Intelligent Agents in Call Management System A.K Sharma Dimple Juneja Prof. & HOD (CE), Lecturer (CSE), YMCA Institute of Engineering, Faridabad, Career Institute of Technology & Management, (Haryana)India Faridabad, (Haryana)India EMail :
[email protected] EMail :
[email protected] Tel #: +91-9811735202 Tel #: +91-9891667637 Charu Bishnoi, Research Scholar(CE), YMCA Institute of Engineering, Faridabad, (Haryana)India EMail :
[email protected] Tel #: +91-9213125960
Abstracttask. Incoming calls are typically blocked and forwarded to voicemail, causing the user to miss potentially important calls. In cases where the network is able to pass incoming calls through, they can be viewed as disruptive to subscribers accessing Internet services. Incoming calls may also corrupt secure online transactions.
The software intelligent agent originates from Distributed Artificial Intelligent (DAI) [3] community that enforces the attributes like autonomy, inter-operability and negotiation capabilities in agents. The paper presents the design of multi-agent framework for management of calls on mobile phones. The proposed system intends to implement the emerging paradigm of intelligent agents in context of structure and implementation of telecommunication applications. The proposed Intelligent Call Management (ICM) system is an application of multi-agent system in the management domain.
ICM addresses these limitations by enabling subscriber control over voice calls. Intelligent call notifications allow the subscriber to prioritize and handle calls in real-time. Subscribers can make use of proposed Call Management System (CMS) to block, filter, forward or otherwise handle calls. More specifically, subscribers can opt for no call notification during a particular session and have calls go to voicemail, forward to the default number, or provide a pre-recorded reply such as "Call me later" so as to carry out a secure transaction. The computer controlled telecommunications networks and architectures that add value to conventional telecommunications networks are often referred to as Intelligent Networks [2,11]. The proposed system is a Multi-Agent Framework (MAF) that exploits significant characteristics of intelligent agents [4,7] and intelligent networks. The system not only highlights the fact that agent technology can play a vital role in the field of telecommunication but also focuses on the emerging paradigm of intelligent agents in telecommunication that enables mobile phone subscribers to effectively manage their calls.
Keywords: Intelligent Agents, Intelligent Call Management System
INTRODUCTION As the mobile phones evolve as a hybrid communication, information and computing device, mobile subscribers require a more sophisticated means of managing voice calls. Currently mobile subscribers face limitations in trying to manage voice calls while the phone is busy in some other
The Paper is organized into four sections. Section 1 throws light on the work already being done and the associated challenges. Section 2 proposes the multi agent framework and its behavioral description for CMS. Next Section 3 includes the data structures and algorithm designed for the working of proposed system. Last Section 4 provides on overview of KIMAS 2005, April 18-21, 2005, Waltham, MA, USA. 0-7803-9013-X/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE.
KIMAS 2005 WALTHAM, MA, USA device computational resources. Number of DAI researchers has raised several issues like “How does an agent know when and how to interrupt to a mobile user? Or What if a user is in theater or meeting?”[15].
performance criteria and benefits. Moreover it also discusses the conclusions drawn and future work.
The work proposed addresses these issues by letting the agent trigger off intelligently and at appropriate time. The agents designed are not only smaller in size but also these are lightweight having better decision making capabilities. Also it handles the calls when the phone is busy in some other task. The agents in ICM system handle the missed and blocked calls in a sophisticated manner by sending immediate SMS to caller. Further ICM ensures that agents have a number of ways to reach another destination by sending silent messages intelligently to authenticated users [6,9]. Also in order to provide solution to the above raised issues ICM can be added as a value-added service to mobile phones that makes it more intelligent and interactive.
Kowalczyk, Vlieru , Unland [12] has done a survey exploring the possibilities of applying Global Dynamic Service Environment (DSE) approach as a domain model of services. Authors emphasize on the development of ecommerce agents with intelligent decision making and learning capabilities. It further discusses number of agent-oriented systems like Auction Bots, MAGNET (Multi Agent Negotiation testbed), eNAs (e Negotiation Agents) & FeNAs (Fuzzy eNAs) and also it extends the scope of agent mediated e-commerce to wireless m-commerce. The work done by Intelligent Agents Group (IAG) [18] directs the application of agents in three different fields as Intelligent Interface agents, Distributed Problem Solving and Mobile Computing. Also It highlights the behavior of agents as interface, collaborative and competitive in various applications.
Proposed Intelligent Call Management System
Fernando Koch in Project AgentLight [13,14] expands the scope of MAS on handheld and embedded computational devices. This exploits the significant characteristics of J2ME and FIPA standards. The project implements the concept of container of agents where the container is “aggregation of functionality”. Implementing the container of agents in mobile phones in Intelligent Call Management System can expand the scope of Project AgentLight.
Behavioral Description Intelligent Call Management System is a convergent voice and data service, which gives the subscriber more flexibility, by allowing him to respond in a number of ways when he is unable to take the call. It not only manages the incoming calls according to user preferences but also prevents him from constant bombardment of telephone calls while he is engaged in the work of critical priority (e.g. busy with an impending project deadline, at an important meeting, driving etc.). This utility not only replaces the missed calls but also takes care of the subscriber distraction caused due to increased incoming call rate. ICM contains various agents that cooperate and coordinate with each other to handle the call interactively on behalf of its users.
Nangle et al have proposed PALS [17] (Personal Assistants which Learn for intelligent call Screening) in which a scheme for intelligent call screening within the context of an agent-based personal communication system in the office environment has been described. The automatic call screening done with the help of agents reduces substantial knowledge input, avoids potential erroneous scenarios and enables the system to work in a more autonomous and pro-active manner [10].
An agent is a do-forever process that is either running in an active mode or sleeping in a passive mode. In current Scenario, User Agent act as Interface Agent [6] and Knowledge Base Agent and SMS Agent serving as Task Agents [6]. Whenever a call is made to the subscriber, the User Agent (UA) gets activated. It then sets a timer for 6 seconds and enters into a waiting state. It swings into action when the timer time-outs, which signifies that the subscriber is not in a position to take the call and intelligent call handling needs to be done. The block diagram of ICM is shown in Fig. 1. At this point of time, the User Agent sends the caller phone number to the Knowledge-Base Agent (KBA). KBA
Yrjo Neuvo [16 ] in his work has raised lots of challenges in mobile communication but has been silent towards the solution of how to make a mobile phone more user friendly. Lot of work for developing and applying agents has been done but AI researchers made the mistake of developing and applying large agents [16] that could handle the myriad of functions. Further survey analyses that addition of decision making capabilities make the agents heavy [15] and new agent-based applications demands the agents to be lightweight in terms of
KIMAS 2005 WALTHAM, MA, USA maintains a knowledge base known as Caller_File in which the details (name and phone numbers) about all possible callers are recorded. These callers are primarily categorized into five groups – VIP, Business, Personal, Family, Others. For each of
these groups, the manner in which the calls need to be handled is different and is predefined by the subscriber as shown in Fig. 2. Once the caller group has been identified by the KBA, the UA handles the call accordingly.
Call Any_Caller_Calling Timer_Time_Out UA
Caller No
Send SMS
Caller Group
Caller File
Caller Group VIP
Diary File
Others Business
Accept the Call
Forward to VoiceMail
Forward to Home
Reject the Call
Fig. 1 Intelligent Call Management System
To ensure the fact that only a relevant SMS is being sent to the callers grouped under Personal category, SMS Agent needs to be consulted. This agent contains a data structure called Diary_File as depicted in Fig.3. The diary defined contains some predefined templates and a status symbol, which, if “ON” for a particular template, specifies the current SMS which is to be sent to the caller. It is the responsibility of the subscriber to set the status bit relevantly. Otherwise, the default SMS will be sent to all the callers.
Business Personal
Fwd to voicemail Send SMS
Family Others
Fwd to Number Reject the Call
ON (Default)
“Shall Callback Later”
“Busy in Driving”
“Busy in Meeting”
“Call after 1 hour”
KB_Agent( Caller_Phone_No) { repeat { wait( Some_Caller_Calling); for ( I=1 to total entries in Caller_File ) do { if ( Caller_Phone_No = Caller_File.Phone_No[I] ) { Caller_Group = Caller_File.Caller_Group[I]; return (Caller_Group); } } } forever
Different Data structures used in the algorithms designed for ICM are described in Fig 2 and Fig 3. Action To Be Taken Accept the Call
Fig.3 Structure of Diary_File
Data Structures & Algorithm
Caller Group VIP
Fig. 2 Subscriber Specification for Intelligent Call Handling
Fig.4 (a) Algorithm for Knowledge Base Agent
KIMAS 2005 WALTHAM, MA, USA It provides freedom to mobile users by giving more control over handling calls as a called party and more informed caller. By giving this unique call control service, the system provides a lot of satisfaction to its subscribers and gains tremendous loyalty and revenue. This service replaces the missed calls, and distraction with increased call completion rate, SMS traffic, and peace-of-mind to the user.
The algorithms for various agents are given in Fig. 4(a), 4(b) and 4(c). Fig 5 demonstrates Flow of information carried out by SMS Agent in ICM. SMS_Agent( ) { repeat { wait( Personal_Caller_Calling); for ( I=1 to total entries in Diary_File ) do { if ( Diary_File.Status[I] = “ON” ) { SMS = Diary_File.Template[I]; return (SMS); } } } forever } Fig.4 (b) Algorithm for SMS Agent
Conclusions and Future Work Intelligent Call Management system is a convergent Voice and Data service, which gives the user more flexibility in order to respond to an incoming call. Intelligent Call Management System (ICM) allows the call to be handled intelligently and make it more like a face-to-face communication. It adds value to the services already offered. Moreover, this system can operate standalone. The first step to implement intelligent agents would be to introduce functionality similar to that used by wireline and wireless networks in various operating devices. Simply deploying triggers and supporting messages would not be enough. The proposed system may not be employed. with all standard based applications therefore in order to be truly ubiquitous and available, the ICM system could be standardized.
Performance Criteria and Benefits The proposed system shall meet the basic criteria of acceptance. It shall comply with ISUP version 2 (ITU-T 1993) specifications. ICM system uses the standard SS7 stack to interface with external entities. Hence the system supports the security already built in the various procedures. ICM solution is a robust highly fault tolerant solution [1,8], which provides fault tolerance at multiple levels.
User_Agent() { repeat { wait( Any_Caller_Calling); set timer = 6 sec; wait( Timer_Time_Out); Caller_Phone_No = Read Phone Number of the Caller; signal( Some_Caller_Calling); Caller_Group = KB_Agent (Caller_Phone_No); switch (Caller_Group) { case “VIP” : Accept the Call; break; case “Business” : Forward to Voice-Mail; break; case “Personal” : signal( Personal_Caller_calling); SMS = SMS_Agent(); Send SMS; break; case “Family” : Forward to Home Phone No; break; default : Reject the Call; } } forever } Fig.4 (c) Algorithm for User Agent
Flow of information carried out by SMS Agent in ICM
3.1 Send “I Shall Call Back” indication 3.2 Send “Busy in Driving” indication 3.3 Send “Busy in Meeting” indication 3.4 Send “Call in 1 hour” indication 3.5 Back to previous menu
1. Accept the call 2. Forward to voicemail 3. Send SMS 4. Forward to number 5. Reject the call
4.1“Enter forwarding number” string 4.2 Back to previous menu
Fig 5. Flow of information carried out by SMS Agent in ICM [8]
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