12 Dec 2012 ... Custom Calculus and Precalculus by Larson. As a bundle, the ISBN number is
9781285269986. ($135). Individually the ISBN #'s are ...
MAT 171-01 Calculus with Review Fall 2012 Course Times: TR 12:15 – 1:30 pm; F 12:15 – 1:05 pm Course Location: TR Higgins Hall 117; F HI 210 Instructor: Dr. Becky Hall Email:
[email protected] Office Location: Higgins 219B Office Hours: TR 10-10:50 am, 1:30-3 pm; W 4:30-5:25 pm (except for 1st Wed. of the month) Catalog Description: A continued exploration of the fundamental tools of calculus. This second course in a sequence introduces more functions and their derivatives, and also introduces integrals. There is a continued emphasis on graphical, algebraic and data based viewpoints. Technology, such as graphing calculators and computer algebra systems, will be used in this course. Prerequisite: MAT 170. Satisfies mathematics general education requirement and counts as MAT 181 with regard to prerequisite in subsequent courses.
Course Materials: Custom Calculus and Precalculus by Larson. As a bundle, the ISBN number is 9781285269986 ($135). Individually the ISBN #’s are 9781285102207 ($65) and 9781285105062 ($65). With the bundle, the bookstore is giving free access to WebAssign. WebAssign is a “powerful online instructional tool for faculty and students. In brief, instructors create assignments online within WebAssign and electronically transmit them to their class. Students enter their answers online, and WebAssign automatically grades the assignment and gives students instant feedback on their performance.” You will have the option to submit many homework assignments electronically through WebAssign. To access our course through WebAssign go to http://www.webassign.net/ and click on “I have a class key”. Our class key is: wcsu 3115 9554. Online you can purchase access to our course for $75 or a lifetime access to the text for $110. Both of these options can be a replacement for having a hard copy of the textbook. A graphing calculator is highly recommended. A TI-83 or 84 is recommended. TI-89 or other CAS graphing calculators are not permitted on quizzes, tests or the final exam. Grading: Your grade will be calculated based on the following: Homework/Quizzes: (15%) Regular homework will be assigned and will be due the following class period, unless stated otherwise. Not every assignment will be collected and graded. Alternatively, many homework assignments can be submitted through WebAssign. In addition, short quizzes may be given in class based on recent homework questions and class work. Tests: The first test (15%) will cover chain rule and related topics. The second test (10%) will cover exponential and logarithmic functions (Chapters 7-8). The third test (20%) will cover trigonometry (Chapter 9-11). The fourth test (15%) covers integration and L’Hopital’s Rule. It is expected that you are comfortable with the content contained in Chapter 3. (We will review only a small amount of this content in class.) Final Exam: (25%) The final exam will be given on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 from 11 am – 1:30 pm. The exam will be held in Higgins Hall 117. It is a cumulative exam. You must attend the scheduled final exam period, or you will receive a zero for the exam grade. If there is inclement weather, the final exam will be on Wednesday, December 19th from 11am -1:30 pm.
Attendance: Attendance is important. If you find it necessary to miss a class, you are expected to inform me prior to the absence, when possible. You are responsible for the material you miss. You will only be allowed to make-up quizzes, homework or tests if your absence is excused by me. Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability and would like to request accommodations, please visit AccessAbility Services, located in Higgins Annex 017. They will give you an accommodation letter which you should bring to me as soon as possible. Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Behaviors and actions that constitute academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, cheating during a Test/Quiz, submitting material that is not one's own, using information or devices that are not allowed by the faculty member, obtaining and/or using unauthorized material, cooperating with or helping another student to cheat, etc. The Academic Integrity policy for WCSU can be found at https://www.wcsu.edu/catalogs/undergraduate/aca_svcs.asp. WestConn Information and School Cancellations: Check WestConn’s homepage (www.wcsu.edu). Sign-up for the Emergency notification system: http://www.wcsu.edu/ens/.