20 Shibaura Institute of Technology, Saitama, Saitama, 337-8570, Japan. 21 Space ... 35 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.
[email protected]. Wayne Kreider. Center for Industrial and Medical Ultrasound. Applied Physics Laboratory. University of Washington. ABSTRACT.
I, the 15-mer library (plus flanking regions) and PTC are shown. ... of intron 6 retained in transcripts containing the selected and control ISS ... Figure S7. ... frequency of all 4-6-nt n-mers in the enriched sample set (NES) vs. ...... Edge weight
mid-infrared domain for future space-based missions like DARWIN/TPF. Key words. ... facilities, like the ESO's VLT-Planet Finder (Mouillet et al. 2003).
I thank the author of CMacTeX, Thomas Kiffe, for his swift personal attention to my inquiries ... can be transformed into an implementation in a standard programming language, as well as a ...... IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1999.
Alfred A. Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics,1 California I nslitute of Technology,. Pasadena, California 91109. (Received 15 March 1968). A theoretical ... waves k and k+q, (k+ql V[ k), depends not only on (1 but also on k.5 ..... The effect of.
JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES. VOLUME 39. Effective ..... ova uw. -1.406715. 2.674331(-2). 1.317695(-2). -2.996639. -4.474937. -2.535815.
Chao, Laurel Eckhardt, Larry Chasin, and Richard Axel provided helpful discussions. .... T. Maniatis, S. Silverstein, and R. Axel. 1979. Transformation of.
cies in the ash particles increased with decreasing particle size, as illustrated in Figure ... of a burning pulverized coal particle is generally high enough that the ash melts, ...... is vital to give a candle flame its characteristic yellow appear
PInax = map, k occur together on every line. Lemma 1 applies and hence the system (7) reduces to one equation,. 62(KPrnin - l) - 6(0KP~~ - Pain) - eP~a.x r O.
proceed with combustion calculations it is necessary to convert these data to an ...... temperature dependence of the specific heats, Cpi = ai + bi T, we have.
stripe array grating integrated cavity (MAGIC)' laser [3]. ... MAGIC laser in another publication. ... standard 9 mm radius Rowland circle; the grating operated in.
technique (MAC) begun by Fromm and Harlow [ 19631 and further refined by Welch, -- et al. [ 19661 , Hirt [ 19681 , Amsden and Harlow ..... For square cells,.
DESCRIPTION OF THE BUILDING. The San Diego Gas and Electric Building is located in the block between lst and 2nd and Ash and A Streets in San Diego. It.