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Introduction to Real-Time Systems - Google Groups
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Introduction to Real-Time Systems - Google Groups
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Periodic Task Scheduling. 110 / 233. Page 2. Problem formulation. 111 / 233. Page 3. Timeline scheduling. 112 / 233 ...
Periodic Task Scheduling
110 / 233
Problem formulation
111 / 233
Timeline scheduling
112 / 233
113 / 233
114 / 233
Timeline scheduling
115 / 233
Timeline scheduling
116 / 233
Problems during overheads
117 / 233
Priority Scheduling
118 / 233
Rate Monotonic (RM)
119 / 233
How can we verify feasibility?
120 / 233
A necessary condition
121 / 233
An unfeasible RM schedule
122 / 233
Utilization upper bound
123 / 233
A different upper bound
124 / 233
The least upper bound
125 / 233
A sufficient condition
126 / 233
Ulub for RM
127 / 233
RM Guarantee test
128 / 233
Basic assumptions
129 / 233
RM Optimality
130 / 233
Critical instant
131 / 233
Computing Ulub
132 / 233
Computing Ulub for 2 tasks
133 / 233
Computing Ulub for 2 tasks
134 / 233
Computing Ulub for 2 tasks
135 / 233
Worst case for 2 tasks
136 / 233
Worst case for n tasks
137 / 233
Computing Ulub for n tasks
138 / 233
Computing Ulub for n tasks
139 / 233
The Hyperbolic bound
140 / 233
Proof sketch
141 / 233
Proof sketch
142 / 233
HB vs. LL
143 / 233
Earliest Deadline First (EDF)
144 / 233
EDF Example
145 / 233
The RM unfeasible schedule
146 / 233
EDF Optimality
147 / 233
EDF Optimality [Dertouzos! 74]
148 / 233
EDF schedulability
149 / 233
Extension to tasks with D < T
150 / 233
Deadline Monotonic (DM)
151 / 233
Response Time Analysis (RTA)
152 / 233
Computing Interference
153 / 233
Computing Response Time
154 / 233
Dynamic priority
155 / 233
Processor demand
156 / 233
Processor demand
157 / 233
Processor Demand Test
158 / 233
Bounding complexity
159 / 233
Bounding complexity
160 / 233
Limiting L
161 / 233
Processor Demand Test
162 / 233
163 / 233
Complexity issues
164 / 233
RM vs. EDF
165 / 233
Context switches
166 / 233
RM vs. EDF: summary
167 / 233
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