28 Mar 2006 ... Lab Assignment 2: Microsoft Excel: Creating Graphs. Class: Application of
Technology in the Workplace. Lab Instructor: Joe Chavez, 646-3305, ...
AXED 300/590: Application of Computer Technology at Work CAHE Help Desk Training: Computer Success at Work
Lab Assignment 2: Microsoft Excel: Creating Graphs Class: Application of Technology in the Workplace Lab Instructor: Joe Chavez, 646-3305,
[email protected] Due Date: Marc h 2 8, 2006
For this class,
Create a graph using the information on each of the categories in the spreadsheet. (Hint: Copy your spreadsheet to Sheet 2 and rename “Graph Data.” Remove the following rows: Beginning Balance, Total Expenses, End Balance, and the Total column. Remember you will only use the category titles and the data within each row to generate your graph.
Using the chart wizard, create a column chart with the following information:
Label the x–axis “Month.”
Label the y–axis “Expenditures.”
Save as a new sheet titled “Cross Reference.”
Move the Legend to bottom of graph.
Change graph background color.
Post your workbook to your portfolio. This will include the completed spreadsheet from Lab Assignment 1 and graph from Lab Assignment 2.
Review the class blog at: http://appliedcahetechnology.blogspot.com
Post your blog entry and give an example of how you would use an Excel spreadsheet in your current job, in school or personal use.
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