GOOGLE VOICE. Google Voice is not a phone service, it is a product to help you manage all of your phones. Using Google.
The Center for Teaching and Learning 480.461.7331
[email protected]
GOOGLE VOICE Google Voice is not a phone service, it is a product to help you manage all of your phones. Using Google Voice you can setup a single alias number for all your phones (mobile, home, work, etc.) and choose which phones will ring when the number is called. You can even get visual voicemail delivered to your Gmail from your new number, making it easier then ever to get back to people!
Accessing Google Voice ● Where do I login? Login into your Maricopa Calendar using your browser through MyMCC (select Employee Gmail) or ● How do I open Google Voice? Open Google Voice, by clicking the More > Even More link
from the Google menu at the top left of your Gmail window and then navigate to Home & Office and select Voice.
Getting Started Setup Your Google Voice Number You can use Google Voice with a new number from Google or your own mobile number. What should I choose? Well it depends on whether you want people to have your personal phone number or you want an alias that you can share with anyone without them having access to your “real” number. These instructions will take you through the process of creating a new number.
Steps 1 3: Creating a new number ● Select I want a new number in the Getting Started dialog box.
● In the Choose your number dialog box, enter a valid Area, zip code or city and click Search numbers.
H.Agria 10/3/2012 1
The Center for Teaching and Learning 480.461.7331
[email protected]
● Pick the number you prefer from the available results and select Continue.
Step 4: Create a new pin ● Choose a 4digit number to access your voicemail by phone, accept the Google Voice Terms and select Continue.
Step 5: Add a forwarding phone ● Add at least one forwarding phone that will ring when your new Google Voice number is called and select Continue. The number can be for work, home or a mobile phone. Note: You can add more forwarding phones later and your new Google Voice number can be used to ring one or all of those lines.
H.Agria 10/3/2012 2
The Center for Teaching and Learning 480.461.7331
[email protected]
Step 6: Verify your phone ● Select Call me now and follow the instructions to enter the verification code.
Step 7: Write down your new number and finish the process ● Congratulations you now are on Google Voice, select Finish to complete the process and make sure you write down your new number.
Your Voice Inbox
H.Agria 10/3/2012 3
The Center for Teaching and Learning 480.461.7331
[email protected]
Settings Adding or Editing Phone Numbers To add more numbers to your Google Voice account open your Voice settings by click the Gear icon in the upper right corner of your Voice account inbox and select Settings.
Steps to add another phone: 1. From the Phones tab under settings, select Add another phone. 2. Follow the instructions to add the phone name, number and type. 3. Choose Show the advanced settings to setup a voicemail pin for the phone and a ring schedule (i.e. when do you want this phone to ring when the Google Number is called).
Steps to edit an existing phone: 1. From the Phones tab under settings, select Edit under the phone you want to edit. 2. Follow the instructions to edit the phone name, number and type. 3. Choose Show the advanced settings to setup a voicemail pin for the phone and a ring schedule (i.e. when do you want this phone to ring when the Google Number is called).
Voicemail & Text Google Voice allows you to set a voicemail for your account when you do not answer any of the phones that your Google Voice Number is set to ring. You can forward this voicemail, as well as any texts you receive, to your email account. To access your Voicemail & Text options for your Google Voice account, open your Voice settings by click the
Gray Gear icon in the upper right corner of your Voice account inbox and select Settings.
Steps to Recording a Greeting 1. From the Voicemail & Text tab under settings, select Record New Greeting. 2. In the dialog box, enter a Greeting Name and select Continue.
H.Agria 10/3/2012 4
The Center for Teaching and Learning 480.461.7331
[email protected]
Note: You have the option to set this greeting as your default for all callers or to setup unique voicemail messages for specific callers if you use Contact (see this article: 3. Choose what phone you want this greeting for and select Connect. 4. Google Voice will call that number to have you record your greeting. Follow the voice prompts to complete the process. 5. Select Save changes.
Voicemail Notifications 1. Voicemail & Text tab under settings, select Voicemail Notifications. 2. Select the check box next to Email the message to: and either leave the default email address for your Gmail account OR Add a new email address. Note: You can play your messages from within your Gmail account!
Text Forwarding 1. Voicemail & Text tab under settings, select Text Forwarding. 2. Select the check box next to Forward any text message to my email. 3. Select Save changes.
Voicemail Transcripts Google Voice can transcribe your voicemail into text. This can be a very nice feature when you are also forwarding your messages to your email. 1. Voicemail & Text tab under settings, select Text Forwarding. 2. Select the check box next to Transcribe Voicemails. 3. Select Save changes.
Handling Calls Google Voice has a variety of settings to help you handle calls such as displaying the caller’s number, setting up a do not disturb, placing and/or forwarding missed calls to your Gmail and more. To review the Call settings, open your Voice settings by click the Gray Gear icon in the upper right corner of your Voice account inbox and select Settings and choose the Call settings tab. H.Agria 10/3/2012 5
The Center for Teaching and Learning 480.461.7331
[email protected]
Managing Your Voice Inbox Managing your Google Voice Inbox is a lot like managing email. As you receive calls voicemail messages and missed calls (depending on your settings) will collect in your Inbox.
Playing Messages Under the message select the Play icon. The icon will also tell you how long the message is.
Deleting Messages Select the message (click the check box next to the message) and choose Delete from the inbox menu.
Archiving Messages Select the message (click the check box next to the message) and choose Archive from the inbox menu. You can search for archived messages later by selecting History from the left menu.
Other Options Under the message, use the More dropdown menu to download, email, embed or perform other actions on the message.
Adding and Managing Contacts You can add contacts and contact groups to your Google Voice account like you would with a mobile phone. To add contacts or contact groups, select Contacts from the left menu of your Google Voice Inbox. Follow the instructions to add contact details.
Additional Resources & Disclosures Tour of Google Voice Google Voice Help Resource ● MCCCD only provides support for the core services of official Google Mail and Calendar. ● The Google phone number chosen should be considered permanently tied to MCCCD's stewardship of the Google Apps environment. Support will not be provided should an employee separate from MCCCD and want to retain the number. ● Although Google Voice offers the ability to buy credits for international calls, MCCCD won't pick up the tab for credits bought with your credit card and there is no way to transfer credits from a MCCCD Google Account to a consumer Google Account. H.Agria 10/3/2012 6