Parallel Processing Letters
c World Scienti c Publishing Company GENETIC PROGRAMMING TO DESIGN COMMUNICATION ALGORITHMS FOR PARALLEL ARCHITECTURES F. COMELLASy, and G. GIMENEZ Departament de Matematica Aplicada i Telematica Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Campus Nord, Edi ci C3 08034 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Received (1st January, 1997) Revised (30th January, 1998) Communicated by (Name of Editor) ABSTRACT
Broadcasting is an information dissemination problem in which a message originating at one node of a communication network (modeled as a graph) is to be sent to all other nodes as quickly as possible. This paper describes a new way of producing broadcasting schemes using genetic programming. This technique has proven successful by easily nding optimal algorithms for several well-known families of networks (grids, hypercubes and cycle connected cubes) and has indeed generated a new scheme for butter ies that improves the known upper bound for the broadcasting time of these networks. Keywords: Broadcasting, genetic programming, butter y graph
1 Introduction There is considerable interest in the study of the propagation of information in interconnection networks. This research area is important because the ability of a network to eectively disseminate information is a good measure of the suitability of the network for parallel computing. Broadcasting is one of the most studied problems in communication networks and refers to the sending of a message from one node of the network to all the other nodes as quickly as possible, subject to the constraints that each call involves only two nodes, a node which already knows the message can only inform one of the nodes to which it is connected and each call requires one unit of time. Optimal broadcasting schemes are known for some simple topologies such as grids, hypercubes and cube connected cycles. For other networks that are considered good candidates to implement parallelism (butter ies,
Part of this research was done while F.C. was visiting the School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada. This work was supported with a grant from the Direccion General de Investigacion Cient ca y Tecnica, Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, Spain (ref. PR95-179) and by the CICYT, Spain, under Project TIC94-0592 and the EU-HCM program ERBCHRX-CT920049. ye-mail:
[email protected]
de Bruijn, Kautz, star graphs, etc.), there is still work in progress and no general technique is known to help in the design of communication algorithms that, very often, are found by inspection. On the other hand, in recent years we have seen the introduction of methods that may deal with dicult combinatorial problems and produce good solutions in a reasonable computational time. These methods include simulated annealing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and more recently genetic programming. In this paper we show the ability of genetic programming to generate easily good communication schemes. The main aim of this paper is to provide a new computational tool for researchers looking for such schemes. The technique described here may be used to generate them automatically when, until now, they were produced by inspection. Therefore we do not focus on the analysis of the schemes produced, that in some cases may be extremely dicult, see [4]. The paper is organized as follows. The next section will introduce the notation and give some general de nitions. Section 3 presents the genetic programming technique, based on genetic algorithms and in Section 4 we describe some details of the implementation considered. Finally, in Section 5, we present the results obtained and in Section 6 we suggest new possible applications.
2 Notation and Known Results
In this paper we will model a network using graphs. A graph, G = (V; A), consists of a non empty nite set V of elements called vertices and a set A of pairs of elements of V called edges. The number of vertices N = jGj = jV j is the order of the graph. If (x; y) is an edge of A, we say that x and y (or y and x) are adjacent. The degree of a vertex (x) is the number of vertices adjacent to x. The degree of G is = maxx2V (x). A graph is regular of degree or -regular if the degree of all vertices is . The distance between two vertices x and y, d(x; y), is the number of edges of a shortest path between x and y, and its maximum value over all pairs of vertices, D = maxx;y2V d(x; y), is the diameter of the graph. A graph is vertex symmetric if its automorphism group acts transitively on its set of vertices. Loosely speaking we say that the graph looks the same from any vertex. The interest in vertex symmetric graphs comes from the fact that in the associated network each node is able to execute the same communication software without modi cations and in this way these graphs may be considered for easy implementation of parallelism. We refer to [1] for other basic concepts in graph theory not de ned here. The topologies considered in this work are: The directed 2-grid Mmn = Pm 2Pn : Let Pm and Pn be directed paths on m and n vertices. The 2-grid digraph, or mesh, is the cartesian product of those paths. It has m n vertices, maximum degree 4 and minimum degree 2. Its diameter is D = m + n ? 2. This is the only directed graph considered (in which the edges have a given direction) and also the only non vertex symmetric graph. The 2-torus graph Tmn = Cm 2Cn : It is a 4-regular graph on m n vertices arising from the cartesian product of the cycles Cm and Cn . Its diameter is D = 2
b m2 c + b n2 c.
The hypercube graph Hk : A hypercube Hk is a graph on N = 2k vertices, each denoted by a k-bit binary number. Edges join vertices whose labels dier in precisely one bit. Hk is k-regular and has diameter D = k = log2 N . The cube connected cycles graph CCCk : This graph is a modi cation of the hypercube Hk , obtained by replacing each vertex by a cycle of k vertices. The order of the CCCk is k2k . The degree is three. The butter y graph BFk : The butter y graph has k2k vertices labeled with a pair of numbers (l; x). l is called the level (0 l k ? 1) and x = x0 x1 xk?1 is a k-bit string. Each vertex (l; x) is connected by a straight edge to (l +1 (mod k); x) and by a cross edge to (l + 1 (mod k); x0 xl?1 xl xl+1 xk?1 ). BFk has degree four and diameter b 32k c. Broadcasting in a graph is the process of spreading a message known initially by one vertex, subject to the following rules: The transfer of the message from one vertex to another (termed a call) takes one unit of time. A vertex can only call an adjacent vertex. A vertex can participate in at most one call per unit of time. A broadcast scheme is a formal description of that process. Given a connected graph G and a vertex u, the broadcast time of u, denoted b(u), is the minimum number of time units required to broadcast a message originating at u. The broadcast time of the graph G is de ned b(G) = maxfb(u)ju 2 Gg. For any vertex u in a connected graph with jV j vertices, b(u) dlog2 jV je, since during each time unit the number of vertices informed can at most double. For a vertex symmetric graph, the broadcast time is equal to the broadcast time of any of its vertices. Optimal broadcasting algorithms are known, for example, for 2-grids (b(Mmn) = m+n?2 = D), 2-torus (b(Tmn) = D, if m and n are even and b(Tmn ) = D +1 otherwise), hypercubes (b(Hk ) = D = log2 N ) and cube connected cycles (b(CCCk ) = d 52k ? 1e), see [4]. For some other networks the known broadcasting algorithms give only upper bounds on the broadcasting time. In [7], for example, the authors present a broadcasting algorithm for the butter y network of dimension k that leads to an upper bound of 2k ? 1 on the broadcasting time.
3 Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming A general overview of genetic algorithms (GA) may be found in the article of Holland in Scienti c American [6]. For a detailed introduction, with discussion of implementation issues, see Goldberg's book [5]. In a classical genetic algorithm the starting point is a collection of solutions generated at random, known as a population. A suitable encoding of each solution in the population is used to compute its tness through a cost function. At each iteration a new population, or generation, is obtained by mating the best of the old solutions with one another. To create the next generation, new solutions are formed through reproduction, crossover and mutation. The solutions that will be considered for crossover are probabilistically selected according to the tness values from the set that constitutes the current generation. This new population becomes 3
the parent pool. In Goldberg's approach a constant number of solutions are selected so that a xed size population is maintained. Crossover creates two new child solutions from two solutions sampled from the parent pool. In this way, tter parents have a better chance of producing children. This is done for the whole population. Children solutions are obtained by interchanging random parts of their parents. Some randomness is also introduced through the mechanism called mutation to ensure that the algorithms avoid getting stuck at local minima. Mutation changes selected parts of a solution. The crossover and mutation operations are done with xed probabilities, thus ensuring that some solutions from the current generation will be kept in the new generation. Once a new generation is created, the tness of all solutions is evaluated and the best solution is recorded. The process is repeated until either the results stabilize or the optimal solution, when it can be identi ed, is reached. The main aspects to decide are the representation of the solutions, the cost function and the crossover and mutation operators. Important parameters are the population size and the probabilities of crossover and mutation. Numerous modi cations have been made to the classical genetic algorithm, and certain variations appear to be more or less useful depending on the problem being optimized. One common version of the GA which has several advantages over the classical model is the steady-state GA . In this paradigm, a single population of individuals is maintained at any given time, and the reproduction operator is replaced by a selection operator that chooses which individuals to crossover. The newly created solutions are then returned to the single population by means of the replacement operator, which selects the individuals to be removed. The steadystate GA provides greater control over which individuals are removed from the population, and also requires substantially less computer memory to operate. Genetic algorithms have been used successfully to solve combinatorial optimization problems related to network design such as the assignment problem for radio networks [2] and to solve planarization problems related to VLSI [3]. GA may evolve a large variety of structures, although the most frequently used are strings or lists. In particular, they have been used to evolve trees, representing programs or algorithms. John Koza, in 1987, considered a GA to evolve Lisp expressions and started using the term genetic programming to describe this method, see [8]. Lisp expressions, or S-expressions as are also known, have become the usual representation of solutions for GP. An S-expression consists of a function followed, or not, by arguments. Each argument is also an S-expression. A function in an expression is called a node. Functions with no arguments are called terminals. A special function, PROGn, is used to join together n other functions into a procedural program. In our broadcasting schemes, for example, it is possible to represent \If the information has reached the node from an upper vertex, move it next using a cross link" as the following S-expression (IfProc Up MoveCross), where IfProc Up is a conditional function and MoveCross a terminal. An important property of S-expressions is closure. It is possible to use an S4
expression as an argument of another and still have a valid S-expression. This fact facilitates the implementation of the crossover and mutation operators.
4 Implementation Details To perform the experiments we adapted the GP software written by Andy Singleton and described in the February 1994 issue of BYTE [9]. The package is known as GPQUICK and version 2.1 was used. It consists of several modules written in C++ and it is publicly available for non commercial purposes from the author. A modi ed version, with an explanation of the changes made, is accessible on the WWWa . GPQUICK uses a steady state GA, tournament selection, three types of mutation, and subtree crossover. It uses tournament selection with a tournament size of six, and a kill tournament size of 2. It uses node mutation (switching a node for another node of the same arity), constant mutation (small adjustments to constant values) and shrink mutation (promote a sub-subtree to replace a subtree) 10% of the time each, a copy with reevaluation on new cases 10% of the time, and subtree crossover 70% of the time. The package was adapted by modifying the le chrome.cpp and its header le and creating a new le speci c for each graph (or family of graphs) considered. None of the original GA parameters of the package were changed (rates of mutation, crossing, etc.). In some runs params[pMaxExpr] and params[pInitExpr], that x the maximum expression size in nodes and the maximum initial expression depth, were changed to bigger values to deal more easily with possible large expressions. Functions and terminals: The graphical representation of a network very often suggested the choice of the function set and terminal set. After preliminary experiments using conditional functions with parameters, and to speed the testing process, we decided to expand the number of conditional functions. For example, instead of using (IfProc param) with param one of f up, down, left, rightg we use four dierent conditional functions: IfProc Up, IfProc Down, IfProc Left and IfProc Right. Fitness: To evaluate the tness of a possible solution, it is executed on the graph. A broadcasting scheme is an inherently parallel process, but the program that tests it is sequential, so we may reach a situation in which two (or more) nodes could inform the same node at a given broadcasting step. We choose the option that the actual node that will transmit the message will be the node that received it rst. On the other hand, the scheme is executed in the order that is written. Therefore it is possible to generate schemes containing conditional functions that will never be used. Fitness is calculated by counting the number of vertices reached by the algorithm penalized by its length (number of nodes of the corresponding S-expression). Each new vertex reached increases the tness by T (an adjustable parameter). Each conditional function and the null action decreases the tness by two. Other actions decrement it by four. Finally, connective functions do not aect the tness value. a
Some preliminary tests were compiled on a PC 486 under MS Windows 3.1 using Borland C++, but most of the results were obtained on Sun Sparc2 and HP Apollo 715 workstations with their standard ANSI C++ compilers. The CPU time to nd an acceptable solution ranged from a few seconds -to nd the optimal algorithm for a simple instance of the directed 2-grid- to around 10 hours {to obtain a new broadcasting scheme for butter ies (k = 7). The most time consuming task is the evaluation of the tness of a given S-expression. A typical run found a solution after less than 60000 such evaluations were performed and typically between 10000 and 20000.
5 Results
5.1 Directed 2-grid The rst graph studied was the directed 2-grid. It was chosen for the simplicity of its known optimal broadcasting algorithm: \The originating vertex (upper left of the grid) informs its horizontal neighbour at the rst step and its vertical neighbour at the second. Each node that is informed by a horizontal neighbour rst informs its other horizontal neighbour and then its vertical neighbour. If a node is informed by a vertical neighbour it informs its other vertical neighbour." To nd a broadcasting scheme for this directed graph, the function and
r?- ?r - ?r - ?r - ?r r?- ?r - ?r - ?r - ?r r?- ?r - ?r - ?r - ?r r?- ?r - ?r - ?r - ?r r- r- r- r- r
Fig. 1: Directed 2-grid (5 5) M
terminal sets were considered as follows: Function set: fIfOri, IfProc Ver, IfProc Hor, If turn 0, If turn 1, Prog4, Prog3, Prog2, Prog1g Terminal set: fMoveHor, MoveVer, Nullg With the M55 2-grid, and running the system with a population of 500 individuals, a value of T=280 and after 12340 iterations (40" CPU time on an SPARCstation SLC) the following S-expression, with a tness value of 6678, is found: (Prog3 (IfOri
(If_turn_0 MoveHor) (If_turn_1 MoveVer))) (IfProc_Hor (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveHor) (If_turn_0 MoveVer) (If_turn_1 MoveVer))) (IfProc_Ver (If_turn_0 MoveVer)))
This expression corresponds exactly to the known optimal broadcasting algorithm. Note that the function (If turn 0 MoveVert) is redundant and will never be used. More iterations should eliminate it. 6
The program also generates a visualization of the propagation of the information (for the solution), as shown in Figure 2. step 0
step 1
step 2
step 3
0oooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo
*1ooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo
**2oo 2oooo ooooo ooooo ooooo
***3o *3ooo 3oooo ooooo ooooo
step 4 step 5 step 6 ****4 **4oo *4ooo 4oooo ooooo
***** ***55 **5oo *5ooo 5oooo
***** ***** ***66 **6oo *6ooo
Fig. 2: Broadcasting in the directed 2-grid
step 7
step 8
***** ***** ***** ***77 **7oo
***** ***** ***** ***** ***88
5.2 Toroidal grid This graph is vertex symmetric, and the originating vertex may be chosen arbitrarily. We decided to put it at the upper left of the graphical representation. The degree of the graph is four for any member of the family of graphs and therefore this is the number of possible movements for the information. Therefore we decided to use the following functions and terminals: Function set: fIfOri, IfProc Up, IfProc Down, IfProc Right, IfProc Left, If turn 0, If turn 1, If turn 2, If turn 3, Prog6, Prog5, Prog4, Prog3, Prog2, Prog1g Terminal set: fMoveUp, MoveDown, MoveRight, MoveLeft, Nullg Considering the graph T85 with a population of 800, T = 280, and after 23420 iterations we found this solution: (Prog3 (Prog2 (IfProc_Down (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveUp) (If_turn_0 MoveLeft) (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveRight) (If_turn_1 MoveLeft) (If_turn_2 MoveRight)))) (Prog3 (IfProc_Up (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveDown) (If_turn_0 MoveRight) (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveLeft) (If_turn_1 MoveLeft) (If_turn_2 MoveRight)))) (IfProc_Right (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveLeft) (If_turn_0 MoveDown) (Prog3 (If_turn_1 MoveDown) (If_turn_1 MoveUp) (If_turn_2 MoveUp)))) (IfOri (Prog4 (If_turn_0 MoveRight) (If_turn_1 MoveLeft) (If_turn_2 MoveUp) (If_turn_3 MoveDown))))) (IfProc_Left (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveRight) (If_turn_1 MoveUp) (If_turn_2MoveDown))) (Prog2 (If_turn_0 MoveUp) (If_turn_1 MoveDown)))
We observe several redundancies that do not aect the performance of the algorithm. Again, the scheme corresponds to the known optimal algorithm for this 7
family of graphs, that is: \If a vertex is informed by one of its vertical neighbours, it sends the message to its other vertical neighbour. Otherwise, it rst sends the message to its other horizontal neighbour, then to its upper vertical neighbour, and nally to its lower vertical neighbour". step 0 0oooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo
step 1 *1ooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo
step 2 **2ooooooo2 ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo
step 3 ***3ooooo3* ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo 33ooooooooo
step 4 ****4ooo4** 44oooooooo4 ooooooooooo ooooooooooo 44ooooooooo **4oooooooo
step 5 *****5o5*** **5oooooo5* 55oooooooo5 55ooooooooo **5oooooooo ***5oooooo5
step 6 ******6**** ***6oooo6** **6oooooo6* **6ooooooo6 ***6oooooo6 ****66ooo6*
step 7 *********** ****7777*** ***7oooo7** ***7ooooo7* ****77ooo7* ******oo7**
step8 *********** *********** ****8888*** ****88oo8** ******oo8** ******88***
step 9 *********** *********** *********** ******99*** ******99*** ***********
Fig. 3: Broadcasting process in the graph
5.3 Hypercube Let 0 be the originator. For this family, the function set dier depending on the dimension of the graph (the degree increases with the dimension). On the other hand, due to the standard labeling of its vertices we decided to use functions and terminals based on the equivalent numerical value of each label. As an example, for the hypercube of dimension k = 6 we consider: Function set: fIfOri, IfProc Big, IfProc Small, If turn 0, If turn 1, If turn 2, If turn 3, If turn 4, If turn 5, Prog6, Prog5, Prog4, Prog3, Prog2, Prog1g Terminal set: f MoveBig, MoveSmall, Nullg The scheme found is: (Prog2 (IfProc_Ori (Prog5 (If_turn_0 MoveBig) (If_turn_1 MoveBig) (If_turn_2 MoveBig) (If_turn_3 MoveBig) (Prog2 (If_turn_4 MoveBig) (If_turn_5 MoveBig)))) (IfProc_Menor (Prog4 (If_turn_0 MoveBig) (If_turn_1 MoveBig) (If_turn_2 MoveBig) (If_turn_3 MoveBig) (If_turn_4 MoveBig))))
This solution is equivalent to the optimal broadcasting algorithm for the hypercube: \At step i, each informed vertex sends the message in dimension i, 1 i k." 5.4 Cube-Connected-Cycles For this graph we use the graphical representation of gure 4 in which each column of vertices corresponds to one of the cycles. This representation suggests the following set of functions and terminals:
000r 100r 010r 110r 001r 101r 011r 111r r r r r r r r 1 r 2 r r r r r r r r 0
Fig. 4: The cube connected cycles
C C C3
Function set: fIfOri, IfProc Up, IfProc Down, IfProc Trans, If turn 0, If turn 1, If turn 2, Prog5, Prog4, Prog3, Prog2, Prog1g Terminal set: fMoveUp, MoveDown, MoveTrans, Nullg The solution found was (population=800, T=350, iterations=23420): (Prog3 (Prog2 (IfProc_Trans (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveTrans) (If_turn_0 MoveDown) (If_turn_1 MoveUp))) (IfProc_Down (Prog4 (If_turn_0 MoveTrans) (If_turn_0 MoveUp) (If_turn_1 MoveUp) (If_turn_2 MoveDown)))) (IfProc_Up (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveTrans) (If_turn_0 MoveDown) (If_turn_1 MoveDown))) (IfOri (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveTrans) (If_turn_1 MoveDown) (If_turn_2 MoveUp))))
If we remove the redundant functions, we obtain the optimal algorithm: \ rst relay the message to the hypercube neighbour (MoveTrans function), then to the right neighbour of the ring(MoveDown function), then to the left neighbour (MoveUp function)". 5.5 Butter y graph For these graphs no optimal broadcasting algorithm is known. The best previously known upper bound was given by Klasing, Monien, Peine and Stohr [7]: BFk 2k ? 1. Here we improve the upper bound to BFk 2k ? 2 for, at least, 7 k < 16.
0 1 2 0
r@ ?r r@ ?r r@ ?r r@ ?r r?H?H@@HrHHHr??@@r r?H?@H@HrHHHr??@@r XrXXrXXHXXHXrXXHXXHXrXXXXXrXXrHHr HHr rrXrXXXrXXXXXXrXXXXXXrXXXXXrXXXr
000 100 010 110 001 101 011 111
Fig. 5: Butter y graph
The graphical representation of butter ies suggests the following choice: 9
Function set: fIfOri, IfProc VertSup, IfProc VertInf, IfProc DiagSup, IfProc DiagInf, If turn 0, If turn 1, If turn 2, If turn 3, Prog6, Prog5, Prog4, Prog3, Prog2, Prog1g Terminal set: fMoveVertSup, MoveVertInf, MoveDiagSup, MoveDiagInf, Nullg For k = 7 and with a population of 800 individuals, T=350 and 32424 iterations we found the following solution that improved the best known broadcasting time for this graph by one: (Prog5 (IfProc_VInf (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveDiagSup) (If_turn_0 MoveVertSup) (If_turn_1 MoveVertSup))) (IfProc_DiagInf (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveDiagSup) (If_turn_0 MoveVertInf) (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveVertSup) (If_turn_1 MoveVertSup) (If_turn_2 MoveVertInf)))) (IfProc_DiagSup (Prog5 (If_turn_0 MoveDiagInf) (If_turn_0 MoveVertSup) (If_turn_0 MoveVertInf) (If_turn_1 MoveVertInf) (If_turn_2 MoveVertSup))) (IfOri (Prog4 (If_turn_0 MoveDiagInf) (If_turn_1 MoveDiagSup) (If_turn_2 MoveVertSup) (If_turn_3 MoveVertInf))) (IfProc_VSup (Prog3 (If_turn_0 MoveDiagInf) (If_turn_0 MoveVertInf) (If_turn_1 MoveVertInf))))
We tested this scheme for other graphs of the same family with 7 k < 16 and for all these graphs the broadcasting time was one unit less than the time obtained by the algorithm of Klasing et al., see Table 1. For butter ies with k < 7 our algorithm gives the known times. Figure 6 shows its execution on BF5 . k 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
lower bound 3 5 7 8 10 11 13 15 16 18 19 21 23 24
upper bound 3 5 7 9 11 12 * 14 * 16 * 18 * 20 * 22 * 24 * 26 * 28 *
Table 1: New upper bounds for the broadcasting time of using GP.
order 8 24 64 160 384 896 2048 4608 10240 22528 49152 106496 229376 491520 Values with an asterisk were found
step 0
step 2
step 4
step 6
step 8
0ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o*oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooo2oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo2ooooooooooooooo *4oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 4*oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o*o*oooooooooooooooooooooooo4ooo ooo4o4o*4ooooooo4ooooooo*ooooooo *oooooooooooooo4*ooooooooooooooo **6oooooooooooo6*oooooo6ooo6o6o* **o*oooooooooo6oo6oooo6ooo6o6o*o 6***6oo66ooo*ooo6ooo*ooo*ooo*o6o **o*o*6**ooooooo*ooooooo*6oooooo *6o6o6o*o6o*o*o***oooooo6oooooo6 ****88o**8o*8*8**88*8*8*8*8***** **8*8**888*8*8*****8*o*8*o*8*8** ******8**o88*8*8*88**8*8*8*o***8 **********88888***88888****8*888 **8*o*8***8*8******888o**88*8*8*
step 1
step 3
step 5
step 7
step 9
Fig. 6: Broadcasting process for the
*ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o1oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o*oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o3o*oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooo3oooooooooooooooo3ooooooo 3ooooooooooooooo*ooooooooooooooo **oooooooooooooo5oooooooooooooo5 **o5oooooooooooooooooooooooooo5o o*5*oooooooo5ooooooo5ooo5ooo*ooo 55o*o*o**ooooooo*ooooooo*ooooooo *oooooo5ooo5o5o**5oooooooooooooo ***7ooo77oo7o7o**oo7o7o*o7o*7*7* **o*o77ooo7o7o*77*7o7o*o7o*o*o*7 *****7o**ooo*o7o*oo7*o7o*o7o*7*o **7*7****7ooooo7*7ooooo7**7o7ooo **o*o*o*7*o*o*7***7oooo7*oo7o7o* ******9***9********************* *********************9***9****** *********9*****************9**** ******************************** ****9*****************9*********
on 160 vertices.
6 Conclusions
Genetic programming has proved successful by easily nding optimal broadcasting algorithms for several well known networks. An example of its potential is that we were able to nd in a straightforward way a new upper bound for the broadcasting time of butter y graphs. GP uses a genetic algorithm that it is a robust technique that works for a wide range of parameters. Therefore, it is possible to look for new communication schemes without expending time tuning these parameters. On the other hand, the choice of the function and terminal sets is also non-critical (considering extra functions, for example, aects the running time to nd an acceptable solution, but not its quality). We expect that simple variations of the algorithm presented here should be useful to nd new upper bounds for the broadcasting time of networks such as the de Bruijn, Kautz or star graphs, where improvement is possible. It should also be possible to adapt GP to deal with other models of broadcasting such as the linear time model, or for use in other communication problems like gossiping.
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