Demeter J. Economou, Guest Editor. Department of Chemical Engineering. University of Houston. Houston, TX 77204-4792 USA. Toshiaki Makabe, Guest Editor.
Guest Editorial Special Issue on the Modeling of Collisional or Near-Collisionless Low-Temperature Plasmas
OLLISIONAL low-temperature glow discharge plasmas find application in a variety of fields, notably plasmabased materials processing, lighting sources, and lasers. Modeling and simulation enhance our understanding of plasma transport and chemistry and help develop rational methods for design, control, and optimization of plasma processes. Over the past 15 years significant advances have been made in modeling and simulation of glow discharge plasmas and significant progress has been reported in several areas including the electron velocity distribution function and associated swarm parameters, plasma transport and chemistry, plasma sheath, and plasma-surface interactions. Self-consistent simulations of reactive gas plasmas in complex three-dimensional geometries are now feasible. During this period, powerful plasma diagnostics have also been developed which are used to perform stringent tests of mathematical model predictions. The synergy between modeling, simulation, and laboratory experiments is invaluable for further improving our understanding of glow discharges and for developing better simulation tools with predictive capabilities over a wider range of the parameter space. Indeed, development of “virtual plasma reactors” is a distinct possibility in the near future. In this special issue, we have included contributions in the following areas: collision cross sections and electron transport in electric and magnetic fields, inductively and capacitively coupled discharges, dc glows, plasma chemistry, plasma sheaths, plasma display panels, spark breakdown, and arc Publisher Item Identifier S 0093-3813(99)08359-9.
discharges. Simulation approaches include fluid, particle-incell, Monte Carlo, and direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) techniques. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Guest Editors would like to thank all authors for the high quality of their contributions which resulted in this special issue representing the state-of-the-art in modeling and simulation of collisional low-temperature plasmas. They would also like to thank Dr. S. J. Gitomer, Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, for his support and encouragement. Finally, they send many thanks to the referees for their thorough and timely reviewing of manuscripts. Logistical support from A. de Keczer is also gratefully acknowledged. M. Meyyappan, Guest Editor NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035 USA Demeter J. Economou, Guest Editor Department of Chemical Engineering University of Houston Houston, TX 77204-4792 USA Toshiaki Makabe, Guest Editor Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Keio University Yokohama 233-8522, Japan
0093–3813/99$10.00 1999 IEEE
M. Meyyappan (A’85–M’89–SM’96) received the Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering from Clarkston University, Potsdam, NY, in 1984. He is currently Project Manager for Devices and Nanotechnology at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA. He leads a team of 40 scientists engaged in quantum devices, nanotechnology, ab initio computational chemistry, reactor modeling, and plasma diagnostics. His research interests include plasma reactor modeling, diagnostics of reactive plasmas, and controlled growth of carbon nanotubes. He has authored 47 refereed publications and several book chapters. He is the Editor of an Elsevier Science journal, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. Prior to joining NASA in 1996, he was a Senior Scientist at Scientific Research Associates for twelve years. Dr. Meyyappan is a member of AIChE, AVS, ECS, and MRS.
Demeter J. Economou received the B.S. degree in chemical engineering in 1981 from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1983 and 1986, respectively. Since 1986 he has been with the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Houston, TX, where currently he is a John and Rebecca Moores Professor and the Associate Chairman of the department. His research interests include plasma reactor modeling and simulation, plasma diagnostics, ion–ion plasmas, neutral beam processing, atomic layer etching, molecular dynamics simulation of plasma-surface interactions, and chemical vapor infiltration. He is the author or co-author of nearly 100 scientific papers and book chapters in these areas. He has been a co-organizer of several international symposia and has given over 140 technical presentations at scientific conferences, industry, and academia, including 43 invited talks. He was one of the guest editors of the 1995 Special Issue of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE ON THE MODELING OF COLLISIONAL OR NEAR-COLLISIONLESS LOW-TEMPERATURE PLASMAS. He is a co-organizer of the International Symposia on Process Control, Diagnostics, and Modeling in Semiconductor Manufacturing held every two years and sponsored by the Electrochemical Society. Dr. Economou is the Secretary-elect of the Gaseous Electronics Conference. He is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Electrochemical Society, and American Vacuum Society.
Toshiaki Makabe was born in 1947 in Yamato, Japan. He received the Ph.D. degree from Keio University, Japan. In 1975, he became an Instructor in electrical engineering at Keio University. He has been a Professor there in the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering since 1991 and has been Head of the department since 1996. His research field is in plasma electronics relating to low temperature, nonequilibrium plasmas, and in electron swarm transport theory. He is the author of Gaseous Electronics and Its Applications (Norwell, MA: Kluwer, 1991) and Plasma Electronics (in Japanese) (Japan: Baifukan, 1999). He has published more than 110 papers and presented more than 250 conference papers. He was on the editorial board of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics and the Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. He has been a Guest Editor of special issues relevant to plasma electronics in the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Australian Journal of Physics, and the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A. Dr. Makabe served as the Division Chairman of Plasma Electronics in the Japan Society of Applied Physics. He was the Co-Chair in Maui Joint Conference between International Conference on Reactive Gases and Gaseous Electronics Conference.