Feb 2, 2014 ... NEWSUPDATE. Managing Water for Sustainable Agriculture. February 2014.
Managing Water for Sustainable Agriculture From Secretary General's Desk... Dear Colleagues, The importance of the water-food-energy nexus has been well recognized and was an important point of discussions at the First World Irrigation Forum. The theme of 2014 World Water Day, which is “Water and Energy”, provides an opportunity to take these discussions forward at the national level. The objective of the World Water Day 2014 is to raise awareness of the inter-linkages between water and energy and contribute to a policy dialogue that focuses on the broad range of issues related to the nexus of water and energy. National Committees should make use of this opportunity to further explore the water-food-energy nexus within their own physical, economic and socioenvironmental context and how it might affect the agriculture water management policies, by engaging various stakeholders. We have completed the post First World Irrigation Forum publication, the “Summary Report”, which is now available on the web site. All the participants whose full postal address is available will be receiving a copy of the report in mail in near future. It’s time that we take the outcomes of the Forum, as brought out in the report, as a feedback from various stakeholders and incorporate them into our activities.
February 2014
President Dr. Gao Zhanyi and yours truly will be visiting South Korea during the last week of February in connection with the 2nd Stakeholders’ Consultation Meeting (SCM) for WWF7 and the 51st meeting of Board of Governors of WWC which is also taking place back-to-back. We propose to present the WIF1 Summary Report and the Synthesis of Theme 2.2 of the 6th World Water Forum at the BoG meeting. Participating in the 2nd SCM, we expect to play a major role in the sub-theme “Water for Food” which is one of the 16 sub-themes of the forum with the main theme as “Water for Future”. Also taking advantage of this occasion we will organize a consultation meeting with the members of ICID Task Force for WWF7, present there, under the chairmanship of VPH Sansuki Ota. I take this opportunity to invite all the National Committees and the Working Groups to send us proposals for organizing sessions at the WWF7 under the sub-theme. Preparations for the 22nd Congress are in full swing. The questions being addressed at the Congress have generated a very enthusiastic response with as many as 324 Abstarcts of papers having been received. Befitting the theme of the Congress, the Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization, Mr Micheal Jarraud, who is also the Chair of the UN-Water has agreed to deliver the N.D.Gulhati Lecture, 2014. The National Organizing Committee of the 22nd Congress has issued the Final Bulletin, where all relevant information, including the refund/
cancellation policy has been elaborated. The online registration for the Congress will open from 1 March 2014 and my advice is that you please avail the early bird registration which is available upto 30 June 2014. During our visit to South Korea we will take advantage of the occasion to review the arrangements, venue, programme and hold interactions with the National Organizing Committee members. You are aware, this being the Congress year, a number of awards, such as Best Performing National Committee and Best Performing Working Group will be conferred during the IEC meeting. I am sure you would not like to miss the last date for submission for these awards. As a follow up to the decisions of the 64th IEC meeting, the process to set up new working groups has been initiated. Very soon I will be approaching the core group members to develop the scoping documents for setting up the respective working group. Let me once again offer the services of ICID communication channels to share your activities. We will be happy to assist you in reaching out and share the knowledge and experiences. As always, we are keen in the Central Office to receive your feedback on our services. With Best wishes,
Avinash C Tyagi Secretary General
Countdown Begins for Nominations Best Performing National Committee Award 2014 Countdown to the nominations for the fifth Best Performing National Committee Award (BPNCA-5) has begun as the last date for nominations, 31st March 2014 approaches closer. Applications are invited from the eligible National Committees for BPNCA-5 based on the performance during the last 3-years period between 21st and 22nd Congresses (covering calendar years 2011-2013) by submitting the duly filled in ‘Entry Form’ to ICID Central Office latest by 31 March 2014. The fifth Best Performing National Committee Award (BPNCA-5) will be presented during the 22nd ICID Congress, scheduled to be held at Gwangju Metropolitan City, Korea in September 2014. The BPNCA comprises of a Trophy and a Citation Plaque. For more details on BPNCA, please visit the link http://www.icid.org/awards_nc.html
Best Performing Workbody Award 2014 The ICID’ 4th Best Performing Workbody Award (BPWA-4) will be presented during the 22nd International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage in September 2014. Nominations are invited from the Chairs of the ICID Workbodies in the prescribed format and should reach ICID Central Office latest by 01 May 2014. ICID presents the BPWA triennially during ICID Congresses, based on the performance and various other facets demonstrated by its workbodies in between two Congresses. The Award comprises of a Citation / Certificate / Plaque to each member of the workbody, besides free publications of a decided value that will be given to each member of the workbody. For more details on BPWA, please visit http://www.icid.org/ awards_wb.html
WatSave Awards 2014 Nominations are invited for the annual ‘WatSave Awards 2014’ from individuals/team through National Committees/ Committee. Awards are given in four categories viz. (i) Technology; (ii) Innovative Water Management; (iii) Young Professionals; and (iv) Farmer. The entries are open to all professionals / teams from ICID member countries as well as nonmember countries. The awards will be presented at the 65th International Executive Council (IEC) meeting scheduled to be held during September 2014 at Gwangju Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea. The last date for the receipt of the entries through the National Committees, along with a completed ‘Nomination Form’ in the ICID Central Office, New Delhi, India, is 31 May 2014. The nominations sent directly to the ICID Central Office will not be entertained. Please visit http://www.icid.org/awards_ws.html for more details. For further information, please contact Dr. Vijay K. Labhsetwar, Director, ICID at E-mail:
[email protected]
The 22nd International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage and 65th International Executive Council meet-ings will be organized by host Korean National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (KCID) in cooperation with International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) during 14-20 September 2014 at Kimdaejung Convention Centre in Gwangju Metropolitan City, Republic
of Korea. The main theme of the Congress is “Securing Water for Food and Rural Community under Climate Change”. During the Congress, papers are presented and discussed for two Questions, a Special Session, a Symposium, and numerous Workshops. The topics for the two Questions, Special Session and Symposium are:
Question 58: How Irrigation and Drainage play an important role in Climate Change Adaptation?
SYM–(8): Role of markets in optimizing NPS pollution reduction; and SYM–(9): Minimizing cost of NPS pollution reduction
58.1: Understanding Impacts of Climate Change on Land and Water Use 58.2: Revisiting Design and Operation Criteria for Irrigation and Drainage Facilities 58.3: Managing Frequent Floods and Droughts Question 59: How do Irrigation and Drainage Interventions secure food production and livelihood for rural community? 59.1: 59.2: 59.3:
Securing Water and Livelihood of Rural Community Improving Irrigation Efficiency Water Sharing and Water Transfer in Water Stressed Areas
SPECIAL SESSION: New Partnership for Rural Development Prospective sub-topics for the special session may include the following: SS–(1): Evaluation of the international cooperation for rural development in the 20th century; SS–(2): New trends in international cooperation for rural development in the 21st century; SS–(3): Implementation strategy for the activation of rural development project in Overseas Development Assistance (ODA); SS–(4): Role of UN agencies, donor countries and institutions for holistic implementation of ODA SS–(5) : Projects for rural development; and SS–(6): Roles and contributions of ICID member countries and other NGOs to the successful advancement of MDG’s goal SYMPOSIUM: Non-point Sources Pollution (NPS) and Best Management Practices (BMPs) Prospective sub-topics for the symposium may include the following: SYM–(1): Water quality assessment and management of water from reservoirs and rural watersheds; SYM–(2): Soil erosion, muddy water and sedimentation; SYM–(3): Effects of irrigation and drainage methods on NPS pollution; SYM–(4): Effects of structural and non-structural BMPs on productivity and water quality; SYM–(5): Incentives for agricultural BMPs and legal policies to promote agricultural BMPs; SYM–(6): Impact of total maximum daily load (TMDL) on water quality in rural watersheds; SYM–(7): Regulation of NPS pollution and issues in compliance;
International Workshop In addition to the above themes, an International Workshop on ‘Sustainable Management of Tidal Area in the Era of Climate Change (IW-SDTA)’ will also be organized during the Congress. Scope: Marine and tidal influences of sea water rise, storm, waves and water temperature; Terrestrial influences such as flood and drought disasters; Adaptation measures of irrigation, drainage and flood prevention facilities; Environmental conservation to sustain water quality and biological diversity; Soil, water and wetland conservation in tidal / reclamation area; Institutional management and stakeholders’ participation in tidal area; Impact of climate change on tidal reclamation work; and economic effects in tidal area due to climate change. Schedule for submission of papers – Submission (Online) of comprehensive ‘Extended Abstracts’: Closed – Intimation of acceptance of ‘Extended Abstracts’: Extended to 15 March 2014 – Full Paper Submission (Online): 30 April 2014 Final Bulletin of the Congress An electronic version of the Final Bulletin can be downloaded from the Congress website which includes: Preliminary Programme, Side Event, Registration, Accommodation, Roundtable Meeting, Exhibition, Study Tour etc. please visit the final bulletin of the Congress at http://www.icid2014.org/download/download. asp?fn=ICID2014-Final_Bulletin.pdf Pre-Congress Workshop Korean National Committee of ICID (KCID) will organize a workshop on 24th February 2014. The theme of the workshop is “Contribution of ICID activities to Rural Water”. President, ICID, Dr. Gao Zhanyi, Secretary General, ICID, Er. Avinash C. Tyagi and stakeholders from within the National Organization Committee will participate in the Workshop. It will also provide opportunity for discussing issues related to the preparations of 22nd ICID Congress. 22nd ICID Congress Secretariat: Dr. Young D. Kim and Mr. Hun Sun Lee, 2nd Floor BH B/D 902-5 Bang-bae-Dong, SeochoGu,Seoul 137-060, Republic of Korea. Tel.: +82-2-6288-6300, Fax: +82-2-6288-6399, E-mail:
[email protected] and Website: Congress Coordinator: Dr. Vijay K. Labhsetwar, Director, ICID, 48 Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021, India. Tel: +91 11 26115679, +91 11 26116837, E-mail:
[email protected], Website
ICID News Update
February 2014
Summary Report First World Irrigation Forum The Summary Report of the First World Irrigation Forum has been compiled by Central Office with the support of VP Dr. Hüseyin GŰNDOĞDU who was deputed to the Central Office from 19-26 January 2014. As per the request of Secretary General, Mr. Akif OZKALDI, President, Turkish National Committee, ICID (TUCID) was kind enough to facilitate the services of VP Hüseyin to complete the report of the 1st World Irrigation Forum. VP Hüseyin had gone through the collected information and filled the missing links to enable Central Office to complete the report as per requirement. During his stay, VP Dr Hüseyin GŰNDOĞDU also met newly elected VP Pandya and VPH Dr. A. Hafied A.
Gany (Indonesia) and interacted various issues related to strengthening of ICID activities and apprised him about the recent developments after the 1st World Irrigation Forum. VP Hüseyin also met Mr. Kim Russell (Australia) and had an opportunity to interact with him on the ongoing project study at various places in India. He was also invited by Dr. Gurbachan Singh, Chairman and Members of the Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) to visit the Water Technology Center (WTC) museum. VP Hüseyin was also invited for a Brainstorming Session on Participatory Irrigation Management, organized by Central Board of Irrigation & Power (CBIP).
and back to basics by mentorship Seminar. More than 20 participants attended the workshop. The ‘Opening Address’ was delivered by VPH Shinsuke Ota, President of Japanese Association of ICID. Three presentations and one Lecture were made, such as, ‘Experiment during my stay in USA as a visiting researcher’ by Mr. Hiroaki SOMURA; ‘Salt accumulation by irrigation agriculture in Uzbekistan’ by Mr. Junya Onishi; and ‘Water Management in Technical Cooperation Project for Crop Diversification in Himachal Pradesh, India’ by Mr. Akihiro FUKUDA; and Lecture on ‘Think about world food and water resources through ICID activity’ by VPH Dr. Shigetaka Taniyama. During the workshop, Dr. Hiroaki Somura introduced the differences of organization and budget system between Japan and USA. Mr. Junya Onishi introduced the JIRCAS’s activities against salt accumulation in Uzbekistan including his opinion. Mr. Akihiro Fukuda introduced the water management project of vegetables conducted by his company in India. While discussing the mentorship program, VPH Dr. Shigetaka Taniyama briefed about the history of Japanese activities and contribution in ICID. He also, discussed about the popularization and comprehension of multiple function of paddy, and agricultural trading in future.
Keynote on PIM: Challenges in Indonesia VPH Dr. A. Hafied A. Gany (Indonesia) visited ICID Central Office on 24 January 2014 accompanied with a young professional Mrs Wawiti. Secretary General Avinash Tyagi welcomed them
World Water Day, held annually on 22 March, this year is being organized with the theme of “Water and Energy” and is coordinated by the United Nations University (UNU) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on behalf of UN-Water. The objectives of this year is to raise awareness of the inter-linkages between water and energy; contribute to a policy dialogue that focuses on the broad range of issues related to the nexus of water and energy; demonstrate, through case studies, to decision makers in the energy sector and the water domain that integrated approaches and solutions to water-energy issues can achieve greater economic and social impacts; identify policy formulation and capacity development issues; identify key stakeholders in the water-energy nexus and actively engaging them in further developing the water-energy linkages; and contribute as relevant to the post-2015 discussions in relation to the water-energy nexus. For more information, please visit at http://www.unwater.org/worldwaterday/ All National Committees are requested to promote this activity at their end by organizing seminars/workshops and send a brief write up with high resolution photographs. The organized activities will be given due coverage in subsequent News Update and Annual Report of ICID.
Partnerships for improving water and energy access, efficiency and sustainability
Young Professional Forum Workshop and Mentorship Seminar, Tokyo, Japan The 8th Japan Young Professional Forum (YPF) Workshop on ‘Future vision for agricultural engineering’ and 6th Mentorship Seminar on ’Irrigation and Drainage’ was organized by Japanese Association of ICID on 18 December 2013 at Tokyo, Japan. The main objective was to (1) provide a platform exchanging information with multiple occupations of young irrigation and drainage professionals, (2) encourage and promote a high standard of professional development, and (3) learn from the past
Indian Network on Participatory Irrigation Management (Indian PIM) also made his presentation on “Brief Overview of PIM in India” Both speakers em-phasized that political and administrative will is a must for success of PIM and very high number of Water Users Associations and small holder farmers makes the task more difficult.
and discussed various issues related with ICID. VPH Gany delivered a keynote address on ‘Participatory irrigation management: Challenges in Indonesia’ at the Brainstorming Session of Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP). The Brainstorming Session was Chaired by Er. A.B. Pandya, Vice President of ICID and Chairman of Central Water Commission (CWC). Mr. Y.D. Sharma, Secretary of
ICID News Update
UN-Water hosted a Conference on the theme “Partnerships for improving water and energy access, efficiency and sustainability”, which highlighted key messages including that ‘saving water is saving energy and vice versa’. The Conference was held on 13-16 January 2014 at Zaragoza, Spain. More than 120 representatives of UN agencies and programmes, the private sector, government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) attended the
February 2014
conference. The Conference contributed to the preparations for ‘World Water Day 2014’, to be held on 22 March 2014, on the theme ‘Water and Energy’. The Conference included various sessions on: business case for integrated energywater planning and investments; industry partnerships to ensure water and energy water and energy efficiency and sustainability; local partnerships on water and energy; policy research and innovation partnerships for water and energy; and lessons learned and roadmap to World Water Day. For more information please visit http://water-l.iisd.org/news/un-waterhighlights-water-and-energy-nexus-atzaragoza-conference/
‘Water for Life’ UN-Water Best Practices Award UN-Water has launched the 4th Edition of ‘Water for Life’ UN-Water Best Practices Award which will focus on the theme for World Water Day 2014 ‘Water and Energy’. The purpose of the Award is to promote efforts to fulfill international commitments made on water and water-related issues by 2015 through recognition of outstanding best practices that can ensure the long-term sustainable management of water resources and contribute to the achievement of internationally agreed goals and targets contained in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation. The prize is awarded yearly in two categories, one in 'best water management practices' and another one in 'best participatory, communication, awareness-raising and education practices'. The 2014 edition focuses is on ‘Water and Energy’ in line with World Water Day 2014. The winners in each category will be announced during a special ceremony which will take place during the main celebrations of World Water Day 2014 in Tokyo, Japan. For further information, please visit http://www.un.org/ waterforlifedecade/waterforlifeaward.shtml
Transboundary Water Cooperation Seminar The United Nations General Assembly has declared 2013 as the International Year of Water Cooperation (IYWC) to promote and strengthen sustainable management of the world’s freshwater resources. The Transboundary Water Cooperation Seminar was held on 11 December 2013 at the Council of Europe at Strasbourg, France. The Seminar was organized by the World Water Council (WWC), together with the Rhine Meuse Water Agency, the European Parliament and the Cercle francais de l’eau, represented
Stakeholders’ Consultation Meeting of the WWF7 and WWC, 51st BoG meeting in Korea The 2nd Stakeholders Consultation Meeting for the 7th World Water Forum (WWF7) will be held on 27-28 February 2014 at Gyeongju, Republic of Korea. This event will gather stakeholders from all over the world to delve deeper into the Thematic Framework, its Action Goals and Action Tools. The Consultation Meeting will be the second big stepping stone in the preparatory process leading to the WWF7. It will provide active ways to participate in the WWF7. ICID President Dr. Gao Zhanyi and Secretary General Er. Avinash C. Tyagi will participate in the meeting. SG will also participate in the design of the Regional Process as the member of the Regional Process Committee for WWF7. A preparatory meeting for WWF7 is scheduled to be held during 12-17 April 2015 at Daegu Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, the theme of the Forum is “Water for our Future” under which 16 themes have been identified. Theme 2.1 – ‘Water for Food’ is of direct relevance to ICID,
by Mrs. Sophie Auconie, Member of the European Parliament. The objective of the seminar was to pursue efforts made during the 6th World Water Forum by promoting successful cooperation programs and demonstrating the mutual benefits of joint-water management. It was intended to lay the groundwork towards the preparation process of the 7th World Water Forum on hydropolitics. The high level dignitaries – Mr. Serge Lepeltier, former French Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development; and President, Loire-Bretagne Basin Committee; Prof. Benedito Braga, President, World Water Council; Mr. Mohamed Ben Salem, Minister of Agriculture of Tunisia; Mr. Pithaya Pookaman, Advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Thailand; Mr. Richard Seeber, President of the European Parliament Water Group; Mr. Peter Kovacs, State Secretary for Water for the Ministry for Rural Development of Hungary; and more than 100 International and European high-level representatives and experts attended the seminar. Please visit at www.worldwatercouncil.org/ news/news-single/article/transboundarywater-cooperation-seminar/ for more information.
Visitors to ICID Central Office Mr. Kim Russell (IACID-Australia) of Southern Farming Systems visited ICID Central Office on 20 January 2014. Secretary General Avinash C. Tyagi welcomed him and briefed the ongoing
ICID News Update
for which Forum would also be setting up a separate working group. ICID would like to play a primary role under this theme. ICID Central Office has already requested all National Committees and Chairs of ICID Working Groups to identify the topics under sub-themes in which contribution is required and also suggest the sessions which they could help organize and would be able to provide requisite inputs. For more information on the Thematic framework, please access http://worldwaterforum7.org/en/ commissions/thema ICID President D r. Gao Zhanyi and Secretary General Er. Avinash C. Tyagi will also be representing ICID at the Board of Governors’ Meeting of World Water Council, scheduled to be held on 2526 February 2014, prior to the 2nd Stakeholders’ Consultation Meeting of WWF7 on 27-28 February 2014. Please visit www.worldwaterforum7.org/en for more information.
activities of the ICID. Mr. Russell was in India on a study tour to collect data from Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan and explore the feasibility of Tomato production for KAGOME Farms in Australia. He also made a presentation on irrigation scenario in Australia. VP Huseyn Gundogdu (Turkey) who happened to be in ICID together with Dr. Vijay K. Labhsetwar, Director, ICID participated in the discussion. Mr. Russell also met Mr. Nitin Puri, President & Country Head, Food and Agriculture Strategic Advisory and Research Division of Yes Bank and discussed with his team of experts.
News from ICID National Committees ENCID (Egypt) The new e-mail address of Mrs. Dr. Shaden Abdel-Gawad, Professor of National Water Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt (Member, ICID Working Group on Environment) is
February 2014
Call for Papers –
Seminar on ‘Historical Water Sustainability’
Theme: Historical Water Sustainability ICID’s Working Group on History of Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control (WG-HIST) will organize a history seminar on the theme ‘Historical Water Sustainability’ during the 65th International Executive Council (IEC) Meeting from 1420 September 2014 at Gwangju, Republic of Korea. The water wisdom of the past which was achieved in a period of hundreds of years can be regarded as a unique and irreplaceable gift from our ancestors to our generation who faces the great challenge of ensuring sustainable development. Authors are invited to contribute papers on the following sub-topics: • Water Wisdom of the past and relevant case studies. • Wisdom and knowledge management • Water and Sustainability • Case studies of Sustainable historical water schemes.
• Using the tradition methods for creative and modern innovations in water engineering • Re-learning the lost knowledge. • Synergy and combination of modern and traditional methods. • Comparison of traditional methods with modern technology in rural areas. Schedule for submission of full papers 1. Submission of abstracts (max. 300 words): 28 March 2014 2. Notification of acceptance: 14 May 2014 3. Submission of full paper: 30 June 2014 Contact coordinates: (i) Seminar Chairman: Dr. Kamran, Emami (Iran), Chairman, WG-HIST (E-mail: kkemami@ gmail.com); (ii) Seminar Coordinator: M.L. Baweja, Consultant, ICID, E-mail:
[email protected]
Obituary It is with deep regrets to inform the sad demise of Mr. Pritam Singh, Vice President Hon., ICID on 14 February 2014. He was the Vice President of ICID from 1979 to 1982. Mr. Singh retired as Chairman, Central Water Commission and Ex-Officio, Secretary to Govt. of India in 1984. He was very dedicated to ICID and had been very active in ICID activities during his tenure. ICID fraternity records its profound sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and to the members of the Indian National Committee on Surface Water (INCSW). May his soul rest in peace!
BP 5095, F - 34196 – MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5, France. Tel: +, Fax: +, E-mail: afeid@ cemagref.fr, Website: http://afeid. montpellier.cemagref.fr Other Events
GECID (Germany) The new e-mail address of Mr. Jano Anter (Member, ICID’s Working Group on OnFarm Irrigation Systems, WG-ON-FARM) is . New postal address, telephone, fax numbers, e-mail and website address of GECID is – Bundesallee 50, D-38116 Braunschweig, Phone: 0531-596-4484; Fax: 0531-5964199, E-mail and Website
USCID (USA) The U.S. National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (USCID) will be organizing Water Management Conference on ‘Groundwater Issues and Water Management – Strategies Addressing the Challenges of Sustainability’ on 4-7 March 2014 at Sacramento, California, USA. The detailed information on the above Conference is available at Please visit Conference website at http://www.uscid. org/14caconf.html.
UzNCID (Uzbekistan) The new contact details of Mr. Lutfulla Khaknazarovich Mukhamednazarov, Secretary General, Uzbekistan National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (UzNCID) is Ministry of Agriculture and
Water Resources, Republic of Uzbekistan, 4, Alisher Navoy Str., Tashkent 100004, Tel: ++998 71 241 2601, Fax: +998 71 241 1513, E-mail:
[email protected] and Website: http://agro.uz/
Forthcoming Events ICID Events 12th International Drainage Workshop (IDW), Theme: “Drainage on Wetland Agricultural Areas”, 23-26 June 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia. Contact: Ms. Irena G. Bondarik, Secretary General, National Committee of the Russian Federation on Irrigation and Drainage (RuCID), E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected]; Website: http://onlinereg.ru/IDW12 22nd ICID Congress and 65th IEC, 14-20 September, 2014, at Gwangju Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea. Contact: Ir. Hun Sun Lee, Korean National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (KCID), 1031-7 Sa-dong, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-Si, Gyeonggi-do 425-170, Republic of Korea. Tel: +82 31 400 1755/1758, +82 31 400 1759, Fax: +82 31 406 7278, E-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected], Website: http://www.icid2014.org 66th IEC and 26th European Regional Conference, 11-16 October 2015, Montpellier, France. Contact: Secrétaire Général, Association Française pour l'Etude des Irrigations et du Drainage (AFEID), 361 rue Jean-François Breton,
A USCID Water Management Conference on Groundwater Issues and Water Management - Strategies Addressing the Challenges of Sustainability, 4-7 March 2014 at Sacramento, California. All information is available at NEXUS 2014 : Water, Food, Climate and Energy Conference, 5-8 March 2014, University of North Carolina at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. All information is available at 5th International Conference on Water Resources and Hydropower Development in Asia, 11-13 March 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka. All information is available at World Water Day 2014 – Theme: “Water and Energy”, 22 March 2014. All information is available at http://www. unwater.org/worldwaterday/about-worldwater-day/world-water-day-2014-waterand-energy/en/ 3rd International Conference on the Use of Space Technology for Water Management, 1-4 April 2014 at Rabat, Morocco. All information is available at
48 Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021, India, Tel: 91-11-2611 5679, 91-11-2611 6837, 91-11-2467 9532 Fax: 91-11-2611 5962; E-mail:
[email protected]; Website: http://www.icid.org ICIDProgram NewsOfficer; Update February Editor: Madhu Mohanan, Layout: K.D. Tanwar, DPA