Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 9, No. 3, 1273-1282 (2015)
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences An International Journal
Geometrically Nonconvex Functions and Integral Inequalities Muhammad Aslam Noor1,∗ , Mihai Postolache2, Khalida Inayat Noor1 and Muhammad Uzair Awan1 1 Mathematics 2 Department
Department, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Park Road, Islamabad, Pakistan. of Mathematics-Informatics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania.
Received: 22 Jul. 2014, Revised: 23 Oct. 2014, Accepted: 24 Oct. 2014 Published online: 1 May 2015
Abstract: In this paper, we consider and investigate geometrically nonconvex functions. We derive several Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for geometrically (GG) nonconvex (relative convex) function and geometrically arithmetically (GA) nonconvex (relative convex) functions. We also obtain some fractional Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities. It is shown that one can obtain the previously known results as special cases from our results. The ideas and techniques of this paper may inspire further research in this field. Keywords: Convex functions, relative convex functions, geometrically relative convex functions, fractional integrals, HermiteHadamard inequality. 2010 AMS Subject Classification: 26A33, 26D15, 26A51
1 Introduction
Convexity plays an important role in different fields of pure and applied sciences. Knowing its importance, much attention has been given to this field by many researchers. Consequently the concept of convexity has been extended and generalized in different dimensions using novel and innovative techniques see [2–6, 11–20, 23, 26–29]. Youness [28] introduced a new class of convex functions with respect to an arbitrary function. This class of convex functions is called the relative convex functions or nonconvex functions. These nonconvex functions play an important role in optimization theory. Noor [15] has proved that the optimality condition for differentiable relative convex functions on relative convex sets can be characterized by a class of variational inequality which is called as general variational inequality. For the applications of relative convexity, see [13–15] and the references therein. Recently Noor et al. [18] introduced and investigated the concept of geometrically relative convex functions, which also contains the class of relative convex functions. Let f : I ⊆ R → R be a convex function with a < b and a, b ∈ I. Then the following double inequality is known as ∗ Corresponding
Hermite-Hadamard inequality in the literature. ! Zb a+b 1 f (a) + f (b) f ≤ . f (x)dx ≤ 2 b−a 2 a
For some recent extensions and generalizations of Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities, see [1, 3–6, 9, 11, 12, 17–20, 22–27, 29, 30]. Inspired and motivated and by the ongoing research we consider the class of geometrically nonconvex (relative convex) functions. Several new Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for geometrically nonconvex functions and its variant forms are obtained. Several special cases are discussed. The interested readers are encouraged to find the novel applications of the geometrically nonconvex functions and their variant forms in various areas of pure and applied sciences.
2 Preliminaries In this section, we recall some previously known concepts. In the sequel of the paper, Rn is the finite dimensional euclidian space, whose inner product is denoted by h., .i, G = [g(a), g(b)] ⊆ R+ = (0, ∞) where
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g : Rn → Rn be arbitrary function, unless otherwise specified. Definition 1( [12]). Let I ⊆ R+ . A geometrically convex set is defined as xt y1−t ∈ I,
∀x, y ∈ I,t ∈ [0, 1].
Definition 2( [12]). A function f : I ⊆ R+ → R+ is said to be geometrically convex, if f (xt y1−t ) ≤ ( f (x))t ( f (x))1−t ,
∀x, y ∈ I,t ∈ [0, 1].
We now define the concept of geometrically relative convex set. Definition 3( [18]). A set G is said to be geometrically nonconvex (relative convex) set with respect to an arbitrary function g : Rn → Rn and ∀x, y ∈ Rn if g(x), g(y) ∈ G , then t
(g(x)) (g(y))
∈ G , t ∈ [0, 1].
Using AM − GM inequality, we have t
(g(x)) (g(y)) ≤ tg(x) + (1 − t)g(y), ∀x, y ∈ Rn : g(x), g(y) ∈ G ,t ∈ [0, 1] Definition 4( [17, 28]). A set Mg ⊆ Rn is said to be a nonconvex (relative convex) set with respect to arbitrary function g : Rn → Rn , if (1)
It is proved in [8], that if Mg is a nonconvex set then it is possible that it may not be a classical convex set. For example, for Mg = [−1, − 12 ] ∪ [0, 1] and g(x) = x2 , ∀x ∈ R. Clearly, this is a nonconvex set but not classical convex set. Another possibility may occur that nonconvex set may be a classical convex set, for example if Mg = [−1, 1] and p 4 g(x) = |x|, ∀x ∈ R.
Definition 5( [18]). A function f : G → R+ is said to be geometrically nonconvex function (GG nonconvex function) with respect to an arbitrary function g : Rn → Rn and ∀x, y ∈ Rn : g(x), g(y) ∈ G ,t ∈ [0, 1], if f ((g(x))t (g(y))1−t ) ≤ ( f (g(x)))t ( f (g(y)))1−t .
From (2), it follows that
Definition 6( [18]). Let I = [g(a), g(b)] ⊆ R+ . Then f is geometrically nonconvex function, if and only if, 1 1 1 log g(x) log g(b) ≥ 0, log g(a) log f (g(a)) log f (g(x)) log f (g(b))
where g(a) ≤ g(x) ≤ g(b).
where g(x) = g(a)t g(b)1−t ∈ I and t ∈ [0, 1]. For g(x) = x Definition 6 reduces to the definition for geometrically convex functions, see [12]. Definition 7( [18]). A function f : G → R is said to be GA nonconvex function with respect to an arbitrary function g : Rn → Rn , if f ((g(x))t (g(y))1−t ) ≤ t f (g(x)) + (1 − t) f (g(y)), ∀x, y ∈ Rn : g(x), g(y) ∈ G ,t ∈ [0, 1]. (3)
tg(x) + (1 − t)g(y) ∈ Mg , ∀x, y ∈ Rn : g(x), g(y) ∈ Mg ,t ∈ [0, 1].
For t = 21 in (2), we have Jensen geometrically nonconvex functions, that is ! p p f g(x)g(y) ≤ f (g(x)) f (g(y)).
From Definition 3 and Definition 5, it follows that GG =⇒ GA, but the converse is not true. We also note that for g(x) = ex in Definition 5, we have f (etx+(1−t)y ) ≤ t f (ex ) + (1 − t) f (ey), ∀x, y ∈ G ,t ∈ [0, 1].
Again using the AM − GM inequality from Definition 3, we have the following known concept of relative convex functions. Definition 8( [17, 28]). A function f is said to be a nonconvex (relative convex) function (that is AA nonconvex function) on a nonconvex (relative convex) set Mg , there exists an arbitrary function g : Rn → Rn such that, f ((1 − t)g(x) + tg(y)) ≤ (1 − t) f (g(x)) + t f (g(y)), ∀x, y ∈ Rn : g(x), g(y) ∈ Mg ,t ∈ [0, 1]. (5) It is known [28] that every convex function f on a convex set is a nonconvex function, but the converse is not true. However, there are functions which are nonconvex function but may not be a convex function in the classical sense. For example, let Mg ⊂ R be given as:
2 log f ((g(x))t (g(y))1−t ) ≤ t log f (g(x)) + (1 − t) log f (g(y)), Mg = {(x, y) ∈ R : (x, y) = λ1 (0, 0) + λ2(0, 3) + λ3(2, 1)}, where λi > 0, ∑3i=1 λi = 1, and function g : R2 → R2 is ∀x, y ∈ Rn : g(x), g(y) ∈ G ,t ∈ [0, 1]. defined as g : (x, y) = (0, y), then the function f : R2 → R Using AM − GM inequality, we have defined by f ((g(x))t (g(y))1−t ) ≤ ( f (g(x)))t ( f (g(y)))1−t 3 ≤ t f (g(x)) + (1 − t) f (g(y)). x , if y < 1, f (x, y) = 3 This shows that every geometrically nonconvex function xy , if y ≥ 1. (that is GG nonconvex function) is also GA nonconvex is a nonconvex function but not a convex function. function, but the converse is not true see [12].
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Definition 9( [10]). The left sided and right sided Hadamard fractional integrals of order α ∈ R+ of function f (x) are defined as: !α −1 Zx x 1 dt α ln (H Ja+ f )(x) = f (t) , a < x ≤ b, Γ (α ) t t a
and (H Jbα−
1 f )(x) = Γ (α )
Zb x
x ln t
!α −1
dt f (t) , a ≤ x < b, t
where Γ (.) is the gamma function. Lemma 1( [21]). For 0 < σ ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ a < b, we have
|aσ − bσ | ≤ (b − a)σ .
Lemma 2( [21]). For all λ , υ , ω > 0, then for any t > 0, we have Z1 0
≤ max{1, 21−υ }Γ (λ ) 1 +
λ ω λ t υ −1 . υ
3 Main Results In this section, we derive our main results. Theorem 1. Let f : [g(a), g(b)] → R+ be geometrically nonconvex function. Then 1 ln g(b) − lng(a)
g(b) Z
f (g(x)) dg(x) g(x)
≤ L(g(b), g(a)) ≤ A(g(a), g(b)). Proof. Let f be geometrically nonconvex function. Then f ((g(a))t (g(b))1−t ) ≤ ( f (g(a)))t ( f (g(b)))1−t #t " f (g(a)) . = f (g(b)) f (g(b)) Integrating with respect t on [0, 1], we have 1 ln g(b) − lng(a)
g(b) Z
Theorem 2. Let f , w : [g(a), g(b)] → R+ be geometrically nonconvex functions. Then 1 ln g(b) − lng(a)
f (g(x)) dg(x) g(x)
f (g(b)) − f (g(a)) ln f (g(b)) − ln f (g(a)) = L( f (g(b)), f (g(a))) f (g(a)) + f (g(b)) ≤ 2 = A( f (g(a)), f (g(b))). This completes the proof. ⊓ ⊔
f (g(x))w(g(x)) dg(x) g(x)
Proof. Let f and w be geometrically nonconvex functions. Then f ((g(a))t (g(b))1−t )w((g(a))t (g(b))1−t ) ≤ ( f (g(a)))t ( f (g(b)))1−t (w(g(a)))t (w(g(b)))1−t #t " f (g(a))w(g(a)) . = f (g(b))w(g(b)) f (g(b))w(g(b)) Integrating with respect t on [0, 1], we have g(b) Z
f (g(x))w(g(x)) dg(x) g(x)
f (g(b))w(g(b)) − f (g(a))w(g(a)) ≤ ln f (g(b))w(g(b)) − ln f (g(a))w(g(a)) = L( f (g(b))w(g(b)), f (g(a))w(g(a))) f (g(a))w(g(a)) + f (g(b))w(g(b)) ≤ 2 = A( f (g(a))w(g(a)), f (g(b))w(g(b))). This completes the proof. ⊓ ⊔ Theorem 3. Let f , w : [g(a), g(b)] → R+ be geometrically nonconvex functions. If α + β = 1, then 1 ln g(b) − lng(a)
g(b) Z
f (g(x))w(g(x)) dg(x) g(x)
# 1−αα " f (g(a)) + f (g(b)) ≤α L( 1 −1) ( f (g(b)), f (g(a))) α 2 # 1−β " β w(g(a)) + w(g(b)) +β . L( 1 −1) (w(g(b)), w(g(a))) β 2 Proof. Let f and w be geometrically nonconvex functions. Using inequality, 1
xy ≤ α x α + β y β ,
g(b) Z
≤ L(g(b)g(b), g(a)g(a)) ≤ A(g(a)g(a), g(b)g(b)).
1 ln g(b) − lng(a)
(t − s)υ −1 sλ −1 eω s ds
α , β > 0, α + β = 1,
we have 1 ln g(b) − lng(a) =
g(b) Z
f (g(x))w(g(x)) dg(x) g(x)
f ((g(a))t (g(b))1−t )w((g(a))t (g(b))1−t )dt
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Z1 0
α ( f ((g(a))t (g(b))1−t ) α 1
+β (w((g(a))
Z1 0
Theorem 4. Let f , w : [g(a), g(b)] → R+ be increasing and geometrically nonconvex functions. Then
(g(b))1−t ) β
α [( f (g(a))) ( f (g(b))) +β [(w(g(a)))
= α ( f (g(b))) α
f (g(a)) f (g(b))
(w(g(b)))1−t ] β
!t 1
= α 2 ( f (g(b)))
w(g(a)) w(g(b))
f (g(a)) f (g(b))
= α2 +β
w((g(a))t (g(b))1−t ) ≤ [w(g(a))]t [w(g(b))]1−t .
w(g(a)) w(g(b))
Now, using hx1 − x2 , x3 − x4 i ≥ 0, (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ∈ R) and x1 < x2 < x3 < x4 , we have f ((g(a))1−t (g(b))t )[w(g(a))]t [w(g(b))]1−t
+w((g(a))t (g(b))1−t )[ f (g(a))]1−t [ f (g(b))]t +[ f (g(a))]1−t [ f (g(b))]t [w(g(a))]t [w(g(b))]1−t .
Integrating above inequalities with respect to t on [0, 1], we have Z1
1−β β
# 1−αα
f ((g(a))1−t (g(b))t )w((g(a))t (g(b))1−t )dt
# 1−β
Now, since f and w are increasing, we have
f ((g(a))
(g(b)) )dt
Z1 0
[w(g(a))]t [w(g(b))]1−t dt
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[ f (g(a))]1−t [ f (g(b))]t [w(g(a))]t [w(g(b))]1−t dt.
f (g(a)) + f (g(b)) L( 1 −1) ( f (g(b)), f (g(a))) α 2
This completes the proof. ⊓ ⊔
w((g(a))t (g(b))1−t )[ f (g(a))]1−t [ f (g(b))]t dt
L(w(g(b)), w(g(a)))
w(g(a)) + w(g(b)) L( 1 −1) (w(g(b)), w(g(a))) β 2
Z1 0
L( f (g(b)), f (g(a)))
f ((g(a))1−t (g(b))t )[w(g(a))]t [w(g(b))]1−t dt
− (w(g(a))) β L(w(g(b)), w(g(a))) w(g(b)) − w(g(a)) # 1−αα
+β L( 1 −1) (w(g(b)), w(g(a))) ≤α
f ((g(a))1−t (g(b))t ) ≤ [ f (g(a))]1−t [ f (g(b))]t
(w(g(b))) − (w(g(a))) log w(g(b)) − logw(g(a))
1 α
! g(a)g(b) dg(x) f (g(x))w g(x)
Proof. Let f and w be geometrically nonconvex functions. Then we have
1 β
1 β
= α L( 1 −1) ( f (g(b)), f (g(a))) "
( f (g(b))) α − ( f (g(a))) α L( f (g(b)), f (g(a))) f (g(b)) − f (g(a))
2 (w(g(b)))
g(b) Z
≤ f ((g(a))1−t (g(b))t )w((g(a))t (g(b))1−t )
( f (g(b))) − ( f (g(a))) log f (g(b)) − log f (g(a)) +β 2
1 α
1 α
! g(a)g(b) dg(x) w g(x)
+L[ f (g(a))w(g(a)), f (g(b))w(g(b))].
1 Zβ
g(b) Z
×L[ f (g(a)), f (g(b))]
+β 2 (w(g(b))) β = α2
f (g(x))dg(x)L[w(g(a)), w(g(b))]
1 ≤ ln g(b) − lng(a)
g(b) Z
1 + ln g(b) − lng(a)
+β (w(g(b))) β
1 α
1 ln g(b) − lng(a)
1−t α1
Z1 0
w((g(a)) (g(b))
[ f (g(a))]1−t [ f (g(b))]t dt
f ((g(a))1−t (g(b))t )w((g(a))t (g(b))1−t )dt
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[ f (g(a))]1−t [ f (g(b))]t [w(g(a))]t [w(g(b))]1−t dt.
we have
1 ln g(b) − lng(a)
This implies that 1 ln g(b) − lng(a)
g(b) Z
f (g(x))dg(x)L[w(g(a)), w(g(b))] =
1 + ln g(b) − lng(a)
! g(a)g(b) dg(x) w g(x)
1 ≤ 4
×L[ f (g(a)), f (g(b))] ≤
1 ln g(b) − lng(a)
g(b) Z
f (g(x))w
+L[ f (g(a))w(g(a)), f (g(b))w(g(b))].
Theorem 5. Let f and w be two GA-nonconvex functions. If f and w are similarly ordered then the product f w is again a GA-nonconvex function. Proof. The proof is obvious. ⊓ ⊔
f ((g(a))t (g(b))1−t )w((g(a))t (g(b))1−t )dt Z1 0
( f ((g(a))t (g(b))1−t ))
1 ≤ 4
Z1 0
f (g(x))w(g(x)) dg(x) g(x)
f (g(a))w(g(a)) + f (g(b))w(g(b)) ≤ . 2 Proof. The proof directly follows from integrating inequality (6) with respect to t on [0, 1]. ⊓ ⊔ Theorem 7. Let f , w : [g(a), g(b)] → R be GA-nonconvex functions. Then 1 ln g(b) − lng(a) ≤
g(b) Z
f (g(x))w(g(x)) dg(x) g(x)
1 A2 + B2 , 8
where A = f (g(a)) + w(g(a)), and B = f (g(b)) + w(g(b)), respectively. Proof. Let f and w be GA-nonconvex functions. Using inequality 1 xy ≤ (x + y)2 ∀x, y ∈ R, 4
t f (g(a)) + (1 − t) f (g(b)) #2
+tw(g(a)) + (1 − t)w(g(b)) dt 1 = 4
Z1 0
t{ f (g(a)) + w(g(a))}
Theorem 6. Let f , w : [g(a), g(b)] → R be similarly ordered GA-nonconvex functions. Then we have g(b) Z
+(w((g(a))t (g(b))1−t ))
This completes the proof. ⊓ ⊔
1 ln g(b) − lng(a)
f (g(x))w(g(x)) dg(x) g(x)
g(a)g(b) dg(x) g(x)
g(b) Z
g(b) Z
+(1 − t){ f (g(b)) + w(g(b))} 1 = 4
Z1 0
1 = 4
tA + (1 − t)B dt 2 2
2 2
t A + (1 − t) B + 2t(1 − t)AB dt
" # ! 1 1 2 2 2 2 = A + B + AB ≤ A +B . 12 8 This completes the proof. ⊓ ⊔ Now we prove some Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities via fractional integrals. First of all, we present some results which play a key role in proving our next results. Using essentially the technique of [24], one can prove the following results. Lemma 3. Let f : [g(a), g(b)] → R be a differentiable function on (g(a), g(b)) with g(a) < g(b). Suppose f ′ ∈ L[g(a), g(b)], then i h Γ (α + 1) α α H Jg(a)+ f (g(b)) +H Jg(b)− f (g(a)) α 2(ln(g(b)) − ln(g(a))) g(a) + g(b) −f 2 =
g(b) − g(a) 2
Z1 0
ψ (t) f ′ (tg(a) + (1 − t)g(b))dt
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ln g(b) − ln g(a) − 2
[(1 − t)α − t α ]et ln g(a)+(1−t) lng(b)
0 t ln g(a)+(1−t) lng(b)
× f ′ (e
where A1 = g(b) − g(a), A2 = √ g(a)g(b)(ln g(b)−lng(a)) respectively. A3 = 2(α +1)
ψ (t) =
1, −1,
0 ≤ t < 21 , 1 2 ≤ t < 1.
Lemma 4. Let f : [g(a), g(b)] → R be a differentiable function on (g(a), g(b)) with g(a) < g(b). Suppose f ′ ∈ L[g(a), g(b)], then then following identity holds: i h Γ (α + 1) α α H Jg(a)+ f (g(b)) +H Jg(b)− f (g(a)) α 2(ln(g(b)) − ln(g(a))) p − f g(a)g(b) Z1 ln g(b) − ln g(a) = ψ (t)eln g(b)−t(lng(b)−ln g(a)) 2 0 ln g(b)−t(lng(b)−ln g(a))
× f ′ (e −
Z1 0
[(1 − t)α − t α ]eln g(b)−t(lng(b)−ln g(a))
h i Γ (α + 1) α α H Jg(a)+ f (g(b)) +H Jg(b)− f (g(a)) 2(ln(g(b)) − ln(g(a))) g(a) + g(b) −f 2
g(b) − g(a) 2
Z1 0
Z1 0
| f ′ (tg(a) + (1 − t)g(b))|dt +
g(b) − g(a) ′ ≤ | f (g(b))| 2 +
× f (e
ψ (t) =
1, −1,
)dt ,
ln g(b) − ln g(a) 2
α f (g(a)) +H Jg(a) + α
f (g(b))]
−[ f (g(a))(ln g(x) − ln g(a)) + f (g(b))(ln g(b) − ln g(x)) ] Z1 0
(t α − 1)et ln g(x)+(1−t) ln g(b)
−(ln g(x) − ln g(a))
Z1 0
t ln g(x)+(1−t) lng(a)
[(1 − t)α − t α ]et ln g(a)+(1−t) lng(b) | f ′ (g(b))|dt
ln g(b) − ln g(a) 2
[t α − (1 − t)α ]et ln g(a)+(1−t) lng(b) | f ′ (g(b))|dt
1 2
g(b) − g(a) ′ | f (g(b))| 2 g(b)(ln g(b) − ln g(a)) ′ + | f (g(b))|(C1 + C2 ), 2
where C1 =
[(1 − t)α − t α ]e−t(ln g(b)−lng(a)) dt.
C2 =
[t α − (1 − t)α ]e−t(ln g(b)+lng(a)) dt.
(t − 1)e
× f ′ (et ln g(x)+(1−t) lng(a) )dt
Now using above results, we derive our results via fractional integrals Theorem 8. Let f : [g(a), g(b)] → R be a differentiable function on (g(a), g(b)) with g(a) < g(b) where g is any arbitrary function. If α ∈ (0, 1], f ′ ∈ L[g(a), g(b)] and is nondecreasing, then # " Γ (α + 1) α α Jg(a)+ f (g(b)) +H Jg(b)− f (g(a)) 2(ln(g(b)) − ln(g(a))) H ! g(a) + g(b) −f 2 " # | f ′ (g(b))| A1 + A2 + A3 , ≤ 2
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× f ′ (et ln g(x)+(1−t) lng(b) )dt α +1
ln g(b) − ln g(a) + 2
Lemma 5. Let f : [g(a), g(b)] → R be a differentiable function on (g(a), g(b)) with g(a) < g(b). Suppose f ′ ∈ L[g(a), g(b)], then
= (ln g(b) − ln g(x))α +1
|(1 − t)α − t α |et ln g(a)+(1−t) lng(b) | f ′ (g(b))|dt
g(b) − g(a) ′ = | f (g(b))| 2
0 ≤ t < 21 , 1 2 ≤ t < 1.
α Γ (α + 1)[H Jg(b) −
ln g(b) − ln g(a) 2
|(1 − t)α − t α |et ln g(a)+(1−t) lng(b) | f ′ (et ln g(a)+(1−t) ln g(b) )|dt
ln g(b)−t(lng(b)−ln g(a))
Proof. Using Lemma 3 and the fact that f ′ is nondecreasing, we have
g(b)(α +2) α +1
1 2
Now 1
C1 =
Z2 0
[(1 − t)α − t α ]e−t(ln g(b)−ln g(a)) dt
Z2 0
(1 − 2t)α e−t(ln g(b)−lng(a)) dt 1
1 = 2
Z2 0
(1 − s)(α +1)−1e− 2 (ln g(b)−ln g(a))s ds 1
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1 1 ≤ max{1, 2−α } 1 + 2 α +1
ln g(b) − lng(a) 2
α +2 ≤ , (α + 1)(ln g(b) − lng(a))
C2 =
[t − (1 − t) ]e
(2t − 1)α e−t(ln g(b)−lng(a)) dt
1 2
1 2
1 = 2
Z2 1
−t(ln g(b)+lng(a))
g(a) g(b)
2(α + 1)
Z1 0
(1 − τ )α e
ln g(b)−ln g(a) τ 2
i h Γ (α + 1) α α H Jg(a)+ f (g(b)) +H Jg(b)− f (g(a)) α 2(ln(g(b)) − ln(g(a))) p g(a)g(b) −f ! g(b)(ln g(b) − ln g(a)) ≤ 2 q " g(a) # α +2 g(b) + | f ′ (g(b))|. × 1+ (α + 1)(ln g(b) − ln g(a)) 2(α + 1)
(1 − τ )α d τ
Theorem 9. Let f : [g(a), g(b)] → R be a differentiable function on (g(a), g(b)) with g(a) < g(b) where g is any arbitrary function. If α ∈ (0, 1], f ′ ∈ L[g(a), g(b)] and is nondecreasing, then i h Γ (α + 1) α α H Jg(a)+ f (g(b)) +H Jg(b)− f (g(a)) 2(ln(g(b)) − ln(g(a))) g(a) + g(b) −f 2 " !#
g(b) − g(a) g(b)(ln g(b) − ln g(a)) 1 1− α + 2 α +1 2
i h Γ (α + 1) α α H Jg(a)+ f (g(b)) +H Jg(b)− f (g(a)) 2(ln(g(b)) − ln(g(a))) g(a) + g(b) −f 2 g(b) − g(a) ′ ≤ | f (g(b))| 2
Proof. Using Lemma 4 and the fact that f ′ is nondecreasing, we have i h Γ (α + 1) α α f (g(b)) + J f (g(a)) J + − H H g(a) g(b) 2(ln(g(b)) − ln(g(a)))α p − f g(a)g(b)
ln g(b) − ln g(a) 2 Z1 × eln g(b)−t(lng(b)−ln g(a)) | f ′ (eln g(b)−t(ln g(b)−ln g(a)) )|dt
| f ′ (g(b))|.
Proof. Using Lemma 3 and the fact that f ′ is nondecreasing, we have
Z2 0
ln g(b) − ln g(a) 2
[(1 − t)α − t α ]| f ′ (g(b))|dt Z1 1 2
[t α − (1 − t)α ]| f ′ (g(b))|dt
Z1 0
|(1 − t)α − t α |eln g(b)−t(lng(b)−ln g(a)) |
× f (eln g(b)−t(lng(b)−ln g(a)) )|dt
ln g(b) − ln g(a) 2 Z1 Z1 ′ × g(b)| f (g(b))|dt + |(1 − t)α − t α |
ln g(b)−t(lng(b)−ln g(a))
ln g(b) − ln g(a) + 2
| f ′ (g(b))|.
Theorem 10. Let f : [g(a), g(b)] → R be a differentiable function on (g(a), g(b)) with g(a) < g(b), where g ia any arbitrary function. If α ∈ (0, 1], f ′ ∈ L[g(a), g(b)] and is nondecreasing, then
where we have utilized Lemma 1 and Lemma 2. Combining (7), (8) and (9) completes the proof. ⊓ ⊔
This completes the proof. ⊓ ⊔
g(b) − g(a) g(b)(ln g(b) − ln g(a)) 1 = + 1− α 2 α +1 2
1 ln g(b)−ln g(a) 2 ≤ e− 2 q
1 2
(s − 1)α e− 2 (ln g(b)−lng(a))s ds
1 = e−(ln g(b)−ln g(a)) 2
g(b) − g(a) ′ g(b)(ln g(b) − ln g(a)) ′ | f (g(b))| + | f (g(b))| 2 2 Z1 Z2 α α [(1 − t) − t ]dt + [t α − (1 − t)α ]dt ×
and Z1
| f ′ (eln g(b)−t(lng(b)−ln g(a)) )|dt
g(b)(ln g(b) − ln g(a))
h × 1+
i α +2 g(b) | f ′ (g(b))|. + (α + 1)(ln g(b) − ln g(a)) 2(α + 1)
This completes the proof. ⊓ ⊔ c 2015 NSP
Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
M. A. Noor et. al. : Geometrically Nonconvex Functions and...
Theorem 11. Let f : [g(a), g(b)] → R be a differentiable function on (g(a), g(b)) with g(a) < g(b), where g ia any arbitrary function. If α ∈ (0, 1], f ′ ∈ L[g(a), g(b)] and is nondecreasing, then h i Γ (α + 1) α α H Jg(a)+ f (g(b)) +H Jg(b)− f (g(a)) α 2(ln(g(b)) − ln(g(a))) p − f g(a)g(b) !" !# 2 1 g(b)(ln g(b) − ln g(a)) 1+ 1− α ≤ | f ′ (g(b))|. 2 α +1 2
Proof. Using Lemma 4 and the fact that f ′ is nondecreasing the proof is obvious. Theorem 12. Let f : [g(a), g(b)] → R be a differentiable function on (g(a), g(b)) with g(a) < g(b) and f ′ ∈ [g(a), g(b)]. Let f ′ be GA-nonconvex function. Then for | f ′ (g(x))| ≤ M, g(x) ∈ [g(a), g(b)] we have α α |Γ (α + 1)[H Jg(x) − f (g(a)) +H Jg(x)+ f (g(b))]
−[ f (g(a))(ln g(x) − ln g(a))α + f (g(b))(ln g(b) − ln g(x))α ]| α M(g(b)) [(ln g(b) − ln g(x))α +1 + (ln g(x) − ln g(a))α +1 ]. ≤ α +1
Proof. Using Lemma 5 and the fact that f ′ is GA-nonconvex function, we have α α |Γ (α + 1)[H Jg(x) − f (g(a)) +H Jg(x)+ f (g(b))] α
−[ f (g(a))(ln g(x) − ln g(a)) + f (g(b))(ln g(b) − ln g(x)) ]| ≤ (ln g(b) − ln g(x))α +1 ′
t ln g(x)+(1−t) ln g(b)
×| f (e
+(ln g(x) − ln g(a))α +1
Z1 0
0 t ln g(x)+(1−t) ln g(a)
×| f (e
(1 − t α )et ln g(x)+(1−t) ln g(b)
(1 − t α )et ln g(x)+(1−t) lng(a)
= (ln g(b) − ln g(x))α +1
Z1 0
(1 − t α )(g(x))t (g(b))1−t
×| f ′ ((g(x))t (g(b))1−t )|dt +(ln g(x) − ln g(a))α +1
Z1 0
(1 − t α )(g(x))t (g(a))1−t
≤ (ln g(b) − ln g(x)) ′
0 ′
(1 − t )(g(x)) (g(b))
×[t| f (g(x))| + (1 − t)| f (g(b))|]dt +(ln g(x) − ln g(a))
α +1
Z1 0
[t(1 − t α ) + (1 − t)(1 − t α )]dt
This completes the proof. ⊓ ⊔ Theorem 13. Let f : [g(a), g(b)] → R be a differentiable function on (g(a), g(b)) with g(a) < g(b) and f ′ ∈ [g(a), g(b)]. Let | f ′ |q be GA-nonconvex function. Then for | f ′ (g(x))| ≤ M, g(x) ∈ [g(a), g(b)], we have α α |Γ (α + 1)[H Jg(x) − f (g(a)) +H Jg(x)+ f (g(b))]
−[ f (g(a))(ln g(x) − ln g(a))α + f (g(b))(ln g(b) − ln g(x))α ]| α M(g(b)) [(ln g(b) − ln g(x))α +1 + (ln g(x) − ln g(a))α +1 ]. ≤ α +1
Proof. Using Lemma 5, the fact that | f ′ |q is GA-nonconvex function and well known Power mean inequality, we have α α |Γ (α + 1)[H Jg(x) − f (g(a)) +H Jg(x)+ f (g(b))]
−[ f (g(a))(ln g(x) − ln g(a))α + f (g(b))(ln g(b) − ln g(x))α ]| ≤ (ln g(b) − ln g(x))α +1
Z1 0
|1 − t α )et ln g(x)+(1−t) ln g(b)
×| f ′ (et ln g(x)+(1−t) ln g(b) )|dt +(ln g(x) − ln g(a))α +1
Z1 0
(1 − t α )et ln g(x)+(1−t) lng(a)
×| f ′ (et ln g(x)+(1−t) ln g(a) )|dt ≤ (ln g(b) − ln g(x))α +1 g(b) ×| f ′ ((g(x))t (g(b))1−t )|dt +(ln g(x) − ln g(a))α +1 g(b) ′
×| f ((g(x)) (g(a))
Z1 0
Z1 0
(1 − t )(g(x)) (g(a))
≤ M(g(b))[(ln g(b) − ln g(x))
α +1
(1 − t α )
(1 − t α )
≤ (ln g(b) − ln g(x))α +1 g(b) !1− 1 Z1 Z1 0
(1 − t α )dt
(1 − t α ) !1 q
×| f ((g(x)) (g(b))
)| dt
+(ln g(x) − ln g(a))α +1 g(b) !1− 1 Z1 Z1 ×
(1 − t α )dt
(1 − t α ) !1 q
×[t| f ′ (g(x))| + (1 − t)| f ′ (g(a))|]dt
c 2015 NSP
Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
α M(g(b)) [(ln g(b) − ln g(x))α +1 + (ln g(x) − ln g(a))α +1 ]. ≤ α +1
×| f ′ ((g(x))t (g(a))1−t )|dt α +1
+(ln g(x) − ln g(a))
α +1
×| f ((g(x)) (g(a))
α ≤ M(g(b)) α +1
)| dt
!1− 1 q
Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 9, No. 3, 1273-1282 (2015) /
×[(ln g(b) − ln g(x))α +1 + (ln g(x) − ln g(a))α +1 ] !1 Z1 ×
[t(1 − t α ) + (1 − t)(1 − t α )]dt
α M(g(b)) [(ln g(b) − ln g(x))α +1 + (ln g(x) − ln g(a))α +1 ]. ≤ α +1
This completes the proof. ⊓ ⊔ Acknowledgement. The authors are grateful to Dr. S. M. Junaid Zaidi, Rector, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan for providing excellent research facilities. This research is supported by HEC NRPU project No: 20-1966/R&D/11-2553.
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Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
M. Aslam Noor earned his PhD degree from Brunel University, London, UK (1975) in the field of Applied Mathematics (Numerical Analysis and Optimization). He has vast experience of teaching and research at university levels in various countries including Pakistan, Iran, Canada, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. His field of interest and specialization is versatile in nature. It covers many areas of Mathematical and Engineering sciences such as Variational Inequalities, Operations Research and Numerical Analysis. He has been awarded by the President of Pakistan: President’s Award for pride of performance on August 14, 2008, in recognition of his contributions in the field of Mathematical Sciences. He was awarded HEC Best Research paper award in 2009. He has supervised successfully several Ph.D and MS/M.Phil students. He is currently member of the Editorial Board of several reputed international journals of Mathematics and Engineering sciences. He has more than 790 research papers to his credit which were published in leading world class journals. Mihai Postolache is a member of Department of Mathematics and Informatics at University Politehnica of Bucharest. He is professor and department head. His research interest covers Fixed Point Theory, Nonlinear Optimization, Numerical Algorithms, Variational Inequalities, and Methods of Mathematical Physics. He is Founding President of Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies, and member of some scientific societies: Balkan Society of Geometers and Fair Partners Team for the Promotion of Science. He is a reviewer for very selective journals of mathematics and develops a hard work for the academic community.
c 2015 NSP
Natural Sciences Publishing Cor.
M. A. Noor et. al. : Geometrically Nonconvex Functions and...
Khalida Inayat Noor is a leading world-known figure in mathematics and is presently employed as HEC Foreign Professor at CIIT, Islamabad. She obtained her PhD from Wales University (UK). She has a vast experience of teaching and research at university levels in various countries including Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Canada and United Arab Emirates. She was awarded HEC best research paper award in 2009 and CIIT Medal for innovation in 2009. She has been awarded by the President of Pakistan: Presidents Award for pride of performance on August 14, 2010 for her outstanding contributions in mathematical sciences and other fields. Her field of interest and specialization is Complex analysis, Geometric function theory, Functional and Convex analysis. She introduced a new technique, now called as Noor Integral Operator which proved to be an innovation in the field of geometric function theory and has brought new dimensions in the realm of research in this area. She has been personally instrumental in establishing PhD/MS programs at CIIT. Dr. Khalida Inayat Noor has supervised successfully several Ph.D and MS/M.Phil students. She has been an invited speaker of number of conferences and has published more than 400 (Four hundred ) research articles in reputed international journals of mathematical and engineering sciences. She is member of editorial boards of several international journals of mathematical and engineering sciences. Muhammad Uzair Awan has earned his MS degree from COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aslam Noor. His field of interest is Convex Analysis and Numerical Optimization. He has published several papers in outstanding International journals of Mathematics and Engineering sciences.