Goal Programming with Utility Function for Funding Allocation of a ...

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Keywords: Goal programming, Library fund, Utility function. 1 Introduction ..... Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(10): 5306-5313. ... news/index.php/en/extras/377-ukm-aims-at-having-a-fifty-fifty-ratio-of- under graduate ...
Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, 2012, no. 110, 5487 - 5493

Goal Programming with Utility Function for Funding Allocation of a University Library Nasruddin Hassan* and Lim Lih Loon School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor DE, Malaysia [email protected]

Abstract The funding of library is optimally utilized to achieve the need of users. We build a goal programming model with utility functions to maximize the number of reading materials bought and the utility for each field’s user for bought materials. The model is then applied to a public university library. The goal programming model illustrated an optimum solution for funding allocation with utility of each field’s user of the library. Keywords: Goal programming, Library fund, Utility function

1 Introduction As a research university, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) library known as Perpustakaan Tun Seri Lanang (PTSL) is committed to be a source of diversified information, from classical materials to digital reading materials. It plays a vital role to ensure that UKM remains to be an institution of knowledge relevant to current needs of education. As UKM aims to have a one to one ratio of undergraduate to graduate intake by 2015 (Musa 2010), the library should not be biased when allocating funds for academic areas. Thus, this gave rise to a mathematic model that can give optimum and balanced solution for the allocation. Due to limited funding but unlimited demand from library users, the library has to properly apportioned its allocation. The total funding for the library has been decreased from RM10905000 in 2011 to RM8395000 in 2012 (UKM 2011).Thus,


N. Hassan and Lim Lih Loon

The importance of fair and unbiased allocation of funding for materials of different academic fields is more obvious as resources are low.

The library may face multiple objectives. Goal programming is one technique that can be used in such situations (Winston 2007) for solving multi criteria decision making and multi objectives decision making problems by finding a set of satisfying solutions (Chang et al. 2011). Hassan et al. (2010a, 2010b) and Hassan and Tabar (2011) dealt with decision making of multiobjective resource allocation problems. Hassan and Mohammad Basir (2009) and Hassan and Ayop (2012) used goal programming for decision making in various applications.

Under some further mathematical assumptions, the preferences of the decision maker can be modelled by the value or utility functions (Podinovski 2010). The choice of a utility in portfolio selection in a given asset market is based on the preferred degree of risk aversion, which is by nature subjective. In the financial literature, except portfolio selection, a problem often includes consumption choice as well (Yu et al. 2009). A multi-choice goal programming model with utility functions is proposed so that the library not only can optimize the deviations of variables from the goals, but also the utility of the decision being made.

2 Model Bulding       The two objectives of funding allocation are to:

i. maximize the use of funding to each field of knowledge. ii. balance the purchase of materials with respect to the priority of the field of knowledge.

The variables, constant, and constraints are listed below: 2.1 Decision variables xi = number of reading materials that should be bought for subject i di = under achievement of the ith goal di + = over achievement of the ith goal e= under achievement of fund used from the total fund + e = over achievement of fund used from the total fund λi = utility for the ith goal fi = dissatisfactory for ith goal yi = objective value of ith goal

Goal programming with utility function


2.2 Coefficients and constants average cost for reading materials of subject i

Ci =

T = gmaxi gmini

total funding available = upper demand limit for subject i = lower demand limit for subject i

2.3 Constraints i.

Funding: Product of average cost for each reading material and its number purchased must not exceed the total funding available. Also assume that the amount of funding used, fund, should be at least half of the total funding available, where dfund+ and dfund- are positive and negative deviations of the product of average cost for each reading material and its number purchased. m

∑ c x − dfund i =1




1 T ≤ fund ≤ T , 2


+ dfund − = fund fund − e + + e − = T

Utility: Assume that if the number of reading materials purchased equal to the greater of the amount purchased in the past two years, then utility is maximized. Else utility is minimized. Thus gmini equals to the lesser number purchased in that period for subject i while gmaxi equals to the greater number. g max n − d n+ + d n− = y n , g min n ≤ y n ≤ g max n y n − g min n λ n + f n− = 1 λn ≤ , g max n − g min n

2.4 Objective function The objective function is to minimize z, defined as the summation of all the deviations from every goal. m

min z = ∑ (d i+ + d i− + f i − ) + dfund + + dfund − + e + + e − i =1

3 Application The PTSL of UKM is the second largest library in South East Asia and possesses collection of books running into millions of units. Based on the library’s annual report of 2008, the total collection of books in is 657123 with RM 2250000 available for purchase of new materials. Nonetheless PTSL was


N. Hassan and Lim Lih Loon

over-budgeted in the year 2008. PTSL has divided its collection of books into 32 areas. These include faculties, research centres, and other groupings as listed in columns 1 and 2 of Table 1.

Table 1: Number of reading materials i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Faculty/Centre/Area Engineering Information Sci.&Tech Env.Sci & Nat. Res. Chem. Sci. & Food Tech Mathematical Science Applied Physics Biosci.& Biotechnology ANGKASA IMEN LESTARI SEL FUEL GENOME SERI IKON IKMAS History & Strategy Education Economy & Business Language & Linguistic Media & Comm. Soc. Develop. & Env. Psych & Human Dev. Literature Lang. & Malay Culture Islamic Collection Media Reference S. E. Asia Collection Document Collection General Study Thesis Children Library Co-Curriculum TOTAL

Average cost 407.680 278.877 393.296 579.785 341.712 530.188 428.849 339.112 649.163 405.931 437.141 628.910 442.013 97.418 334.650 260.687 249.829 263.697 246.165 343.251 211.871 341.520 82.165 90.752 400.103 517.509 79.025 165.057 202.820 294.517 15.374 343.479

Number in year 2008 818 459 228 131 191 98 95 169 73 60 33 16 20 57 1 588 496 278 189 122 143 48 101 4,017 469 299 1,843 516 192 120 376 10 12256

Our mathematical model is 32

min z = ∑ ( d i+ + d i− + f i − ) + dfund + + dfund − + e + + e − i =1

subject to

Number in year 2007 897 1058 240 156 417 286 243 67 29 22 38 38 38 11 55 696 375 800 387 245 298 110 208 233 584 153 1399 401 57 268 180 58 10047

Optimum number xi 818 459 228 131 191 98 95 67 29 22 33 16 20 27 1 588 375 278 189 122 145 48 208 4017 469 153 1843 437 57 120 376 10 8323

Goal programming with utility function


∑c i =1



xi − dfund + + dfund − = fund

1125000 ≤ fund ≤ 2250000 ,

fund − e + + e − = 2250000

g max n − d n+ + d n− = y n ,

g min n ≤ y n ≤ g max n

λn ≤

y n − g min n , g max n − g min n

λ n + f n− = 1

n = {1,2,3,…,32}

4 Result and Discussion LINGO is used to solve this model. The optimal number of reading materials to be bought is displayed in the last column of Table 1. Table 2 lists the values of utility function, overachievement and underachievement variables. Table 2: Deviational variables and utility values i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Faculty/Centre/Area Engineering Information Science and Technology Environmental Science & Natural Resources Chemical Science & Food Technology Mathematical Science Applied Physics Bioscience & Biotechnology ANGKASA IMEN LESTARI SEL FUEL GENOME SERI IKON IKMAS Political History & Strategy Education Economy & Business Language & Linguistic Media & Communication Development Social & Environment Psychology & Human Development Literature Language & Malay Culture Islamic Collection Media Reference South East Asia Collection Document Collection General Study Thesis Children Library Co-Curriculum

d+ 70 599 12 25 226 188 148 102 44 38 5 22 18 0 54 108 121 532 198 123 153 62 0 0 115 146 0 79 135 148 0 48

d0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Utility 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.013 0 1 1 0 0 1 0.313 0 0 1 0


N. Hassan and Lim Lih Loon

dfund+ = 0.000000, dfund- = 0.5760000 e+ = 0.000000, e- = 0.000000 fund = 2250000 It is found that fund = RM 2250000, implying that the funding has been fully utilized. The dfund- small value of 0.576 shows that there is only RM 0.576 left. Values of 0 for e+ and e- mean that the total of funding used equals to the total funding available. d+ is the reduction of the number of reading materials bought from the greater number of the past two years, and vice versa for d-. The values of d 2+ for Information Science and Technology  and d18+   for Economy and Business are greater than the others. These might probably be due to the big difference between the number of reading materials bought in the past two years. If too many books were bought last year, the need for new books will be lower for the present year.

5 Conclusion Goal programming with utility functions to overcome the funding allocation problem in purchasing reading materials has been successfully applied to a university library. The utility value approach will help libraries make better decisions in optimizing funding allocation in order to maximize utility with limited resources such as this library funding allocation problem.

Acknowledgement       We are indebted to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia for funding this research under the grant UKM-GUP-2011-159.

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Goal programming with utility function


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Received: May, 2012