Exponential generating function of hyperharmonic

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1 Departamento de Matemática, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ladrón de Guevara, E11-253, Quito, Ecuador. Received 30 January 2012; accepted 31 May ...
Cent. Eur. J. Math. • 11(4) • 2013 • 931-939 DOI: 10.2478/s11533-013-0214-z

Central European Journal of Mathematics

Exponential generating function of hyperharmonic numbers indexed by arithmetic progressions Research Article István Mezo˝ 1∗

1 Departamento de Matemática, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ladrón de Guevara, E11-253, Quito, Ecuador

Received 30 January 2012; accepted 31 May 2012 Abstract: There is a circle of problems concerning the exponential generating function of harmonic numbers. The main results come from Cvijović, Dattoli, Gosper and Srivastava. In this paper, we extend some of them. Namely, we give the exponential generating function of hyperharmonic numbers indexed by arithmetic progressions; in the sum several combinatorial numbers (like Stirling and Bell numbers) and the hypergeometric function appear. MSC:


Keywords: Harmonic numbers • Hyperharmonic numbers • Hypergeometric function • Stirling numbers • r-Stirling numbers • Bell numbers • Dobiński formula • Exponential integral • Digamma function

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The harmonic numbers are defined as Hn =

n X 1 , k k=1

H0 = 0,

while the hyperharmonic numbers are the recursive sums of harmonic numbers: Hn,2 = H1 + H2 + · · · + Hn ,

Hn,3 = H1,2 + H2,2 + · · · + Hn,2 ,


with Hn,1 = Hn . The hyperharmonic numbers were introduced by Conway and Guy [11]. See [3] for its combinatorial applications. ∗

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Exponential generating function of hyperharmonic numbers indexed by arithmetic progressions

There is a vast literature dealing with sums involving harmonic numbers, see [4, 15, 20, 30] for example. In contrast, this is not the case for hyperharmonic numbers. There are just some sporadic papers dealing with such sums, see for instance [24, 26, 27]. In the present paper, we try to proceed further in this direction. Namely, our aim is to give formulae for sums like ∞ X zn Hln+d,r , l, r = 1, 2, . . . , d = 0, 1, . . . n! n=1 First recall notions we shall deal with. The hypergeometric function with parameters a1 , . . . , ap and b1 , . . . , bq is [2, 22]

p Fq

! ∞ X (a1 )n (a2 )n · · · (ap )n z n a1 a2 . . . ap , z = b1 b2 . . . bq (b1 )n (b2 )n · · · (bq )n n! n=0


where (a)n = a(a + 1)(a + 2) · · · (a + n − 1) is the Pochhammer symbol, with (a)0 = 1. The (unsigned) Stirling numbers of the first kind with parameters n and k,   denoted by nk , are the coefficients of the Pochhammer symbol [1, 10, 22], n   X n k=0


x k = (x)n .


 The Stirling numbers of the second kind with parameters n and k, denoted by nk , are the coefficients of x n with respect to the falling factorial [1, 10, 22], n   X n xn = x(x − 1)(x − 2) · · · (x − k + 1). k k=0 The n-th exponential polynomial is φn (x) =

n   X n k=0


xk .

These polynomials are often called Bell polynomials or Touchard polynomials. A survey and some historical remarks related to these notions can be found in the paper [5] and references therein. The so-called r-Stirling numbers of the first kind are determined as the coefficients of (x + r)n =

 n  X n+r k=0

k +r

xk . r

For a combinatorial interpretation for these numbers the reader may consult [6, 7]. Now we are ready to give our main results.

Theorem 1.1. For all r, l ≥ 1 and d ≥ 0 we have ∞ X n=1


 r−1  X zn 1 r+d = lm · n! (r − 1)! m=0 m + 1 + d d+1   l m   d+r−1 X X X 1 m · zez φm−p (z) Ξp−1,s/l (z) + z Θm,k/l (z) − ez Hr−1 φm (z), s p=0 p k=1 s=1

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I. Mezo˝


Ξp,c (z) = p Fp

! 2 ... 2 2 −z , 1 ... 1 1+c

Θm,c (z) = m Fm

! 2 ... 2 1+c z . 1 ... 1 2+c


Moreover, when l = 1 and d = 0, a simpler formula holds: ∞ X



 j   r−1  m   X zez X r − 1 X j zn m = φj−m (z) Ξp−1,r (z). n! r! j=0 j m p m=0 p=0


Thus we expressed the sum involving hyperharmonic numbers indexed by arithmetic progressions with only finite sums, in which the hypergeometric function appears. Former results for such sums were obtained by Cvijović, Dattoli, Gosper, Srivastava, and the author.

Theorem 1.2 (Cvijović, Dattoli, Srivastava [16, 17]). ! 1 1 −z , 2 1+s−l


∞ X

X1 zn = zez Hln 2 F2 n! s s=1 n=1



Z Ein(z) = 0

∞ X



d   X zn d = ez Ein(j) (z). n! j j=0

! ∞ X (−z)k 1 − e−t 1 1 dt = − = z 2 F2 −z 2 2 t k · k! k=1

is the entire exponential integral, see the references in [17]. The upper index (j) of the exponential integral refers to the jth derivative. A special case of the above result is credited to Gosper.

Theorem 1.3 (Gosper [23]). ! zn 1 1 z Hn = ze 2 F2 − z = ez Ein(z). 2 2 n! n=1

∞ X

An extension of Gosper’s result in a different direction is partially due to the author.

Theorem 1.4 (Mezo, ˝ Dil [26]). For all r = 1, 2, . . . , ∞ X



" r−1 !# X zn zn (r − 1)! r 1 1 z Hn,r−n = e + z 2 F2 −z . r+1 r+1 n! n! (r!)2 n=1


The connection between these generating functions is as follows:





Cvijović’s formula



Gosper’s formula,


Gosper’s formula

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Exponential generating function of hyperharmonic numbers indexed by arithmetic progressions

but (3) implies neither (5) nor (6). We remark that one can readily deduce the above implications if r = 1 and d = 0 in (3) (the empty sum is considered to be zero): ∞ X


X1 zn = zez Ξ−1,s/l (z). n! s s=1



Now, Ξ−1,s/l (z) = 2 F2

1 1 2 1 + s/l

! −z

(see the considerations after (15)). And more specially, when l = r = 1, d = 0, then s/l = 1 and we get Ξ−1,1 (z) =

Ein(z) . z

This shows that (5) gives Gosper’s identity. In the proof of Theorem 1.1 we divide the sum on the left hand side into several parts and we show that almost all of these parts can be expressed with finite quantities. The infinite parts are expressed by hypergeometric series.


Proof of (3)

Our considerations are based on the relation [11]  Hn,r =

 n+r−1 (Hn+r−1 − Hr−1 ). r−1


This immediately gives ∞ X n=1


  ∞  ∞  X X zn ln + d + r − 1 zn ln + d + r − 1 z n Hln+d+r−1 = − Hr−1 . n! ln + d n! n! ln + d n=1 n=1


For the binomial coefficient we have 

ln + d + r − 1 ln + d


1 (ln + d + 1)r−1 . (r − 1)!


Next, we need the so-called r-Whitney numbers investigated and re-defined by several authors. These numbers are important for us because the coefficients of a product of an arithmetic progression can be expressed by them, see (10). However, it is worth mentioning that these numbers are important in combinatorics as well, since they are common generalizations of some combinatorial numbers, like Stirling, r-Stirling and Whitney numbers. See [8, 12–14, 25, 29] for some treatises on these numbers. The r-Whitney numbers of the first kind are defined as polynomial coefficients sn x(x − 1) · · · (x − n + 1) =

n X

ws,r (n, m)(sx + r)m .


The substitution x ; (x − r)/s leads to sn

x−r s

   n X x −r x −r − 1 ··· −n+1 = ws,r (n, m) x m . s s m=0

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I. Mezo˝

The left hand side is equal to

    1 n−1 (x − r) x − r − ··· x − r − . s s

Let us make the following substitutions: s ; −1,


n ; r − 1,

r ; −(d + 1),

x ; ln.

    1 n−1 (x − r) x − r − ··· x − r − = (ln + d + 1)(ln + d + 2) · · · (ln + d + r − 1), s s

and exactly this appears at the right hand side of (9) (up to the factor 1/(r − 1)!). This means that 

ln + d + r − 1 ln + d


r−1 X 1 w−1,−(d+1) (r − 1, m)(ln)m . (r − 1)! m=0


We point out that r-Whitney numbers with parameters s = −1, r = −(d + 1) are just (d + 1)-Stirling numbers of the first kind. In [25], we proved that the exponential generating function of r-Whitney numbers is ∞ X

ws,r (n, k)



∞ X

zn lnk (1 + sz) = (1 + sz)−r/s . n! sk k!

w−1,−(d+1) (n, k)


zn 1 = n! k!


 1 1−z


1 . 1−z

Comparing this to the exponential generating function of r-Stirling numbers [6],   r  k ∞  X n + r zn 1 1 1 = ln , k + r r n! k! 1 − z 1−z n=1 we have

 w−1,−(d+1) (n, k) =

n+d+1 k +d+1

 , d+1

indeed. With this, (10) can be rewritten as 

  r−1  X ln + d + r − 1 1 r+d = (ln)m . ln + d (r − 1)! m=0 m + d + 1 d+1

Moreover, Hln+d+r−1 = Hln +

d+r−1 X

1 . ln + k


From the above the right hand side of (8) becomes  r−1  X 1 r+d lm (r − 1)! m=0 m + d + 1 d+1

∞ X

nm Hln



1 (r − 1)!

zn X + n! n=1

r−1  X m=0

" d+r−1 X k=1

r+d m+d+1

# ! ∞ X 1 nm z n zn − Hr−1 nm ln + k n! n! n=1 lm (S1 + S2 + S3 ).


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Exponential generating function of hyperharmonic numbers indexed by arithmetic progressions

Next we deal with S1 . Cvijović proved [16, (3.6)] that

Hln =

   l   1X s s Ψ n+ −Ψ . l s=1 l l

Here Ψ(z) is the logarithmic derivative of the Euler Gamma function, called the digamma function [19, 21]. So,

S1 =

   n   l ∞ 1 XX m s z s −Ψ . n Ψ n+ l s=1 n=1 l l n!

To proceed, we use another identity for the digamma function [23, p. 126]: Ψ(x + y) − Ψ(y) = −


∞ X

∞ X (−x)k , k (y)k k=1


y 6= 0, −1, −2, . . .


   n   ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ X X s s z z n X (−n)k 1 X m zn n Ψ n+ −Ψ = − nm = − n (−n)k . l l n! n! k=1 k (s/l)k k (s/l)k n=1 n! n=1 n=1 k=1 m

Since (−n)k = (−1)k

n! , (n − k)!

n ≥ 0,

k = 0, 1, . . . , n,


and (−n)k = 0 if n < k, the last sum can be rewritten as ∞ X n=1

nm (−n)k

∞ ∞ m   ∞ X X X zn nm (n + k)m n m p X nm−p n = z n = (−z)k z = (−z)k z . (−1)k k n! (n − k)! n! n! p n=k n=0 p=0 n=0

We arrive at an interesting point. The inner sum is connected to the exponential polynomials via the Dobiński formula [18], φp (z) =

∞ 1 X np n z . z e n=0 n!


See also [1, 5, 9, 10, 22, 28]. This means that the sum over n can be represented as a finite quantity. Temporarily, we have l m   ∞ X −ez X X m k p−1 (−z)k S1 = φm−p (z) . (14) l s=1 p=0 p (s/l)k k=1 The sum over k cannot be simplified. However, we can express it as a hypergeometric function. For the sake of simplicity, let ∞ X k p (−z)k Ap,c (z) = . (c)k k=1 To get a hypergeometric expression for this sum we recall that the ratio of two consecutive terms for a general hypergeometric series (1) is z (k + a1 ) · · · (k + ap ) , (15) k + 1 (k + b1 ) · · · (k + bq ) and the sum runs from k = 0, so we rewrite it as Ap,c (z) =

∞ ∞ X (k + 1)p (−z)k+1 −z X (k + 1)p (−z)k = , (c)k+1 c k=0 (c + 1)k k=0

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I. Mezo˝


(k + 2)p (−z)k+1 /(c + 1)k+1 −z (k + 2)p = . p k (k + 1) (−z) /(c + 1)k k + 1 (k + 1)p−1 (k + c + 1)

So the sum on the right of (16) is a hypergeometric series with the appropriate parameters −z 2 ... 2 2 Ap,c (z) = p Fp 1 ... 1 1+c c

! −z Ξp,c , −z = c


using definition (4) for Ξp,c (z). Hence S1 and (14) becomes S1 = zez

l m   X 1X m φm−p (z)Ξp−1,s/l (z). s p=0 p s=1

Next, we give the hypergeometric form of S2 . Recall that S2 =

∞ X

" d+r−1 X



# " ∞ # " ∞ # d+r−1 d+r−1 X X X X nm z n (n + 1)m z n 1 nm z n 1 1 = =z . ln + k n! ln + k n! ln + l + k (n + 1)! k=1 n=1 k=1 n=0

The ratio of the consecutive terms is the following: z (n + 2)m−1 (n + 1 + k/l) (n + 2)m z n+1 /(ln + 2l + k)(n + 2)! = . m n (n + 1) z /(ln + l + k)(n + 1)! n + 1 (n + 1)m−1 (n + 2 + k/l) Therefore S2 = z

d+r−1 X

m Fm


! d+r−1 X 2 . . . 2 1 + k/l Θm,k/l (z). z = z 1 . . . 1 2 + k/l k=1

The simplest sum is S3 , since S3 = Hr−1

∞ X



zn = Hr−1 ez φm (z), n!

where the Dobiński formula (13) is applied again.


Proof of (5)

We turn our attention to the second formula in Theorem 1.1. Let us note that (7) can be rewritten as Hn,r =

(n)r (Ψ(n + r) − Ψ(r)). n(r − 1)!

See also the analytic extension of these numbers found by the present author in [24]. Representation (11) of the digamma function is applied again, ∞ X n=1


zn −1 X (n)r z n = n! (r − 1)! n=1 n · n!

∞ X (−n)k k (r)k k=1


∞ −1 X 1 = (r − 1)! k=1 k (r)k

! ∞ X (n)r z n (−n)k . n · n! n=1

With the help of identity (12) we can continue as follows: ∞ −1 X (−z)k (r − 1)! k=1 k (r)k

∞ X (n + k)r z n (n + k) n! n=0


∞ −1 X (−z)k = (r − 1)! k=1 k (r)k

∞ X n=0

(n + k + 1)r−1

! zn . n!


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Exponential generating function of hyperharmonic numbers indexed by arithmetic progressions

We concentrate on the inner sum over n. The Pochhammer symbol can be rewritten using the Stirling numbers of the first kind (2) as   j   r−1  r−1  X X r−1 r−1 X j (n + k + 1)r−1 = (n + k + 1)j = (k + 1)m nj−m . j j m j=0 j=0 m=0 Then

 j   r−1  ∞ X X r−1 X j zn zn = (k + 1)m (n + k + 1)r−1 nj−m . n! n! j m j=0 m=0 n=0 n=0

∞ X

The inner sum is just ez φj−m (z), via Dobiński’s relation (13). So (18) becomes  j   r−1  ∞ X −ez X r − 1 X j (k + 1)m (−z)k . φj−m (z) (r − 1)! j=0 k (r)k j m m=0 k=1


∞ m  X m   ∞ X X k p−1 (−z)k m −z X m (k + 1)m (−z)k Ξp−1,r (z), = = p k=1 k (r)k (r)k r p=0 p p=0 k=1

where we employed (17). Substituting this into the line above, we have proven (5). Hence all of our statements in Theorem 1.1 are proven.

Acknowledgements The author thanks the referee for calling his attention to some papers in the literature and the help to improve the presentation. The author also expresses sincere gratitude to his colleagues at Escuela Politécnica Nacional for their kind hospitality.


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