genetic algorithm approach to optimize a double

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Jul 21, 2017 - lithium bromide water solar absorption chiller's coefficient of ... the required thermodynamic properties of water and lithium bromide are ...
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Available online at APPLIED RESEARCH JOURNAL RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN: 2423-4796 Applied Research Journal

Vol. 3, Issue, 6, pp.188-197, June, 2017


Azad Hamzehpour, 1 Saman Badrang Bouyeh, 2 Cyrus Aghanajafi and 3 Hossein Shokouhmand

1 Department

of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, K.N. Toosi university of Technology, Tehran, Iran. 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



Article History:

Nowadays, the requirement for energy is increasing dramatically. That is why the scientists tend to use renewable energy more than ever. The optimum design of energy-consuming appliances and switching to renewable energy such as solar energy play important roles in energy usage reduction. These two important objects are linked together to optimize lithium bromide water solar absorption chiller’s coefficient of performance (COP) by using genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm is inspired by nature in which can optimum the chiller’s COP by the method of reproduction from the best parents. It should be noted that the experimental methods to optimum the absorbing cycles with due attention to various functional conditions are impossible. Due to optimum the function of absorbing chiller, it is needed to create a thermo dynamical model for absorption chiller and attain the best situation for chiller’s COP. As a result, it is observed that COP value is increased by raising the temperature of high temperature generator.

Received: 11, June, 2017 Final Accepted: 13, July, 2017 Published Online: 21, July, 2017 Key words:

Parabolic trough solar collector, Optimization, Absorption chiller, Genetic algorithm.

© Copy Right, ARJ, 2017. All rights reserved

1. INTRODUCTION According to energy consumption in energy systems specially cooling systems, the need of optimization and proper design of these systems is undeniable. Building facilities are considered as a heart of a building, therefore, choosing and designing the equipment of these facilities are important in order to reduce energy consumption. In this paper one of the important components of cooling cycles named absorption chiller has been studied. In order to use clean and renewable energy, fossil fuel equipment has been replaced by the solar collectors. By adding another generator to single effect lithium bromide water absorption chiller, it is changed to a double-effect absorption chiller. A double effect absorption chiller with parabolic trough solar collector (PTC) has been analyzed and optimized to improve its COP. It should be noted that all the required data for the solar collector such as the amount of radiation heat flux are collected for Tehran city. Moreover, the required thermodynamic properties of water and lithium bromide are determined by EES. The previous literatures are reviewed briefly here. Muneer et al. [1] simulated and modeled different types of solar chillers to analyze the coefficient of performance and the system performance with different collectors. Sirikhirin et al. [2] reviewed the literature of absorption refrigeration technologies comprehensively. The process of HVAC system developments and the selection of different collectors for providing hot water with the proper temperature were conducted by Li and Sumathy [3]. Soltani et al. [4] carried out an experimental investigation to illustrate the design of a solar absorption chiller. A technoeconomic study of solar absorption chillers in Iran was demonstrated by Bozorgmehri and Lari [5]. The effect of different loads on the efficiency of absorption chiller’s cycle was studied by Arabi and Dehghani *Corresponding author: Azad Hamzehpour, Email: [email protected] Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.