Foundations of Machine Learning. Lecture 1. Mehryar Mohri. Courant Institute
and Google Research
Foundations of Machine Learning Introduction to ML Mehryar Mohri Courant Institute and Google Research
[email protected]
Foundations of Machine Learning
Logistics Prerequisites: basics in linear algebra, probability, and analysis of algorithms. Workload: about 3-4 homework assignments + project (topic of your choice). Mailing list: join as soon as possible.
Foundations of Machine Learning
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Course Material Textbook
Slides: course web page.
Foundations of Machine Learning
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This Lecture Basic definitions and concepts. Introduction to the problem of learning. Probability tools.
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Machine Learning Definition: computational methods using experience to improve performance. Experience: data-driven task, thus statistics, probability, and optimization. Computer science: learning algorithms, analysis of complexity, theoretical guarantees. Example: use document word counts to predict its topic.
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Examples of Learning Tasks Text: document classification, spam detection. Language: NLP tasks (e.g., morphological analysis, POS tagging, context-free parsing, dependency parsing). Speech: recognition, synthesis, verification. Image: annotation, face recognition, OCR, handwriting recognition. Games (e.g., chess, backgammon). Unassisted control of vehicles (robots, car). Medical diagnosis, fraud detection, network intrusion. Foundations of Machine Learning
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Some Broad ML Tasks Classification: assign a category to each item (e.g., document classification). Regression: predict a real value for each item (prediction of stock values, economic variables). Ranking: order items according to some criterion (relevant web pages returned by a search engine). Clustering: partition data into ‘homogenous’ regions (analysis of very large data sets). Dimensionality reduction: find lower-dimensional manifold preserving some properties of the data. Foundations of Machine Learning
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General Objectives of ML Theoretical questions:
• • •
what can be learned, under what conditions? are there learning guarantees? analysis of learning algorithms.
• • •
more efficient and more accurate algorithms. deal with large-scale problems. handle a variety of different learning problems.
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This Course Theoretical foundations:
• •
learning guarantees. analysis of algorithms.
• •
main mathematically well-studied algorithms. discussion of their extensions.
illustration of their use.
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Topics Probability tools, concentration inequalities. PAC learning model, Rademacher complexity, VC-dimension, generalization bounds. Support vector machines (SVMs), margin bounds, kernel methods. Ensemble methods, boosting. Logistic regression and conditional maximum entropy models. On-line learning, weighted majority algorithm, Perceptron algorithm, mistake bounds. Regression, generalization, algorithms. Ranking, generalization, algorithms. Reinforcement learning, MDPs, bandit problems and algorithm. Foundations of Machine Learning
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Definitions and Terminology Example: item, instance of the data used. Features: attributes associated to an item, often represented as a vector (e.g., word counts). Labels: category (classification) or real value (regression) associated to an item. Data:
• • •
training data (typically labeled). test data (labeled but labels not seen). validation data (labeled, for tuning parameters).
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General Learning Scenarios Settings:
• •
batch: learner receives full (training) sample, which he uses to make predictions for unseen points. on-line: learner receives one sample at a time and makes a prediction for that sample.
• •
active: the learner can request the label of a point. passive: the learner receives labeled points.
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Standard Batch Scenarios Unsupervised learning: no labeled data. Supervised learning: uses labeled data for prediction on unseen points. Semi-supervised learning: uses labeled and unlabeled data for prediction on unseen points. Transduction: uses labeled and unlabeled data for prediction on seen points.
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Example - SPAM Detection Problem: classify each e-mail message as SPAM or nonSPAM (binary classification problem). Potential data: large collection of SPAM and non-SPAM messages (labeled examples).
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Learning Stages labeled data
prior knowledge
training sample
validation data test sample
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A(⇥0 )
parameter selection
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This Lecture Basic definitions and concepts. Introduction to the problem of learning. Probability tools.
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Definitions Spaces: input space X , output space Y. Loss function: L : Y ⇥Y ! R .
• • •
L(b y , y) : cost of predicting yb instead of y .
binary classification: 0-1 loss, L(y, y 0 ) = 1y6=y0 . regression: Y ✓ R, l(y, y 0 ) = (y 0
Hypothesis set: H ✓ Y X, subset of functions out of which the learner selects his hypothesis.
• •
depends on features. represents prior knowledge about task.
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Supervised Learning Set-Up Training data: sample S of size m drawn i.i.d. from X ⇥Y according to distribution D : S = ((x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xm , ym )).
Problem: find hypothesis h 2 H with small generalization error.
• •
deterministic case: output label deterministic function of input, y = f (x). stochastic case: output probabilistic function of input.
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Errors Generalization error: for h 2 H , it is defined by
R(h) =
[L(h(x), y)].
Empirical error: for h 2 H and sample S, it is m
X 1 b R(h) = L(h(xi ), yi ). m i=1
Bayes error:
R? =
h h measurable
in deterministic case, R? = 0.
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Noise Noise:
in binary classification, for any x 2 X , noise(x) = min{Pr[1|x], Pr[0|x]}.
observe that E[noise(x)] = R⇤ .
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Learning ≠ Fitting
Notion of simplicity/complexity. How do we define complexity?
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Generalization Observations:
• • • •
the best hypothesis on the sample may not be the best overall. generalization is not memorization. complex rules (very complex separation surfaces) can be poor predictors. trade-off: complexity of hypothesis set vs sample size (underfitting/overfitting).
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Model Selection General equality: for any h 2 H , R(h)
best in class
R⇤ = [R(h) R(h⇤ )] + [R(h⇤ ) R⇤ ] . | {z } | {z } estimation
Approximation: not a random variable, only depends on H. Estimation: only term we can hope to bound.
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Empirical Risk Minimization Select hypothesis set H. Find hypothesis h 2 H minimizing empirical error: b h = argmin R(h). h2H
• •
but H may be too complex.
the sample size may not be large enough.
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Generalization Bounds
Definition: upper bound on Pr sup |R(h) h2H
b R(h)| >✏ .
Bound on estimation error for hypothesis h0 given by ERM: R(h0 )
R(h⇤ ) = R(h0 ) R(h0 )
b 0 ) + R(h b 0) R(h b 0 ) + R(h b ⇤) R(h
2 sup |R(h) h2H
R(h⇤ ) R(h⇤ )
b R(h)|.
How should we choose H? (model selection problem)
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Model Selection
estimation approximation upper bound ⇤
H .
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Structural Risk Minimization
(Vapnik, 1995)
Principle: consider an infinite sequence of hypothesis sets ordered for inclusion, H 1 ⇢ H2 ⇢ · · · ⇢ H n ⇢ · · ·
b h = argmin R(h) + penalty(Hn , m). h2Hn ,n2N
• •
strong theoretical guarantees.
typically computationally hard.
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General Algorithm Families Empirical risk minimization (ERM): b h = argmin R(h). h2H
Structural risk minimization (SRM): Hn ✓ Hn+1 , b h = argmin R(h) + penalty(Hn , m). h2Hn ,n2N
Regularization-based algorithms:
b h = argmin R(h) + khk2 . h2H
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This Lecture Basic definitions and concepts. Introduction to the problem of learning. Probability tools.
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Basic Properties Union bound: Pr[A _ B] Pr[A] + Pr[B]. Inversion: if Pr[X ✏] f (✏) , then, for any > 0 , with probability at least 1 , X f 1( ). Jensen’s inequality: if f is convex, f (E[X]) E[f (X)] . Z +1 Expectation: if X 0 , E[X] = Pr[X > t] dt . 0
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Basic Inequalities Markov’s inequality: if X Pr[X
0 and ✏ > 0 , then ✏] E[X] ✏ .
Chebyshev’s inequality: for any ✏ > 0 ,
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2 X ✏2
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Hoeffding’s Inequality Theorem: Let X1 , . . . , Xm be indep. rand. variables with the same expectation µ and Xi 2 [a, b], ( a < b ). Then, for any ✏ > 0, the following inequalities hold: ✓ ◆ m 2 X 1 2m✏ Pr µ Xi > ✏ exp m i=1 (b a)2
m 1 X Pr Xi m i=1
Foundations of Machine Learning
µ > ✏ exp
2m✏ (b a)2
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McDiarmid’s Inequality (McDiarmid, 1989)
Theorem: let X1 , . . . , Xm be independent random variables taking values in U and f : U m ! R a function verifying for all i 2 [1, m] , sup |f (x1 , . . . , xi , . . . , xm ) f (x1 , . . . , x0i , . . . , xm )| ci .
x1 ,...,xm ,x0i
Then, for all ✏ > 0 , h
Pr f (X1 , . . . , Xm ) E[f (X1 , . . . , Xm )] > ✏ 2 exp
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2✏ Pm
2 i=1 ci
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Foundations of Machine Learning
Markov’s Inequality Theorem: let X be a non-negative random variable with E[X] < 1 , then, for all t > 0 , 1 Pr[X tE[X]] . t Proof: X Pr[X t E[X]] = Pr[X = x] x tE[X]
x t E[X]
X x
x Pr[X = x] t E[X]
x Pr[X = x] t E[X]
X 1 =E = . t E[X] t Foundations of Machine Learning
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Chebyshev’s Inequality Theorem: let X be a random variable with Var[X] < 1 , then, for all t > 0, 1 Pr[|X E[X]| t X ] 2 . t Proof: Observe that Pr[|X
X ] = Pr[(X
2 X ].
The result follows Markov’s inequality.
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Weak Law of Large Numbers Theorem: let (Xn )n2N be a sequence of independent random variables with the same mean µ and variance Pn 1 and let X n = n i=1 Xi , then, for any ✏ > 0 , lim Pr[|X n
0 , E[etX ] e
t2 (b a)2 8
Proof: by convexity of x 7! etx , for all a x b , e
b b
x ta x e + a b
a tb e . a
Thus, E[etX ]
E[ bb
X ta ae
with, (t) = log( b b a eta + Foundations of Machine Learning
X a tb b a e ] a tb b ae )
b b
ta e + a
a tb b ae
= ta + log( b b a +
a t(b a) ). b ae
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Taking the derivative gives: 0
(t) = a
b b
a a
Note that: (0) = 0 and 00
(t) =
= u(1
b b
a b
(0) = 0. Furthermore,
a 2 b a] t(b a) t(b
(b a)2 a) + ↵]2
↵ [(1
t(b a)
↵(1 ↵)e = [(1 ↵)e =
t(b ae
t(b a)
abe [b bae
↵)e u)(b
t(b a)
↵)e t(b a) (b ↵)e t(b a) + ↵]
+ ↵] [(1 (b a)2 2 a) , 4
a . There exists 0 ✓ t such that: with ↵ = b a t2 00 a)2 0 2 (b (t) = (0) + t (0) + (✓) t . 2 8
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Hoeffding’s Theorem Theorem: Let X1 , . . . , Xmbe independent random variables. Then for Xi 2 [ai , bi ], the following inequalities hold Pm for Sm = i=1 Xi , for any ✏ > 0 ,
E[Sm ]
E[Sm ]
✏] e
2✏2 /
✏] e
2✏2 /
2 (b a ) i i i=1
i=1 (bi
a i )2
Proof: The proof is based on Chernoff’s bounding technique: for any random variable X and t > 0 , apply Markov’s inequality and select t to minimize
Foundations of Machine Learning
✏] = Pr[etX
tX E[e ] t✏ e ] . t✏ e
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Using this scheme and the independence of the random variables gives Pr[Sm E[Sm ] ✏] e
t(Xi ⇧m E[e i=1
(lemma applied to Xi E[Xi ]) e
choosing t = 4✏/
i=1 (bi
E[Sm ])
E[Xi ])
m t2 (bi ai )2 /8 ⇧i=1 e P 2 t✏ t2 m i=1 (bi ai ) /8
2✏2 /
i=1 (bi
ai )2
ai ) 2 .
The second inequality is proved in a similar way.
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Hoeffding’s Inequality Corollary: for any ✏ > 0 , any distribution D and any hypothesis h : X ! {0, 1}, the following inequalities hold: b Pr[R(h) b Pr[R(h)
✏] e
✏] e
Proof: follows directly Hoeffding’s theorem. Combining these one-sided inequalities yields h
b Pr R(h) Foundations of Machine Learning
✏ 2e
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Chernoff’s Inequality Theorem: for any ✏ > 0 , any distribution D and any hypothesis h : X ! {0, 1}, the following inequalities hold: Proof: proof based on Chernoff’s bounding technique.
b Pr[R(h)
(1 + ✏)R(h)] e
b Pr[R(h) (1
Foundations of Machine Learning
✏)R(h)] e
m R(h) ✏2 /3 m R(h) ✏2 /2
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McDiarmid’s Inequality (McDiarmid, 1989)
Theorem: let X1 , . . . , Xm be independent random variables taking values in U and f : U m ! R a function verifying for all i 2 [1, m] , sup |f (x1 , . . . , xi , . . . , xm ) f (x1 , . . . , x0i , . . . , xm )| ci .
x1 ,...,xm ,x0i
Then, for all ✏ > 0 , h
Pr f (X1 , . . . , Xm ) E[f (X1 , . . . , Xm )] > ✏ 2 exp
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2✏ Pm
2 i=1 ci
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• •
Proof: uses Hoeffding’s lemma. Hoeffding’s inequality is a special case of McDiarmid’s with m 1 X |bi ai | f (x1 , . . . , xm ) = xi and ci = . m i=1 m
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Jensen’s Inequality Theorem: let X be a random variable and f a measurable convex function. Then, f (E[X]) E[f (X)].
Proof: definition of convexity, continuity of convex functions, and density of finite distributions.
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