Individual Concepts in Modal Predicate Logic - CiteSeerX

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Contexts like quotations in which substitution of co-referential names may not pre- ..... discussion to a semantics in which domains are not allowed to vary. 6 ...... cognitive relation between the subject (Swann or the registrar) and the object of.
Individual Concepts in Modal Predicate Logic Maria Aloni∗



Suppose (1a) is true and (1b) is false. What is the truth value of (1c) under the assignment that maps the variable x to the individual which is Cicero and Tully? (1)

a. Philip is unaware that Tully denounced Catiline. b. Philip is unaware that Cicero denounced Catiline. c. Philip is unaware that x denounced Catiline.

After 50 years, this question from Quine1 is still puzzling logicians, linguists and philosophers. In the present article, this and other paradoxes of de re propositional attitude reports are discussed in the framework of modal predicate logic. In the first part of the article, I compare different reactions to these paradoxes and I argue in favor of an analysis in which evaluations of attitude reports are relativized to the ways of identifying objects used in the specific circumstances of an utterance. The insight that different methods of identification are available and can be used in different contexts is not new in the logical-philosophical literature2 and it is also not without problems. In the second part of the article, I give this insight a precise formalization, which in the same go solves the associated problems, and sketch an analysis of the pragmatics of propositional attitudes in general.


Setting the stage: the de re-de dicto distinction

The present article is about the interaction between propositional attitudes, quantifiers and the notion of identity. All of the conceptual difficulties arising from such interplay were first addressed by Quine, in his classic papers in the 50-60s. Quine 1953 discusses cases of failure of the principle of substitutivity of identicals. According to this principle, originally formulated by Leibniz, co-referential expressions are interchangeable everywhere salva veritate. Quine considers the following example: (2) ‘Cicero’ contains six letters. ∗ This material has grown out of chapters 2 and 4 of my PhD thesis ‘Quantification under Conceptual Covers’. First and foremost, thanks are due to Paul Dekker. My thesis and this article have benefited enormously from his numerous suggestions and corrections. I would also like to thank Jelle Gerbrandy, Jeroen Groenendijk, and Robert van Rooy for having inspired part of this work. Andrea Bonomi, Paul Gochet, Carlos Areces, Frank Veltman, Inge Arnesen and an anonymous reviewer also provided insightful comments. Part of this research has been financially supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). 1 See Quine 1953, Quine 1956, and Quine 1960. ‘What is this object, that denounced Catiline without Philip’s having become aware of the fact?’ (Quine 1953, p. 147). 2 See in particular Hintikka 1967 and Hintikka 1969, but also Kraut 1983 and more recently Gerbrandy 2000.


Although Cicero is Tully, the substitution of the second for the first does not preserve the truth value of the sentence. The following is false: (3) ‘Tully’ contains six letters. The principle of substitutivity fails to hold in this case. Another principle which clearly fails in connection with this kind of examples is the principle of existential generalization. If we apply such a principle to example (2) we obtain: (4) ∃x(‘x’ contains six letters) which ‘consists merely of a falsehood – namely “The 24th letter of the alphabet contains six letters.” – preceded by an irrelevant quantifier’ (Quine 1953, p. 147). Contexts like quotations in which substitution of co-referential names may not preserve truth value are called referentially opaque by Quine. Given the difficulties illustrated by example (4), Quine has taken the view that quantification into opaque contexts is always misguided. Propositional attitudes and modalities also create referential opaque contexts. Consider, for example, belief attributions, as in the examples in (5). The following three sentences are mutually consistent: (5) a. Philip believes that Cicero denounced Catiline. b. Cicero is Tully. c. Philip does not believe that Tully denounced Catiline. Substitution of co-referential terms in belief contexts is not always allowed. Furthermore, consider sentence (6) which should be derivable from (5a) according to the principle of existential generalization. The problem with this sentence is that we cannot identify the object that according to Philip denounced Catiline. It cannot be Cicero, that is, Tully because to assume this would conflict with the truth of (5c). (6) ∃x(Philip believes that x denounced Catiline) Quine concludes that quantification in propositional attitude contexts is always unwarranted too, as in the quotation contexts considered above. But consider now the following sentence: (7) Ralph believes that the president of Russia is bald. Suppose Ralph wrongly believes that Jeltsin is the actual president of Russia, rather than Putin. How do we interpret (7)? Does it say that Ralph believes that Jeltsin is bald or Putin? Intuitively (7) can have both readings. On the first reading, the term ‘the president of Russia’ is presented as part of Ralph’s belief and is interpreted from his perspective, so inside the scope of the belief operator. On the second reading, the same description is not taken to belong to Ralph’s conceptual repertoire, but it is used to denote the actual president of Russia so that the description is interpreted from our perspective, thus outside the belief operator. Now consider another situation. Suppose Ralph does not have any idea about who the president of Russia is. Sentence (7) is again ambiguous. On the first reading, in which ‘the president of Russia’ is interpreted from Ralph’s perspective, Ralph has an unspecific belief about whoever is the president of Russia; on the other reading, in which reference is made from our perspective, it is asserted that Ralph believes of Putin, who is de facto the president of Russia, that he is bald. 2

Now, if we assume the first reading of (7), substitution of co-referential terms can change the truth value of the sentence. Under this reading, (7) and (8) can have different truth values and the principle of substitutivity fails. (8) Ralph believes that Putin is bald. On the other hand, substitutivity is warranted, if we assume the second reading. If we interpret the relevant terms from the speaker’s perspective, (7) is true iff (8) is true. Furthermore, while existential generalization can intuitively not be warranted in the first case, it is always in the second case. Consider the second described situation. On the first interpretation of (7), the derivation of (9) is problematic, but it is intuitively justified on the second reading. (9) ∃x(Ralph believes that x is bald) From this example we can conclude that belief contexts are not always opaque. Quine’s 1953 conclusion was too drastic after all. There are readings of belief reports for which the principle of substitutivity of identicals and existential generalization do hold. These have been called de re readings. Belief contexts which do not warrant these principles, and so are referentially opaque, are called de dicto. The existence of unproblematic cases of quantification into propositional attitude contexts is recognized by Quine himself in Quine 1956, where he discusses the following classical example also illustrating the de re-de dicto contrast: (10) Ralph believes that someone is a spy. a. Ralph believes there are spies. b. There is someone whom Ralph believes to be a spy. Example (10) is ambiguous between a de dicto reading, paraphrased in (10a), asserting that Ralph believes that the set of spies is not empty, and a de re reading, paraphrased in (10b), saying that there is a particular individual to whom Ralph attributes espionage. ‘The difference is vast: indeed, if Ralph is like most of us, (10a) is true and (10b) is false’ (Quine 1956, p. 178). In the next section, I introduce modal predicate logic and I show how it can deal with de re and de dicto distinction.


Modal Predicate Logic

In this section I introduce possible world semantics for Modal Predicate Logic (MPL). The presentation is based on Hughes and Cresswell 1996. A language L of modal predicate logic takes the following symbols as primitive: (1) For each natural number 0 ≤ n a (possibly finite but at most denumerably infinite) set P of n-place predicates. (2) A (possibly finite but at most denumerably infinite) set C of individual constants. (3) A denumerably infinite set V of individual variables. (4) The symbols ¬, ∧, ∃, 2, =, (, and ). The following formation rules specify which expressions are to count as well formed of our language:


R0 Any individual constant in C or variable in V is a term in L. R1 Any sequence of symbols formed by an n-place predicate followed by n terms is a well formed formula (wff). R2 If t and t0 are terms, then t = t0 is a wff. R3 If φ is a wff, then ¬φ is a wff. R4 If φ is a wff and x is a variable, then ∃xφ is a wff. R5 If φ and ψ are wffs, so is (φ ∧ ψ). R6 If φ is a wff, then 2φ is a wff. R7 Nothing else is a wff. We adopt the standard abbreviations φ → ψ = ¬(φ ∧ ¬ψ), ∀xφ = ¬∃x¬φ and 3φ = ¬2¬φ. A model M for LM P L is a quadruple hW, R, D, Ii in which W is a non-empty set of possible worlds; R is a relation on W , D is a non-empty set of individuals; and I is an interpretation function which assigns for each w ∈ W an element Iw (c) of D to each individual constant c in C, and a subset Iw (P ) of Dn to each n-ary predicate P in P. Well-formed expressions in L are interpreted in models with respect to an assignment function g ∈ DV and a world w ∈ W . Definition 1 [MPL-Interpretation of Terms] (i) [t]M,w,g = g(t) if t is a variable. (ii) [t]M,w,g = Iw (t) if t is a constant. We define now a satisfaction relation |=, holding between a world w and a formula φ in a model M and relative to an assignment g, saying that φ is true in M and w with respect to g. Definition 2 [MPL-Interpretation of Formulas] M, w |=g P t1 , M, w |=g t1 = t2 M, w |=g ¬φ M, w |=g φ ∧ ψ M, w |=g ∃xφ M, w |=g 2φ

iff iff iff iff iff iff

h[t1 ]M,w,g , ..., [tn ]M,w,g i ∈ Iw (P ) [t1 ]M,w,g = [t2 ]M,w,g not M, w |=g φ M, w |=g φ and M, w |=g ψ ∃d ∈ D : M, w |=g[x/d] φ ∀w0 : wRw0 : M, w0 |=g φ

A formula is valid in a model M iff it is true with respect to all assignments and all worlds in M . A formula is valid in MPL iff it is valid in all models. Definition 3 [MPL-Validity] Let M = hW, R, D, Ii be a model for L and φ a wff of L. M |=M P L φ |=M P L φ

iff iff

∀w ∈ W, ∀g ∈ DV : M, w |=g φ ∀M : M |=M P L φ


The idea of using modal predicate logic to represent the logic of propositional attitudes derives from Hintikka 1962. For simplicity, I will deal with cases in which one propositional attitude, namely belief, is attributed to one person only. The set of worlds w0 accessible from w, {w0 ∈ W | wRw0 }, is seen as the belief state Bel(w) of the relevant subject in w. Bel(w) represents the set of the subject’s doxastic alternatives in w, that is the set of possibilities that are compatible with her belief in that world. A sentence like ‘a believes that φ’ is translated as 2φ. 2φ is true in w iff φ is true in all worlds accessible from w. This intuitively means that a subject a believes that φ is true iff in all possible worlds compatible with what a believes, it is the case that φ; and that a does not believe that φ is true iff in at least one world compatible with what a believes, it is not the case that φ. Principles of a logic of belief Kripke 1963 points out that different types of modal notions can be characterized by certain axiom schemes that constraint the accessibility relation. For example, consider the following scheme which may fail to hold only in a model in which some possibility is inaccessible from itself:3 T 2φ → φ T is a plausible principle for certain interpretations of the modal operators, for instance metaphysical necessity or knowledge. If something is necessary true, then it is true. And what is known must be the case. Thus a modal system which wants to capture the logic of these notions should only consider models with a reflexive accessibility relation (∀w : wRw). On the other hand, T is not a plausible principle for a logic of belief. If you believe that it is raining, it does not follow that it is raining, because you might be wrong. Belief is not a factive notion, contrary to knowledge. Other schemes, however, are intuitively valid when it concerns beliefs. Belief is normally taken to satisfy positive and negative introspection. If you (do not) believe something, you believe that you (do not) believe it. The following two principles, thus, are plausible for a logic of belief. 4 2φ → 22φ E ¬2φ → 2¬2φ 4 corresponds to the transitivity of R (∀w, w0 , w00 : wRw0 & w0 Rw00 ⇒ wRw00 ). E expresses the fact that R is a euclidean relation (∀w, w0 , w00 : wRw0 & wRw00 ⇒ w0 Rw00 ). A further assumption which is often made (see for instance Hintikka 1962) is that only consistent belief states are taken into consideration. If you believe φ, then φ is consistent with your belief state. D 2φ → 3φ This principle is satisfied in all models in which each world has at least one accessible world (∀w : ∃w0 : wRw0 ). A relation which satisfies this condition is called a serial relation. A last principle we should mention is K which is intuitively valid given any interpretation of 2. K 2(φ → ψ) → (2φ → 2ψ) it is easy to show that K holds in every MPL model, no matter what accessibility relation it has. To summarize, in addition to K, the following three principles, corresponding to the respective conditions on the accessibility relation, will be adopted in what follows: 3 The labels used for the principles in this section are historically motivated. See for example Hughes and Cresswell 1996 for the relevant references.


1. Consistency (Serial Relations) D 2φ → 3φ 2. Positive Introspection (Transitive Relations) 4 2φ → 22φ 3. Negative Introspection (Euclidian Relations) E ¬2φ → 2¬2φ Reflexivity (Factivity) expressed by principle T and Symmetry expressed by the following principle B: 32φ → φ are not assumed. B is not a reasonable principle for belief. Not everything which is consistent to believe must be the case. Belief and quantification We consider now how MPL deals with the interaction between quantifiers and the belief operator. First of all the present semantics validates the following two schemes which are known as the Barcan Formula and its Converse:4 BF ∀x2φ → 2∀xφ CBF 2∀xφ → ∀x2φ Also the following related ‘mixed’ principle, which I call the Principle of Importation, holds in MPL: IM ∃x2φ → 2∃xφ Its converse, however, which will be called the Principle of Exportation, is not generally valid: EX 2∃xφ → ∃x2φ The failure of EX is crucial for the MPL representation of the de re-de dicto distinction. De re and de dicto In MPL, the de re-de dicto contrast can be expressed by means of permutation of components of formulae, as in Russell 1905. Sentences like (11) or (12) can be assigned the two logical forms in (a) and (b): (11) Ralph believes that someone is a spy. a. 2∃xS(x) b. ∃x2S(x) 4 Numerous objections have been raised against the intuitive validity of these two principles. The standard way to provide a semantics where the Barcan formula does not hold is to allow for models with increasing domains. In order to do so, a model is defined as a quintuple: hW, R, D, F, Ii where W, R, D, I are as above, and F is a function from W to subsets of D, which satisfies the following condition: if wRw0 , then F (w) ⊆ F (w0 ). If we want to falsify the converse of the Barcan Formula, we need to drop the inclusion requirement (see Hughes and Cresswell 1996 for a clear formal discussion of these issues). However, since considerable difficulties arise if we drop the inclusion requirement, and since the philosophical issue related to the intuitive interpretation of the Barcan Formula and its Converse is not prominent in the present work, I will restrict my discussion to a semantics in which domains are not allowed to vary.


(12) Ralph believes that the president of Russia is bald. a. 2∃x(r = x ∧ B(x)) b. ∃x(r = x ∧ 2B(x)) The (a) logical forms express the de dicto readings of the sentences with possibly different individuals being spies or presidents in different doxastic alternatives of Ralph. The (b) logical forms expresses the de re readings, in which one and the same individual is ascribed espionage or baldness in all worlds compatible with what Ralph believes. The de re-de dicto distinction is represented in terms of a scope ambiguity. De re belief reports are sentences which contain some free variable in the scope of a belief operator. Note that the two logical forms 2∃x(r = x ∧ B(x)) and 2B(r) are equivalent in the present semantics. I will use the latter representation for the de dicto reading of sentences like (12) in the following discussion. It is easy to see that by means of these representations, MPL manages to tackle the intuitions about the de re and the de dicto belief exposed in section 2. Let us see first how the referential opacity of de dicto belief is accounted for. MPL invalidates the following unrestricted versions of the principles of substitutivity of identicals and of existential generalization: SI t1 = t2 → (φ[t1 ] → φ[t2 ]) EG φ[t] → ∃xφ[x] where φ[t1 ] and φ[t2 ] differ only in that the former contains the term t1 in one or more places where the latter contains t2 . The two principles can fail in the presence of some belief operator when applied to arbitrary singular terms.5 The reason for this is that the interpretation of a belief operator involves a shift of the world of evaluation and two terms can refer to one and the same individual in one world and yet fail to co-refer in some other. Given this fact, MPL can easily account for the consistency of the following three sentences, where (13a) and (15a) are assigned a de dicto interpretation: (13) a. Ralph believes that the president of Russia is bald. b. 2B(r) (14) a. The president of Russia is Putin. b. r = p (15) a. Ralph does not believe that Putin is bald. b. ¬2B(p) Even if ‘Putin’ and ‘the president of Russia’ denote one and the same man in the actual world, thus making the identity in (14) true, they can refer to different men in the worlds conceived possible by Ralph. For this reason, (13) and (15) can both be true. The principle of substitutivity of identicals does not hold in general.6 The 5 Substitution of co-referential terms and existential generalization are allowed, if applied to variables or in the absence of any belief operator. The following principles are valid in MPL: SI1 t1 = t2 → (φ[t1 ] → φ[t2 ]) (if φ is non-modal)

SIv x = y → (φ[x] → φ[y]) EG1 φ[t] → ∃xφ[x] (if φ is non-modal) EGv φ[y] → ∃xφ[x] 6 A weaker version of the principle of substitutivity of identicals holds for sentences containing a belief operator, if we assume consistency, positive and negative introspection:


substitutivity puzzle involving proper names, illustrated by the following examples, can be handled in the same way. (16) a. Philip believes that Cicero denounced Catiline. b. 2φ(c) (17) a. Cicero is Tully. b. c = t (18) a. Philip does not believe that Tully denounced Catiline. b. ¬2φ(t) The intuitive consistence of these three sentences can be accounted for by assuming that in different doxastic alternatives a proper name can denote different individuals. The failure of substitutivity of co-referential terms (in particular proper names) in belief contexts does not depend on the ways in which terms actually refer to objects (so this analysis is not in opposition with Kripke’s 1972 theory of proper names), it is simply due to the possibility that two terms that actually refer to one and the same individual are not believed by someone to do so.7 Similarly we can explain why we cannot always existentially quantify with respect to a term which occurs in a belief context. The term ‘the president of Russia’ may be such that it refers to different men in Ralph’s doxastic alternatives (and in the actual world), and, therefore, the de dicto reading (19b) of a sentence like (19a) does not necessarily imply (20) or (21): (19) a. Ralph believes that the president of Russia is bald. b. 2B(r) c. ∃x(x = r ∧ 2B(x)) (20) a. There is someone whom Ralph believes to be bald. b. ∃x2B(x) (21) a. Ralph believes Putin to be bald. b. ∃x(x = p ∧ 2B(x)) On the other hand, both (20) and (21) are obviously derivable8 from the de re reading (19c) of (19a) and, therefore, the referential transparency of de re belief is also accounted for. SI2 2t1 = t2 → (2φ[t1 ] → 2φ[t2 ]) If we are discussing what a person believes we can substitute a term for another if they refer to one and the same individual in all her doxastic alternatives. If we consider all models rather than only serial, transitive, and euclidean models, the principle holds only if φ is non-modal. 7 It is important to notice that the phenomena which are typically considered in discussions of rigid designators (alethic modalities and counterfactuals) are of a different nature than the epistemic phenomena considered here. Many authors (e.g. Hintikka 1975 and Bonomi 1983) have distinguished semantically rigid designators from epistemically rigid designators - the former refer to specific individuals in counterfactual situations, the latter identify objects across possibilities in belief states - and concluded that proper names are rigid only in the first sense. 8 Example (20) follows by simple reasoning. Example (21) is derived by substitution of coreferential terms which holds if operated outside the scope of a belief operator (with the assumption that Putin is the president of Russia).


The contrast between the de re and the de dicto logical forms is a genuine one. Existential generalization and exportation of terms from belief contexts is not generally allowed. In order for existential generalization (or term exportation) to be applicable to a term t occurring in the scope of a belief operator, t has to denote the same individual in all doxastic alternatives of the relevant agent (plus the actual world). The following two principles are valid in MPL, if we assume consistency, positive and negative introspection:9 EG2 ∃x2x = t → (2φ[t] → ∃x2φ[x]) TEX2 ∃x(x = t ∧ 2x = t) → (2φ[t] → ∃x(x = t ∧ 2φ[x])) Sentences like ∃x(x = t ∧ 2x = t) are used by a number of authors, notably Hintikka, as representations of knowing-who constructions. TEX2 says that a term t is exportable from a belief context if we have as an additional premise that the relevant subject knows who t is. In MPL, in order to have a de re belief we need to know who somebody is.

Double vision puzzles Although MPL can account for the de re-de dicto distinction, its solution to the substitutivity paradox is not fully satisfactory. Since variables refer to one and the same individual in all possible worlds, the following version of the substitutivity principle holds in MPL: SIv x = y → (φ[x] → ψ[y]) As argued by Church 1982, substitutivity paradoxes can be constructed which depend on variables rather than descriptions or names. It is easy to see from SIv that MPL validates the following scheme:10 LIv x = y → 2x = y Furthermore in serial frames, principle CLNIv follows as well:11 CLNIv 2x 6= y → x 6= y Now consider the formulation of the two principles in ‘quasi-ordinary’ language: (22) For every x and y, if x = y, then George IV believes that x = y. (23) For every x and y, if George IV believes that x 6= y, then x 6= y. Example (22) can be understood to say that one individual cannot be believed by George IV to be two. For example, George IV cannot fail to recognize as the same individual, an individual encountered on two different occasions. Example (23) says that George IV can make individuals distinct by merely believing that 9 If we consider also non-serial, non-transitive and non-euclidean models, the two principles are valid only if φ does not contain any belief operator. 10 MPL also validates the following scheme:

LNIv x 6= y → 2x 6= y And in all serial models also the following is valid: CLIv 2x = y → x = y LNIv and CLIv are not discussed by Church, since they are not derivable by simple application of substitutivity. 11 If there are no worlds accessible from w, 2x 6= y is true in w, even if x and y refer everywhere to one and the same individual.


they are distinct. In MPL, George IV, as well as anyone with consistent beliefs, is predicted to have such incredible powers. These two predictions can intuitively be accepted ‘only on the doubtful assumption that belief properly applies “to the fulfillment of condition by objects” quite “apart from special ways of specifying” the objects’.12 Following Church, I call this assumption the principle of transparency of belief. In the literature, a series of so called double vision situations have been discussed which illustrate the problematic nature of such a principle. In all of these examples, we find someone who knows an individual in different guises, without realizing that it is one and the same individual. A famous case is the one discussed by Quine 1956. Quine tells of a man called Ralph, who ascribes contradictory properties to Ortcutt since, having met him on two quite different occasions, he is ‘acquainted’ with him in two different ways. Another well-known example is described in Kripke 1979. In Kripke’s story, the bilingual Pierre assents to ‘Londres est jolie’ and denies ‘London is pretty’, because he does not recognize that the ugly city where he lives now, which he calls ‘London’, is the same city as the one he calls ‘Londres’, about which he has heard while he was in France. In a third situation, described in Richards 1993, a man does not realize that the woman to whom he is speaking through the phone is the same woman he sees across the street and who he perceives to be in some danger. In such a situation the man might sincerely utter: ‘I believe that she is in danger’, but not ‘I believe that you are in danger’, although the two pronouns ‘she’ and ‘you’ refer to one and the same woman. Let me expand upon the situation discussed in Quine 1956: There is a certain man in a brown hat whom Ralph has glimpsed several times under questionable circumstances on which we need not enter here; suffice it to say that Ralph suspects he is a spy. Also there is a greyhaired man, vaguely known to Ralph as rather a pillar of the community, whom Ralph is not aware of having seen except once at the beach. Now Ralph does not know it but the men are one and the same. (Quine 1956, p. 179.) Consider the following sentence: (24) a. Ralph believes that x is a spy. b. 2S(x) Is (24) true under an assignment which maps x to the individual Ortcutt which is the man seen on the beach and the man with the brown hat?13 As Quine observes, the ordinary notion of belief seems to require that although (24) holds when x is specified in one way, namely as the man with the brown hat, it may yet fail when the same x is specified in some other way, namely as the man seen on the beach. Belief ‘does not properly apply to the fulfillment of conditions by objects apart from special ways of specifying them’ (Quine 1953, p. 151). In standard modal predicate logic, we fail to capture this ordinary sense of belief. Since variables range over bare individuals, we cannot account for the fact that sentences like (24) depend on the way of specifying these individuals. This feature also implies that in MPL the following two sentences cannot both be true, unless we want to charge Ralph with contradictory beliefs: (25) a. Ralph believes Ortcutt to be a spy. b. ∃x(x = o ∧ 2S(x)) 12 This 13 This

is a quote from Church 1982, p. 62, who quotes Quine 1953, p. 151. question is structurally identical to the initial question of this article.


(26) a. Ralph believes Ortcutt not to be a spy. b. ∃x(x = o ∧ 2¬S(x)) In MPL we cannot avoid the inference from (25) and (26) to (27): (27) a. Ralph believes Ortcutt to be a spy and not to be a spy. b. ∃x(x = o ∧ 2(S(x) ∧ ¬S(x))) Example (27) says that Ralph’s belief state is contradictory. This prediction clashes with our intuitions about this case. On the one hand, since Ralph would assent to the sentence: ‘That man with the brown hat is a spy’, we are intuitively allowed to infer (25). On the other hand, since ‘Ralph is ready enough to say, in all sincerity, ‘Bernard J. Ortcutt is no spy’,’ (Quine 1956, p. 179) we are also ready to infer (26). But this should not imply that Ralph has contradictory beliefs. Ralph is not ‘logically insane’, he simply lacks certain information. In the following section, I will discuss three refinements of the standard modal predicate semantics which have been proposed as a response to Quine’s intriguing puzzle, and I will show that they also raise problems of their own.


Contingent Identity Systems

Consider the property P which an object x has iff Ralph believes of x that x is a spy. From the discussion in the previous section, it seems that it depends on the way of referring to x whether P applies to x. A number of systems have been proposed that try to account for this dependence. Here I just consider what Hughes and Cresswell 1996 call Contingent Identity (CI) systems, based on the framework of modal predicate logic. In CI systems, the principles of necessary (non-)identity LIv and LNIv and their converses do not hold. This result is obtained by allowing a variable to take different values in different worlds. A standard way to do this is to let variables range over so-called individual concepts.14 An individual concept is a total function from possible worlds in W to individuals in D.


Quantifying over all concepts

In the first Contingent Identity semantics we will consider (CIA), variables are taken to range over all individual concepts in IC = DW . Language and models are defined as in MPL. Well-formed expressions are interpreted in models with respect to a world and an assignment function g ∈ IC V . Variables are crucially assigned concepts in IC, rather than individuals in D. The denotation of a variable x with respect to an assignment g and a world w is the instantiation g(x)(w) of g(x) in w. Definition 4 [CI-interpretation of variables] [x]M,w,g = g(x)(w) In the semantics, we only have to adjust the clause dealing with existential quantification. Definition 5 [Quantification over all individual concepts] M, w |=g ∃xφ


∃c ∈ IC : M, w |=g[x/c] φ

It is easy to see that CIA does not validate LIv and LNIv and their converses. Let M = hW, R, D, Ii be such that W = {w, w0 } and R = {hw, w0 i, hw0 , w0 i}; and let g, g 0 ∈ IC V be such that g(x)(w) = g(y)(w) and g(x)(w0 ) 6= g(y)(w0 ), and g 0 (x)(w) 6= g 0 (y)(w) and g 0 (x)(w0 ) = g 0 (y)(w0 ) respectively. Then we have: 14 This

use of individual concepts can be seen to be anticipated in Frege 1892, and Carnap 1947.


(i) M, w, g 6|=CIA x = y → 2x = y; (ii) M, w, g 6|=CIA 2x 6= y → x 6= y. (iii) M, w, g 0 6|=CIA x 6= y → 2x 6= y (iv) M, w, g 0 6|=CIA 2x = y → x = y By invalidating LIv, CIA avoids the double vision paradoxes. Given the situation described by Quine, a sentence like (24) is true under an assignment which maps x to the concept λw[the man with the brown hat]w and false under an assignment which maps x to the concept λw[the man seen on the beach]w . ((24)) a. Ralph believes that x is a spy. b. 2S(x) In this way the dependence of belief on the ways of specifying the intended objects is accounted for. Furthermore, (25) and (26) below do not entail the problematic (27): (25) ∃x(x = o ∧ 2S(x)) (26) ∃x(x = o ∧ 2¬S(x)) (27) ∃x(x = o ∧ 2(S(x) ∧ ¬S(x))) We can infer (28), which, as it is easy to see, does not entail that Ralph’s beliefs are inconsistent: (28) ∃x(x = o ∧ ∃y(o = y ∧ 2(S(x) ∧ ¬S(y)))) The analysis of de re belief reports formalized by CIA can be intuitively formulated as follows: The sentence ‘a believes b to be φ’ is true iff there is a representation α such that α is actually b and a would assent to ‘α is φ’. To believe de re of x that x has P is to ascribe P to x under some representation. Although in a different framework15 , Quine 1956 predicts similar truth conditions for de re belief attributions. In order to account for ordinary cases of quantification into belief contexts, Quine distinguishes two notions of belief, notional (belief1 ) and relational (belief2 ). The latter contains one or more of the crucial terms in a purely referential position and, therefore, sustains both substitution of identicals and existential generalization. For example, a sentence like: (29) Ralph believes that Ortcutt is a spy. is assigned two interpretations, represented as follows: (30) Ralph believes1 (‘Ortcutt is a spy’) (31) Ralph believes2 (‘x is a spy’, Ortcutt) According to Quine, the relational interpretation (31), which corresponds to the de re reading, is implied16 by any sentence of the form: 15 Quine

considers intensions (individual concepts but also propositions) ‘creatures of darkness’ (Quine 1956, p. 180) and analyzes his notional belief reports as relations between individuals and sentences rather than propositions. I will disregard this issue here. 16 ‘The kind of exportation which leads from (30) to (31) should doubtless be viewed in general as implicative.’ Quine 1956, p. 182.


(32) Ralph believes1 (‘α is a spy’) together with the simple identity ‘α = Ortcutt’. As noticed by Kaplan 1969, there is a problem with this analysis. Upon a closer inspection, Quine’s account (or CIA more in general) fails to capture the intuitions that originally led us to a distinction between the de re and de dicto representations. The shortest spy problem illustrates why. The shortest spy It is easy to see that CIA validates the principle of exportation: EX 2∃xφ → ∃x2φ It follows that the general form of existential generalization EG and term exportation from belief contexts are also validated: TEX 2φ[a] → ∃x(x = a ∧ 2φ[x]) The following two examples illustrate why the validity of these schemes clashes with our intuitions about de re belief. Consider the following case discussed in Kaplan 1969. Suppose Ralph believes there are spies, but does not believe of anyone in particular that she is a spy. He further believes that no two spies have the same height which entails that there is a shortest spy. In such a situation, the de re reading of Quine’s spy example (33), which ‘was originally intended to express a fact that would interest the F.B.I.’(Kaplan 1969, p. 220), is intuitively false. (33) There is someone whom Ralph believes to be a spy. The problem of the present semantics is that such a reading is not captured by the following representation: (34) ∃x2S(x) Given the circumstances described above, we have no troubles in finding a value for x under which 2S(x) is true, namely the concept λw[the shortest spy]w , therefore, (34) is true in CIA and hence cannot be used to express (33). The classical representation of the de re-de dicto contrast in terms of scope permutation is no longer available. The following example illustrates the same difficulty. Consider the de re sentence: (35) Ralph believes Putin to be the president of Russia. Example (35) is intuitively false in a situation in which Ralph believes that Jeltsin is the president of Russia. In CIA, however, the standard de re representation of (35), namely (36) is implied by any sentence of the form (37) together with the simple identity α = p. (36) ∃x(x = p ∧ 2x = r) (37) a. Ralph believes that α is the president of Russia. b. 2 α = r In particular, it is implied by a trivially true sentence like (38) in case Putin is de facto the president of Russia. 13

(38) a. Ralph believes that the president of Russia is the president of Russia. b. 2 r = r Thus, in CIA, (36) is true in the described situation and, therefore, cannot serve as a representation (35). The validity of (term) exportation conflicts with our intuitions about the significant difference between the de re and de dicto readings of belief attributions. One conclusion we could draw from these examples is the inadequacy of an analysis of de re belief which assumes that they involve quantification over concepts, rather than objects. Principles EX and TEX are indeed very natural, if we take quantifiers to range over concepts. If a believes that someone is the so and so, then there is a concept, viz. the so and so, such that a believes that it is the so and so. On the other hand, if we assumed, instead, that de re belief applies to bare individuals rather than concepts, we would go back to MPL with its double vision difficulties. Many authors have therefore maintained that an analysis of de re belief involving quantification over ways of specifying individuals is on the right track. What is needed, if we want to solve the difficulties presented in the present section, is not a return to quantification over individuals rather than representations, but ‘a frankly inequalitarian attitude’17 towards these representations. This is Quine’s diagnosis of the ‘shortest spy cases’, further developed by Kaplan 1969.18 According to this view, de re belief attributions do involve quantifications over representations, yet not over all representations. ‘The shortest spy’ or ‘the president of Russia’ in the examples above are typical instances of representations that should not be allowed in our domain of quantification. In the next subsection, I present and investigate a second contingent identity system which formally works out this strategy. It will turn out, however, that also this kind of analysis is not fully satisfactory.


Quantifying over suitable concepts

Standard MPL was too stringent in allowing only plain individuals as possible values for our variables, and CIA was too liberal in allowing all concepts to count as ‘objects’. An adequate semantics might be one which allows some (possibly non-rigid) concepts to count as possible values for our variables, but not all. Such a semantics could be obtained by taking models which specify which sets of concepts are to count as domains of quantification. These models will be quintuples hW, R, D, S, Ii in which W, R, D, I are as above and S ⊆ IC. In this second Contingent Identity semantics CIB, variables are taken to range over a subset of the set of all concepts. Assignments g ∈ S V map individual variables to elements of S. Definition 6 [Quantification over suitable concepts] M, w |=g ∃xφ


∃c ∈ S : M, w |=g[x/c] φ

It is easy to see that the notion of validity defined by CIB is weaker than the notion of MPL and of CIA validity. Indeed, all MPL and CIA models are CIB models, properly understood. CIB-validity thus entails MPL- and CIA-validity, but not the other way around. Proposition 1 Let φ be a wff of L. (i) |=CIB φ ⇒ |=M P L φ 17 The

quotation is from the end of Quine 1961. a solution might lie in somehow picking out certain kind of names as being required for the exportation.’ Kaplan 1969, p. 221. 18 ‘...


(ii) |=CIB φ ⇒ |=CIA φ proof : the proof relies on the fact that for each MPL or CIA model M = hW, R, D, Ii we can build two corresponding CIB models, MM P L and MCIA , which satisfy conditions (a) and (b) respectively, for all wffs φ: (a) MM P L |=CIB φ ⇔ M |=M P L φ (b) MCIA |=CIB φ ⇔ M |=CIA φ The construction of the two models is straightforward. Let M = hW, R, D, Ii be an MPL (or CIA) model. We build MM P L = hW 0 , R0 , D0 , SM P L , I 0 i and MCIA = hW 0 , R0 , D0 , SCIA , I 0 i as follows. We let W 0 , R0 , D0 , I 0 be like W, R, D, I and SM P L and SCIA contain all and only rigid concepts and all concepts respectively: SM P L = {λw[d] | d ∈ D} and SCIA = IC. It is an easy exercise to see that conditions (a) and (b) are satisfied. But then for X ranging over MPL and CIA, 6|=X φ implies for some M , M 6|=X φ which implies for the corresponding model MX , MX 6|=CIB φ, which means 6|=CIB φ. 2 Note that MPL-validity does not entail CIA-validity or the other way around: (iii) |=M P L φ 6⇒ |=CIA φ (iv) |=CIA φ 6⇒ |=M P L φ Together with proposition 1, this implies that CIB-validity is strictly weaker than MPL- and CIA-validity. (v) |=M P L φ 6⇒ |=CIB φ (vi) |=CIA φ 6⇒ |=CIB φ The CIB semantics is very promising. By proposition 1, clause (i), CIB does not validate EX or TEX, since they are not valid in MPL. Therefore, it seems to avoid the problem of the shortest spy. On the other hand, by proposition 1, clause (ii), LIv is also invalidated, since it fails to hold in CIA, and therefore the double vision difficulties do not arise. In CIB, de re belief attributions are analyzed as follows: The sentence ‘a believes b to be φ’ is true iff there is a suitable representation α such that α is actually b and a would assent to ‘α is φ’. To believe de re of x that x has P is to ascribe P to x under some suitable representation α. Although it uses a different framework,19 the influential analysis in Kaplan 1969 can be classified in this group. In that article, Kaplan attempts a concrete characterization of the notion of a suitable representation with respect to an agent and an object. A necessary and sufficient condition for the truth of a sentence of the form ‘a believes x to be P ’, is the existence of a representation α in the conceptual repertoire of the agent a such that (i) α denotes x, (ii) α is a name of x for a, (iii) α is sufficiently vivid, and (iv) a believes α is P . So, for example, the following sentence is accepted iff there is a vivid name α of Putin in Ralph’s conceptual repertoire such that Ralph believes that α is the president of Russia. 19 Kaplan 1969 follows Quine 1956 in assuming that objects of belief are sentences and not propositions, but by using Frege’s method of representation of intermediate contexts he manages to account for the de re-de dicto ambiguity by permutation of scope rather than by positing two primitive senses of beliefs.


(36) a. Ralph believes Putin to be the president of Russia. b. ∃x(x = p ∧ 2x = r) I will not discuss Kaplan’s analysis in detail, but just note that de re belief reports are analyzed as describing mental acts or states of the agent. Their truth or falsity depends on a fact about the belief state as such, and this is in accordance with a kind of semantics like CIB in which the set of suitable representations is selected by the model, rather than by a contextual parameter, since the model also fully determines the belief state of the one relevant subject.20 In CIB, the problematic exportation steps in the shortest spy and in the president examples are blocked simply by assuming that S does not contain the concepts λw[the shortest spy]w or λw[the president of Russia]w , since the two descriptions are clearly not vivid names of the intended objects for our Ralph in the described circumstances. However, the examples below show that there still are problems with this type of analysis. In CIB, the existence of a suitable representation α of an object b for a subject a such that a would assent to ‘α is φ’ is a necessary and a sufficient condition for the truth of the de re sentence ‘a believes b to be φ’. I call this condition condition (A). In what follows I will discuss a number of examples which show that this bi-implication leads to a number of empirical difficulties. In the case of Odette’s lover below (and that of Susan’s mother), we find a counterexample to the necessity of condition (A). The following two examples (the theater and Ortcutt again) show condition (A) not to be sufficient either. This double failure finds a natural explanation once we recognize the context dependence of the notion of a suitable representation. On different occasions, different sets of representations can count as suitable depending on the circumstances of the conversation, rather than on the mental state of the relevant subject. The problem of CIB is that models encode the information about what are the suitable representations and, therefore, they are not equipped to account for this variability. Odette’s lover Consider the following situation described by Andrea Bonomi. Thanks to some clues, Swann has come to the conclusion that his wife Odette has a lover, but he has no idea who his rival is, although some positive proof has convinced him that this person is going to leave Paris with Odette. So he decides to kill his wife’s lover, and he confides his plan to his best friend, Theo. In particular, he tells Theo that the killing will take place the following day, since he knows that Odette has a rendezvous with her lover. [. . . ] Unknown to Swann, Odette’s lover is Forcheville, the chief of the army, and Theo is a member of the security staff which must protect Forcheville. During a meeting of this staff to draw up a list of all the persons to keep under surveillance, Theo (who, unlike Swann, knows all the relevant details of the story) says: (39) Swann wants to kill the chief of the army. meaning by this that Swann is to be included in the list. The head of the security staff accepts Theo’s advice. [. . . ] Swann is kept under surveillance. A murder is avoided. (Bonomi 1995, pp. 167-168) Let’s see whether the system CIB can account for this example. On its de dicto reading, (39) is false for obvious reasons. On its de re reading, it is true only if we 20 If we consider multi-modal extensions of the semantics, different subjects can be taken to have different conceptual repertoires. So in order to properly extend Kaplan’s analysis to these models, we should take different sets of suitable concepts Sa as assigned to different agents a ∈ A.


can find a relevant α among the suitable representations or, in Kaplan’s terminology, among the vivid names for Swann of Forcheville, such that Swann wants to kill α. The only possible candidate in the described situation is the description ‘Odette’s lover’. Formally, the sentence is true only if the concept λw[Odette’s lover]w is in S. Now according to the most intuitive characterization of the notion of a vivid name of an object for a subject, the relevant concept should not count as a suitable one. Swann does not know who Odette’s lover is. Condition (A) is not satisfied, and, therefore, CIB cannot account for the truth of Theo’s report. In order to avoid this counterintuitive result a proponent of CIB could argue in favor of a weaker notion of a suitable representation. However, if our notion of a suitable representation were as weak as to tackle this example, it would be too weak to solve the problem of the shortest spy. If in order to account for the truth of (39) we say that ‘Odette’s lover’ is a vivid name of Forcheville for Swann, then the following sentences would also be true in the described situation: (40) Swann believes of the chief of the army that he is Odette’s lover. which seems to be unacceptable, intuitively. To summarize, either ‘Odette’s lover’ counts as a suitable description of Forchevilles for Swann, or it does not. If it does not, condition (A) is not satisfied for either example and so CIB fails to account for the truth of (39). If it does, condition (A) is satisfied for both examples and, therefore, CIB fails to account for the unacceptability of (40). A natural way out of this impasse would be to accept that one and the same representation can be suitable in one occasion and not in another. But if the set of suitable descriptions is determined by the model as in CIB, this solution is not available. In the following example, due to van Fraassen, we find another case illustrating the same point. Susan’s mother Susan’s mother is a successful artist. Susan goes to college, where she discusses with the registrar the impact of the raise in tuition on her personal finances. She reports to her mother ‘He said that I should ask for a larger allowance from home’. Susan’s mother exclaims: ‘He must think I am rich!’ Susan, looking puzzled, says ‘I don’t think he has any idea who you are’. (van Fraassen 1979, pp. 371-372) van Fraassen analyzes the example as follows: The information the mother intends to convey is that the registrar believes that Susan’s mother is rich, while Susan misunderstands her as saying that the registrar thinks that such and such successful artist is rich. The misunderstanding disappears if the mother gives information about herself, that is, about what she had in mind. She relied, it seems, on the auxiliary assertion ‘I am your mother’. (van Fraassen 1979, p. 372). I repeat the crucial sentence used by Susan’s mother: (41) He must think I am rich. This utterance may be not fully felicitous, because it is ambiguous, but it is not false; indeed, Susan accepts the sentence after the clarification of her mother. Again a proponent of CIB faces a dilemma: either (a) he does not accept ‘Susan’s mother’ as a vivid representation of the referent of the pronoun ‘I’ in (41) for the registrar or (b) he does. If (a), then CIB fails to account for the intuitive acceptability of (41); if (b), it fails to account for the unacceptability of the following sentence when used by Susan’s mother in the same situation: 17

(42) He must think I am your mother. Again, CIB has difficulties in explaining the difference in acceptability between the two utterances, because it has no explanation of why one and the same representation, namely ‘Susan’s mother’, can be used on one occasion and not on the other. What the examples of Odette’s lover and of Susan’s mother show is that the cognitive relation between the subject (Swann or the registrar) and the object of belief (Forcheville or the mother) does not always play an essential role in deciding about the acceptability of de re sentences. In both examples, a term t is exported even if the subject does not have any intuitively acceptable answer to the question ‘Who is t?’. Whether a representation is suitable or not depends in the two cases on what properties are ascribed under such a representation, that is, on a fact about the conversation rather than on Swann’s or the registrar’s belief state. An approach upon which the information about which concepts are suitable is stored in the model fails to account for such dependencies. In the following two cases, we find counterexamples to the sufficiency of condition (A) and further illustrations of the evident context sensitivity of de re constructions. At the theater Consider the following situation described in the 1999 edition of Bonomi 1983. Suppose Leo correctly believes that Ugo is the only one in town who has a bush jacket. Leo further believes that Ugo has climbed the Cervino mountain. One night Ugo lends his bush jacket to another friend of Leo, Pio. Wearing it, Pio goes to the theater. Leo sees him and believes he is Ugo and utters: (43) That person has climbed the Cervino. From then on, nothing happens to modify Leo’s belief about the climbing abilities of his friends. By the way, he is informed of the well-known fact that Pio hates climbing and he would never say that Pio climbed the Cervino. Now consider sentence (44) uttered by a fourth person Teo in two different circumstances α and β. (α) Two months later. (β) The same evening at the theater immediately after Leo’s utterance of (43). (44) Leo believes that Pio has climbed the Cervino. Bonomi observes a contrast between the acceptability of the sentence in the two contexts. In α, the sentence is hardly acceptable, although, as it seems, condition (A) is satisfied,21 and so constitutes a counterexample to the sufficiency of such condition. On the other hand, our intuitions about the acceptability of (44) in context β are less sharp and the sentence might be acceptable if uttered immediately after Leo’s manifestation of his beliefs. In the following enriched context γ, the acceptability of (44) may be more evident: (γ) After uttering (43), Leo goes to Pio and congratulates him for his great performance. Ugo, a fourth friend, asks Teo for an explanation of Leo’s surprising behaviour. 21 ‘Indeed, Leo has a ‘name’ α of Pio (namely ‘the man wearing a bush jacket at the theater’) such that: (i) α actually denotes Pio; (ii) α is in a causal relation with Pio (since it is originated in a perceptive contact); (ii) and α is a sufficiently vivid name, for Leo, of Pio (again because of the perceptive contact). In addition, Leo believes that the man wearing a bush jacket at the theater has climbed the Cervino mountain.’ (Bonomi (1999), my translation.) Therefore, at least if we assume Kaplan’s characterization of the notion of a suitable representation, condition (A) is satisfied in this case.


It seems to me that in γ, (44) can be accepted as an appropriate answer to Ugo’s question. All of the considered analyses have difficulties in explaining this kind of context relativity. For all of them, the de re reading of (44) is an eternal proposition whose truth value depends on Leo’s belief state, which has not changed with respect to the relevant facts. So, sentences like (44) are either true or false, irrespective of the context in which they are uttered. CIA would predict that (44) is true since we have a description under which Leo believes of Pio that he climbed the mountain. A proponent of MPL or CIB would have to decide whether the perceptive contact between Pio and Leo at the theater counts as an acquaintance relation. If it does, then we have a suitable representation of Pio for Leo under which Leo makes the relevant attribution and this is a sufficient condition for the truth of (44) also in context α. If it does not, then by the necessity of condition (A) we fail to account for the appropriateness of (44) in (γ). As a last example, consider the following variation on Quine’s double vision puzzle, which constitutes a further illustration of the context relativity of de re belief reports. Ortcutt again You can tell each half of the Ortcutt story separately. In one half Ralph sees Ortcutt wearing the brown hat. In the other he sees him on the beach. From the first story you can reason as in (45). From the second story as in (46). (45) a. Ralph believes that the man with the brown hat is a spy. b. The man with the brown hat is Ortcutt. c. So Ralph believes of Ortcutt that he is a spy. (46) a. Ralph believes that the man seen on the beach is not a spy. b. The man seen on the beach is Ortcutt. c. So Ralph does not believe of Ortcutt that he is a spy. Although we do not have to assume that there is any change in Ralph’s belief state, it seems unproblematic to say that Ralph believes Ortcutt to be a spy and Ralph does not believe Ortcutt to be a spy, depending on which part of the story you are taking into consideration. The challenge is how to account for the compatibility of (45c) and (46c). Their natural representations (47) and (48) respectively are obviously contradictory: (47) ∃x(x = o ∧ 2S(x)) (48) ¬∃x(x = o ∧ 2S(x)) Proponents of CIB (or CIA) could then argue that a correct representation for (46c) is not (48), but rather (49) which, in CIB, is not in contradiction with (47): (49) ∃x(x = o ∧ ¬2S(x)) Contrary to MPL, in which the two logical forms (48) and (49) are equivalent, CIA and CIB predict a structural ambiguity for sentences like ‘Ralph does not believe Ortcutt to be a spy’, with a wide scope reading asserting that Ralph does not ascribe espionage to Ortcutt under any (suitable) representation, and a narrow scope reading asserting that there is a (suitable) representation under which Ralph does not ascribe espionage to Ortcutt. This ambiguity is automatically generated by any system which assumes that de re belief reports involve quantification over representations of objects rather than over the objects themselves. Intuitively, however, it 19

is hard to detect an ambiguity in the natural language sentences.22 Furthermore, such an account of the possible consistency of (45c) and (46c), would lack an explanation of the influence of the previous discourse on the acceptability of one or the other sentence. Intuitively (45c) is acceptable in (45), but not in (46) because the relevant description, namely ‘the man with the brown hat’, which is explicitly mentioned in (45), is absent in (46) and not salient in that context. Again CIB fails to account for this type of context sensitivity. To summarize, in the first two cases we have seen how one and the same description (‘Odette’s lover’ and ‘Susan’s mother’) can or cannot be a suitable representation of an intended object for a subject whose beliefs are described, this depending on the circumstances of the utterance and the property ascribed. In the last two cases, we have seen one and the same de re belief report (examples (44) and (45c)) which obtains different truth values when it is used in different circumstances without any relevant change in the belief state of the subject. The system CIB, which assumes that de re belief attributions involve quantification over a set of suitable concepts determined by the model of interpretation, cannot account for any of these cases without automatically generating other problems. From the examples discussed in this section we can conclude that although the problem of interpreting quantification into the scope of a belief operator can be seen as the problem of distinguishing suitable representations from non-suitable ones, it is not the cognitive relation between the subject of belief and the intended object alone, that can supply the central notion for this distinction. Rather it seems that other elements play a crucial role, namely the conversational circumstances in which the belief report is made, the property ascribed, and the interests and goals of the participants in the conversation. The pragmatic analysis in the following section tries to take into account such dependencies. In section 5 it is worked out more systematically.


Pragmatic analysis

In the previous section, I discussed a number of examples illustrating the dependence of de re belief on various pragmatic factors.23 Those examples suggest the following preliminary rough analysis of de re belief reports: The sentence ‘a believes b to be φ’ used in context C is true iff there is a representation α suitable in C such that α is actually b and a would assent to ‘α is φ’. Formally, a model is defined as in standard MPL and assignments are defined as in CIA. The interpretation function is relativized to a pragmatic parameter which selects sets of contextually salient concepts out of IC = DW . Let Z be a set of concepts whose value is pragmatically supplied. Definition 7 [Quantification over contextually selected concepts] M, w, Z |=g ∃xφ


∃c ∈ Z : M, w, Z |=g[x/c] φ

22 Such an ambiguity does not seem to have been empirically observed before the abovementioned philosophical theory has been proposed. It seems an unexpected consequence of the theory rather than a meant prediction. Indeed, as far as I know, nobody has ever argued in favor of it. 23 That the context of utterance (in particular the intentions of the participant in the conversation) is relevant for the interpretation of de re belief attributions has been observed among others by van Fraassen 1979, Stalnaker 1988 and Crimmins and Perry 1989, and more recently, again, in van Rooy 1997 and Gerbrandy 2000.


The idea behind the pragmatic analysis is that de re belief reports express different contents in different contexts, in the same way (or in a similar way) as sentences containing indexical expressions. In different circumstances, different sets of concepts are assumed to supply the domain of quantification of our quantifiers.24 The interpretation of de re belief reports, which directly depends on how objects are identified across the boundary of different possible worlds, is crucially affected by this variability. The analysis I propose in section 5 is among the pragmatic approaches. It has however the following extra feature that I believe is not trivial and is not a matter of detail. It is assumed that not all sets of concepts can be pragmatically selected as domains of quantification, but only those satisfying two natural conditions. The first condition is that for each individual d in the domain and each world w, the selected set Z must contain a concept which identifies d in w. The second condition is that Z cannot contain overlapping concepts, i.e. concepts standing for one and the same individual in one world and for two different individuals in another. I call the former the existence condition and the latter the uniqueness condition. In the remaining part of the present section I present a number of arguments in favor of their assumption. The question whether an individual can fail to be identifiable in Z in some world (existence) is equivalent to the question whether existential generalization can fail, if applied to sentences which do not contain any belief operator: EG1 φ[t] → ∃xφ[x] (if φ is non-modal) We expect principle EG1 to hold in our semantics. Contrast the following two examples: (50) a. If Ralph believes that the president of Russia is a spy, then there is someone whom Ralph believes to be a spy. b. 2S(r) → ∃x2S(x) (51) a. If the president of Russia is a spy, then there is someone who is a spy. b. S(r) → ∃xS(x) While, as we have seen, (50) can intuitively fail to be generally valid, (51) cannot. The failure of existential generalization is a peculiarity of opaque contexts. Existential generalization intuitively holds in the absence of belief operators. Assuming the existence condition for our quantificational domains is a natural way of accounting for this intuition. Note that CIB, which, as I presented it, does not assume such condition, fails to validate EG1.25 The question whether we should allow overlapping concepts (uniqueness) is equivalent to the question whether the following principles can fail to be true assuming that x and y range over one and the same quantificational domain Z: (52) ∀x∀y(x = y → 2x = y) (53) ∀x∀y(x 6= y → 2x 6= y) 24 See Westerst˚ ahl 1984 who also defends the view that quantificational domains are pragmatically determined. 25 In order to avoid this counterintuitive result, a proponent of CIB can either assume that the set of suitable concepts S satisfies the existence condition or it can relativize the interpretation function I to S. The latter strategy is obviously not available in a pragmatic approach, where the choice of I is prior to the contextual selection of Z.


Intuitively, if x and y stand for individuals we expect the principles to hold, if they stand for representations of individuals we expect them to fail. Individuals do not split or merge when we move from one world to the other, whereas a characteristic property of representations is that two representations can coincide in one situation (denote one and the same individual) and split or not in another. Now, recall the principles of exportation EX: 2∃xφ → ∃x2φ and of term exportation TEX: 2φ[a] → ∃x(x = a ∧ 2φ[x]). As we have already observed, if we take variables to range over representations, rather than individuals, then EX or TEX are intuitively plausible, but then instances of their conclusions cannot be used to express de re readings. It seems fair to conclude that de re attitudes are not about representations. By adopting uniqueness, we can capture this intuition. A concept in a set satisfying uniqueness cannot split or merge. To this extend it resembles an individual rather than a representation. De re attitudes are not about representations. They are not about bare individuals either. Consider again Quine’s double vision situation. We expect our semantics to account for the fact that the following sentences do not imply that Ralph has inconsistent beliefs: (54) a. Ralph believes Ortcutt to be a spy. b. ∃y(y = o ∧ 2S(y)) (55) a. Ralph believes Ortcutt not to be a spy. b. ∃x(x = o ∧ 2¬S(x)) The CI solution to this puzzle crucially involves the presence in the quantificational domain of two overlapping concepts, namely ‘the man on the beach’ and ‘the man with the brown hat’ which stand for one and the same individual in one world and for two different individuals in another. If we rule out overlapping concepts altogether it is not immediately clear how we can account for this case. On the one hand, de re belief reports are not about ways of specifying individuals, as I have argued above. On the other, their interpretation crucially depends on these identification methods, as illustrated by the Ortcutt case. The problem is how to combine these two intuitions. MPL accounts for the first intuition, but fails to capture the double vision cases. The CI systems’ solution of the double vision puzzles, leads directly to the problems discussed above. A pragmatic approach supplies us with a natural way out from this impasse. The compatibility of the two sentences (54b) and (55b) is captured by letting the variables x and y range over different sets of concepts. The availability of different sets of non-overlapping concepts as possible domains of quantification on different occasions, enables us to account for the dependence of belief reports on the ways of referring to objects (and so for double vision cases), without dropping the uniqueness condition, and so avoiding the counterintuitive results arising when we quantify over concepts rather than objects. The conclusion that can be drawn from this discussion is that de re belief reports neither involve quantification over bare individuals (MPL), nor over ways of specifying these individuals (CI), but rather over individuals specified in one determinate way.


Conceptual Covers in Modal Predicate Logic

In this section, I present Modal Predicate Logic under Conceptual Covers (CC). In section 5.1, I define the notion of a conceptual cover. Section 5.2 presents the semantics of CC. Section 5.3 discusses a number of applications and sketches an analysis of the pragmatics of attitude reports. Section 5.4 compares CC validity 22

with classical MPL validity. Finally, section 5.5 introduces an axiom system which provides a sound and complete characterization of the set of CC-valid formulas.


Conceptual covers

A conceptual cover is a set of individual concepts that satisfies the following condition: in a conceptual cover, in each world, each individual constitutes the instantiation of one and only one concept. Given a set of possible worlds W and a universe of individuals D, a conceptual cover CC based on (W, D) is a set of functions W → D such that: ∀w ∈ W : ∀d ∈ D : ∃!c ∈ CC : c(w) = d Conceptual covers are sets of concepts which exhaustively and exclusively cover the domain of individuals. In a conceptual cover each individual d is identified by at least one concept in each world (existence), but in no world is an individual counted more than once (uniqueness). It is easy to prove that each conceptual cover and the domain of individuals have the same cardinality. In a conceptual cover, each individual is identified by one and only one concept. Different covers constitute different ways of conceiving one and the same domain. Illustration Consider the following situation. In front of Ralph stand two women. Suppose Ralph believes that the woman on the left, who is smiling, is Bea; and the woman on the right, who is frowning, is Ann. As a matter of fact, exactly the opposite is the case. Bea is frowning on the right and Ann is smiling on the left. In order to formalize this situation, we just need to distinguish two possibilities. The simple MPL model hW, R, D, Ii visualized by the following diagram will suffice: w1


(^) ¨ (_) ¨ [ann] [bea]



(^) ¨ [bea]

(_) ¨ [ann]

W consists of two worlds w1 and w2 . w2 is the only world accessible from w1 for Ralph. D consists of two individuals (^) ¨ and (_). ¨ As illustrated in the diagram, in w1 , which stands for the actual world, Ann is the woman on the left, whereas in w2 , which represents the one possibility in Ralph’s doxastic state, Bea is the woman on the left. There are only two possible conceptual covers definable over such sets of worlds W and individuals D, namely: A = {λw[left]w , λw[right]w } (or equivalently {λw[(^)] ¨ w , λw[(_)] ¨ w }) B = {λw[Ann]w , λw[Bea]w } These two covers corresponds to the two ways of cross-identifying individuals (i.e. telling of an element of a possible world whether or not it is identical with a given element of another possible world) which are available in such a situation: A crossidentifies those individuals which stand in the same perceptual relation to Ralph. B cross-identifies the women by their name. All other possible combinations of concepts fail to satisfy the existential or the uniqueness condition. For instance the set C is not a conceptual cover: C = {λw[left]w , λw[Ann]w } 23

Formally, C violates both the existential condition (no concept identifies (_) ¨ in w1 ) and the uniqueness condition ((^) ¨ is counted twice in w1 ). Intuitively, the inadequacy of C does not depend on the individual properties of its two elements, but on their combination. Although the two concepts ‘the woman on the left’ and ‘Ann’ can both be salient, when contrasted with each other, they cannot be regarded as standing for the two women in the universe of discourse in all relevant worlds. When we talk about concepts, we implicitly assume two different levels of ‘objects’: the individuals (in D) and the ways of referring to these individuals (in DW ). An essential feature of the intuitive relation between the two levels of the individuals and of their representations is that to one element of the first set correspond many elements of the second. The intuition behind it is that one individual can be identified in many different ways. What characterizes a set of representations of a certain domain is this cardinality mismatch, which expresses the possibility of considering an individual under different perspectives which may coincide in one world and not in another. Individuals, on the other hand, do not split or merge once we move from one world to the other. Now, since the elements of a cover also cannot merge or split (by uniqueness), they behave like individuals in this sense, rather than representations. On the other hand, a cover is not barely a set of individuals, but encodes information on how these individuals are specified. We thus can think of covers as sets of individuals each identified in one specific way. My proposal is that de re belief reports involve quantification over precisely this kind of sets. By allowing different conceptual covers to constitute the domain of quantification on different occasions, we can account for the double vision cases, without failing to account for the intuition that de re belief reports involve quantification over genuine individuals, rather than over ways of specifying these individuals.


Quantification under cover

A language LCC of modal predicate logic under conceptual covers is the language formed out of L by the addition of a set of new primitive symbols N of conceptual cover indices 0, 1, 2, ... and by changing the definitions of the rules R0 and R4 as follows: R00

(i) If α is a variable in V and n is a CC-index, αn is a term in LCC . (ii) If α is an individual constant in C, α is a term LCC .

R40 If φ is a wff, xn is an indexed variable, then ∃xn φ is a wff LCC . CC-indices range over (contextually selected) conceptual covers. I will S write Vn to denote the set of variables indexed with n and VN to denote the set n∈N (Vn ). A model for LCC is a quintuple hW, R, D, I, Ci in which W, R, D, I are as above and C is a set of conceptual covers over (W, D). Definition 8 [CC-assignment] Let K = {f ∪ h | f ∈ C N & h ∈ IC VN }. A CCassignment g is an element of K satisfying the following condition: ∀n ∈ N : ∀xn ∈ Vn : g(xn ) ∈ g(n). In this system, an assignment g has a double role, it works on CC-indices and on indexed variables. CC-indices get assigned conceptual covers in C and n-indexed individual variables, xn , get assigned concepts in g(n). The definition of quantification is relativized to conceptual covers. Quantifiers range over elements of contextually determined conceptualizations.


Definition 9 [Quantification under cover] M, w |=g ∃xn φ


∃c ∈ g(n) : M, w |=g[xn /c] φ

All other semantic clauses are defined as in CIA, as well as the notion of validity. Illustration Consider again the situation described above, with two women standing in front of Ralph. Imagine now that Bea is insane and Ralph is informed about it, Ann is, instead, vaguely known to Ralph as a pillar of the community. He still wrongly thinks that Bea is the woman on the left and Ann is the woman on the right. We can formalize the situation by the following CC model hW, R, D, I 0 , Ci, in which W, R, D are as above, I 0 is like I with the only addition that Bea is insane in w1 and in w2 (in the diagram insanity is represented by a bullet), and C contains the two covers A= {λw[left]w , λw[right]w } and B= {λw[Ann]w , λw[Bea]w } introduced above: w1


(^) ¨ (_) ¨ • [ann] [bea]



(^) ¨ • [bea]

(_) ¨ [ann]

Consider now the following de re sentence: (56) a. Ralph believes Ann to be insane. b. ∃xn (xn = a ∧ 2I(xn )) On the present approach, sentence (56b) obtains different evaluations when interpreted under different conceptual covers. Under an assignment which maps n to cover A, i.e., if the operative conceptual cover is the one which cross-identifies objects by pointing at them, the sentence is true. As a matter of fact, Ann is the woman on the left and Ralph ascribes insanity to the woman on the left. On the other hand, if the operative cover is the one which cross-identifies objects by their name, than (56b) is false, Ralph indeed believes that Bea is insane, and not Ann. This variability is in accordance with our intuitions. The acceptability of the sentence is relative to the circumstances of the utterance. For example, (56b) could be correctly uttered as an explanation of Ralph’s behaviour, if all of a sudden he starts chasing the woman on the left to bring her to a mental institution. But it might be harder to accept, for example, as an answer to a question about Ralph’s general beliefs about Ann.



The theoretical point behind the present analysis is that natural language de re belief reports are about individuals under a perspective. The uniqueness and the existential conditions on conceptual covers exemplify the idea that in de re belief reports we never explicitly quantify over ways of specifying objects, but over the objects themselves. On the other hand, the dependency of de re belief on the ways of specifying the intended objects is accounted for by allowing different sets of concepts to count as domains of quantification on different occasions. The former feature helps in avoiding the shortest spy problem, the latter provides a solution to the double vision puzzles.



Double vision

Since variables can range over elements of different conceptual covers, the present semantics does not validate the principles LI and LNI of ‘necessary’ (non)-identity or their converses. In CC, we can express cases of mistaken identity. The sentences (57) and (58) can be true also in serial models, if the indices n and m are assigned two different covers. (57) ∃xn ∃ym (xn 6= ym ∧ 2xn = ym ) (58) ∃xn ∃ym (xn = ym ∧ 2xn 6= ym ) The consistency of sentences like (58) show that we can deal with double vision situations. Recall Quine’s Ralph who believes of one man Ortcutt that he is two distinct individuals, because he has seen him in two different circumstances, once with a brown hat, once on the beach. If we want to represent this sort of situation we have to use two different conceptual covers. Representations of cases of mistaken identity crucially involve shifts of conceptualization. This reflects the fact that, intuitively, in order to describe Ralph’s misconception, the speaker must assume two different ways of identifying the objects in the domain. According to one way, Ortcutt is identified as the man with the brown hat, according to the other as the man seen on the beach. Shift of covers have a cost, and, therefore, are generally avoided (see section 5.3.3). The necessity of a plurality of conceptualizations in order to represent double vision cases explains the extraordinary nature of such situations. In order to see how the specific examples in Quine’s story are accounted for in the present framework, consider the simple model M = hW, R, D, C, Ii. W consists of only two worlds, the actual world w0 and w1 . R is such that w1 is the only world accessible from w0 . D consists of two individuals Ortcutt o and Porcutt p. In w0 , Ortcutt is the man with the brown hat, but he is also the man seen on the beach. In w1 , Ortcutt is the man on the beach and Porcutt is the man with the brown hat. In both w0 and w1 , p is a spy and o is not. M can be used to model Quine’s situation, by assuming that {w1 } = Bel(w0 ) represents Ralph’s belief state. There are four concepts definable in such a model:

w0 w1

7→ 7 →

a o o

w0 w1

7→ 7→

b p p

w0 w1

7→ 7→

c o p

w0 w1

7→ 7 →

d p o

Concept a is the interpretation in M of the description ‘the man on the beach’. Concept c is the interpretation of the description ‘the man with the brown hat’. With respect to W , the concepts a and c cannot be elements of one and the same cover, because they overlap in w0 and split in w1 . In order to express Ralph’s mistake we have to use the two different covers represented in the following diagrams:

w0 w1

7→ 7 →

a o o

b p p

w0 w1

7→ 7→

c o p

d p o

Since we have dropped the assumption that variables within belief contexts refer to bare individuals, we can now give a reasonable answer to Quine’s question: Can we say of this man (Bernard J. Ortcutt to give him a name) that Ralph believes him to be a spy? (Quine 1956, p. 179) 26

Namely, ‘It depends’. Question (58) receives a negative or a positive answer relative to the way in which Ortcutt is specified. In the model described above, (59) is true under the assignment that maps xn to c (representing ‘the man with the brown hat’) and false under the assignment that maps xn to a (which stands for ‘the man on the beach’): (59) 2S(xn ) As a consequence of this, the following two sentences are true under an assignment which maps n to the cover {c, d} and m to {a, b} (we assume that the constant o refers to the individual Ortcutt in w0 ): (60) a. Ralph believes Ortcutt to be a spy. b. ∃xn (xn = o ∧ 2S(xn )) (61) a. Ralph believes Ortcutt not to be a spy. b. ∃xm (xm = o ∧ 2¬S(xm )) Sentences (60) and (61) can both be true even in a serial model, but only if n and m are assigned different conceptual covers. This is reasonable, because intuitively one can accept these two sentences without drawing the conclusion that Ralph’s beliefs are inconsistent, only if one takes into consideration the two different perspectives under which Ortcutt can be considered. On the other hand, the fact that a shift of cover is required in this case explains the never ending puzzling effect of the Ortcutt story. After reading Quine’s description of the facts, both covers (the one identifying Ortcutt as the man with the brown hat, the other identifying Ortcutt as the man on the beach) are equally salient, and this causes bewilderment in the reader who has to choose one of the two in order to interpret each de re sentence. From (60) and (61) we cannot conclude the following (for i ∈ {n, m}): (62) ∃xi (xi = o ∧ 2(S(xi ) ∧ ¬S(xi ))) which would charge Ralph with contradictory beliefs. Yet, we can conclude (63) which does not carry such a charge: (63) ∃xn (xn = o ∧ ∃ym (o = ym ∧ 2(S(xn ) ∧ ¬S(ym )))) Consider now what happens to the concepts a, i.e. ‘the man on the beach’ and c, ‘the man with the brown hat’, if restricted to Ralph’s belief state Bel(w0 ) = {w1 }: w1


a o

c p

If we restrict our attention to Ralph’s doxastic alternatives the two concepts do constitute a conceptual cover, since they exhaust the domain and there is no overlap. But, as we have seen, as soon as we take w0 into consideration, the set {a, c} is no longer a conceptual cover: a c w0 7→ o o w1 7→ o p The number of definable covers is relative to the number of possible worlds under consideration.26 A set of concepts that overlap or split with respect to a class of 26 By standard techniques we can show that there are exactly (|D|!)|W |−1 conceptual covers based on (W, D).


possible worlds, may cease to do this – and so constitute a conceptual cover – with respect to a smaller class of possibilities. Ralph is in a state of maximal (though incorrect) information, in which all covers coincide. In such a state, all possible contrasting methods of cross-identifying the individuals in the universe collapse into one, according to which the man seen on the beach and the man with the brown hat are just two different objects. Indeed, Ralph may reason as follows from his perspective: (64) The man on the beach is tall. The man with the brown hat is tall. So all relevant people are tall. From our perspective, however, such a reasoning is flawed. Once we take the actual world w0 into consideration, we know that the two descriptions are different ways of specifying one and the same object. The concepts a and c cannot be elements of one and the same cover and hence we cannot quantify over them. Other double vision puzzles are treated in a similar way, in particular, Kripke’s case of Pierre. Recall Pierre is a bilingual who assents to ‘Londres est jolie’ while denying ‘London is pretty’, because he is ignorant about the fact that London and Londres are one and the same town. The two relevant sentences are represented as follows: (65) a. Pierre believes that London is pretty. b. ∃xn (xn = l ∧ 2P (xn )) (66) a. Pierre believes that London is not pretty. b. ∃xm (xm = l ∧ ¬P (xm )) Sentence (65a) can be true only in a de re interpretation27 in which the relevant singular term is interpreted from the speaker’s point of view, who knows that London is Londres, rather than from Pierre’s perspective who does not know precisely that. Pierre indeed ascribes ‘ugliness’ to London under the representation ‘London’, so the de dicto reading would be false. But since there is an actual representation of London, namely ‘Londres’ under which Pierre ascribes it the opposite property, the sentence can be true if interpreted de re under the right conceptualization. If we assume that two different covers are operative in the two cases, we account for the intuitive truth of the de re sentences (65) and (66) without ascribing Pierre contradictory beliefs. By means of the same mechanism we can account for the context dependence of de re sentences. Since different covers can be assigned to different occurrences of quantifiers, the general principle of renaming is invalidated in the present semantics. The following scheme is not valid in CC (where φ[xn /ym ] denotes the result of substituting the variable ym for the variable xn in the wff φ): PR ∃xn φ → ∃xm φ[xn /xm ] 27 Note that Kripke says that the two sentences are intuitively true in their de dicto interpretation and still should not imply that Pierre’s beliefs are inconsistent. However, given our intuitive characterization of de dicto belief this does not seem correct. Indeed, we could say that (65a) results from an application of SI from the sentence:

(67) Pierre believes that Londres is pretty. where ‘London’ and ‘Londres’ are co-referential terms belonging to different languages. But de dicto belief does not seem to allow SI even if the two co-referential terms are part of different languages.


The relevant counterexamples are sentences in which φ contains some belief operator: (68) ∃xn 2P xn 6→ ∃xm 2P xm If two different ways of conceptualizing the domain are operative, that is, if two different notions of what counts as a determinate object are assumed, we have no guarantee that if there is a determinate object (according to one cover) such that the subject believes that she is P , then there is a determinate object (according to the other cover) such that the subject believes that she is P . The failure of PR allows us to account for the cases of the theater and Ortcutt discussed in section 4.2. Let me expand upon the latter. Recall the following examples in which each half of the Ortcutt story is told separately: (69) Ralph believes that the man with the brown hat is a spy. The man with the brown hat is Ortcutt. So Ralph believes of Ortcutt that he is a spy. (70) Ralph believes that the man seen on the beach is not a spy. The man seen on the beach is Ortcutt. So Ralph does not believe of Ortcutt that he is a spy. Consider now the two relevant de re sentences: (71) ∃xn (xn = o ∧ 2S(xn )) (72) ¬∃xm (xm = o ∧ 2S(xm )) The two sentences do not contradict each other, if n and m are assigned two different covers. And since covers are pragmatically chosen, two different covers can be selected in the two circumstances. The story in (69) in which the concept ‘the man with the brown hat’ has been explicitly introduced strongly suggests a cover containing this representation (e.g. cover {c, d} in our model). Whereas a cover containing ‘the man seen on the beach’ (e.g. cover {a, b} in our model) is made salient by the previous discourse in the second case (70). Finally note that (72) and (73) turn out to be equivalent in the present framework, like in classical MPL. (73) ∃xm (xm = o ∧ ¬2S(xm )) This distinguishes the present semantics from the two CI semantics discussed above, which, as we saw, predicted a structural ambiguity for sentences like ‘Ralph does not believe of Ortcutt that he is a spy’. Note that it was the presence of overlapping concepts, which express the possibility of considering an object simultaneously under different perspectives, which gave rise to the dubious ambiguity in the CI systems. If each object is identified by one and only one concept, the two readings collapse, as we intuitively expect. On the present account, negations of de re belief reports are not structurally ambiguous, but, like their positive counterparts, they are simply context dependent. 5.3.2

The shortest spy

The present semantics obviously does not validate EX or TEX. Existential generalization (and term exportation) can be applied to a term t occurring in the scope of a belief operator only with the extra premise that there is a concept c in the operative cover such that t denotes instantiations of c in all doxastic alternatives of


the relevant agent (plus the actual world). This is precisely what the following two CC-valid principles say:28 EG2n ∃xn 2t = xn → (2φ[t] → ∃xn 2φ[xn ]) TEX2n ∃xn (xn = t ∧ 2xn = t) → (2φ[t] → ∃xn (xn = t ∧ 2φ[xn ])) As in MPL, a term occurring in a belief context must denote one and the same determinate object in all of the relevant worlds in order for existential generalization or term exportation to be applicable to it. But unlike in MPL, on the present account, the notion of a determinate object is not left unanalyzed. What counts as an object is not given a priori, but depends on the operative cover, which is contextually determined. The parallelism between standard modal predicate logic and the present semantics with respect to (term) exportation is sufficient to solve the shortest spy problem at least to a certain extent. (74) a. Ralph believes that there are spies. b. 2∃xn S(xn ) (75) a. There is someone whom Ralph believes to be a spy. b. ∃xn 2S(xn ) (76) a. Ralph believes that the president of Russia is the president of Russia. b. 2r = r (77) a. Ralph believes Putin to be the president of Russia. b. ∃xm (xm = p ∧ 2xm = r) As in MPL, (74) and (76) express de dicto readings with possibly different determinate objects – according to the operative cover – being spies or presidents in different worlds in Ralph’s belief state; whereas (75) and (77) express de re readings, in which one and the same determinate object – according to the operative cover – is ascribed the relevant property in all relevant worlds. Example (75) does not follow from (74), and (77) does not follow from (76) (plus the assumption p = r), because the relevant conceptual covers do not have to include problematic concepts like λw[the shortest spy]w or λw[the president of Russia]w respectively. Still, our semantics allows statements like (75) and (77) to be true in circumstances in which they are obviously deviant, like in the situations where noone in particular is believed by Ralph to be a spy or to be the president of Russia (see section 4.1, examples (33) and (35)). Even in such situations, we have no trouble in finding values for n and for m under which (75) and (77) are true, namely any two covers containing the concept λw[the shortest spy]w and λw[the president of Russia]w respectively. It is not immediately obvious how we can rule out such problematic assignments. Ruling them out by not including the problematic covers in the set C in our model, is not a viable option, because of the problems illustrated by the examples of Odette’s lover or of Susan’s mother discussed in section 4.2. Recall the relevant sentences in the latter case: 28 Again we must assume consistency, positive and negative introspection. If we consider also non-serial, non-transitive and non-euclidean CC-models, the two principles are valid only if φ does not contain any belief operator.


(78) He must think I am rich. (79) He must think I am your mother. If, in order to explain the inadequacy of (79) in the described situation, we rule out any cover containing the concept λw[Susan’s mother]w , then we are unable to account for the truth of (78) in which such a concept is crucially quantified over. Hintikka 1962 (or MPL) and Kaplan 1969 (or CIB) cannot account for these cases. In the present pragmatic account, on the other hand, they receive a natural explanation. In CC, domains are contextually selected. As we will see in the following section, the selection of a domain containing λw[Susan’s mother]w is optimal for sentence (79), but not for sentence (78), unless one is willing to violate important pragmatic constraints. Let us have a closer look. 5.3.3

Pragmatic aspects of conceptual covers

In this article, I have argued that a number of seeming paradoxes emerging from logical analyses of propositional attitudes can be explained in terms of shifts in perspectives over the universe of discourse. In this section, I would like to briefly address the issue of how different perspectives are selected on different occasions. Shifts in perspective have a cost. They require reasonings and adjusting and, therefore, are generally avoided. However, on certain occasions, like in Quine’s double vision puzzle or in the case of Susan’s mother, we do shift the domain of quantification. In this section I would like to argue that in these cases we are compelled to make such shifts by the requirement to comply with general pragmatic principles of interpretation and generation.29 As a first illustration consider Quine’s double vision example, where Grice’s Maxim of Quality plays a crucial role. (80) a. Ralph believes Ortcutt to be a spy and Ralph believes Ortcutt not to be a spy. b. ∃xn (xn = o ∧ 2S(xn )) ∧ ∃ym (ym = o ∧ 2¬S(ym )) In this example, a general economy principle would suggest to interpret m as n. However, the fulfillment of Quality prevents this resolution, because it would render the sentence inconsistent with the common ground. If m is n, the sentence would say that Ralph’s beliefs are contradictory, but from Quine’s story it is known that this is not the case. Quality Try to make your contribution one that is true. Let us now turn to the example of the shortest spy. Consider sentence (81) used in the situation described by Kaplan (see example (33) above). (81) a. There is someone whom Ralph believes to be a spy. b. ∃xn 2S(xn ) Kaplan’s description of the context suggests as operative a conceptual cover which does not contain the non-rigid concept λw[the shortest spy]w . While interpreting this sentence we have then two relevant options. Either (i) we accommodate a new domain which contains λw[the shortest spy]w or (ii) we do not. Option (ii) leads 29 The pragmatic selection of a conceptual perspective seems then to be ruled by principles which are not absolute, but may be crucially violated in order to prevent the violation of more stringent ones. This suggests that a formalization of these procedures should utilize the framework of Optimality Theory. See Aloni 2003 for such a formalization.


to an interpretation which is inconsistent with the background information, so it leads to a violation of Grice’s Quality Maxim. Still we do not accommodate. Why? Because accommodating here leads to more severe principle violations. First of all option (i) leads to a violation of another maxim of rational conversation, namely Grice’s Maxim of Quantity – the sentence would be trivialized –, and, secondly, it fails to fulfil our economy principle which prohibits shifts of quantificational domains. Quantity Make your contribution as informative as is required. The same kind of pragmatic explanation can be employed in order to account for the unacceptability of (82) if used in the situation described by van Fraassen (see examples (41) and (42) above). (82) He must think I am your mother. Also in this case we choose not to accommodate a new domain even when this leads to an inconsistency with the common ground. This is because the only accommodation which would save consistency, namely the accommodation of a domain containing the non-rigid concept λw[Susan’s mother]w , would trivialize the sentence. Accommodating is therefore ruled out by Quantity. Consider now van Fraassen’s original example. (83) He must think I am rich. The intended interpretation for this sentence could be paraphrased as ‘I am Susan’s mother and he would assent to “Susan’s mother is rich”’. To obtain this interpretation we must accommodate a non-rigid domain containing λw[Susan’s mother]w . Note that such accommodation here does not trivialize the sentence, and therefore, in contrast to (82), is not ruled out by Quantity. Can we then conclude that we can always accommodate a non-standard domain in order to save consistency when this does not lead to a trivial content? No. Compare example (83) with the following variation of Kaplan’s example of the shortest spy. Assume as part of the common ground the information that Ortcutt is the shortest spy, that Ralph does not believe of Ortcutt that he is a spy, and that Ralph would not assent to ‘Ortcutt is fat’. Consider the following sentence: (84) Ralph believes that Ortcutt is fat. As in example (83), also here only the accommodation of a non-rigid domain, namely a domain containing λw[the shortest spy]w , would lead to a consistent interpretation, namely the interpretation which can be paraphrased as ‘(Ortcutt is the shortest spy and) Ralph would assent to ”The shortest spy is fat”’. However, people do not accept to accommodate in this case. Sentence (84) is deviant in the given context and should be rejected. How is this example different from the case of Susan’s mother? In both cases only the accommodation of a non-rigid domain leads to a consistent interpretation. But only in the case of Susan’s mother we do accept to accommodate. Why? We can interpret sentence (83) as saying ‘He would assent to “Susan’s mother is rich”’, while we are not ready to interpret sentence (84) as ‘Ralph would assent to “The shortest spy is fat”’. The explanation I would like to propose for why this last interpretation is not assigned to (84) in the described situation, is that a speaker, who had used such a sentence to express such a content, would not have been cooperative. Indeed, the same content could have been conveyed in a much more efficient way by means of an alternative form, namely (85).30 30 The content under discussion can be conveyed by the de dicto reading of sentence (85) without any shift in the domain of quantification. Therefore sentence (85) is more cooperative than (84), which, to convey the same content, requires such a shift.


(85) Ralph believes that the shortest spy is fat. The existence of an alternative more efficient expression for the content under discussion seems to prevent its selection as an acceptable interpretation for (84).31 The case of Susan’s mother is crucially different. Although also here the chosen formulation in (83) requires the accommodation of a new domain of quantification, it is hard to find a more efficient form for the intended content. In that situation Susan’s mother could have used sentence (86) instead of (83) to say what she wanted to say and she would have been more cooperative. But the former sentence would not have been as good as the latter given the circumstance for utterance. (86) He must think Susan’s/your mother is rich. There are a number of reasons why (86) is not as good as (83) in this context. In particular, (86) seems to crucially violate a principle which requires the use of the pronoun ‘I’ to refer to the speaker in a conversation. We can derive this principle from a more general one, which I will call the Referential Device Principle (RDP). This assumes the hierarchy of referential devices in (87) from Zeevat 2002 (with the addition of the clause for proper names which is mine). RDP A referential device can be selected only if the application criteria of the classes above in the following hierarchy do not apply.


NP type reflexive 1st and 2nd pers. pron. demonstratives anaphoric short definites proper names ... long definites indefinites

selection condition c-command conversation participant presence in attention space high salience through mention old, dependence on high salient familiarity ... new and unique new

RDP is typically a generation constraint, but it can also influence interpretation, as is shown by the following example from Grice (also discussed in Zeevat 2002). (88) X is meeting a woman this evening. According to Grice, sentence (88) has the implicature that the woman under discussion cannot be known to be X’s mother, or sister, and, if we follow the hierarchy in (87), we can further infer that she is not the speaker, the addressee, . . . . The following case illustrates how Zeevat’s hierarchy seems to influence our ways of reporting (and interpreting) propositional attitudes. Lorenzo’s mother Consider the following situation. Miss Jones, the new director of Lorenzo’s school, would assent to ‘Lorenzo’s mother is Spanish’. However, she has no idea who Lorenzo’s mother is. Lorenzo’s mother’s name is Maria. Consider now the following sentences used to report the described situation in the following contexts. C1 Maria to her husband: (89) The new director of Lorenzo’s school believes that I am Spanish. 31 Similar blocking effects have been used to explain phenomena of disparate nature by many authors in particular Larry Horn and more recently Reinhard Blutner.


C2 Maria’s husband to Maria: (90) The new director of Lorenzo’s school believes that you are Spanish. C3 Maria’s husband to her mother: (91) The new director of Lorenzo’s school believes that Maria is Spanish. C4 Lorenzo’s teacher to a colleague: (92) a. Miss Jones believes that she [pointing at Maria] is Spanish. b. (Lorenzo’s mother is Italian, but) Miss Jones believes that she is Spanish. c. (?) Miss Jones believes that Maria is Spanish. All these examples, with the only exception of (92c), seem to be adequate ways for describing the situation in the given circumstances, even if, under the intended interpretation, they all violate our economy principle, – a domain containing the non-rigid concept λw[Lorenzo’s mother]w must be accommodated. The following alternative formulation for the same content would have avoided such a violation.32 (93) Miss Jones/The new director believes that Lorenzo’s mother is Spanish. On the other hand, sentence (93) does not seem to be a live option for the speaker in any but one of the considered contexts. Example (93) indeed violates principle RDP in all contexts but C4(c), where the familiarity condition for the use of a proper name is not satisfied. In contexts C1-C4(b) then, sentences (89)-(92b) are among the best candidates the speaker could have chosen in order to express what (s)he wanted to express on that occasion. In context C4(c), example (92c) is not among the best choices. Therefore, I would like to suggest, we accept the accommodation of a non-standard domain of quantification only in the former cases. Example (92c) in C4(c) is then unacceptable because the only interpretation which would make it true, namely ‘Miss Jones would assent to “Lorenzo’s mother is Spanish”’ is ruled out by the alternative candidate (93) which, as we have said, in C4(c) can express that content without any constraint violation. Example (89) has exactly the same structure as the example of Susan’s mother, while example (92c), I would like to suggest, is parallel to the example of the fat shortest spy. (94) He must think I am rich. (95) Ralph believes that Ortcutt is fat. Example (94) is acceptable in the situation described by van Fraassen because the alternative form containing the long description ‘Susan’s mother’, although more cooperative, since it would not involve accommodation, is not a live option for the speaker. Example (95) is not acceptable in the described context, because there is an alternative form for the intended content which is strictly better, namely the form containing the description ‘the shortest spy’, which does not require any domain accommodation, and does not violate the Referential Device Principle. There is no reason to prefer ‘Ortcutt’ over ‘the shortest spy’ as a referential device in this case, because no familiarity is assumed between us (readers of a philosophical article) and Ortcutt. It should be clear that on the present account, the difference between 32 In the given contexts, the content under discussion could have been expressed by the de dicto reading of (93) without any shift in the domain of quantification.


these two examples does not rely on the nature of the cognitive relation between the subject and the object of belief or on the appropriateness of the concept λw[Susan’s mother]w versus λw[the shortest spy]w , but crucially on the circumstances of the utterance. If we slightly change these circumstances, for example by assuming in the case of the fat shortest spy that the participants to the conversation are familiar with Ortcutt or that Ortcutt himself is speaking, we predict, I believe correctly, that concept λw[the shortest spy]w could be part of our domain of quantification. The former case would be similar to example (91) and the latter to example (89) above. I would like to conclude this section with a brief comment on the relation between de re attitudes and knowing-who constructions. On Hintikka’s (1962) and Kaplan’s (1969) accounts, having a de re attitude requires knowing who somebody is. This seems correct in many cases, like the case of the fat shortest spy, but not all. In examples like those of Susan’s mother or Odette’s lover33 , having a de re attitude does not require knowing who somebody is under any correct interpretation of the latter notion.34 On the present analysis, these are cases in which a non-rigid domain of quantification is accommodated. Such accommodation, I have argued, must occur for a reason, namely to avoid violations of general principles of conversation. ‘Ordinary’ cases, like the case of the fat shortest spy, in which having a de re attitude does require knowing who somebody is, are cases where no such reason is available, and, therefore, no shift to a non-rigid domain is justified.


MPL and CC validity

In this section, I compare CC with ordinary MPL. I will show that, if there are no shifts of conceptual covers, modal predicate logic under conceptual covers is just ordinary modal predicate logic, the two types of semantics turn out to define exactly the same notion of validity. Once we allow shifts of covers though, a number of problematic MPL-valid principles cease to hold. I call a model for LCC containing a single conceptual cover a classical model: Definition 10 [Classical CC-models] Let M = hW, R, D, I, Ci be a model for a language LCC of modal predicate logic under conceptual covers. M is classical iff |C| = 1 I define a notion of classical CC-validity. A formula is classically valid iff it is valid in all classical CC-models. Definition 11 [Classical CC-validity] Let φ be a wff in LCC . |=CCC φ iff ∀M : M is classical ⇒ M |=CC φ The main result of this section is that, if we just consider classical models, the logic of conceptual covers does not add anything to ordinary modal predicate logic. Classical CC-validity is just ordinary MPL-validity. This result is expressed by the 33 In Bonomi’s example (39) of Odette’s lover, the accommodation of a non-rigid domain is justified, as in the case of Susan’s mother, by the fulfillment of the Referential Device Principle. The chosen referential device ‘the chief of the army’ is a better option for the participants to that conversation than the alternative ‘Odette’s lover’ which among other inadequacies involves a proper name which requires familiarity. 34 As I have argued in Aloni 2002, ‘knowing who’ constructions show the same context dependence as de re belief attributions, their interpretation being relative to the operative method of cross-identification. So, on the present account, the sentence ‘He knows who Susan’s mother is’ can obtain different interpretations depending on the adopted conceptualization. The only interpretation which would make the sentence true in the described context is one which accommodates a domain containing the concept λw[Susan’s mother]w . This interpretation would trivialize the sentence though, and, therefore, is pragmatically incorrect.


following proposition where φ is a wff in LCC which is clearly also interpretable in modal predicate logic:35 Proposition 2 Let φ be a wff in LCC . |=CCC φ iff

|=M P L φ

One direction of the proof of this proposition follows from the fact that given a classical CC-model M , we can define an equivalent ordinary MPL-model M 0 , that is, an MPL-model that satisfies the same wffs as M . Let M be hW, R, D, I, {CC}i. We define an equivalent model M 0 = hW 0 , R0 , D0 , I 0 i as follows. W 0 = W , R0 = R, D0 = CC. For I 0 we proceed as follows.36 (i) ∀hc1 , ..., cn i ∈ CC n , w ∈ W , P ∈ P: hc1 , ..., cn i ∈ I 0 (P )(w) iff hc1 (w), ..., cn (w)i ∈ I(P )(w) (ii) ∀c ∈ CC, w ∈ W , a ∈ C: I 0 (a)(w) = c iff I(a)(w) = c(w) In our construction, we take the elements of the conceptual cover in the old model to be the individuals in the new model, and we stipulate that they do, in all w, what their instantiations in w do in the old model. Clause (i) says that a sequence of individuals is in the denotation of a relation P in w in the new model iff the sequence of their instantiations in w is in P in w in the old model. In order for clause (ii) to be well-defined, it is essential that CC is a conceptual cover, rather than an arbitrary set of concepts. In M 0 , an individual constant a will denote in w the unique c in CC such that I(a)(w) = c(w). That there is such a unique c is guaranteed by the uniqueness condition on conceptual covers. We have to prove that this construction works. I will use g, g 0 for assignments within M and h, h0 for assignments within M 0 . Note that for all assignments g within M : g(n) = CC for all CC-indices n, since CC is the unique cover available in M . I will say that g corresponds with h iff g = h ∪ {hn, CCi | n ∈ N }. This means that the two assignments assign the same value to all individual variables xn for all n, and g assigns the cover CC to all CC-indices n. In the appendix we prove the following theorem. Theorem 1 Let g and h be any corresponding assignments. Let w be any world in W and φ any wff in LCC . Then M, w, g |=CC φ iff M 0 , w, h |=M P L φ Now it is clear that if a classical CC-model M and an ordinary MPL-model M 0 correspond in the way described, then the theorem entails that any wff in LCC is CC-valid in M iff it is MPL-valid in M 0 . Thus, given a classical CC-model, we can define an equivalent MPL-model, but also given an MPL-model, we can define an equivalent classical CC-model hW, R, D, {CC}, Ii by taking CC to be the rigid cover. This suffices to prove proposition 2. A corollary of proposition 2 is that CC-validity is weaker than MPL-validity. |=CC φ obviously implies |=CCC φ which by proposition 2 implies |=M P L φ. 35 Hughes and Cresswell 1996, pp. 354-356 show a similar result, namely that Lewis’s counterpart theory and Modal Predicate Logic define the same notion of validity if the counterpart relation C is assumed to satisfy the following conditions: (a) C is an equivalence relation; and (b) an individual has one and only one counterpart in each world. As it is easy to see, conceptual covers and counterpart relations which satisfy these two conditions flesh out exactly the same notion. 36 I am indebted to Paul Dekker for simplifying my original version of this construction.


Corollary 1 If |=CC φ, then |=M P L φ. A further consequence of proposition 2 is that we can define interesting fragments of LCC which behave classically, that is, wffs of these fragments are valid iff they are valid in MPL. This is done in the following two propositions. Proposition 3 Let LnCC be a restriction of LCC containing only variables indexed by n, and φ ∈ LnCC . Then |=CC φ iff |=M P L φ. proof: Suppose 6|=CC φ for φ ∈ LnCC . This means for some CC-model M = hW, R, D, C, Ii and some w,g: M, w 6|=g φ. Let M 0 = hW, R, D, {g(n)}, Ii. Since φ can only contain variables indexed by n, M 0 , w 6|=g φ. M 0 is obviously a classical model. This means 6|=CCC φ which by proposition 2 implies 6|=M P L φ. Corollary 1 delivers the second half of proposition 3. 2 Proposition 4 Let LP L be the non-modal fragment of LCC , and φ ∈ LP L . Then |=CC φ iff |=M P L φ. proof: Suppose 6|=CC φ. This means for some CC-model M = hW, R, D, C, Ii and some w,g: M, w 6|=g φ. Let M 0 = hW 0 , R0 , D, C 0 , I 0 i, be a sub-model of M such that W 0 = {w}. Since φ is non-modal M 0 , w 6|=g φ. Since |W 0 | = 1, |C 0 | = 1, i.e. M 0 is a classical model. This means 6|=CCC φ which by proposition 2 implies 6|=M P L φ. Again corollary 1 delivers the other direction of the proof. 2 As a consequence of proposition 4, our CC semantics validates the principles of existential generalization and substitutivity of identicals for non-modal wffs, since they are validated in MPL: SI1 |=CC t = t0 → (φ[t] → φ[t0 ]) (if φ is non-modal) EG1 |=CC φ[t] → ∃xn φ[xn ] (if φ is non-modal) Note that the validity of EG1 crucially relies on the existence condition on conceptual covers, which guarantees that whatever denotation, d = [t]M,g,w , a term t is assigned to in w, there is a concept c in the operative cover such that c(w) = d = [t]M,g,w . Substitutivity of identicals and existential generalization cease to hold as soon as we introduce belief operators. By corollary 1, SI and EG are invalidated in CC, being invalid in MPL: SI 6|=CC t = t0 → (φ[t] → φ[t0 ]) EG 6|=CC φ[t] → ∃xn φ[xn ] The failures of SI and EG are welcome because they allow us to solve the de dicto substitutivity puzzles (see example (5) in section 2) and the shortest spy problems: (96) t = t0 6→ (2P t → 2P t0 ) (97) 2P t 6→ ∃xn 2P xn It is easy to show that not only SI and EG can fail, but also SIv and EGv are invalidated in the present semantics. SIv 6|=CC xn = ym → (φ[xn ] → φ[ym ]) EGv 6|=CC φ[ym ] → ∃xn φ[xn ]


From the failure of SIv, it follows that also LIv is not valid in CC: (98) xn = ym 6→ 2 xn = ym And this allows us to model cases of mistaken identity and to solve the double vision problems. From the failure of EGv, it follows that also the principle of renaming PR is not generally valid in CC: (99) ∃xn 2P (xn ) 6↔ ∃ym 2P (ym ) And this allows us to deal with the case of Odette’s lover and other cases of context sensitivity. Note finally that substitutivity of identicals and existential generalization are allowed when applied to variables with a uniform index. It is easy to see that the present semantics validates the following schemes: SIn |=CC xn = yn → (φ[xn ] → φ[yn ]) EGn |=CC φ[yn ] → ∃xn φ[xn ] The validity of SIn crucially relies on the uniqueness condition on conceptual covers. From SIn, but also as a consequence of proposition 3, we can derive LIn, which guarantees that the elements in our domains of quantification behave more like individuals than representations: LIn |=CC xn = yn → 2xn = yn In this section we have seen that modal predicate logic under conceptual covers is essentially richer than standard MPL because in the former we can shift from one cover to another. If we stick to one cover, not only CC and MPL define the same notion of validity (proposition 2), but also, and maybe more significantly, the same notion of truth (theorem 1). We have already seen the intuitive consequences of this result. On the one hand, in ordinary situations in which the method of identification is kept constant, CC behaves exactly as MPL and inherits its desirable properties (for example in relation to the shortest spy problem). On the other hand, the system is flexible enough to account for extraordinary situations as well, such as double vision situations as well as those like Odette’s lover or Susan’s mother which are situations in which multiple covers are operative. So far we have studied the issue of belief attribution from a model theoretic perspective. In the next section we turn to the proof theoretic perspective from which modal logic originated.



In this section, I present an axiom system which, as proved in the appendix, provides a sound and complete characterization of the set of wffs valid in all CC-models. The system CC consists of the following set of axiom schemata:37 Basic propositional modal system PC All propositional tautologies. K 2(φ → ψ) → (2φ → 2ψ) 37 This axiomatization is based on the axiom system of modal predicate logic with identity in Hughes and Cresswell 1996. See in particular chapters 13, 14 and 17.


Quantifiers Recall that φ[t] and φ[t0 ] differ only in that the former contains the term t in one or more places where the latter contains t0 . EGa φ[t] → ∃xn φ[xn ] (if φ is atomic) EGn φ[yn ] → ∃xn φ[xn ] BFn ∀xn 2φ → 2∀xn φ Identity ID t = t SIa t = t0 → (φ[t] → φ[t0 ]) (if φ is atomic) SIn xn = yn → (φ[xn ] → φ[yn ]) LNIn xn 6= yn → 2 xn 6= yn Let AXCC be the set of axioms of CC. The set of CC-theorems TCC is the smallest set such that: AX AXCC ⊆ TCC MP If φ and φ → ψ ∈ TCC , then ψ ∈ TCC ∃I If φ → ψ ∈ TCC and xn not free in ψ, then (∃xn φ) → ψ ∈ TCC N If φ ∈ TCC , then 2φ ∈ TCC I will use the standard notation and write `CC φ for φ ∈ TCC . The axioms EGa and SIa govern existential generalization and substitutivity of identicals for arbitrary singular terms in atomic formulae. EGn and SIn cover the case for simple variables for general formulae. Note that EGa expresses the existence condition on conceptual cover and SIn the uniqueness condition. In atomic contexts, existential generalization is applicable to any term (EGa), and any two co-referential terms are interchangeable salva veritate (SIa). This can be generalized to any non-modal context. In the CC system, we can deduce EG1 and SI1:38 EG1 `CC φ[t] → ∃xn φ[xn ] (if φ is non-modal) SI1 `CC t1 = t2 → (φ[t1 ] → φ[t2 ]) (if φ is non-modal) On the other hand, any n-indexed variable occurring in any arbitrary context is suitable for n-existential generalization (EGn), and any two co-referring variables indexed in a uniform way can be substituted salva veritate in any context (SIn). There is another pair of related theorems derivable in CC, which govern existential generalization and substitutivity of identicals for formulae with one layer of modal operators:39 38 SI1 may be deduced from SIa by induction on the construction of φ[t ] and φ[t ] (the proof 1 2 is standard). From SI1 we can derive EG1 as follows (for φ non-modal):

(1) `CC t = xn → (φ[t] → φ[xn ])


(2) `CC t = xn → (φ[t] → ∃xn φ[xn ])


(3) `CC ∃xn (t = xn ) → (φ[t] → ∃xn φ[xn ])


(4) `CC ∃xn (t = xn )


(5) `CC φ[t] → ∃xn φ[xn ]


39 SI may be deduced from SI1, N and K. From SI , we may derive EG 2 2 2n as follows (for φ non-modal):


EG2n `CC ∃xn 2t = xn → (2φ[t] → ∃xn 2φ[xn ]) (if φ is non-modal) SI2 `CC 2t1 = t2 → (2φ[t1 ] → 2φ[t2 ]) (if φ is non-modal) If we add to our axiomatic base the principles D, 4 and E, these two theorems can be generalized to any φ as we expect to be the case for a logic of belief. Finally note that BFn and LNIn have the property that they are derivable for some other choices of the basic propositional modal system, e.g. B or S5. I will not consider those systems though, because B is not a plausible principle for a logic of belief, so we have to take BFn and LNIn as axioms. LIn is instead derivable in CC, as well as the n-versions of the converse of the Barcan Formula and the principle of importation. The proofs are standard. LIn `CC xn = yn → 2 xn = yn CBFn `CC 2∀xn φ → ∀xn 2φ IMn `CC ∃xn 2φ → 2∃xn φ The converse of IMn, instead, is not provable and it is not valid indeed. EXn 6`CC ∃xn 2φ → 2∃xn φ In the appendix, we prove that the system CC is sound and complete with respect to the set of all CC-models. By standard techniques we can show that CC+D+4+E is sound and complete with respect to all serial, transitive and euclidean CC-models.



The following diagram summarizes the content of this article. On the topmost horizontal row, the four systems are displayed that we have encountered in the previous sections. On the second column from the left, the principles we have discussed are listed. On the leftmost column, the problems are reported, which are caused by the validity of these principles. The |=(∗) or 6|=(∗) indicate that the relevant systems do or do not validate the corresponding principles and that this is problematic. (1) `CC 2t = xn → (2φ[t] → 2φ[xn ])


(2) `CC 2t = xn → (2φ[t] → ∃xn 2φ[xn ])

(1) ×EGn× PC

(3) `CC ∃xn 2t = xn → (2φ[t] → ∃xn 2φ[xn ])


(2) ×∃I




















de dicto substitutivity puzzles

(*) double vision problems LIv



(*) shortest spy problems (T)EX

(*) Odette’s lover and other problems PR









(?) 6|=(∗)









We started by discussing the principles of substitutivity of identical SI and existential generalization EG. SI fails in all considered systems, once they interpret individual constants as non-rigid designators. The failure of SI allows us to avoid the de dicto substitutivity puzzles. The difficulty of MPL was that it failed to account for the dependence of belief on the ways of specifying objects and, therefore, it ran in the double vision problems (by verifying SIv, MPL verifies LIv). The CIA solution to these problems consisted in letting variables range over all individual concepts rather than all objects (SIv is falsified in CIA). However such a strategy led directly to the shortest spy problems (principles EG and (T)EX are validated in CIA). CIB solved both problems by letting variables range over suitable subsets of the set of all individual concepts (SIv and EG are not CIB-valid). But, since the information about the suitable concepts was determined by the model, rather than by a contextual parameter, the system could not avoid the problem of Odette’s lover and in general could not account for the context sensitivity of de re constructions (EGv and so PR are validated in CIB). Furthermore, without further refinement, CIB does invalidate EG1, which is highly counter-intuitive (see discussion around EG1 in section 4.3). The CC analysis solves these problems by staying as close as possible to MPL. In CIA and CIB, variables range over sets not governed by the principle of substitutivity of identicals (EGv holds, whereas SIv fails), so typically over sets of representations. On the other hand, in MPL and CC, the ‘objects’ over which we quantify, cannot split once we move from one world to the other (EGv and SIv hold in MPL, and EGn and SIn hold in CC), and therefore behave like individuals, rather than representations of individuals. But while in MPL, the validity of SIv and EGv led to the double vision and the problem of Odette’s lover respectively, in CC, only the weaker SIn and EGn are validated. SIv and EGv can fail and, therefore, cases of mistaken identity and of context sensitivity can be accounted for.




Many authors have recognized the availability of different methods of cross-identification, and argued that in different contexts different methods can be used. The present analysis was an attempt to give a precise formalization of this insight and to discuss its impact on the interpretation of de re belief attributions. By taking variables to range over elements of contextually selected conceptual covers, we account for the ordinary sense of belief, according to which belief attributions depend on ways of specifying objects, while avoiding the counterintuitive results which arise when we quantify over ways of specifying individuals rather than over the individuals themselves.

Appendix: proofs Theorem 1 Let g and h be any corresponding assignments. Let w be any world in W and φ any wff in LCC . Then M, w, g |=CC φ iff M 0 , w, h |=M P L φ proof: The proof is by induction on the construction of φ. We start by showing that the following holds for all terms t: (A) [t]M,w,g = [t]M 0 ,w,h (w) Suppose t is a variable. Then [t]M,w,g = g(t)(w). By definition of corresponding assignments, g(t)(w) = h(t)(w). Since [t]M 0 ,w,h = h(t), this means that [t]M,w,g = [t]M 0 ,w,h (w). Suppose now t is a constant. Then [t]M,w,g = I(t)(w). By the existence and uniqueness conditions on conceptual covers, there is a unique c ∈ CC, such that I(t)(w) = c(w). By clause (ii) of the definition of I 0 : I 0 (t)(w) = c. Since [t]M 0 ,w,h = I 0 (t)(w), this means [t]M,w,g = c(w) = [t]M 0 ,w,h (w). We can now prove the theorem for atomic formulae. Suppose φ is P t1 , ..., tn . Now M, w, g |=CC P t1 , ..., tn holds iff (a) holds: (a) h[t1 ]M,w,g , ..., [tn ]M,w,g i ∈ I(P )(w) By (A), (a) holds iff (b) holds: (b) h[t1 ]M 0 ,w,h (w), ..., [tn ]M 0 ,w,h (w)i ∈ I(P )(w) which, by definition of I 0 , is the case iff (c) holds: (c) h[t1 ]M 0 ,w,h , ..., [tn ]M 0 ,w,h i ∈ I 0 (P )(w) which means that M 0 , w, h |=M P L P t1 , ..., tn . Suppose now φ is t1 = t2 . M, w, g |=CC t1 = t2 holds iff (d) holds: (d) [t1 ]M,w,g = [t2 ]M,w,g By (A) above, (d) holds iff (e) holds: (e) [t1 ]M 0 ,w,h (w) = [t2 ]M 0 ,w,h (w) which, by the uniqueness condition on conceptual covers, is the case iff (f) holds: (f) [t1 ]M 0 ,w,h = [t2 ]M 0 ,w,h which means that M 0 , w, h |=M P L t1 = t2 . The induction for ¬, ∃, ∧ and 2 is immediate. 42


Soundness Theorem 2 [Soundness] If `CC φ, then |=CC φ. proof: The proof that MP, ∃I and N preserve validity is standard. The validity of PC and K is obvious. The validity of EGa and SIa follows from proposition 4. LNIn is valid by proposition 3. The validity of SIn may be established by induction on the construction of φ. We show that EGn and BFn are valid. EGn Suppose M, w |=g φ[yn ]. This implies M, w |=g[xn /g(yn )] φ[xn ]. Since g(yn ) ∈ g(n), M, w |=g ∃xn φ[xn ]. BFn Suppose M, w |=g ∀xn 2φ. Let h be any xn -alternative of g, g[xn ]h, i.e. let h be such that: ∀v ∈ (N ∪ VN ): v 6= xn ⇒ g(v) = h(v) and h(xn ) ∈ h(n). Let wRw0 . Then M, w |=h 2φ, and hence M, w0 |=h φ. Since this holds for every xn -alternative h of g, we have M, w0 |=g ∀xn φ. And since this holds for all w0 such that wRw0 , we finally have M, w |=g 2∀xn φ. 2 Completeness We show that for any φ which is not a theorem in CC we can define a CC-model in which φ is not valid. The technique we will use in the construction of these models varies only slightly from the standard technique used for modal predicate logic with identity (see in particular Hughes and Cresswell 1996). The worlds of these models will be maximal CC-consistent sets of wffs which have the witness property, that is, for all indices n, for all wffs of the form ∃xn φ, there is a n-indexed variable yn such that ∃xn φ → φ[xn /yn ] ∈ w. In order to obtain this we will follow the common practice and consider an expanded language L+ , which is LCC with the addition of a denumerable set of fresh variables. Before starting I list a number of valid theorems and rules that will be used in the proof, I omit the derivations which are standard. First of all, by ∃I and EGn, we can derive all standard predicate logic theorems and rules governing the behaviour of quantifiers which do not involve any shift of index, among others the rule of introduction of the universal quantifier ∀I, and the principle of renaming of bound variables PRn, and the two principles PL1n and PL2n. ∀I `CC φ → ψ ⇒ `CC φ → ∀xn ψ (provided xn is not free in φ) PRn `CC ∃xn φ ↔ ∃yn φ[xn /yn ] PL1n `CC ∀xn (φ → ψ) → (φ → ∀xn ψ) (provided xn not free in φ) PL2n `CC ∃zn (∃xn φ → φ[xn /zn ]) (provided zn not free in ∃xn φ) Furthermore, we can prove the following theorem. The derivation uses ID, N and SIn. LIn `CC xn = yn → 2 xn = yn We assume the standard results about maximal consistent sets of wffs with respect to a system S. A set ∆ of wffs is S-consistent iff there is no finite collection {α1 , . . . , αn } ⊆ ∆ such that `S ¬(α1 ∧ . . . ∧ αn ). A set ∆ of wffs is maximal iff for every wff α either α ∈ ∆ or ¬α ∈ ∆. Theorem 3 [Lindenbaum’s Theorem] Any S-consistent set of wffs ∆ can be enlarged to a maximal S-consistent set of wffs Γ. Theorem 4 Suppose Γ is a maximal consistent set of wffs with respect to S. Then 43

1. For each wff φ, exactly one member of {φ, ¬φ} belongs to Γ; 2. For each pair of wffs φ and ψ, φ ∧ ψ ∈ Γ iff φ ∈ Γ and ψ ∈ Γ; 3. If `S φ, then φ ∈ Γ; 4. If φ ∈ Γ and `S φ → ψ, then ψ ∈ Γ. We can prove the following theorem. Theorem 5 Let Λ be a consistent set of wffs of LCC . Let Vn+ be a denumerable set of new variable symbols of index n and let L+ be the expansion of LCC formed by S + adding n∈N Vn . Then there is a consistent set ∆ of wffs of L+ with the witness property such that Λ ⊆ ∆. proof: I follow the standard proof the only difference is that we have not just one sort of variables, but many. We assume that all wffs of the form ∃vφ for any wff φ of L+ , and any variable xn for each index n are enumerated so that we can speak of the first, the second and so on. We define an increasing sequence of sets of sentences ∆0 , ∆1 , ... as follows: ∆0 = Λ ∆m+1 = ∆m ∪ {∃xn φ → φ[xn /yn ]} where ∃xn φ is the m + 1th wff in the enumeration of wffs of that form and yn is the first variable indexed with n not in ∆m or in φ. Since ∆0 is in L and ∆m has been formed from it by the addition of only m wffs there will be infinitely many n-indexed variables from Vn+ to provide such a yn . We show that if ∆m is consistent, so is ∆m+1 . If this were not the case, then (i) ∆m `CC ∃xn φ (ii) ∆m `CC ¬φ[xn /yn ] Since yn does not occur in ∆m , from (ii) by ∀I we have: (iii) ∆m `CC ¬∃yn φ[xn /yn ] Now since yn did not occur in φ, ∃yn φ[xn /yn ] is a bound alphabetic variant of ∃xn φ, and so by PRn: (iv) ∆m `CC ¬∃xn φ But (i) and (iv) contradict the consistency of ∆m . Let ∆ be the union of all the ∆m s. It is easy to see that ∆ is consistent and has the witness property. 2 Once a set ∆ has the witness property each extension of ∆ in the same language also has the witness property. Lindenbaum’s theorem guarantees that if ∆ is consistent there is a maximal consistent set Γ such that ∆ ⊆ Γ, and so since ∆ has the witness property, Γ does too. We can prove the following theorem about maximal consistent sets with the witness property in modal logic. Theorem 6 If Γ is a maximal consistent set of wffs in some language, say L+ , of modal predicate logic, and Γ has the witness property, and α is a wff such that 2α 6∈ Γ, then there is aSconsistent set ∆ of wffs of L+ with the witness property such that {ψ | 2ψ ∈ Γ} {¬α} ⊆ ∆.


proof: Again we can use the standard construction (e.g. Hughes and Cresswell 1996, pp. 259–261). Again we assume that all wffs of the form ∃vφ for any wff φ of L+ , and any variable xn for each index n are enumerated so that we can speak of the first, the second and so on. We define a sequence of wffs γ0 , γ1 , γ2 , . . . as follows: γ0 is ¬α γm+1 is γm ∧ (∃xn φ → φ[xn /yn ]) where ∃xn φ is the m + 1th wff in the enumeration of that form and yn is the first variable indexed by n such that: (*) {ψ | 2ψ ∈ Γ} ∪ {γm ∧ (∃xn φ → φ[xn /yn ])} is consistent. In order for this construction to succeed we have to be sure that there always will be a n-indexed variable yn satisfying (*). Since γ0 is ¬α, {ψ | 2ψ ∈ Γ} ∪ {γ0 } is consistent from a standard result of propositional modal logic. We show that provided {ψ | 2ψ ∈ Γ}∪{γm } is consistent, there always will be a n-indexed variable yn satisfying (*). Suppose there were not. Then for every variable yn in Vn+ , there will exist some {ψ1 , ..., ψk } ⊆ {ψ | 2ψ ∈ Γ} such that (i) `CC (ψ1 ∧ ... ∧ ψk ) → (γm → ¬(∃xn φ → φ[xn /yn ])) So, by propositional modal logic (N, K and 2-distribution): (ii) `CC (2ψ1 ∧ ... ∧ 2ψk ) → 2(γm → ¬(∃xn φ → φ[xn /yn ])) But Γ is maximal consistent and 2ψ1 , ..., 2ψk ∈ Γ, and so (iii) 2(γm → ¬(∃xn φ → φ[xn /yn ])) ∈ Γ Let zn be some n-indexed variable not occurring in φ or in γm . Since Γ has the witness property, then we have for some n-witness yn : ∃zn (¬2(γm → ¬(∃xn φ → φ[xn /zn ]))) → ¬2(γm → ¬(∃xn φ → φ[xn /yn ])) ∈ Γ Since (iii) holds for all yn ∈ Vn+ , we then have that: ¬∃zn ¬2(γm → ¬(∃xn φ → φ[xn /zn ])) ∈ Γ But Γ is CC-maximal consistent and hence by BFn we have: 2∀zn (γm → ¬(∃xn φ → φ[xn /zn ])) ∈ Γ Since zn does not occur γm , then by PL1n we have: 2(γm → ¬∃zn (∃xn φ → φ[xn /zn ])) ∈ Γ But since zn does not occur in φ by PL2n, we have `CC ∃zn (∃xn φ → φ[xn /zn ]) but then 2¬γm ∈ Γ and so ¬γm ∈ {ψ | 2ψ ∈ Γ} which would make {ψ | 2ψ ∈ Γ} ∪ {γm } inconsistent against our assumption. Let ∆ be the union of {ψ | 2ψ ∈ Γ} and all the γm s. Since each {ψ | 2ψ ∈ Γ} ∪ {γm } is consistent, and since `CC γm → γk for m ≥ k, so is their union ∆. Any maximal consistent extension of ∆ has all the required properties and so the theorem is proved. 2 I will now show that for each CC-consistent set ∆ of wffs of L, we can construct a model M∆ containing a world in which all the wffs in ∆ are true. These models M∆ are based on cohesive sub-frames of the frame F = hWF , RF i where: 45

(a) WF is the set of CC-maximal consistent sets of wffs of L+ which have the witness property. (b) wRF w0 iff for every wff 2φ of L+ , if 2φ ∈ w, then φ ∈ w0 . Cohesive frames are frame in which each two worlds are linked by means of some forward or backward R-chain. The reason why we need to consider cohesive models is that in a cohesive model for CC for each index n any world verifies exactly the same identity formulas between variables in Vn . Let ∆ be a CC-consistent set of wffs of LCC . We show how to construct M∆ = hW, R, D, I, Ci in which there is a world w∗ such that ∆ ⊆ w∗ . The constructions of W, R, D, I are standard. C will be some extra work. W Given some world w∗ ∈ WF such that ∆ ⊆ w∗ , we let W be the set of all and only those worlds in WF which are reachable from w∗ by a chain of forward RF -steps. These worlds are maximal consistent sets of wffs of L+ , which satisfy the witness property. R R is RF restricted to W . D Let ∼ be the following relation over the set V0+ of variables of L+ with index 0. v0 ∼ x0 iff v0 = x0 ∈ w Since W is cohesive (every w, w0 in W are linked by some R-chain) and every w contains LIn and LNIn, it makes no difference which w is selected for this purpose. We can prove the following lemma: Lemma 1 ∀w, w0 ∈ W : ∀n ∈ N : ∀x, y ∈ V + : xn = yn ∈ w iff xn = yn ∈ w0 proof: Consider any two worlds w, w0 such that wRw0 or w0 Rw. Suppose xn = yn ∈ w. If wRw0 , then by LIn, 2xn = yn ∈ w and so xn = yn ∈ w0 . If w0 Rw, then if xn = yn 6∈ w0 , then xn 6= yn ∈ w0 and so by LNIn 2xn 6= yn ∈ w0 and so xn = yn 6∈ w, contradicting the assumption. Now since our M∆ is cohesive, then any two worlds w and w0 in W are linked by a chain of backwards or forwards R-steps, and so if xn = yn ∈ w then xn = yn ∈ w0 , and if xn = yn ∈ w0 then xn = yn ∈ w. 2 It is easy to see that ∼ is an equivalence relation (we use ID and SIa and the maximal consistency of each w). Now for each x0 ∈ V0+ , let [x0 ] = {y0 ∈ V0+ | x0 ∼ y0 } be the equivalence class of x0 . We take the domain D to be the set of all these equivalence classes [x0 ], for x0 ∈ V0+ and so define D = {[x0 ] | x0 ∈ V0+ }. I We now define the interpretation function I for the predicate and individual constant symbols of the language. (i) For each n-placed relation symbol P in LCC , for each w ∈ W we define the interpretation I(P )(w) of the symbol P in w as follows: ∀h[x01 ], ..., [x0n ]i ∈ Dn , h[x01 ], ..., [x0n ]i ∈ I(P )(w) iff P x01 , ..., x0n ∈ w The definition is independent of the representatives of the equivalence classes [x01 ], ..., [x0n ], because by SIa (or SIn) we have `CC P x01 , ..., x0n ∧ x01 = y01 ∧ ... ∧ x0n = y0n → P y01 , ..., y0n 46

(ii) Let a be a constant symbol of L and w ∈ W . From ID and EGa, we have `CC ∃x0 (a = x0 ) So ∃x0 (a = x0 ) ∈ w, and because w has the witness property, there is a 0-indexed variable y0 such that a = y0 ∈ w y0 may not be unique, but its equivalence class [y0 ] is unique because, using SIa we have: `CC a = y0 ∧ a = z0 → y0 = z0 The interpretation I(a)(w) in w is this (uniquely determined) element [y0 ] of D. I(a)(w) = [y0 ] iff a = y0 ∈ w C Given a variable vn , let cvn be the function from W to D such that for all w ∈ W: cvn (w) = [y0 ] iff vn = y0 ∈ w The proof that for all w there is such a unique element [y0 ] ∈ D is parallel to the one in the second clause of the definition of I. By ID and EGa, we have `CC ∃x0 (vn = x0 ) and so ∃x0 (vn = x0 ) ∈ w for all w, and, therefore, by the witness property of w, vn = y0 ∈ w for some 0-witness y0 . y0 may not be unique, but its equivalence class [y0 ] is, because, by using SIa, we have: |=CC vn = y0 ∧ vn = z0 → z0 = y0 . We let now CCn = {cvn | vn ∈ Vn+ } and we define C = {CCn | n ∈ N }. We have to show that these sets CCn are conceptual covers. (i) Existence Condition: ∀w ∈ W : ∀ [x0 ] ∈ D : ∃cvn ∈ CCn : cvn (w) = [x0 ]. proof: Take any w and [x0 ]. By ID and EGa, we have ∃yn (yn = x0 ) ∈ w and because w has the witness property we know that vn = x0 ∈ w for some n-witness vn . Consider now cvn which is in CCn . By definition cvn (w) = [x0 ]. (ii) Uniqueness Condition: ∀w ∈ W : ∀cvn czn ∈ CCn : cvn (w) = czn (w) ⇒ cvn = czn proof: Note firstly that for all w ∈ W the following holds: (A) cxn (w) = cyn (w) ⇔ xn = yn ∈ w (⇒) by definition of cxn and cyn , and SIa; (⇐) suppose xn = yn ∈ w by ID, EGa, SIa, and witness property of w, we have for some z0 and v0 , xn = z0 ∈ w, yn = v0 ∈ w and z0 = v0 ∈ w, which by definition of cxn and cyn means cxn (w) = cyn (w). Suppose now cvn (w) = czn (w) for some cvn , czn ∈ CCn , and w. By (A) this implies vn = zn ∈ w, which, by lemma 1, implies that for any w0 ∈ W , vn = zn ∈ w0 and so, again by (A), cvn (w0 ) = czn (w0 ). Since this holds for all w0 ∈ W , we have cvn = czn . We define the canonical assignment g as follows: ∀n ∈ N , ∀xn ∈ Vn+ : g(n) = CCn and g(xn ) = cxn . We can now prove the following theorem: Theorem 7 For any w ∈ W , and any wff φ ∈ L+ , M∆ , w |=g φ iff φ ∈ w 47

proof: the proof is by induction on the construction of φ. I start by showing that (B) holds for all t in L+ : (B) [t]M∆ ,w,g = [x0 ] iff t = x0 ∈ w + Suppose t is an indexed variable vn in VN . Then [t]M∆ ,w,g = g(vn )(w). By definition of canonical assignment g(vn )(w) = cvn (w). By definition of cvn , cvn (w) = [x0 ] iff vn = x0 ∈ w. Suppose now t is a constant symbol a in L. Then [t]M∆ ,w,g = I(a)(w). By clause (ii) in the definition of I, I(a)(w) = [x0 ] iff a = x0 ∈ w. We can now prove the theorem for atomic formulae.

(a) Consider Rt1 , ..., tn . Let w ∈ W . By (B), the denotation of the terms t1 , ..., tn in w will be some [x01 ], ..., [x0n ] where t1 = x01 , ..., tn = x0n ∈ w. Then M∆ , w |=g Rt1 , ..., tn ⇔ h[x01 ], ..., [x0n ]i ∈ I(R)(w) ⇔ Rx01 , ..., x0n ∈ w But t1 = x01 , ..., tn = x0n ∈ w, thus by various application of SIa we have that Rx01 , ..., x0n ↔ Rt1 , ..., tn ∈ w and so Rx01 , ..., x0n ∈ w ⇔ Rt1 , ..., tn ∈ w. (b) M∆ , w |=g t1 = t2 iff [t1 ]M∆ ,w,g = [t1 ]M∆ ,w,g . By (B) above this is the case iff [x01 ] = [x02 ] for some [x01 ] and [x02 ] such that t1 = x01 ∈ w and t2 = x02 ∈ w. Obviously x01 = x02 ∈ w, and therefore by various applications of SIa we have that t1 = t2 ∈ w. (c) M∆ , w |=g ¬φ iff M∆ , w 6|=g φ iff φ 6∈ w iff ¬φ ∈ w. (d) M∆ , w |=g φ ∧ ψ iff M∆ , w |=g φ and M∆ , w |=g ψ iff φ ∈ w and ψ ∈ w iff φ ∧ ψ ∈ w. (e) Suppose ∃xn φ ∈ w. By the witness property, for some yn , we have φ[xn /yn ] ∈ w. But then by induction hypothesis M∆ , w |=g φ[xn /yn ] which, by standard principle of replacement, implies M∆ , w |=g[xn /g(yn )] φ. Since g(yn ) = cyn is an element of g(n) this implies M∆ , w |=g ∃xn φ. Suppose M∆ , w |=g ∃xn φ. Then M∆ , w |=g[xn /cvn ] φ for some cvn ∈ g(n). Since by definition of canonical assignment g(vn ) = cvn , by standard principle of replacement, we have M∆ , w |=g φ[xn /vn ]. But then, by induction hypothesis, φ[xn /vn ] ∈ w and by EGn ∃xn φ ∈ w. (f) Suppose 2φ ∈ w and wRw0 . Then φ ∈ w0 and so M∆ , w0 |=g φ. Since this holds for all w0 such that wRw0 , we have M∆ , w |=g 2φ. Suppose 2φ 6∈ w. Then by theorem 6 (in combination with 3) we know that there is some w0 ∈ WF such that wRF w0 and φ 6∈ w0 . w0 is clearly in W as well since it is accessible from w. Thus by induction hypothesis M∆ , w0 6|=g φ. Since wRw0 , we can conclude M∆ , w0 6|=g 2φ. 2 Theorem 8 [Completeness] If |=CC φ, then `CC φ. proof: Suppose 6`CC φ. Then ¬φ is CC-consistent. We then know that ¬φ is an element of some world w of the model M{¬φ} generated by {¬φ} and, therefore, by theorem 7 true in w in that model. This means that M{¬φ} 6|=CC φ, and, therefore, 6|=CC φ. 2


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