Notify By email Every best effort. Compare pairwise .... based objects represented between the hypertext tag (). Given two ver- sions of ...
Notify By email Every best effort Compare pairwise ChangeHistory 3 Presentation dual frame Example 2: Alex wants to monitor the same URL as in Example 1 for regular updates on new courses getting added but is not interested in changes to images. As it is correlated with sentinel s1, the duration is specified between the start of s1 and the end of s1. The sentinel (s2) for the above scenario is: Create Sentinel s2 Using s1 Monitor Anychange AND (NOT) images Presentation only change
Fig. 1. Sentinel Syntax
3.1 Sentinel Name This is to specify a name for user’s request. The syntax of sentinel name is Create Sentinel . For every sentinel, the WebVigiL system generates a
Ajay Eppili et al.
unique identifier. In addition, the system also allows the user to specify a sentinel name. The user is required to specify a distinct name for all his sentinels. This name identifies a request uniquely. Further it facilitates the user to specify another sentinel in terms of his/her previously defined sentinels. 3.2 Sentinel Target The syntax of sentinel target is Using . The sentinel-target could be either a URL or a previously defined sentinel Si. If the new sentinel Sn, specifies the sentinel target as Si, then Sn inherits all properties of Si, unless the user overrides those properties in the current specification. In Example 1, Alex is interested in monitoring the course web page for the keyword ‘cse5331’. Alex should be able to specify this URL as the target on which the system monitors the changes on the keyword cse5331. Later Alex wants to get updates on the new classes being added to the page, as this may affect her decision for registering for the course cse5331. She should place another sentinel for the same URL but with different change criteria. As the second case is correlated with the first case, Alex can specify s1 as the sentinel target with a different change type. Sentinels are correlated if they inherit run time properties such as start and end time of a sentinel. Otherwise, they merely inherit static properties (e.g., URL, change type, etc. of the sentinel). The language allows the user to specify the reference web page or a previously placed sentinel as the target. 3.3 Sentinel Type WebVigiL allows the detection of customized changes in the form of sentinel type and provides explicit semantics for the user to specify his/her desired type of change. The syntax of sentinel type is given as: Monitor , where sentinel type is sentinel-type= [] [ ] In Example 1, Alex is interested in ‘cse5331’. Detecting changes to the entire page leads to wasteful computations and further sends unwanted information to Alex. In Example 2, Alex is interested in any change to the class web page but is not interested in the changes pertaining to images. WebVigiL handles such requests by introducing change type and operators in its change specification language. The contents of a web page can be any combination of objects such as set of words, links and images. Users can specify such objects using change type and use operators over these objects. Change Specification Language defines Primitive change and Composite change for a sentinel type. Primitive change: It is the detection of a single type of change between two versions of the same page. For keyword change, the user must specify a set of words. An exception list can also be given for any change. For phrase change, a set of phrases is specified. For regular expressions, a valid regular expression is given. Composite change: It comprises of a combination of distinct primitive change(s) specified on the same page, using one of the binary operators AND and OR. The
Expressive Profile Specification and Its Semantics for a Web Monitoring System