Implementing a process for CSR and Sustainability Based on ISO ...

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Region of Peel's 2010 Energy Matters Summit. Corporate Social Responsibility: The Roadmap for Sustainability. Introduction to ISO 26000 Social Responsibility.
Region of Peel’s 2010 Energy Matters Summit

Corporate Social Responsibility: The Roadmap for Sustainability Introduction to ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Bob White, ISO 26000 Industry Representative for Canada President of BRI International Inc. April 26 and 27, 2010

Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Objective: Change 1. To understand and use the new international best practice standard on CSR and Sustainability – ISO 26000: 2010 2. To be able to use ISO 26000 to integrate social responsibility throughout your organization to: –

Build strong and vibrant communities

Reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions

Invest in a more ethical and sustainable future Ver. 10.03.29

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Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Changing Behaviour Time span and level of difficulty involved for various levels of change (high) Individual Behaviour (3) Individual Behaviour (3)

Difficulty Involved

Attitudes (2) Knowledge (1)



Time Involved


Source: P. Hearsey and K.H. Blanchard; Management of organizational behaviour (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, 1972), p.160. Ver. 10.03.29

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Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Bob White MBA, BASc, P.Eng., CMC 1.

2. 3. 4.


President, BRI International Inc. since 1985 – Risk Management in Water and Wastewater in the cities of Barrie, Cambridge, Guelph, Kawartha Lakes, London, Ottawa, Sault St. Marie, Stratford and Vaughan and the Regions of Durham, York and Middlesex – Implementing CSR and training Management Consultants in Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Guyana, Jamaica, India, Mexico and USA – Advise Ontario Economic Summit, Canadian Manufacturers, Exporters, Brazil Federation of Industry and Confederation of Indian Industries Standardization: ISO 26000 Representative and Safe Drinking Water Teaching in Canada, India, Mexico – Ethics, CSR, Sustainability, GHG Emissions Reporting and Reduction Member: – Development and Peace – First Nations Water Commission Steering Committee Professional Engineer and Certified Management Consultant Ver. 10.03.29

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Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Why do we need a standard on Ethics? • Who is not ethical? • Timeless and universal? • ‘Do to others what you want them to do to you and do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you’ Ver. 10.03.29

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‘”Where written”

Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

ISO 26000 Social Responsibility: 2010 1. Since 2004, 435 CSR experts from 91 countries have been developing practical guidance related to: – Operationalizing Social Responsibility – Identifying and engaging with stakeholders, and – Enhancing credibility of reports and claims about SR 2. Emphasize performance and improvement 3. Be consistent with international SR treaties and conventions and existing ISO standards 4. Leverage trust with ISO, ILO, OECD and UNGC Ver. 10.03.29

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“Dumb-down SR”

Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Sustainability Codes/ Standards (Addressed in ISO 26000 SR) Assurance




UN Norms

Social and Ethical

OHSAS 18001 SA 8000

Global Compact


GRI IS0 14001 OECD AA1000 Assurance Standard DJSI ISO 9001

Economic/ Financial Ver. 10.03.29


Source: WBCSD + Page 7

Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

ISO 26000 in use - already Education: • Universities/ Colleges: ISO 26000 in courses: • e.g.: Seneca College: 19 Canadian companies Industry: • Canadian Electricity Association: Sustainability • Mining: Responsible Exploration • Vancouver Olympic Games 2010: CSA Z2010 Sustainable Event standard • Group Process: Mexico • Organization of American States: 32 countries Ver. 10.03.29

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Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Implementing Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Challenges 1. Complexity, effort and time 2. Vision, strategy and commitment often not sustainable – governance framework required to operationalize sustainability 3. Be able to monitor progress toward agreed objectives and benchmark against international best practice and each other 4. Scale-able and achievable Ver. 10.03.29

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Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Contributing to Sustainable Development ‘Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’ The UN Brundtland Commission

“In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations” Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy Ver. 10.03.29

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“20 % for change”

Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

(Corporate) Social Responsibility (ISO 26000 Social Responsibility)

‘Accepting responsibility for the impacts of decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour that: •

is consistent with sustainable development, and the welfare of society

takes into account the expectations of stakeholders

is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behaviour and

is integrated throughout the organization’ Ver. 10.03.29

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‘We don’t know….

Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Implementing Sustainability: Phases (ISO 26000 SR with experience from Canada, Brazil and India) Ver. 10.03.29

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Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Phase 2: The Relationship of Your Organization’s Characteristics to SR (cl.7.2) Understand the characteristics and the context in which you operate including: • The current attitudes, level of commitment to and understanding of social responsibility by your organization’s leadership • Your organization's understanding of the principles, subjects and benefits of social responsibility will greatly assist the integration of social responsibility throughout the organization and its sphere of influence Ver. 10.03.29

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‘”Ship it”

Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Phase 2: Principles of Social Responsibility (ISO/DIS 26000 cl. 4)

Are these principles known and practiced? 1. Accountability 2. Transparency 3. Ethical behaviour 4. Respect for stakeholder interests 5. Respect for the rule of law 6. Respect for international norms of behaviour 7. Respect for human rights Ver. 10.03.29

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Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Phase 3: Identify Your Organization’s SR (cl 7.3)

1. List the full range of your activities and organizations within your sphere of influence 2. Determine which core subjects and issues might arise when your organization and others within your sphere of influence carry out these activities 3. Examine the ways in which your organization’s decisions and activities can impact sustainable development 4. Identify societal expectations of responsible behaviour concerning these impacts 5. Include core subjects and issues that relate to day-to-day activities as well as those that arise only occasionally under very specific circumstances Ver. 10.03.29

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Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Phase 3: Core Subjects of SR to be addressed (ISO/DIS 26000 cl. 6)

Identify the impact and issues your decisions and activities have on these core subjects Include your sphere of influence Ver. 10.03.29

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Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

The Environment: Issues to be Addressed (ISO/DIS 26000 cl. 6.3)

1. Prevention of pollution 2. Sustainable resource use: –

Energy efficiency

water conservation and access to water

efficiency in the use of materials

3. Climate change mitigation and adaptation 4. Protection of the environment and restoration of natural habitats Ver. 10.03.29

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‘”9 vs 1 billion”

Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Measure, record, report and reduce significant GHG emissions •

International best practice Standards and Protocols for GHG quantification, reporting and projects and linkages with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) are: 1. ISO14064:2006 GHG Standards, Parts 1, 2 and 3 2. World Business Council on Sustainable Development and World Resources Institute (WBCSD/WRI) GHG Protocols Ver. 10.03.29

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Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Example: Accountability Framework Ver. 10.03.29

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‘”CEO to Ch i ”

Sustainability through ISO 26000 Social Responsibility

Sustainable Change 1. Get copy of ISO/DIS 26000 - it is free – for now 2. Benchmark your approach to Sustainability against ISO 26000 and plan to close the gap 3. Use ISO 26000 to promote ethical and socially responsible behaviour in your sphere of influence 4. Be able to declare that:

“The Region of Peel has used ISO 26000 as a guide to integrate social responsibility into our values and practices” Ver. 10.03.29

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