Installation Guide for Solid Edge Student Edition ... -

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Student Edition or Solid Edge High School Edition for academic purposes, and .... The string “J:\Solid Edge\Solid Edge ST5.msi" represents the fully qualified ...
Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition

Installation Guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition Thank you for using Solid Edge. This document is for students, or secondary school educators/officials using either the Solid Edge Student Edition or Solid Edge High School Edition for academic purposes, and provides information on how to install and license Solid Edge. Following successful registration you will receive a ‘welcome’ email that will include software download instructions, a URL web link to download your Solid Edge software (in your selected language) and your Solid Edge license file (as an attachment). If you received the ‘welcome’ email but with no attachments please ensure your email system allows receipt of emails, with attachments, from [email protected]; then contact the Solid Edge Academic Programme staff using one of the following emails.   

Americas: [email protected] Asia Pacific: [email protected] Europe, Middle East, Africa: [email protected]

Before you proceed please;   

 

Read through the “Welcome” email and follow the download instructions. Save the Solid Edge install executable (for example Solid EdgeV106English_32Bit.exe) to your local disk Copy your Solid Edge License file (for example SELicense_6305.txt) attached to the “Welcome” email to a convenient and accessible location Ensure your computer meets the required specifications: o w/system_requirements.shtml For registered Secondary Schools looking to install their copy of Solid Edge High School Edition on a number of computers the following installation process can be repeated on each computer or alternatively, refer to Appendix A at the end of this document for information about “Silent (or Remote) Installs” using .msi to install. Appendix B contains instructions on how to use the Solid Edge License Utility. This can be used to assign a License file after software installation Support for the installation process and use of both Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition is via a dedicated online forum. Login details for this forum are contained in your “Welcome” email. For issues related to Windows 7 and User Account Control (UAC)settings see Appendix C

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Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition

Installing Solid Edge Student and High School Editions To begin the installation process, locate and double click the downloaded Solid Edge executable. i.e. Solid EdgeV106English_32Bit.exe A dialog box will appear showing the progress of the extraction process. This may take several minutes depending on your hardware.

Once all the install files have been extracted the Solid Edge install will automatically launch and open the “Solid Edge Product Installation” dialog. Select “Solid Edge”.

The Solid Edge InstallSheild Wizard dialog will appear.

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Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition Once the Windows Installer is configured the Solid Edge Wizard dialog will change. In this new dialog you will;  Accept the Siemens PLM End User License Agreement (EULA)  Select your required Modeling standard (ISO, ANSI, DIN, etc.)  Select the Install Location for Solid Edge  Locate the Solid Edge license This dialog will also verify if you have enough disk space available to install Solid Edge Section 1: License acceptance. In this section is a web link to the complete Siemens PLM End User License Agreement. If required you can visit this web page and print a full copy of the License Agreement for your records. To proceed with the installation you must accept the terms of the license agreement

Section 2: You can enter a “User name” and “Organization” that will be displayed in the Solid Edge Splash Screen and used in other Solid Edge dialogs. Depending on how your computer is set up, these fields may already be populated. You can modify these fields as required.

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Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition Section 3: In this section you can select the Modeling standard you wish to use. By default its set to ISO (metric). To change to another standard click on the drop-down arrow and select your required standard. The Modeling standard will set defaults for text, drawing formats, geometry, dimensions, unit of measure, screw thread sizes, and styles used within Solid Edge. The Modeling standard options available cover many of the standards used around the world, for example;  ANSI: American National Standard Institute ( inches and lbs)  ISO: International Standard Organization (metric)  DIN: Deutsches Institut für Normung (metric)  JIS: Japanese Industrial Standard (metric)

Section 4: This section deals with where Solid Edge will be installed, the default location is C:/Program Files (x86)\Solid Edge ST6. Before accepting or changing the location look at the bottom of the dialog. The button will display a dialog showing how much disk space you have on each harddrive and how much space is required for Solid Edge. Disk drives that do NOT have sufficient space will be highlighted; do NOT try to install Solid Edge to that drive.

Once you’ve checked the available space, you can either accept the default install location or, using the Browse button, navigate and select an alternative folder.

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Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition Section 5: This section relates to the Solid Edge License File. While this is marked ‘optional’ it is a good idea to select it and browse to the specific location where you saved your SELicense file (that was attached to you “Welcome” email) and select it. This will automatically copy the SELiense file to the correct location for Solid Edge licensing to function.

Note: The ‘Solid Edge Options File (optional)’ is not intended for typical Student or High School installations.

You have now completed the InstallSheld Wizard. To start the installation select the “Install >” button in the bottom right of the dialog. This is the main software installation process and can take a while to complete based on your hardware.

When the installation process is finished a new dialog will appear. Click on the “Finish” button to complete the install.

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Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition

Solid Edge will place an icon on your desktop; . To start Solid Edge you can use the desktop icon or select Start->All Programs->Solid Edge ST6->Solid Edge ST6

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Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition

Getting started When you start Solid Edge you will be greeted with the Academic – Solid Edge Splash Screen. Please note: use of Solid Edge Student Edition and High School Edition is strictly limited to academic use. All files created and saved in the academic versions are incompatible with all commercial versions of Solid Edge.

Following the Splash Screen the Solid Edge startup screen will appear

As a new user we recommend you step through all the learning tools available in the “New to Solid Edge? Start Here” section. These, along with the Help topics are an excellent way to get started with your Solid Edge experience. As part of the Solid Edge Academic Program, following registration, users will receive a number of additional ‘Getting Started’ emails containing addition hints and tips for using Solid Edge.

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Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition There is also a range of academic related materials freely available from the Siemens PLM Academic Resource Center: We would also recommend visiting our Facebook page:

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Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition

Appendix A For registered Secondary Schools looking to install their copy Solid Edge High School Edition on a number of computers the above process can be repeated on each computer or alternatively the following is a complete command line argument set for silently installing Solid Edge. Setup no longer supports the use of the ADDLOCAL property. All arguments should be encased in double quotes if there are spaces in the paths. msiexec /i "J:\Solid Edge\Solid Edge ST5.msi" MYTEMPLATE=2 USERFILESPECXML="C:\temp\My Docs\SEAdmin\Options.xml" USERFILESPEC="C:\temp\My Docs\SEAdmin\selicense.dat" INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Silent Solid Edge" /qn+ /l*v "C:\temp\mysilentsetup.log" The string “J:\Solid Edge\Solid Edge ST5.msi" represents the fully qualified path to the Solid Edge MSI file. The MSI Property MYTEMPLATE indicates which type standards files are to be installed. Ignoring this property defaults the installation to ISO standard files. (1) METRIC (2) JIS (3) ISO (4) ANSI (5) DIN (6) UNI (7) ESKD (8) GB The MSI Property USERFILESPECXML allows the user to optionally install an SE Admin file. The user should supply a fully qualified path and filename. The MSI Property USERFILESPEC allows the user to optionally provide a license file that setup will copy to the Solid Edge Program folder at the end of the setup. The MSI Property INSTALLDIR is used to specify the installation folder for Solid Edge. The argument "qn+" instructs the Windows installer to provide NO user interface and alert the user at the completion of the setup with a dialog box. Refer to the Windows help system for further information about Windows Installer arguments. Leaving this argument off the command line will display the setup user interface with selections made and fields provided. Note: if you are using this option some installations that require user interaction could fail. The argument "l*v" tells the Windows installer to create a log file of important messages, warnings and errors and write it to the location provided, in this example, C:\temp\mysilentsetup.log. If you have

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Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition silent install errors, please add the following argument to your command line and review the resulting log file. Please add: /L*v "%TEMP%\install.log" Here are more instructions for using the /L option (note that the path MUST exist): /L [i|w|e|a|r|u|c|m|o|p|v|x|+|!|*] Log file Writes logging information into a log file at the specified existing path. The path to the log file location must already exist. The installer does not create the directory structure for the log file. Flags indicate which information to log. If no flags are specified, the default is /l*. i - Status messages. w - Nonfatal warnings. e - All error messages. a - Start up of actions. r - Action-specific records. u - User requests. c - Initial UI parameters. m - Out-of-memory or fatal exit information. o - Out-of-disk-space messages. p - Terminal properties. v - Verbose output. x - Extra debugging information. + - Append to existing file. ! - Flush each line to the log. "*" - Wildcard, log all information except for the v and x options. To include the v and x options, specify "/l*vx". Here is an example command line that installs Solid Edge with prerequisites. The /v parameter is meant for passing parameters to msiexec. "J:\Solid Edge\setup.exe" /s /v"/qn" /v"MYTEMPLATE=1" /v"USERFILESPEC=\"C:\temp\My Docs\SEAdmin\SELicense.dat\"" /v"USERFILESPECXML=\"C:\temp\My Docs\SEAdmin\Options.xml\"" /v"INSTALLDIR=\"C:\Program Files\Silent Solid Edge\"" /v"/l*v C:\temp\mysilentsetup.log" Solid Edge requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 . Solid Edge setup.exe automatically installs the Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework, if it does not exist on the machine. The msiexec utility, commonly used for silent install, will not install or update the .NET Framework. Unless this is done using the example above, this will need to be done manually.

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Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition

Appendix B The Solid Edge License Utility allows you to assign a valid License file after installing the software. To start the Solid Edge License Utility;  Click on the Windows “Start” button  Click on “All Programs” and look for Solid Edge ST5  Click on and expand the “Licensing” folder  Finally, click on the “License Utility” When the License Utility application opens, select the “I have a License file” option

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Installation guide for Solid Edge Student Edition and Solid Edge High School Edition

Browse to the location on disk where you saved your license file to. Click on the license file then click on the “Open” button.

You can now Start Solid Edge. Design better.

Appendix C Resolving install issues for Windows 7 users If you are having issues installing the license file for Solid Edge, it’s most likely due to your User Account Control settings being too restrictive. Typical symptoms when trying to install the license file are “the solid edge license file is currently in use. Please exit your Solid Edge session then restart the license wizard.” This issue is typically only found with Windows 7 operating systems. To fix this issue, there are 2 common solutions:

Solution 1 Reduce the restrictions on your UAC settings. At the Start menu, in the “Search Windows Programs and Files”, type “UAC” and hit Enter on the keyboard to begin the search. The User Account Control settings dialog should be found and displayed automatically. Adjust the slider all the way to Never notify and click OK on the dialog. Restart the Solid Edge License wizard and follow the steps to install the license file. Note this may not always fix the problem; if it doesn’t use Solution 2.

Solution 2 If you want to run with the UAC on and with its current settings, you can increase the privileges for just the Solid Edge License Utility. Do this by going to the Start menu entry and locate the License Utility in the Solid Edge program group. Right-click on the License Utility to get the shortcut menu and select Properties. Under the Compatibility tab, check the option “Run this program as an Administrator”, and close the dialog. Restart the Solid Edge License Utility. You will get the UAC prompt, accept it. The License Utility should now run.

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