Foundations of Machine Learning. Lecture 9. Mehryar Mohri. Courant Institute
and Google Research
Foundations of Machine Learning Ranking Mehryar Mohri Courant Institute and Google Research
[email protected]
Motivation Very large data sets: too large to display or process. limited resources, need priorities. ranking more desirable than classification.
• • •
Applications: search engines, information extraction. decision making, auctions, fraud detection.
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Can we learn to predict ranking accurately? Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
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Related Problem Rank aggregation: given n candidates and k voters each giving a ranking of the candidates, find ordering as close as possible to these. closeness measured in number of pairwise misrankings. problem NP-hard even for k = 4 (Dwork et al., 2001).
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This Talk Score-based ranking Preference-based ranking
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Score-Based Setting Single stage: learning algorithm receives labeled sample of pairwise preferences; returns scoring function h: U R. Drawbacks: h induces a linear ordering for full set U . does not match a query-based scenario.
• • • •
Advantages: efficient algorithms. good theory:VC bounds, margin bounds, stability bounds (FISS 03, RCMS 05, AN 05, AGHHR 05, CMR 07).
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Score-Based Ranking Training data: sample of i.i.d. labeled pairs drawn from U U according to some distribution D , S = (x1 , x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xm , xm , ym )
with yi =
+1 if xi >pref xi 0 if xi =pref xi or no information 1 if xi 0 , m X 1 b R⇢ (h) = m i=1
yi h(x0i )
m X 1 b R⇢ (h) 1yi [h(x0i ) m i=1
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h(xi )
h(xi )]⇢ .
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Marginal Rademacher Complexities Distributions: D1 marginal distribution with respect to the first element of the pairs; D2 marginal distribution with respect to second element of the pairs.
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Samples: S1 = (x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xm , ym ) S2 = (x01 , y1 ), . . . , (x0m , ym ) .
Marginal Rademacher complexities: 1 b S (H)] RD (H) = E[ R m 1
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2 b S (H)]. RD (H) = E[ R m 2 page 10
Ranking Margin Bound (Boyd, Cortes, MM, and Radovanovich 2012; MM, Rostamizadeh, and Talwalkar, 2012)
Theorem: let H be a family of real-valued functions. Fix > 0 , then, for any > 0 , with probability at least 1 over the choice of a sample of size m, the following holds for all h H : R(h)
R (h) +
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D2 1 RD (H) + R m m (H) +
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log 1 . 2m
Ranking with SVMs see for example (Joachims, 2002)
Optimization problem: application of SVMs. m
1 w min w, 2
i i=1
subject to: yi w · i
(xi ) i
(xi )
[1, m] .
Decision function: h: x
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(x) + b.
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Notes The algorithm coincides with SVMs using feature mapping (x, x )
(x, x ) =
(x )
Can be used with kernels: K 0 ((xi , x0i ), (xj , x0j )) =
(xi , x0i ) ·
(xj , x0j )
= K(xi , xj ) + K(x0i , x0j )
K(x0i , xj )
Algorithm directly based on margin bound.
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K(xi , x0j ).
Boosting for Ranking Use weak ranking algorithm and create stronger ranking algorithm. Ensemble method: combine base rankers returned by weak ranking algorithm. Finding simple relatively accurate base rankers often not hard. How should base rankers be combined?
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CD RankBoost (Freund et al., 2003; Rudin et al., 2005)
{0, 1}X .
0 t
+ t
= 1, st (h) =
(x,x ) Dt
sgn f (x, x )(h(x )
h(x)) = s .
RankBoost(S = ((x1 , x1 , y1 ) . . . , (xm , xm , ym ))) 1 for i 1 to m do 1 2 D1 (xi , xi ) m 3 for t 1 to T do 4 5 6 7
base ranker in H with smallest
+ t
yi ht (xi )
Zt for i
8 9 T 10 return
1 t 2 log t + 0 t + 2[ t t
]2 1 to m do
Dt+1 (xi , xi ) T t=1 t ht
normalization factor Dt (xi ,xi ) exp
t yi
ht (xi ) ht (xi )
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ht (xi )
Notes Distributions Dt over pairs of sample points: originally uniform. at each round, the weight of a misclassified example is increased. (x ) t (x)] e y[ tQ observation: Dt+1 (x, x ) = |S| ts=1 Zs , since
• • •
Dt+1 (x, x ) =
Dt (x, x )e
t [ht (x
) ht (x)]
1 e = |S|
s [hs (x
t s=1
) hs (x)]
weight assigned to base classifier ht : t directy depends on the accuracy of ht at round t .
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Coordinate Descent RankBoost Objective Function: convex and differentiable. T
F( ) =
T (x
T (x)]
(x,x ,y) S
(x,x ,y) S
t [ht (x
y t=1
0 1 pairwise loss
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ht (x)] .
• Direction: unit vector e with t
dF ( + et ) et = argmin d t
Since F (
dF ( + et ) d
+ et ) =
(x,x ,y) S
s [hs (x
. =0 ) hs (x)]
y [ht (x ) ht (x)]
y[ht (x )
= =0
ht (x)] exp
s [hs (x
hs (x)]
(x,x ,y) S
y[ht (x ) (x,x ,y) S
+ t
ht (x)]DT +1 (x, x ) m
Zs s=1
] m
Zs . s=1
Thus, direction corresponding to base classifier selected by the algorithm.
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• Step size: obtained via dF ( + et ) =0 d T
y[ht (x )
ht (x)] exp
s [hs (x
hs (x)] e
y[ht (x ) ht (x)]
(x,x ,y) S
y[ht (x )
ht (x)]DT +1 (x, x ) m
Zs e
y[ht (x ) ht (x)]
(x,x ,y) S
y[ht (x )
ht (x)]DT +1 (x, x )e
y[ht (x ) ht (x)]
(x,x ,y) S
+ t e
1 = log 2
t + t
e ]=0
Thus, step size matches base classifier weight used in algorithm. Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
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Bipartite Ranking Training data: sample of negative points drawn according to D
• S = (x , . . . , x ) U. • sample of positive points drawn according to D 1
S+ = (x1 , . . . , xm ) U.
Problem: find hypothesis h : U ! R in H with small generalization error RD (h) =
Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
x D ,x
h(x ) < h(x) .
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Notes Connection between AdaBoost and RankBoost (Cortes & MM, 04; Rudin et al., 05). if constant base ranker used. relationship between objective functions.
• •
More efficient algorithm in this special case (Freund et al., 2003). Bipartite ranking results typically reported in terms of AUC.
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AdaBoost and CD RankBoost Objective functions: comparison. FAda ( ) =
exp ( yi f (xi )) xi S
exp (+f (xi )) + xi S
exp ( f (xi )) x i S+
= F ( ) + F+ ( ). FRank ( ) =
exp (i,j) S
[f (xj )
f (xi )]
exp (+f (xi )) exp ( f (xi )) (i,j) S
= F ( )F+ ( ). Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
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AdaBoost and CD RankBoost (Rudin et al., 2005)
Property: AdaBoost (non-separable case). constant base learner h = 1 equal contribution of positive and negative points (in the limit). consequence: AdaBoost asymptotically achieves optimum of CD RankBoost objective. Observations: if F+ ( ) = F ( ) ,
• •
d(FRank ) = F+ d(F ) + F d(F+ ) = F+ d(F ) + d(F+ ) = F+ d(FAda ). Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
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Bipartite RankBoost - Efficiency Decomposition of distribution: for (x, x ) (S , S+ ) , D(x, x ) = D (x)D+ (x ).
Thus, Dt+1 (x, x ) =
Dt (x, x )e
Zt, =
Dt, (x)e x S
Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
) ht (x)]
Dt, (x)e = Zt,
t [ht (x
t ht (x)
t ht (x)
Dt,+ (x )e Zt,+
Zt,+ =
t ht (x
Dt,+ (x )e x
page 24
, t ht (x
ROC Curve (Egan, 1975)
Definition: the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a plot of the true positive rate (TP) vs. false positive rate (FP). TP: % positive points correctly labeled positive. FP: % negative points incorrectly labeled positive.
• •
True positive rate
1 .8 .6
h(x3 )
h(x14 ) h(x5 ) sorted scores
0 0
.4 .6 .8 False positive rate
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h(x1 )
h(x23 )
Area under the ROC Curve (AUC) (Hanley and McNeil, 1982)
Definition: the AUC is the area under the ROC curve. Measure of ranking quality. True positive rate
1 .8 .6
.2 0 0
Equivalently, 1 AU C(h) = mm =1
.4 .6 .8 False positive rate
1h(xj )>h(xi ) = i=1 j=1
Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
Pr [h(x ) > h(x)]
b x D b+ x D
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This Talk Score-based ranking Preference-based ranking
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Preference-Based Setting Definitions: U : universe, full set of objects. V : finite query subset to rank, V U. : target ranking for V (random variable).
• • •
Two stages: can be viewed as a reduction. learn preference function h: U U [0, 1] . given V , use h to determine ranking of V .
• •
Running-time: measured in terms of |calls to h |. Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
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Preference-Based Ranking Problem Training data: pairs (V, to D: (V1 , subsets ranked by different labelers.
) sampled i.i.d. according
1 ), (V2 , 2 ), . . . , (Vm , m )
learn classifier
preference function h : U U [0, 1] . Problem: for any query set V U , use h to return ranking h,V close to target with small average error R(h, ) =
Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
) D
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Preference Function h(u, v)close to 1 when u preferred to v , close to 0 otherwise. For the analysis, h(u, v) {0, 1} .
Assumed pairwise consistent:
h(u, v) + h(v, u) = 1.
May be non-transitive, e.g., we may have h(u, v) = h(v, w) = h(w, u) = 1.
Output of classifier or ‘black-box’.
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Loss Functions (for fixed (V, ) ) Preference loss: L(h,
2 n(n
h(u, v) (v, u). u⇥=v
Ranking loss: L( , ⇥ ) =
2 n(n
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(u, v)⇥ (v, u). u⇥=v
page 31
(Weak) Regret Preference regret: Rclass (h) = E [L(h|V , V,
˜ E min E [L(h, V
˜ h
Ranking regret: R⇥rank (A) = E [L(As (V ), ⇥ )] V,⇥ ,s
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E min
E [L(˜ , ⇥ )].
V ˜ ⇤S(V ) ⇥ |V
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Deterministic Algorithm (Balcan et al., 07)
Stage one: standard classification. Learn preference function h : U U [0, 1] . Stage two: sort-by-degree using comparison function h . sort by number of points ranked below. quadratic time complexity O(n2 ).
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Randomized Algorithm (Ailon & MM, 08)
Stage one: standard classification. Learn preference function h : U U [0, 1] .
Stage two: randomized QuickSort (Hoare, 61) using h as comparison function. comparison function non-transitive unlike textbook description. but, time complexity shown to be O(n log n) in general.
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Randomized QS v h(v, u) = 1
h(u, v) = 1
u random pivot left recursion
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right recursion
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Deterministic Algo. - Bipartite Case (V = V+
V )
(Balcan et al., 07)
Bounds: for deterministic sort-by-degree algorithm expected loss:
E [L(A(V ),
• regret:
Rrank (A(V ))
2 E [L(h, V,
2 Rclass (h).
Time complexity: (|V |2 ).
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Randomized Algo. - Bipartite Case (V = V+
V )
Bounds: for randomized QuickSort expected loss (equality):
E [L(Qhs (V ),
• regret:
Rrank (Qhs (·))
(Ailon & MM, 08) (Hoare, 61).
)] = E [L(h,
Time complexity: full set: O(n log n) . top k: O(n + k log k).
Rclass (h) .
• •
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Proof Ideas QuickSort decomposition: 1 puv + 3
w⇥ {u,v}
⇥ h(u, w)h(w, v) + h(v, w)h(w, u) = 1.
Bipartite property: u (u, v) +
(v, w) +
(w, u) =
(v, u) +
(w, v) +
(u, w).
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Lower Bound Theorem: for any deterministic algorithm A , there is a bipartite distribution for which Rrank (A)
2 Rclass (h).
• thus, factor of 2 = best in deterministic case. • randomization necessary for better bound.
Proof: take simple case U = V = {u, v, w} and assume that h induces a cycle. u up to symmetry, A returns
u, v, w or w, v, u. Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
h page 39
Lower Bound If A returns u, v, w , then choose as: u, v
- + If A returns w, v, u , then choose as: w, v
L[h, L[A,
1 ]= ; 3 2 ]= . 3
- + Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
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Guarantees - General Case Loss bound for QuickSort: V,
E [L(Qhs (V ), ,s
2 E [L(h,
Comparison with optimal ranking (see (CSS 99)): Es [L(Qhs (V ),
optimal )]
Es [L(h, Qhs (V ))]
3 L(h,
2 L(h,
optimal )
optimal ),
= argmin L(h, ).
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Weight Function Generalization: ⇥ (u, v) =
(u, v) ⇤(
Properties: needed for all previous results to hold, symmetry: (i, j) = (j, i) for all i, j . (i, k) for i < j < k . monotonicity: (i, j), (j, k) triangle inequality: (i, j) (i, k) + (k, j) for all triplets i, j, k.
• • •
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Weight Function - Examples Kemeny: Top-k:
w(i, j) = 1, w(i, j) =
Bipartite: w(i, j) =
i, j.
1 if i k or j 0 otherwise.
1 if i k and j > k; 0 otherwise.
k-partite: can be defined similarly.
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(Strong) Regret Definitions Ranking regret: Rrank (A) = E [L(As (V ), ⇥ )] V,⇥ ,s
min E [L(˜|V , ⇥ )]. ˜
Preference regret: Rclass (h) = E [L(h|V , V,
˜ |V , min E [L(h ˜ h
All previous regret results hold if for V1 , V2 E [ |V1
(u, v)] = E [ |V2
{u, v} ,
(u, v)]
for all u, v (pairwise independence on irrelevant alternatives). Mehryar Mohri - Foundations of Machine Learning
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References •
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