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ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 19 – 28

15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development”

How to construct the structural system of urban underground space engineering construction standard Yiqun Fan a,* a

Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co., Ltd., 901 North Zhongshan Road(2nd), Shanghai, 200092,China

Abstract By combing the existing and relevant regulations and other standards of underground space development and utilization, this paper expounds the relationship between urban underground space engineering construction field and other areas of the term standard. Based on the integration study of the existing standards, the structure table of engineering construction standard is put forward. In addition, through the analysis of the combing standard of urban underground space engineering construction, the relevant technical standards for underground space are drew up and the scientific and operational characteristics of this system are confirmed. © by Elsevier Ltd. This is an openLtd. access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license 2016Published The Authors. Published by Elsevier ©2016 ( Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Peer-review under theSustainable scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Urbanisation as aresponsibility Prerequisiteoffor Development. Prerequisite for Sustainable Development Keywords: Urban underground space; Engineering construction standard structural system; Underground space functional facilities; Threedimensional frame of engineering construction standard system of structural system; Structure table of engineering construction standard;

1. Introduction In recent twenty years, with vigorous development of urban underground space engineering in China and gradually increasing the size of construction, development form also by individual professional to comprehensive professional development, objectively a new field of engineering construction is gradually formed. During the "11th12th Five-Year" period, China has revised and formulated a number of standards in the fields of infrastructure,

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +86-186-016-59200. E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-7058 © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

( Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 15th International scientific conference “Underground Urbanisation as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Development



Yiqun Fan / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 19 – 28

tunnel, pipeline and so on. So that the development of underground space standardization of construction has been greatly developed. However, reviewing the process of the standardization of urban underground space engineering during the period of "11th-12th Five-Year" in China, the relevant standards of underground space engineering in our country still lags behind the development of the project. It is failure to provide comprehensive support for the project. During the planning, design, construction and operation stage, the guidance of the project specifications often can’t find in the engineering technical standard system of urban and rural planning, urban construction and House building. It is some extent to delay the development of underground space construction and is not conducive to improving the level of China’s urban construction. Therefore, it is very necessary and useful to put forward the structure table of engineering construction standard and draw up the relevant technical standards for underground space based on the sorting out of existing regulations, specifications, procedures and technical standards related to the underground space development, for improving the standard system of underground space development and proving technical progresses for the future development of underground space. 2. Standard Relationship between terminologies of Urban Underground Space Engineering Construction Field and Other Fields The relationship between urban engineering construction field and urban underground space construction field is as shown in Figure 1.

Fig.1. Relationship between Urban Engineering Construction Field and Urban Underground Space Construction Field.

As shown in Figure 1, urban underground space engineering construction field comprises underground traffic engineering, underground municipal public engineering ǃ underground public service building engineering ǃ underground warehousing and logistic engineering, underground disaster prevention and mitigation engineering, underground integrated engineering, etc., each of which is a subcategory of the relevant categories in the urban construction field. For example, in regard to civil building engineering, including residential, education, office scientific research, commercial, cultural and recreational, medical and health, sports, broadcast and television

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buildings, underground space refers only to underground public service type buildings, and most buildings are not included. 3. Structural System of Urban Underground Space Engineering Construction Standard 3.1. Classification of urban underground space engineering facilities Matched with both system classification and industry classification for the existing technical standards of engineering construction, and combined with the current status of relevant standards of urban underground space engineering construction, the urban underground space engineering is classified as follows by the functions of engineering facilities: x Underground transportation, includes underground rail transit, road traffic, static traffic and pedestrian traffic x Underground municipal engineering, includes underground water supply and drainage sites, energy sites, gas sites, waste sites, various types of pipes and pipe trenches x Underground public service facilities, include underground public service facilities and underground public service supporting facilities x Underground storage, includes underground reservoir, underground food storage, underground energy storage, underground supplies storage x Underground logistics, includes pipeline and tunnel underground logistics systems x Underground disaster prevention facilities, include civil air defense facilities and other urban disaster prevention and mitigation facilities, etc x

Others include all kinds of underground space facilities that are currently not mainstream functional ones in underground space, but already exist or can emerge as it is predicted in the near future.

3.2. Classification of China’s current engineering construction standards Engineering construction standards are classified by specialties, and professional specifications are divided into basic level, generic level and specific level according to the master-slave relation and restricted factors. The basic level of specifications is the highest standards for the engineering construction of urban underground space, as well as the basis of the standard system. This level of standards with a wide range of guidance should be followed by any standard related to the engineering construction of urban underground space, such as generic standards of terminology, symbols, units of measurement, graphics, as well as basic and generic guidelines followed by professionals when they plan, survey, design, construct and maintain the engineering construction of urban underground space. The urban underground space engineering has a certain similarity to the ground one, so the specialty involved and the technical specifications abided by are to some extent the same or common. A large number of reference to the existing standards for general engineering (not specifically refer to ground or underground) construction is one of the main features in the use of standards for underground space engineering construction. Therefore, the generic level of specifications references the corresponding general engineering construction technical standards, covering the ground and underground engineering, to make the system more operational in accordance with the principle of “respecting the current situation and step-by-step system construction”. This level of standards are classified by engineering as common standards for underground transportation engineering, common standards for underground municipal engineering, common standards for underground public service facilities engineering, common standards



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for underground disaster prevention and security protection engineering, common standards for underground storage engineering, common standards for underground logistics engineering and common standards for other types of engineering. The specific level of specifications are highly targeted personalized standards, reflecting the characteristics of the underground space project, which are the lowest level standards in the standard system as the supplement and extension of the universal standards. The underground space engineering has its own characteristics different from the ground engineering, especially the underground space engineering without the corresponding or similar one on the ground, and the current standards for general engineering construction are not fully applicable to all the underground space engineering. Therefore, the specific level of standards with individual characteristics is developed on the basis of the universal standards for the specific underground space engineering. This level of standards generally does not cover a lot, such as subway design specifications, design specifications for the civil air defense engineering. 3.3. Analysis of structural system of terminology standards Based on the aforementioned classification of urban underground space engineering facilities and classification of existing standards for engineering construction, and according to the engineering cycle, each professional specification is divided into different stages, such as planning, surveying, design, construction and maintenance. The specification in each stage is classified by its level, and the structural system of specifications for urban underground space engineering construction is a 3D frame structure consisting of engineering categories, professional sequence and levels, which is shown in Figure 2. 

Fig. 2 3D framework diagram of the structural system of specifications for urban underground space engineering construction.

After fter more than 200 national and local standards have been sorted out and classified according to the structural system m of specifications for urban underground space engineering construction, a structural table of specifications for urban rban underground space construction has been formed, which covers various engineering categories, professional ssional sequence and levels as shown in the following table1.

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Table 1. Structural table of specifications for urban underground space construction.

In the structural table of specifications for urban underground space construction (Table 1), the intersection of certain type of specialty and certain type of underground space engineering represents the professional standards applicable to such underground space engineering, , which is shown in Figure 3.



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Fig. 3. Corresponding code in the structural table of specifications for urban underground space construction (sketchy).

4. Review Results and Analysis of Urban Underground Space Engineering Construction In the structural table of underground space construction standards, if such standards can be found in the scope of survey, relevant overlaps shall be marked in red to indicate that such standards already exist. If such standards cannot be found, relevant overlaps shall be marked in green to indicate that such standards have not been prepared yet. If such standards can be found to fill up the gap but are not prepared specifically for the underground space engineering or the specialty, relevant overlaps shall be marked in yellow to indicate that such standards have to be revised and can presently be used for reference only. The review results are as shown in Figure 4 below.

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Fig. 4. Structural Table of Urban Underground Space Construction Standards (After Review).

The structural table of urban underground space construction standards in Figure 4 is further described as follows: x Basic Level The “Standard for Basic Terms of Underground Space Utilization” is a comprehensive standard for the basic level of underground space engineering. The basic level standards in regard to underground traffic are sound and complete, and there are already applicable standards for rail traffic, road traffic and static traffic, including “Common Terms of Urban Public Transport”, “Terminology Standard for Urban Public Transport Engineering”, “Standard for Classification of Urban Public Transportation”, “Standard of Metro Gauges”, “The Passenger Service Signs for Urban Rail Transit”, “Marks for Urban Public Transport - Mark for Subway” and “Road Traffic Signs and Markings”. But there are no standard for the basic level of pedestrian traffic. In regard to underground municipal engineering, underground public service facility, and underground warehousing and logistic engineering, no applicable basic level standard has been prepared yet. In regard to underground disaster prevention and security, the “Basic Technical Terms of Civil Air Defense Works”, which is an applicable basic level standard, has been prepared for civil air defense engineering, but there is no standard for disaster prevention and mitigation engineering. x General Level There are already sound and complete general level standards for most underground space engineering categories, covering lines, architectures, structures, rails, electricity, communication, heating and ventilation, fire control, water supply and sewerage and monitoring. But most of these standards refer to common ground engineering, such as “Code for design of civil buildings”, “Code for Seismic Design of Buildings”, “Code for Design of Concrete Structures”, “Standard for Lighting Design of Buildings”, “Technical Code for Engineering of Security and Protection System” and “Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings”. It is necessary to supplement and revise the contents regarding underground engineering. In regard to underground warehousing and logistic engineering, there is no general level standard for such engineering yet in China as no underground logistic engineering exists in domestic engineering up to now.



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x Special Level The special level standards for underground space construction cover all engineering construction stages, including building, planning, survey, design, construction, operation maintenance, indoor environmental protection and products. As different underground engineering categories develop to different levels, such standards are presently in a complicated condition. Underground Traffic Category: The special standards for underground rail traffic engineering are sound and complete. There is no applicable special standard in regard to planning only. The applicable standards for rail traffic construction cover the implementation of engineering construction. Issued technical standards have been playing a great role in rail traffic construction and management. In regard to underground road traffic engineering, there is no special level standard for development, indoor environmental protection and products, and the planning, design, construction and operation maintenance mainly refer to common ground road traffic and tunnel engineering, including “Code for Transport Planning on Urban Road”, “Design Regulations for At-grade Intersections on Urban Street”, “Code for Design of Urban Road Engineering” and “Specifications for Design of Highway Tunnels”. The specific standards for underground road traffic engineering are to be added. In regard to underground static traffic engineering, there is no applicable special level standard for planning, construction, operation maintenance and products, the design refers to the ground garage and parking area design specifications - “Design Code for Garage” and “Code for Fire Protection Design of Garage, Motor Repair Shop and Parking Area”, the environmental protection refers to the indoor environmental protection design specification “Instruction for the Environmental Protection Design of Vehicular Parking”, and standards for indoor environmental protection are inadequate and to be added. In regard to underground pedestrian traffic engineering, there are only applicable special level standards for survey and design, including “Code for Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering” and “Technical Specifications of Urban Pedestrian Overcrossing and Underpass”, and no other standards. Underground Municipal Engineering: There are sound and complete special level standards for development, indoor environmental protection and products of underground water supply and sewerage spots, including “Code for Urban Water Supply Engineering Planning”, “Code of Urban Wastewater Engineering Planning” and “Design Regulations for Urban Drainage Pumping Station”, but no other standards. The planning of underground energy spots refers to the underground electric planning standard - “Code for Urban Electric Power Planning”. Applicable special level standards have already been prepared for survey, design and products, including “Design Rule for 35kV~220kV Urban Underground Substation” and “Design Standard for Diesel Power Stations of Civil Air Defense Projects”, and they refer to the applicable ground engineering standards, including “Code for Electrical Design of Civil Buildings”, “Code for Design Electric Power Supply Systems” and “Code for Design of Electric Distribution of General-purpose Utilization Equipment”. But there are no other special level standards. There are applicable special standards for survey of underground gas spots. The design refers to the ground gas design specification - “Code for Design of City Gas Engineering”. But there are no other standards. There are applicable special standards for survey of underground waste spots. The planning refers to the ground public toilet planning and design standard - “Standard for Design of Public Toilets in City”. But there are no other standards. In regard to underground pipework, there are sound and complete special level standards for all stages other than development, indoor environmental protection and products, including “Code of Urban Engineering Pipeline Comprehensive Planning”, “Code for Engineering Design of Generic Cabling” and “Code for Design of Industrial Equipment and Pipeline Insulation Engineering”. There are applicable special standards for survey and design of underground integrated pipe ducts, including “Code for Engineering Surveying” and “Technical Code for Urban Municipal Tunnel Engineering”. But there are no other standards. Underground Public Service Facility: The applicable special level standards in this regard are quite inadequate. There are applicable standards for survey of underground commercial streets, underground complex engineering and underground single engineering. The design of underground single engineering refers to the design standards for ground public service facility, including “Code for Design of Museum Buildings”, “Code for Design of Cinema

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Buildings”, “Code for Design of Sports Buildings”, “Code for Design of Store Buildings” and “Code for Design of Library Buildings”. There are no other standards. Underground Warehousing and Logistic Engineering: As the application of underground warehousing and underground logistic is limited, there is no applicable special level standard for the majority of this category. The design of underground warehousing engineering refers to the design standards for ground warehousing -- “Code for Design of Cold Store” and “Code for Design of Oil Depot”. Underground Disaster Prevention and Security: In regard to underground disaster prevention and mitigation and security, there is no standard for development, operation maintenance, indoor environmental protection and products. The planning, design and construction refer to the applicable standards for ground disaster prevention engineering, including “Standard for Urban Planning on Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Prevention”, “Code for Design of Water Extinguishing System of Civil Buildings”, “Code of Design for Sprinkler Systems”, “Code for Installation and Acceptance of Foam Extinguishing Systems” and “Code for Installation and Commissioning of Automatic Fire-extinguishing Sprinkler Systems”. 5. Summary The present situation of urban underground space construction standards is understood by review and analysis as follows: x The technical standards for urban underground space are lagging behind engineering construction. For our country, the engineering practice of underground space engineering construction is given priority in development. The currently applicable technical standards for underground space originate from many technical standards for ground and at-grade engineering. A great variety of engineering categories is involved in development of underground space, the forms of combined development are getting more, and specialties become more comprehensive, which requires the technical standards for underground space to be higher. As a result, the technical standards for underground space are lagging behind engineering construction more noticeably. x There is no mature technical standard for most engineering categories of urban underground space, and the currently applicable ground engineering construction standards are mainly referred to. Only a few of engineering categories (road traffic, integrated pipe duct, special pipe duct) cannot meet the construction requirements so that special research on engineering construction is required. Most of the categories are basically feasible. x

There is no special standard for most of the specialties involved in urban underground space engineering. There are already applicable technical standards for the specialties (lines, buildings, structures, rails, electricity (power supply), communication and signaling, ventilation and air conditioning, fire control, water supply and sewerage, monitoring, etc.) involved in rail traffic and civil air defense engineering while most of other specialties basically refer to the technical standards for other ground engineering.

x The structural system of technical standards for urban underground space has not taken shape. Compared with the building and urban construction field, technical standards concerning the underground space field spread to each specialty, and no special research is made on the technical standards for underground space. Such a system plays only a very limited guiding role in underground space engineering construction and is greatly lower than required for underground space engineering construction. References [1] The People’s Republic of China, The Standardization law of the People's Republic of China, 1988. [2] National Project Construction Standardization Information Network, information on [3] Engineering Construction Standard System, Urban and rural planning, urban construction, the part of housing construction, China Building Industry Press, 2003.



Yiqun Fan / Procedia Engineering 165 (2016) 19 – 28 [4] Research Report of Technical Standards for Underground Space, Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute, Shanghai, 2009. [5] M. Yu, Y. Fan, Research on the preparation of the Chinese standard standard for basic terms of urban underground space, Proceedings of the 13th World Confernece of ACUUS: Advances in Underground Space Development, ACUUS. (2013) 740-756.