File 1 Vocabulary Banks Classroom language Ask and answer the questions A;sk @n "A;ns@ D@ "kwestS@nz/ ___________________ Don’t speak (Italian) /d@unt spi;k/ _________________________________ Don’t write /d@unt raIt/ _________________________________ Go to page 33 /g@u t@ peIdZ T3;ti Tri;/ _________________________________ Look at the board /lUk @t D@ bO;d/ _________________________________ Sit down /sIt daUn/ _________________________________ Stand up /st&nd Vp/ _________________________________ Turn off your mobile /t3;n Qf j@ "m@UbaIl/ _________________________________ Work in pairs /w3;k In pe@z/ _________________________________ Write down the words /raIt daUn D@ w3;dz/ ________________________________ Bye /baI/ _________________________________ Can I have a piece of paper, please? /k@n aI h&v @ pi;s @v "peIp@ pli;z/ _________________________________ Could you repeat that, please? /kUd j@ r@"pi;t D&t pli;z/ _____________________ Have a good weekend /h&v @ gUd wi;"kend/________________________________ Here you are /hI@ ju; A;/ _________________________________ How do you pronounce it? /haU d@ j@ pr@"naUns It/ _______________ How do you say sheep in English? /haU d@ j@ seI Si;p In "INglIS/ _______________ How do you spell it? /haU d@ j@ spel It/ _________________________________ See you on Monday /si; ju; Qn "mVndeI/ _________________________________ Sorry I’m late /"sQri aIm leIt/ _________________________________ What does awful mean? /wQt d@z "O;fl mi;n/ ________________________________ Which page is it? /wItS peIdZ Iz It/ _________________________________ You too. /ju; tu;/ _________________________________ choose /tSu;z/ _______________ circle /"s3;kl/ _______________ complete /k@m"pli;t/ _______________ copy the rhythm /"kQpi D@ "rID@m/ _______________ cover the text /"kVv@ D@ tekst/ _______________ cross /krQs/ _______________ cross out /krQs aUt/ _______________ match /m&tS/ _______________ tick /tIk/ _______________ underline /Vnd@"laIn/ _______________ Personality adjectives extrovert /"ekstr@v3;t/ friendly/"frendli/ funny /"fVni/ generous /"dZen@r@s/
More Words to Learn another /@"nØVD@/ art gallery /"A;t g&l@ri/ artist /"A;tIst/ at least /@t "li;st/ author /"O;T@/ (at the) back /b&k/ choose /tSu;z/ contain /k@n"teIn/ definition /defI"nISn/ (go on a) date /deIt/ (the) date /deIt/ draw /drO;/ each /i;tS/ exam /Ig"z&m/ explain /Ik"spleIn/ famous for /"feIm@s f@/ favourite /"feIv@rIt/ for example /f@ Ig"zA;mpl/ foreign languages /"fQr@n "l&NgwIdZIz/ (at the) front /frØVnt/ have in common /h&v In "kQm@n/ I’m sure /aIm SÁU@/ (on the) Internet /"Int@n@t/ introduce /Intr@"dju;s/ mime /maIm/ painting /"peIntIN/ panic /"p&nIk/ partner /"pA;tn@/ picture /"pIktS@/ popular /"pQpjÁ@l@/ poster /"p@UÁst@/ prefer /prI"f3• ;/ recognize /"rek@gnaIz/ sporty /"spO;tI/ the opposite (of) /Di; "Qp@zIt/ traditional /tr@"dIS@nl/ try /traI/ unusual /ØVn"ju;ZuÁ@l/ website /"websaIt/ What kind of …? /wQt kaInd @v/
More words in File 1 abroad /@"brO;d/ appearance /@"pI@r@ns/ be born /bi; bO;n/ behind /bI"haInd/ between /bI"twi;n/ borrow /"bQr@U/ carefully /"ke@f@li/ chat /tS&t/ choice /tSOIs/ coins /kOInz/ colleague /"kQli;g/ company /"kVmp@ni/ conference /"kQnfr@ns/ dislike /dIs"laIk/ flight /flaIt/ get on (well) with /get Qn wID/ in /In/ in front of /In frVnt @v/ in the middle /In D@ "mIdl @v/ instrument /"Instr@m@nt/ lose /lu;z/ next to /neks t@/ on /Qn/ on the left /Qn D@ left/ on the right /Qn D@ raIt/ opposite /"Qp@zIt/ pleased /pli;zd/ programme /"pr@Ugr&m/ purpose /"p3;p@s/ puzzle /"pVzl/ same /seIm/ sense of humour /sens @v "hju;m@/ show /S@U/ single /"sIngl/ stand /st&nd/ sunglasses /"sVnglA;sIz/ surprised /s@"praIzd/ sweet /swi;t/ type /taIp/ under /Vnd@/ wrong /wrQN/
Vocabulary Banks Phrases with go go abroad /g@U @2"brO;d/ ________________________________ go away for the weekend /g@U @"weI f@ D@ wi;k"end/_________________________ go by car / bus / plane / train /g@U baI cA;/ /bVs/ /pleIn/ /treIn/_________________ go camping /g@U "k&mpIN/ ________________________________ go for a drink /g@U f@ @ drINk// ________________________________ go for a walk /g@U f@ @ wO;k/ ________________________________ go out at night /g@U aUt @t naIt/ ________________________________ go shopping /g@U "SQpIN/ ________________________________ go sightseeing /g@U "saItsi;jIN/ ________________________________ go skiing /g@U "ski;jIN/ ________________________________ go swimming / sailing /g@U "swImIN//"seIlIN/ _______________________________ go to the beach /g@U t@ D@ bi;tS/ ________________________________ Other holiday activities buy souvenirs /baI su;v@"nI@z/ ________________________________ have a good time /h&v @ gUd taIm/ ________________________________ hire a car /haI@ @ kA;/ ________________________________ meet friends /mi;t frendz/ ________________________________ rent an apartment /rent @n @"pA;tm@nt/ ________________________________ spend money / time /spend mVni/ /tAim/ ________________________________ stay in a hotel / campsite /steI In @ h2@U"tel/ ________________________________ sunbathe on the beach /"sVnbeID Qn D@ bi;tS/ ______________________________ take photos /teIk "f@Ut@Uz/ ________________________________ walk in the mountains / around the town /wO;k In D@ "maUnt@nz/ /@"raUnd D@ taUn/ ________________________________ The weather boiling /"bOIlIN/ cloudy /"klaUdi/ cold /k@Uld/ foggy /"fQgi/ freezing /"fri;zIN/ hot /hQt/ rain /reIn/ snow /sn@U/ sunny /"sVni/ windy /"wIndi/
More Words to Learn appear /@"pI@/ as well as /@z "wel @z/ au pair /@ÁU "pe@/ builder /"bIld@/ busy /"bIzi/ champagne /S&m"peIn/ Cheer up! /tSI@ ØVp/ Congratulations! /k@ngr&tSuÁ"leISnz/ definitely /"defIn@tli/ don’t worry /d@UÁnt wVØri/ electrician /Ilek"trISn/ especially /Is"peSli/ everything /"evriTIN/ for a short time /f@ @ SO;t taIm/ frightened /"fraItnd/ go on /g@UÁ Qn/ Good luck! /gÁUd lVØk/ hurt /h• 3;t/ I (don’t) think so /aI TINk s@UÁ/ I hope so / I hope not /aI h@ÁUp s@UÁ/ /nQt/ improve /Im"pru;v/ injection /In"dZekSn/ It depends /It dI"pendz/ journey /"dZ• 3;ni/ maybe /"meIbi/ my own /maI "@UÁn/ nervous /"n• 3;v@s/ Oh dear! /@ÁU "dI@/ patient /"peIS@nt/ perhaps /p@"h&ps/ piece of paper /pi;s @v "peIp@ plumber /"plVØm@/ probably /"prQb@bli/ promise /"prQmIs/
More words in File 3 a bit /@ bIt/ already /O;l"redi/ arrangements /@"reIndZm@nts/ baked /beIkt/ Best wishes /best "wISIz/ call back /kO;l b&k/ celebration /selI"breISn/ come back /kVm "b&k/ depressed /dI"prest/ double-decker /"dVbl "dek@/ either /"aID@/ eternal /I"t3;n@l/ exotic /Ig"zQtIk/ give back /gIv b&k/ last /lA;st/ look after /lUk "A;ft@/ look for /lUk f@/ look forward to /lUk "fO;w@d t@/ main course /meIn kO;s/ mushroom /"mVSru;m/ operation /Qp@"reISn/ organize /"O;g@naIz/ owl /aUl/ pay back /peI b&k/ pessimist /"pesImIst/ phrase book /"freIz bUk/ positive /"pQsItIv/ psychoanalyst /saIk@U"&n@lIst/ rare /re@/ research /rI"s3;tS/ starter /"stA;t@/ steak /steIk/ swap /swQp/ symbol /"sImb@l/ take back /teIk b&k/ tip /tIp/
More Words to Learn accident /"&ksId@nt/ at the last minute /&t D@ lA;st "mInIt/ business /"bIzn@s/ chain /"tSeIn/ change /tSeIndZ/ company /"kVØmp@ni/ complain /k@m"pleIn/ covered (with) /"kØVv@d/ exactly the same /Ig"z&ktli D@ seIm/ fall over /fO;l "@UÁv@/ fashionable /"f&Sn@bl/
Verbs + -ing enjoy /In"dZOI/ finish /"fInIS/ go on (=continue) /g@U Qn/ hate /heIt/ like /laIk/ love /lVv/ (don’t) mind /maInd/ spend (time) /spend/ start /stA;t/ stop /stQp/
Prepositions of movement across /@"krQs/ along /@"lQN/ down /daUn/ into /"Intu;/ out of /"aUt @v/ over /"@Uv@/ past /pA;st/ round /raUnd/ through /Tru;/ towards /t@"wO;dz/ under /"Vnd@/ up /Vp/
More Words to Learn a whole day /@ h@ÁUl deI/ against (the rules) /@"geInst/ be good at /bi; gÁUd &t/ breathe /bri;D/ celebration /selI"br@ISn/ complicated /"kQmplIkeItId/ control /k@n"tr@UÁl/ experiment /Ik"sperIm@nt/ fans /f&nz/ fire /"faI@/ forest /"fQrIst/ goal /g@UÁl/ great-grandmother /greIt "gr&nmVØD@/ guide /gaId/ hairdresser /"he@dres@/ hairstyle /"he@staIl/ hole (i.e. golf) /h@UÁl/ impersonal /Im"p3• ;s@nl/ incredible /In"kred@bl/ in the corner /In D@ "kO;n@/ it doesn’t matter /It dØVznt "m&t@/ match /m&tS/ motivate /"m@ÁUtIveIt/ mystery /"mIstri/ nature /"neItS@/ net /net/ obligatory /@"blIg@tri/ permitted /p@"mItId/ phrase book /"fr@Iz bUÁk/
More Words to Learn ask for /A;sk f@/ bank /b&Nk/ bark /bA;k/ belong /bI"lQN/ change your mind /tSeIndZ j@ maInd/ climb /klaIm/ compare /k@m"pe@/ confuse /k@n"fju;z/ cupboard /"kØVb@d/ decisive /dI"saIsIv/ desperate /"desp@r@t/ directly /d@"rektli/ disappear /dIs@"pI@/ drown /draÁUn/ fur coat /f• 3; "k@UÁt/ indecisive /IndI"saIsIv/ investigate /In"vestIgeIt/ it’s not worth it /Its nQt w3• ;T It/ kill /kIl/ law /lO;/ lie on (the ground) /laI Qn/ lock /lQk/ make a decision /meIk @ dI"sIZn/ make a list /meIk @ lIst/ make an excuse /meIk @n Ik"skju;s/ offended /@"fendId/ options /"QpSnz/ pet /pet/
File 8 Vocabulary Banks Phrasal verbs be over /bi; @Uv@/ fill in /fIl In/ find out /faInd aUt/ get on with /get Qn wID/ give up /gIv Vp/ look up /lUk Vp/ pick up /pIk Vp/ put away /pUt @weI/ stay up /steI Vp/ throw away /Tr@U @"weI/ turn down /t3;n daUn/ turn up /t3;n Vp/
More Words to Learn active /"&ktIv/ admit /@d"mIt/ (be) adopted /@"dQptId/ alarm clock /@"lA;m klQk/ allergic /@"l3;dZIk/ amazing /@"meIzIN/ because of /bI"kQz @v/ beliefs /bI"li;fs/ close (adj, i.e. friend) /kl@UÁs/ convinced /k@n"vInst/ day off /deI Qf/ diet /"daI@t/ discover /dIs"kVØv@/ energetic /en@"dZetIk/
File 9 More Words to Learn almost /"O;lm@UÁst/ arrest /@"rest/ behave /bI"heIv/ bride /braId/ by your side /baI jO; saId/ commit a crime /k@"mIt @ kraIm/ fine /faIn/ hold /h@ÁUld/ jump /dZØVmp/ let (somebody) know /let n@UÁ/ motorway /"m@UÁt@weI/ porter /"pO;t@/ rob /rQb/ scream /skri;m/ shine /SaIn/ snore /snO;/ tight /taIt/ whisper /"wIsp@/