working in an IBM TRIRIGA 10.x / IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.x
environment. Review the IBM. TRIRIGA 10 Getting Started User Guide before this
IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.2
Upgrade User Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011
Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 32.
This edition applies to version 10, release 2, modification 0 of IBM® TRIRGA® and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2011. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Contents ABOUT THIS GUIDE........................................................................................................... 1 Conventions ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 Intended Audience ............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Support ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2
OVERVIEW................................................................................................................. 3
PROCESS NAVIGATOR ............................................................................................ 9
Portals ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Menus ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12
ACTIONS AND APPROVALS .................................................................................. 14
REPORTS................................................................................................................. 16
CHARTS ................................................................................................................... 17
REQUEST CENTRAL .............................................................................................. 19
Request Service Portal Section ....................................................................................................................................... 19 Locator ............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
WEB GRAPHICS ...................................................................................................... 24
INDEX ................................................................................................................................ 31 NOTICES ........................................................................................................................... 32
About This Guide This guide provides a quick reference for TRIRIGA 9.7.1 / TRIRIGA Application Platform 2.7.2 users now working in an IBM TRIRIGA 10.x / IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.x environment. Review the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Getting Started User Guide before this guide. If you worked in a TRIRIGA Application Platform 2.7.2 environment, but now work in an IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.x environment, see the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Getting Started User Guide and the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 Upgrade Users Guide. Application administrators responsible for the upgrade from a TRIRIGA 9.7.1 / TRIRIGA Application Platform 2.7.2 environment to an IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.x or an IBM TRIRIGA 10.x / IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.x environment should see the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Getting Started User Guide and the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 Upgrade Administrator Guide.
Conventions This document uses the following conventions to ensure that it is as easy to read and understand as possible:
Note – A Note provides important information that you should know in addition to the standard details. Often, notes are used to make you aware of the results of actions.
Tip – A Tip adds insightful information that may help you use the system better.
Attention - An attention notice indicates the possibility of damage to a program, device, system, or data.
Intended Audience This guide is for users familiar with TRIRIGA 9.7.1 / TRIRIGA Application Platform 2.7.2 that are now working in an IBM TRIRIGA 10.x / IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.x environment.
Prerequisites This guide assumes that readers are familiar with the information in the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Getting Started User Guide and with their company IBM TRIRIGA implementation.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Support IBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects, answering FAQs, and performing rediscovery. View the IBM Software Support site at
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
1. Overview The following chapters serve as a quick reference for users familiar with TRIRIGA 9 and TRIRIGA Application Platform 2.7.x. You will find a comprehensive description of the ins and outs of using IBM TRIRIGA 10.x and IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.x in the IBM TRIRIGA Getting Started User Guide. It is not the purpose of this guide to replicate that material but, rather, to provide a tool for users looking for a quick start for familiar work patterns. A number of terms have specific meanings in IBM TRIRIGA 10.x and IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3.x. Consider the following, which shows an example of the first page a user sees and introduces several terms:
Example of Home Page
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The following terms apply to the components of the example shown above: Term
Home Page
The home page is your view across your processes.
Welcome Bar Header
Company Name Company|Project Toggle Project Selector Icon Project Name When you select a project, the system displays the Project Name, which shows the project ID and project name. Menu Bar
Menu Item
Home, My Reports, Requests, and so on, in the menu bar are Menu Items.
Page Title Bar Page Content
Everything below the Page Title Bar.
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Portal Section
The above are examples of portal sections. Link
Each item inside a portal section is a link.
When a user selects a menu item, the menu item page opens.
Example of Page
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The following terms apply to the components introduced in the example shown above: Term
Menu Bar
First Level of the Menu Bar Home, My Reports, Requests, and so on, are menu items. Second Level of the Menu Bar Facilities, Capital, and Set Up are menu items.
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Menu Box
Each item inside a menu box is a link. Third Level of the Menu Bar
Project Templates and Task Templates are links.
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Fourth Level of the Menu Bar
Capital Project, Facilities Project, Inspection Task, and so on, are links. Breadcrumb Breadcrumbs give the user a view of where they are in the navigation hierarchy and provide access to higher levels of the navigation hierarchy from the current location. Clicking any part of a breadcrumb takes you to that page. When you click a menu item, you can see one of two types of pages: a process portal, a page with a group of portal sections, or a navigation page, a page with links.
Example of Process Portal
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Example of Navigation Page
2. Process Navigator The IBM TRIRIGA Process Navigator provides an interface across applications. It features role-based portal pages and process-based menus.
Portals This section illustrates how to find familiar places in your portal. Then
Accessed My Profile from the My Links portal section and the Preferences portal actions:
To access your My Profile page, click “Welcome, ” in the welcome bar.
The system displayed your My Profile page:
Note – The administrator must enable this feature at the server level.
If you have access to the Portfolio first level menu, you can also access your My Profile page by clicking Portfolio > People > My Profile. The system displays your My Profile page.
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Data Browser was in the menu bar, next to Home.
Select Sitemap in the welcome bar.
The system displays the sitemap. Each item in the sitemap is a link. The system displayed the following result:
In the sitemap, you can use the browser Find functionality to locate the link you want. Clicked the Find Project icon
to select a project in the Project Bar
To select a project, either click Project in the Company|Project toggle
or click the Project Selector icon
. Select the project from the list.
Clicked the Clear Project icon
to return to Company Level
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To return to the Company level, click Company in the Company|Project toggle.
You saved links to other places in IBM TRIRIGA in My Favorites, Shortcuts, and Quick Add.
Save links to pages in My Bookmarks. My Bookmarks contains your old My Favorites, Shortcuts, and Quick Add. My Bookmarks gives you the ability to access your favorite and frequently-used pages with one click.
For more information about bookmarks, see the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Getting Started User Guide. You used the standard portal home page that was assigned to your user.
If you click Personalize on the page title bar, you can rearrange, add or delete portal sections, change the column layout, or restore the default home page.
For more information about personalization, see the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Getting Started User Guide.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
Menus This section illustrates how to find your data. Then
To open a furniture record:
To open a furniture record, you can hover or use clicks.
Clicked Portfolio, or the arrow next to Portfolio. Clicked Asset Manager. Clicked Furniture. Clicked the hyperlinked Asset Name. The furniture record is displayed.
1. Hover over the Portfolio menu item on the first level menu bar. Select the arrow next to the Asset menu item on the second level of the menu bar. Click Furniture in the third level of the menu bar. Click the asset name to open the furniture record. or 2. Select the Portfolio menu item on the first level of the menu bar. In the list under Asset, click Furniture. Click the asset name to open the furniture record.
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Now Once you have reached the record, you can bookmark the page for quick access. For more information about bookmarks, see the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Getting Started User Guide.
To view the hierarchy of a hierarchical module such as Location:
To view the hierarchy of a hierarchical module such as Location:
Clicked the Portfolio menu item.
Have your mouse hover over the Portfolio menu item on the first level of the menu bar and select Location menu item on the second level of the menu bar.
Clicked Location Manager. Selected Location.
The system displays the Hierarchy View.
The Hierarchy View displayed.
You can bookmark this page for quick access. For more information about bookmarks, see the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Getting Started User Guide.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
3. Actions and Approvals This chapter illustrates how to review action items and requests pending approval and act. Then
To see if you have action items or notifications:
To see if you have action items or notifications:
The Action Items portal section and the Notifications portal section were on the home portal page.
In the Reminders portal section on a process page, select the arrow next to Notices to see the count of the number of action items and notifications.
Tip – The system remembers that you expanded Notices, and Notices will be expanded the next time you access this Reminders portal section.
To see the lists, click either the Action Items or the Notifications link. From there you can manage your action items and notifications.
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To act on a request pending approval:
To act on a list of requests pending approval:
Each type of request had a different path to the record that required approval. For purposes of illustration, this example shows approval requests that appeared in a user Action Items portal section.
Click the Requests menu item on the first level of the menu bar. The My Pending Approval portal section lists requests.
Clicked the hyperlinked action item. Selected the appropriate response in the approval item record.
Tip – If you do not see the My Pending Approval portal section, click Personalize to add the portal to the Requests process page.
You can bulk approve (or reassign, or request clarification, or return, or escalate, or submit comment) requests by selecting any number of check boxes and clicking the appropriate action.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
4. Reports This chapter illustrates how to run a report. See the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 Reporting User Guide for more details. Then
To run a report associated with a specific manager:
To run a report:
Assume that you wanted to run the Employee Directory report. Clicked the arrow next to the menu, in this example, Portfolio, and clicked the manager, in this example, the People Manager.
Assume that you want to run the Personnel Directory report. Click the My Reports first level menu, and select My Reports tab.
Find the report you want to run, in this case the Personnel Directory report, and click the run report icon
Selected the View Reports Icon this example, Employee.
for the report business object, in
Selected the report radio button and clicked Run Report.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011.
next to the link.
You can bookmark the report for quick access. For more information about bookmarks, see the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Getting Started User Guide.
5. Charts This chapter illustrates how to find familiar places in charts. Then
To view the data from the query used to create a chart, from the chart, right clicked and selected View Source.
To view the data from the query used to create a chart, click anywhere in the chart.
The data displays in a separate window.
The data displayed in a separate window.
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Note – You cannot view the data behind a Metric Query using this method.
6. Request Central This chapter provides an overview of IBM TRIRIGA Request Central. IBM TRIRIGA Request Central showcases the Request Service portal section and the Locator. See the IBM TRIRIGA 10 Request Central User Guide for more details.
Request Service Portal Section Before this release, the Request Service portal section was known as the Self Service portal section. The IBM TRIRIGA 10 Request Central User Guide explains the Request Service portal section in much more detail. Then
If you spotted a leaky drinking fountain, you clicked Facility Requests in the Self Service portal section.
If you spot a leaky drinking fountain, click Request on the first level menu bar.
Clicked Plumbing & Leaks.
If available, click My Requests on the second level menu bar.
Completed the form.
In the Request Central portal, click the arrow next to the type of request you want to create, select the request, complete the form, and click Submit. Click Add, complete the form, and click Submit.
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Clicked Submit.
Locator The Locator provides a quick and easy way to find people, rooms, and equipment on floor plans or in buildings, and to run reports on graphic images. It replaces similar functionality that was in Visual Query in prior releases. The IBM TRIRIGA 10 Request Central User Guide explains the Locator in much more detail. Then
To view the graphic image of a record from the Location hierarchy:
To view the graphic image of a record from the Location hierarchy, you can use Find Space portal section.
Clicked Query, or the arrow next to Query.
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In the Find Space portal section, select Building in the drop-down box next to What are you looking for.
Clicked Visual Query. Selected the Location record to display the graphic on the right.
Specify a Building or a City and click Locate. The system displays the location graphic.
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The IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 Graphics User Guide explains how to work with the graphic. To run a report on this image in Visual Query: Clicked the Query icon
and selected the query to run.
The system displayed the result in the right panel.
To run a report on this image in Find Space: Select Menu. Select the query from the Report drop-down list. The system displays the result in the section.
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7. Web Graphics This chapter illustrates how to find familiar graphics places. See the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 Graphics User Guide for more details about Web graphics. Then
To define a report to display graphics data:
To define a report to display graphics data:
Clicked Query, then Visual Query, then selected the Location record.
Click the My Reports menu item, select the System Reports tab, and click New. Define the report (see details in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 Graphics User Guide). The report Type must be Graphic. When the report definition is complete, the report appears in the Menu in the graphic display.
Clicked the Query icon
, then clicked New.
When the Query Type definition was complete, the system added the query to the list.
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To see the graphic image of a record from the Location hierarchy:
To see the graphic image of a record from the Location hierarchy:
Clicked Portfolio, or the arrow next to Portfolio.
Select the record from My Bookmarks (or find and open the record in the Location hierarchy).
Clicked Location Manager. Clicked Location. In the Hierarchy section, selected the Location record.
Select the Graphic tab (or in the General tab, scroll to the Location Graphic section).
In the List View, selected Special View. The system displayed the location graphic.
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To manage CAD Labels:
To manage label filters, label styles, themes, and layers:
Clicked Setup, or the arrow next to Setup.
Select the arrow next to Graphics in the Utilities portal section (or Tools > Administration) to display the tools for managing label filters, label styles, themes, and layer configurations.
Clicked CAD Label Manager. The CAD Label Manager opened. CAD label records looked like the following screen capture:
These tools apply system-wide. The IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 Graphics User Guide details how to use each tool.
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Now The following screen capture shows an example of a label filter:
Manipulated the graphic displayed with toolbars on the Graphics Editor
Manipulate the graphic displayed with a toolbar or a menu of options.
and on Visual Query
These features are described in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform 3 Graphics User Guide.
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To assign a person to a space:
To assign a person to a space:
Clicked Facility, or the arrow next to Facility. Clicked Graphics Editor.
Hover your mouse over the Space menu item on the first level of the menu bar. Select the arrow next to the Manage Space menu item on the second level of the menu bar.
Found and opened the location:
Click Space Manager. Select Assign Person in the Action drop-down list. Select the check box next to Display Floor Plan for Current Assigned Space and specify the building and floor to which the person is moving in the Location of the Space(s) section. The system displays the graphic of the selected building and floor.
Identified the association, module, and business object.
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Now In the Select a Person to assign to a Space section, select the radio button next to the person to be assigned.
The system displays the person current location in the Floor Plan – Selected Person’s Current Space section.
Selected the person.
In the Floor Plan – Select a Space to assign to the selected Person section, select the new location for the person and click Assign Person.
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Selected the space to which person to be assigned.
Clicked Create. The system updated the graphic and the people record with the association.
The system updates the graphic and appropriate portfolio records.
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INDEX Action Items ........................................... 14 Assign Person .......................................... 28 Breadcrumb............................................. 8 CAD Labels ............................................. 26 Chart Data Source .................................... 17 Company Name ........................................ 4 Company|Project Toggle........................ 4, 10 Data Browser .......................................... 10 Find Space Portal Section ........................... 20 First Level of the Menu Bar .......................... 6 Fourth Level of the Menu Bar ....................... 8 Graphic ............................................ 24, 27 Header ................................................... 4 Hierarchy View ........................................ 13 Home Page .............................................. 4 Label Filter ............................................ 26 Label Style ............................................. 26 Layer Configuration .................................. 26 Link ...................................................... 5 Locate .................................................. 20 Locator ................................................. 20 Menu .................................................... 22 Menu Bar ............................................. 4, 6 First Level ............................................ 6 Fourth Level ......................................... 8 Second Level......................................... 6 Third Level ........................................... 7 Menu Box ................................................ 7 Menu Item .............................................. 4 My Bookmarks ......................................... 11 My Favorites ........................................... 11 My Links ................................................. 9
My Profile ............................................... 9 My Reports ............................................. 24 Notices ................................................. 14 Notifications .......................................... 14 Page ..................................................... 5 Page Content ........................................... 4 Page Title Bar .......................................... 4 Personalize ............................................ 11 Portal Section .......................................... 5 Process Navigator ..................................... 9 Process Portal .......................................... 8 Project Name .......................................... 4 Project Selector Icon ................................. 4 Quick Add .............................................. 11 Reminders ............................................. 14 Request Central ...................................... 19 Requests ............................................... 15 Requests Pending Approval ......................... 15 Second Level of the Menu Bar ...................... 6 Self Service ............................................ 19 Self Service Portal Section.......................... 19 Shortcuts ............................................... 11 Sitemap ................................................ 10 Space Manager ........................................ 28 System Reports ....................................... 24 Terminology ............................................ 3 Theme .................................................. 26 Third Level of the Menu Bar ......................... 7 View Source ........................................... 17 Visual Query ................................. 20, 22, 24 Welcome Bar ........................................... 4
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