Image Processing and Related Fields - Stanford University

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Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing. Point Operations no. 1. What is an image? ▫ Ideally, we think of an image as a 2-dimensional light intensity ...
Image Processing and Related Fields!!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 22!

What is an image?!  

     

Ideally, we think of an image as a 2-dimensional light intensity function, f(x,y), where x and y are spatial coordinates, and f at (x,y) is related to the brightness or color of the image at that point.! In practice, most images are defined over a rectangle.! Continous in amplitude („continous-tone“)! Continous in space: no pixels!!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 1!

Digital Images and Pixels!  



A digital image is the representation of a continuous image f (x,y) by a 2-d array of discrete samples f [x,y]. The amplitude of each sample is quantized to be represented by a finite number of bits. ! Each element of the 2-d array of samples is called a pixel or pel (from „picture element“) ! Think of pixels as point samples, without extent. !

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 2!

Image Resolution!





•  These images were produced by simply picking every n-th sample horizontally and vertically and replicating that value nxn times. ! •  We can do better! –  prefiltering before subsampling to avoid aliasing –  Smooth interpolation

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 3!

Color Components! Monochrome image!

R[x,y] = G[x,y] = B[x,y]

Red R[x,y]

Green G[x,y]

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Blue B[x,y] Point Operations no. 4!

Different numbers of gray levels! 256







Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 5!

How many gray levels are required?!  

Contouring is most visible for a ramp!

32 levels! 64 levels! 128 levels! 256 levels!


Digital images typically are quantized to 256 gray levels. ! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 6!

Brightness discrimination experiment!  

Can you see the circle?!

I + ΔI

125! 126! 128! 129! 130! 127!



Note: I is luminance, measured in cd m 2

Visibility threshold!

ΔI I ≈ KWeber ≈ 1…2% Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

„Weber fraction“! „Weberʻs Law“! Point Operations no. 7!

Contrast with 8 bits according to Weberʻs Law!  

Assume that the luminance difference between two
 successive representative levels is just at visibility threshold!

I max 255 = (1 + KWeber ) I min    

For! KWeber = 0.010.02 Typical display contrast!    


I max = 13156 I min

Cathode ray tube 100:1! Print on paper 10:1!

Suggests uniform perception in the log(I) domain („Fechnerʻs Law“)! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 8!

Gamma characteristic!  

Cathode ray tubes (CRTs) are nonlinear! Luminance!

I! I ~ Uγ γ = 2.0 . . . 2.3!

Voltage U!  

Cameras contain γ-predistortion circuit!

U ~ I1 γ

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 9!

log vs. γ-predistortion! U

U ~ log(I )

U ~ I1 γ Imax = 100 Imin



Similar enough for most practical applications! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 10!

Photographic film! Hurter & Driffield curve (H&D curve)! for photographic negative!


slope -γ!

density d



I = I 0 ⋅10 − d = I 0 ⋅10 −( − γ log E +d0 )

„linear“ region!



= I 0 ⋅10 − d0 ⋅ E γ

log E



E is exposure


γ measures film contrast!    


General purpose films: γ = -0.7 . . . -1.0! High-contrast films: γ = -1.5 . . . -10!

Lower speed films tend to have higher absolute γ!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 11!

Intensity scaling! Original image!

Scaled image!

f [ x, y ]

a ⋅ f [ x, y ]

Scaling in the γ-domain is equivalent to scaling in the linear luminance domain! γ


I ~ ( a ⋅ f [ x, y ]) = a ⋅ ( f [ x, y ]) γ

. . . same effect as adjusting camera exposure time.!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 12!

Adjusting γ! Original image!

f [ x, y ]

γ increased by 50%!


a ⋅ ( f [ x, y ])


γ = 1.5

. . . same effect as using a different photographic film . . .! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 13!

Image Processing Examples! Face morphing!

Source: Yi-Wen Liu and Yu-Li Hsueh, EE368 class project, spring 2000.!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 16!

Gray level histograms!  



Distribution of gray-levels can be judged by measuring a
 histogram:!  

For B-bit image, initialize 2B counters with 0 !


Loop over all pixels x,y!


When encountering gray level f [x,y]=i, increment counter #ι

Normalized histogram may be thought of as an
 empirical probability distribution.! You can also use fewer, larger bins to trade off amplitude
 resolution against sample size.!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 15!


Example histogram!

Cameraman! image! gray level!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 16!


Example histogram!

gray level!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Pout! image!

Point Operations no. 17!

Histogram equalization!  

Idea: find a non-linear transformation!

g=T(f) !to be applied to each pixel of the input image f [x,y], such
 that a uniform distribution of gray levels in the entire range
 results for the output image g[x,y].

  Analyse ideal, continuous case first, assuming! 0 ≤ g ≤1   0

≤ f ≤ 1   T(f) is strictly monotonically increasing, hence, there exists! 0 ≤ g ≤1 f = T −1 ( g )  

Goal: pdf pg(g) = 1 over the range !0 ≤ g ≤ 1

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 18!

Histogram equalization example! . . . after histogram equalization!



Original image Pout!

gray level!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

gray level!

Point Operations no. 22!

Histogram equalization example!

Original image Pout!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Pout! after histogram equalization! Point Operations no. 21!

Histogram equalization example! . . . after histogram equalization!



Original image Cameraman!

gray level!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

gray level!

Point Operations no. 24!

Histogram equalization example!

Original image Cameraman!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Cameraman! after histogram equalization!

Point Operations no. 23!

Histogram equalization example! . . . after histogram equalization!



Original image Moon!

gray level!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

gray level!

Point Operations no. 26!

Histogram equalization example!

Original image Moon!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Moon! after histogram equalization!

Point Operations no. 25!

Adaptive histogram equalization!  


Apply histogram equalization based on a histogram obtained from a portion of the image!

Sliding window approach:

Tiling approach:

different histogram (and mapping)
 for every pixel!

subdivide into overlapping regions,
 mitigate blocking effect by smooth blending
 between neighboring tiles !

Must limit contrast expansion in flat regions of the image,
 e.g. by clipping individual histogram values to a maximum! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 27!

Adaptive histogram equalization!


Global histogram!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

 8x8 histograms!

 32x32 histograms!

Point Operations no. 28!

Adaptive histogram equalization!

Original image Tire!

Tire after 
 equalization of
 global histogram!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Tire after 
 adaptive histogram equalization
 8x8 tiles!

Point Operations no. 29!

Point operations for combining images!    

   

Image averaging for noise reduction! Combination of different exposures for
 high-dynamic range imaging! Image subtraction for change detection! Accurate alignment is always a requirement!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 30!

Image averaging for noise reduction! 1 image

2 images

4 images!!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 31!

High-dynamic range imaging! 16 exposures, one f-stop (2X) apart!

[Debevec, Malik, 1997] ! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Combined image! Point Operations no. 33!

Where is the defect?!

Image A (no defect)!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Image B (w/ defect)!

Point Operations no. 35!

Absolute difference between two images!

w/o alignment!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

w/ alignment!

Point Operations no. 36!

Digital subtraction angiography!



Contrast! enhancement!!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Point Operations no. 37!

Gray-level thresholding! How can holes be filled?!

Original image! Peter f [x,y]!

Thresholded ! Peter m [x,y]

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

f [ x, y ] ⋅ m [ x, y ]

Thresholding no. 1!

Error probability for thresholding!





Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Gray level!

Thresholding no. 2!

Optimal supervised thresholding! “MAP (Maximum A Posteriori) detector”! pdf!




Gray level!

If different outcomes are associated with different costs: 
 more general “Bayes minimimum risk detector”! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Thresholding no. 3!

Unsupervised thresholding (cont.)!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Thresholding no. 6!

Unsupervised thresholding (cont.)!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Thresholding no. 7!

Chroma keying!    

Color is more powerful for pixel-wise segmentation: 3-d vs. 1-d space! Take picture in front of a blue screen (or green, or orange)!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Thresholding no. 8!

MAP detector in RGB-space!

Original image!

Skin color detector!

[S. Leahy, EE368 class project, 2003]!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Thresholding no. 11!

Region labeling and counting!  

How many bacteria in this picture?!

Original Bacteria image!    

after thresholding!

Which pixels belong to the same object (region labeling)?! How large is each object (region counting)?! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Thresholding no. 13!

Example: region labeling!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Thresholding no. 16!

Hole filling as dual to small region removal! Mask with holes!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

After NOT operation,! (background) region labeling,! small region removal,! and second NOT operation!

Thresholding no. 19!

Sometimes, a global threshold does not work!

Original image! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Thresholded with
 Otsuʼs Method! Thresholding no. 20!

Locally adaptive thresholding!    

Slide a window over the image! For each window position, decide whether to do thresholding!    



Can use variance or other suitable criterion! Thresholding should not be performed in uniform areas!

Non-uniform areas: apply Otsuʼs method (based on local histogram) ! Uniform areas: classify the entire area as foreground or background based on mean value!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Thresholding no. 21!

Locally adaptive thresholding (example)!

Original image!

Global threshold!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Local threshold!

Thresholding no. 22!

Dilation!  

Binary dilation operator!


g ⎡⎣ x, y ⎤⎦ = OR ⎡⎣W f ⎡⎣ x, y ⎤⎦ ⎤⎦ := dilate f ,W Effects!


     




Expands the size of 1-valued objects! Smoothes object boundaries! Closes holes and gaps!

Original (178x178)!

dilation with ! 3x3 structuring element!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

dilation with ! 7x7 structuring element!

Morphological image processing no. 3!

Example: blob separation/detection by erosion! Original! binary! image! circles!

Erosion! by 11x11 ! structuring! element!

Erosion ! by 21x21 ! structuring! element!

Erosion! by 27x27 ! structuring! element!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Morphological image processing no. 5!

Example: counting coins!



1 connected component


thresholded after dilation

22 connected components

Courtesy: P. Salembier!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Morphological image processing no. 26!

Morphological edge detector!


Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

dilation g

(g-f) thresholded

Morphological image processing no. 28!

Courtesy: P. Salembier!

original f

Example! n  n 

Image subsampling 2:1 horizontally and vertically! Small input image of size 8x8, output image size 4x4! ! # # # # Hx = Hy = # # # # # "


1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

$ & & & & & & & & & %

Nice for unified treatment, but NOT recommended for implementation! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Image Filtering and Deconvolution no. 9!

Example (cont.)! n 

A somewhat better technique for 2:1 image size reduction! ! # # # # Hx = Hy = # # # # # "

n  n 

0.5 0 0 0 $ & 0.5 0 0 0 & 0 0.5 0 0 & 0 0.5 0 0 & & 0 0 0.5 0 & 0 0 0.5 0 & 0 0 0 0.5 & & 0 0 0 0.5 %

Can you figure out what this does to the image?! Why is this a better technique than the previous one?! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Image Filtering and Deconvolution no. 10!

Side by side comparison!

! # # # # Hx = Hy = # # # # # "

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

$ & & & & & & & & & %

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

! # # # # Hx = Hy = # # # # # "

0.5 0 0 0 $ & 0.5 0 0 0 & 0 0.5 0 0 & 0 0.5 0 0 & & 0 0 0.5 0 & 0 0 0.5 0 & 0 0 0 0.5 & & 0 0 0 0.5 %

Image Filtering and Deconvolution no. 11!

Filtering Examples!

Original! Cameraman!

Cameraman blurred by convolution! Filter impulse response! ! 1 1 !1 1 1 $ # 1 1 !1 1 1 & & 1 # 1 1 1 1 1 [ ] # & 25 # # 1 1 " 1 1

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

1 1

1 1 && 1 1 %

Image Filtering and Deconvolution no. 20!

Filtering Examples!

Original! Cameraman!

Cameraman blurred horizontally! Filter impulse response! ! 1 1 1 ![1] 1 1 5


Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!


Image Filtering and Deconvolution no. 21!

Filtering Examples!

Original! Cameraman!

Cameraman blurred vertically! Filter impulse response! ! !1 $ # 1 & ! & 1# # [1] & 5# & 1 # & 1 " %

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Image Filtering and Deconvolution no. 22!

Filtering Examples!

Original! Cameraman!

Cameraman sharpened! Filter impulse response! ! " 0 !1 0 % 1$ ! !1 8 !1 ' 4 $$ # 0

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

[ ] !1

' 0 '&

Image Filtering and Deconvolution no. 23!

Filtering Examples!

Original! Cameraman!

Cameraman sharpened! Filter impulse response! ! " 0 !1 0 % $ !1 !5 !1 ' [ ] $ $# 0

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!


' 0 '&

Image Filtering and Deconvolution no. 24!

Why do we process images?!  

Acquire an image! –  Correct aperture and color balance –  Reconstruct image from projections


Prepare for display or printing! –  Adjust image size –  Halftoning


Facilitate picture storage and transmission! –  Efficiently store an image in a digital camera –  Send an image from Mars to Earth


Enhance and restore images! –  Remove scratches from an old movie –  Improve visibility of tumor in a radiograph


Extract information from images! –  Read the ZIP code on a letter –  Measure water pollution from aerial images

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 2!

Image Processing Examples! Restoration of image from Hubble Space Telescope!


Source: IVPL Northwestern University, Chicago

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 3!

Color balancing example!

Original Lena! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

 color balancing! Color no. 27!

Image Processing Examples! Noise reduction!

Degraded image

Noise-reduced image! Source: Jungwon Lee, EE 368 class project, Spring 2000!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 5!

Image Processing Examples! Halftoning!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 7!

Wiener filtering example!

Image with motion blur!

restored by Wiener filtering! Source:!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Image Filtering and Deconvolution no. 55!

Image Processing Examples! Special Effects!


 color pencils!

 oil painting!

source: Feng Xiao, EE368 class project, spring 2000.

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 6!

Image Processing Examples! Pseudocolor enhancement for security screening!

Source: Gonzalez+Woods, Fig. 6.24!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 8!

Image Processing Examples! Extraction of settlement area from an aerial image!

source: INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 9!

Image Segmentation!!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 14!

Image Processing Examples! Face Detection!

source: Henry Chang, Ulises Robles, EE368 class project, spring 2000.

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 11!

Image Processing Examples! Face Detection!

source: Michael Bax, Chunlei Liu, and Ping Li, EE368 class project, spring 2003.

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 12!

Image Processing Examples! FaceDetection! Blurring for Privacy Protection! Face

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 13!

Image Processing Examples! Handwriting recognition!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 17!

Image Processing Examples! License Plate Recognition!!!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 18!

Image Processing Examples! Biometrics: Fingerprint recognition!

 System! IAFIS!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 19!

Image Processing Examples! Biometrics: Iris recognition!

Source: J. Daugman, U. Cambridge!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 20!

Image Processing Examples! Mugshot retrieval!

Source: MIT Media Lab!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 21!

Spring 2006 Project:
 Visual Code Marker Recognition!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 26!

Spring 2007 Project:
 Painting Recognition!









9! Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

10! Introduction no. 27!

Spring 2008 Project:
 CD Cover Recognition!

Bernd Girod: EE368 Digital Image Processing!

Introduction no. 29!