wolfgang Nejdl. Efficient Parallel Computation of PageRank. In: Advances in Information Retrieval, 28th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2006, London, UK, April 10-12, 2006, pp. 241-252, 2006, Springer, 3-540-33347-9. 2. Christian Kohlsch¨ utter, Paul-Alexandru Chirita, Wolfgang Nejdl. Using Link Analysis to Identify Aspects in Faceted Web Search SIGIR 2006 Workshop on Faceted Search, Aug 10, 2006, Seattle, WA, USA. 3. Christian Kohlsch¨ utter, Paul-Alexandru Chirita, Wolfgang Nejdl. Utility Analysis for Topically Biased PageRank. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2007, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 8-12, 2007, pp. 1211-1212, 2007, ACM, 978-1-59593-654-7. 4. Christian Kohlsch¨ utter, Wolfgang Nejdl. A Densitometric Approach to Web Page Segmentation. CIKM 2008: Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Napa Valley, California, USA 5. Christian Kohlsch¨ utter. A Densitometric Analysis of Web Template Content. 18th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2009), Madrid, Spain 6. Christian Kohlsch¨ utter. A Densitometric Classification of Web Template Content. In: Emmerich Kelih, Viktor Levickij, Gabriel Altmann (Editors), Methods xi

of Text Analysis: Omnibus volume. – Chernivtsi: CNU, 2009. pp. 133-155. ISBN 978-966-423-043-5 7. Christian Kohlsch¨ utter, Peter Fankhauser, Wolfgang Nejdl. Boilerplate Detection using Shallow Text Features. WSDM 2010: Third ACM International Conference on Web Search and )

0.4 Num. Words (N)


Link Density (P) Text Density (N)

Link Density (N) Start-Uppercase Ratio (P) Avg. Sentence Length (C)

Tag (C)



Num.Words (P) Text Density (P) Avg. Word Len. (N) Avg. Word Len. (P) Start-Uppercase Ratio (N)

F.S.R. (P) F.S.R. (N) Relative Position (C)

Tag (N)

Tag (P) Avg. Sentence Length (P) Avg. Sentence Length (N) Text Frequency (C) Text Frequency (P) Full-Uppercase Ratio (C) Num Start-Uppercase (C) Num Start-Uppercase (N) Text Frequency (N) Num Start-Uppercase (P) Full-Uppercase Ratio (N) Absolute Position (C) Full-Uppercase Ratio (P)


Vertical Bars, Date Tokens, , ...








(a) 2-class problem 0.8 Number of Words Quotient (P/C) 0.746

Information Gain


Text Density Quotient (P/C) 0.626 Relative Position (C) Avg. Word Length (C) Number of Words (C) Start-Uppercase Ratio (C) Text Density(C) Fullstop Ratio (C) Text Density Delta (P/C) Link Density (C) Avg. Word Len. (N)


Avg. Word Len. (P) Num.Words (N) Num.Words (P) Link Density (P) Text Density (P) Text Density (N) F.S.R. (P) F.S.R. (N) Link Density (N) Start-Uppercase Ratio (N) Avg. Sentence Length (C)

Tag (C)


Tag (N)

Tag (P) Avg. Sentence Length (P) Avg. Sentence Length (N) All-Uppercase Ratio (C) Text Frequency (P) Num UpperCase (C) Text Freq. (C) Text Frequency (N) Num UpperCase (N) Num Uppercase (P) Absolute Position (C) All-Uppercase R. (P) All-Uppercase R. (N)

0 Tags, Vertical Bars, Tags (P/C/N)








(b) 4-class problem

Figure 4.20: Per-Feature Information Gain for the GoogleNews collection



The 1R classifier determines the feature with the least error rate and partitions the corresponding numeric values to derive simple classification rules (the number of partitions equal the number of leaf nodes in a decision tree). 1R over all features resulted in a simple rule with an acceptable accuracy: Any block with a text density less than 10.5 is regarded boilerplate. I analyzed the 1R partitioning also for the features Average Sentence Length, Average Word Length, Link Density and Number of Words and got similar (slightly lower) accuracies. However, Average Word Length is fairly unsuitable for classification, as 1R generates many partitions between average word length 4 and 5 which alternate between Boilerplate and Article Content. We get promising results from the C4.8-based decision-trees. In order to avoid overfitting, the algorithm has been configured to only consider leaves matching at least 1000 instances. By using all the 67 available features (including features from the previous and next blocks) we get a remarkable ROC AuC of 98% for the 2-class problem and 96.9% for the 4-class problem; we also achieve similar results using an SMO support-vector machine with a linear kernel. Moreover, by applying reducederror pruning I was able to simplify the decision tree to only use 6 dimensions (2 features each for current, previous and next block) without a significant loss in accuracy (ROC AuC 96.9% for the 2-class problem), see Algorithms 4.2 and 4.3. Application to CleanEval and Re-Validation.

To test the domain-

independence of the determined classifiers, I applied the two simplified C4.8 classifiers to the CleanEval collection. I evaluated the 2-class problem (boilerplate vs. content of any kind, called TO in CleanEval) for the classifier that has been trained for the GoogleNews collection and one that has been trained on the CleanEval training set. In the latter case, the decision rule was even simpler: accept all blocks that have a minimum text density of 7 and a maximum link density of 0.35. Because the CleanEval collection only provides assessments and the algorithmic output at text-level, we cannot directly reuse the setup we used for the GoogleNews evaluation. The CleanEval initiative provides their own accuracy measure which is



















































































FP Rate




F1 -Score

Only Avg. Sentence Length





C4.8 Element Frequency (P/C/N)




Only Avg. Word Length




Only Number of Words @15



Only Link Density @0.33 1

ZeroR (baseline; predict “Content”)

1R: Text Density @10.5




















1.0 10.6




8.9 8.7








87.6 92.9




90.9 89.9





89.3 92.9







90.8 88.7






87.6 92.9






91.1 23







C4.8 All Local Features (C)



C4.8 Number of Words (P/C/N)

C4.8 NumWords + LinkDensity, simplified


C4.8 Link Density (P/C/N)

C4.8 Text + LinkDensity, simplified











































93.9 95.0



6 64




C4.8 All Local Features (P/C/N)



C4.8 Text+Link Density (P/C/N)

C4.8 All Local Features + Global Freq.

C4.8 All Local Features (C) + TDQ

SMO All Local Features + Global Freq.

Table 4.9: Weka Classification Accuracies for the Google News Collection (2-class/4-class problem)


Algorithm 4.2 Densitometric Classifier

Algorithm 4.3 NumWords Classifier

currLinkDensity 0.555556 | | nextTextDensity 11: CONTENT currLinkDensity > 0.333333: BOILERPLATE

currLinkDensity 0.333333: BOILERPLATE


based upon a weighted Levenshtein Edit Distance at token-level [12]. The computation is expensive and also not essential for this task. I confirmed that the scores can be approximated well with the much simpler bag-of-words token-level F1 score (like in the GoogleNews setup, except that class weights are not taken into account). As our scores therefore slightly differ from the ones in [12], I re-evaluated the available results of three CleanEval contestants (BTE, Victor, NCleaner) and also added the heuristics by Pasternack et al. [93] (in two flavors, the unigram model trained on CleanEval and the trigram model trained on a news corpus) to the set of competitors, as well as a baseline (“Keep all text”) and a classifier solely based on the feature with the highest information gain: number of words; we mark every block with at least 10 words as content. The average (µ) and median (m) as well as the ranked accuracy for each evaluated strategy are depicted in Figure 4.21a. We see that the two flavors of the Pasternack heuristic drastically differ in terms of accuracy. We assume that the algorithm needs proper training to succeed for a particular corpus, and the trigram model from the news domain was not generic enough for the CleanEval dataset.



Additionally, to understand how far heuristic additions could further improve the classification, I extended the two decision tree classifiers downstream with handcrafted rules. In one extension, we only take the content block with the highest number of words (Largest Content Filter ). In another extension, we add rules that are specific for news (Main Content Filter ): It extends Largest Content Filter by removing any text that is below a clearly identifiable comments section (a block solely containing one out of 11 indicator strings like “User comments:” etc.) and above a clearly identifiable title (derived from the HTML document’s TITLE value). As we can see from Figure 4.21a, for the CleanEval collection these modifications resulted in much worse results than the baseline. On the other hand, the very simple strategy to keep all blocks with at least 10 words (as well as our NumWords/LinkDensity classifier) performed just as good as the Pasternack unigram and the NCleaner setups that have specifically been trained for CleanEval. Ultimately, we see (Figure 4.21a) that basically keeping all text – i.e., not removing anything – would be a good strategy, being only marginally worse than the apparently best solution (BTE)! This leads to the question whether there were failures in the assessment process, whether the collection is comparable to the GoogleNews collection or at all appropriate for the purpose of boilerplate detection. I repeated this evaluation for the GoogleNews collection, computing accuracy scores in the same way using the same algorithms (BTE as the alleged winner for CleanEval, Pasternack Trigrams as a supposedly mediocre strategy and the algorithms introduced here). For the Pasternack algorithm, I used the Web service provided by the authors; unfortunately, there was no unigram implementation available. Figure 4.21b shows the corresponding results. We see that the baseline for GoogleNews is much lower than for CleanEval; all tested algorithms perform differently and are usually better than the baseline, except for the Pasternack strategy, which under-performed in a few cases. Overall its performance is lower than expected, given the fact that it has been trained on news articles. I can only assume a bug in their implementation or high overfitting towards a particular subset of news sites. The strategy to just keep everything with a minimum of 10 words did not work very well either, although better than the Pasternack



Optimum µ=91,11%; m=97.41% µ=90.41%; m=97.03% µ=90.10%; m=96.23% µ=90.08%; m=95.52% µ=89.86%; m=97.18% µ=89.41%; m=95.66% µ=89.24%; m=95.11% µ=79.80%; m=94.91% µ=77.76%; m=93.34% µ=72.10%; m=93.94% µ=68.30%; m=79.81% µ=67.81%; m=76.89%


0 0


(a) CleanEval corpus

Token-Level F-Measure



BTE Victor Pasternack Unigrams (CleanEval) Keep Blocks with >=10 Words My NumWords/LinkDensity Classifier NCleaner Baseline (Keep everything) NumWords/LinkDensity + Main Content Filter Densitometric Classifier + Main Content Filter Pasternack Trigrams, trained on News Corpus Densitometric Classifier + Largest Content Filter NumWords/LinkDensity + Largest Content Filter






# Documents


(b) GoogleNews corpus

Token-Level F-Measure


0.6 Optimum µ=95.93%; m=98.66% µ=95.62%; m=98.49% µ=92.17%; m=97.65% µ=92.08%; m=97.62% µ=91.08%; m=95.87% µ=90.61%; m=95.56% µ=89.29%; m=96.28% µ=80.78%; m=85.10% µ=78.65%; m=87.19% µ=68.30%; m=70.60%



0 0


NumWords/LinkDensity + Main Content Filter Densitometric Classifier + Main Content Filter NumWords/LinkDensity + Largest Content Filter Densitometric Classifier + Largest Content Filter NumWords/LinkDensity Classifier Densitometric Classifier BTE Keep everything with >= 10 words Pasternack Trigrams, trained on News Corpus Baseline (Keep everything)






# Documents


(c) GoogleNews (ctd.)


Token-Level F-Measure

Figure 4.21: Performance of Boilerplate Detection Strategies




Optimum µ=95.93%; m=98.66% µ=92.08%; m=97.62% µ=91.08%; m=95.87% µ=81.51%; m=92.86% µ=80.78%; m=85.10% µ=68.30%; m=70.60% µ=58.70%; m=93.75%


0 0


NumWords/LinkDensity + Main Content Filter Densitometric Classifier + Largest Content Filter NumWords/LinkDensity Classifier Readability (June 9, 2010) Keep everything with >= 10 words Baseline (Keep everything) Apple Safari 5.0 (6533.16)



# Documents







trigrams and, on average, improves the baseline by 18.3%. BTE is on par with the two simplified classifiers (using text density and number of words respectively); it is a little bit better for the median but worse on average. The classifier based on the number of words per block and its link density yields improve the baseline by 33.3%. In the end, the use of the two heuristic filters (Largest/Main Content Filter ) can further improve the detection accuracy for the GoogleNews dataset to an almost perfect average F1 score of 95.93% (this is a 40% relative improvement over the baseline). Even though we see that these algorithms failed for CleanEval, we expect them to work generically for the news domain. On the other hand, we see that both, BTE and our two simplified classifiers work quite well for both collections. Of note, our classifier is far more efficient than BTE. It runs in linear time, whereas BTE has a quadratic upper bound. Furthermore, it can return more than a single piece of text. BTE’s assumption that only one block (the largest having the least tag density) completely covers the main content seems not to hold for all cases: compared to the densitometric classifier, BTE only achieves a suboptimal accuracy in our news experiment. This discrepancy may be due to the fact that the CleanEval collection actually contains less boilerplate text than all other collections we examined (only very little words are in blocks with a text density lower than 11, see Figure 4.22). As a last remark, I also compared my approach against two heuristics that have not been discussed in the academia yet but are recently becoming popular, the “Readability” browser bookmarklet13 and Apple’s Safari Reader14 (which is based upon a modified version of Readability). Both techniques indeed perform boilerplate removal, particularly for re-rendering the Web page’s text to improving reading ease. As shown in Figure 4.21c, these approaches are surprisingly subpar compared to all other algorithms except Pasternack’s trigram algorithm. Of note, Safari Reader at all delivered in only about two third of all documents results; in all other cases the functionality was marked as “not available”. Obviously, there is much room for improvement.

13 14

http://lab.arc90.com/ http://apple.com/safari




Number of Words




0 5




Text Density

Figure 4.22: CleanEval Text Density Distribution


Quantitative Linguistic Analysis

Text Density vs. Number of Words In all cases but one, the classifier using Number of Words per Block performed slightly better than the classifier using Text Density. Also it seems sufficient for a good classification. To get a better understanding why this strategy performs so well, we need to analyze the created decision tree rules (see Algorithms 4.2 and 4.3). We see that the two classifiers do not differ for the link density-specific rules; if the text block consists of more than 33% linked words, it is most likely boilerplate, unless the block is surrounded by long/dense text blocks. Actually it is likely that both measures, text density as well as number of words describe the same fundamental principle of text, which however is more visible through text density than through the plain number of words. As the absolute number of words theoretically is unbounded (the longest block in the GoogleNews collection consisted of 1122 words), yet dominated by boilerplate (79% of all blocks, see table 4.8), a straight visual distinction between boilerplate and content is hard to spot (Figure 4.23; the “content” part is magnified for clarity). Also, the rules generated for the number-of-words classifier are difficult to interpret. It is unclear, for instance, why



Not Content Content



Number of Blocks


15000 800






0 0














Number of Words

Figure 4.23: Number of Words Distribution (GoogleNews) everything exactly above 40 words is regarded full text and not already at 30 etc. However, if we look at the very same data using the text density metric (rounding the density to the nearest integer [%(b)]), we can clearly identify three modes of a mixed distribution (see Figure 4.24), which are represented in the classifier. In Section 4.3 I showed for a representative Web corpus (Webspam-UK 2007, ham-part) that the distribution of words in blocks with a particular text density can effectively be modeled as a combination of two beta distributions and a normal distribution. Each beta distribution is assumed to represent one class of text, “fulltext” content (complete sentences) and “template text” (incomplete sentences); the normal distribution acts as a fuzzy transition between them. In fact, I was able to apply the same model to the GoogleNews collection data, with a very high goodness of fit (R2 = 0.997, RMSE = 0.0213). As opposed to my initial results on an unlabeled corpus, we now have manually labeled annotations, so this hypothesis can finally be examined at a higher level of confidence. Indeed, the main article’s full text, as well as the user comments and, to some degree, supplemental text, can basically be described as blocks with a text density = 10 (in fact, the 1R algorithm suggested this split, achieving a ROC AuC of 86.8%). The remaining blocks with a lower density almost completely describe boilerplate


Not Content (Plain Text) Not Content (Anchor Text) Related Content Headlines Supplemental Text User Comments Main Article Complete Fit Functional Text Class (Beta D.) Descriptive Text Class (Beta D.) Fuzzy Class Transition (Normal D.) Linked Text


Number of Words





0 0





Text Density

Figure 4.24: Text Density Distribution by class (GoogleNews) text (headlines appear at text density 4 and higher; some “supplemental text” may expose an even lower text density). Moreover, the fuzzy class seems to be strongly dominated by linked text (hypertext), which might explain why the addition of the link density feature significantly improves the classification accuracy. Obviously, the text density measure helps us to visualize the mixed distribution in a compact way (much better than the absolute number of words – compare Figure 4.23), even though it appears that for the actual purpose to separate and to classify the two types of text (template and fulltext) the absolute number of words per block are sufficient, and thus to be preferred (Occam’s Razor). Actually we can approximate the density distribution for visualization purposes solely using the number of words as follows. From the definition of text density (Equation 4.6) we see that two cases are differentiated: wrapped text (i.e. covering more than one line) and unwrapped text (i.e. only one line). If the line is wide enough (we used 80 characters), all densities below a certain number of words λ describe oneline blocks (except for the unusual case where blocks contain very long words), or combinations thereof. In order to reach a line wrap boundary, a certain number of words need to be written, and thus a large text density score indicates a larger number of words. In fact, the difference of the number of words contained in blocks with at



least λ = 11 words (345.175) to the number of words contained in blocks with a text density of at least 11 (358.428) is insignificant (3.8%). Stochastic Text Model The fairly clear separation between short boilerplate and longer content blocks with respect to text density suggests a simple generative process: First, let us find a sufficiently good model for the overall process of generating words. We can see the creation process of text blocks as a Shannon random writer [105]. Imagine the author decides with some probability to write a word or to finish the current block and proceed to the next one. This essentially is a first-order Markov process with two states, T (add another word to the text) and N (skip to the next block ); see Figure 4.25a. The probability of staying in the same state is always the complementary probability of moving to the other state. As we can regard subsequent newlines as a single operation, we have PN (N ) = 0 and thus PN (T ) = 1 (after skipping to a new block, always at least one word is written). The state transitions from T can be modeled as a simple Bernoulli trial. Consider the transition to N as success (p) and the emission of another word as failure (1 − p). The probability that there are k failures (for k = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...) before the first success is P r(Y = k) = (1 − p)k p. Coming from state N means we already have emitted one word, so the actual probability for emitting x words (k − 1 failures) in the simple scenario then is P r(Y = x) = (1 − p)x−1 · p = PT (T )x−1 · PT (N )


which is the 1-displaced geometric distribution; it has extensively been discussed in the field of Quantitative Linguistics [4]. While there are more sophisticated, better matching models for describing this process, the geometric distribution is a good starting point, particularly at corpus level where the individual variations of certain authors become indistinct. Applied to the GoogleNews corpus, for PT (N ) = 0.3145 we achieve a goodness of 2 fit of Radj = 96.7% with a root mean square error (RM SE) of 0.0046.



Let us now add the two different types of text that we have discovered in our evaluation, short and long text. We extend the simple random writer by transforming the state T into two separate states S (print a word of short text) and L (print a word of long text), see Figure 4.25b. As L and S replace T , the probabilities to arrive at L or S coming from N must sum up to PN (T ) = 1. Once in the state L or S, we again have a Bernoulli trial: either continue producing words (all of long or short text respectively, no intra-block mixtures) or terminate and go back to state N . As we expect from short text to terminate quickly after a few words and from long text to terminate after a higher number of words, we require that PS (N )  PL (N ). In this mixed scenario, the probability density distribution therefore is:   P r(Y = x) = PN (S) · PS (S)x−1 · PS (N ) +   +PN (L) · PL (L)x−1 · PL (N )


Applying this model to the GoogleNews data results in a higher goodness of 2 fit of Radj = 98.81% with RM SE = 0.0027 for PN (S) = 1 − PN (L) = 0.7586,

PS (N ) = 0.3968 and PL (N ) = 0.04369, which supports our assumption of the mixture, even if the geometric distribution only is a rough approximation. As the geometric distribution’s expected value is defined as E(x) = p−1 (short text has its mean at 0.3968−1 = 2.52, long text at 0.04369−1 = 22.89) and the determined probability PN (S) = 76% is close to the assessed 79% (amount of blocks classified as boilerplate, see Table 4.8), we may attribute a large extent of short text to the Boilerplate class and most long text to the Content class (see Figure 4.23). Linguistic Interpretation The observed compound distribution can be regarded not of arbitrary nature but of a stochastic, quantitative linguistic one, implying that actually two different classes (strata) of text are embedded in the Web content. In the field of Quantitative Linguistics it is generally assumed that text creation process can be modeled as urn trials at the level of various linguistic units such as phoneme, word, sentence, text segment etc. and for several shallow features such as frequency, length, repeat rate, polysemy



and polytextuality [115]. Even though it is still unclear by which exact parameters this process is driven, we can model it as a Bernoulli process. Through empirical experiments and simple stochastic concepts, I have shown that this model can be applied to describe the process of content creation on a Web page. PN (T ) start




PT (T )



PT (N ) (a) Simple

(b) Stratified

Figure 4.25: Random Writer Models While we cannot explain the reasons for choosing short or long text at some particular point in any given document, we can interpret the statistically observed behavior at corpus level (which is the level of granularity we are interested in, see the problem statement in Section 1.2): When composing a Web page, an author chooses with some probability whether she wants to write a sequence of actual full sentences or navigational elements. The choice surely depends on the context (hence we observe an improvement when the features from the previous and next block are taken into account, and this is why the geometric distribution does not fit perfectly). The use of full sentences usually means the author wants to make a more or less complex statement which needs grammatical constructs, long explanations etc. Extensive coding (= many bits) is required because the author (sender) does not expect that the audience (receivers) understand the information without explanation. This kind of text (long text) therefore can be regarded of descriptive nature (i.e., supplying the reader with the subject matter’s details at the cost of higher syntactic complexity, just like the full text of this thesis). The second kind of text (short text), grammatically incomplete or simple sentences, consisting of only a few words, is used whenever a quick, economic coding is possible, i.e. when the audience is expected to perceive and understand the encoded information without large effort (= few bits), e.g., “Contact us”, “Read more”. Such text is often used for headlines and navigational text (one kind of boilerplate). We can therefore regard the latter form of text of functional



nature. While there are noticeable exceptions, it appears that, at least for the Web, there is a strong correlation between short text and boilerplate text as well as between long text and content text, which explains why the simple classification works so well. These two strata of text can be visualized in a compact form through the text density measure because it is mostly irrelevant how many words an author spends within an individual text. As soon as she writes complete, non-trivial sentences (i.e., more than ca. 10 words in English) the produced text most likely falls into the descriptive class. Text density exactly provides this value-limiting boundary. By word-wrapping text at a predetermined line width (which is dependent upon the average sentence length in characters) and dividing the number of words by the number of lines, we literally “construct” this two-fold distribution and thus can better visualize what was already present in the raw number of words. An incomplete sentence will never wrap to more than one line (in this case text density equals to the number of words), whereas text consisting of complete sentences will always wrap, be averaged to the “typical” number of words in a sentence and encoded as a density value of a rather limited range. This limited range can then be better visualized histographically, as demonstrated. To the best of my knowledge, the distinction between short and long text has not been discussed in the context of Quantitative Linguistics so far. This is probably because the amount of short text in the previously analyzed “offline works” is almost negligible (this also holds15 for the present paper, see Figure 4.26a, or Project Gutenberg’s online version of Goethe’s Faust16 4.26c). On the other hand, we may find higher amounts of short text in brochures, tabloids etc, as for example in a travel catalog17 (see Figure 4.26b). An in-depth analysis of such content needs to be conducted as future work.


The texts have been converted to HTML in order to compute text density as defined here. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/14591/14591-h/14591-h.htm 17 Thomson Summer Collection 2011, http://www.thomson.co.uk/ 16




Number of Words




0 5








Text Density

(a) This Thesis 80000

Number of Words




0 5


Text Density

(b) an English Travel Catalog (PDF) 12000 FAUST

For this, all pleasure am I foregoing; I do not pretend to aught worth knowing, I do not pretend I could be a teacher To help or convert a fellow-creature. Then, too, I've neither lands nor gold, Nor the world's least pomp or honor hold— No dog would endure such a curst existence! Wherefore, from Magic I seek assistance, That many a secret perchance I reach Through spirit-power and spirit-speech, And thus the bitter task forego Of saying the things I do not know,— That I may detect the inmost force Which binds the world, and guides its course; Its germs, productive powers explore, And rummage in empty words no more! O full and splendid Moon, whom I Have, from this desk, seen climb the sky So many a midnight,—would thy glow For the last time beheld my woe! Ever thine eye, most mournful friend, O'er books and papers saw me bend; But would that I, on mountains grand, Amid thy blessed light could stand, With spirits through mountain-caverns hover, Float in thy twilight the meadows over, And, freed from the fumes of lore that swathe me, To health in thy dewy fountains bathe me!


Number of Words

I've studied now Philosophy And Jurisprudence, Medicine,— And even, alas! Theology,— From end to end, with labor keen; And here, poor fool! with all my lore I stand, no wiser than before: I'm Magister—yea, Doctor—hight, And straight or cross-wise, wrong or right, These ten years long, with many woes, I've led my scholars by the nose,— And see, that nothing can be known! That knowledge cuts me to the bone. I'm cleverer, true, than those fops of teachers, Doctors and Magisters, Scribes and Preachers; Neither scruples nor doubts come now to smite me, Nor Hell nor Devil can longer affright me.





0 5


Text Density

(c) Goethe’s Faust (English translation by Bayard Taylor)

Figure 4.26: Text Density Distributions




Retrieval Experiments

Setup. In this section we quantify the impact of boilerplate detection to search. The obvious assumption here is that boilerplate not only is another sort of text, it may also deteriorate search precision, particularly in those cases where keywords match “related articles” text or other keywords that are non-relevant to the actual main content. To evaluate this hypothesis for a representative scenario, we examine yet another domain of Web documents: Blogs. Blogs are particularly relevant for this task because we may expect many links from one blog page to other blog entries, being topically or temporally related, and those links often include headlines and teaser texts of the referenced item. Moreover, a TREC reference collection already exists, containing 3 million permalink documents retrieved from 100.000 different feeds, along with test queries (consisting of one to five words each) and document assessments at (TREC’06 Blog Track [91]) which were mainly used for measuring opinion retrieval performance. They used graded relevance scores (non-relevant, topically relevant and three levels indicating positive, negative and mixed opinions). I will use this collection for the evaluation. I indexed the BLOGS06 collection using the Lucene IR library. Separate parallel indexes were created for document blocks with a particular number of words or a particular text density; this allows a selection of permitted ranges at runtime without reindexing. If our assumption holds, one can expect an improvement of the search precision when only words of the descriptive (= long) text class are considered for search. Evaluation. We perform 50 top-k searches (with k = 10) for the queries defined in the TREC’06 Blog Track and evaluate Precision at rank 10 (P @10; binary relevance as in the TREC’06 benchmark results) as well as NDCG at rank 10 (graded relevancies as in the TREC’06 assessments). Using the standard Lucene ranking formula we perform 50 searches from queries predefined in the TREC’06 Blog Track and count the number of documents in the top-10 results that have been marked relevant by the TREC assessors. We repeatedly issue the queries for a sliding minimum text density between 1 and 20 and a sliding minimum number of words from 1 to 100 respectively (a minimum of 1 word equals to the baseline). As we only remove short



0.5 Minimum Number of Words BTE Classifier Baseline (all words) Minimum Text Density Word-level densities (unscaled)

Precision @10















10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Figure 4.27: BLOGS06 Search Results text, there is no need for a maximum bound. We benchmark the performance of the BTE algorithm for this task and compare P @10 as well as N DCG10 to our solution. Finally we compare the results to the P@10 scores reported from TREC’06. Using the sliding minimum Text Density we can significantly improve precision (the baseline results in P @10= 0.18; N DCG10 = 0.0985): At the minimum threshold of 14 (with slightly lower values for the surrounding densities between 11 and 20) we get P @10 = 0.32 and N DCG10 = 0.1823, which is almost equal to the scores of the BTE algorithm (P @10 = 0.33 and N DCG10 = 0.1627). For the simple sliding minimum Number of Words, we achieve a remarkable accuracy of P @10 = 0.44 and N DCG10 = 0.2476 for any minimum threshold between 11 and 100 words (an improvement by 144%/151% over the baseline and 33%/52% over BTE). I did not examine higher thresholds for practical reasons; at some point, of course, the precision would drop again because of lacking input. Figure 4.27 depicts the results for P @10; the N DCG10 curves expose identical behavior. In a direct comparison with the BLOGS06 competition, our results are of course somewhat lower since the strategy does not do opinion mining at all. However boilerplate removal seems to be strongly beneficial for this purpose: we can still compete with the lower 4 of the 16 contestants. One can therefore expect that the addition of our strategy to the opinion mining pipeline further increases accuracy.





In this section, I presented a simple, yet effective approach for boilerplate detection using shallow text features, which is theoretically grounded by stochastic text generation processes from Quantitative Linguistics. I have shown that textual content on the Web can apparently be grouped into two classes, long text (most likely the actual content) and short text (most likely navigational boilerplate text) respectively. Through a systematic analysis I found that removing the words from the short text class alone already is a good strategy for cleaning boilerplate and that using a combination of multiple shallow text features achieves an almost perfect accuracy. To a large extent the detection of boilerplate text does not require any inter-document knowledge (frequency of text blocks, common page layout etc.) nor any training at token level. I analyzed my boilerplate detection strategies on four representative multi-domain corpora (news, blogs and cross-domain) and also evaluated the impact of boilerplate removal for document retrieval. In all cases we achieve significant improvements over the baseline and accuracies that withstand and even outperform more complex competitive strategies, which incorporate inter-document information, n-grams or other heuristics. The costs for detecting boilerplate are negligible, as it comes down simply to counting words.



Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Work In this chapter, I summarize my findings about the Web’s links and text structure and, as a conclusion, formulate a unified model describing the observed patterns of human behavior.



In the present thesis, I have discussed the quantitative power of the Web’s inherent structures for the purpose of improving search quality. In particular, I focus on link structure and text structure, and on the possible stratification of these structures. With respect to link structure, I have shown that the well-known PageRank algorithm can efficiently be parallelized and distributed by separating internal and external links (at host-level) and by aggregating cross-partition link importance, thus reducing the inter-processor communication to only 0.6% of the original load in the examined Web corpus; the algorithm can be regarded state of the art [84]. As a direct consequence of being able to quickly compute PageRank vectors for large graphs, I examined the possibility of using topic-specific PageRank on deeper levels of the ODP Web catalog. I could show that biasing works well until around level 5, at deeper levels the PageRank vectors are not significantly different from each other, thus indicating a real-word upper boundary and, at the same time, a good indication that using biases deeper than just level 1 indeed makes sense. Consequently, 113



I evaluated the use of these Topic Sensitive PageRank vectors to identify topics in search results, leading to a new type of Faceted Search: the membership of a page to a particular topic dimension can be seen quantitatively as the ratio between the logarithm of the page’s topic-specific PageRank and the overall number of topics the page is regarded a member (membership is defined as possessing a PageRank score above a given static threshold). With this approach, I was able to predict a query’s topic in 91.6% of all cases just using link structure, without ever inspecting the pages’ full-text. With respect to text structure, I have shown that Web text is composed from two different types of text and that these types can be very accurately separated by observing lengths (number of words) and densities (text density – number of words per limited area, as well as link density – number of linked words vs. overall number of words). I introduced the notion of text density and the text-densitybased BlockFusion algorithm for Web page segmentation, which I have derived from Computer Vision and ported from the level of bitmap images to the level of text. My approach performs significantly better than the state-of-the-art graphtheoretic algorithm, as the experimental evaluation on large real-world data sets demonstrates. Moreover, I have performed a large-scale analysis on text density on the Web and found that the corresponding distribution can be described very accurately (99.8%) by a simple Beta-Gaussian mixture model; this structure corroborates recent findings from the field of Quantitative Linguistics. Finally, through an extensive evaluation using several different shallow text features, I show that using a simple decision tree classifier with only two feature classes (text density + link density or rather number of words + link density), we can achieve a detection quality that is superior to state-of-the-art techniques. At last, I derive a simple, plausible and well-fitting stochastic model for describing the boilerplate-aware text creation process (98.8%), based upon a simple Random Writer model.




Stratified Random User Models

The two problems, posed as questions in Section 1.2, can be approached from the perspective of “random user” models, both for link structure as well as for text structure. The solutions that have been presented in this thesis are heavily influenced by these models. The very high goodness of the presented models and the efficient optimizations affirm this.


Random Surfer Model

Imagine a random surfer model that is simplified to a state machine with only two states, whereas the states do not refer to individual pages but to the two different types of user behavior, browsing (B ) and jumping (J ), as depicted in Figure 5.1. Initially, the user jumps (J) into the graph onto a random web page and decides to either jump directly to another page with some probability PJ (J) or decides to follow any link on the page with PJ (B) = 1 − PJ (J). She then picks a link on the page with probability PB (B) and browses to that page. The user may now stay perpetually in state B (browsing), but at some point she gets bored and again jumps to another page; this occurs with probability PB (J). PJ (J) PJ (B) start



PB (B)

PB (J)

Figure 5.1: Random Surfer Model (simplified) In the model, jumping is independent of any previous state, such that PJ (J) = PB (J) = 1 − α = P (J). Which page actually is jumped to is solely determined by ~τ = ~1 (unbiased PageRank) or by π~B (biased/personalized PageRank) respectively. Thus, also, the decision to actually browse PJ (B) = PB (B) = α = P (B) is constant, which means it is only influenced by the global importance of a particular page (i.e., the inner, undepicted states of B) as defined by the graph’s overall link structure L.



Since PageRank could then only be seen as an “over-complication” of in-degree and out-degree [46], we may conclude that PageRank’s surfer model only is useful when deviating from the simple case, i.e. when using biased jumps for personalized PageRank. In Section 3.3 I have shown that we can indeed compute significantly different page vectors using topic-specific PageRank even for deeply-nested sub-topics (instead of only the top categories as in [54]), which then obviously differ from the pure in-degrees, and that these differences can be used to identifying topics in a set of pages (Section 3.4). To reduce the time to compute these vectors, I used the approach presented in Section 3.2. I have shown that the PageRank computation can efficiently be parallelized when separating the computation of two different types of links, internal ones (intra-host) and external ones (inter-host). Indeed, we may argue that the internal links usually serve a completely different purpose than external ones. Assuming that the user can easily differentiate between these two types of links by their appearance, the decision to follow a specific type of link may in fact be made upstream to the actual browsing process, and thus should be modeled as depicted in Figure 5.2. I



Figure 5.2: Stratified Random Surfer Model After jumping to a page, the user decides either to browse locally (navigate in the structure of the current website) with PJ (I) = PI (I) = α · β = P (I) or to leave to another site with PJ (E) = PE (E) = α·γ = P (E); the probabilities to switch from browsing locally to external links (and vice versa) or to randomly jump thus are PE (I) = α · (1 − γ), PI (E) = α · (1 − β), PE (J) = (1 − α) · (1 − γ) and PI (J) = (1 − α) · (1 − β) respectively. Even though in PageRank we have β = γ = 0.5, i.e., there is no actual difference in scoring these two types of behavior, we can still utilize the disparate distribution of internal links versus external ones for reducing the computation time by orders of magnitudes, as shown in Equation 3.10.




Random Writer Model

In Section 4.4.4 we have observed that similar models can also be successfully applied to text structure: PN (T ) start




PT (T )



PT (N ) (a) Simple

(b) Stratified

Figure 5.3: Random Writer Models We all know that the creation of text is not conveyed in a random fashion like a Bernoulli trial. But given the plethora of documents from innumerable authors, it is a good approximation (see Equations 4.20 and 4.21). What I have shown that indeed is more relevant to the search quality than finding a particular unimodal distribution, is the fact that again a simple, stratified model can be utilized for classification purposes. That is, for the purpose of improving search quality it is less relevant whether we can model a 1-displaced Geometric or a Beta distribution, but rather whether and how we can separate the different strata from each other. I have shown that the membership of a particular textual unit (in my case: a text block) to one or the other stratum can be used for Web page segmentation (Section 4.2) and that this fact is connected to fundamental laws of Quantitative Linguistics, namely Frumkina’s Law, the Menzerath-Altmann Law and Zipf’s law (Section 4.3). Through a carefully conveyed analysis of different shallow text features (Section 4.4) on representative datasets, I finally come to the conclusion that the reason why simple classifiers that are just based on word counts perform so well for boilerplate detection and improving top-k search is that again, just like for the Stratified Random Surfer Model discussed above, the user makes decisions upstream to the actual writing process, and this separation needs to be taken into account for any “representative” model of text generation. We might thus call the stratified model a good candidate for a new statistical text law:



When composing written text, the writer chooses, for each text block (segment, paragraph), from two different types of text, short text and long text. These types of text significantly differ in the average number of words, intended perception and indirectly also in writing style.

P r(Y = x) = P (short) · P (x|short)+ + [P (long) = 1 − P (short)] · P (x|long)


E (P (x|short))  E (P (x|long)) The choice depends to a large extent on the types of the surrounding text blocks (short/long), and deviations from the expected choice indicate a segmentation boundary. As a first approximation, the probability of writing a particular number of words (in short or long text) can be modeled as a 1-displaced Geometric distribution. So far, there is nothing to be said against it.


Future Work

The presented results raise research issues in many different directions. Obviously, for boilerplate detection we need to remove the “last 5%” of classification error. Even though the generality of my approach might suggest that it is universally applicable, we need to test that on other content domains and languages.1 As I have shown that for both, link and text structure specific stratified models can be applied, we need to further analyze the relationship between the two types of links (intra-/extra-site, presumably navigational/informational) and the two types of text (short/long, presumably navigational/informational as well), for example: To what extent does intra-site linking correlate with short/navigational text, and can we use 1

Besides English and German, users of my algorithms reported good success with Dutch, Turkish and Spanish websites, see comments at http://code.google.com/p/boilerpipe/wiki/FAQ and http://lingpipe-blog.com/2010/01/06/blegging-for-help-web-scraping-for-content/. Preliminary tests on Chinese texts are promising as well.



the knowledge about short and long text to further improve topic-specific PageRank by separating links contained in each of these types of text? Knowing the model describing the underlying human behavior when compositing Web text, can we use the approach to identify automatically generated spam pages? To what extent can we classify a Web page without deeply inspecting the text (only using link structure and the text’s densitometric fingerprint)? Moreover, we need to deeper investigate and extend the textual model from a linguistic perspective, e.g. is the differentiation between short and long text only necessary for the Web? Where can we observe short/long text strata outside in the “offline” world? How do semantics differ between blocks of short and long text? How does vocabulary richness and growth differ between short and long text? Will higherlevel Markov models (i.e., not only inspecting the previous and next block) improve the classifier? And, lastly, how much better will our classifiers be on a particular language when taking word and segment frequencies into account? To open up further possibilities, a re-implementation of the presented boilerplate detection algorithms, called “Boilerpipe”, is available as Open Source from the Google Code project website2 ; the corresponding annotated Web page collection (L3S-GN1) is available from the author’s website.3 Since July 2010, Boilerpipe is also part of Apache Tika4 , the Open Source content and metadata extraction framework, which certainly helps attracting users and researchers and will lead to new problems and solutions.


http://code.google.com/p/boilerpipe/ http://www.L3S.de/∼kohlschuetter/boilerplate/ 4 http://tika.apache.org/ 3



Curriculum Vitae Christian Kohlsch¨ utter, born October 26th 1979, in Hof (Bavaria), Germany, son of Dr. iur. Hans Kohlsch¨ utter and Rita Kohlsch¨ utter. Married, two children. 2004-2010

Researcher at L3S Research Center Leibniz Universit¨at Hannover


Researcher at RRZN Computing Center Leibniz Universit¨at Hannover


Studies of Computer Science/Software Engineering Diplom-Informatiker (FH), FH Hof

Since 2000 Member of the German National Merit Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) Scholarship 2000-2003 1999

General Qualification for University Entrance (Abitur) Jean-Paul-Gymnasium Hof

Since 1997 Freelance Software Developer and Consultant http://www.kohlschutter.com




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